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2005] INDEX TO VOLUME 132, 2005 655 Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona, vas Demography and habitat of Corydalis flavula (Raf.) cular flora of, 510 DC. (Fumariaceae) in south-western Michigan CARLQUIST, SHERWIN origin and nature of vessels in (U.S. A.), 16 Monocotyledons, 377 demography, of trees in an old Tsuga canadensis Carolina bays, effects of dominant species on vegeta woods, 483, of Harper’s Beauty over three years, tion change in wetlands of, 411 551 Caumsett State Historic Park, vascular flora of, 149 De Steven, Diane, effects of dominant species on veg- Changes in plant species composition along an eleva etation change in wetlands, 411 tion gradient in an old-growth bottomland hard Dioscorea oppositifolia, dispersal of vegetative bul wood-Pinus taeda forest in southern Arkansas, bils, 187 72. in a hemlock-dominated forest following Disjunct eastern hemlock (7suga canadensis) stands at woolly adelgid infestation in southern New Eng its southern range boundary, 602 land, 458 dispersal, of Dioscorea oppositifolia via water, 187, chasmogamy, reproductive allocation in Microstegium, and bi-colored displays in avian fruit preferences, 214 505 CHepick, Grecory P., reproductive allocation in Mi Disturbance, history 2nd climate response in an old crostegium, 214 growth hemlock-white pine forest, central Penn- CHIANG, JyH-Min, fire effects on light availability in sylvania, 103, in eastern hemlock forest, 103, his- oak forests, 432 tory of a coniferous forested wetland, 252, and Chlorophyll a Flourescence: A Signature of Photosyn vegetation-environment relationships in the Do- thesis (Book Review), 650 minican Republic, 293, and resulting vegetation CHRISTENSEN, NORMAN I stand dynamics in a Con- change in central Wisconsin, 492 necticut forest, 471 diversity, and vegetation-environment relationships in CLEMANTS, STEVEN E., vascular flora of Caumsett State the Dominican Republic, 293 Historic Park, New York, 149 Dominican Republic, vegetation-environment relation- cleistogamy reproductive allocation in Microstegium, ships in the forests of, 293 214 Dreyer, GLENN D., effects of woolly adelgid infesta- climatic variability, and shrub survival in the Sonoran tion on a hemlock-dominanted forest, 458 Desert, 421, and effects of dominant species on drought, and shrub survival in the Sonoran Desert, vegetation change in wetlands, 411 421, and effects of dominant species on vegeta- cloud forests, vegetation-environment relationships in tion change in wetlands, 411 the Dominican Republic, 293 DyGert, CLAYTON E., composition and structure of an coarse woody debris, in a coniferous forested wetland, old-growth headwater forest, 62 49 colonization, and vegetation change in wetlands, 411 eastern hemlock, disturbance history, 103, stands at its community composition, in forested urban wetlands, southern range boundary, 602 262 eastern white pine, dynamics in a coniferous forested competition, and fire-dependant flowering in golden wetland, 252 asters, 384, between Pedicularis canadensis and Effects of, an intense prescribed fire on understory members of a prairie community, 401, and as vegetation in a mixed conifer forest, 590, bi-col- sessing the competitive ability of Microstegium ored displays on avian fruit color preferences in vimineum, 573 a color polymorphic plant, 505, dominant species conifer forests, and fire in montane chaparral of the on vegetation change in Carolina bay wetlands Northern Sierra Nevada, 442 following a multi-year drought, 411, drought on CONOLLY, BARBARA, vascular flora of Caumsett State shrub survival and longevity in the northern Son- Historic Park, New York, 149 oran Desert, 421, leaf litter depth on the emer- continuous mortality, among shrubs in the Sonoran gence and seedling growth of deciduous forest Desert, 421 tree species in relation to seed size, 50, Methy- Cook, James E., vegetation changes in a central Wis- lobacterium spp. strains on rice Oryza sativa L consin floodplain, 492 callus induction, plantlet regeneration, and seed- Corre, WILLIAM A effects of Methylobacterium on lings growth in vitro, 355, understory prescribed r. mce, 23<D<) burning on shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) / Corydalis flavula, demography and habitat in Michi mixed-hardwood forests, 236 gan, 16 EHRENFELD, JOAN G. vegetation of forested urban wet- Costs and benefits of self-fertility in Asclepias exaltata lands, 262 (Apocynaceae), 24 El Edén Ecological Reserve, vascular flora of, 311 climatic variability, and spring-flowering in deserts, 38 El Nifio and displays of spring-flowering annuals in Cumberland Plateau, =fi.re effects on li:g ht availability ) the Mojave and Sonoran deserts, 38 in oak forests, vascular flora of an old 1 ith International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illus growth forest, 618 tration, (Book Review), 533 E.uiort, KATHERINE J., effects of prescribed fire in DAMSCHEN, ELLEN L., and fungi-mediated mortality of pine-hardwood forests, 236 seeds in oldfield species, 613 endangered species, three-year demographic study of DANKEL, VIRGINIA, vascular flora of Caumsett State Harper's Beauty, 551 Historic Park, New York, 149 endemic flora, Falkland Islands, 115 deer, and changes in an old Tsuga canadensis woods, Environmental correlates of canopy composition at 483 Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, 90 656 JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAI SOCIETY {[VoL. 132 ephemerals, flowering display in deserts, 38 ground-flora, of an old-growth headwater forest, 62 episodic mortality, and shrubs in the Sonoran Desert, Goese., P- CHARLES, composition and structure of an 421 old-growth headwater forest, 62 Evans, LANCE S., stem surface injuries on Neobuxbau goldenasters, fire-dependant flowering in, 384 mia in Mexico, 33, red mangrove anatomy in re goldenseal, population differentiation in response to lation to internal airflow, 537 local environment, 561 exotic species, dispersal of Dioscorea oppositifolia Gos.ee, SARAH C., stand dynamics in a Connecticut 187 influences of an intense prescribed fire in a forest, 471 mixed conifer forest on, 590 gradient analysis, in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, 293 Fabaceae, Pedicularis canadensis and members of a GREENWOOD, KATE, assessing the competitive ability of tallgrass prairie community, 401 Microstegium vimineum, 573 Fagus grandifolia, and changes in an old Tsuga can GreLL, ADRIAN G., old-growth bottomland hardwood adensis woods, 483 Pinus taeda forest, 72 FaHey, TimoTuy J., vegetation-environment relation GRELLER, ANDREW M.., vascular flora of Caumsett State ships in the Dominican Republic, 293 Historic Park, New York, 149, (Book Review), Falkland Islands, native flora of, 115 535 Fire, and persistence of montane chaparral in mixed Ground-filora composition and structure of floodplain conifer forest landscapes in the northern Sierra and upland landforms of an old-growth headwater Nevada, Lake Tahoe Basin, California, USA, 442, forest in north-central Ohio, 62 and effects on light availability in oak forests by Gronovia scandens, predispersal reproductive ecology prescribed, 432, history and effects, in montane of, 581 chaparral of the Northern Sierra Nevada, 442 fitness, of progeny in Asclepias exaltata, 24 Haemodoraceae, origin and nature of vessels in Mono fleshy-fruit, and bi-colored displays in avian fruit pref cotyledons, 377 erences, 505 HAMEL, Benoit, R. tree-environment relationships in flora, of the Falkland Islands, 115, of Caumsett State Quebec, Canada, 90 Historic Park, New York, 149, of the El Edén Harper's Beauty, three-year demographic study, 551 Ecological Reserve, Mexico, 311, of a Delaware Harperocallis flava three-year demographic study, River tidal freshwater, 323, of Canyon de Chelly 551 National Monument, Arizona, 510 of an old Hart, JUSTIN I , eastern hemlock at its southern range growth deciduous forest, 618 of Great Gull Is boundary, 602 land, New York, 628 headwater streams, composition and structure of old Florida, allelopathic effects of Brazilian pepper on na growth forest, 62 tive species, 11, outcrossing in Hypericum cu HEDBERG, ANDREW M., Pedicularis canadensis and mutlicola in, 204, members of a tallgrass prairie community, 401 three-year demographic study of Harper's Beauty, 551 HEITZMAN, Eric, old-growth bottomland hardwood flower, attraction and size in Hibiscus, 197 Pinus taeda forest, 72 foraging, for pollen of Hibiscus by a specialist pollen hemiparasite, Pedicularis canadensis and members of feeder, 197 a tallgrass prairie community, 401 Forest‘Canopies, 2nd ed. (Book Review), 535 hemispherical photography, and prescribed fire in oak forest regeneration, in eastern hemlock stands at its forest, 432 southern range boundary, 602 hemlock, and twenty years of forest change in Great forested wetland, vegetation of urban, 262 Smoky Mountains National Park, 280 Forrester, Jovi A., dynamics of a coniferous forested wetland, 252 hemlock woolly adelgid, and stand dynamics in a Con Fraxinus pennsylvanica, and vegetation changes in a necticut forest, 471 central Wisconsin floodplain, 492 herbarium records, and spring-flowering in deserts, 38 Freshwater Algae of North America Ecology and Hibiscus moscheutos, and specialist pollen feeder A/ Classification, (Book Review), 533 thaeus hibisci, 197 frugivore, and bi-colored displays in avian fruit pref Himes, Sonja L., self-fertility in Asclepias exaltata, 24 erences, 505 histology, of red mangrove in relation to internal air FULE, Peter Z., effects of an intense prescribed fire in flow, 537 a mixed conifer forest, 590 Hix, Davip M., composition and structure of an old Fumariaceae, demography and habitat of Corydalis fla growth headwater forest, 62 vula, 16 Hoar, JANeE, vascular flora of Caumsett State Historic Fungi-mediated mortality of seeds of two oldfield plant Park, New York, 149 species, 613 HOLMES, KATHRYN I . Composition and structure of an old-growth headwater forest, 62 Gargiullo, Margaret B., (Book Review), 169, (Book HUISINGA, Kristin D., effects of an intense prescribed Review), 375, (Book Review), 651 fire in a mixed conifer forest, 590 Gipson, Davip J . dispersal of Dioscorea oppositifolia, Hydrastis, population differentiation in response to lo 187 cal environment, 561 Gowe, Amy K.., fire-dependant flowering in goldenas hydrogeomorphic class, in relation to vegetation of ur ters (Pityopsis spp.), 384 ban landscapes, 262 gradient analysis, and bottomland hardwood-Pinus Hypericum cumulicola, effects of outcrossing on re- taeda forest, 72 productive success of, 204 2005] INDEX TO VOLUME 132, 2005 657 Influence of shading on the growth and leaf photosyn- Long Island, vascular flora of Caumsett State Historic thesis of the invasive non-indigenous plant garlic Park, 149, flora of Great Gull Island, New York, mustard [Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb) Cavara and 628 Grande] grown under simulated late-winter to longleaf pine, three-year demographic study of Harp mid-spring conditions, | er’s Beauty, 551 Influence of environment, history and vegetative inter Lorowycz, Grace E., vascular flora of Caumsett State actions on stand dynamics in a Connecticut forest, Historic Park, New York, 149 47) Luisi, VINCENT, Vascular Flora of Caumsett State His inbreeding, in Hypericum cumulicola, 204 toric Park, New York, 149 invasive plant, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), |, Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius), 11, Maiti, CHARLES M., effects of Methylobacterium on Dioscorea oppositifolia, 187, Microstegium vi rice, 355 mineum, 214, Norway maple (Acer platanoides), MANGIACAPRE, ANTHONY, vascular flora of Caumsett 225, competitive ability of Microstegium vimi State Historic Park, New York, 149 neum, 573 MANNER, MEGAN E., non-native trees in urban wood- Invasive Plants of Asian Origin Established in the lands of Massachusetts, 225 United States and Their Natural Enemies, Volume Mantel test, and stand dynamics in a Connecticut for | (Book Review), 375 est, 471 marsh, flora of a Delaware River tidal freshwater, 323 Japanese stilt grass, competitive ability of, 573 MARTIN, PATRICK H., vegetation-environment relation- JENKINS, MICHAEL A., twenty years of forest change in ships in the Dominican Republic, 293 the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 280 Massachusetts, non-native trees in urban woodlands of, JOHNSTON, CarRoL, vascular flora of Caumsett State 225 Historic Park, New York, 149 mating system, and outcrossing in Hypericum cumu licola, 204 KACHI, NAOKI, specialist pollen feeder (Coleoptera) on Maryland, specialist pollen feeder (Coleoptera) on Hi Hibiscus, 197 biscus, 197 Kaibab Plateau, effects of an intense prescribed fire in McApa, JAMes H., native vascular flora of the Falk a mixed conifer forest on, 590 land Islands, 115 KosteL-HucGues, Fartn, effects of litter depth on seed McCarthy, Brian C. (Book Review), 169 lings, 50 McEwan, Ryan W. (Book Review), 170, (Book Re KupoH, HirosHi, specialist pollen feeder (Coleoptera) view), 534, vascular flora of an old-growth forest, on Hibiscus, 197 618 McGLone, CHRISTOPHER M., effects of an intense pre Lake Wales Ridge, outcrossing in Hypericum cumuli scribed fire in a mixed conifer forest, 590 cola on, 204 McGraw, James B., population differentiation in the LAMONT, Eric, vascular flora of Caumsett State His threatened plant Hydrastis, 561 toric Park, New York, 149, flora of Great Gull Methylobacterium spp, effects on rice, 355 Island, New York, 628 Mences, Eric S.., outcrossing in Hypericum cumuli LAMONT, Mary L., vascular flora of Caumsett State cola, 204 Historic Park, New York, 149 Mexico, stem surface injuries on Neobuxbaumia in Te land use history, stand dynamics in a Connecticut for huacan Valley, 33, wood, bark and pith anatomy est, 471 in Pittocaulon, 173, vascular flora of the El Edén landscape ecology, and fire in montane chaparral in the Ecological Reserve, 311 Northern Sierra Nevada, 442 Michigan, demography and habitat of Corydalis fla LARROW, BRIAN F, non-native trees in urban wood vula in, 16 lands of Massachusetts, 225 Microstegium vimineum, biomass partitioning and re LAUGHLIN, DANteL C., effects of an intense prescribed productive allocation in, 214, assessing the com fire in a mixed conifer forest, 590 petitive ability of, 573 LecHowicz, MARTIN J., tree-environment relationships MIDDLETON, BeTtH A., dispersal of Dioscorea opposi in Quebec, Canada, 90 tifolia, 187 Leck, CHARLES F, vascular plants of a Delaware River Mimicking Nature's Fire: Restoring Fire-Prone Forests freshwater wetland, 323 in the West (Book Review), 650 Leck, MARY ALLESSio, vascular plants of a Delaware mixed conifer forest, effects of an intense prescribed River freshwater wetland, 323 fire on, 590 Leicut, STACEY A., assessing the competitive ability mixed mating system, in Gronovia scandens, 581 of Microstegium vimineum, 573 mixed mesophytic forest, vascular flora of an old LeorpoLD, DONALD J., dynamics of a coniferous forest growth forest, 618 ed wetland, 252 Mojave desert, El Nifio and spring-flowering displays Lipe, Rosert F., effects of dominant species on veg- in, 38 etation change in wetlands, 411 Moore, Gerry, vascular flora of Caumsett State His light, effect of prescribe fire on in an oak forest, 432 toric Park, New York, 149 Lilley Cornett Woods, vascular flora of an old-growth Moraan, E. C., allelopathic effects of Brazilian pep forest, 618 per, Il Logan, Barry A. (Book Review) 650 Morrison, Janet A. (Book Review) 375 logistic regression, and veg<tation-environment rela Muhlenbergia mexicana, and the competitive ability of tionships in the Dominican Republic, 293 Microstegium vimineum, 573 658 JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAI SOCIETY [Vov. 132 MULHOUSE JOHN M., effects of dominant species on photosynthesis, of Alliaria petiolata under shading, | vegetation change in wetlands, 411 phyllosphere, and effects of Methylobacterium on rice, MULLER, Ropert N., vascular flora of an old-growth 355 forest, 618 phylogeny, and fire-dependant flowering in goidenas mutualism, and bi-colored displays in avian fruit pref ters, 384 erences, 505 Pinus echinata, effects of prescribed fire on, 236 Myers, CAROLINE V influence of shading on garlic Pinus strobus, dynamics in a coniferous forested wet mustard (Alliaria petiolata), | land, 252 Pinus virginiana, effects of prescribed fire on, 236 NAGEL, THOMAS A., fire in montane chaparral in the Pityopsis spp fire-dependant flowering in, 384 Northern Sierra Nevada, 442 Pittocaulon, wood, bark and pith anatomy in, 173 Neobuxbaumia mezcalaensis, stem surface injuries on, Plant Life of Kentucky: An Illustrated Guide to the 33 Vascular Flora (Book Review), 534 Neobuxbaumia tetetzo, stem surface injuries on, 33 plant-microbe interaction, effects of Methylobacterium New Jersey, vegetation of forested urban wetlands in, on rice, 355 262 plasticity, of Alliaria petiolata under shading, |, of the New York, vascular flora of Caumsett State Historic threatened plant Hydrastis, 561 Park, 149, flora of Great Gull Island, 628 Poaceae, reproductive allocation in Microstegium, 214, NIERING, WILLIAM A.., stand dynamics in a Connecticut members of a tallgrass prairie community and forest, 471 Pedicularis canadensis, 401 non-native species, and leaf litter depth, 50, in the flora pollen production, by Hibiscus moscheutos, 197 of Great Gull Island, New York, 628 ponderosa pine, effects of an intense prescribed fire on, northern white-cedar, dynamics in a coniferous forest 590 ed wetland, 252 Population differentiation of a threatened plant: vari Norway maple (Acer platanoides) and other non-na ation in response to local environment and impli tive trees in urban woodlands of central Massa cations for restoration, 561 chusetts, 225 Potential allelopathic effects of Brazilian pepper Nutrients, and tree distributions in Quebec, Canada, 90 (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, Anacardiaceae ) Nuzzo, Victoria A., demography and habitat of Coryd aqueous extract on germination and growth of se alis flavula, 16 lected Florida native plants, 11 prairie, Pedicularis canadensis in, 401 Oak, effects of prescribed fire on, 236, prescribed fire Predispersal reproductive ecology of Gronovia scan effects on regeneration, 432 dens L. (Loasceae), a plant from disturbed habi Ohio, composition and structure of an old-growth tats, 581 headwater forest, 62 prescribed fire, effects on pine-hardwood forests, 236, OKAWA, YUUYA, red mangrove anatomy in relation to effects of an intense prescribed fire on, 590 internal airflow, 537 old-growth, forest disturbance history of 103, compo Quebec, Canada, tree-environment relationships in, 90 sition and structure of riparian forest, 62, dynam Quercus, effects of prescribed fire on, 236, ics in an old Tsuga canadensis woods, 483, vas response to prescribed fire effects on light environ cular flora of an old-growth forest, 618 ment, 432 OLSON, MARK E., wood, bark and pith anatomy in Pit QUIGLEY, BERNARD, Vascular Flora of Caumsett State tocaulon, 173 Historic Park, New York, 149 ordination, of bottomland hardwood-Pinus taeda for QUINTANA-ASCENCIO, PEDRO F, outcrossing in Hyper est, 72 icum cumulicola, 204 Origin and nature of vessels in Monocotyledons Philydraceae and Haemodoraceae, 377 RAIMUNDEZ-URRUTIA, EF predispersal reproductive Orobanchaceae, Pedicularis canadensis and members ecology of Gronovia scandens, 581 of a tallgrass prairie community, 401 rare plants, of Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Orrock, JOHN L., and fungi-mediated mortality of Arizona, 510 seeds in oldfield species, 613 recruitment, and leaf litter depth, 50 Oryza sativa, effects of Methylobacterium on, 355 red mangrove, anatomy and morphology related to in Outcrossing effects on the reproductive performance ternal airflow, 537 of Hypericum cumulicola, an endangered Florida regeneration, and leaf litter depth, 50 scrub endemic, 204 reproductive allocation, in Microstegium vimineum, OVERHOLT, W. A., allelopathic effects of Brazilian pep 214 per, 11 reproductive ecology, of Gronovia scandens, 581 restoration, and fire in montane chaparral in the North PARATLEY, Rosert D., (Book Review), 534, vascular ern Sierra Nevada, 442, of the threatened plant flora of an old-growth forest, 618 Hydrastis, 561 path analysis, and stand dynamics in a Connecticut Rhizophora mangle, anatomy and morphology related forest 471 to internal airflow, 537 phenology, and spring-flowering in deserts, 38 RiccARDI, CYNTHIA L., vascular flora of an old-growth Phenology: An integrative environmental science, forest, 618 (Book Review), 170 Rice, effects of Methylobacterium on, 355 Philydraceae, origin and nature of vessels in Mono- RINK, GLENN, vascular flora of Canyon de Chelly Na- cotyledons, 377 tional Monument, Arizona, 510 2005] INDEX TO VOLUME 132, 2005 659 riparian forest, composition and structure of an old- stomatal conductance, of Alliaria petiolata under shad- growth, 62 ing, | Robinia pseudoacacia, related to demography and hab- soil moisture, and tree distributions in Quebec, Cana- itat of Corydalis flavula in, 16 da, 90 Rock, JANeT H., twenty years of forest change in Great stand dynamics, tree-ring study of Tsuga canadensis, Smoky Mountains National Park, 280 103 RUNKLE, JAMES R., change in an old Tsuga canadensis succession, vegetation changes in a central Wisconsin woods, 483 floodplain, 492, and effects of dominant species in wetlands, 411, swamp, vegetation of forested SANDERS, SUZANNE, population differentiation in the wetlands, 262 threatened plant Hydrastis, 561 Savannah River Site, fungi-mediated mortality of TAYLOR, ALAN H., and fire in montane chaparral in the seeds in oldfield species, 613 Northern Sierra Nevada, 442 Schinus terebinthifolius, allelopathic effects of, 11 Tehuacan Valley, stem surface injuries on Neobuxbau- Scumipt, JOAN, Vascular Flora of Caumsett State His mia in, 33 toric Park, New York, 149 The effect of prescribed fire on gap fraction in an oak SCHNEIDER, EDWARD I origin and nature of vessels in forest understory on the Cumberland Plateau, 432 Monocotyledons, 377 The evolution of fire-dependent flowering in golden- SCHULTZ, GILLIAN P., vascular flora of the El Edén Eco asters (Pityopsis spp.) logical Reserve, Mexico, 311 The Herbaceous Layer in Forests of Eastern North Scrophulariaceae, Pedicularis canadensis and mem America (Book Review), 169 bers of a tallgrass prairie community, 401 The historical and extant flora of Great Gull Island, Searcy, Dennis G.., red mangrove anatomy in relation New York, 628 to internal airflow, 537 The vascular flora of an old-growth mixed mesophytic seed, number of in Asclepias exaltata, 24, and bi-col- forest in southeastern Kentucky, 618 ored displays in avian fruit preferences, 505, fun THOMAS, JENNIFER R.., dispersal of Dioscorea opposi- gi-mediated mortality in, 613 tifolia, 187 self-fertility, in Asclepias exaltata, 24 Thuja occidentalis, dynamics in a coniferous forested SEMKO-DUNCAN, MARIE, Composition and structure of wetland, 252 an old-growth headwater forest, 62 tracheids, origin and nature of in Monocotyledons, 377 Senecio, wood anatomy in Pittocaulon, 173 TRAGER, MATTHEW D., outcrossing in Hypericum cu- SHANKMAN, Davip, eastern hemlock at its southern mulicola, 204 range boundary, 602 Trapnell, Dorset W. (Book Review), 533 SHaritz, Resecca R., effects of dominant species on tree-ring, study of hemlock-white pine forest, 103 vegetation change in wetlands, 411 Trees of Pennsylvania: A Complete Reference (Book SHELTON, MicuHaet G., old-growth bottomland hard Review), 169 wood-Pinus taeda forest, 72 tropical forests, in the mountains of the Cordillera SHERMAN, RuTH E vegetation-environment relation Central, Dominican Republic, 293, dry forest in ships in the Dominican Republic, 293 the El Edén Ecological Reserve, Mexico, 311 SHIMAMURA, Ryousl, specialist pollen feeder (Coleop Tsuga canadensis, disturbance history, 103, twenty tera) on Hibiscus, 197 years of forest change in Great Smoky Mountains shortleaf pine, effects of prescribed fire on, 236 National Park, 280, twenty-four years of change shrubs, drought effects on in the Sonoran Desert, 421 in an old woods, 483, changes following woolly SILANDER, JOHN A., JR., assessing the competitive abil adelgid infestation, 458, stands at its southern ity of Microstegium vimineum, 573 range boundary, 602 Si_tetti, ANDREA M.., three-year demographic study of Twenty years of forest change in the woodlots of Harper's Beauty, 551 Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National SMALL, CHRISTINE J., effects of woolly adelgid infes Park, 280 tation on a hemlock-dominanted forest, 458 Twenty-four years of change in an old Tsuga cana SMALL, MELANIE J., effects of woolly adelgid infesta- densis woods affected by beech bark disease, 483 tion on a hemlock-dominanted forest, 458 Sonoran desert, El Nifio and spring-flowering displays understory, reproductive allocation in Microstegium, in, 38, effects of drought on shrubs in, 421 214, composition change in Great Smoky Moun- species richness, in forested wetlands of urban land- tains National Park, 280, effects of an intense pre- scapes, 262, effects of an intense prescribed fire scribed fire in a mixed conifer forest on, 590, ur- in a mixed conifer forest on, 590 vascular flora ban forests, and leaf litter depth, 50, and non- of an old-growth forest, 618 native trees, 225, forested wetlands in New Jer- Sprincer, Juprru D., effects of an intense prescribed sey, 262 fire in a mixed conifer forest, 590 URBAN, DEAN L.., stand dynamics in a Connecticut for- spring-flowering annuals, in deserts, 38 est, 471 STALTER, RICHARD, flora of Great Gull Island, New York, 628 VARELA, C predispersai reproductive ecology of Stem surface injuries of Neobuxbaumia tetetzo and Gronovia scandens, 581 Neobuxbaumia mezcalaensis of the Tehuacan Val- Vascular flora, of Caumsett State Historic Park, Lloyd ley of central Mexico, 33 Neck, Long Island, New York, with notes on the stems, of red mangrove in relation to internal airflow, vegetation, 149, of the El Edén Ecological Re- 537 serve, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 311, of a Delaware JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY (VoL. 132 River tidal freshwater wetland and adjacent ter- WEBSTER, CHRISTOPHER R., twenty years of forest restrial areas: Seed bank and vegetation compar- change in the Great Smoky Mountains National isons of reference and constructed marshes and Park, 280 annotated species list, 323, vegetation dynamics, weed, predispersal reproductive ecology of Gronovia and prescribed fire in pine-hardwood forests, 236, scandens, 581 effects of environment, history and vegetative in- WEEKLEY, CARL W., outcrossing in Hypericum cumu- teractions on, 471, and effects of dominant spe- licola, 204 cies on vegetation change in wetlands, 411, and Wenr, Joun D., effects of litter depth on seedlings, 50 fire in montane chaparral in the Northern Sierra wetland, dynamics and disturbance history of a forest- Nevada, 442, in an old Tsuga canadensis woods ed, 252, and specialist pollen feeder (Coleoptera) affected by beech bark disease, 483, due to wool- on Hibiscus, 197, seed bank and vegetation com- ly adelgid infestation in a hemlock-dominated parisons of reference and constructed, 323, effects forest, 458 of dominant species on vegetation change in, 411 Vegetation changes in a central Wisconsin floodplain WHIGHAM, DENNIS F, specialist pollen feeder (Cole- from pre-settlement to the mid-21" Century, 492 optera) on Hibiscus, 197 Vegetation of forested wetlands in urban and suburban winter annual, in deserts, 38, demography and habitat landscapes in New Jersey, 262 of Corydalis flavula, 16 Vegetation-environment relationships in forest ecosys- Wood, bark, and pith anatomy in Pittocaulon (~Se- tems of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Re- public, 293 necio, Asteraceae): water storage and systematics, 173 vegetation-microtopography relationships, bottomland WYATT, RoBeErT, 24, self-fertility in Asclepias exaltata, hardwood-Pinus taeda forest, 72 vessel elements, origin and nature of in Monocotyle- 24 dons, 377 Vis, Morgan L., (Book Review), 533 xylem, evolution of in Monocotyledons, 377 Visitation of a specialist pollen feeder Althaeus hibisci (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) to flowers of Hibiscus Yorks, THAD E., dynamics of a coniferous forested moscheutos L. (Malvaceae), 197 wetland, 252 Vose, JAMES M.., effects of prescribed fire in pine-hard- YOUNG, TRUMAN P., effects of litter depth on seedlings, wood forests, 236 50 Yucatan Peninsula, vascular flora of the El Edén Eco- WALKER, JOAN L., three-year demographic study of logical Reserve, Mexico, 311 Harper’s Beauty, 551 Water dispersal of vegetative bulbils of the invasive exotic Dioscorea oppositifolia L. in southern I ZIMMERMAN, Lewis, vascular flora of Caumsett State linois, 187 Historic Park, New York, 149 gaPOSrTAL eSER VICE ~ Statement of Ownership. Management. and Circulation — — rs orey Rotarce Socety 810E 10 St Lewence KS s6086.4867 i. e—e = oe- 479896) 1238 on 230 Torrey Goterce Sect, 8106 OPS germs «3 seoee ame? NSeS eeee e—e e a Te T= Torey Sotercet Somety 810E (OP St Lawrence « oes e007 ire ee, eer o ereor Me fey ) | Pore Mat Che Unwarety Aihara Or 45 ay ee ee eee eee

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