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THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE VOLUME 16 Number1 (March 2010) pp. 1-213 Number 2 (June 2010) pp. 215-458 Number 3 (September 2010) pp. 459-705 Number 4 (December 2010) pp. 707-951 Special Issue pp. Siii-S202 Authors Assors, E.-J. Uncertain tastes: memory, ARNOLD, D. Medicine, disease and ecology in ambivalence, and the politics of eating in colonial India: the Deccan plateau in the Samburu, Northern Kenya by J. 19th century by L.D. Satya [Book Holtzman [Book Review]. 16, Review]. 16, 932-933 661-662 ARTHUR, J.W. Social change and the evolution ALLEN, H. In care of the Southern Ocean: an of ceramic production and distribution in archaeological and historical survey of the a Maya community by D.E. Arnold Auckland Islands ed. by P.R. Dingwall, [Book Review]. 16, 905-906 K.L. Jones & R. Egerton [Book Review]. AustIn-Broos, D. Caribbean journeys: an 16, 906-907 ethnography of migration and home in At-Mouammnab, H. Making sense of everyday three family networks by K.F. Olwig life by S. Scott [Book Review]. 16, [Book Review]. 16, 175-176 935-936 Barer, M. A companion to psychological ALTER, J.S. God-botherers and other anthropology ed. by C. Casey & R.B. true-believers: Gandhi, Hitler, and the Edgerton [Book Review]. 16, 191-192 religious right by F.G. Bailey [Book BarBosa, G. Jeux et enjeux de mémoire a Review]. 16, 683-684 Gaza by C. Pirinoli [Book Review]. 16, ARGENTI, N. An introduction to childhood: 924-925 anthropological perspectives on children’s BARKER, J. Butterflies and barbarians: Swiss lives by H. Montgomery [Book Review]. missionaries and systems of knowledge in 16, 173-174 South-East Africa by P. Harries [Book ARGENTI, N. Des Saints nés des réves: Review]. 16, 448-449 fabrication de la sainteté et BARKER, J. The varieties of Melanesian commémoration des néomartyrs a Lesvos Christian experience: a comment on (Gréce) by S. Rey [Book Review]. 16, Mosko’s ‘Partible penitents’. 16, 669-670 247-249 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE VOLUME 16 Number1 (March 2010) pp. 1-213 Number 2 (June 2010) pp. 215-458 Number 3 (September 2010) pp. 459-705 Number 4 (December 2010) pp. 707-951 Special Issue pp. Siii-S202 Authors Assors, E.-J. Uncertain tastes: memory, ARNOLD, D. Medicine, disease and ecology in ambivalence, and the politics of eating in colonial India: the Deccan plateau in the Samburu, Northern Kenya by J. 19th century by L.D. Satya [Book Holtzman [Book Review]. 16, Review]. 16, 932-933 661-662 ARTHUR, J.W. Social change and the evolution ALLEN, H. In care of the Southern Ocean: an of ceramic production and distribution in archaeological and historical survey of the a Maya community by D.E. Arnold Auckland Islands ed. by P.R. Dingwall, [Book Review]. 16, 905-906 K.L. Jones & R. Egerton [Book Review]. AustIn-Broos, D. Caribbean journeys: an 16, 906-907 ethnography of migration and home in At-Mouammnab, H. Making sense of everyday three family networks by K.F. Olwig life by S. Scott [Book Review]. 16, [Book Review]. 16, 175-176 935-936 Barer, M. A companion to psychological ALTER, J.S. God-botherers and other anthropology ed. by C. Casey & R.B. true-believers: Gandhi, Hitler, and the Edgerton [Book Review]. 16, 191-192 religious right by F.G. Bailey [Book BarBosa, G. Jeux et enjeux de mémoire a Review]. 16, 683-684 Gaza by C. Pirinoli [Book Review]. 16, ARGENTI, N. An introduction to childhood: 924-925 anthropological perspectives on children’s BARKER, J. Butterflies and barbarians: Swiss lives by H. Montgomery [Book Review]. missionaries and systems of knowledge in 16, 173-174 South-East Africa by P. Harries [Book ARGENTI, N. Des Saints nés des réves: Review]. 16, 448-449 fabrication de la sainteté et BARKER, J. The varieties of Melanesian commémoration des néomartyrs a Lesvos Christian experience: a comment on (Gréce) by S. Rey [Book Review]. 16, Mosko’s ‘Partible penitents’. 16, 669-670 247-249 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 INDEX 957 BARNARD, A. Interactions between ARRIER, J.G. Heirloom seeds and their hunter-gatherers and farmers: from keepers: marginality and memory in the prehistory to present ed. by K. Ikeya, H. conservation of biological diversity by Ogawa & P. Mitchell [Book Review]. 16, V.D. Nazarea Book Review . 16, 914-915 419-420 HRISTENSEN, J.B. Young and defiant in BAUMANN, G. The musical human: rethinking Tehran by S. Khosravi Book Review John Blacking’s ethnomusicology in the 16, 205-206 twenty-first century ed. by S.A. Reily 10TTI, M. Caste, occupation and politics on Book Review . 16, 410-411 the Ganges: passages of resistance by A. Bay Ly, S. The American war in contemporary Doron [Book Review]. 16, 666-667 Vietnam: transnational remembrance and ACK, T. Cosmopolitan archaeologies ed. by representation by C. Schwenkel [Book L. Meskell Book Review}. i6,6 908-910 Review]. 16, 700-701 ACK, T. How we got here: from bows and BayLy, S. War and shadows: the haunting of arrows to the space age by C.|R. Hallpike Vietnam by M.L. Gustafsson | Book Book Review}. 16, 418-419 Review |. 16, 690-691 LACK, T. The archaeology of identities: a BELLAGAMBA, A. Africanistica: le culture orali reader ed. by T. Insoll [Book Review dell’Africa by B. Bernardi | Book 16, 655-656 Rev 1eW . 16, 180-181 ARKE, M. Reproductive disruptions: gender, BENTHALL, J. Muslim-Christian encounters in technology, and biopolitics in the new Africa ed. by B.F. Soares Book Rev 1eW millennium ed. by M.C. Inhorn [Book 16, 688-689 Rey lew . 16, 675-676 Btu, S.D. Doing fieldwork in China ed. by OHEN, E. Anthropology of knowledge. 16, M. Heimer & S. Thogersen 5193-5202 Book Review]. 16, 681-682 OHEN, M.L. Chinese kinship: contemporary BoOSKOVIC, A. Holistic anthropology: anthropological perspectives ed. by S. emergence and convergence ed. by D. Brandtstadter & G.D. Santos Book Parkin & S. Ulijaszek Book Review]. 16, Review . 16, 432-433 200-201 ‘Ol SON, E. Asian and Pacific cosmopolitans: BosweELL, R. Lost people: magic and the legacy self and subject in motion ed. by K. of slavery in Madagascar by D. Graeber Robinson [Book Review]. 16, 178-179 Book Review]. 16, 186-188 OWLISHAW, G. Arrernte present Arrernte Bropy, A. Bodily practices and medical past: invasion, violence, and imagination identities in southern Thailand by C. in indigenous central Australia by D. Merli [Book Review]. 16, 193-194 Austin-Broos | Book Review]. 16, 424-425 Brown, M.J. Changing authentic identities: DALAKOGLOU, D. Migrating-remitting- evidence from Taiwan and China. 16, ‘building’-dwelling: house-making as 459-479 ‘proxy’ presence in postsocialist Albania. BuTcHINSkY, C. Righteous dopefiend by P. 16, 761-777 Bourgois & J. Schonberg [Book Review Datey, P. The role of France in the Rwandan 16, 944-946 genocide by D. Kroslak [Book Review}. BuTt_er, N. See Morenart, C.T. 16, 696-698 Capuer, C. Culture + rhetoric ed. by I. YARYN, G. Hindu kingship, ethnic revival, and Strecker & S. Tyler [Book Review]. 16, Maoist rebellion in Nepal by M. Lecomte- 936-937 lilouine | Book Review}. 16, 452-453 “AMPBELL, B. Cows, kin, and globalization: an as, V. Cultivating development: an ethnography of sustainability by S.A. ethnography of aid policy and practice by Crate [Book Review]. 16, 181-182 D. Mosse [Book Review]. 16, 183-184 "ANDEA, M. Anonymous introductions: yay, S. The re-emergence of ‘trafficking’: sex identity and belonging in Corsica. 16, work between slavery and freedom. 16, 119-137 816-834 ‘ANTLIE, A. Explorations in psychoanalytic »E PINA-CaABRAL, J. The truth of personal ethnography ed. by J. Mimica {Book names. 16, 297-312 Review]. 16, 194-195 YEMETRIOU, O. When Greeks think about ARRIER N. Worries of the heart: widows, Turks: the view from anthropology ed. by family, and community in Kenya by K. D. Theodossopoulos [Book Review]. 16, Mutongi [Book Review]. 16, 428-429 179-180 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 958 INDEX DereGowskI, J.B. Art without borders: a FARDON, R. In and out of the West: philosophical exploration of art and reconstructing anthropology by M. humanity by B.-A. Scharfstein [Book Godelier [Book Review]. 16, 679-680 Review]. 16, 407-408 FaRDON, R. The perils of belonging: Desat, A. Dilemmas of devotion: religious autochthony, citizenship, and exclusion in transformation and agency in Hindu Africa and Europe by P. Geschiere [Book India. 16, 313-329 Review]. 16, 425-426 Dittey, R. Reflections on knowledge practices Ferry, E.E. The world of lucha libre: secrets, and the problem of ignorance. 16, revelations, and Mexican national $176-S192 identity by H. Levi [Book Review]. 16, Dona, G. The making of psychotherapists: an 453-454 anthropological analysis by J. Davies Fortu, G. Symbolic classification: retrospective [Book Review]. 16, 435-436 remarks on an unrecognized invention. Downey, G. ‘Practice without theory’: a 16, 707-725 neuroanthropological perspective on Fortis, P. The birth of design: a Kuna theory embodied learning. 16, S22-S40 of body and personhood. 16, 480-495 Drazin, A. Dancing at the crossroads: FROERER, P. Educational failure and working memory and mobility in Ireland by H. class white children in Britain by G. Wulff [Book Review]. 16, 411-412 Evans |B ook Reivew]. 16, 170-171 Duany, J. Caribbean diaspora in the USA: Frots, C. Substitute parents: biological and diversity of Caribbean religions in New social perspectives on alloparenting in York City by B.E. Schmidt [Book human societies ed. by G. Bentley & R. Review]. 16, 413-414 Mace [Book Review]. 16, 931-932 DurRHAM, D. Generations in Africa: GalILLeE, M. Moral relativism by S. Lukes connections and conflicts ed. by E. Alber, [Book Review]. 16, 442 S. van der Geest & S.R. Whyte [Book GEWERTZ, D. See ERRINGTON, F. Review]. 16, 910-911 GLEDHILL, J. Anthropological perspectives on Dwyer, P.D. & M. MINNEGAL. Theorizing the neoliberal multicultural moment in social change. 16, 629-645 Latin America. 16, 651-653 Extr, $.D. The graves of Tarim: genealogy and GopDaRD, V.A. Appropriation as practice: art mobility across the Indian Ocean by E. and identity in Argentina by A. Ho [Book Review]. 16, 174-175 Schneider [Book Review]. 16, 167-168 ELLEN, R. Theories in anthropology and GopELIER, M. Community, society, culture: ‘anthropological theory’. 16, three keys to understanding today’s 387-404 conflicted identities. 16, 1-11 ENNEW, J. Growing up in a culture of respect: Goopy, E.N. On mechanisms of the emergence child rearing in highland Peru by 1. Bolin ofs ystematic socio-cultural variation: |B ook Review]. 16, 168-169 some comments on Nettle’s ‘Beyond ERRINGTON, F. & D. GEWERTZz. Expanding nature versus culture’. 16, 155-157 definitions, contracting contexts: a Gorpon, K.E. ‘The market sets the price’: comment on Mosko’s ‘Partible penitents’. determining prices in a Bolivian 16, 250-252 marketplace. 16, 853-873 Eves, R. ‘In God’s hands’: Pentecostal GOwLLAND, G. The anatomy of meaning: Christianity, morality, and illness in a speech, gesture, and composite utterances Melanesian society. 16, 496-514 by N.J. Enfield [Book Review]. 16, Ewart, E. The curse of Nemur: in search of 934-935 the art, myth, and ritual of the Ishir by Grant, A.P. Why do languages change? by T. Escobar [Book Review]. 16, 164-165 R.L. Trask [Book Review]. 16, 937-938 FajARDO, K.B. A coincidence ofd esires: Gray, J. Local agricultural shows in the anthropology, queer studies, Indonesia by Scottish Borders. 16, 347-371 T. Boellstorff [Book Review]. 16, Gunn, W. Of orderlies and men: hospital 421-422 porters achieving wellness at work by N. FARDON, R. Encounter, transformation and Rapport [Book Review]. 16, 437-438 identity: peoples of the Western Cameroon HarKIN, M.E. The Native American world borderlands 1891-2000. Essays in honor of beyond Apalachee: West Florida and the Shirley Ardener ed. by I. Fowler & V. Chattahoochee Valley by J.H. Hann Fanso [Book Review]. 16, 929-930 [Book Review]. 16, 667-668 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S. ) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 INDEX 959 HEITMEYER, C. Religious division and social Kxairs, F. Holy hustlers by R. Werbner [Book conflict: the emergence of Hindu Review]. 16, 916-917 nationalism in rural India by P. Froerer Kars, F. Séance reflections by R. Werbner [Book Review]. 16, 684-685 Book Review}. 16, 916-917 HoeppE, G. Boats to burn: Bajo fishing Kxaits, F. Shade seekers and the mixer by R. activity in the Australian fishing zone by Werbner [Book Review]. 16, 916-917 N. Stacey [Book Review]. 16, 184-185 KLEIN, J.A. Fair trade and a global HoFFSTAEDTER, G. Proper Islamic commodity: coffee in Costa Rica by P. consumption: shopping among the Malays Luetchford | Book Review}. 16, 182-183 in modern Malaysia by J. Fischer [Book KLEIN, J.A. Food and everyday life in the Review]. 16, 948-949 post-socialist world ed. by M.L. Caldwell HotcomBg, S. Bureaucrats and bleeding Book Review]. 16, 658-659 hearts: indigenous health in northern KNAuFT, B.M. Beyond polarization and Australia by T. Lea [Book Review]. 16, partition in Melanesian anthropology: a 677-678 comment on Mosko’s ‘Partible penitents’. Hovers, E. Origins and revolutions: human 16, 244-246 identity in earliest prehistory by C. KniGut, C. Evolution of human behavior by Gamble | Book Review]. 16, 417-418 \. Fuentes [Book Review]. 16, 917-918 INGHAM, B. One hundred summers: a Kiowa KUEHLING, S. Exchanging skin: calendar record by C.S. Greene [Book anthropological knowledge, secrecy and Review]. 16, 930-931 Bolivip, Papua New Guinea by T. Crook INGOLD, T. Footprints through the 16, 946-947 weather-world: walking, breathing, LAMBEK, M. Remembering violence: knowing. 16, $121-S139 anthropological perspectives on INsOLL, T. Meyer Fortes and material culture: intergenerational transmission ed. by N. the published image and the unpublished Argenti & K. Schramm [Book Review}. resource. 16, 572-587 16, 912-913 InvING, A. The power of the between: an Layton, R. Rethinking social evolution: the anthropological odyssey by P. Stoller perspective from middle-range societies [Book Review]. 16, 444-445 by J. Rousseau [Book Review]. 16, James, W. The perils of face: essays on cultural 918-919 contact, respect and self-esteem in Layton, R. The rights and wrongs of land southern Ethiopia ed. by I. Strecker & J. restitution: ‘restoring what was ours’ ed. Lydall |Book Review]. 16, 207-208 by D. Fay & D. James [Book Review]. 16, James, W. Transforming displaced women in 928-929 Sudan: politics and the body in a squatter Leap, W.L. Allah made us: sexual outlaws in settlement by R.M. Abusharaf [Book an Islamic African city by R.P. Gaudio Review]. 16, 662-663 Book Review]. 16, 938-939 JAMIESON, M. Bloodman, Manatee Owner, LEOPOLD, M. Living with bad surroundings: and the destruction of the Turtle Book: war, history and everyday moments in Ulwa and Miskitu representations of northern Uganda by S. Finnstrém [Book knowledge and the moral economy. 16, Review]. 16, 694-695 31-45 LINDHOLM, C. Sorrow and joy among Muslim Karser, T. Beyond the state in rural Uganda women: the Pukhtuns of Northern by B. Jones [Book Review]. 16, Pakistan by A. Ahmed [Book Review]. 426-427 16, 446-447 KAUFMANN, C. Das Land Entlang des Sepik. LINDISFARNE, N. Anthropology and climate Vergangenheitsdarstellung und change: from encounters to actions ed. by Migrationsgeschichte im Gebiet des S.A. Crate & M. Nuttall [Book Review]. mittleren Sepik, Papua New Guinea by U. 16, 913-914 Claas [Book Review]. 16, 665-666 LINDISFARNE, N. Anthropology off the shelf: Ketiy, W.W. The American game: capitalism, anthropologists on writing ed. by A. decolonization, world domination and Waterston & M.D. Vesperi [Book baseball by J.D. Kelly [Book Review]. 16, Review]. 16, 682-683 188-189 Loizos, P. On perpetual peace: a timely Kars, F. Encountering Eloyi by R. Werbner assessment by D. Senghaas [Book |B ook Review]. 16, 916-917 Review]. 16, 189-190 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 960 INDEX Lona, N.J. Haunting Malayness: the Unnithan-Kumar [Book Review]. 16, multicultural uncanny in a new 933-934 Indonesian province. 16, 874-891 MINNEGAL, M. See Dwyer, P.D. MacC ancy, J. Possessed prose. 16, 901-904 MokrraNn, B. The book fair as a tournament of MacCrancy, J. War, judgment, and memory values. 16, 138-154 in the Basque borderlands 1914-1945 by S. Motorcn, H. Thinking through things: Ott [Book Review]. 16, 698-699 theorizing artefacts ethnographically ed. McCourt, C. Bipolar expeditions: mania and by A. Henare, M. Holbraad & S. Wastell depression in American culture by E. {Book Review]. 16, 907-908 Martin [Book Review]. 16, 192-193 MonaGHaw, J. People of the volcano: Andean McNEILL, E.G. AIDS, sex, and culture: global counterpoint in the Colca Valley of Peru politics and survival in Southern Africa by N.D. Cook & A.P. Cook [Book by I. Susser [Book Review]. 16, 438-439 Review]. 16, 185-186 Maxovicky, N. ‘Something to talk about’: Morenuart, C.T. & N. But er. Ritual notation and knowledge-making among exchange and the fourth obligation: Central Slovak lace-makers. 16, S80-S99 ancient Maya food offering and the MALKIN, V. Women’s migration networks in flexible materiality of ritual. 16, 588-608 Mexico and beyond by T.D. Wilson MosHENSsKA, G. Gas masks: material culture, {Book Review]. 16, 664-665 memory, and the senses. 16, 609-628 Marasul, M. Defending the border: identity, Mosko, M. Partible penitents: a response to religion, and modernity in the Republic of comments. 16, 253-259 Georgia by M. Pelkmans [Book Review]. Mosko, M. Partible penitents: dividual 16, 176-177 personhood and Christian practice in Marasul, M. Sciences from below: feminisms, Melanesia and the West. 16, 215-240 postcolonialities, and modernities by S. N1EZEN, R. Reverse anthropology: indigenous Harding [Book Review]. 16, 196-197 analysis of social and environmental MARCHAND, T.H.J. Embodied cognition and relations in New Guinea by S. Kirsch communication: studies with British fine {Book Review]. 16, 197-198 woodworkers. 16, S100-120 O’Connor, K. Cheap meat: flap food nations MARCHAND, T.H.J. Making knowledge: in the Pacific Islands by D. Gewertz & F. explorations of the indissoluble relation Errington {Book Review]. 16, 659-660 between minds, bodies, and environment Osep, M. Searching for the ‘ideal face of the (Introduction). 16, S1-S21 state’ in a Lebanese border town. 16, MARCHAND, 1T.H.J. Preface. 16, Siii-Sv 330-346 Marspen, M. Violence and belonging: land, @DEGAARD, C.V. The city at its limits: taboo, love and lethal conflict in the North-West transgression, and urban renewal in Lima Frontier province of Pakistan by A. by D. Gandolfo [Book Review]. 16, Knudsen [Book Review]. 16, 695-696 949-950 MartIN, R. Young women in Japan: PALMEIRIM, M. Discourse on the invisible: transitions to adulthood by K.H. Okano senses as metaphor among the Aruwund [Book Review]. 16, 663-664 (Lunda). 16, 515-531 Martinez, D.P. Erotic grotesque nonsense: the PANDIAN, A. Interior horizons: an ethical mass culture of Japanese modern times by space of selfhood in South India. 16, 64-83 M. Silverberg [Book Review]. 16, 190-191 Persson, A. Embodied worlds: a semiotic Mascuner, H.D.G. Athapaskan migrations: phenomenology of Satyananda Yoga. 16, the archaeology of Eagle Lake, British 797-815 Columbia by R.G. Matson & M.P.R. Picarp, M. Embodied communities: dance Magne [Book Review]. 16, 406-407 traditions and change in Java by F. MatsunaGa, L. Pilgrimages and spiritual Hughes-Freeland [Book Review]. 16, quests in Japan ed. by M. Rodriguez del 950-951 Alisal, P. Ackermann & D.P. Martinez Pirtg, F. The violence of liberation: gender and |B ook Review]. 16, 686-688 Tibetan Buddhist revival in post-Mao Mitts, D. A new history of anthropology ed. China by C.E. Makley [Book Review]. by H. Kuklick [Book Review]. 16, 16, 685-686 198-199 POLLARD, T. Negotiating risk: British Pakistani Mitts, D. Critical journeys: the making of experiences of genetics by A. Shaw [Book anthropologists ed. by G. De Neve & M. Review]. 16, 678-679 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 INDEX 961 Pottorak, M. Neat is dead: studying RosBIns, J. Melanesia, Christianity, and mortuary traditions by C. Suhr, T. Otto cultural change: a comment on Mosko’s & S. Dalsgaard [Book Review]. 16, ‘Partible penitents’. 16, 241-243 915-916 Roserts, J.M. Deleuzian intersections: science, PortiscH, A.O. The craft of skilful learning: technology, anthropology ed. by C.B. Kazakh women’s everyday craft practices Jensen & K. Rédje Book Review}. 16, in western Mongolia. 16, S62-S79 943-944 PostTILL, J. Researching the Internet. 16, ROHLOFFE, A. Civility: a cultural history by B. 646-650 Davetian | Book Review . 16, 927-928 Power, C. Owen’s ape and Darwin’s bulldog: Rostas, S. Kitchenspace: women, fiestas, and beyond Darwinism and creationism by everyday life in Central Mexico by M.E. C.E. Cosans | Book Review . 16, 416-417 Christie Book Review]. 16, 423 Pratap, A. Formation processes and Indian Roy, S. Violence and gender in the globalized archaeology ed. by K. Paddayya | Book world: the intimate and the extimate ed Review . 16, 910 by S. Bahun-Radunovic & V.G.J. Rajan Prior, D. [he headless state: aristocratic Book Review . 16, 420 421 orders, kinship society and Rytter, M. In-laws and outlaws: black magic misrepresentations of nomadic Inner Asia among Pakistani migrants in Denmark. by D. Sneath | Book Review]. 16, 16, 46-63 671-673 3 SAETHRE, E. AJAK, D. ‘HIV/AIDS is our business’: the mortuary practices in indigenous moral economy of treatment in a Australia ed. by K. Glaskin, M. transnational mining company. 16, fonkinson, Y. Musharbash & V. Burbank 551-571 Book Review]. 16, 204-205 aPPORT, N. Apprehending Anyone: the SANTO, D.E. Crossing the water: a non-indexical, post-cultural, and »hotographic path to the Afro-Cuban cosmopolitan human actor. 16, 84-101 spirit world by C. Garoutte & A. APPORT, N. Enchantments of modernity: Wambaugh [Book Review . 16, 203-204 empire, nation, globalization ed. by S. ARRE , C. Heraldry for the dead: memory, Dube [Book Review]. 16, 922-923 identity, and the engraved stone plaques APPORT, N. United in discontent: local of Neolithic Iberia by K.T. Lillios [Book responses to cosmopolitanism and Review}. 16, 405-406 globalization ed. by D. Theodossopoulos “ARRY, J. Cahokia: a world renewal cult & E. Kirtsoglou Book Review]. 16, heterarchy by A.M. Byers [Book Review 925-926 16, 654-655 Rees, T. To open up new spaces of thought: HMIDT, B. Perspectives on the Caribbean: a anthropology BSC (beyond society and reader in culture, history, and culture). 16, 158-163 representation ed. by P.W. Scher [Book Retsikas, K. Anthropology and social theory: Review . 16, 931 culture, power, and the acting subject by HRAM, R. Witches’ wealth: witchcraft, S.B. Ortner [Book Review]. 16, 199-200 confession, and Christianity in Auhelawa, Retsikas, K. Unconscious culture and Papua New Guinea. 16, 726-742 conscious nature: exploring East Javanese pGwIck, M.W. The culture of copying in conceptions of the person through Japan: critical and historical perspectives Bourdieu’s lens. 16, S140-S157 ed. by R. Cox [Book Review]. 16, Rice, T. Learning to listen: auscultation and 689-690 the transmission of auditory knowledge. N, A. Fear of small numbers: an essay on the 16, $41-S61 geography of anger by A. Appadurai RICHARDSON, K. Alien ocean: anthropological Book Review]. 16, 439-440 SHAPIRO, W. Kinship and beyond: the voyages in microbial seas by S. Helmreich Book Review]. 16, 942-943 genealogical model reconsidered ed. by S. RicHes, D. The charismatic family: the Family Bamford & J. Leach Book Review]. 16, of Love and the British middle class. 16, 431-432 778-796 SHNEIDERMAN, S. Tibetan diary: from birth to Rio, K. Exchange and sacrifice ed. by P.J. death and beyond in a Himalayan valley Stewart & A. Strathern [Book Review]. of Nepal by G. Childs [Book Review]. 16, 16, 692-694 201-202 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 962 INDEX Sipert, E. Struggling for recognition: the Alevi Pinxten & L. Dikomitis [Book Review]. movement in Germany and in 16, 939-941 transnational space by M. Sékefeld TayLor, J.P. Janus and the siren’s call: [Book Review]. 16, 414-415 kava and the articulation of gender SiLuiTok, P. Trust in development: some and modernity in Vanuatu. 16, implications of knowing in indigenous 279-296 knowledge. 16, 12-30 TOMLINSON, K. The patriotism of despair: SILVERSTEIN, P.A. Village matters: knowledge, nation, war, and loss in Russia by S.A. politics and community in Kabylia, Oushakine [Book Review]. 16, 699-700 Algeria by J. Scheele [Book Review]. 16, TOMLINSON, M. Compelling replication: 429-430 Genesis 1:26, John 3:16, and biblical Sissons, J. Building a house society: the politics in Fiji. 16, 743-760 reorganization of Maori communities ToMutnson, M. Transnational transcendence: around meeting houses. 16, 372-386 essays on religion and globalization ed. by Smitu, D. An appreciation of difference: T. Csordas [Book Review]. 16, 447-448 W.E.H. Stanner and Aboriginal Australia TsINTJILONIS, D. The will to improve: ed. by M. Hinkson & J. Beckett [Book governmentality, development, and the Review]. 16, 691-692 practice of politics by T.M. Li [Book SMITH-PaRIOLA, J. Vodou nation: Haitian art Review]. 16, 427-428 music and cultural nationalism by M. Turin, M. Encompassing a fractal world: the Largey [Book Review]. 16, 408-409 energetic female core in myth and SRIVASTAVA, S. Fragmentary pleasures: everyday life — a few lessons drawn from masculinity, urban spaces, and the Nepalese Himalaya by G. Daryn commodity politics in Delhi. 16, 835-852 [Book Review]. 16, 202-203 Stacey, N. Conversations on the beach: Wyk, I. New directions in gender and fishermen’s knowledge, metaphor and religion: the changing status of women in environmental change in South India by African Independent Churches by B.M. G. Hoeppe [Book Review]. 16, 656-657 Sackey [Book Review]. 16, 941-942 StiLL, C. The Dalit movement in India: local VENKATESAN, 8S. Learning to weave; weaving practices, global connections by E.-M. to learn ... what? 16, S158-S175 Hardtmann [Book Review]. 16, 412-413 VON HELLERMAN, P. From enslavement to StiveNns, M. Family, gender and kinship in environmentalism: politics on a Southern Australia: the social and cultural logic of African frontier by D.M. Hughes [Book practice and subjectivity by A.J. Uhlmann Review]. 16, 657-658 [Book Review]. 16, 674-675 VON Poser, A.T. Society of others: kinship and STREET, A. Belief as relational action: mourning in a West Papuan place by R. Christianity and cultural change in Stasch [Book Review]. 16, 673-674 Papua New Guinea. 16, 260-278 WaaGE, T. Dilemmas of culture in African STRICKLAND, M. Aid and affect in the schools: youth, nationalism, and the friendships of young Chinese men. 16, transformation of knowledge by C. Coe 102-118 {Book Review]. 16, 169-170 Stuart, D. Maya calendar origins: WaDE, P. Legalizing identities: becoming black monuments, mythistory, and the or Indian in Brazil’s northeast by J.H. materialization of time by P.M. Rice French [Book Review]. 16, 923-924 [Book Review]. 16, 166-167 WAHLBERG, A. Medical identities: healing, Sutton, D.S. Ethnic distinctions, local well-being and personhood ed. by K. meanings: negotiating cultural identities Maynard [Book Review]. 16, 436-437 in China by M. Rack [Book Review]. 16, Wa ker, H. Mobility and migration in 206-207 indigenous Amazonia: contemporary TaGGart, J.M. Rainy river lives: stories told by ethnoecological perspectives ed. by M.N. Maggie Wilson ed. by S. Cole [Book Alexiades [Book Review]. 16, 919-921 Review]. 16, 946 WarDLE, H. Globalization and the post-creole Tapp, N. Written cultures in mainland imagination: notes on fleeing the Southeast Asia ed. by M. Kashinaga plantation by M.A. Crichlow [Book [Book Review]. 16, 451-452 Review]. 16, 921-922 Taytor, J. When God comes to town: religious Watson, C.W. Being there: the fieldwork traditions in urban contexts ed. by R. encounter and the making oft ruth ed. by Journal oft he Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S. 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 INDEX 963 J. Borneman & A. Hammoudi [Book WILKINSON, J. Monkey Business Theatre by Review]. 16, 441 R.M. Laughlin & S. Jtz’ibajom [Book WEIL, S. Cultural diversity and the Review]. 16, 409-410 empowerment of minorities: perspectives WILLEN, S.S. Social bodies ed. by H. Lambert from Israel and Germany ed. by M. Al-haj & M. McDonald. 16, 676-677 & R. Mielke [Book Review]. 16, 694 Witson, L. Kinship and food in South East WESTBROOK, D.A. Designs for an Asia ed. by M. Janowski & F. Kerlogue anthropology of the contemporary by P. Book Review]. 16, 433-434 Rabinow, G.E. Marcus, J.D. Faubion WIsHART, R. The social effects of native title: & T. Rees. [Book Review]. 16, 443-444 recognition, translation, coexistence ed. WHELAN, D. Built to meet needs: cultural by B.R. Smith & E. Morphy [Book issues in vernacular architecture by P. Review]. 16, 670-671 Oliver [Book Review]. 16, 165-166 Woop, M. Pierre Bourdieu: key concepts ed. Wuitecross, R. Thin places: a pilgrimage by M. Grenfell [Book Review]. 16, home by A. Armbrecht [Book Review]. 680-681 16, 450-451 YALCIN-HECKMANN, L. Everyday Islam in WickstrOM, A. Virginity testing as a local Post-Soviet Central Asia by M.E. Louw public health initiative: a ‘preventive | Book Rev lew . 16, 449-450 ritual’ more than a ‘diagnostic measure’. YosHioka, M. The power of perspective: social 16, 532-550 ontology and agency on Ambrym, WIGHTMAN, A. Comanche ethnography: field Vanuatu by K.M. Rio [Book Review}. 16, notes ofE . Adamson Hoebel, Waldo R. 434-435 Wedel, Gustav G. Carlson, and Robert H. ZILBERG, J. The anthropology of childhood: Lowie ed. by T.W. Kavanagh [Book cherubs, chattel, changelings by D.F. Review]. 16, 668-669 Lancy |Book Review }. 16, 171-173 Articles Aid and affect in the friendships of young Building a house society: the reorganization Chinese men. Strickland, M. 16, of Maori communities around meeting 102-115 houses. Sissons, J. 16, 372-386 \nonymous introductions: identity and Changing authentic identities: evidence from belonging in Corsica. Candea, M. 16, faiwan and China. Brown, M.]. 16, 119-137 459-479 Anthropological perspectives on the Community, society, culture: three keys to neoliberal multicultural moment in understanding today’s conflicted Latin America. Gledhill, J. 16, identities. Godelier, M. 16, 1-11 651-653 Compelling replication: Genesis 1:26, John Anthropology of knowledge. Cohen, E. 3:16, and biblical politics in Fiji. $193-S202 Tomlinson, M. 16, 743-760 Apprehending Anyone: the non-indexical, Dilemmas of devotion: religious post-cultural, and cosmopolitan human transformation and agency in Hindu actor. Rapport, N. 16, 84-101 India. Desai, A. 16, 313-329 Belief as relational action: Christianity and Discourse on the invisible: senses as cultural change in Papua New Guinea. metaphor among the Aruwund (Lunda). Street, A. 16, 260-278 Palmeirim, M. 16, 515-531 Beyond polarization and partition in Embodied cognition and communication: Melanesian anthropology: a comment studies with British fine on Mosko’s ‘Partible penitents. Knauft, woodworkers. Marchand, T.H.J. 16, B.M. 16, 244-246 $100-120 Bloodman, Manatee Owner, and the Embodied worlds: a semiotic destruction of the Turtle Book: Ulwa phenomenology of Satyananda Yoga. and Miskitu representations of Persson, A. 16, 797-815 knowledge and the moral economy. Expanding definitions, contracting contexts: Jamieson, M. 16, 31-45 a comment on Mosko’s ‘Partible Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010 964 INDEX penitents. Errington, F. & D. Gewertz 16, Partible penitents: dividual personhood and 250-252 Christian practice in Melanesia and the Footprints through the weather-world: West. Mosko, M. 16, 215-240 walking, breathing, knowing. Ingold, T. Possessed prose. MacClancy, J. 16, 901-904 16, $121-S139 ‘Practice without theory’: a Fragmentary pleasures: masculinity, urban neuroanthropological perspective on spaces, and commodity politics in Delhi. embodied learning. Downey, G. 16, Srivastava, S. 16, 835-852 $22-S40 Gas masks: material culture, memory, and Preface. Marchand, T.H.J. 16, Siii-Sv the senses. Moshenska, G. 16, 609-628 Reflections on knowledge practices and the Haunting Malayness: the multicultural problem of ignorance. Dilley, R. 16, uncanny in a new Indonesian province. $176-S192 Long, N.J. 16, 874-891 Researching the Internet. Postill, J. 16, ‘HIV/AIDS is our business’: the moral 646-650 economy of treatment in a transnational Ritual exchange and the fourth obligation: mining company. Rajak, D. 16, 551-571 ancient Maya food offering and the ‘In God’s hands’: Pentecostal Christianity, flexible materiality of ritual. Morehart, morality, and illness in a Melanesian C.T. & N. Butler 16, 588-608 society. Eves, R. 16, 496-514 Searching for the ‘ideal face of the state’ in a In-laws and outlaws: black magic among Lebanese border town. Obeid, M. 16, Pakistani migrants in Denmark. Rytter, 330-346 M. 16, 46-63 ‘Something to talk about’: notation and Interior horizons: an ethical space of knowledge-making among Central selfhood in South India. Pandian, A. 16, Slovak lace-makers. Makovicky, N. 16, 64-83 580-S99 Janus and the siren’s call: kava and the Symbolic classification: retrospective remarks articulation of gender and modernity in on an unrecognized invention. Forth, G. Vanuatu. Taylor, J.P. 16, 279-296 16, 707-725 Learning to listen: auscultation and the The birth of design: a Kuna theory of body transmission of auditory knowledge. and personhood. Fortis, P. 16, 480-495 Rice, T. 16, $41-S61 The book fair as a tournament of values. Learning to weave; weaving to learn ... what? Moeran, B. 16, 138-154 Venkatesan, S. 16, $158-S175 The charismatic family: the Family of Love Local agricultural shows in the Scottish and the British middle class. Riches, D. Borders. Gray, J. 16, 347-371 16, 778-796 Making knowledge: explorations of the > craft of skilful learning: Kazakh women’s indissoluble relation between minds, everyday craft practices in western bodies, and environment Mongolia. Portisch, A.O. 16, S62-S79 (Introduction). Marchand, T.H.J. 16, ‘The market sets the price’: determining S1-S21 prices in a Bolivian marketplace. Melanesia, Christianity, and cultural change: Gordon, K.E. 16, 853-873 a comment on Mosko’s ‘Partible The re-emergence of ‘trafficking’: sex work penitents. Robbins, J. 16, 241-243 between slavery and freedom. Day, S. 16, Meyer Fortes and material culture: the 816-834 published image and the unpublished The truth of personal names. De resource. Insoll, T. 16, 572-587 Pina-Cabral, J. 16, 297-312 Migrating-remitting-‘building’-dwelling: The varieties of Melanesian Christian house-making as ‘proxy’ presence in experience: a comment on Mosko’s postsocialist Albania. Dalakoglou, D. 16, ‘Partible penitents. Barker, J. 16, 247-249 761-777 Theories in anthropology and On mechanisms of the emergence of ‘anthropological theory’ Ellen, R. 16, systematic socio-cultural variation: 387-404 some comments on Nettle’s “Beyond Theorizing social change. Dwyer, P.D. & M. nature versus culture’. Goody, E.N. 16, Minnegal 16, 629-645 155-157 To open up new spaces of thought: Partible penitents: a response to comments. anthropology BSC (beyond society and Mosko, M. 16, 253-259 culture). Rees, T. 16, 158-163 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16, 956-969 © Royal Anthropological Institute 2010

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