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INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Art, David. Review of Pippa Norris. Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market Barabas, Jason. Review of Diana C. Mutz. Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative versus Participatory Democrac) Bedolla, Lisa Garcia. Review of Carolyn Wong. Lobbying for Inclusion: Rights Politics and the Making of Immigration Polic) Beer, Caroline. Review of Alberto Diaz-Cayeros. Federalism, Fiscal Authority, and Centralization in Latin America Berinsky, Adam J. Assuming the Cost of War: Events, Elites, and American Public Support for Military Conflict Berry, Christopher R. and William G. Howell. Accountability and Local Elections: Rethinking Retrospective Voting Blais, André and Indridi H. Indridason. Making Candidates Count: The Logic of Electoral Alliances in Two-Round Legislative Elections Blanton, Shannon Lindsey and Robert G. Blanton. What Attracts Foreign Investors? An Examination of Human Rights and Foreign Direct Investment Bond, Jon R. The Scientification of the Study of Politics: Some Observations on the Behavioral Evolution in Political Science Brooks, Sarah M. When Does Diffusion Matter? Explaining the Spread of Structural Pension Reforms Across Nations , Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of Red Over Blue: The 2004 Elections and American Politics - By James W. Ceaser and Andrew E. Busch Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of A Defining Moment: The Presidential Election of 2004 Edited by William Crotty Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of Winning the White House 2004: Region By Region, Vote By Vote —- By Kevin ]. McMahon, David M. Rankin, Donald W. Beachler, and John Kenneth White Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of The Elections of 2004 — Edited by Michael Nelson Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of Divided States of America: The Slash and Burn Politics of the 2004 Presidential Election — Edited by Larry Sabato allander, Steven and Catherine H. Wilson. Turnout, Polarization, and Duverger’s Law hase, Anthony. Review of Jillian Schwedler. Faith in Moderation. hurch, Jeffrey. Selfish and Moral Politics: David Hume on Stability and Cohesion in the Modern State iofh, John W. Review of William I. Robinson. A Theory of Global Captialism: Production, Class, and State in a Transnational World lare, Joe. Domestic Audiences and Strategic Interests linton, Joshua D. Lawmaking and Roll Calls ostain, Anne N. Review of Francesca Polletta. Jt Was Like a Fever: Storytelling in Protest and Politics rawford, Timothy W. Review of William C. Martel. Victory in War: Foundations of Modern Military Policy rawford, Timothy W. Review of Robert Mandel. The Meaning of Military Victor) Crowe, Justin. The Forging of Judicial Autonomy: Political Entrepreneurship and the Reforms of William Howard Taft DeCanio, Samuel. Religion and Nineteenth-Century Voting Behavior: A New Look at Some Old Data Dickinson, Matthew J. and Matthew J. Lebo. Reexamining the Growth of the Institutional Presidency, 1940-2000 Ding, Sheng. Review of Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen, editors. Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm Douglas, Andrew J. Review of William E. Connolly. Pluralism Ezrow, Lawrence. The Variance Matters: How Party System: Represent the Preferences of Voters INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Art, David. Review of Pippa Norris. Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market Barabas, Jason. Review of Diana C. Mutz. Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative versus Participatory Democrac) Bedolla, Lisa Garcia. Review of Carolyn Wong. Lobbying for Inclusion: Rights Politics and the Making of Immigration Polic) Beer, Caroline. Review of Alberto Diaz-Cayeros. Federalism, Fiscal Authority, and Centralization in Latin America Berinsky, Adam J. Assuming the Cost of War: Events, Elites, and American Public Support for Military Conflict Berry, Christopher R. and William G. Howell. Accountability and Local Elections: Rethinking Retrospective Voting Blais, André and Indridi H. Indridason. Making Candidates Count: The Logic of Electoral Alliances in Two-Round Legislative Elections Blanton, Shannon Lindsey and Robert G. Blanton. What Attracts Foreign Investors? An Examination of Human Rights and Foreign Direct Investment Bond, Jon R. The Scientification of the Study of Politics: Some Observations on the Behavioral Evolution in Political Science Brooks, Sarah M. When Does Diffusion Matter? Explaining the Spread of Structural Pension Reforms Across Nations , Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of Red Over Blue: The 2004 Elections and American Politics - By James W. Ceaser and Andrew E. Busch Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of A Defining Moment: The Presidential Election of 2004 Edited by William Crotty Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of Winning the White House 2004: Region By Region, Vote By Vote —- By Kevin ]. McMahon, David M. Rankin, Donald W. Beachler, and John Kenneth White Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of The Elections of 2004 — Edited by Michael Nelson Buell, Emmett H., Jr. Review Essay of Divided States of America: The Slash and Burn Politics of the 2004 Presidential Election — Edited by Larry Sabato allander, Steven and Catherine H. Wilson. Turnout, Polarization, and Duverger’s Law hase, Anthony. Review of Jillian Schwedler. Faith in Moderation. hurch, Jeffrey. Selfish and Moral Politics: David Hume on Stability and Cohesion in the Modern State iofh, John W. Review of William I. Robinson. A Theory of Global Captialism: Production, Class, and State in a Transnational World lare, Joe. Domestic Audiences and Strategic Interests linton, Joshua D. Lawmaking and Roll Calls ostain, Anne N. Review of Francesca Polletta. Jt Was Like a Fever: Storytelling in Protest and Politics rawford, Timothy W. Review of William C. Martel. Victory in War: Foundations of Modern Military Policy rawford, Timothy W. Review of Robert Mandel. The Meaning of Military Victor) Crowe, Justin. The Forging of Judicial Autonomy: Political Entrepreneurship and the Reforms of William Howard Taft DeCanio, Samuel. Religion and Nineteenth-Century Voting Behavior: A New Look at Some Old Data Dickinson, Matthew J. and Matthew J. Lebo. Reexamining the Growth of the Institutional Presidency, 1940-2000 Ding, Sheng. Review of Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen, editors. Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm Douglas, Andrew J. Review of William E. Connolly. Pluralism Ezrow, Lawrence. The Variance Matters: How Party System: Represent the Preferences of Voters INDEX TO VOLUME 69 1241 Ferraiolo, Kathleen. Review of Daniel A. Smith and Caroline J. Tolbert. Educated by Initiative: The Effects of Direct Democracy on Citizens and Political Organizations in the American States Fowler, James H. and Cindy D. Kam. Beyond the Self: Social Identity, Altruism, and Political Participation Fridkin, Kim L., Patrick J. Kenney, Sarah Allen Gershon, Karen Shafer, and Gina Serignese Woodall. Capturing the Power of a Campaign Event: The 2004 Presidential Debate in Tempe Gailmard, Sean and Jeffery A. Jenkins. Negative Agenda Control in the Senate and House: Fingerprints of Majority Party Power Gaines, Brian J., James H. Kuklinski, Paul J. Quirk, Buddy Peyton, and Jay Verkuilen. Same Facts, Different Interpretations: Partisan Motivation and Opinion on Iraq Gay, Claudine. Legislating Without Constraints: The Effect of Minority Districting on Legislator’s Responsiveness to Constituency Preferences Gent, Stephen E. Strange Bedfellows: The Strategic Dynamics of Major Power Military Interventions Gilens, Martin, Lynn Vavreck, and Martin Cohen. The Mass Media and the Public’s Assessments of Presidential Candidates, 1952-2000 Gimpel, James G., Karen M. Kaufmann, and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz. Battleground States versus Blackout States: The Behavioral Implications of Modern Presidential Campaigns Gomez, Brad T., Thomas G. Hansford, and George A. Krause. The Republicans Should Pray for Rain: Weather, Turnout, and Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections Gordan, Sanford C., Catherine Hafer, and Dimitri Landa. Consumption or Investment? On Motivations for Political Giving 1057 Gordon, Sanford C. and Catherine Hafer. Corporate Influence and the Regulatory Mandate ............ 300 Griffin, John D. Review of Zoltan L. Hajnal. Changing White Attitudes toward Black EE so .fuce uhie Kbd6os ane en sn ae Ob Raed eb pace k hue snemdkiles edhe 1214 Griffin, John D. and Brian Newman. The Unequal Representation of Latinos and Whites Griffin, John D. and Patrick Flavin. Racial Differences in Information, Expectations and Accountability Grynaviski, Jeffrey D. Review of Pradeep K. Chhibber and Ken Kollman. The Formation of National Party Systems: Federalism and Party Competition in Canada, Great Britain, India, and the United States Hall, Melinda Gann. Voting in State Supreme Court Elections: Competition and Context as Democratic Incentives Hebert, L. Joseph, Jr. Individualism and Intellectual Liberty in Tocqueville and Descartes Herrick, Rebekah. Review of Tracy Sulkin. Issue Politics in Congress Hirano, Shigeo and James M. Snyder, Jr. The Decline of Third Party Voting in the United States Hix, Simon and Michael Marsh. Punishment or Protest? Understanding European Parliament Elections Hoover, Dennis R. Review of Eric O. Hanson. Religion and Politics in the International System Today Howard, Robert M. Review of Virginia A. Hettinger, Stefanie Lindquist, and Wendy L. Martinek. Judging On A Collegial Court: Influences on Federal Appellate Decision Making Huckfeldt, Robert, Edward G. Carmines, Jeffery J. Mondak, and Eric Zeemering. Information, Activation, and Electoral Competition in the 2002 Congressional Elections Hutchinson, Marc L., and Douglas M. Gibler. Political Tolerance and Territorial Threat: pS RE Peres ree | rey ee eee ee eee ee TSe e ee eee 128 Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus. Review of George Steinmetz, editor. The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences: Positivism and Its Epistemological Others Jenkins, Shannon. Review of Peverill Squire and Keith E. Hamm. 101 Chambers: Congress, State Legislatures and the Future of Legislative Studies Johnson, James. Review of Mark Reinhardt, Holly Edwards, and Erina Duganne, editors. Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the Traffic in Pain Kam, Cindy D. When Duty Calls, Do Citizens Answer? Kam, Cindy D. and Donald R. Kinder. Terror and Ethnocentrism: Foundations of American Support for the War on Terrorism Karklins, Rasma. Review of Michael Johnston. Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy Karol, David. Does Constituency Size Affect Elected Officials’ Trade Policy Preferences? 1242 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Karol, David and Edward Miguel. The Electoral Cost of War: Iraq Casualties and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election Kaufmann, Daniel, Aart Kraay, and Massimo Mastruzzi. Growth and Governance: A Repl) Kaufmann, Daniel, Aart Kraay, and Massimo Mastruzzi. Growth and Governance: A Rejoinder Kinder, Donald R. Review of Karen Stenner. The Authoritarian Dynamic Klausen, Jimmy Casas. Room Enough: America, Natural Liberty, and Consent in Locke's Second Treatise Kono, Daniel Y. Making Anarchy Work: International Legal Institutions and Trade Cooperation Kousser, Thad, Jeffrey B. Lewis, and Seth E. Masket. Ideological Adaptation? The Survival Instinct of Threatened Legislators Krishna, Anirudh. How Does Social ‘(C apital row? A Seven-Year Study of Villages in India Krueger, Brian S. Review of Darreil M. West. Digital Government: Technology and Public Sector Performance Kurtz, Marcus J. and Andrew Schr ink. Growth and Governance: Models, Measures, and Mechanisms Kurtz, Marcus J. and Andrew Schrank. Growth and Governance: A Defense Lang, Sabine. Review of Kathrin S. Zippel. The Politics of Sexual Harassment. A Comparative Study of the United States, the European Union, and Germany Lau, Richard R., Lee Sigelman, and Ivy Brown Rovner. The Effects of Negative Political Campaigns: 4 Meta-Analytic Reassessment Lee, Caroline. Review of Archon Fung. Empowered Particii pation: Reinventing Urban Democracy Lee, Frances E. Review of E. Scott Adler and John S. Lapinski, editors. The Macropolitics of Congress Lee. Taeku. Review of Christina Wolbrecht and Rodney E. Hero, editors. The Politics of Democratic Inclusion Leeds, Brett Ashley and ne Savun. Terminating Alliances: Why Do States Abrogate Agreements? Leighly, Jan E. and Jonathan Nagler. Unions, Voter Turnout, and Class Bias in the U.S. Electorate, 1964-2004 Lewis, David E. Testing Pendleton’s Premise: Do Political Appointees Make Worse Bureaucrats? Lieber, Keir A. Review of Jacques E. C. Hymans. The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation: Identity, Emotions, and Foreign Policy Lieberman, Evan S. Review of Goran Hyden. African Politics in Comparative Perspective Lieberman, Robert C. Review of Carol A. Horton. Race and the Making of American Liberalism Long, Andrew G., Timothy Nordstrom, and Kyeonghi Baek. Allying for Peace: Treaty Obligations and Conflict between Allies Long, Michael E. Review of Charles L. Zelden. The Battle for the Black Ballot: Smith v. Allwright and the Defeat of the Texas All-White Primary Lopez, Tehama. Review of Alan S. Zuckerman, editor. The Social Logic of Politics: Personal Networks as Contexts for Political Behavior Lubell, Mark. Familiarity Breeds Trust: Collective Action in a Policy Domain Maoz, Zeev, Lesley G. Terris, Ranan D. Kuperman, and Ilan Talmud. What Is the Enemy of My Enemy? Causes and Consequences of Imbalanced International Relations, 1816-2001 Mead, Lawrence M. Review of David Stoesz. Quixote’s Ghost: The Right, the Liberati, and the Future of Social Polic Medvetz, Thomas. Review of Andrew Rich. Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise Meirowitz, Adam and Joshua A. Tucker. Run Boris Run: Strategic Voting in Sequential Elections Melzer, Arthur. On the Pedagogical Motive for Esoteric Writing Merolla, Jennifer L., Jennifer M. Ramos, and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister. Crisis, Charisma, and Consequences: Evidence from the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election Mitchell, Joshua. Religion Is Not a Preference Moscardelli, Vincent G. Review of Gregory J. Wawro and Eric Schickler. Filibuster: Obstruction and enae A O L, SOS "ss cu wes'c'vb000 00 bd.00 8abevae Ge webs whee es ¢4oe baleen Nagel, Jack H. The Burr Dilemma in Approval Voting Nederman, Cary J. Review of Mary M. Keys. Aquinas, Aristotle and the Promise of the Common Good Nelson, Thomas E., Kira Sanbonmatsu, and Harwood K. McClerking. Playing a Different Race Card: Examining the Limits of Elite Influence on Perceptions of Racism INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Nunnally, Shayla C. Review of Frederick C. Harris, Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, and Brian D. McKenzie. Countervailing Forces in African-American Civic Activism, 1973-1994 Owen, J. Judd. Locke’s Case for Religious Toleration: Its Neglected Foundation in the Essay Concerning Human Understanding Patty, John W. The House Discharge Procedure and Majoritarian Politics Peake, Jeffrey S. Review of Lawrence J. Grossback, David A. M. Peterson, and James A. Stimson. Mandate Politics Pildes, Richard H. Review of Neal Devins and Keith E. Whittington, editors. Congress and the Constitution Pop-Eleches, Grigore. Historical Legacies and Post-Communist Regime Change Powell, Emilia Justyna and Sara McLaughlin Mitchell. The International Court of Justice and the World’s SE Eo aicne tec cab dies oe the Sew they Pin wld tes cs bichicvad ale be bee am 397 Randazzo, Kirk A. Review of Thomas G. Hansford and James F. Spriggs, Il. The Politics of Precedent on the U.S. Supreme Court 1216 Remmer, Karen L. The Political Economy of Patronage: Expenditure Patterns in the Argentine Provinces, ON RT TREO re CPU OLE OTE CE CLT ETT COT ET CT ET 363 Rhodes, Jesse H. Review of Scott C. James. Presidents, Parties, and the State: a Party System Perspective on Democratic Regulatory Choice, 1884-1936 0... cece eee eee ee eee teen nnes 1211 Rhodes, Jesse H. Review of Alan Ware. The Democratic Party Heads North, 1877-1962 1211 Richter, James. Keview of Sidney Tarrow. The New Transnational Activism ..............44244++++-256 Rohde, David W. and Kenneth A. Shepsle. Advising and Consenting in the 60-Vote Senate: Strategic Appoinments to the Supreme Court Rohrschneider, Robert and Stephen Whitefield. Representation in New Democracies: Party Stances on European Integration in Post-Communist Eastern Europe Rovner, Joshua. Review of Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen. The Risk Society at War: Terror, Technology, and Strategy in the Twenty-First Century. Rubenstein, Jennifer. Accountability in an Unequal World Rudolph, Chris. Review of Mikhail Alexseev. Immigration Phobia and the Security Dilemma. Rudra, Nita. Welfare States in Developing Countries: Unique or Universal? ........00. ce0ce0 c0en0c e 378 Saiegh, Sebastian M. Review of Jonathan A. Rodden. Hamilton’s Paradox: The Promise and Peril of Fiscal Federalism I ey See he EE, Se Ee She! ee a ee Saldin, Robert P. Review of Robert David Johnson. Congress and the Cold War Sanbonmatsu, Kira. Review of Miki Caul Kittilson. Challenging Parties, Changing Parliaments: Women and Elected Office in Contemporary Western Europe Scherer, Nancy. Review of Lee Epstein and Jeffrey A. Segal. Advice and Consent: The Politics of Judicial pO Te Ce ee ee eT OTT TT eT CERO TREE CUTE OTT 1217 Schiemann, John W. Bizarre Beliefs and Rational Choices: A Behavioral Approach to Analytic Narratives Schildkraut, Deborah J. Defining American Identity in the Twenty-First Century: How much “There” is There? Schram, Sanford F. Review of Patrick Chabal and Jean-Pascal Daloz. Culture Troubles: Politics and the Interpretation of Meaning Smirnov, Oleg, Holly Arrow, Douglas Kennett, and John Orbell. Ancestral War and the Evolutionary Origins of ‘Heroism’ Smith, Kevin B., Christopher W. Larimer, Levente Littvay, and John R. Hibbing. Evolutionary Theory and Political Leadership: Why Certain People Do Not Trust Decision Makers ........22000020000e008: 285 Stasavage, David. Polarization and Publicity: Rethinking the Benefits of Deliberative Democracy Staton, Jeffrey K., Robert A. Jackson, and Damarys Canache. Dual Nationality Among Latinos: What Are the Implications for Political Connectedness? Thies, Cameron G. The Political Economy of State Building in Sub-Saharan Africa Thies, Cameron G. and Schuyler Porche. The Political Economy of Agricultural Protection Volden, Craig. Review of Kimberley S. Johnson. Governing the American State: Congress and the New Federalism, 1877-1929 Wheatley, Shannon. Review of Debbie Lisle. The Global Politics of Contemporary Travel Writing 1244 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Wheatley, Shannon. Review of Roxanne L. Euben. Journeys to the Other Shore: Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge Wheeler, Darren A. Review of Bruce Ackerman. Before the Next Attack: Preserving Civil Liberties in an ige of Terrorism Wheeler, Nicholas. Review o Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, 1990-1999 White, Julie Anne. Review of Deborah E. Ward. The White Welfare State: The Racialization of U.S. Welfare Policy

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