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The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect as a probe of the physics of cosmic reionization: the effect of self-regulated reionization PDF

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Preview The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect as a probe of the physics of cosmic reionization: the effect of self-regulated reionization

Draftversion January17,2013 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.12/16/11 THE KINETIC SUNYAEV-ZEL’DOVICH EFFECT AS A PROBE OF THE PHYSICS OF COSMIC REIONIZATION: THE EFFECT OF SELF-REGULATED REIONIZATION Hyunbae Park1, Paul R. Shapiro1, Eiichiro Komatsu1,2,3, Ilian T. Iliev4, Kyungjin Ahn5, and Garrelt Mellema6 Draft version January 17, 2013 ABSTRACT WecalculatetheangularpowerspectrumoftheCosmicMicrowaveBackground(CMB)temperature 3 fluctuations induced by the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (kSZ) effect from the epoch of reionization 1 (EOR).We use detailed N-body+radiativetransfer simulationsto followinhomogeneousreionization 0 of the intergalactic medium (IGM). For the first time we take into account the “self-regulation” of 2 reionization: star formation in low-mass dwarf galaxies (108 M . M . 109 M ) or minihalos ⊙ ⊙ n (105 M . M . 108 M ) is suppressed if these halos form in the regions that were already ionized a ⊙ ⊙ or Lyman-Werner dissociated. Some previous work suggested that the amplitude of the kSZ power J spectrumfromtheEORcanbedescribedbyatwo-parameterfamily: theepochofhalfionizationand 6 the duration of reionization. However, we argue that this picture applies only to simple forms of the 1 reionization history which are roughly symmetric about the half-ionization epoch. In self-regulated reionization,theuniversebeginstobeionizedearly,maintainsalowlevelofionizationforanextended ] O period, and then finishes reionizationas soon as high-mass atomically-coolinghalos dominate. While inclusion of self-regulation affects the amplitude of the kSZ power spectrum only modestly ( 10%), C ∼ it can change the duration of reionizationby a factor of more than two. We conclude that the simple . two-parameterfamilydoesnotcapturetheeffectofaphysical,yetcomplex,reionizationhistorycaused h p byself-regulation. When addedtothe post-reionizationkSZ contribution,ourpredictionforthe total - kSZ power spectrum is below the current upper bound from the South Pole Telescope. Therefore, o the currentupper bound on the kSZ effect from the EORis consistent with our understanding of the r physics of reionization. t s a [ 1. INTRODUCTION by ∆T(γˆ) γˆ v 1 Howwastheintergalacticmedium(IGM)reionizedbe- = dτe−τ · , (1) v fore z = 6? The secondary anisotropy of the cosmic T − c 7 microwave background (CMB) at l > 3000 allows us to Z 0 probe the physics of cosmic reionization via the kinetic where γˆ is the line-of-sight unit vector, v the peculiar 6 Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (kSZ; Sunyaev & Zel’dovich velocity field, and τ the optical depth to Thomson scat- 3 1980). The temperature of the CMB changes as free tering integrated through the IGM from z = 0 to the 1. electrons in ionized gas Compton scatter CMB photons: surface of last scattering at zrec ≈103, where 0 the bulk peculiar velocity of electrons induces Doppler dt 3 shifts in the energy of the CMB photons. While the dτ =c ne(z)σT( )dz. (2) dz 1 spectrum of the CMB remains that of a black body, its : temperature changes.7 There are two contributions to the kSZ signal: v Inhomogeneityinthedensityandvelocityofelectrons, i 1. Post-reionization contribution. This is the X as well as inhomogeneity in ionization fraction, will in- contribution from redshifts below z = z , where ducetemperaturefluctuationsintheCMB,∆T/T,given ov r z is the redshift at which reionizationis finished, a ov whenindividualHIIbubblesfullyoverlapwithone 1TexasCosmologyCenterandtheDepartmentofAstronomy, another. While the post-reionization contribution TheUniversityofTexasatAustin,1UniversityStation,C1400, Austin,TX78712, USA dependsuponthevalueofzov,forwhichquasarab- 2KavliInstituteforthePhysicsandMathematicsoftheUni- sorption spectra suggest z 6 7, it is not too ov verse, Todai Institutes for Advanced Study, the University of ∼ − sensitivetotheexactvalueofz . Weshallnotdis- Tokyo, Kashiwa,Japan277-8583(KavliIPMU,WPI) ov 3Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild cuss this contribution in this paper, but discuss it Str. 1,85741Garching,Germany inasubsequentpaper(Parketal.,inpreparation). 4Astronomy Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Pevensey II Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton 2. Reionization contribution. This is the contri- BN19QH 5DepartmentofEarthScienceEducation,ChosunUniversity, bution from redshifts above z = zov, where the ionization was patchy and incomplete. This con- Gwangju501-759,Korea 6StockholmObservatory,AlbaNovaUniversityCenter,Stock- tribution depends not only on zov, but also on the holmUniversity,SE-10691Stockholm, Sweden detailsofthetime andspatialvariationofinhomo- 7 A relatedeffect resultsfromthe thermal motions offreeelec- geneous reionization, which are not yet well con- tronsinthehotintraclustergas,calledthethermalSZeffect(tSZ). strained; thus, we must explore how predictions MultiwavelengthobservationsallowadistinctionbetweenthekSZ andtSZeffectsontheCMB.Here,weshallfocusonthekSZsignal varyfordifferentmodelsofreionization. Thereion- alone. izationcontributionisthemainfocusofthispaper. 2 Modeling the reionization contribution is a challenge, porated the effects of inhomogeneous reionization in an as the universe was not ionized homogeneously, but in approximatemanner(Gruzinov & Hu1998;Santos et al. patches. These patches grow over time until they over- 2003). A “semi-numerical” approach was also devel- lap, finishing reionization of the universe. The distribu- oped by combining the simulated density and velocity tionofthesepatchesisdeterminedbynon-linearphysics: fieldsfromN-bodysimulationswithananalyticalansatz non-linear clustering of the sources of ionizing photons; for tracking the reionization process (Zahn et al. 2005; non-linearclumpingofgasintheIGM;andcomplexmor- McQuinn et al. 2005). phologies of patches resulting from propagation of ion- Early, pioneering calculations using structure forma- ization fronts in the clumpy IGM. Accurately calculat- tionsimulationscoupledwithradiativetransfertomodel ingthe reionizationcontributionthus requiresnumerical inhomogeneousreionizationnumerically(Gnedin & Jaffe simulations of cosmological structure formation coupled 2001; Salvaterra et al. 2005) underestimated the ampli- with radiative transfer. tudeofthekSZsignal,astheyusedcomputationalboxes To model the formation and spatial clustering of the too small to capture the impact of large-scale velocity sources of ionizing photons, cosmological simulations modes and H II bubbles or an accurate measure of the must be performed in a volume large enough to capture duration of the global EOR. This was demonstrated by the crucial spatial variations of this process in a statis- thefirstcalculationsofreionizationbasedontrulylarge- tically meaningful way. This requires a volume greater scale (> 100 Mpc) radiative transfer simulations, which than 100 comoving Mpc across, because H II bubbles resolved the formation of all galactic halo sources above canty∼picallygrowaslargeas 20comovingMpcinsize. 2 109M (Iliev et al.2007b,2008). Theselatersimula- ⊙ ∼ × Thesesimulationsmustalsohaveahighenoughmassres- tionsdemonstratedtheimportanceofalargeenoughsim- olutiontoresolvetheformationoftheindividualgalaxies ulation volume to capture the effects of long-wavelength whichare the sourcesof ionizingradiation;thus, billions fluctuations properly. They were also the first to realize of particles are required. The radiative transfer of ioniz- that it is necessary to correct the kSZ power spectrum ing photons is then calculated on the IGM density and for the missing velocity power due to the finite box size velocity fields computed by the cosmologicalsimulation. of the simulations. Whatdocurrentobservationaldatatellus? TheSouth For the mass range of galactic halos resolved by these PoleTelescope(SPT)experimenthasdetectedanexcess simulations,&109M ,stars–thesourcesofreionization ⊙ temperature anisotropy for the CMB on small angular –wereabletoformwhentheprimordialcompositiongas scales, which they attribute to the SZ effect. By sub- inside the halos cooled radiatively by atomic processes tractingthedominantcontributionfromthetSZeffectby involving H atoms. They are known as “atomic cool- usingmultiwavelengthobservationstodistinguishitfrom ing halos” to distinguish them from minihalos of mass thekSZeffect,theSPTdetectionyieldsanupperlimitto M . 108M , with virial temperature T . 104K, for ⊙ vir the totalkSZ contribution.8 The measurementsareusu- which star formation is possible only if H molecules 2 ally reported in terms of the angular power spectrum, form in sufficient abundance to cool the gas below T vir C 1 a 2. Here, a d2γˆ∆T(γˆ)Y∗ (γˆ) by rotational-vibrationalline excitation. Atomic-cooling islt≡he2clo+e1fficimen|tlomf|spherical-hlamrm≡onics mode, Yllmm, of haloswith108M⊙ .M .109M⊙ alsoexistandareeven ∆T. The SPPT collaborationreports tRheir measurements more abundant than those with M & 109M⊙. These in terms of the quantity low-mass atomic-cooling halos (“LMACHs”), however, are prevented from forming stars if they form within l(l+1)Cl an ionized patch of the IGM, where the gas pressure of D , (3) l ≡ 2π the photoheated IGM opposes the accretion of baryons ontothesehalos. This“self-regulates”theircontribution which we shall compute in this paper. SPT has placed to reionization as the global ionized fraction grows with an upper bound on the kSZ D at l =3000 of DkSZ < l l=3000 time and more and more of these halos are born within 2.8 µK2 (Reichardt et al. 2012). The detection of the theionizedzones(Shapiro et al.1994;Iliev et al.2007a). total SZ effect is complicated by the possible contami- Whiletheprecisevalueofhalomasswhichdefinestheup- nation of the fluctuating signal caused by the cosmic in- peredgeofthis“Jeans-filtered”mass-rangeisstilluncer- frared background (CIB) from individual galaxies. The tain, the high-mass atomic-cooling halos (“HMACHs”) kSZ limit loosens to 6.0 µK2 when allowance is made above 109M are generally free of this suppression. for a possible correlation between the thermal Sunyaev- ∼ ⊙ To simulate the impact of both LMACHs and Zel’dovich effect (tSZ; Zel’dovich & Sunyaev 1969) and HMACHsonreionization,itwasnecessaryforIliev et al. the CIB. Our goal is to see whether these current upper (2007a)toincreasetheirhalomassresolutionsoastore- bounds are consistent with our models of reionization. solve all the LMACHs, too, by reducing the simulation Following the early analytical calculation done by box size to 53 Mpc on a side at fixed N-body particle Vishniac for linear density and velocity perturba- number. This led to the first radiative transfer sim- tions in a fully ionized medium (Vishniac 1987; ulations of “self-regulated” reionization, which demon- Jaffe & Kamionkowski 1998), calculations of the kSZ strated the importance of including and then suppress- effect by cosmic reionization have steadily improved ingtheLMACHs tostartreionizationearlierandextend over time. Further analytical calculations later incor- its duration (Iliev et al. 2007a). While the end of reion- ization is still set by the rapid rise of the HMACHs, in 8 The post-reionization kSZ effect due to the pairwise relative that case, when they eventually surpass the saturated motionsofgalaxyclustershasbeendetectedbytheAtacamaCos- mology Telescope (Handetal. 2012), but its contribution to the contribution of the suppressible LMACHs, the effect of CMB temperature fluctuation power spectrum has not been de- the LMACHs is to boost the electron-scattering optical tected yet. 3 depth,τ,integratedthroughtheEOR.Suchaneffectcan density and velocity fields of ionized gas. In Section 3, beimportantforthekSZfluctuationsfromtheEOR,too, we describe the details of the simulations used for our butsimulatingthisrequiredustoincreasethesimulation study. In Section 4, we present our predictions for the volumeagainwhileretainingthehighmassresolutionre- kSZ power spectrum and discuss the effects of inhomo- quired to resolve the LMACHs, too. geneousreionizationas well as of self-regulatedreioniza- Our next generationof simulations involvedboxes 163 tion. InSection5,wecompareourresultswiththerecent Mpc on a side, a volume large enoughto predict observ- semi-numerical calculations, and show that inclusion of ables like the kSZ effect, but with N-body simulations self-regulated reionization qualitatively changes the pa- large enough to resolve all halos down to 108M and rameter dependence of the kSZ power spectrum from ⊙ incorporate ionization suppression (“Jeans-filtering”) of thatwithoutself-regulation. InSection6,wesummarize thehalosofmassbetween108M and109M (Iliev et al. our conclusions. In Appendix A, we give the derivation ⊙ ⊙ 2012). These smaller-mass halos (LMACHs) are more ofthekSZpowerspectrumwrittenintermsofthetrans- abundantandlikelytobemoreefficientionizingsources, verse momentum power spectrum. In Appendix B, we as they may have higher escape fraction and emissivity showhowtocorrectforthemissingpowerduetoafinite (Iliev et al. 2012). However, as described above, they box size of simulations in our method. may be suppressed as sourcesif they form inside ionized 2. BASICS regions, where ionization heats the gas and makes its pressurehighenoughto resistgravitationalcollapseinto 2.1. Angular power spectrum of the kSZ effect such small galaxies. Recently, an additional simulation AstheThomson-scatteringopticaldepth,τ,ispropor- was performed, including this new physics, in an even tionalto the free electronnumberdensity, the kSZeffect larger volume ( 600 Mpc) (Iliev et al. in preparation). given by Equation (1) depends mainly on the specific ∼ Ahn et al. (2012) expanded the mass range even fur- ionized momentum field of the ionized medium, ther by accounting for starlight emitted by minihalos (105 108 M ), as well. In additionto their Jeans-mass q χv(1+δ), (4) − ⊙ ≡ filtering in ionized regions, they may also be suppressed henceforth referred to only as “momentum”. Here, χ if molecular hydrogen in minihalos is photo-dissociated ≡ n /(n +2n ) is the ionization fraction, and δ (ρ by Lyman-Werner band photons in the UV background e H He ≡ − ρ¯)/ρ¯is the density contrast of baryons. In general, the below13.6eValsoemittedbythesourcesofreionization. baryondensity is different fromthe dark matter density, Wethushaveasimulatedmodelwhichtakesintoaccount especiallyonscalessmallerthantheJeanslength. Inthis all the halos down to 105 M as sources of reionization. ⊙ paper, we shall assume that baryons trace dark matter It is important now to determine if and how the kSZ particles, as we are interested in scales bigger than the fluctuations from the epoch of reionization are different Jeans length of gas at 104 K. from the previous predictions when this “self-regulated” We rewrite Equation (1) using q as reionization is taken into account. That is the prime focus of this paper. Some of our results were first sum- ∆T σ n¯ ds (γˆ)= T e,0 e−τq γˆ. (5) marized in Shapiro et al. (2012). T − c a2 · Recently, Mesinger et al. (2012), Zahn et al. (2012) Z andBattaglia et al.(2012a)comparedthepredictedkSZ Here, σT is the Thomsonscatteringcrosssection, n¯e,0 = power spectra fromtheir semi-numericalcalculations,to n¯H,0+2n¯He,0,isthemeannumberdensityofelectronsat the upper bounds from the SPT data (Reichardt et al. the (fully-ionized) present epoch, and s is the distance 2012), obtaining limits on the epoch and the dura- travelled by photons from a source to the observer in tion of the reionization. Those studies concluded that, comoving units. for a given value of the total Thomson-scattering opti- ThekSZangularpowerspectrumisgivenby9 (SeeAp- cal depth, the reionization contribution to the kSZ sig- pendix A for derivation; also see Ma & Fry 2002, but nal is mostly sensitive to the duration of the reioniza- note that their Equation (4) contains a typo: it is off by tion defined as ∆z z99% z20% (Zahn et al. 2012) a factor of (c/H0)2): ≡ − or z z (Mesinger et al. 2012; Battaglia et al. 20127a5)%. Z−ahn25%et al. (2012) claim that the upper bound C = σTn¯e,0 2 ds e−2τPq⊥(k =l/s,s), (6) onDlk=S3Z000 fromtheSPTdataimplies ∆z <4(95%CL) l (cid:16) c (cid:17) Z s2a4 2 for no tSZ-CIB correlation, and ∆z < 7 (95% CL) for where q˜ (k) = q˜(k) kˆ[q˜(k) kˆ] is the projection of the maximum possible tSZ-CIB correlation. However, q˜(k) ⊥ d3x eik·xq(x−) on the·plane perpendicular to as their methods are based on an analytical ansatz for ≡ tchoensriesitoennitzactailocnulpartoiocnessso,fitraisdinaetcivesesatrrayntsofeursseumchoraessoeulfr- itsheatuhneitRmvoedcteorv,eactnodrPkq⊥(i.ies.,thq˜e⊥p·okwer=sp0e)c,trkˆum≡ okf/q˜|k⊥| simulation results to revisit this issue. We note that Zahn et al. (2011) compared their semi-numerical ap- 9 AllpreviousnumericalcalculationsofthekSZpowerspectrum proachtotheirownnumericalsimulationsusingradiative firstcreated mapsusingEquation(5)andthenmeasuredCl from the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the simulated maps. In transfer, finding an agreement at the level of 50%. this paper, we shall use Equation (6) to compute Cl using Pq⊥ Theremainderofthispaperisorganizedasfollows. In measuredfromthree-dimensionalsimulationboxes atvariousred- shifts,withoutevercreatingmaps. Whilewearethefirsttoapply Section 2, we express the kSZ power spectrum in terms this method to the computation of the kSZ power spectrum, this of a line-of-sight integral of the transverse momentum method has been applied successfully to the computation of the power spectrum, and show how the transverse momen- tSZ power spectrum (Refregieretal. 2000) as well as to that of tum power spectrum is related to the statistics of the thepowerspectrumofanisotropyofthenearinfraredbackground (Fernandezetal.2010,2012). 4 Fully Ionized (z = 9.026) Inhomogeneously Ionized (z = 9.026) 10-7 10-8 π2 2 k)/ 10-9 ( p er p q, P 3k 10-10 10-11 Ostriker-Vishniac Spectrum Ostriker-Vishniac Spectrum Simulation Simulation Missing Power Missing Power 10-12 Missing Power Corrected Missing Power Corrected 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 k (h Mpc-1) k (h Mpc-1) Fig.1.—Dimensionlesspowerspectraofthecurlofthemomentumfield,k3Pq⊥(k)/(2π2),atz=9calculatedfromthesimulationwith 114h−1Mpcinaside. TheblacksolidlinesshowtherawpowerspectrumobtainedfromtheN-bodysimulation,whilethebluelinesshow thepowerspectrum afterbeingcorrectedforthemissingvelocitypowerduetoafiniteboxsizeofthesimulation. Theredlinesshowthe missingpoweraddedtotheblacksolidlines. Thedottedlinesshowtheanalytical OVspectrumgiveninEquation(8). Left: fullyionized case. Anexcellentagreement between theOVspectrum andthecorrectedpower spectrumshowsthevalidityofoursimulationaswellas thatofourmethodtocorrectforthemissingvelocitypower. Right: inhomogeneouslyionizedcase,L3. Thepowerspectrumissignificantly enhanced atk.1hMpc−1. defined by (2π)3P (k)δD(k k′) q˜ (k) q˜∗(k′) . assumption is exact in the linear regime and is approxi- Note that q˜ is oftqe⊥n calleda−transv≡ershe(⊥or cu·rl)⊥modei. matelytrueinthenon-linearregime,asthissecond-order ⊥ A longitudinal (or gradient) mode is parallel to k and is term dominates in the non-linear regime anyway. This given by q˜ (k)=kˆ[q˜(k) kˆ]. gives (Ma & Fry 2002) k · AsweshowinAppendix A,inthesmall-angleapprox- d3k′ imation, the line-of-sight integral cancels out the contri- P (k,z)= (1 µ′2)[P (k k′ )P (k′) bution from q˜ and a half of the power of q˜ , leaving q⊥ (2π)3 − δδ | − | vv k ⊥ Z townloyitnhtehreemdeanionminignahtaolfrooffPEqq⊥u.aTtihonis(e6x)p.lains a factor of − k k′k′ Pδv(|k−k′|)Pδv(k′) , (7) Helium atoms are assumed to be singly ionized where | − | (cid:21) hydrogenatomsareionizedatleastuntilzov,theredshift whereµ′ kˆ kˆ′. Here,P P termgivesapositivecon- whichalltheHIIbubblesoverlaptofinishtheionization ≡ · δδ vv tribution, whereas P P term gives a negative contri- ofhydrogenatomsduetothesimilarionizationpotential δv δv butionfromthedensityfieldcorrelatedwiththevelocity of H I and He I. Helium atoms remain singly ionized field that does not have a curl component. until much later, z 3, after which they are thought ≈ Due to a finite box size of simulations, we must cor- to be doubly ionized. As we are interested only in the rect for the missing velocity power coming from modes epoch of hydrogen-reionization, z & 6, we shall assume whosewavelengthislongerthanthesizeofthesimulation that the ionized fraction, χ, is given by χ = (0.92)X, box(Iliev et al.2007b). Weshalldescribeourcorrection whereX isthehydrogenionizedfractionateachpointin method in Appendix B. our radiative transfer simulation: χ saturates at 0.92 in At high redshift where the density and velocity fields fullyionizedregionsduringhydrogenreionization,as8% are still in the linear regime, the velocity power spec- of the electrons are left bound in singly-ionized helium trum is related to the linear density power spectrum by atoms. P (k) = (a˙f/k)2Plin(k), where f dlnδ/dlna and vv δδ ≡ a(t) is the Robertson-Walker scale factor. This gives 2.2. Power spectrum of the curl of the momentum theso-calledOstriker-Vishniac(OV)spectrum(Vishniac Ourgoalisto computethe powerspectrumofthecurl 1987): of the momentum field, P , and evaluate Equation (6) to obtain C. q⊥ d3k′ l POV(k,z)=a˙2f2 Plin(k k′ ,z)Plin(k′,z) Assumingthatthevelocityfieldstayslongitudinal,i.e., q⊥ (2π)3 δδ | − | δδ parallel to k, P is given by the second-order term in Z the momentum:q⊥q = ( d3k′ δ(k k′)v(k′)) . This k(k−2k′µ′)(1−µ′2). (8) ⊥ (2π)3 − ⊥ ×k′2(k2+k′ 2kk′µ′) − R 5 TABLE 1 Reionization simulation parametersandglobalreionization history results Label gγ,H (fγ,H) gγ,L (fγ,L) gγ,MH (fγ,MH)a τes z10% z90% zov L1 8.7(10) 130(150) - 0.080 13.3 8.6 8.3 L2(XL2) 1.7(2) 8.7(10) - 0.058 9.9 6.9 6.7 L2M1J1 1.7(2) 8.7(10) 5063(1030) 0.086 17.4 6.9 6.7 L3 21.7(25) - - 0.070 10.3 9.1 8.4 aMHefficienciesgγ,MH (fγ,MH)quotedherearefortheminimum-masshaloassumedtocontribute,105M⊙,whichisroughlycomparable to the average value for the minihalos integrated over the halo mass function. The efficiency of any MH of a given mass M is obtained simplybymultiplyingtothequotedgγ,MH (fγ,MH)by(105MM⊙). The OVspectrumprovidesa usefulcheckofthe numeri- data combined with constraints from baryonic acoustic calsimulationandthewaywecorrectforthemissingve- oscillationsandhigh-redshiftTypeIasupernovae(Ω = M locity. Inthe leftpanelofFigure1,weshowanexcellent 0.27,Ω =0.73,h=0.7,Ω =0.044,σ =0.8,n =0.96; Λ b 8 s agreementbetweenthe OVspectrumandthe simulation Komatsu et al. 2009). result at z = 9, after correcting for the missing velocity For the 114 h−1 Mpc, we then calculate the IGM power due to a finite box size of the simulation. density field from the particle data with halos excluded Finally, one can incorporate the effect of inhomoge- adaptively-smoothedonto a 2563 radiative-transfergrid neous reionization into the equation by replacing δ in in order to generate ionization maps using the C2-Ray Equation (7) by χ(1+δ): code. Therefore, the final physical length resolution of the reionization models is d = 0.45 h−1 Mpc. The P (k,z) cell q⊥ highestl-modethatwecancalculatefromthesimulation = d3k′ (1 µ′2) P (k k′ )P (k′) is given by llimit = kNyqs(zov), where kNyq = π/(2dcell) (2π)3 − χ(1+δ),χ(1+δ) | − | vv is the Nyquist frequency, and s(zov) is the comoving Z distance out to the end of reionization. For example, k′ (cid:2) − k k′ Pχ(1+δ),v(|k−k′|)Pχ(1+δ),v(k′) . (9) zovT=he6n.6ewgivseismlulilmaittio=ns22a0l0so0.incorporate the effects of | − | (cid:21) even smaller halos in 105 M < M < 108 M , using a Note that we do not use this equation to compute P , ⊙ ⊙ q⊥ sub-grid prescription calibrated by smaller-box N-body but compute P directly from the simulation. How- q⊥ simulationswithhigher-resolutionhaving17283particles ever,weusethisequationtoestimateandcorrectforthe in a box of 6.3 h−1 Mpc (Ahn et al. 2012). Specifically, missing power due to a finite box size of the simulation we find that there is a correlation between the num- as described in Appendix B. We then use the corrected ber of these small-mass halos in each cell and the total P inEquation(6)to compute the angularpowerspec- q⊥ matter density averaged over that cell, with cells of size trum. As shownin the rightpanelofFigure 1, the effect 0.45h−1 Mpc,whichcoincideswiththesizeoftheradia- of reionization inhomogeneity substantially boosts the tivetransfercellsinour114h−1MpcC2-raysimulations. power spectrum relative to the homogeneously-ionized We then use this correlation to calculate the number of case, while correcting for the missing velocity power of small-masshalosineachofthe radiative-transfercells in the finite simulation volume boosts it even further. our 114 h−1 Mpc simulations. 3. REIONIZATIONSIMULATION For our most recentsimulation, in a box 425h−1 Mpc on a side, the RT grid has 5043 cells, so d = 3.1. Basic simulation parameters cell 0.84 h−1 Mpc, slightly larger than that for the other The simulations that we shall use in this paper con- simulations, and l 12000. In this larger-box sim- limit sist of two parts: (1) cosmological N-body simulations ulation, low-mass halo∼s between 108 and 109 M are ⊙ of collisionless particles using the “CubeP3M” N-body included by a subgrid model like that described above code (Harnois-Deraps et al. 2012); and (2) radiative- for MHs. transfer of H-ionizing photons in the density and source fields created from this N-body simulation results using the “C2-Ray” (Conservative, Causal Ray-tracing) code 3.2. Varying physics of reionization (Mellema et al. 2006). The details of the simulations What kind of sources are responsible for reionization? thatweshalluseinthispaperaredescribedinIliev et al. In this section, we consider a set of reionization simula- (2012) and Ahn et al. (2012). tionsbasedonsourcemodelsofincreasingsophistication Unlessspecifiedotherwise,thereionizationsimulations fromtheonewithonlyhigh-masssourcestotheonewith are run on the density and source fields from the same all kinds of sources down to least massive halos in our N-body results with 30723 particles in a comoving box models. of 114 h−1 Mpc on a side. Halos are identified down For each halo identified in our simulation, we calcu- to 108 M⊙ with at least 20 particles, using a spherical late the number of ionizing photons which escape from overdensityhalofinderwithoverdensityof178times the it into the IGM per unit time, N˙ , which is assumed to γ meancosmicdensity. Oneofthe modelsusesanotherN- be proportionalto the halo mass, M: body simulation with a largerbox of 425 h−1 Mpc, with 54883 particles, resolving halos down to 109 M . The ⊙ f MΩ background cosmology is based on the WMAP 5-year N˙ = γ b , (10) γ ∆tΩ m 0 p 6 where m is the proton mass, ∆t is the duration of each When we include LAMCHs and account for this “self- p star-forming episode (i.e. which corresponds in prac- regulation” of reionization, we give LMACHs a higher tice to the radiative transfer simulation time-step), and efficiency, g , than for HMACHs, as presumably it is γ f = f f N is the number of ionizing photons pro- easierforionizingphotonstoescapefromLMACHsthan γ esc ⋆ ⋆ duced and released by the halo over the lifetime of the from HMACHs, and Pop III stars with a top-heavy ini- starswhichforminsideitinthistimestep,perhaloatom, tialmassfunction(IMF),whicharecapableofproducing if f is the fraction of the halo atoms which form stars more ionizing photons than Pop II stars with a Salpeter ∗ duringthis burst, f is the fractionofthe ionizingpho- IMF, are more likely to form in LMACHs. esc tonsproducedbythesestarswhichescapesintotheIGM There are two cases which have both HMACHs and and the integrated number of ionizing photons released LMACHs,andweshallcallthemL1andL2. ForL1,the over their lifetime per stellar atom is given by N . The efficiency parameter, g , is chosen such that the overlap ⋆ γ latter parameter depends on the assumed IMF for the redshift, z = 8.3, is similar to that of L3, z = 8.4 ov ov stellar population and can range from 4,000 (e.g. for (see Table 1). For L2, g is chosen such that z is be- γ ov ∼ PopII stars witha Salpeter IMF) to 100,000(e.g. for tween6and7,assuggestedbythequasarabsorptionline ∼ a top-heavy IMF of Pop III stars). Halos were assigned observations. differentefficienciesaccordingtotheirmass,groupedac- For L2, we have another run with a much larger cording to whether their mass was above (“HMACHs”) volume (425 h−1 Mpc) with 5043 of radiative-transfer or below (“LMACHs”) 109M (but above 108M , the grids. AlthoughitdoesnotresolveLMACHs,weinclude ⊙ ⊙ minimum resolvedhalo mass). Low-masssources areas- LMACHs as a sub-grid model using correlationbetween sumed to be suppressed within ionized regions (for ion- average density of radiative transfer cells and number ization fraction higher than 10%), through Jeans-mass density of LMACHs similarly to how Ahn et al. (2012) filtering, as discussed in Iliev et al. (2007a). included MHs in the simulation (Iliev et al. and Ahn et In addition to the source efficiency parameter, fγ, we al. in preparation). This run gives llimit ∼ 12000. We alsodefine a slightly different factor, g , that is givenby shallcallthisconfiguration“XL2”,asthevolumeforthis γ runisbigger(hence the name,XL)thanthoserunswith 10Myr “L.”Thisrunwillbeusedtocheckourmethodtocorrect g =f (11) γ γ ∆t for the missing velocity power. (cid:18) (cid:19) where ∆t is the time between two snapshots from the 3.2.3. HMACHs+LMACHs+MHs model N-body simulation. The new factor g reflects the fact γ that a given halo has a luminosity which depends on What about even smaller-mass sources? Gas in halos the ratio of fγ to ∆t, so gγ has the advantage that it is of masses between 105 M⊙ and 108 M⊙ is thought to independent of the length of the time interval between cool via rotational and vibrational transitions of hydro- the density slices, and as such it allows a direct com- gen molecules and form stars, until hydrogen molecules parisonbetween runs with different ∆t. For the reader’s are dissociated by Lyman-Werner photons in the UV convenience, we listed the values of both parameters in backgroundfromothersources(seeAhn et al.2012,and Table 1. The specific numerical values of the efficiency references therein). parameters are strongly dependent on the background The MHs form earlier than LMACHs or HMACHs, cosmology adopted and the minimum source halo mass. and thus can start reionization of the universe earlier. Therefore,parametervaluesforsimulationsbasedondif- However, as the star formation in MHs is vulnerable to ferent underlying cosmology and halo mass resolution Lyman-Wernerphotons, it gets suppressedwherever the should not be compared directly, but require cosmol- intensity of the LW background rises above the thresh- ogy and resolution-dependent conversion coefficients to old for suppression, locally at first, and eventually glob- achieve the same reionization history. ally. This adds another kind of “self-regulation” to the reionization history, with an even more extended phase 3.2.1. HMACHs-only model of low-level ionization before MHs are eventually sup- Inoursimplestmodel(labeledasL3;seeTable1forthe pressed completely (Ahn et al. 2012). details. Note that “L” stands for a “large volume”), we TheeffectsofMHshavebeenaddedtoL2byAhn et al. only use HMACHs as the sources of reionization. These (2012), and we take one of the cases simulated there, sources are defined as the halos with M >2.2 109M L2M1J1, as our fiducial case with MHs. See Table 1 for ⊙ for L3; and with M > 109 M for the other c×onfigura- the efficiency of MHs. “M” denotes the mass spectrum ⊙ tions. Thesesourcesarebelievedtoformstarsevenwhen of Pop III stars in MHs, and “J” the threshold intensity immersed in ionized regions, due to the fact that their of the Lyman-Werner photon background, above which the star formation in MHs is suppressed. In L2M1J1, gravitationalpotentialwellsaredeepenoughtoovercome each halo is assumed to host one Pop III star with mass Jeans-mass filtering. of 300 M , and the assumed LW threshold is J = ⊙ LW,th 3.2.2. HMACHs+LMACHs models 0.1 10−21 ergs−1cm−2sr−1. × What about smaller-mass halos? LMACHs are more abundant; however, if they form inside the regions that 4. RESULTS havealreadybeenionized,they wouldnotactassources Before presenting and discussing our predictions for of ionizing photons. This is because ionization heats the the kSZ power spectrum, let us briefly comment on the gasandmakesitspressuretoohighforthegastocollapse globalionizationhistoryoftheuniverse,whichisthekey into such small halos (Iliev et al. 2007a, and references to understanding the difference between our results and therein). the previous ones. For more detailed discussion on the 7 Fig. 2.—CutsthroughtheN-body+RadiativeTransfersimulationsusedinthiswork. SeeTable1fortheparametersofmodelsL1,L2, L2M1J1,andL3. Whiletheserunshavetheboxsizeof114h−1 Mpc,themodelXL2hastheboxsizeof425h−1 Mpcandhasthesame modelparameters asthemodel L2. Eachpanel showsthematter densitydistributionmultiplied by spatially-varying ionization fractions. Forexample,itjustshowsthematterdensitywhenagivenregionisfullyionized,whileitshowsnothing(i.e.,white)whenagivenregion is fully neutral. The density fields are color-coded such that overdense regions are red and underdense regions are blue. We create this figurebyinterpolatingbetweenadjacentsnapshotsatagivenlookbacktime. Thelengthscaleislinearintheco-movingunits. Thex-axis showsredshifts,whilethey-axisshowsh−1 Mpc. effectsofself-regulation,seeIliev et al.(2007a,2012)and longer period. Ahn et al. (2012). These physically motivated yet somewhat complex Figure 2 shows how the reionization proceeds in reionization histories were not considered in any of the our simulation boxes, while Figure 3 shows the mass- previous calculations of the kSZ power spectrum. In averagedionizationfractionofthe universeasafunction this section, we show that it is these new features in the ofredshift. Bothfiguresshow thatinclusion oflow-mass reionizationhistorythatinvalidatesimpletwo-parameter halos(LMACHsandMHs),whichareself-regulated,sig- descriptions of the amplitude of the kSZ power spec- nificantly extends the ionization history of the universe trum proposed by the previous study (Zahn et al. 2012; toward higher redshift. Let us compare L1 and L3. As Mesinger et al. 2012; Battaglia et al. 2012a). LMACHs form earlier, the universe begins to be ionized 4.1. Impact of Inhomogeneous Reionization earlier in L1 than in L3. However,the universe does not get reionized quickly but keeps a low level of ionization First, it is useful to understand how important it is for an extended period due to self-regulation of sources. to include inhomogeneity (or patchiness) of reionization Only after HMACHs start to dominate, at z 10, does when computing the kSZ power spectrum. In order to reionizationproceedrapidlyandfinishessoon∼thereafter. see this, we create a homogeneous version of L3 (“L3- In L3, with no LMACHs, by contrast, reionization pro- homogeneous”), in which we wipe out inhomogeneity of ceeds rapidly from beginning to end because the abun- reionizationby replacing the ionization fraction, χ, with danceofHMACHs,theonlysources,growsexponentially its global average, χ¯ (see Figure 3). This then gives the without any suppression effects to self-regulate them. transversemomentumpowerspectrumasP =χ¯2POV, q⊥ q⊥ When MHs are included (L2M1J2), the universe begins where POV is the OV spectrum given by Equation (8). to be ionized even earlier than the cases with HMACHs q⊥ We remind reader that, on the scales of interest to us in and LMACHs, and keeps a low-level ionization for a thispowerspectrum(k .1hMpc−1),thedegreeofnon- 8 Fig. 3.— The global mean ionization history of our models (see Table 1 for the parameters of models). The mass-averaged hydrogen ionizationfraction,X¯,isplottedagainstz. Notehowself-regulationresultsinanextendedperiodoflow-levelionizationbycomparingthe casewithoutself-regulation(L3=HMACHsonly)andthatwithself-regulation(L1=HMACHs+LMACHs)(Ilievetal.2012). Afurther extensionoccurswhenMHsourcesareincluded,aswell(i.e. compareL2=HMACHs+LMACHsandL2M1J1=L2+MHs)(Ahnetal. 2012). linearity of the underlying density and velocity fields of els, this occurs when the universe is half ionized. After the IGM is small enough that we can well approximate this epoch bubbles grow bigger than 15 h−1 Mpc, and the kSZ power spectrum for this “homogeneous” ioniza- thus the ionization field is no longer patchy on the scale tion case by the assumption of linear perturbations in- of 15 h−1 Mpc. This explains why the contribution to herentinEquation(8)(seeSection2.2andtheleftpanel the kSZ power spectrum at l = 3000 decreases after the of Figure 1). We use this momentum power spectrum in half-ionization epoch. (By the same token, a plot like Equation(6)to obtainthe kSZ powerspectrumfor “L3- that for the inhomogeneous case L3 in Figure 5 but for homogeneous.” Thus,“L3”and“L3-homogeneous”have l>3000wouldlook similar but with the peak shifted to exactly the same averagereionizationhistory, while spa- higher z, when ionized patches were smaller-scale.) tialfluctuationsofionizationfractionareincludedonlyin L3. We find that L3 yields an order-of-magnitudelarger 4.2. Impact of LMACHs powerspectrum thanL3-homogeneousthatis consistent with findings in Iliev et al. (2007b)(see Figure 4). HowdoesthepresenceofLMACHsandself-regulation In order to see the effect of inhomogeneous reioniza- affect the kSZ power spectrum? To answer this we com- tiononthe kSZ powerspectruminmore detail,we show pareL1 andL3,whicharemostly similarexceptthatL1 has low-masshalos(108 M <M <2.2 109 M ) with the contribution from a given comoving distance to the ⊙ ⊙ × kSZ power spectrum at l = 3000, dCkSZ /ds, in Fig- most of them being LMACHs. While they finish reion- ure 5. While both L3 and L3-homogenl=e3o0u0s0converge to ization at nearly the same redshift, L1 begins ionization the same dCkSZ /ds after the universe becomes fully earlier due to LMACHs and gives an extended period of l=3000 low ionization due to self-regulation (see Figure 3). ionized, we find a clear enhancement of the power when the ionization fraction is less than unity, z > z = 8.4. Figure 4 shows that L1 and L3 give similar kSZ power ov spectra at l . 3000, while at higher multipoles L1 be- The maximum contribution occurs when the universe is comes significantly greater than L3. This is because halfionized. Onecanseethisvisuallyinthemiddle(L3) and bottom (L3-homogeneous)panels of Figure 5: L3 is therearenumerousionizedbubblescreatedbyLMACHs at high redshifts, which give significant contributions to clearly more patchy than L3-homogeneous. the small-scale kSZ power spectrum. Although it would The angular scale for l =3000 roughly corresponds to theco-movinglengthof15h−1 Mpc duringthe reioniza- be a challenge for current surveys, future measurements of DkSZ with 10% accuracy over a wide range of multi- tion era (z 10). The contribution to the kSZ power l ∼ poles can distinguish between the predictions of L1 and spectrum continues to grow until the typical comoving sizeofionizedbubbles reaches15h−1 Mpc. Inourmod- L3, shedding light on the roles of LMACHs during the reionization. 9 CMB Power Spectrum 100.00 Primary CMB L1 L2 XL2 L2M1J1 10.00 L3 L3 homogeneous 2K] µ 1.00 D [l 0.10 0.01 1000 10000 Multipole Moment (l) Fig. 4.—PredictedkSZpowerspectra,DkSZ,forthemodelsdiscussedinthiswork(seeTable1fortheparametersofmodels). Thebox l sizeofL1, L2,L2M1J1 andL3is114h−1 Mpc,whilethatof XL2is425 h−1 Mpc. Themodelparameters ofXL2arethe sameasthose of L2, and thus XL2 provides a useful check of the way we correct for the missing velocity power in 114 h−1 Mpc-box simulations (see AppendixBfordetails). TheprimaryCMBpowerspectrumisalsoshown. Fig. 5.—Left: ThetoppanelshowsthecontributionfromagivencomovingdistancetothekSZpowerspectrumatl=3000,dCkSZ /ds. l=3000 The solid line with a peak shows L3, the dashed line shows L3-homogeneous, and the nearly-horizontal solid line shows the fully-ionized case. ThemiddlepanelisthesameasthebottompanelofFigure2. ThebottompanelshowsL3-homogeneous,i.e.,thedensitydistribution multipliedbytheaverageionizationfraction. Right: AsnapshotofL3atz=9.3,whichgivesthemaximumcontributiontothekSZpower spectrumatl=3000. 10 Fig. 6.—SameastheleftpanelofFigure5,butforcomparingL1(bottompanel)andL3(middlepanel). SeeTable1fortheparameters ofL1andL3. Fig. 7.—CumulativereionizationkSZpowerspectrumatl=3000asafunctionofthemaximumredshift(Left)andthemeanionization fraction(Right).

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