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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology PERGAMON Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 69 (1999) 493-496 SUBJECT INDEX ACTH cyclic AMP-independent effects of, on glomerulosa cells of the rat adrenal cortex, 335 Aldo-keto reductase(s) molecular determinants of steroid recognition and catalysis in, 211 Aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) polymorphisms and cardiovascular function, 409 Androgen(s) current status of, suppression and radiotherapy for patients with prostate cancer, 239 heritability and the risk of developing, excess, 261 receptor(s) mechanisms of, activation and function, 307 molecuar defects of, 315 therapeutic use of, in women, 177 Antiestrogen(s) EM-652 (SCH 57068) a third generation SERM acting as a pure, in the mammary gland and endometrium, 51 Proapoptotic effects of, in breast cancer cells, 463 Aromatase and its inhibitors, 205 expression; do intracrine mechanisms regulate, 447 Brain steroid metabolising enzymes in the determination of, gender, 85 Breast cancer estrogen, alcohol risk of, 299 estrone sulfatase versus estrone sulfotransferase in human, 287 intratumoral levels of estrogens in, 293 sex hormone-binding globulin, its membrane receptor and, a new approach to the modulation of estradiol action in neoplastic cells, 473 tamoxifen resistant, coregulators determine the direction of transcription by antagonist-occupied steroid receptors, 45 Breast cancer cells proapoptotic effects of antiestrogens, progestins and androgen in, 463 Coactivators nuclear receptor, 3 Central nervous system androgen-activating enzymes in the, 117 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia update on prenatal diagnosis and treatment, 19 Cortisol as a mineralocorticoid in human disease, 403 Cyclic AMP -dependent protein kinase in testicular cells, 367 CYP11Al TATA cell-type specificity of human, box, 329 PII: S0960-0760(99)00085-0 494 Subject Index |J ournal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 69 (1999) 493-496 Endometrium EM-652 (SCH 57068) a third generation SERM acting as a pure antiestrogen in the, 51 Estrogen(s) alcohol and breast cancer risk, 299 receptor(s) basis for raloxifene action in bone, 37 a comparison of transcriptional activation by, a and 8 165 Estrogenic chemicals developmental effects of, are predicted by an in vitro assay incorporating modification of cell uptake by serum, 343 Estrone sulfatase versus estrone sulfotransferase in human breast cancer, 287 Gender-related brain prenatal stress and glucocorticoid effects on the developing, 109 Glial cells progesterone as a neurosteroid: synthesis and actions in, 97 Glucocorticoid(s) oxysterols, and cAMP with, each cause apoptosis of CEM cells and suppress c-myc, 453 prenatal stress and, effects on the developing gender-related brain, 109 receptor(s) mutagenesis of the, in mice, 253 118-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(s) type I and II, enzymes, 391 178-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(s) 3D-structure of human estrogenic, 1: binding with various steroids, 425 characterization of the HSD17B4 gene: D-specific multifunctional protein 2/, IV, 441 two, of estradiol biosynthesis: 17HSD type 1 and type 7, 431 Hyperinsulinemia effects of, on vascular blood flows in experimental obesity, 273 Insulin-like growth factor I autocrine regulation of Leydig cell differentiated functions by, 379 Leydig cells autocrine regulation of, differentiated functions by insulin-like growth factor 1 and transforming growth factor beta, 379 role of chloride ions in the regulation of steroidogenesis in, 359 Luteinizing hormone alterations in gonadal steroidogenesis in individuals expressing a common genetic variant of, 281 Mammary gland EM-652 (SCH 57068) a third generation SERM acting as a pure antiestrogen in the, 51 Menopause endocrinology of the, 31 progestins in the, 185 Molecular pathology and mechanism of action of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, StAR, 131 c-Myc suppression of, by glucocorticoids, oxysterols, and cAMP with glucocorticoids, 453 Polycystic ovary syndrome evidence for a primary disorder of ovarian steroidogenesis, 269 Subject Index / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 69 (1999) 493-496 Progesterone as a neurosteroid: synthesis and actions in rat glial cells, 97 Progestin(s) in the menopause, 185 proapoptotic effects of, in breast cancer cells, 463 Promoter of estrogen receptor suppression of gene expression by tethering KRAB domain to, target genes, 155 Prostate cancer current status of androgen suppression and radiotherapy for patients with, 239 Raloxifene an estrogen receptor basis for, action in bone, 37 Receptor(s) androgen(s) mechanisms of, activation and function, 307 molecular defects of, 315 estrogen(s) basis for raloxifene action in bone, 37 a comparison of transcriptional activation by, « and B, 165 glucocorticoid(s) mutagenesis of the, in mice, 253 nuclear coactivators: multiple enzymes, multiple complexes, multiple functions, 3 human Ad4BP/SF-1 and its related, 323 steroid(s) tamoxifen resistant breast cancer: coregulators determine the direction of transcription by antagonist-occupied, 45 interactions in the transcriptional regulation exerted by Stat5 and by members of the, family, 195 vitamin D in vivo function of, (VDR) in gene expression-VDR knock-out mice, 253 Salt-sensitive hypertension implication of ENAC in, 385 Sex hormone-binding globulin mediates steroid hormone signal transduction at the plasma membrane, 481 membrane receptor of, and breast cancer, 473 Steroidogenesis effects of disruption of the mitochondrial electrochemical gradient on, and the steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein, 143 in vitro studies on the role of the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor in, 123 role of chloride ions in the regulation of, in rat Leydig cells and adrenal cells, 359 Steroidogenic factor 1 is essential for endocrine development and function, 13 Steroid(s) receptor(s) coregulators determine the direction of transcription by antagonist-occupied steroid receptors in tamoxifen- resistant breast cancer, 45 interactions in the transcriptional regulation exerted by Stat5 and by members of the, family, 195 Steroid sulphatase inhibitors recent advances in the development of, 227 Sulfotransferase estrone, versus estrone sulfatase in human breast cancer, 287 Tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer coregulators determine the direction of transcription by antagonist-occupied steroid receptors, 45 496 Subject Index /J ournal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 69 (1999) 493-496 Transforming growth factor-8 autocrine regulation of Leydig cell differentiated functions by, 379 UDP-glucuronosyltransferases characterization of, active on steroid hormones, 413 Vitamin D receptor(s) in vivo function of, (VDR) in gene expression-VDR knock-out mice, 247 The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology PERGAMON Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 69 (1999) 497-498 AUTHOR INDEX Abayasekara D. R. E., 359 Ferrera P., 473 Koenig H., 97 Adamski J., 441 Fortunati N., 473 Koyama K., 391 Albert C., 413 Fournier M., 51 Krazeisen A., 441 Amri H., 123 Frairia R., 473 Krozowski Z., 391 Ansari N., 453 Franks S., 269 Kupari M., 409 Ashford L., 359 Ayala-Torres S., 453 Gallo-Payet N., 335 Labrie C., 51 Azzi A., 425 Garcia-Robles R., 273 Labrie F., 1, 51 Azziz R., 261 Gauthier S., 51 Lala D., 13 Gharani N., 269 Langlois D., 379 Giguere V., 51 Le Roy C., 379 Barbier O., 413 Gilling-Smith C., 269 Leenders F., 441 Baulieu E. E., 97 Ginsburg E. S., 299 Lejeune H., 379 Beaulieu M., 413 Glasebrook A. L., 37 Lévesque E., 413 Becchis M., 473 Gompel A., 463 Li H., 123 Bélanger A., 51, 413 Gongloff A., 425 Li K. X. Z., 391 Bernassau J. M., 123 Gonzalez-Albarran O., 273 Lin S. X., 425 Berrevoets C. A., 307 Goto K., 323 Liu Z., 143 Berta L., 473 Graham J. D., 45 Lombet A., 463 Beyer C., 85 Groner B., 195 Long B., 205 Blankenstein M. A., 293 Grunsven van E. G., 441 de Launoit Y., 441 Blok L. J., 307 Guillemette C., 413 Lu Q., 205 Boujrad N., 123 Guillon G., 335 Luo S., 51 Brinkmann A. O., 307 Guo I-C., 329 Luo X., 13 Brodie A., 205 Luu-The V., 51 Bryant H. U., 37 Han Q., 425 Burger H. G., 31 Hansson V., 367 Ma Z-Q., 155 Hautanen A., 409 Maitimu-Smeele I., 293 Campbell R. L., 425 Hejaz H. A. M., 227 Markus M., 441 Candas B., 51 Horwitz L. D., 45 Martel C., 51 Carlson A. D., 19 Horwitz K. B., 45 Martini L., 117 Carvajal S., 463 Hryb D. J., 481 McKenna N. J., 3 Catalano M. G., 473 Huhtaniemi I. T., 281 McPhaul M. J., 315 Charbonneau R., 51 Hum D. W., 413 Medh R. D., 453 Charpenet G., 51 Hummler E., 385 Meérand Y., 51 Chetrite G. S., 287 Husen B., 441 Milewicz A., 293 Choi M., 359 Hutchison J. B., 85 Miller W. L., 131 Chorvatova A., 335 Hutchison R. E., 85 Médller G., 441 Chung B-c., 329 Murayama A., 247 Chuzel F., 379 Ichino I., 323 Cole T., 391 Ikeda Y., 13 Nagel S. C., 343 Comba A., 473 Ikuyama S., 323 Nakhla A. M., 481 Cooke B. A., 359 Nawata H., 323 Coquet A., 51 Jackson T. A., 45 Nawaz Z., 3 Cote M., 335 Jacob D., 463 New M. L., 19 Coulter C., 391 Johnson B. H., 453 Nokelainen P., 431 Cowley S. M., 165 de Jong P. C., 293 Nosenko N. D., 109 Culty M., 123 Jung-Testas I., 97 Cusan L., 51 Jones M., 447 O’Malley B. W., 3 Oba K., 323 Kandouz M., 463 Obeid J. S., 19 Daroszewski J., 293 Kanellopoulou N., 19 Obeyesekere V. R., 391 Davis S., 447 Karolczak M., 85 Orly J., 143 Davis S. R., 177 Kashar-Miller M., 261 Désarnaud F., 97 Kato S., 247 Papadopoulos V., 123 Doesburg P., 307 Kazem A., 463 Parker K. L., 13 Dolez V., 441 Kellendonk C., 253 Parker M. G., 165 Donker G. H., 293 Kessels M. M., 441 Pasqualini J. R., 287 Dubois S., 413 Khan M. S., 481 Payet M-D., 335 King S. R., 143 Peltoketo H., 431 Eimerl S., 143 Kitanaka S., 247 Penning T. M., 211 PII: S0960-0760(99)00086-2 498 Author Index /J ournal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 69 (1999) 497-498 Perrot J-Y., 463 Schiitz G., 253 Tronche F., 253 Pettersson K. S. L., 281 Sekine K., 247 Tsai M-J., 3, 155 Pfitzner E., 195 Shazand K., 97 Tsai S. Y., 3, 155 Piao Y-s., 431 Sheppard K. E., 391 Tung L., 45 Poletti A., 117 Simard J., 51 Turgeon D., 413 Potter B. V. L., 227 Simpson E., 447 Powell R. L., 45 Singh S. M., 51 Vallee M., 413 Purohit A., 227 Sitruk-Ware R., 185 Veilleux R., 51 Skalhegg B. S., 367 Ven van de J., 293 Qualmann B., 441 Smith R. E., 391 Vidic B., 123 Soh J., 143 Vihko R., 431 Rabano A., 273 Stein-Oakley A., 391 Vihko P., 431 Raineri M., 473 Steketee K., 307 Villa E., 273 Reed M. J., 227 Stewart P. M., 403 Reichardt H. M., 253 Stocco D. M., 143 Reversat J. L., 123 Wanders R. J. A., 441 Stoecklin E., 195 Reznikov A. G., 109 Strauss III J. F., 131 Welshons W. V., 343 Rice D., 13 Strien van A. E., 227 White P. C., 409 Richard V., 51 Szymcezak J., 293 Wilson R. C., 19 Roach III M., 239 Wissler M., 195 Romas N. A., 481 Wong M., 13 Rosner W., 481 Takayanagi R., 323 Woo L. W. L., 227 Rostene W., 463 Takeyama K-i., 247 Wozniak A., 85 Rubin G., 447 Takimoto G. S., 45 de Ruiter P. E., 307 Tarasenko L. V., 109 Xu J., 3 Taskén K., 367 Saal F. S. v., 343 Tchernof A., 413 Yanase T., 323 Saez J. M., 379 Therwath A., 463 Saito M., 323 Thi A. D., 97 Yang N. N., 37 Sakai H., 323 Thijssen J. H. H., 293 Yoshizawa T., 247 Sasano H., 391 Thompson E. B., 453 Sato M., 37 Trapman J., 307 Zhang W., 453 Schaetzle D., 195 Tremblay A., 51 Zhou F., 453 Schumacher M., 97 Tremblay G., 51 Zhu D-W., 425 TYPESET IN GREAT BRITAIN BY POLESTAR DIGITAL TECHSET LTD, EXETER. PRINTED BY POLESTAR WHEATONS LTD, EXETER

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