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The Journal of Social Psychology, 2003, 143(6), 796 Index to Volume 143 This annual index is organized by first author and by title. Page numbers refer to the following issues: Number | (February): 1-144 Number 4 (August): 401-544 Number 2 (April): 145-272 Number 5 (October): 545-672 Number 3 (June): 273-400 Number 6 (December): 673—800 AUTHOR INDEX Abreu, J. M., Ramirez, E., Kim, B. S employees’ justice perceptions of co K., & Haddy, C. Automatic activation workers’ punitive events I7_AD of Yellow Peril Asian American Cordano, M., Scherer, R. F., & Owen, ¢ stereotypes: Effects on social impres L. Dimensionality of the Women as sion formation. 691-706. Managers Scale: Facto congruency Alanazi, F. M., & Rodrigues, A. Power among three samples. 141-143 bases and attribution in three cul Covin, R., Donovan, L. A., & Macln tures. 375-395 tyre, P. D. The relatior ship between Anderson, E. R., Yoder, C. Y., Her- self-esteem and performance when rmann, D. J., Johnson, T. J., & Gen- information regarding others’ perfor naro, R. J. Inferring the mental mance is available. 541-544 processes of other minds. 355-373. De Cremer, D., & Ruiter, R Araya, T., Akrami, N., & Ekehammar, tional reactions B. Forgetting congruent and incon fairness as a funct gruent stereotypical information. information. 793-795 33-449. Echebarria-Echabe, A., & Guede, I Beckstead, J. W. Attitudes accentuate Extending the Theor »f Realist attributes in social judgment: The Conflict to competition in institution combined effects of substance use. al Semlines Inte reroup Status and out depression, and technical incompe- come. 763-782 tence on judgments of professional Elbedour, S., Bart, W. M., & Hektner, J impairment. 185-201. Intelligence and family marital struc Brewer, N. T., & Chapman, G. B. Con- ture: The case of adolescents from trast effects in judgments of health monogamous and polygamous fami hazards. 341-354. lies among Bedouin Arabs in Israel Cemalcilar, Z., Canbeyli, R., & Sunar, 95-110 D. Learned helplessness, therapy, and Eshel, Y., Sharabany, R., & Bar-Sade, I personality traits: An experimental Reciprocated and unreciprocated study. 65-81. dyadic peer preferences and academ Chi, S.-C., & Lo, H.-H. Taiwanese ic achievement of Israeli and immi The Journal of Social Psychology, 2003, 143(6), 796 Index to Volume 143 This annual index is organized by first author and by title. Page numbers refer to the following issues: Number | (February): 1-144 Number 4 (August): 401-544 Number 2 (April): 145-272 Number 5 (October): 545-672 Number 3 (June): 273-400 Number 6 (December): 673—800 AUTHOR INDEX Abreu, J. M., Ramirez, E., Kim, B. S employees’ justice perceptions of co K., & Haddy, C. Automatic activation workers’ punitive events I7_AD of Yellow Peril Asian American Cordano, M., Scherer, R. F., & Owen, ¢ stereotypes: Effects on social impres L. Dimensionality of the Women as sion formation. 691-706. Managers Scale: Facto congruency Alanazi, F. M., & Rodrigues, A. Power among three samples. 141-143 bases and attribution in three cul Covin, R., Donovan, L. A., & Macln tures. 375-395 tyre, P. D. The relatior ship between Anderson, E. R., Yoder, C. Y., Her- self-esteem and performance when rmann, D. J., Johnson, T. J., & Gen- information regarding others’ perfor naro, R. J. Inferring the mental mance is available. 541-544 processes of other minds. 355-373. De Cremer, D., & Ruiter, R Araya, T., Akrami, N., & Ekehammar, tional reactions B. Forgetting congruent and incon fairness as a funct gruent stereotypical information. information. 793-795 33-449. Echebarria-Echabe, A., & Guede, I Beckstead, J. W. Attitudes accentuate Extending the Theor »f Realist attributes in social judgment: The Conflict to competition in institution combined effects of substance use. al Semlines Inte reroup Status and out depression, and technical incompe- come. 763-782 tence on judgments of professional Elbedour, S., Bart, W. M., & Hektner, J impairment. 185-201. Intelligence and family marital struc Brewer, N. T., & Chapman, G. B. Con- ture: The case of adolescents from trast effects in judgments of health monogamous and polygamous fami hazards. 341-354. lies among Bedouin Arabs in Israel Cemalcilar, Z., Canbeyli, R., & Sunar, 95-110 D. Learned helplessness, therapy, and Eshel, Y., Sharabany, R., & Bar-Sade, I personality traits: An experimental Reciprocated and unreciprocated study. 65-81. dyadic peer preferences and academ Chi, S.-C., & Lo, H.-H. Taiwanese ic achievement of Israeli and immi The Journal of Social Psychology grant students: A longitudinal study. in reaction to same- and mixed-sex 746-762. intimacy shown by others. 233-242 Ewing, V. L., Stukas, A. A., Jr., & Shee- Higgins, N. C., & Hay, J. L. Attribution- han, E. P. Student prejudice against al style predicts causes of negative life gay male and lesbian lecturers. events on the attributional style ques- 569-579. tionnaire. 253-271. Florack, A., Piontkowski, U., Rohmann, Hodson, G., & Sorrentino, R. M. Uncer- A., Balzer, T., & Perzig, S. Perceived tainty orientation in the group context. intergroup threat and attitudes of host Categorization effects on persuasive community members toward immi- message processing. 291-312. grant acculturation. 633-648. Homsey, M. J. Linking superiority bias Floyd, K., & Erbert, L. A. Relational in the interpersonal and intergroup message interpretations of nonverbal domains. 479-491. matching behavior: An application of Hortagsu, N., Kalaycioglu, S., & Ritters- the Social Meaning Model. 58\1—597 berger-Tilic, H. Intrafamily aggression Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. Human in Turkey: Frequency, instigation, and affection exchange: II. Affectionate acceptance. 163-184. communication in father—son relation Kim, Y., Kasser, T., & Lee, H. Self-con- ships. 599-612. cept, aspirations, and well-being in Fuller, J. B., Barnett, T., Hester, K., & South Korea and the United States Relyea, C. A social identity perspec- 277-290. tive on the relationship between per- Kobayashi, F., Schallert, D. L., & Ogren, ceived organizational support and H. A. Japanese and American folk organizational commitment. 789-791. vocabularies for emotions. 451-478 Furnham, A., & Mkhize, N. Zulu moth- Kowalski, K. The emergence of ethnic ers’ beliefs about their own and their and racial attitudes in preschool-aged children’s intelligence. 83-94. children. 677-690. Gouveia, V. V., Clemente, M., & Espinosa, Maltby, J., & Day, L. Applying « P. The horizontal and vertical attributes identity paradigm to examine the rela of individualism and collectivism in a tionship between men’s self-esteem Spanish population. 43-63. and their attitudes toward men and Grace, S. L., & Cramer, K. L. The elusive women. 111—126 nature of self-measurement: The Self McCabe M P., & Ricciardelli, | Construal Scale versus the Twenty Sociocultural influences o1 Statements Test. 649-668 image and body changes among « Greitemeyer, T., Rudolph, U., & Weiner, lescent boys and girls. 5-26 B. Whom would you rather help: An Mollica, K. A. The influence of di acquaintance not responsible for her context on White men’s and plight or a_ responsible sibling? minorites reactions to adispropo 331-340 ate group harm. 415-431 Guéguen, N., & Fischer-Lokou, J. Tactile Moore, D. Perceptions of sense of contact and spontaneous help: An trol, relative deprivation, and expecta evaluation in a_ natural setting tions of young Jews and Palestinians 785-787 in Israel. 521—540. Guerin, B. Social behaviors as deter Nibler, R., & Harris, K. L. The effects of mined by different arrangements of culture and cohesiveness on intra social consequences: Diffusion of group conflict and effectiveness responsibility effects with competition. 613-631 313-329 Petrocelli, J. V. Factor validation of the Hewitt, J., & Algahtani, M. A. Differ- Consideration of Future Conse- ences between Saudi and U.S. students quences Scale: Evidence for a short 798 Index version. 405-413. Silke, A. Deindividuation, anonymity, Phinney, J. S., & Haas, K. The process of and violence: Findings from Northern coping among ethnic minority first- Ireland. 493-499. generation college freshmen: A narra- Truchot, D., Maure, G., & Patte, S. Do tive approach. 707-726. attributions change over time when the Pritchard, M. E., & MclIntosh, D. N. actor’s behavior is hedonically rele- What predicts adjustment among law vant to the perceiver? 202-208. students? A longitudinal panel study. van Dijk, W. W., Danner, U., Nieweg, M.., 727-745. & Sumter, S. Positive—negative asym Quist, R. M., & Crano, W. D. Assumed metry in the evaluation of trivial stim- policy similarity and voter preference. uli. 783-784. 149-162. Van Hiel, A., & Mervielde, |. The need Ray, J. J., & Lovejoy, F. H. Age-related for closure and the spontaneous use of social desirability responding among complex and simple cognitive struc- Australian women. 669-671. tures. 559-568. Ruiter, R. A. C., Kok, G., Verplanken, B., Watkins, D., Cheng, C., Mpofu, E., & van Eersel, G. Strengthening the Olowu, S., Singh-Sengupta, S., & persuasive impact of fear appeals: The Regmi, M. Gender differences in self- role of action framing. 397-400. construal: How generalizable are Ryckman, R. M., & Houston, D. M. Western findings? 501-519. Value priorities in American and Webster, J. M., Duvall, J., Gaines, L. M., British female and male university stu- & Smith, R. H. The roles of praise and dents. 127-138. social comparison information in the Sidanius, J.,. & Pena, Y. The gendered experience of pride. 209-232. nature of family structure and group- Wilson, M. S. Social dominance and eth- based anti-egalitarianism: A cross- ical ideology: The end justifies the national analysis. 243-252. means? 549-558. TITLE INDEX Age-related social desirability respond- & Jana L. Hay. 253-271 ing among Australian women. John J. Automatic activation of Yellow Peril Ray & Frances H. Lovejoy. 669-671. Asian American stereotypes: Effects Applying a social identity paradigm to on social impression formation. José examine the relationship between M. Abreu, Estrella Ramirez, Bryan S. men’s self-esteem and their attitudes K. Kim, & Chris Haddy. 69\—706. toward men and women. John Maltby Contrast effects in judgments of health & Liza Day. 111-126. hazards. Noel T. Brewer & Gretchen Assumed policy similarity and voter B. Chapman. 341-354. preference. Ryan M. Quist & William Dimensionality of the Women as Man- D. Crano. 149-162. agers Scale: Factor congruency Attitudes accentuate attributes in social among three samples. Mark Cordano, judgment: The combined effects of Robert F. Scherer, & Crystal L. Owen. substance use, depression, and techni- 141-143. cal incompetence on judgments of Deindividuation, anonymity, and vio- professional impairment. Jason W. lence: Findings from Northern Ire- Beckstead. 185-201. land. Andrew Silke. 493-499. Attributional style predicts causes of Differences between Saudi and U.S. stu negative life events on the Attribution- dents in reaction to same- and mixed- al Style Questionnaire. N. C. Higgins sex intimacy shown by others. Jay The Journal of Social Psychology 799 Hewitt & Mushubab A. Algahtani. ate communication in father-son rela- 233-242. tionships. Kory Floyd & Mark T. Mor- Do attributions change over time when man. 599-612. the actor’s behavior is hedonically rel- Inferring the mental processes of othet evant to the perceiver? Didier Truchot, minds. Eric R. Anderson, Carol Y. Yoder, Gwladys Maure, & Sonia Patte. Douglas J. Herrmann, Thomas J. John- 202-208. son, & Rocco J. Gennaro. 355-373 The effects of culture and cohesiveness The influence of diversity context on on intragroup conflict and effective- White men’s and racial minorities’ ness. Roger Nibler & Karen L. Harris. reactions to disproportionate group 613-631 harm. Kelly A. Mollica, 415-431 The elusive nature of self-measurement: Intelligence and family marital structure: The Self-Construal Scale versus the The case of adolescents from monoga Twenty Statements Test. Sherry L. mous and polygamous families among Grace & Kenneth L. Cramer. 649-668 Bedouin Arabs in Israel. Salman The emergence of ethnic and racial atti- Elbedour, William M. Bart, & Joel tudes in preschool-aged children. Kurt Hektner. 95-110 Kowalski. 677-690. Intrafamily aggression in Turkey: Fre Emotional reactions toward procedural quency, instigation, and acceptance fairness as a function of negative infor- Nuran Hortacsu, Sibel Kalaycioglu, & mation. David De Cremer & Robert A. Helga Rittersberger-Tilig. 163-184 C. Ruiter. 793-795. Japanese and American folk vocabularies Extending the Theory of Realistic Con- for emotions. Futoshi Kobayashi, flict to Competition in Institutional Diane L. Schallert, & Holly A. Ogre Settings: Intergroup Status and Out- 451-478 come. Agustin Echebarria-Echabe & Learned helplessness, therapy, and per Emilia Fernandez Guede. 763-782. sonality traits: An experimental study. Factor validation of the Consideration of Zeynep Cemalcilar, Resit Canbeyli, & Future Consequences Scale: Evidence Diane Sunar. 65-81. for a short version. John V. Petrocelli Linking superiority bias in the interper- 405-413. sonal and _ intergroup domains. Forgetting congruent and incongruent Matthew J. Hornsey. 479-49] stereotypical information. Tadesse The need for closure and the spontaneous Araya, Nazar Akrami, & Bo Ekeham- use of complex and simple cognitive mar. 433-449. structures. Alain Van Hiel & Ivan Gender differences in self-construal Mervielde. 559-568. How generalizable are Western find- Perceived intergroup threat and attitudes ings? David Watkins, Christopher of host community members toward Cheng, Elias Mpofu, Sola Olowu, immigrant acculturation. Arnd Flo- Sunita Singh-Sengupta, & Murari rack, Ursula Piontkowski, Anette Reemi. 501-519. Rohmann, Tanja Balzer, & Steffi The gendered nature of family structure Perzig. 633-648. and group-based anti-egalitarianism: Perceptions of sense of control, relative A cross-national analysis. Jim Sida- deprivation, and expectations of young nius & Yesilernis Pena. 243-252. Jews and Palestinians in Israel. Dahlia The horizontal and vertical attributes of Moore. 521-540. individualism and collectivism in a Positive—negative asymmetry in the eval Spanish population. Valdiney V. Gou- uation of trivial stimuli. Wilco W. van veia, Miguel Clemente, & Pablo Dijk, Unna Danner, Myrke Nieweg, & Espinosa. 43-63. Sindy Sumter. 783-784. Human affection exchange: II. Affection- Power bases and attribution in three cul- 800 Index tures. Falah M. Alanazi & Aroldo Kim Hester, & Clint Relyea. 789-791. Rodrigues. 375-395. Sociocultural influences on body image The process of coping among ethnic and body changes among adolescent minority first-generation college fresh- boys and girls. Marita P. McCabe & men: A narrative approach. Jean S. Lina A. Ricciardelli. 5—26. Phinney & Kumiko Haas. 707-726. Strengthening the persuasive impact of Reciprocated and unreciprocated dyadic fear appeals: The role of action fram- peer preferences and academic ing. Robert A. C. Ruiter, Gerjo Kok, achievement of Israeli and immigrant Bas Verplanken, & Gerdien van students: A longitudinal — study. Eersel. 397-400. Yohanan Eshel, Ruth Sharabany, & Student prejudice against gay male and Ester Bar-Sade. 746-762. lesbian lecturers. Vanessa Lynn Ewing, Relational message interpretations of Arthur A. Stukas Jr, & Eugene P. nonverbal matching behavior: An Sheehan. 569-579. application of the Social Meaning Tactile contact and spontaneous help: An Model. Kory Floyd & Larry A. evaluation in a natural setting. Nicolas Erbert. 581-597. Guéguen & Jacques Fischer-Lokou The relationship between self-esteem 785-787. and performance when information Taiwanese employees’ justice percep regarding others’ performance is avail- tions of co-workers’ punitive events able. Roger Covin, Leslie A. Donovan, Shu-Cheng Chi & Hsin-Hsin Lo & Peter D. MacIntyre. 541-544. 27-42. The roles of praise and social comparison Uncertainty orientation in the group con information in the experience of pride. text: Categorization effects on persua- J. Matthew Webster, Jamieson Duvall, sive message processing. Gordon Leslie M. Gaines, & Richard H. Smith. Hodson & Richard M. Sorrentino 209-232. 291-312. Self-concept, aspirations, and well-being Value priorities in American and British in South Korea and the United States. female and male university students. Youngmee Kim, Tim Kasser, & Richard M. Ryckman & Diane M Hoonkoo Lee. 277-290 Houston. 127-138 Social behaviors as determined by differ- What predicts adjustment among law stu- ent arrangements of social conse- dents? A longitudinal panel study quences: Diffusion of responsibility Mary E. Pritchard & Daniel N. McIn effects with competition. Bernard tosh. 727-745. Guerin. 313-329. Whom would you rather help: An Social dominance and ethical ideology: acquaintance not responsible for her The end justifies the means? Mar plight or a responsible sibling? Tobias Stewart Wilson. 549-558. Greitemeyer, Udo Rudolph, & Bernard A social identity perspective on the rela- Weiner. 331-340 tionship between perceived organiza- Zulu mothers’ beliefs about their own and tional support and organizational com- their children’s intelligence. Adrian mitment. J. Bryan Fuller, Tim Barnett, Furnham & Nhlanhla Mkhize. 83-94

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