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The Journal of Religion Issued by THE DIVINITY SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Volume 80 2000 PHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS © 2000 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PUBLISHED JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, AND OCTOBER 2000 Index to Volume 80 Article luthor Antonaccio, Maria, The Consolations of Literature Barbeau. jeffrey W., The Deve lopm« nt of Coleridge’s Notion of Human Freedom: The Translation and Re-formation of German Idealism in England 3etz, Hans Dieter, The Human Being in the Antagonisms of Life Accorditno gt he Apostle Paul Brown, Michael Joseph, “Panem Nostrum”: The Problem of Petition and the Lord’s Prayer Cahill, Lisa Sowle, Gender and Strategies of Goodness: The Nev lestament and Ethics Duclow, Donald | The Hungers of Hade wijch and Eckhart Euler, Walter Andreas, Does Nicholas Cusanus Have a Theolog‘ \ of the Cross? Flescher, Andrew, Love and Justice in Reinhold Niebuhr’s Prophetic Christian Realism and Emmanuel Levinas’s Ethics of Responsibility: Treading between Pacifism and Just-War Theory Greenway, William, Charles Taylor on Affirmation, Mutilation and Theism: A Retrospective Reading of S es of the Hedley, Douglas, Should Divinity Overcome Metaphysi: Reflections on John Milbank’s Theology beyond Secul and Confessions of a Cambridge Platonist Hurtado, L. W., Religious I xperience and Rell in the New Testament Jones, John N., The Statuso f the Trinity in Dionys Lamm, Julia A., Schleiermacher as Plato Schola Lybarger, Loren D., Gender and Prophetic Authorit Quranic Story of Maryam: A Literary Approacl Mathewes, Charles T., A Tale of Two Judgments: Bonhoeffe1 and Arendt on Evil, Understanding, and Limits, and the Limits of Understanding Evil Meeks, Wayne A., Apocalyptic Discourse and Strategies Goodness Nieuwenhove, Rik Van, Ruusbroec: Apophatic Theologian o1 Phenomenologist of the Mystical | xperience: The Journal of Religion Schuld,| . Joyce, Augustine, Foucault, and the Politics of Perfection Thomas, Owen C., Interiority and Christian Spirituality 2. Revieu irticles Juthors Bull, Malcolm, The End of Apocalypticism? Porter, Jean, Reason, Nature, and the End of Human Life \ Consideration of John Finnis’s Aquinas Reynolds, Frank, The Medieval Imagination: A New Perspective from Southern Asia Yu, Anthony C., Which Values? Whose Perspective? B oks Re lé wed Collins, John J.,e d., The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism, vol. 1, The Origins of Apocalypticism in_ Judaism and Christianity (Malcolm Bull) Collins, Steven, Nirvana and Other Buddhist Felicities: Utopias of the Pali Imaginaire (Frank Reynolds) de Bary, William Theodore, Asian Values and Human Rights \ Confucian Communitarian Perspective Anthony C. Yu Finnis, John, Aquinas (Jean Porter) McGinn, Bernard, ed., The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism, vol ip calypticism in Western History and ture (Malcolm Bull Stein, Stephen, ed., The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism, vol. 3, Zi 1 pocalyptu smin ti ode ] 10d a if ontemp (Malcolm Bull 1. Book Rei if€ Abraham, William ]., Canon and Criterion (Charles C. Taliaferro) Alexander, Philip S., and Vermes, Geza, eds., Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXVI Qumran Cave 4 XIX, Serekh Ha-Yahad and Two Related Texts (Michael Douglas) : ; Ames, Roger T., ed., Wandering at Ease in the “Zhuangzi” (Victor H. Mair) iy ae ee Kuro Le Anker, Roy M., Self-He lp and Popular Religion in Early American Culture: An Interpretive Guide (Robert C. Fuller) _ Anker, Roy M.., Self-Help and Popular Religion in Modern American Culture: An Interpretive Guide (Robert C. Fuller) 732 Index to Volume 80 Ashley, james Matthew, Inte rruptions VUysticism. Politics and j Theology in the Work of Johann Baptist Metz (|. A. Colombo Ashley, Kathleen, and Sheingorn, Pamela, Writing Faith: Text Sign, and History in the Miracles of the Sainte Foy (John M McCulloh) Audisio, Gabriel, The Waldensian Dissent: Persecution | c. 1170-c. 1570 (Wendy Love Anderson Auld, A. Graeme, Joshua Retold: Synoptic Perspectives (Robert B Coote) Backus, Irene, ed., The Reception of the Church Father From the Carolingians to the Maurists (Barbara Pitkin Barton, John, Holy Writings, Sacred Text: The Canon Christianity ( John ] Collins) Beard, Mary; North, John; and Price, Simon vol. 1, A History (Charles King sell, Richard H., Simone Wi The Wa (Eloise A. Buker) sennion, Janet, Women of P) ( mtlemporary Viormon Pol Berger, Helen A., A Cr Paganism and Witch Schnurbein Berger, Michael S., Ra/ Betz, Hans Dieter, Antih Thomas H. Tobin, S.] Brown, Catherine, Contrary 7 ¢ o Poetics of Didacticism (Constant ]. Mev Bucko, Raymond A., The Lakota R ind Contemporary Practice (R. D. Theisz Buell, Denise Kimber, Making ¢ the Rhetoric of Identity (AIsabelle Kinnard Burdick, John, Blessed Anastacia: Women, Ra Christianity in Brazil (Paul ¢ hristophet Johnson Buttiglione, Rocco, Karol Wojtyla: The Thought of th Became Pope John ‘aul IT (Jean Bethke Elshtain abezon, José Ignacio, ed., Scholasticism: C) Cu Comparative Perspectives (Anne M. Blackburn) alabi, Francesca, The Language and the Law of God: Int and Politics in Philo of Alexandria (Hindy Najman) annon, Joanna, and Vauchez, André, Margherita of ( the Lorenzetti: Sienese Art and the Cult of a Holy Woman Tuscany (Nancy M. Thompson) The Journal of Religion vapetz, Paul E., Christian Faith as Religion: A Study in the Theologies of Calvin and Schleiermacher (Sharon Hunter-Smith) varey, George W., and Frohnen, Bruce, eds., Community and Tradition: Conservative Perspectives on the American Experience (Ted V. McAllister) a thadwick, Owen, A History of the Popes, 1830-1914 (Thomas Shelley) =e re thai, Leon, Jonathan Edwards and the Limits of Enlightenment Philosophy (jamie Schillinger) , ‘hase, Steven L., ed., Doors of Unde rstanding Conversations on Global Spirituality in Honor of Ewert Cousins (Kevin L. Hughes) thing, Julia, Mysticism and Kingship in China: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom (Thomas Michael) thoudhury, Masudul Alam, Money in Islam: A Study in Islamic Political Economy (Gregory C. Kozlowski) ‘layton, Philip, God and Conte mporary Science (Francisco ]. Benzoni) 5 as ‘lifford, Richard ]., Proverbs: A Commentary (Shannon Burkes) :ohen, Thomas M., The Fire of Tongues: Antonio Vieira and the Missionary Church in Brazil and Portugal (Paul ¢ hristopher Johnson) . , .s.-s — ‘ ; . ‘ ‘oleman, Earl« ]., Creatwwity and Spirituality Bonds between Art and Religion (Frank Burch Brown) ya Sae ollins, Donald E., When the Church Bell Rang Racist: The Methodist Church and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama (Sandy Dwayne Martin) ooper, James F., |r., Tenacious of Their Liberties: The Congregationalists in Colonial Massachusetts (Christopher Grasso) opley, Antony, Religions in Conflict: Ideology, Cultural Contact, and Conversion in Late Colonial India (Eliza F. Kent) . orrington, Robert S., Nature’ Religion (joseph Pettit) rites, Stephen, Dialectic and Gospeli n the Development of Hegel’s Thinking (Merold Westphal) Fe anaes ‘rossan, John Dominic, The Birth of ( hvistionite: Diecweseine What Happened in the Years Immediately after the Execution of Jesus (Christopher Mount) : Davies, Brian, O. P, ed., Philosophy of ” Relis gion: A Guide to the Subject (Derek Jeffreys) ee Prana , Davies, Philip R., Scribes and Schools: The Canonization of the Hebrew Scriptures (John J. Collins) Dg ee ee 7 Davis, Derek, and Hankins, Barry, eds., Welfare Reform and Faith- Based Organizations (James W. Skillen) 734 Index to Volume 80 Dean, Kenneth, Lord of the Three in One: The Spread Southeast China (Chi-Tim Lai) Derrida, Jacques, and Vattimo, Gianni, eds., Re Wallace) Desai, Prakash, and Muslin, Hyman, Triumph and Tragedy Psychohistorical Decisions of Mahatma Gandhi (Daniel |. Meckel Dibelius, Martin, Selbstbesinnung des Deutschen (Hans Dieter Betz Dillard, Annie, For the Time Being (Jean Bethke Elshtain Dillon, Matthew, Pilgrims and Pilgrimage in Ancient Greece James Constantine Hanges Dupre, Louis, Religious Mystery and Rational Reflection: Excui in the Phenomenology and Phi f t n (Thomas A Forsthoefel) Emmet, Dorothy, Outward Forms, Ini ind Religious Philosophy (Douglas Sturm Eshel, Esther; Eshel, Hanan; Newsom, ¢ and Yardeni, Ada, eds., Qumran ( Liturgical Texts pt 1, vol. 11 of Di (John J. Collins Eskildsen, Stephen, 1scet Michael) Everett, William Johnson, Ry Public Life: Cases from German McAllister) Ewing, Katherine Pratt, Arguing Sainthood: M Psychoanalysis, and Islam (Arthur F. Buehle1 Faber, Eli, Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Sett Straight (Ralph A. Austen) Fichtenau, Heinrich, Heretics and Sci 1000-1200 (Wendy Love Anderson Finn, Thomas M., From Death to Reb intiquit) (Edgar Krentz Fishbane, Michael, The Exegetical Imaginat and Theology (Hindy Najman Fort, Andrew O., Jivanmukti m Transformation in Advaita and Neo-Vedanta ( Jeffrey | Kripal Fox, Michael V., A Time to Tear Down and a Tin Rereading of Ecclesiastes (Shannon Burkes) Frankfurter, David, Religion in Roman Egypt: A Resistance (Gideon Bohak) Furst, Jill L. M., The Natural Histor (Kay A. Read) The Journal of Religion George, Robert P., ed., Natural Law and Moral Inquiry: Ethics, Metaphysics and Politics in the Work of Germain Grisez (Darlene Fozard Weaver) . Gerson, Jean, Early Works (( Juris G. L idaka A) Githieya, Francis Kimani, The Freedom of the Spirit: African Indigenous Churches in Kenya (Theodore Walker, Jr.) Goldberg, Steven, Seduced by Science: How American Religion Has Lost Its Way (Jay Tidmarsh) ee ee Graham, Elaine, Making the Difference: Gender, Personhood, and Theology (Hilda Koster) . Grottanelli, Christiano, Kings and Prophets: Monarhi ower, Inspired Leadership, and Sacred Text in Biblical Narrative (oe! Sweek) Gruen, Erich S.., Heritage sad Hellenn ism: The iden ention of I- n Tradition (Harold W. Attridge) . Eee Gunton, Colin E., The Cambridge Companion to C hrist ian Doctrine (Randall C. Zachman) Gustafson, Carrie, and Juviler, Peter, eds. Religgi on ond Human Rights: Competing Claims? (Mieke R. Holkeboer) Hallett, Garth L., Priorities and Christian Ethics (Kelton ¢ obb) Hanson, Charles P., Necessary Virtue: The Pragmatic Origins of Religious Liberty in New England (Timothy L. Hall) : Harris, Harriet A., Fundamentalism and Evangelicals (D. G. Hart) Hatcher, Brian A., Eclecticism and Modern Hindu Discourse (A. L. Herman) Sy ee ae ee ee a ee Hauerwas, Stanley M.. ‘eens Wanderings: Probing Twentieth- Century Theology and Philosophy (Kent Reames) Heineman, Kenneth J., A Catholic New Deal: Religion and Sdn m Depression Pittsburgh (James W. Lewis) : Henderson, John B., The Construction of Orthodoxy oud Heresy: Neo- Confucian, Islamic, Jewish, and Early Christian Patterns (Patrick A. Hatcher) . Herdt, Jennifer A., Religion and ‘Faction im1 Hume’ S Moral Philsopy (Ronald M. Green) Hindsley, Leonard P., The Mysticiom ofE ngelthal: Writings. from a Medieval Monastery (Frank Tobin) Hughes, Glenn, ed., The Politics of the Soul: Eric Voesg e din on Religious Experience (Thomas Heilke) James, Sydney V., John Clarke and His Legacies: Re digion and Law in Colonial Rhode Island, 1638-1750 (CharlesE Hambrick-Stowe) . Jenkins, John I., Knowledge and Faith mn | Thomas . Aquinas Joseph Wawrykow) 736 Index to Volume 80 Keck, David, Angels and i A? Chase) Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, and Despres, Denise | the Profe sional Reader: The P. Piers Plowman (Ruth Niss¢ Kern, Philip H. Rhetoric and Galatiaa Paul’ Epistle (Margaret M. Mitchell Kippenberg, HansG ., Die Entdeckung der Re Re lizionsw aL che fi und V de ry (,re gory Kirby, Dianne, Church, St ll? ¢ and Inte rnatu nal Re lat 1942-1955 (Cecelia Lynch Kirk, Alan, The Comp and Wisdom Redact Kitchen, John, Sa Female in Merovingian Ha Kittredge, Cynthia Briggs, ¢ of Obedie nce in the Pa sling iF 1d Donald Dale Walk Kleeman, Terry F., Great Perfection: Re nand I hy Chinese Millennial Kingdom (Robert Ford ¢ ampan Kleinhenz, Christopher, and LeMoine Fann | eds Hi pe ipproachn ig the Ni Villenniui Dereck Daschke Kotva, Joseph ]., Jr., The C/ tian Case for 5 VirtueI 4 Kent Reames) Kraemer, Ross Shepard, and D'Angelo, Ma Rose. eds.. and ¢ hristian Orig ; ,arbara E. Reid anday, Jerry M., David: Power, Lust and Bet B (Steven L. McKenzie) angan, Thomas, The Catholic Tra Paul J]. Griffiths attas, Andrew, Cultures of Secrecy: Reinventing Race in B j Cargo Cults (Garry W [rompt awrence, Bruce B., Shattering the Myth: 1 (Loren D. Lybarger) Lemche, Niels Peter, The /sraelites H { | Maxwell Mille: } Lesnick, Howard, Listening (Darlene Fozard Weaver Levine, Lee I., Judaism and Hellenisn Confluence? (Robert Doran) Loder, James E., The Logic of the Spirit: Hun a? Theological Perspective (Lucy Bregman Long, Edward LeRoy, |r., Zo Liberate and Redee on the Biblical Narrative (Linda Clum The Journal of Religion Long, Kathryn T., The Revival of 1857-58: Interpreting an American Re ligious twake ning (Jon Butler) : Lopez, Donald S., |r., Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West (Amy Lavine) pe ems Lynch, Michael P,, Truth in Context: An Essay on Pluralism and Objectivity (Terry F. Godlove) i rz ox MacCormack, Sabine, The Shadows of Poetry: Vergil in the Mind of fugustine (David Scott Wilson-Okamura) Maggi, Armando, Ulttering the Word: The Mystical Performances of Maria Maddalena de’Pazzi, a Renaissance Visionary (Robin Anne O'Sullivan) Vat Mahoney, John L., ed., Seeing into the Life of Things: Essays on Literature and Religious Experience (Richard A. Rosengarten) Mahony, William K., The Artful Universe: An Introduction to the Vedic Religious Imagination (George Thompson) Makransky, John J]., Buddhahood Embodied: Sources of Controversy in India and Tibet (Dan Arnold) eae Malina, Bruce J., and Rohrbaugh, Richard L., Social-Science Commentary on the Gospelo f John (Harold W. Attridge) Marsh, Charles, God’s Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights (Lillian Ashcraft-Eason) A Sk dao Marsh, Christopher, Popular Religion in Sixteenth-Century England Holding Their Peace (Paul: iS. Datsko Barker) Martinez, Florentino Garcia; Tigchelaar, Eibert J. C.; and van der Woude, Adam S., eds., Qumran Cave 11.11: 11Q2-18, 11Q20-31 (Michael C. Douglas) Martos, Joseph, and Hégy, Pierre, eds., Equal at the Creation Sexism, Society, and Christian Thought (Beverly Mayne Kienzle) Martyn, J. Louis, Galatians: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (Hans Hiibner) Maxwell, David, Christians and Chiefs in Zim babes 1 Social History of the oy Ee People (Paul V. Kollman) McBride, I. ., Scripture Politics: Ulster Presbyterians and Irish Radu atii n the Late Eighteenth Century (Mark A. Noll) McCart, Thomas K., The Matter and Manner of Praise: The Controversial Evolution of Hymnody in the Church of England, 1760-1820 (Edith Blumhofer) McClymond, Michael, Encounters with God: An Approach to the Theology of Jonathan Edwards (Jamie A. Schiilinger) McIntosh, Mark A., Mystical Theology: The Integrity of Spirituality and Theology (Ellen T. Charry) “ee Menache, Sophia, Clement V (Thomas M. Izbicki) 738

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