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Preview The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 2006: Vol 133 Index & Table of Contents

2006] INDEX TO VOI UME 133, 2006 665 coastal piain ponds, flood tolerance of pitch pine, Downie, STePpHeN R., multivariate analysis of 289 Pseudocymopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., 499 Corsert, J. J., radial tree growth in Delaware, Doy e, JAMes A., seed ferns and angiosperm origins, Smolnik et al., 577 169 COLLINS, BEVERLY, mixed pine-hardwood forests, Drewa, Paut B., lightning and growing season fires, 460 217 community dynamics, mixed pine-hardwood forests, dunes, residual effects of nitrogen addition on dunes, 460 297 Duncan, Lisa, mixed pine-hardwood forests, 460 conservation, blowout penstemon in Nebraska, Tepedino et al., DuNN, MICHAEL T., permineralized seed fern stems 548 of the Upper Paleozoic, 20 germination in Boltonia decurrens, Smith and symposium: a century of seed ferns, 4 Hunsley, 528 Early Carboniferous, diversification of arborescent conservation genetics, genetic diversity of box seed ferns, 7 huckleberry, 439 eastern deciduous forest, effects of nitrogen de- Constraints on understory vegetation communities position on forest herbs, 240 of tidal freshwater swamps: a reciprocal trans- eastern white pine, Zenner and Krueger, 585 plant experiment, Peterson-Smith and Baldwin, Ecology and Control of Introduced Plants (Book 566 Review), »3 75 Corsett, Erica, analysis of Illinois and Wisconsin edge effect, exotic species on forest edges, 255 remnant prairies, 267 edge habitat, exotic species on forest edges, 255 Cortés-PALoMec, AuREA C., flower production in Effects of achene pattern, achene density and Viola striata, 312 competition on germination in Boltonia decur- orystospermales, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 rens, a threatened plant of the Illinois River RAINE, STEPHEN I., flood tolerance of pitch pine, Valley, Smith and Hunsley, 528 289 Effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the herbaceous layer of a central Appalachian retaceous, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 umberland Plateau, vegetation, topography, and hardwood forest, 240 Effects of flooding on pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) soil effects on vegetation, 321 growth and survivorship, 289 Daicey, THeresa B., nectar rewards of herbs and weeds, Dailey and Scott, 535 ELtison, AARON M., seed banks of hemlock forests, Day, FRANK P.., residual effects of nitrogen addition 393 endangered plant, genetic diversity of box huckle- on dunes, 297 berry, 439 DAYANANDAN, SELVADURAI, genetic relationships of endemic, germination in Boltonia decurrens, Smith Populus Hamzeh et al., 519 and Hunsley, 528 deciduous forest understory, nectar rewards of herbs Endothenia hebesana, insect herbivory of Agalinis and weeds Dailey and Scott, 535 auriculata, Mulvaney et al., 560 deciduous leaf, diversification of arborescent seed environmental gradients, oak woodland canopy ferns gaps, 225 Dedication: to “the upward outlook” of Wilson environmental variables, tidal freshwater swamps, Nichols Stewart, | Peterson-Smith and Baldwin, 566 dendroSmcohlrnoinko logety ,a l., r5a7d7i al tree growth in Delaware, ERVIN, Gary N.., greentree reservol management, 468 density, response of Tridens flavus in old fields, 421 Evolution and origin of the Central Grassland of detrended correspondence analysis analysis of North America: climate, fire, and mammalian Illinois and Wisconsin remnant prairies, 267 vrazers, Anderson, 626 Devonian, paleoecology of pteridosperms, 83 exXOUc species, exotic species on forest edges, 255 Did lightning-initiated growing season fires charac- extant flora, of Sable Island, Canada, 362 terize oak-dominated ecosystems of southern fire, grasslands of North America, Anderson, 626 Ohio?, 217 flood-adapted species, greentree reservoir manage- Joun, mixed pine-hardwood forests, 460 ment, 468 am A... pteridosperm paleoecolo- flood hardening, flood tolerance of pitch pine, 289 flood tolerance, of pitch pine, 289 discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis of floodplain terraces, secondary succession by a Texas vmopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al 499 river, 280 distance methods, estimates of historical tree flora, of large urban parks in northeastern United density 449 States, Loeb, 601 disturbance florivory, insect herbivory of {galinis auriculata, radial tree growth in Delaware, Smolnik et al Mulvaney et al., 560 1334) flower-visitors, blowout penstemon in Nebraska, verctanbon topography, and soil effects on Tepedino et al., 548 vegetation 3>1 folivory, insect herbivory of Agalinis auriculata, diversity dal freshwater swamps Peterson- Mulvaney et al., 560 Smith and Baldwin Oi Forest Development: Succession, Environmental Dix, Ron I renctic diversity of box huckleberry Stress and Forest Management (Book Review), 4w 24 975 666 JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY [VoL. 133 forest ecosystem, effects of nitrogen deposition on habitat fragmentation, forest herbs, 240 fruit and seed production in Lysimachia asper- forest strata, effects of nitrogen deposition on forest ulifolia, 403 herbs, 240 genetic diversity in Lithospermum canescens, forested wetlands, greentree reservoir management, Kittelson and Handler, 513 468 halictid bees, pollinators promote Paederia foetida, FRANKLIN, M. A., fruit and seed production in 304 Lysimachia asperulifolia, 403 HAMZEH, Mona, genetic relationships of Populus Frond architecture of Odontopteris brardii (Pteri- Hamzeh et al., 519 dospermopsida, ?Medullosales): new evidence HANDLER, STEPHEN D., genetic diversity in Lithos- from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Missouri, permum canescens, Kittelson and Handler, U.S.A., 33 513 fugitive, germination in Boltonia decurrens, Smith hemlock, seed banks of hemlock forests, 393 and Hunsley, 528 hemlock woolly adelgid, seed banks of hemlock fruit production, in Lysimachia asperulifolia, 403 forests, 393 GALTIER, JEAN, diversification of arborescent seed herbaceous layer, effects of nitrogen deposition on ferns, 7 forest herbs, 240 gap area, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 herbivory, insect herbivory of Agalinis auriculata, gap size, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 Mulvaney et al., 560 Gaylussacia brachycera, genetic diversity of box HERMSEN, ELIZABETH J., Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 huckleberry, 439 Hesst, Amy, radial tree growth in Delaware, geitonogamy, pollination in Spiranthes diluvialis, 412 Smolnik et al., 577 gene flow, genetic diversity in Lithospermum canes- heterophylly, Odontopteris brardii from the Pennsyl- cens, Kittelson and Handler, 513 vanian of Missouri, 33 Genetic diversity among accessions of the endan- Heyet, SusAN M., residual effects of nitrogen gered box huckleberry (Gaylussacia brachycera) addition on dunes, 297 based on AFLP markers, 439 HILTON, JASON, pteridosperms in seed-plant phylog- Genetic diversity in isolated patches of the tallgrass eny, 119 prairie forb, Lithospermum canescens (Boragi- historical flora, of Sable Island, Canada, 362 naceae), Kittelson and Handler, 513 historic vegetation, estimates of historical tree Genetic relationships among species of Populus density, 449 (Salicaceae) based on nuclear genomic data, HOCKENBERRY, ANNE W., effects of nitrogen de- Hamzeh et al., 519 position on forest herbs, 240 genetic variation, genetic diversity of box huckle- honey bees, pollinators promote Paederia foetida, berry, 439 304 germination, in Boltonia decurrens, Smith and Hunsley, 528 Hont YOuANES A. K., Gipson, Davin J., exotic species on forest edges, 255 exotic species on forest edges, 255 response of Tridens flavus in old fields, 421 response of Tridens flavus in old fields, 421 hummingbirds, reproductive biology of Psitta- GILLIAM, FRANK S., effects of nitrogen deposition on canthus calyculauts, 429 forest herbs, 240 HuNSLEY, EvANn, germination in Boltonia decurrens, glossopterids, seed ferns and angiosperm origins, Smith and Hunsley, 528 hybrid, /mpatiens capensis, Zika, 593 169 Glossopteris, silicification and Glossopteris, 46 ice storms, radial tree growth in Delaware, Smolnik Gondwana, et al., 577 Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 Illinois prairie, analysis of Illinois and Wisconsin silicification and Glossopteris, 46 remnant prairies, 267 Government Land Office Survey, estimates of Impatiens capensis, Zika, 593 historical tree density, 449 Impatiens ecalcarata, Impatiens capensis, Zika, 593 granivory, insect herbivory of {galinis auriculata, Influence of annual fluctuations in environmental Mulvaney et al., 560 conditions on chasmogamous flower produc- grasslands, of North America, Anderson, 626 tion in Viola striata, 312 Greller, A. M. (Book Review) Influence of long-term greentree reservoir impound- Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: A Field ment on stand structure, species composition, Guide to the Northeastern United States and hydrophytic indicators, 468 GriesBAcH, Rosert J., genetic diversity of box inorganic nutrients, analysis of Illinois and Wiscon- huckleberry, 439 sin remnant prairies, 267 Griswo.p, T. L., blowout penstemon in Nebraska, introduced species, pollinators promote Paederia Tepedino et al., 548 foetida, 304 Groundlayer vegetation gradients across oak wood- introgression, land canopy gaps, 225 genetic relationships of Populus Hamzeh et al., growing season fire, lightning and, 217 519 GRUNDEL, RALPH, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 Impatiens capensis, Zika, 593 GTR, greentree reservoir management, 468 invasion ecology, exotic species on forest edges, 25 Gyromitus, silica-scaled chrysophytes from New invasive species, pollinators promote Paederia foe- York, 482 tida, 304 20K 6] INDEX TO VOLUME 133, 2006 667 Is insect herbivory contributing to the threatened Mallomonas, silica-scaled chrysophytes from New status of Agalinis auriculata (Orobanchaceae) in York, 482 Illinois?, Mulvaney et al., 560 manoxylic, diversification of arborescent seed ferns, island biodiversity, flora of Sable Island, Canada, 7 362 é McCarthy, Brian C. (Book Review) ISSR markers, genetic relationships of Populus Forest Development: Succession, Environmental Hamzeh et al., 519 Stress and Forest Management, 377 Jones, SUZANNE L., estimates of historical tree Species Invasions: Insights into Ecology, Evolu- density, 449 tion, and Biogeography, 375 Jurassic, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 Medullosaceae, permineralized stems of the Upper Kerp, HANns, Paleozoic, 20 Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 Menapace, Francis J., silica-scaled chrysophytes Odontopteris brardii from the Pennsylvanian of from New York, 482 Missouri, 33 Mesozoic seed ferns: old paradigms, new discoveries, KITTELSON, PAMELA M., genetic diversity in Lithos- 62 permum canescens, Kittelson and Handler, 513 Microhabitat factors and the distribution of exotic KLAvins, SHARON D., Odontopteris brardii from the species across forest edges in temperate de- Pennsylvanian of Missouri, 33 ciduous forests of southern Illinois, USA, effects KriINnGs, MICHAEL, Odontopteris brardii from the of nitrogen deposition on forest herbs, 240 Pennsylvanian of Missouri, 33 microhabitat factors, exotic species on forest edges, KRUEGER, JEROME A., eastern white pine, Zenner 255 and Krueger, 585 military land use, mixed pine-hardwood forests, 460 LAMONT, Eric E., Mississippian, flora of Sable Island, Canada, 362 diversification of arborescent seed ferns, 7 Noteworthy plants reported from Torrey range permineralized seed fern stems of the Upper 2004 and 2005, Lamont & Young, 648 Paleozoic, 20 Land use history effects in mixed pine-hardwood Missourian Stage, Odontopteris brardii from the forests at Fort Benning, 460 Pennsylvanian of Missouri, 33 Landscape analysis of Illinois and Wisconsin rem- mistletoes, reproductive biology of Psittacanthus nant prairies, 267 calyculauts, 429 LARA, CARLOS, reproductive biology of Psittacanthus mixed breeding system, flower production in Viola calyculauts, 429 striata, 312 Lasioglossum, fruit and seed production in Lysima- MEYER-BERTHAUD, Bricitre, diversification of ar- chia asperulifolia, 403 borescent seed ferns, Leck, Mary A., (Book Review), MippDLeTon, BetH A., response of Tridens flavus in Seeds of Central America and Southern Mexico: old fields, 421 The Economic Species, 213 Modifying distance methods to improve estimates of The Ecology of Seeds, 212 historical tree density from General Land legumes, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 Office survey records, 449 Lescuropteris genuina, Odontopteris brardii from the moisture gradient, analysis of Illinois and Wisconsin Pennsylvanian of Missouri, 33 remnant prairies, 267 LEVIN, Georrrey A., multivariate analysis of MOLANO-FLORES, BRENDA, insect herbivory of 1ga- Pseudocymopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., 499 linis auriculata, Mulvaney et al., 560 lightning strikes, lightning and growing season fires, moss, mosses of Black Rock Forest, 490 217 Morgan, E. (Book Review) Limitations to fruit and seed production by Lysi- The Ghosts of Evolution, Nonsensical Fruit, machia asperulifolia Poir. (Primulaceae), a rare pteridosperms in seed-plant phylogeny, 119 plant species of the Carolinas, 403 Mosses from Black Rock Forest, Orange County, Lithospermum, genetic diversity in Lithospermum New York, 490 canescens, Kittelson and Handler, 513 mowing, response of Tridens flavus in old fields, 421 litter, residual effects of nitrogen addition on dunes, multivariate analysis, 297 greentree reservoir management, 468 pollinators promote Paederia foetida, of Pseudocymopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., 499 l It. HONG, 304 MULVANEY, CHRISTOPHER R., insect herbivory of Loes, Rosert | 4 comparative flora of large igalinis auriculata, Mulvaney et al., 560 urban parks, Loeb, 601 mutualism, pollinators promote Paederia foetida, Long-term residual effects of nitrogen addition on 304 a barrier island dune ecosystem, 297 Native and introduced pollinators promote a self- Lonicera japonica, exotic species on forest edges, 255 incompatible invasive woody vine (Paederia LTER site, residual effects of nitrogen addition on foetida L) in Florida, 304 dunes, 297 native bees, blowout penstemon in Nebraska, Lyginopteridaceae, permineralized stems of the Tepedino et al., 548 Upper Paleozoic, 20 Nebraska sandhills, blowout penstemon in, Tepe- Lysimachia, fruit and seed production in, 403 dino et al., 548 Masure. Lucas ¢ . Zreentree reservoir management, nectar, rewards of herbs and weeds, Dailey and 468 Scott, 535 668 JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAI SOCIETY [VoL. 133 Netson, Peter K., mosses of Black Rock Forest, phenotypic plasticity, flood tolerance of pitch pine, 490 289 New York, PuiLuips, Tom L., pteridosperm paleoecology, 83 mosses of Black Rock Forest, 490 phylogeny, silica-scaled chrysophytes from, 482 genetic relationships of Populus Hamzeh et al., nitrogen deposition, effects on forest herbs of, 240 519 nitrogen fertilization, residual effects of nitrogen pteridosperms in seed-plant phylogeny, 119 addition on dunes, 297 seed ferns and angiosperm origins, 169 NisHIpA, HARUFUMI, silicification and G/lossopteris, PiGG, KATHLEEN B., silicification and G/ossopteris, 46 46 North American Apioideae, multivariate analysis of Pinus rigida, flood tolerance of pitch pine, 289 Pseudocymopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., 499 pitch pine, flood tolerance of, 289 Noteworthy plants reported from the Torrey range plant-insect interaction, pollinators promote Pae- 2004 and 2005, Lamont & Young, 648 deria foetida, 304 oak-hickory forests, lightning and growing season pollen limitation, pollinators promote Paederia fires, 217 foetida, 304 Odontopteris brardii, Odontopteris brardii from the pollination, Pennsylvanian of Missouri, 33 blowout penstemon in Nebraska, Tepedino et al., Odontopteris minor {. zeilleri, Odontopteris brardii 548 from the Pennsylvanian of Missouri, 33 in Spiranthes diluvialis, 412 Orange County, mosses of Black Rock Forest, 490 nectar rewards of herbs and weeds, Dailey and OrtAns, Coin M., flood tolerance of pitch pine, 289 Scott, 535 Orchidaceae, pollination in Spiranthes diluvialis, 412 pollinators promote Paederia foetida, 304 Oregon, Impatiens capensis, Zika, 593 reproductive biology of Psittacanthus calyculauts, Orobanchaceae, insect herbivory of Agalinis auricu- 429 lata, Mulvaney et al., 560 pollinator limitation, overstory release, eastern white pine, Zenner and fruit and seed production in Lysimachia asper- Krueger, 585 ulifolia, 403 Paederia foetida, pollinators promote, 304 pollinators promote Paederia foetida, 304 paleobotany, pteridosperms in seed-plant phyloge- Polygonum pensylvanicum, germination in Boltonia ny, 119 decurrens, Smith and Hunsley, 528 Paleoecology of Late Paleozoic pteridosperms from PooLer, MARGARET R., genetic diversity of box tropical Euramerica, 83 huckleberry, 439 paleoecology, of pteridosperms, 83 population genetic structure, genetic diversity in Paleozoic, paleoecology of pteridosperms, 83 Lithospermum canescens, Kittelson and Han- pan trap sampling, dler, 513 Paraphysomonas, silica-scaled chrysophytes from Populus, genetic relationships of Populus Hamzeh et New York, 482 al., 519 pathological pruning, eastern white pine, Zenner prairie, insect herbivory of {galinis auriculata, and Krueger, 585 Mulvaney et al., 560 PAVLOVIC, Noet B., oak woodland canopy gaps, 2222 5 prairie openings, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 Peltaspermales, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 prairie peninsula, Central Grasslands, Anderson, PEMBERTON, Rosert W., pollinators promote Pae- 626 deria foetida, 304 precipitation, response of Tridens flavus in old fields, Pennsylvanian, permineralized seed fern stems of the 42) Upper Paleozoic, 20 prescribed fire, mixed pine-hardwood forests, 460 Penstemon, blowout penstemon in Nebraska, Tepe- primary vascular system, diversification of arbores- dino et al., 548 cent seed ferns, 7 “Perfection” subverted? A contrivance for outcross- principal component analysis, multivariate analysis ing in a rare orchid is influence by pollinator of Pseudocymopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., 499 abundance, 412 Pseudocymopterus longiradiatus, multivariate analy- periderm, diversification of arborescent seed ferns, 7 sis of Pseudocymopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., PérRinet, Pierre, genetic relationships of Populus 499 Hamzeh et al., 519 Pseudocymopterus montanus, multivariate analysis Permian, of Pseudocymopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., 499 paleoecology of pteridosperms, 83 Pseudodendromonas, silica-scaled chrysophytes from silicification and Glossopteris, 46 New York, 482 permineralized, Psittacanthus, reproductive biology of Psittacanthus peat, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 calyculauts, 429 silicification and Glossopteris, 46 Pteridosperms are the backbone of seed-plant seed fern stems of the Upper Paleozoic, 20 phylogeny, 119 PETERSEN, SHERYL M.., lightning and growing season pteridosperms, fires, 217 diversification of arborescent seed ferns, 7 PeTERSON-SMiITH, Jessica, tidal freshwater swamps, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 Peterson-Smith and Baldwin, 566 Odontopteris brardii from the Pennsylvanian of PFEFFERKORN, HERMANN W., pteridosperm paleo- Missouri, 33 ecology, 83 paleoecology of, 83 2006] INDEX TO VOLUMI 133. 2006 669 seed-plant phylogeny, 119 Seed rain, transient seed banks, and seedling re- pycnoxylic wood, diversification of arborescent seed cruitment of annuals on a coastal beach, 379 ferns, 7 seedling recruitment, of coastal annuals, 379 quarter method, estimates of historical tree density, Seeds of Central America and Southern Mexico: 449 The Economic Species (Book Review), 213 random pairs, estimates of historical tree density, self-incompatibility, pollinators promote Paederia 449 foetida, 304 rare plant, blowout penstemon in Nebraska, Tepe- SerBet, Rupo.pH, Odontopteris brardii from the dino et al., 548 Pennsylvanian of Missouri, 33 reciprocal transplant, tidal freshwater swamps, shelterwood-with-reserves, eastern white pine, Zen- Peterson-Smith and Baldwin, 566 ner and Krueger, 585 regeneration, seed banks of hemlock forests, 393 Silica-scaled chrysophytes from east central New release cut, eastern white pine, Zenner and Krueger, York, 482 585 Sires, S. D., pollination in Spiranthes diluvialis, 412 remnant prairie, analysis of Illinois and Wisconsin skunk vine, pollinators promote Paederia foetida, remnant prairies, 267 304 Reproductive biology and pollination of the para- Siuis, WILLIAM, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 sitic plant Psittacanthus calyculatus, 429 SmitH, MARIAN, germination in Boltonia decurrens, reproductive output, response of Tridens flavus in Smith and Hunsley, 528 old fields, 421 SMOLNIK, MATTHEW, radial tree growth in Delaware, Response of Tridens flavus (L.) A. S. Hiche. to soil Smolnik et al., 577 nutrients and disturbance in an early succes- soil development, vegetation, topography, and soil sional old field, 421 effects on vegetation, 321 resprouting, lightning and growing season fires, <7!1 7 soil moisture, flower production in Viola striata, 312 restoration, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 soil nutrients, RicuTer, F. A., secondary succession by a Texas flower production in Viola striata, 312 river, 280 response of Tridens flavus in old fields, 421 roots, residual effects of nitrogen addition on dunes, solitary bees, nectar rewards of herbs and weeds, 297 Dailey and Scott, 535 ROTHWELL, GAR W , symposium: a century of seed Sorghastrum nutans, oak woodland canopy gaps, ferns, 4 225 Roulston, T., fruit and seed production in Lysima- southeastern mixed pine-hardwood forests, 460 chia asperulifolia, 403 southern Ohio, lightning and growing season fires, S allele diversity, fruit and seed production in 217 Lysimachia asperulifolia, 403 spatial distribution, seedling recruitment of coastal Sable Island, flora of, 362 annuals, 379 Salicaceae, g genetic relationships of Populus Hamzeh species diversity, of large urban parks, Loeb, 601 et al., 5 519 Species Invasions: Insights into Ecology, Evolution, San Antonio River, secondary succession by a Texas and Biogeography (Book Review), 375 river, 280 Species-specific effects of a 1994 ice storm on radial sand savanna, oak woodland canopy gaps, 2925 tree growth in Delaware, Smolnik et al., 577 savanna forbland, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 spectrophotometry, nectar rewards of herbs and Scorr, Perer E., nectar rewards of herbs and weeds, weeds, Dailey and Scott, 535 Dailey and Scott, 535 Spiniferomonas, silica-scaled chrysophytes from seasonal patterns, effects of nitrogen deposition on New York, 482 forest herbs, 240 Spiranthes, pollination in Spiranthes diluvialis, 412 secondary phloem, diversification of arborescent spring ephemerals, nectar rewards of herbs and seed ferns, 7 weeds, Dailey and Scott, 535 secondary succession, by a Texas river, 280 Spring nectar sources for solitary bees and flies in seed bank, a landscape of deciduous forest and agricultural of hemlock forests, 393 fields: production, variability, and consump- tidal freshwater swamps, Peterson-Smith and tion, Dailey and Scott, 535 Baldwin, 566 STALTER, RICHARD, flora of Sable Island, Canada, Seed ferns and the origin of angiosperms, 169 362 seed ferns, Staten Island, seedling recruitment of coastal in seed-plant phylogeny, 119 annuals, 379 Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 Stephanian, Odontopteris brardii from the Pennsyl- paleoecology of, 83 vanian of Missouri, 33 permineralized stems of, 20 sterility, fruit and seed production in Lysimachia seed germination, fruit and seed pre »duction asperulifolia, 403 Lysimachia asperulifolia, 403 Stephenson, S.L. (Book Review) seed plants, The Triumph of the Fungi: A Rotten History, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 664 phylogeny, 119 Stewart, Wilson Nichols, seed ferns and angiosperm origins, 169 bibliography, | seed production, in Lysimachia asperulifolia, 403 dedication, | 670 JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY [VoL. 133 STILING, Perer, pollinators promote Paederia foe- transient seed bank, seedling recruitment of coastal tida, 304 annuals, 379 Stucky, J. M., fruit and seed production in tree habit, diversification of arborescent seed ferns, 7 Lysimachia asperulifolia, 403 tree rings, radial tree growth in Delaware, Smolnik structural retention, eastern white pine, Zenner and et al., 577 Krueger, 585 Triassic, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 structure, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 Tridens flavus, response in old fields, 421 SULLIVAN, KELLEY A., seed banks of hemlock Tsuga canadensis, seed banks of hemlock forests, 393 forests, 393 Two decades of vegetation change on terraces of successional old field, response of Tridens flavus in a south Texas river, 280 old fields, 421 Understory and overstory growth responses to Sun, Feno-Jie, multivariate analysis of Pseudocy- structural retention of mature eastern white mopterus (Apiaceae), Sun et al., 499 pine (Pinus strobus L.), Zenner and Krueger, SwiGart, RiIcHARD, estimates of historical tree 585 density, 449 Unraveling the Gordian Knot: interactions among Synura, silica-scaled chrysophytes from New York, vegetation, topography, and soil properties in 482 the central and southern Appalachians, 321 tallgrass prairie, genetic diversity in Lithospermum urban, a comparative flora of parks, Loeb: 133(4) canescens, Kittelson and Handler, 513 USA, oak woodland canopy gaps, 225 Taytor, Epirn | Van Auken, O. W., secondary succession by a Texas Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 river, 280 Odontopteris brardii from the Pennsylvanian of variograms, seedling recruitment of coastal annuals, Missouri, 33 379 Taytor, THOMAS N., vegetation, Mesozoic seed ferns, 62 tidal freshwater swamps, Peterson-Smith and Odontopteris brardii from the Pennsylvanian of Baldwin, 566 Missouri, 33 topography, and soil effects on, 321 Tepepino, V. J., vegetation analysis, analysis of Illinois and Wiscon- blowout penstemon in Nebraska, Tepedino et al., 548 sin remnant prairies, 267 Viola striata, flower production in, 312 pollination in Spiranthes diluvialis, 412 Washington, /mpatiens capensis, Zika, 593 Tephrosia virginiana, oak woodland canopy gaps, weed, /mpatiens capensis, Zika, 593 7046 Wenskus, Tim (Book Review), 375 The diversification of early arborescent seed ferns, 7 The Ecology of Seeds (Book Review), 212 WeNTWorTH, T. R., fruit and seed production in The Ghosts of Evolution, Nonsensical Fruit, Miss- Lysimachia asperulifolia, 403 ing Partners, and Other Ecological Anachron- wetland management, greentree reservoir manage- isms (Book Review), 497 ment, 468 The historical and extant flora of Sable Island, Nova WHITMAN, DouG Las W., insect herbivory of Agalinis Scotia, Canada, 362 auriculata, Mulvaney et al., 560 The Mesozoic seed ferns: Old paradigms, new Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: A Field Guide to the Northeastern United States (Book discoveries, 62 The pollination biology of the endangered blowout Review), 495 penstemon (Penstemon haydenii 8. Wats.: Scro- Wild Orchids of the Canadian Maritimes and phulariaceae) in Nebraska, Tepedino et al., 548 Northern Great Lakes Region (Book Review), Ihe seed bank of hemlock forests: implications for 660 forest regeneration following hemlock decline, Wisconsin prairie, analysis of Illinois and Wisconsin 393 remnant prairies, 267 Ihe significance of silicified plant remains to the witness trees, estimates of historical tree density, 449 understanding of Glossopteris-bearing plants woody groundcover species, lightning and growing an historical review, 46 season fires, 217 rhe status of /mpatiens capensis (Balsaminaceae) on WRIGHT, Evan M.., silica-scaled chrysophytes from the Pacific Northwest coast, Zika, 593 New York, 482 The Triumph of the Fungi: A Rotten History (Book Wuseck, Daniet E., silica-scaled chrysophytes from Review), 660 New York, 482 threatened species, germination in Boltonia decur- YouNnG, STEPHEN M., Noteworthy plants from the rens, Smith and Hunsley, 528 Torrey range—2004 and 2005, Lamont & tidal freshwater swamps, Peterson-Smith and Bald- Young, 648 win, 566 ZENNER, Eric K.., eastern white pine, Zenner and Tournaisian, diversification of arborescent seed Krueger, 585 ferns, 7 ZikA, Peter F., Impatiens capensis, Zika, 593

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