Danewyn, a tavern prostitute, has always been cursed with the Sight--the ability to see into the unknown. It is a trait she has learned to keep hidden from others, but a moment of anger finds her blurting out a prediction about the Red Fox, the rightful king of Britain. Unfortunately, her prediction is overheard by one of the Red Fox's men, putting her in grave danger.
Captured and carried off for questioning, she finds herself prisoner to Sir Ferrum, an enormous knight who bears the scars of an old injury upon his face. She finds Sir Ferrum to be firm and unyielding, but his treatment of her also reveals a gentleness which she has difficulty reconciling with his harsh discipline. To her dismay, her feelings for him continue to grow, and Dani must decide whether to continue her plans for escape or accept her new role as Sir Ferrum's woman and Seer to the Red Fox.
Publisher's Note: The Knight's Prisoner is an erotic romance novel that includes both consensual and non-consensual spankings, anal play, exhibitionism, graphic sexual scenes, and more. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.
From the AuthorThank you for reading The Knight's Prisoner. I hope Sir Ferrum and Dani turned you on as much as they did me! If you enjoyed this novella, please consider leaving a review or recommending it to a friend. Thanks and spanks! :)
From the Back CoverOther spanking romances by Renee Rose
Deathless Discipline - (short story) - A bonus spanking with Deathless Love characters
Pleasing the Colonel (novella) A regency spanking romance
Deathless Love (book) - paranormal spanking romance
Betrothed (novella) - a medieval romance
Loving Lucia (novella) - Italian Renaissance spankings
Courting Celia (novella) - Italian Renaissance spankings
The Elusive "O" (short story) Contemporary