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The Journal of Physiology 1992: Vol 451 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview The Journal of Physiology 1992: Vol 451 Table of Contents

CONTENTS OF VOLUME 451 June 1992 Epwarps A.V. & TitcHen D.A. Synergism in the autonomic regulation of parotid secretion of protein in sheep. Davis R.E., SHELLEY S., MacponaLp G.J. & Duaaan K.A. The effects of a high sodium diet on the metabolism and secretion of vasoactive intestinal peptide in the rabbit. StureK Michael, Kunpa Koteswara & Hv Qicheng Sarcoplasmic reticulum buffering of myoplasmic calcium in bovine coronary artery smooth muscle. SteHno-BirrEL Lisa & Sturek Michael Spontaneous sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release and extrusion from bovine, not porcine, coronary artery smooth muscle. Scuemann M. & Tamura K. Presynaptic inhibitory effects of the peptides NPY, PYY and PP on nicotinic EPSPs in guinea-pig gastric myenteric neurones. Denison Adele L., STEPHENSON Robert B., Hutu Stephen S. Jr, CornisH Kurtis G. & Zucker Irving H. Intracoronary veratrine attenuates carotid baroreceptor reflex regulation of blood pressure in conscious dogs. BaveEr Paul J. & DRECHSLER Markus Association of cyclic GMP-gated channels and Na*—Ca?*—K* exchangers in bovine retinal rod outer segment plasma membranes. THornBury K.D., HoLLywoop M.A. & McHaLeN.G. Mediation by nitric oxide of neurogenic relaxation of the urinary bladder neck muscle in sheep. FRANKE Cu., K6ttcen D., Hatt H. & Dupe J. Activation and desensitization of embryonic-like receptor channels in mouse muscle by acetylcholine concentration steps. Rossins J., TROUSLARD J., Marsu S.J. & Brown D.A. Kinetic and pharmaco- logical properties of the M-current in rodent neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells. DELBONO Osvaldo Calcium current activation and charge movement in denervated mammalian skeletal muscle fibres. Baneosso J., GRAHAM T.E., Krens B. & Satin B. Elevated muscle glycogen and anaerobic energy production during exhaustive exercise in man. EtmsuiE Keith S. Calcium current modulation in frog sympathetic neurones: multiple neurotransmitters and G proteins. Dantzic J.A., GOLDMAN Y.E., MiILuarR N.C., Lacktis J. & HOMSHER E. Reversal of the cross-bridge force-generating transition by photogeneration of phosphate in rabbit psoas muscle fibres. Enricut J.T. Unexpected role of the oblique muscles in the human vertical fusional reflex. TouseE Noritsugu, Masupa Hiroshi & Sperevakis Nicholas Novel isoform of Ca?* channel in rat fetal cardiomyocytes. Itou Takeo, SEK1 Narihito, Suzuki Satoshi, Iro Shinichi, Kagtkur1 Junko & Kuriyama Hirosi Membrane hyperpolarization inhibits agonist-induced synthesis of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in rabbit mesenteric artery. viii CONTENTS THompson Scott M. & GAHWILER Beat H. Comparison of the actions of baclofen at pre- and postsynaptic receptors in the rat hippocampus in vitro. THompson Scott M., Haas Helmut L. & GAnwiteR Beat H. Comparison of the actions of adenosine at pre- and postsynaptic receptors in the rat hippocampus in vitro. Dart Caroline & VaucHaNn-JonEs Richard D. Na*-HCO, symport in the sheep cardiac Purkinje fibre. Noack Thomas, Derrmer Petra & LamMMEL Ernst Characterization of membrane currents in single smooth muscle cells from the guinea-pig gastric antrum. JAROLIMEK W. & MisceLp U. On the inhibitory actions of baclofen and y- aminobutyric acid in rat ventral midbrain culture. De Troyer André The electro-mechanical response of canine inspiratory intercostal muscles to increased resistance: the cranial rib-cage. De Troyer André The electro-mechanical response of canine inspiratory intercostal muscles to increased resistance: the caudal rib-cage. KonturEk Stanislaw J., Bitsk1 Jan, TASLER Janina & CIESZKOWSKI Marek Role of cholecystokinin in the inhibition of gastric acid secretion in dogs. Davipson J., Mivron A.S. & Roronpo D. «a-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone suppresses fever and increases in plasma levels of prostaglandin E, in the rabbit. STIENEN G.J.M., Verstexc P.G.A., Papp Z. & EvzincaG. Mechanical properties of skinned rabbit psoas and soleus muscle fibres during lengthening: effects of phosphate and Ca?*. Wane Q., Hoee R.C. & Larce W.A. Properties of spontaneous inward currents recorded in smooth muscle cells isolated from the rabbit portal vein. Baker M. & Bostock H. Ectopic activity in demyelinated spinal root axons of the rat. ForsyTHE I.D., LinspEuti P. & StanrieLtp P.R. Unitary A-currents of rat locus coeruleus neurones grown in cell culture : rectification caused by internal Mg** and Na‘. ScHouTen Vincent J.A., ALLAART Cor P. & WESTERHOF Nico Effect of perfusion pressure on force of contraction in thin papillary muscles and trabeculae from rat heart. Morin Didier, MonrEau Roger & HiLairE Gérard Compared effects of serotonin on cervical and hypoglossal inspiratory activities: an in vitro study in the newborn rat. Zuov Shi-Yi & GitBEy Michael P. Respiratory-related activity of lower thoracic and upper lumbar sympathetic preganglionic neurones in the rat. FALLEnTIN N., JENSEN B.R., Bystr6m S. & SsocaarD G. Role of potassium in the reflex regulation of blood pressure during static exercise in man. TrauB Roger D., Mites Richard & Buzsdx1 Gyérgy Computer simulation of carbachol-driven rhythmic population oscillations in the CA3 region of the in vitro rat hippocampus. Kyvuov Shin-ichi Cerebro-cerebellar projections from the ventral bank of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus in the cat.

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