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AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 22 Bacciagaluppi, M.: The Relevance of Attach- Eckhardt, M. H.: Remarks, 321 ment Research to Psychoanalysis and Ana- lytic Social Psychology, 465 Fauteux, K.: Regression and Reparation in Bemporad, J. R.: The Negative Therapeutic Religious Experience and Therapy, 623 Reaction in Severe Characterological De- Forrest, D. V.: Mind, Brain, and Machine: pression, 399 Action and Creation, 29 Bernandez, T.: The Eroticized Transference: Fragola, A. N.: From the Ecclesiastical to the A Tool for the Reconstruction of Child- Profane: Foot Fetishism in Luis Bufiuel and hood Sexual Trauma, 519 Alain Robbe-Grillet, 663 Breiner, S. J.: Leopold von Scaher-Masoch and Masochism, 639 Gilberg, A. L.: The Loss of My Dad: An Adult Bronheim, H. E.: Psychoanalysis and Faith, Developmental Issue, 555 681 Gillett, E.: Psychoanalytic Theories of Infant Differentiation of Self and Other, 587 Cabaniss, D. L., Oquendo, M. A., and Singer, Gornick, L.: Women Treating Men: Interview M. B.: The Impact of Psychoanalytic Val- Data from Female Psychotherapists, 231 ues in Transference and Countertransfer- Green, A. H.: Impact of Sexual Trauma on ence: A Study in Transcultural Gender Identity and Sexual Object Choice, Psychotherapy, 609 283 Castelnuvo-Tedesco, P.: On Rereading the Grinker, R. R., Jr.: Remarks, 321 Case of Anna O.: More About Questions Grinker, R. R., Sr.: Training of a Psychiatrist- That are Unanswerable, 57 Psychologist, 343 Cepeda, C.: Review of Freud and His Critics by Paul Robinson, 766 Ingram, D. H.: Poststructuralist Interpretation Chessick, R. D.: On Corruption, 377 of the Psychoanalytic Relationship, 175 Chessick, R. D.: Review of Practicing Psy- chotherapy: A Case Book by Michael Franz Kestenbaum, C. J.: Introduction (to Memorial Basch, 170 for Roy R. Grinker, Sr., 319 Chrzanowski, G.: Review of Hunger Diseases Klyman, C. M.: Widowhood: A Painful Intru- by Raymond Battegay, 167 sion Into the Analytic Space, 571 Cohen, J.: A View of the Moral Landscape of Kurzweil, E.: Ambivalences Among Freudi- Psychoanalysis, 699 ans and Feminists, 363 Cohen, M..: Little Girls Who Become Angels: The Prohibition of Feminine Narcissism in Lansky, M. R.: Shame: Coniemporary Psy- the Children’s Stories of Hans Christian choanalytic Perspectives, 415 Andersen, 153 Ligorski, M.: The Masked Superhero, 449 Litman, R. E.: The Dilemma of Suicide in deGroot, J. M., and Rodin, G.: Eating Disor- Psychoanalytic Practice, 273 ders, Female Psychology, and the Self, 299 Lothane, Z.: Review of Freud Evaluated: The Dent, K. Review of Psychotic Anxieties and Completed Arc by Malcolm MacMillan, Containment: A Personal Record on an 560 Analysis with Winnicott by Margaret I. Lit- tle, 352 Magee, M.., and Miller, D. C.: Psychoanalysis and Women’s Experiences of “Coming Eckhardt, M. H.: In Defense of Schreber: Soul Out”: The Necessity of Becoming a “Bee Murder and Psychiatry by Zvi Lothane, 356 Charmer”, 481 Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 22(4), 770-771, 1994 © 1994 The American Academy of Psychoanalysis AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 22 Bacciagaluppi, M.: The Relevance of Attach- Eckhardt, M. H.: Remarks, 321 ment Research to Psychoanalysis and Ana- lytic Social Psychology, 465 Fauteux, K.: Regression and Reparation in Bemporad, J. R.: The Negative Therapeutic Religious Experience and Therapy, 623 Reaction in Severe Characterological De- Forrest, D. V.: Mind, Brain, and Machine: pression, 399 Action and Creation, 29 Bernandez, T.: The Eroticized Transference: Fragola, A. N.: From the Ecclesiastical to the A Tool for the Reconstruction of Child- Profane: Foot Fetishism in Luis Bufiuel and hood Sexual Trauma, 519 Alain Robbe-Grillet, 663 Breiner, S. J.: Leopold von Scaher-Masoch and Masochism, 639 Gilberg, A. L.: The Loss of My Dad: An Adult Bronheim, H. E.: Psychoanalysis and Faith, Developmental Issue, 555 681 Gillett, E.: Psychoanalytic Theories of Infant Differentiation of Self and Other, 587 Cabaniss, D. L., Oquendo, M. A., and Singer, Gornick, L.: Women Treating Men: Interview M. B.: The Impact of Psychoanalytic Val- Data from Female Psychotherapists, 231 ues in Transference and Countertransfer- Green, A. H.: Impact of Sexual Trauma on ence: A Study in Transcultural Gender Identity and Sexual Object Choice, Psychotherapy, 609 283 Castelnuvo-Tedesco, P.: On Rereading the Grinker, R. R., Jr.: Remarks, 321 Case of Anna O.: More About Questions Grinker, R. R., Sr.: Training of a Psychiatrist- That are Unanswerable, 57 Psychologist, 343 Cepeda, C.: Review of Freud and His Critics by Paul Robinson, 766 Ingram, D. H.: Poststructuralist Interpretation Chessick, R. D.: On Corruption, 377 of the Psychoanalytic Relationship, 175 Chessick, R. D.: Review of Practicing Psy- chotherapy: A Case Book by Michael Franz Kestenbaum, C. J.: Introduction (to Memorial Basch, 170 for Roy R. Grinker, Sr., 319 Chrzanowski, G.: Review of Hunger Diseases Klyman, C. M.: Widowhood: A Painful Intru- by Raymond Battegay, 167 sion Into the Analytic Space, 571 Cohen, J.: A View of the Moral Landscape of Kurzweil, E.: Ambivalences Among Freudi- Psychoanalysis, 699 ans and Feminists, 363 Cohen, M..: Little Girls Who Become Angels: The Prohibition of Feminine Narcissism in Lansky, M. R.: Shame: Coniemporary Psy- the Children’s Stories of Hans Christian choanalytic Perspectives, 415 Andersen, 153 Ligorski, M.: The Masked Superhero, 449 Litman, R. E.: The Dilemma of Suicide in deGroot, J. M., and Rodin, G.: Eating Disor- Psychoanalytic Practice, 273 ders, Female Psychology, and the Self, 299 Lothane, Z.: Review of Freud Evaluated: The Dent, K. Review of Psychotic Anxieties and Completed Arc by Malcolm MacMillan, Containment: A Personal Record on an 560 Analysis with Winnicott by Margaret I. Lit- tle, 352 Magee, M.., and Miller, D. C.: Psychoanalysis and Women’s Experiences of “Coming Eckhardt, M. H.: In Defense of Schreber: Soul Out”: The Necessity of Becoming a “Bee Murder and Psychiatry by Zvi Lothane, 356 Charmer”, 481 Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 22(4), 770-771, 1994 © 1994 The American Academy of Psychoanalysis AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 22 771 Marmor, J.: Remarks, 321 Silvio, J. R.: Woody Allen’s “The Purple Rose McKenna, C.: Malignant Transference: A of Cairo”: A Psychoanalytic Allegory, 545 Neurobiologic Model, 111 Slipp, S.: Review of Object Relations Couple Miller, J. R.: Fear of Success: Psychodynamic Therapy by David E. Scharff and Jill Sav- Implications, 129 age Scharff, 168 Miller, J. R.: Substance Abuse: The Role of Depression and Trauma—A Case Report, Travin, S., and Bluestone, H.: Can the Impos- 753 sible Profession Help the Impossible Pa- tient—Is Freud Relevant in the South Olfman, S.: Gender, Patriarchy, and Women’s Bronx?, 433 Mental Health: Psychoanalytic Perspec- Tsaltas, M. O.: Changes in the Treatment of tives, 259 Abused Children: A Retrospective Review of a Practice, 533 Pollock, G. H.: Review of Collaborative Psy- choanalysis: Anxiety, Depression, Dreams, Viederman, V.: Edvard Much: A Life in Art, and Personality Change by Walter 73 Bonime, 351 Price, M.: Incest: Transference and Counter- Wallach, H. F.: Discussion of Lansky: transference Implications, 211 Shame—Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives, and Travin and Bluestone: Roth, N.: Review of Creative Characters by Can the Impossible Profession Help the Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, 358 Impossible Patient?, 443 Roth, N.: Review of Encountering Freud: The Warner, S. L.: Freud’s Analysis of Horace Politics and Histories of Psychoanalysis by Frink, M. D.: A Previously Unexplained Paul Roazen, 559 Therapeutic Disaster, 129 Roth, N.: Review of Forces of Destiny: Psy- Warner, S. L.: Review of Tactics and Tech- choanalysis and Human Idiom by Christo- niques in Psychoanalytic Therapy, Volume pher Bollas, 765 III: The Implications of Winnicott’s Contri- Roth, N.; Review of Meeting Freud’s Family bution by Peter L. Giovachini (ed.), 562 by Paul Roazen, 354 Washburn, M.: Reflections on a Psychoana- lytic Theory of Gender Difference, 1 Salzman, L.: Remarks, 321 Wolf, Alexander: Review of Psychotherapy of Schaffner, B.: The Crucial and Difficult Role the Submerged Personality by Alexander of the Psychotherapist in the Treatment of Wolf and Irwin Kutash, 767 the HIV-Positive Patient, 505 Schrat, A. H.: The Oedipus Complex: Some Zuelzer, M., and Mass, J. W.: An Integrated Observations and Questions Regarding Its Conception of the Psychology and Biology Validity and Universal Existence, 727 of Superego Development, 195 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 22 Abstinence, exceptions, 571 Bulimia, 299 Abuse, Bunuel, Luis, and foot-fetishism, 663 sexual, 211, 283, 533 “Burn-out”, 505 substance, 753 Adolescent development, 449 Case report: the role of depression and trauma, Affect regulation, 433 753 Affects, 433 Castration anxiety, and the Oedipal complex, Anafranil (Clomipramine), 195 727 Analyst’s loss of spouse, 571 Castration, 727 Analytic social psychology, 465 Cathartic method, 57 Anderson, Hans Christian, 153 Character, 29 Anna O., 57 Child abuse, treatment of, 533 Anorexia nervosa, 299 Children’s stories, 153 Anxiety, castration, 727 Chodorow, Nancy, 259 Applied psychoanalysis, 73 Civilizations, and corruption, 377 Assessment, of suicidal risk, 273 Clinical dilemmas, 505 Attachment research, 465 Clomipramine (Anafranil), 195 Coming-out, 481 BOOK REVIEWS Compulsions, 545 Basch, M.F., Practicing Psychotherapy: A Computers, 29 Case Book, 170 Conflict, 545 Battegay, R., Hunger Diseases, 167 Oedipal, 727 Bollas, C., Forces of Destiny: Psychoanalysis Corruption, and culture, 377 and Human Idiom, 765 Countertransference, 211, 231, 505, 519, 609 Bonime, W., Collaborative Psychoanalysis: and transference, 505 Anxiety, Depression, Dreams, and Person- problems and S. Freud, 137 ality Change, 351 Culture, 609 Giovacchini, P.1., Tactics and Techniques in Psychoanalytic Therapy, III: The Implica- Death, 505 tions of Winnicott’s Contributions, 562 of parent, 555 Little, M.I., Psychotic Anxieties and Contain- of analyst’s spouse, 571 ment: A Personal Record of anAnalysis, 352 Defense, 545 Lothane, Z., Jn Defense of Schreber: Soul Mur- Depression, 399, 639 der and Psychiatry, 356 and trauma, 753 MacMillan, M., Freud Evaluated: The Com- Development, infant, 587 pleted Arc, 560 adolescent, 449 Roazen, P., Encountering Freud: The Politics Deviations, 663 and Histories of Psychoanalysis, 559 Differentiation, 587 Roazen, P., Meeting Freud’s Family, 354 Dinerstein, Dorothy, 259 Robinson, P., Freud and His Critics, 766 Drug treatment, 195 Scharff, D.E. and J.S. Scharff, Object Rela- Dual-unity, 587 tions Couple Therapy, 168 Dying and suicide, 505 Wolf, A., and I. Kutash, Psychotherapy of the Submerged Personality, 767 Eating disorders, 299 Young-Bruehl, E., Creative Characters, 358 Ego ideal, 377 Breuer, Josef, 57 Eroticized transference, 231, 519 Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 22(4), 772-774, 1994 © 1994 The American Academy of Psychoanalysis SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 22 773 Ethical dilemmas, 505 Iatrogenic stimuli, to transference/counter- Evil, 699 transference, 571 External events, during and impacting analysis, Identification, 231 571 projective, 211, 433 Identity, 449 Fables, 153 “Impossible” patients, 415 Fairy tales, 153 Incest, 211 Faith, 681 Infancy, 587 Fantasies, suicidal, 273 Infant observation, 299 Fear of success, 129 Interpretations, 433 Fear-inducing patients, 415 Intimacy, 175 Female homosexuality, 481 Female psychology and eating disorders, 299 Kindling, 111 Feminine narcissism, 153 Feminism, 1 Lacan, 363 Feminist theory, 363 Latent homosexuality, and S. Freud, 137 Fetishism, 663 Lesbian relationships, 481 Film, 545 Logic, 29 Fluoxetine, 195 Loss, Foot-fetishism, 663 of analyst’s spouse, 571 Freedom, individual, through psychoanalysis, of parent, 555 699 French feminism, 363 Masochism, 639 Freud, Sigmund, 363, 433 Maternal imago, 153 and H. Frink, 137 Mind-brain, concept, 415 Frink, Horace, MD, 137 Model, neurobiological, 111 Moral philosophy, 699 Gender, 1, 231, 259 Munch, Edvard, 73 dysphoria, 283 identity, 283 Narcissism, feminine, 153 Gender difference, psychoanalytic theory of, 1 Narcissistic wounding, 377 Grinker, Roy R., Sr., Memorial for, 319, 321, Narrative, patient’s, 175 Negative therapeutic reaction, 399 Neural networks, 29 and shame, distinguishing, 433 Neurobiology, 111 Oedipal, 727 Neurocomputing, 29 Neutrality, exceptions, 571 Hate-inducing patients, 415 Hermeneutics, 175 Object, History, choice, 283 developmental, 533 relations, 1, 681 of psychoanalysis, 363 Obsessions, 663 HIV+ patient, 505 OCD, 195 Homosexuality, Oedipal, 1 latent, and S. Freud, 137 and pre-oedipal derivatives, 129 femaie, 481 complex, 449 Horney, Karen, 259 conflict, 727 Hospital treatment, 415 guilt, 727 Hysteria, 57 774 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 22 Pappenheim, Bertha, 57 Sadism, 639 Patriarchy, 259 “Safer sex”, 505 Play, and sexual fantasies, 639 Self, 587 Poderotica, 663 Self psychology, 299 Postmodern, 175 Sexual, Poststructuralist, 175 fantasies, and play, 639 Pre-Oedipal, 1 object choice, 283 and Oedipal derivatives, 129 trauma, 283, 519 Prediction of suicide, 273 Sexual abuse, 211, 283 Primal repression, 699 and treatment, 533 Projective identification, 211, 433 Shame, 433 Psychoanalysis, 433, 465 capacity for, 443 and faith, 681 Slavery, 699 applied, 73 Social psychology, analytic, 465 Psychoanalyst’s values, 377 Splitting, 415 Psychoanalytic, State-dependent learning, 111 culture, 609 Studies on hysteria, 57 practice, and suicide, 273 Substance abuse, 753 process, 433 Success, fear of, 129 relationship, 175 Suicide, 273, 505 theory of gender differences, 1 Superego, 195 training, 343 Superhero, 449 values, 609 Superman, 449 Psychobiography, 73, 639 Psychological trauma, 283 Psychology, 623 Talking cure, 57 Psychotherapist, and the HIV+ patient, 505 Technology, reproductive, 259 Psychotherapy, 299, 399 Theory, infant differentiation of self, 587 religious experience in, 623 Therapeutic reactions, negative, 399 Purple Rose of Cairo, 545 Training analysis, and H. Frink, 137 Transference, 111, 211, 231, 377, 571, 609, Re-enactment, 753 623 Reality intrusions, 571 and countertransference, 505 Reconstruction, 519 love, 519 Regression and reparation, 623 neurosis, 545 Relationship, psychoanalytic, 175 Trauma, sexual, 283, 519 Relationships, lesbian, 481 and depression, 753 Religious experience, 623, 681 Treatment of abused children, 533 Repetition compulsion, 545 Repression, primal, 699 Values, psychoanalytic, 609 Reproductive technology, 259 Violent patients, 433 Risk management, suicide, 273 von Sacher-Masoch, Leopold, 639 Robbe-Grillet, Alain, and foot-fetishism, 663 Robots, model for schizophrenia, 29 Widowhood, 571

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