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Index to Volume 70 Abandoning Vietnam: How America Left and American Prometheus: The Triumph and South Vietnam Lost Its War, by J. H Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer, by Willbanks, revd. by J. M. Carland, 183-86 K. Bird and M. J. Sherwin, reviewed by T. Abrahamson, James L.: review of Broken A. Julian and by F. Settle, 201-6 Glass (by J. M. Belohlavek), 843-44 American Shogun: General MacArthur, Abrams, Creighton W., 93, 108-13, 118-22 Emperor Hirchito, and the Drama of Adamthwaite, Anthony: review of Pétain (by Modern Japan, by R. Harvey, revd. by C. Williams), 862-63 M. Schaller, 1175-77 Adkins, Roy: Nelson’s Trafalgar, revd. by “Americans in the Nineteenth-Century B. Gough, 835-38 Egyptian Army: A Selected Bibliography,” Admiral’s Advantage, The: U.S. Navy Oper- by J. P. Dunn, 123-36 ational Intelligence in World War II and America’s Japan: The First Year, 1945-46, by the Cold War, by C. A. Ford with D. A G. K. Goodman, revd. by M. Schaller, Rosenberg, revd. by J. Prados, 865-67 1175-77 African Americans: Charles Young at West America’s Lost War. Vietnam: 1945-1975, by Point, book on revd., 849-50 C. E. Neu, revd. by D. Hunt, 278-79 Agoston, Gabor: Guns for the Sultan, revd. by America’s Miracle Man in Vietnam: Ngo Dinh J. P. Dunn, 218-19 Diem, Religion, Race, and U.S. Inter- Akers, Regina T.: review of Grace Hopper (by vention in Southeast Asia, by K. B. Williams), 281-82 S. Jacobs, revd. by M. Masur, 1183-84 Alabama, British Neutrality, and the Amer- Amphibious Warfare, 1000-1700: Commerce, ican Civil War, The, by F. J. Merli, ed. by State Formation, and European Expan- D. M. Fahey, revd. by K. J. Weddle, sion, ed. by D. J. B. Trim and M. C. Fissel, 1141-42 revd. by K. A. J. MeLay, 1111-13 Albano, Patrick M.: review of Red Com- Anarchism, the Republic, and Civil War manders (by R. R. Reese), 881-82 Spain: 1931-1939, by J. Casanova, revd. Alden, John D.: letter to ed., 304 by G. Jackson, 261-62 Alderson, Robert: review of Negotiating the Ancient Rome: A Military and _ Political Louisiana Purchase (by F. W. Brecher), History, by C. S. Mackay, revd. by P. Cul- 834-35 ham, 212-13 Alexander the Great: Afghanistan campaign Anderson, Charles R.: Day of Lightning, Years book revd., 1109-10 of Scorn, revd. by F. L. Borch, II, 532-34 Allen, Martin: Himmler’s Secret War, revd. by Andrade, Dale: review of ARVN (by R. K. G. Mueller, 560-61 Brigham), 1107-8 Allfree, Joshua B.: Warfare in the Ancient Angevine, Robert G.: review of 19th Century World, revd. by A. J. Papalas, 815-16 Torpedoes and Their Inventors (by Allies in War: Britain and America Against E. Gray), 233-34 the Axis Powers, 1940-1945, by M. A Ansac Experience, The: New Zealand, Aus- Stoler, revd. by P. Roberts, 1160-61 tralia, and the Empire in the First World America and World War II: Critical Issues, War, by C. Pugsley, revd. by A. Converse, ed. by T. A. Wilson, revd. by S. S. Minniear, 1181-83 1173-74 Appy, Christian G.: Patriots, revd. by P. Mas- American Admiralship: The Moral Imper- lowski, 562-63 atives of Naval Command, by E. F “Apt Pupil: Dwight Eisenhower and the 1930 Puryear, Jr, revd. by J. B. Hattendorf, Industrial Mobilization Plan.” by K. E. 557-58 Irish, 31-61 American Military Technology: The Life Story Archaeology and combat sites, book on revd., of a Technology, by B. C. Hacker, with 1180-S1 M. Vining, revd. by W. J. Astore, 1193-94 Artaioli, Maurizio: The Black Bands of Gio- MILITARY HISTORY 1211 Index to Volume 70 vanni, revd. by B. Sandberg, 492-93 Bar-Joseph, Uri: The Watchman Fell Asleep, revd. by R. Hitchens, 1185-87 Arnold, James R.: review of 1805 [Austerlitz] Barkawi, Tarak: review of Between Two (by R. Goetz), 507-8 Worlds (by D. C. Ellinwood, Jr.), 851-53 Artillery: harassment and interdiction fire in Barloon, Mark: review of A Revolution in Vietnam War, essay re, 91-122 Arms (by J. G. Bilby), 1131-32 ARVN: Life and Death in the South Barr, Niall: Pendulum of War, revd. by C. F. Vietnamese Army, by R. K. Brigham, revd. Baxter, 538-41 by L. Sorley and by D. Andrade, 1106-8 Barrett, Michael B.: review of German Assuming the Burden: Europe and _ the Strategy and the Path to Verdun (by R. 1 American Commitment to War in Foley), 254-55 Vietnam, by M. A. Lawrence, revd. by S.- Barua, Pradeep P.: The State at War in South M. Grant, 877-79 Asia, revd. by D. M. Peers, 566-68 Astore, William J.: review of American Baruch, Bernard M., 33-34, 42, 45-49 Military Technology (by B. C. Hacker with Battle of Hampton Roads, The: New Perspec- M. Vining), 1193-94 tives on the USS Monitor and CSS A to Z of the Korean War, The, by P. M. Virginia, ed. by H. Holtzer and T. Mulligan, Edwards, revd. by B. R. Gibby, 879-80 revd. by 8. C. Tucker, 1134-35 Audacity Personified: The Generalship of Battle of the Atlantic, by M. Milner, revd. by Robert E. Lee, ed. by P. S. Carmichael, W. F. Trimble, 1158-59 revd. by B. Holden Reid, 239-40 Battle of the Bulge, The: Hitler’s Alternate Auger, Martin F.: Prisoners of the Home Front, Scenarios, ed. by P. Tsouras, revd. by S. R. revd. by Y. Tremblay, 1166-68 Waddell, 270-71 Australia, books on reviewed: WWI military Battle of Yorktown, 1781, The: A Reassess- experience, 1181-83 ment, by J. D. Grainger, revd. by D. C. Australian Army and the Vietnam War, Skaggs, 502-4 1962-1972, The: The Chioef Afrm y Mil- Baugh, Daniel A.: review of In Search of itary History Conference, ed. by P. Dennis Empire (by J. Pritchard), 495-96 and J. Grey, revd. by A. Converse, Baxter, Colin F.: review of Pendulum of War 1181-83 (by N. Barr), 538-41 Axworthy, M. W. A.: review of Germany and Beasecker, Robert: “J Hope To Do My Country the Axis Powers (by R. L. DiNardo), Service,” revd. by J. McCaffrey, 240-41 1157-58 Beaver, Daniel R.: review of Five Days in October (by R. H. Ferrell), 256 Bacevich, Andrew J.: The New American Mili- Beckett, Ian F. W.: review of Big Wars and tarism, revd. by D. Fitzpatrick, 285-87 Small Wars (ed. by H. Strachan), 1179-80 Bachrach, Bernard S.: The Gesta Tancredi of Beebe, John M.: Prisoner of the Rising Sun, Ralph of Caen, revd. by J. Riley-Smith, revd. by P. Clemens, 1162-63 820-21 3eeler, John: The Milne Papers (vol. 1), revd. Bachrach, David S.: Religion and the Conduct by A. Lambert, 235-37 of War, c.300-1215, revd. by J. D. Hosler, Belgique et la Premiére Guerre mondiale, La, 818-20; The Gesta Tancredi of Ralph of by S. de Schaepdrijver, revd. by W. Klin- Caen, revd. by J. Riley-Smith, 820-21, kert, 1149-51 review of Teutonic Knights (by W. Urban), Bell, Adrian R.: War and the Soldier in the 1114-15 Fourteenth Century, revd. by P. Solon, Badsey, Stephen: The Falklands Conflict 214-15 Twenty Years On, revd. by F. N. Smith, Bell, P. M. H.: review of Blitzkrieg Legend (by 279-80 K.-H. Frieser) and Lightning War (by R. E. 3aker, Lee: review of Wehrmacht (by W. Wette), Powaski), 531-32 1156-57 Bellafaire, Judith: A Defensive Weapon 3alkoski, Joseph: Omaha Beach and Utah Known To Be of Value, revd. by S. D. W. Beach, revd. by A. R. Lewis, 870-72 Novak, 554-55 Banners South: A Northern Community at Belohlavek, John M.: Broken Glass, revd. by J. War, by E. J. Raus, Jr., revd. by B. M. L. Abrahamson, 843-44 Stentiford, 1135-36 Berube, Claude G.: A Call to the Sea, revd. by Barbero, Alessandro: Charlemagne, revd. by S. C. Tucker, 510-11; review of Last in J. D. Hosler, 490-92 Their Class (by J. S. Robbins), 841-42 1212 x THE JOURNAL OF Index to Volume 70 Between Two Worlds: A Rajput Officer in the Holy Land (by A. CG. A. Jampoler), Indian Army, 1905-21. Based on the 1127-2! Diary of Amar Singh of Jaipur, by D. C. Brady, Andrea: “Dying with Honour: Literary Ellinwood, Jr., revd. by T. Barkawi, 851-53 Propaganda and the Second English Civil Big Wars and Small Wars: The British Army War,” 9-30 and the Lessons of War in the 20th Braun, Wernher von: book on revd., 1177-78 Century, ed. by H. Strachan, revd. by I. F. Brecher, Frank W.: Negotiating the Louisiana W. Beckett, 1179-SO Purchase, revd. by R. Alderson, 834-35 3ilby, Joseph G.: A Revolution in Arms, revd Brigham, Robert K.: ARVN, revd. by L. Sorley by M. Barloon, 1131-32 and by D. Andrade, 1106-8 sinker, Mary Jo: A Defensive Weapon Known 3rindle, Rosemary: Guns in the Desert, revd. To Be of Value, revd. by S. D. W. Novak, by M. Gerges, 505-7 554-55 British Admirals of the Fleet, 1734-1995, The: Biclogical Weapons: From the Invention of A Biographical Dictionary, by T. A the State-Sponsored Programs to Con- Heathcote, revd. by A. Clayton, 838-39 temporary Bioterrorism, by J. Guillemin, British Admirals of the Napoleonic Wars: The revd. by J. E. van C. Moon, 284-85 Contemporaries of Nelson, ed. by P. Le 3ird, Kai: American Prometheus, revd. by T. A. Fevre and R. Harding, revd. by B. Gough, Julian and by F. Settle, 201-6 835-38 Bird, Keith W.: review of Deutsche Marinen Brobst, Peter John: The Future of the Great im Wandel (ed. by W. Rahn), 245-46 Game, revd. by R. Callahan, 271-72 Bitka sa Vukovar, by D. Marijan, revd. by J. J. Brooks, John: letter to ed., 195-99 Sadkovich, 187-94 Brown, Angus: review of Buster (by A. S Black, Jeremy: review of Global Cold War (by Brown), 257-58 O. A. Westad), 1191-92 Brown, Atholl Sutherland: Buster, revd. by Black Bands of Giovanni, The: Infantry and A. Brown, 257-58 Diplomacy during the Italian Wars Bruce, Susannah U.: review of Inside the (1526-1528), by M. Artaioli, revd. by Confederate Nation (ed. by L. J. Gordon B. Sandberg, 492-93 and J. C. Inseoe), 1136-37 Blaufarb, Rafe: Bonapartists in the Border- Brumwell, Stephen: White Devil, revd. by lands, revd. by O. Connelly, 1126-27 W. Lee, 228-29 Blitzkrieg Legend, The: The 1940 Campaign Buchanan, John: review of John Paul Jones in the West, by K.-H. Frieser, revd. by P. M. (by J. Callo), 1121-22 H. Bell, 531-32 Buchanan, Tom: Europes Troubled Peace, Blood in the Argonne: The “Lost Battalion” 1945-2000, revd. by T. C. Dowling, 876-77 of World War I, by A. D. Gaff, revd. by Budiansky, Stephen: review of Sabres over M. Yockelson, 525-26 MiG Alley (by K. P. Werrell), 1104-5 Blouet, Brian W.: Global Geostrategy, revd. by Budreau, Lisa M review of Combat K. J. Hagan, 521-23 Archaeology (by J. Schofield), 1180-81] Bofta, Sergio: Warfare in Medieval Brabant, Burgtort, Jochen: International Mobility in revd. by J. W. Honig, 217-18 the Military Orders, revd. by J. France, Bonaparte, Napoleon: revolution in military 1113-14 affairs under, 372-77 Buster: A Canadian Patriot and Imperial- Bonn, Keith E.: Slaughterhouse, revd. by ist—The Life and Times of Brigadier A. Hill, 264-65 James Sutherland Brown, by A. 8. Brown, Borch, Fred L., II: review of Day of Lightning, revd. by A. Brown, 257-58 Years of Scorn (by C. R. Anderson) Butler, Susan: My Dear Mr. Stalin, revd. by Bourne, John: Douglas Haig, revd. by D. Tod- W. C. Uhler, 543-44 man, 853-54 Boyce, D. George: review of Wars of Empire Cairns, John: Warfare in the Ancient World, (by D. Porch), 850-51 revd. by A. J. Papalas, 815-16 Boyne, Walter J.: Today's Best Military Calculating Credibility: How Leaders Assess Writing, revd. by E. M. Coffman, 890-91 Military Threats, by D. G. Press, revd. by Bradford, James C.: review of Sailors in the R. Hitchens, 565-66 January = 1-320 April = 321-608 July = 609-928 October = 929-1248 MILITARY HISTORY 1213 Index to Volume 70 Callahan, Raymond: reviews by: In Command Chandler, David G.: Military Miscellany II, of History (by D. Reynolds), 551-52; The revd. by H. E. Raugh, Jr., 1122-23 Future of the Great Game (by P. J. Brobst), Charlemagne: Father of a Continent, by 271-72 A. Barbero, trans. by A. Cameron, revd. by Callo, Joseph: John Paul Jones, revd. by J. D. Hosler, 490-92 J. Buchanan, 1121-22 Chemical warfare book revd., 1194-95 Calloway, Colin G.: One Vast Winter Count, China: army officers trained in U.S. colleges revd. by M. S. Scherer, 225-26 (1904-37), 703-42; Japan war (1931-45) Call to the Sea, A: Captain Charles Stewart of historiography, 137-82 the USS Constitution, by C. Berube and China and the Great War: China’s Pursuit of J. A. Rodgaard, revd. by S. C. Tucker, a New National Identity and Interna- 510-11 tionalization, by Xu G., revd. by K. K. Cambodia: Vietnamese invasion of 1978-79, Reist, 524-25 essay re, 459-86 thurchill, Winston S.: Second World War Campbell, Gary: The Road to Canada, revd. writing, book on revd., 551-52; Toulon by D. Morton, 512-13 expedition (1707), writing re, 947, 951; Canada: prisoners in WWII, killing of, 637-66 WWI casualty comparisons by, 667-94 —books on revd.: Fort Beauséjour siege lincinnati, Society of the: library holdings, (1755), 229-30; Saint John, New 801-14 srunswick, fortifications, 229-30; German litadel, The: Chinese students attending, POWs in Quebec, 1166-68; homosexuality 717-19 in the military in WWII, 1174-75; navy in larke, Frances M.: review of Honoring the WWII, 529-30; Normandy Campaign, Civil War Dead (by J. R. Neff) and These 269-70; Saint John to Quebee road, Honored Dead (by T. A. Desjardin), 512-13 516-17 lann, John P.: review of Campagnes dayton, Anthony: reviews _ by: British Coloniales du Portugal (by R. Pélissier), Admirals of the Fleet (by T. A. Heathcote), 1147-48 838-39; People’s State (by M. Fullbrook), Janton, Steven C.: Yemen Chronicle, revd. by 1189-90 D. M. Witty, 561-62 llemens, Peter: review of Prisoner of the ‘apelotti, P. J.: Life and Death on the Rising Sun (by J. M. Beebe), 1162-63 Greenland Patrol, 1942, revd. by J. A. loffey, David: Sheridan’s Lieutenants, revd. Tilley, 863-64 by D. Sauerwein, 846-47 Jap of Honour: The 300 Years of the loffman, Edward M.: reviews by: Leonard Gloucestershire Regiment, by D. S. Wood (by J. McCallum), 523-24; Today's Daniell, revd. by W. R. Houston, 1119-20 Best Military Writing (ed. by W. J. Boyne), ‘apponi, Niccolo: review of Writing War (ed. 890-91 by C. Saunders, F. Le Saux, and N. ‘olby, Jason M.: review of Confronting the Thomas) and Renaissance Military American Dream (by M. Gobat), 1153-54 Memoirs (by Y. N. Harari), 219-21 ‘olchester, England, siege of (1648), 12-15 ‘arey, Brian Todd: Warfare in the Ancient ‘oleman, Bradley Lynn: reviews by: Dead of World, revd. by A. J. Papalas, 815-16 Winter (by B. Warnock), 872-74; Remains ‘larland, John M.: review of Abandoning of War (by T. M. Hawley), 563-64 Vietnam (by J. H. Willbanks), 183-86 ‘ollins, Cary C.: review ot Indian Views of the tarmichael, Peter S.: Audacity Personified, Custer Fight (by R. G. Hardortf), 244 revd. by B. Holden Reid, 239-40; The Last Jolonel Richard Irving Dodge: The Life and Generation, revd. by J. Selby, 1142-43 Times of a Career Army Officer, by W. R. ‘aroe, Sir Olaf: book on revd., 271-72 Kime, revd. by R. Wooster, 1143-44 lasanova, Julian: Anarchism, the Republic, Jolonial Armies in Southeast Asia, ed. by and Civil War in Spain, revd. by G. Jack- K. Hack and T. Rettig, revd. by K. Mun- son, 261-62 holland, 1151-52 lassar, George H.: Kitchener's War, revd. by P. Jolonial Complex, A: South Carolina’s Simkins, 253-54 Frontiers in the Era of the Yamasee War tate, Alan: review of Historical Perspectives 1680-1730, by S. J. Oatis, revd. by W. Wall, of the OperationaAlr t (ed. by M. D. Krause 496-97 and R. C. Phillips), 288-89 lolossus Reborn: The Red Army at War, 1214 x THE JOURNAL OF Index to Volume 70 1941-1943, by D. M. Glantz, revd. by 568-69 A. Hill, 534-35 tulham, Phyllis: review of Ancient Rome (by Combat Archaeology: Material Culture and C. S. Mackay), 212-13 Modern Conflict, by J. Schofield, revd. by lull, Nicholas J.: Propaganda and Mass L. M. Budreau, 1180-81 Persuasion, revd. by M. R. Grandstaff, Command of the Ocean, The: A Naval History 568-69 of Britain, 1649-1815, by N. A. M. Rodger, lurzon Line, 754 revd. by J. L. Speelman, 824-25 lushing, Caleb, book on revd., 843-44 Concise Encyclopedia of the Revolutions and lutrer, Thomas W.: reviews by: First Way of Wars of England, Scotland, and Ireland, War (by J. Grenier), 226-27; Frontier 1639-1660, The, by S. C. Manganiello, Crossroads (by R. Wooster), 1128-30 revd. by M. C. Fissel, 223-24 Confident Hope ofa Miracle, The: The True Daley, John: review of On Armor (by B. I. Story of the Spanish Armada, by Gudmundsson), 555-57 N. Hanson, revd. by G. Parker, 821-24 Daniell, David Scott: Cap of Honour, revd. by Confronting the American Dream: Nicaragua W. R. Houston, 1119-20 Under U.S. Imperial Rule, by M. Gobat, Daso, Dik: Doolittle, revd. by K. P. Werrell, revd. by J. M. Colby, 1153-54 265-66 Connelly, Owen: On War and Leadership, Daughters of the Union: Northern Women revd. by R. L. Spiller, 829-30; review of Fight the Civil War, by N. Silber, revd. by Bonapartists in the Borderlands (by K. D. Vuie, 1139-40 R. Blaufarb), 1126-27 Daumesnil, Pierre: book on revd., 830-32 Conrad, Dennis M.: review of Southern David M. Shoup: A Warrior Against War, by Strategy (by D. K. Wilson), 828-29 H. Jablon, revd. by P. A. Zimmerman, Contested Borderland: The Civil War in 272-76 Appalachian Kentucky and Virginia, by Day of Lightning, Years of Scorn: Walter C. B. D. McKnight, revd. by R. R. Ortensie, Short and the Attack on Pearl Harbor, by 1132-33 C. R. Anderson, revd. by F. L. Borch, II, Converse, Allan: review of Australian Army 532-34 and the Vietnam War (ed. by P. Dennis Decatur, Stephen: book on revd., 237-38 and J. Grey) and Anzac Experience (by Defence and Fall of Singapore, 1940-1942, C. Pugsley), 1181-83 The, by B. P. Farrell, revd. by P. Dennis, Cook, Tim: “The Politics of Surrender: 1161-62 Canadian Soldiers and the Killing of Defensive Weapon Known To Be of Value, A: Prisoners in the Great War,” 637-66 Service Women of the Korean War Era, by “Costs of Artillery, The: Eliminating Harass- L. Witt, J. Bellafaire, B. Granrud, and M. J ment and Interdiction Fire During the Binker, revd. by S. D. W. Novak, 554-55 Vietnam War,” by J. M. Hawkins, 91-122 De Grand, Alexander: review of Le Suerre ital- Cox, Gary P.: review of Russo-Japanese War iane 1935-1943 (by G. Rochat), 858-59 in Global Perspective (by J. W. Steinberg Dennis, Peter: The Australian Army and the et al.), 250-51 Vietnam War, revd. by A. Converse, Crane, Conrad: review of Sabres over MiG 1181-83; review of Defence and Fall of Alley (by K. P. Werrell), 1104-5 Singapore (by B. P. Farrell), 1161-62 Crisis in Confederate Command, A: Edmund Desjardin, Thomas A.: These Honored Dead, Kirby Smith, Richard Taylor, and the revd. by F. M. Clarke, 516-17 Army of the Trans-Mississippi, by J. S Deutsche Marinen im Wandel: Vom Symbol Prushankin, revd. by R. M. MeMurry, nationaler Einheit sum Instrument inter- 514-15 nationaler Sicherheit, ed. by W. Rahn, Cromwell, Oliver: book on revd., 222-23 revd. by K. W. Bird, 245-46 Crusades books reviewed: Tanecred, Ralph of DiNardo, Richard L.: Germany and the Axis Caen’s biography of, 820-21; medicine Powers, revd. by M. W. A Axworthy, during, 213-14 1157-58 Culbert, David: Propaganda and Mass Dingman, Roger: review of Making Waves (by Persuasion, revd. by M. R. Grandstaff, J. C. Schencking), 249-50 January = 1-320 April = 321-608 July = 609-928 October = 929-1248 MILITARY HISTORY * 1215 Index to Volume 70 Dise, Robert: review of Intelligence Activities Eisenhower, Dwight D.: industrial mobiliza- in Ancient Rome (by R. M. Sheldon), tion plans (1930), essay re, 31-61; propa- 1110-11 ganda use book reviewed, 880-81 Division Azul, La. Sangre Espanola en Rusia, Eisteld, Rainer: review of Dr. Space (by 1941-1945, by X. Moreno Julia, revd. by B. Ward), 1177-78 on K. Schmider, 864-65 Ellinwood, DeWitt C., Jr.: Between WO Dixon, David: Never Come to Peace Again, Worlds, revd. by T. Barkawi, 851-53 revd. by S. N. Hendrix, 1118-19 Ells, Mark D. van: review of Greatest Dodge, Richard Irving: book on_ revd., Generation Comes Home (by M. D. Gam- 1143-44 bone), 874-75 Doguereau, Jean-Pierre: book on revd., 505-7 Emerson, W. Eric: Sons of Privilege, revd. by Doughty, Robert A.: Pyrrhic Victory, reviewed B. Wineman, 845-46 by L. V. Smith and by M. Neiberg, 487-89 Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, ed. by D. J. Douglas, W. A. B.: No Higher Purpose, revd. by Wishart, revd. by E. West, 526-28 M. Milner, 529-30 Eneyclopedia of World War I, The: A Political, Douglas Haig: War Diaries and Letters, Social, and Military History, ed. by S. C. 1914-1918, ed. by G. Sheffield and Tucker, revd. by D. R. Woodward, 857-58 J. Bourne, revd. by D. Todman, 853-54 England. See United Kingdom Dowling, Timothy C.: review of Europe’s England and the Spanish Armada: The Troubled Peace (by T. Buchanan), 876-77 Necessary Quarrel, by J. McDermott, Dr. Space: The Life of Wernher von Braun, by revd. by G. Parker, 821-24 B. Ward, revd. by R. Eisteld, 1177-78 Epkenhans, Michael: Das Milittéir und der Dubicki, Tadeusz: Intelligence Co-Operation Aufbruch in die Moderne 1860-1890, Between Poland and Britain During revd. by P. H. Wilson, 847-48 World War II, revd. by M. Schwonek, Erickson, Mark: Into the Unknown Together, 528-29 revd. by R. D. Launius, 558-59 Dungan, T. D.: V-2, revd. by M. J. Neufeld, Esdaile, Charles J.: Popular Resistance in the 548-49 French Wars, revd. by J. L. Tone, 1123-24 Dunn, John P.: “Americans in the Nineteenth- Eugene of Savoy: Toulon expedition (1707), Century Egyptian Army: A_ Selected essay re, 939-62 3ibliography,” 123-36; Khedive Ismail’s Army, revd. by J. Grant, 1144-45 Fahey, David M.: The Alabama, British —reviews by: Mahdi of the Sudan and the Neutrality, and the American Civil War, Death of General Gordon (by F. Nicoll), revd. by K. J. Weddle, 1141-42 848-49; Guns for the Sultan (by G. Agos- Fairfax, Thomas, 11, 13-14 ton), 218-19 Falklands Conflict Twenty Years On, The: Dunn, Walter: review of George Washington's Lessons for the Future, ed. by S. Badsey, War on Native America (by B. A. Mann), R. Havers, and M. Grove, revd. by FN. 501-2 Smith, 279-80 Du Pont, Samuel Francis, book on_ revd., Farr, David: review of Thomas Rainborowe 238-39 (by W. R. D. Jones), 493-94 “Dying with Honour: Literary Propaganda Farrell, Brian P.: The Defence and Fall of and the Second English Civil War,” by Singapore, revd. by P. Dennis, 1161-62; A. Brady, 9-30 Leadership and Responsibility in the Second World War, revd. by D. French, Ealham, Chris: The Splintering of Spain, 544445 revd. by G. Jensen, 1154-56 Faust, Drew Gilpin: “‘Numbers on Top of Echevarria, Antulio J., II: letter to ed., 584-85 Numbers’: Counting the Civil War Dead,” Edwards, Paul M.: The A to Z of the Korean 995-1010 War, revd. by B. R. Gibby, 879-80 Ferrell, Robert H.: Five Days in October, revd. Egypt: army in 19th c., Americans in, 123-36 by D. R. Beaver, 256 —books on reviewed: ancient, 207-8; Khedive First Waoyf Wa r, The: American War Making Ismail’s army, 1144-45 on the Frontier, by J. Grenier, revd. by 1805: Austerlits. Napoleon and __ the T. W. Cutrer, 226-27 Destruction of the Third Coalition, by Fissel, Mark Charles: Amphibious Warfare, R. Goetz, revd. by J. R. Arnold, 507-8 1000-1700, revd. by K. A. J. MeLay, 1216 x THE JOURNAL OF Index to Volume 70 1111-13; review of The Concise Furgol, Edward M.: review ot Jacobite Encyclopedia of the Revolutions and Wars Prisoners of the 1715 Rebellion (by of England, Scotland, and Ireland (by M. Sankey), 1116-17 S. C. Manganiello), 223-24 Future of the Great Game, The: Sir Olaf Fitzpatrick, David: review of New American Caroe, India’s Independence, and _ the Militarism (by A. J. Bacevich), 285-87 Defense of Asia, by P. J. Brobst, revd. by Five Days in October: The Lost Battalion of R. Callahan, 271-72 World War I, by R. H. Ferrell, revd. by D. R. Beaver, 256 Gabriel, Michael P.: Quebec During the Flory, Stewart: review of The Sea! The Sea! American Invasion, revd. by P. D. Nelson, (by T. Rood), 211-12 500-501 Foley, Robert T.: German Strategy and the Gaff, Alan D : Blood in the Argonne, revd. by Path to Verdun, revd. by M. B. sarrett, M. Yockelson, 525-26 254-55 Galgano, Michael J.: review of World War II Foot, M. R. D.: review of Wolves at the Door Reader (ed. G. Martel), 549-50 (by J. L. Pearson), 869-70 Gallagher, Gary W.: The Shenandoah Valley Ford, Christopher <A.: The Admiral’s Campaign of 1864, revd. by J. I. Rob- Advantage, revd. by J. Prados, 865-67 ertson, Jr., 1140-41 France, John: review of International Mobility Gambone, Michael D.: The Greatest in the Military Orders (ed. by J. Burgtort Generation Comes Home, revd. by M. D. and H. Nicholson), 1113-14 van Ells, 874-75 France: Habsburg-Piedmontese campaign Garrison State, The: The Military, Govern- against Toulon (1707), 939-62; military ment, and Society in Colonial Punjab, officers’ readings in late 18th c., 787-89; 1849-1947, by Tan T. Y., revd. by K. Roy, Napoleonic revolution in military affairs, 1152-53 372-77 Gaunt, Peter: review of Oliver Cromwell— —books on reviewed: Austerlitz campaign, Soldier (by A. Marshall), 222-23 507-8; Egyptian campaign (1799-1801), Generals, The: Andrew Jackson, Sir Edward 505-7; Jedburgh teams in WWII, 546-47; Pakenham, and the Road to the Battle of Louisiana Purchase negotiations, 834-35; New Orleans, by B. R. Patterson, revd. by partisan warfare against during Napoleonic G. A. Smith era, 1123-24; Pétain biography, 862-63; Genghis Kahn, 617-18, 632-35 transatlantic colonies (1670-1730), 495- Gerges, Mark T.: reviews by: Guns in the 96 Desert (trans and ed. by R. Brindle), Franklin, Robert: Medic!, revd. by Robert J. T 505-7; Napoleon's Shield and Guardian Joy, 1163-64 (by E. Ryan with H. de Clairval), 830-32 French, David: review of Leadership and Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Private und Responsibility in the Second World War Dienstliche Schriften, vol. 3, Lehrer, (ed. by B. P. Farrell), 544-45 Artillerist, Wegsbereiter (Preussen 1801- Friend, John: letter to ed., 916-17 1804), by K. Kunish et al., revd. by M. V. Frieser, Karl-Heinz: The Blitzkrieg Legend, Leggiere, 832-34 revd. by P. M. H. Bell, 531-32 “German Air Force Is Already ‘The Most From Rat Pants to Eagles and Tweeds: The Powerful in Europe, The: Two Royal Air Memoirs of a Soldier-Teacher, by J. L Force Officers Report on a Visit to Ger- Morrison, Jr., revd. by K. E. Gibson, 559-60 many, 6-15 October 1936,” by V. Orange, Fuhrmann, David T.: review of Inside the 1011-28 Pentagon Papers (ed. by J. Prados and German Strategy and the Path to Verdun: M. P. Porter), 886-87 Erich von Falkenhayn and the Devel- Fullbrook, Mary: The People’s State, revd. by opment of Attrition, 1870-1916, by R. T A. Clayton, 1189-90 Foley, revd. by M. B. Barrett, 254-55 Fuller, J. F. C.: and U.S. Civil War lessons, Germany: POWs in South Africa in WWII, 385-414 63-90; WWI casualties, 667-702 Funk, Arthur L.: review of The Jedburghs (by —books on reviewed: army in WWII, W. Irwin), 546-47 1156-57; East German society, 1189-90; January = 1-320 April = 321-608 July = 609-928 October = 929-1248 MILITARY HISTORY Index to Volume 70 Heinrich Himmler’s covert negotiations, Gow, James: The Serbian Project and Its 560-61; Imperial military culture, 246-47; Adversaries, revd. by J. J. Sadkovich, marines, 245-46; Prussian canton system 187-94 (18th ec.), 1117-18; V-2 development, Grace Hopper: Admiral of the Cyber Sea, K. B. 548-49; WWII victory in West (1940), Williams, revd. by R. T. Akers, 281-82 531-32; World War I, 380-82 Grainger, John D.: The Battle of Yorktown, Germany and the Axis Powers: From revd. by D. C. Skaggs, 502-4 Coalition to Collapse, by R. L. DiNardo, Grandstaft, Mark R.: review of Propaganda revd. by M. W. A. Axworthy, 1157-58 and Mass Persuasion (ed. by N. J. Cull, Gesta Tancredi of Ralph of Caen, The: A D. Culbert, and D. Welch), 568-69 History of the Normans on the First Granrud, Britta: A Defensive Weapon Known Crusade, trans. by B. S. Bachrach and to Be of Value, revd. by S. D. W. Novak, D. S. Bachrach, revd. by J. Riley-Smith, 554-55 820-21 Grant, Jonathan: reviews by: Khedive Ismail’s Giangreco, D. M.: letter to ed., 304—6 Army (by J. Dunn), 1144-45; Russian Gibby, Bryan R.: review of A to Z of the Korean Officer Corps in the Revolutionary and War (by P. M. Edwards), 879-80 Napoleonic Wars (by A. Mikaberidze), Gibson, Craig: review of Call to Arms (by 504-5 C. Messenger), 251-52 Grant, Susan-Mary: review of Assuming the Gibson, Keith E.: review of From Rat Pants to Burden (by M. A. Lawrence), 877-79 Eagles and Tweeds (by J. L. Morrison, Jr.), Gray, Edwyn: 19th Century Torpedoes and 559-60 Their Inventors, revd. by R. G. Angevine, Giesberg, Judith Ann: review of Women at the 233-34 Front (by J. Schultz), 1137-38 Greece, books on reviewed: Peloponnesian Gill, John H.: review of Leadership in the War, 816-18; Xenophon’s Ten Thousand in Indian Army (by V. K. Singh), 289-91 modern imagination, 211-12 Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn, revd. by Greene, Jerome A.: Fort Randall on the A. Hill, 534-35 Missouri, revd. by M. J. Lubetkin, 1130- Globel Cold War, The, by O. A. Westad, revd. 31; The Guns of Independence, revd. by D. by J. Black, 1191-92 C. Skaggs, 502-4 Global Geostrategy: Mackinder and _ the Grenier, John: The First Way of War, revd. by Defence of the West, ed. by B. W. Blouet, T. W. Cutrer, 226-27 revd. by K. J. Hagan, 521-23 Grey, Jeffrey: The Australian Army and the Gobat, Michel: Confronting the American Vietnam War, revd. by A. Converse, Dream, revd. by J. M. Colby, 1153-54 1181-83; review of Australian and U.S. Goetz, Robert: 1805, revd. by J. R. Arnold, Military Cooperation (by C. Hubbard), 507-8 1188 Gole, Henry G.: Soldiering, revd. by A. R. Grimes, Shawn: review of The Habit of Victory Millett, 883-84 (by P. Hoare), 234-35 Goodman, Grant K.: America’s Japan, revd. Gross, Gerhard P.: Das Militér und der by M. Schaller, 1175-77 Aufbruch in die Moderne 1860-1890, Gordon, David M.: “The China-Japan War, revd. by P. H. Wilson, 847-48 1931-1945,” 137-82 Grove, Mark: The Falklands Conflict Twenty Gordon, Lesley J.: Inside the Confederate Years On, revd. by F. N. Smith, 279-80 Nation, revd. by S. U. Bruce, 1136-37 Grunden, Walter E.: Secret Weapons and Goss, Thomas: review of More Damning than World War II, revd. by L. E. Lee, 267-68 Slaughter (by M. A. Weitz), 513-14 Gudmundsson, Bruce I.: On Armor, revd. by Gough, Barry: review of Nelson (by E. Vin- cent), British Admirals of the Napoleonic Guerre italiane 1935-1943, Le: Dall’impero Wars (ed. by P. Le Fevre and R. Harding), da Etiopia alla disfatta, by G. Rochat, revd. Pictures from the Life of Nelson (by W. C. by A. De Grand, 858-59 Russell), and Nelson’s Trafalgar (by Guillemin, Jeanne: Biological Weapons, revd. R. Adkins), 835-38 by J. E. van C. Moon, 284-85 Gough, Terrence J.: review of Louis Johnson Guns for the Sultan: Military Power and the and the Arming of America (by K. D. Weapons Industry in the Ottoman McFarland and D. L. Roll) Empire, by G. Agoston, revd. by J. P. 1218 x THE JOURNAL OF Index to Volume 70 Dunn, 218-19 revd. by L. Okamura, 489-90 Guns in the Desert: General Jean-Pierre Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Doguereau’s Journal of Napoleon’s Middle East, by D. R. Woodward, revd. by Egyptian Expedition, trans. and ed. by M. Hughes, 854-56 R. Brindle, revd. by M. Gerges, 505-7 Helm, Sarah: A Life in Secrets, revd. by Guns of Independence, The: The Siege of R. Kramer, 867-69 Yorktown, 1781, by J. A. Greene, revd. by Hendrickson, Ken: review of Redcoat and D. C. Skaggs, 502-4 Religion (by M. Snape), 827-28 Hendrix, Scott N.: review of Never Come to Habit of Victory, The: The Story of the Royal Peace Again (by D. Dixon), 1118-19 Navy, 1545-1945, by P. Hoare, revd. by Hickey, Donald R.: review of Stephen Decatur S. Grimes, 234-35 (by S. C. Tucker), 237-38 Hack, Karl: Colonial Armies in Southeast Higham, Robin: Why Air Forces Fail, revd. by Asia, revd. by K. Munholland, 1151-52 K. P. Werrell, 887-88 Hacker, Barton C.: American Military Hill, Alexander: The War Behind the Eastern Technology, revd. by W. J. Astore, 1193-94 Front, revd. by E. B. Westermann, 535-37; Hagan, Kenneth J.: review of Global comments on the review, 1099-1101 Geostrategy (ed. by B. W. Blouet), 521-23 —reviews by: Colossus Reborn (by D. M. Haig: The Evolution of a Commander, by Glantz), 534-35; Slaughterhouse (by K. E. A. A. Wiest, revd. by D. Todman, 853-54 Bonn), 264-65 Hall, Virginia: book on revd., 869-70 Hillman, Elizabeth Lutes: review of Right Hand, Chris M.: The Siege of Fort Beauséjour, Stuff, Wrong Sex (by M. A. Weitekamp), revd. by A. J. B. Johnston, 229-30 882-83 Hanson, Neil: The Confident Hope of a Himmler’s Secret War: The Covert Peace Miracle, revd. by G. Parker, 821-24 Negotiations of Heinrich Himmler, by Hanson, Victor Davis: A War Like No Other, M. Allen, revd. by G. Mueller, 560-61 revd. by E. L. Wheeler, 816-18 Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese Harari, Yuval Noah: Renaissance Military War, by R. Kowner, revd. by J. W. Memoirs, revd. by N. Capponi, 219-21 Steinberg, 1148-49 Harding, Richard: British Admirals of the Historical Dictionary of the War of 1812, by Napoleonic Wars, revd. by B. Gough, R. Maleomson, revd. by J. C. A. Stagg, 835-38; The Royal Navy, 1930-2000, 839-40 revd. by R. W. Westphal, Jr., 1168-69 Historical Perspectives of the Operational Hardorff, Richard G.: Indian Views of the Art, ed. by M. D. Krause and R. C. Phillips, Custer Fight, revd. by C. C. Collins, 244 revd. by A. Cate, 288-89 Harris, Stephen J.: Why Air Forces Fail, revd Hitchens, Ralph: reviews by: Calculating by K. P. Werrell, 887-88 Credibility (by D. G Press), 565-66; Harvey, Robert: American Shogun, revd. by Watchman Fell Asleep (by U. Bar-Joseph), M. Schaller, 1175-77 1185-87; Wars of the Cold War (by Hattendorf, John B.: review of American D. Stone), 276-78 Admiralship (by E. F. Puryear, Jr.), 557-58 Hoare, Peter: The Habit of Victory, revd. by Havers, Rob: The Falklands Conflict Twenty S. Grimes, 234-35 Years On, revd. by F. N. Smith, 279-80 Holden Reid, Brian: “‘A Signpost That Was Haverstick, Dolores A.: Stars and Stripes on Missed’? Reconsidering British Lessons Screen, revd. by F. J. Wetta, 560-61 from the American Civil War,” 385-414; Hawkins, John M.: “The Costs of Artillery: review of Audacity Personified (ed. by P.S Eliminating Harassment and Interdiction Carmichael), 239-40 Fire During the Vietnam War,” 91-122; let- Holt, Frank L.: Into the Land of Bones, revd. ter to ed., 915-16 by A. J. Papalas, 1109-10 Hawley, Thomas M.: The Remains of War, Holt, Thaddeus: The Deceivers, revd. by J. R. revd. by B. L. Coleman, 563-64 Schindler, 1171-73 Heathcote, T. A.: The British Admirals of the Holtzer, Harold: The Battle of Hampton Fleet, revd. by A. Clayton, 838-39 Roads, revd. by S. C. Tucker, 1134-35 Heather, Peter: The Fall of the Roman Empire, Homosexuality: in WWII Canadian military, January = 1-320 April = 321-608 July = 609-928 October = 929-1248 MILITARY HISTORY * 259 Index to Volume 70 book on revd., 1174-75 Indians, American, books on revd.: frontier Honig, Jan Willem: review of Warfare in warfare, 226-27; Pontiac’s uprising, 1118- Medieval Brabant (by S. Botta), 217-18 19; Revolution, war against during, 501-2; Honoring the Civil War Dead: Commem- Rogers’s rangers and Abenaki war, 228-29; oration and the Problem of Reconcil- Sioux and U.S. colonialism, 520-21; West iation, by J. R. Neff, revd. by F. M. Clarke, pre-1800, 225-26; Omaha WWII memoir, 516-17 873-74; Yamasee War (1680-1730), Hopper, Adm. Grace: book on revd., 281-82 496-97 Hosler, John D.: reviews by: Charlemagne (by Pursuit of Conceptual Excellence: The A. Barbero), 490-92; Religion and _ the Evolution of British Military-Strategic Conduct of War (by D. S. Bachrach), Doctrine in the Post-—Cold War Era, 818-20 1989-2002, by M. Mader, revd. by M. R. H. Houston, W. Robert: review of Cap of Honour Uttley, 280-81 (by D. S. Daniell), 1119-20 Inscoe, John C.: Inside the Confederate Hubbard, Christopher: Australian and U.S. Nation, revd. by S. U. Bruce, 1136-37 Military Cooperation, revd. by J. Grey, In Search of Empire: The French in the 1188 Americas, 1670-1730, by J. Pritchard, Hughes, Matthew: reviews by: Hell in the Holy revd. by D. A. Baugh, 495-96 Land (by D. R. Woodward), 854-56; I Die Inside the Pentagon Papers, ed. by J. Prados with My Country (ed. by H. Kraay and T. and M. P. Porter, revd. by D. T. Fuhrmann, L. Whigham), 242-43 886-87 Hull, Isabel V.: Absolute Destruction, revd. by Intelligence Activities in Ancient Rome: Trust W. D. Smith, 246-47 in the Gods, but Verify, by R. M. Sheldon, Hundred Years’ War: book on revd., 214-15 revd. by R. Dise, 1110-11 Hunt, David: review of America’s Lost War (by Intelligence and spying: Polish activities in C. E. Neu), 278-79 WWI, 1054-59 Hunter, Mark C.: “The U.S. Naval Adacemy —books on reviewed: Israeli failures before and Its Summer Cruises: Professionaliza- Yom Kippur War, 1185-87; Japan’s tion in the Antebellum U.S. Navy, 1845- Noborito Research Institute, 545-46; 1861,” 963-94 nuclear intelligence by U.S., 1190-91; U.S. Hurley, Patrick J., 35-36, 39 Navy operational intelligence post-1941, 865-67; Vera Atkins and SOE in WWIH, I Die with My Country: Perspectives on the 867-69 Paraguayan War, 1864-1870, ed. by Intelligence Co-operation Between Poland H. Kraay and T. L. Whigham, revd. by and Britain During World War II: The M. Hughes, 242-43 Report of the Anglo-Polish Historical “I Hope To Do My Country Service”: The Civil Committee, vol. 1, ed. by T. Stirling, War Letters of John Bennitt, M.D., D. Naleez, and T. Dubicki, revd. by Surgeon, 19th Michigan Infantry, ed. by M. Schwonek, 528-29 R. Beasecker, revd. by J. McCaffrey, International Mobility in the Military Orders 240-41 (Twelfth to Fifteenth Centuries): Travel- In Command of History: Churchill Fighting ling on Christ’s Business, ed. by J. Burg- and Writing the Second World War, by torf and H. Nicholson, revd. by J. France, D. Reynolds, revd. by R. Callahan, 551-52 1113-14 India, books on reviewed: Amar Singh diary Into the Land of Bones: Alexander the Great (1905-21), 851-53; army leaders’ biogra- in Afghanistan, by F. L. Holt, revd. by A. J. phies, 289-91; British politics and, Papalas, 1109-10 271-72; Punjab colonial government and Into the Unknown Together: The DOD, NASA, society, 1152-53; war since ancient times, and Early Spaceflight, by M. Erickson, 566-68 revd. by R. D. Launius, 558-59 India’s Partition: The Story of Imperialism in Ireland, book on reviewed: encyclopedia of Retreat, by D. N. Panigrahi, revd. by revolutions and wars (1639-60), 223-24 K. Roy, 550-51 Irish, Kerry E.: “Apt Pupil: Dwight Eisenhower Indian Views of the Custer Fight: A Source and the 1930 Industrial Mobilization Book, by R. G. Hardortf, revd. by C. C. Plan,” 31-61 Collins, 244 Irishmen in War from the Crusades to 1798 1220 x THE JOURNAL OF

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