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The Key of the Abyss Jack Parsons, the Babalon Working and the Black Pilgrimage Decoded with Concordance to Liber Al vel Legis and Liber 49 by Anthony Testa Copyright 2006 by Anthony Testa All quoted material copyright their respective copyright holders. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. ISBN: 978-1-4303-0160-8 Contact mailto:webmaster@ timestation-z.com Supplemental and supporting material at The Tower of Chorazin at http://www.johnonefifteen.com/ Updates and additions to this and other writings by the author may be found at http://www.timestation-z.com/ 2 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven fallen unto the earth: and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss. And he opened the pit of the abyss; and there went up a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. – Revelation 9 : 1-2 This book is the Gate of the Secret of the Universe. – Aleister Crowley, Liber os Abysmi vel Da’ath For her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead. None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the paths of life. - Proverbs 2 : 18 - 19 Babalon is called the Mother of Abominations, for she brings forth the star and the darkness of the firmament wherein the Dragon is fourfold in the field of the sixth (Sephiroth), so thereby understand that Her reflection in the waters of the Abyss is the Dragon. – Apocalypse of the Coiled Dragon, Chapter IV 3 Table of Contents Part I The Babalon Working Chapter 1 : The Beginning Chapter 2 : The Working Chapter 3 : Dr. John Dee Part II Invoking the Apocalypse Chapter 4 : Dee and the Apocalypse Chapter 5 : Angels of the Apocalypse Chapter 6 : TO MEGA THERION Chapter 7 : Angels of the Apocalypse Revisited Part III The Magical Universe Chapter 8 : Death Dragon Chapter 9 : Choronzon Chapter 10 : The Holy Guardian Angel Chapter 11 : The Ordeal of the Abyss Part IV The End of the Aion Chapter 12 : The End is Not Yet Chapter 13 : The Work of the Adept Chapter 14 : Agencies of the End Chapter 15 : Exegesis Chapter 16 : The Book of Babalon Chapter 17 : Aftermath Chapter 18 : Wormwood Chapter 19 : New Aeon English Kabbalah and Liber 49 Chapter 20 : Numerical Keys Chapter 21 : Liber 49 Decoded Chapter 22 : Formula Chapter 23 : The Great Old Ones Chapter 24 : Abomination of Desolation Chapter 25 : The Witchcraft Chapter 26 : The Black Pilgrimage Chapter 27 : Conclusions Afterward: The Key to the Abyss 4 Part V Inner Apocalypse Chapter 28 : Descent Chapter 29 : Formulae of Space - Excerpt Chapter 30 : Demonologies Theatre of the Abyss Appendices Appendix: Excerpts From The Book Of Antichrist Appendix : Liber 49 Appendix : Brief Introduction to Gematria Bibliography Index Concordance to Liber Al vel Legis Concordance to Liber 49 5 6 Part I The Babalon Working And he cried with a mighty voice, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and is become a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird. For by the wine of the wrath of her fornication all the nations are fallen; and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth waxed rich by the power of her wantonness. --Revelation 18, 2-3 7 Chapter 1 : The Beginning 1. Parsons In one of the most celebrated feats in magickal history, Parsons and pre-Dianetics L. Ron Hubbard (whose role is too complicated to describe in this short essay) performed The Babalon Working, a daring attempt to shatter the boundaries of time and space and intended to bring about, in Parsons' own words, "love, understanding, and Dionysian freedom [...] the necessary counterbalance or correspondence to the manifestation of Horus."1 John Whiteside Parsons, usually known to his friends as Jack, was born in Los Angeles, California on October 2, 1914. Actually, his given name was Marvel Whiteside Parsons though he seems to have changed to John at some point2. He was by all accounts, a gifted chemist and was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, an institution famous for the Voyager missions to the outer planets, among other things. Parsons worked during the War (World War II) as a researcher, where he invented a formula for solid rocket fuel that advanced the American war effort by no small degree3. He has, among other distinctions, a crater named for him on the (far side of the) moon and he is still honored at Cal Tech and at JPL as a brilliant, if eccentric scientist. That Jack Parsons however, is but one side to the man who would eventually adopt the mantle “Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal AntiChrist”. He had "...a hatred of authority and a spirit of revolution", as well as an Oedipal attachment to his mother. He felt withdrawn and isolated as a child, and was bullied by other children. Along with "...the requisite contempt for the crowd and for the group mores... ", Parsons was a born outsider and lived his life in full embrace of his karma . 1 John Whiteside Parsons: Anti-Christ Superstar, Richard Metzger, Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult, Richard Metzger, Disinfo 2005 2 Robert Anton Wilson, Introduction to Jack Carter, Sex and Rockets, Feral House 1999 3 Jack Carter, Sex and Rockets, Feral House 1999, especially the chapter Parsons Double Life 8 Parsons family seems to have been wealthy, though he makes reference to the loss of the family fortune. When he was very young his parents divorced, thus his attachment to his mother. His father (who also bore the name “Marvel”) left him the infamous house on South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena where he established a sort of hippie commune decades before the 60’s. Parsons was always a man ahead of his time. This, of course is the famous – or notorious – Parsonage where the Babalon Working took place. In a much quoted letter by Jane Wolfe, a member of the O.T.O. Lodge Parsons became involved with we have a description of the man by some who knew him; 26 years of age, 6'2", vital, potentially bisexual at the very least, University of the State of California and Cal Tech, now engaged in Cal Tech chemical laboratories developing 'bigger and better' explosives for Uncle Sam. Travels under sealed orders from the government. Writes poetry -- 'sensuous only', he says. Lover of music, which he seems to know thoroughly. I see him as the real successor of Therion. Passionate; and has made the vilest analyses result in a species of exaltation after the event. Has had mystical experiences which gave him a sense of equality all round, although he is hierarchical in feeling and in the established order.4 Parsons evidently embraced Crowley’s cult of Thelema with all of the energy and enthusiasm he gave everything in his life. Thelema, the Greek word for “Will” became the key to Crowley’s new religion, based on his sacred text, Liber Al vel Legis or as it is more popularly known, the Book of the Law. This text was “received” by Crowley (today we would say “dictated” or “channeled”) in 1904 and predicted the rise of a “New Aeon” or age, the Age of the Child – whom Crowley identified with the Egyptian god Horus5. This book is in large part responsible for the theories underlying the current “New Age” 4 quoted in John Carter, Sex and Rockets 5 in the paper Set / Horus by Benjamin Rowe we find; Horus and Set were originally expressions of the primal duality, the two aspects of Heaven, the day-sky and night-sky. As the Egyptian mythology was elaborated towards its final chaotic state, their symbolism drifted away from these absolute poles into the middle ground, first becoming solar, and finally taking on a variety of solar/martial and zodiacal characteristics. Yet their final form can still be expressed in a concise symbology, that of the astrological signs of Aries and Scorpio. Taken whole, their symbolism is that of the primal duality manifesting in its male aspects. At http://www.totse.com/en/religion/the_occult/sethorus.html 9 phenomenon (though its adherents would deny it) and the Aeon, as Richard Metzger tells us; would be characterized by the magickal formula of bloodshed and blind force, the tearing down of the established orders to make way for the new. Crowley held the two World Wars as evidence of this, but did not see the Horus-force as evil, rather as embodying the innocence of a hyperactive child who is like a bull in a china shop.6 The Goddess Babalon does not appear in the Book of the Law and is not really inducted into Crowley’s pantheon until his visions in Algeria in 1909. Babalon, Metzger also says is a Thelemic counterpart of Kali or Isis, was described by Parsons as, "... black, murderous and horrible, but Her hand is uplifted in blessing and reassurance: the reconciliation of opposites, the apotheosis of the impossible." 7 Parsons was a remarkable man, scientist and mystic, chemist and alchemist. As we shall see, confluence of events that precipitated the Babalon Working were extraordinary but, in relation to Parsons life as a whole, no more extraordinary than the man himself. 6 John Whiteside Parsons: Anti-Christ Superstar, Richard Metzger, Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult, Richard Metzger, Disinfo 2005 7 ibid 10

The Babalon Working In 1946, Jack Parsons went alone into the Mojave Desert and made contact with a force he identified as the Mother of Abominations in the Book of Revelation. Parsons recorded the event in what became one of the most notorious documents in the history of Western Occultism; Liber 49
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