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JANUARY In This Issue Human Papillomavirus DNA in Non-melanoma Skin Cancers of a Renal Transplant Recipient: Detection of a New Sequence Related to Epidermodysplasia REGULAR ARTICLES Verruciformis Associated Types Reinhard H6pfl, Guido Bens, Ulrike Wieland, Anton Petter, Bernhard Zelger, Peter Fritsch, and Herbert Pfister Direct Correlation Between DNA Repair Capacity and Metastatic Potential of K-1735 Murine Melanoma Cells Qingyi Wei, Lie Cheng, Keping Xie, Corazon D. Bucana, and Modulation of Fatty Acid Oxidation Alters Contact Zhongyun Dong Hypersensitivity to Urushiols: Role of Aliphatic Chain B- Oxidation in Processing and Activation of Urushiols Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Is Expressed by Basal Alexis M. Kalergis, Carolina B. Lopez, Maria I. Becker, Keratinocytes Before Interstitial Collagenase, Stromelysin- Marisol I. Diaz, Jorge Sein, Juan A. Garbarino, and 1, and Laminin-5 in Experimentally Induced Dermatitis Alfredo E. De Ioannes Herpetiformis Lesions Kristiina Airola, Timo Reunala, Sirpa Salo, and Ulpu K. Saarialho-Kere C3 Production of Cultured Human Epidermal Keratinocytes is Enhanced by IFNy and TNFa through Involucrin and SPRR Are Synthesized Sequentially in Different Pathways Tadashi Terui, Kuniaki Ishii, Maki Ozawa, Differentiating Cultured Epidermal Cells Akemi Ishida- Nobuko Tabata, Taizo Kato, and Hachiro Tagami Yamamoto, Tonja Kartasova, Shinobu Matsuo, Toshio Kuroki, and Hajime lizuka Development of an ELISA for Rapid Detection of Anti- The Spectral Dependence for UVA-Induced Cumulative Type VII Collagen Autoantibodies in Epidermolysis Damage in Human Skin Robert Lavker and Kays Kaidbey Bullosa Acquisita Mei Chen, Lawrence S. Chan, Xiaoyan Cai, Edel A. O’Toole, Jeanna C. Sample, and David T. Woodley Chromosomal Abnormalities in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma and in Its Premalignant Conditions as Amphiregulin and Nerve Growth Factor Expression Are Detected by G-Banding and Interphase Cytogenetic Regulated by Barrier Status in Murine Epidermis Methods _ Leena Karenko, Eija Hyytinen, Seppo Sarna, and Amelie Liou, Peter M. Elias, Carl Grunfeld, Kenneth R. Feingold, Annamari Ranki and Ladonna C. Wood Complementation of Hypopigmentation in p-Mutant (Pink- Eyed Dilution) Mouse Melanocytes by Normal Human P HaCa¥T Cell Line as a Model System for Vitamin D, cDNA, and Defective Complementation by OCA2 Mutant Metabolism in Human Skin Bodo Lehmann Sequences Elena V. Sviderskaya, Dorothy C. Bennett, Lingling Ho, Tu Bailin, Seung-Taek Lee, and Richard A. Spritz Localization of Aminopeptidase Activity in Freshly Excised Human Skin: Direct Visualization by Confocal Laser A Homozygous Nonsense Mutation and a Combination of Scanning Microscopy Peter Boderke, Hans P. Merkle, Two Mutations of the Wilson Disease Gene in Patients Christopher Cullander, Maria Ponec, and Harry E. Bodde with Different Lysyl Oxidase Activities in Cultured Fibroblasts Ritva Kemppainen, Riitta Palatsi, Matti Kallioinen, and Aarne Oikarinen Iontophoretic Delivery of ALA Provides a Quantitative Model for ALA Pharmacokinetics and PpIX Phototoxicity Interleukin-1f—Induced Inhibition of Hair Growth In Vitro in Human Skin Lesley E. Rhodes, Maria M. Tsoukas, Is Mediated by Cyclic AMP Rolf Hoffmann, R. Rox Anderson, and Nikiforos Kollias Wolfgang Eicheler, Elke Wenzel, and Rudolf Happle Molecular Subtyping of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Inhibits Proliferation and Isolates from Five Patients with Solitary Lymphocytoma Antigen Presentation by Human Peripheral Blood Roger N. Picken, Franc Strle, Eva Ruzic-Sabljic, Vera Maraspin, Mononuclear Cells: Effects on B7, Interleukin 10, and Stanka Lotric-Furlan, Joze Cimperman, Yu Cheng, and Interleukin 12 Floyd E. Fox, Marek Kubin, Maureen Cassin, Maria M. Picken Zhutian Niu, Junichi Hosoi, Hideshi Torii, Richard D. Granstein, Giorgio Trinchieri, and Alain H. Rook Activation of Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase in Psoriatic CD45 Molecule in yé T-Cell Generation: Disruption of Lesions and Cultured Human Keratinocytes by Epidermal CD45 Exon 6 Does Not Affect Vy3 Dendritic Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Ligands Jee-Ho Choi, T-Cell Development Binghe Wang, Hiroshi Fujisawa, Timothy P. O’Connor, Sewon Kang, John J. Voorhees, and Seiji Kondo, Gulnar G. Shivji, and Daniel N. Sauder GaryJ . Fisher 0022-202X/97/$10.50 * Copyright © 1997 by The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc. 979 980 VOLUME CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 103 Convergent and Discriminant Validity of a Generic and a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Disease-Specific Instrument to Measure Quality of Life in Patients with Skin Disease Mary-Margaret Chren, Human Herpesvirus-8 DNA Sequences in a Patient with Rebecca J. Lasek, Linda M. Quinn, and Kenneth E. Covinsky Pemphigus Vulgaris, but Without HIV Infection or Kaposi’s Sarcoma Omeed M. Memar, Peter L. Rady, Randall M. Goldblum, and Stephen K. Tyring Chemotactic 5-Oxo-Eicosatetraenoic Acids Induce Oxygen Radical Production, Ca”*-Mobilization, and Actin Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus/Human Herpesvirus 8 Is Not Detectable in Peripheral Blood Reorganization in Human Eosinophils via a Pertussis Mononuclear Cells of the Relatives of Sporadic KS Toxin-Sensitive G-Protein Wolfgang Czech, Patients Stefania Uccini, Emanuela Pilozzi, Michael Barbisch, Kirsten Tenscher, Erwin Schopf, Antonella Stoppacciaro, Antonio Angeloni, Roberta Santarelli, Jens-Michael Schréder, and Johannes Norgauer Alberto Faggioni, Carlo D. Baroni, Luigi P. Ruco, Maria C. Sirianni, Laura Vincenzi, Decio Cerimele, Maria V. Masala, and Francesca Cottoni COMMUNICATION Diacylglycerol-Induced Tanning Mark E. Costlow, Telomerase Activity Concentrates in the Mitotically Active Patricia P. Agin, and John Dowdy Segments of Human Hair Follicles Ruben D. Ramirez, Woodring E. Wright, Jerry W. Shay, and R. Stan Taylor Reply Barbara A. Gilchrest and Anne E. Allan FEBRUARY 1997 VOLUME 108 NUMBER 2 In This Issue Transient Expression of Epidermal Filaggrin in Cultured Cells Causes Collapse of Intermediate Filament Networks REGULAR ARTICLES with Alteration of Cell Shape and Nuclear Integrity Beverly A. Dale, Richard B. Presland, S. Patrick Lewis, Ultraviolet A Irradiation Upregulates Type VII Collagen Robert A. Underwood, and Philip Fleckman Expression in Human Dermal Fibroblasts Mei Chen, MartaJ . Petersen, Hai-Li Li, Xiao-Yan Cai, Edel A. O’Toole, and Identification of Aberrantly Regulated Genes in Diseased Skin Using the cDNA Differential Display Technique David T. Woodley Miriam V. Rivas, Erich D. Jarvis, Seiichiro Morisaki, Significantly Increased Occurrence of HLA-DQB1*0301 Henrietta Carbonaro, Alice B. Gottlieb, and James G. Krueger Allele in Patients with Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid In Vivo Transfer of a Foreign Gene to Keratinocytes Using Lawrence S. Chan, Craig Hammerberg, and Kevin D. Cooper the Hemagglutinating Virus of Japan-Liposome Method Sunscreens Offer the Same UVB Protection Factors for Daisuke Sawamura, Xianmin Meng, Shinsuke Ina, Hiroyasu Ishikawa, Katsuto Tamai, Kazuo Nomura, Inflammation and Im pp ion in the Mouse Katsumi Hanada, Isao Hashimoto, and Yasufumi Kaneda Susan L. Walker and Antony R. Young Differential Expression of Human Cornifin a@ and B in The Distribution of the Desmosomal Protein, Plakophilin Squamous Differentiating Epithelial Tissues and Several 1, in Human Skin and Skin Tumors Ingrid Moll, Skin Lesions Wataru Fujimoto, Gen Nakanishi, Jir6 Arata, and Hjalmar Kurzen, Lutz Langbein, and Werner W. Franke Anton M. Jetten Fibronectin Suppresses Apoptosis in Normal Human Activation of Cytoprotective Prostaglandin Synthase-1 by Melanocytes Through an Integrin-Dependent Mechanism Minoxidil as a Possible Explanation for Its Hair Growth- Glynis Scott, Linda Cassidy, and Angela Busacco Stimulating Effect Jean-Fran¢ois Michelet, Stephane Commo, Nelly Billoni, Yann F. Mahé, and Bruno A. Bernard The Comet Assay as a Repair Test for Prenatal Diagnosis of Xeroderma Pigmentosum and Trichothiodystrophy The Expression of the Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Claire Alapetite, Annie Benoit, Ethel Moustacchi, and Cysteine (SPARC) Is Associated with the Neoplastic Alain Sarasin Progression of Human Melanoma Fernanda Ledda, Alicia I. Bravo, Soraya Adris, Laura Bover, José Mordoh, and Production of POMC, CRH-R1i, MC1i, and MC2 Receptor Osvaldo L. Podhajcer mRNA and Expression of Tyrosinase Gene in Relation to Hair Cycle and Dexamethasone Treatment in the C57BL/6 Fas Signal Transduction Triggers Either Proliferation or Mouse Skin Gennady Ermak and Andrzej Slominski Apoptosis in Human Fibroblasts Rachel A. Freiberg, David M. Spencer, Keith A. Choate, HarrisonJ . Duh, The Analysis of Tyrosinase-Specific mRNA in Blood Stuart L. Schreiber, Gerald R. Crabtree, and Paul A. Khavari Samples of Melanoma Patients by RT-PCR Is Not a Useful Test for Metastatic Tumor Progression Uwe Reinhold, MUTATION REPORTS Hans-Christian Liidtke-Handjery, Sylvia Schnautz, Hans-Wilhelm Kreysel, and Hinrich Abken Missense Mutations in Keratin 17 Cause Either Pachyonychia Congenita Type 2 or a Phenotype Evidence for Specific Proteolytic Cleavage of the N- Resembling Steatocystoma Multiplex Frances J. D. Smith, Terminal Domain of Human Profilaggrin During Laura D. Corden, Elizabeth L. Rugg, Ravi Ratnavel, Epidermal Differentiation Richard B. Presland, Irene M. Leigh, Celia Moss, MichaelJ . Tidman, Daniel Hohl, Janet R. Kimball, Mikael B. Kautsky, S. Patrick Lewis, Marcel Huber, Lia Kunkeler, Colin S. Munro, E. Birgitte Lane, Christine Y. Lo, and Beverly A. Dale and W. H. Irwin McLean VOL. 108, NO. 6 JUNE 1997 VOLUME CONTENTS 224 Glycine Substitution Mutations in the Type VII Collagen BOOK REVIEWS Gene (COL7A1) in Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa: Implications for Genetic Counseling Atsushi Kon, Human Cell Culture Protocols Steven T. Boyce John A. McGrath, Leena Pulkkinen, Kazuo Nomura, Takehiko Nakamura, Yoshihiro Maekawa, Angela M. Christiano, DermLine - Dermatology MEDLINE on CD-ROM Isao Hashimoto, and Jouni Uitto Daniel Mimouni Immunology of Human Melanoma: Tumor-Host COMMUNICATION Interaction and Immunotherapy Cheryl Armstrong Deficiency of Glutathione S-Transferases T1 and M1 as CORRECTIONS Heritable Factors of Increased Cut UV Sensitivity Reinhold Kerb, Jiirgen Brockméller, Thorsten Reum, and 8-Hydroxy-2'-Deoxyguanosine Is Increased in Epidermal Ivar Roots Cells of Hairless Mice after Chronic Ultraviolet B Exposure Yukari Hattori, Chikako Nishigori, Tomoyuki Tanaka, Koji Uchida, Osamu Nikaido, Toshihiko Osawa, Hiroshi Hiai, LETTER TO THE EDITOR Sadao Imamura, and Shinya Toyokuni Actinic Prurigo and HLA-DR4 R. S. Dawe, P. Collins, Defective Integrin a684 Expression in the Skin of Patients J. Ferguson, and A. O’Sullivan With Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa and Pyloric Atresia Tod A. Brown, Susana G. Gil, Virginia P. Sybert, Reply Heéléne du P. Menage, Robert W. Vaughan, Gilles G. Lestringant, Gianluca Tadini, Ruggero Caputo, and Sophie Grabczynska, Jane M. McGregor, and John L. M. Hawk William G. Carter MARCH 1997 VOLUME 108 NUMBER 3 In This Issue Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1) May Be an Autocrine Growth Factor in Scleroderma Fibroblasts Kanako Kikuchi, Takafumi Kadono, Masutaka Furue, and REGULAR ARTICLES Kunihiko Tamaki Mutations in the COL3A1 Gene Result in the Dexamethasone Abrogates the Fibrogenic Effect of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type IV and Alterations in the Transforming Growth Factor-f in Rat Granuloma and Size and Distribution of the Major Collagen Fibrils of the Granulation Tissue Fibroblasts Natalie Meisler, Dermis Lynne T. Smith, Ulrike Schwarze, Jayne Goldstein, and Kerry A. Keefer, H. Paul Ehrlich, Dorne R. Yager, Peter H. Byers Jo Myers-Parrelli, and Kenneth R. Cutroneo Platelets Play a Role in the Pathogenesis of the Irritant UVB Irradiation Alters Cellular Responses to Cytokines: Reaction in Mice Giorgio Senaldi and Pierre-Francois Piguet Role in Extracellular Matrix Gene Expression Victoria P. Werth, Kevin Jon Williams, Edward A. Fisher, Muhammad Bashir, Joel Rosenbloom, and Xiaomei Shi Induction of Hapten-Specific Tolerance of Human CD8+ Urushiol (Poison Ivy)—-Reactive T Lymphocytes Richard S. Kalish and Jonathan A. Wood Pervanadate Mimics IFNy-Mediated Induction of ICAM-1 Expression via Activation of STAT Proteins Jennifer L. Duff, Kimberly L. Quinlan, Lani L. L. Paxton, TGF-£3 Stimulates and Regulates Collagen Synthesis Shubhada M. Naik, and S. Wright Caughman Through TGF-B1- Dependent and Independent Mechanisms Hiroshi Murata, Linda Zhou, Sofia Ochoa, L-Ascorbic Acid Inhibits UVA-Induced Lipid Peroxidation Anthony Hasan, Evangelos Badiavas, and Vincent Falanga and Secretion of IL-1a and IL-6 in Cultured Human Keratinocytes In Vitro Beate Tebbe, Shuling Wu, Hypoxia Regulates the Expression of Vascular Christoph C. Geilen, Jiirgen Eberle, Vitam Kodelja, and Permeability Factor/Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Constantin E. Orfanos (VPF/VEGEF) and its Receptors in Human Skin Michael Detmar, Lawrence F. Brown, Brygida Berse, Differential Expression of the Calpactin I Subunits Robert W. Jackman, Brett M. Elicker, Harold F. Dvorak, and Annexin II and p11 in Cultured Keratinocytes and During Kevin P. Claffey Wound Repair Barbara Munz, Volker Gerke, Reinhard Gillitzer, and Sabine Werner Scleroderma Fibroblasts Show Increased Responsiveness to Endothelial Cell-Derived IL-1 and bFGF Transfection with aFGF cDNA Improves Wound Healing Christopher P. Denton, Xu Shi-wen, Carol M. Black, and Liying Sun, Lan Xu, Henry Chang, Fleetwood A. Henry, Jeremy D. Pearson Robert M. Miller, John M. Harmon, and Thor B. Nielsen Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Neurofibromin Level in Intrinsically Aged Epidermis Displays Diminished UVB- Cultured Human Melanocytes in Response to Growth Induced Alterations in Barrier Function Associated with Factors Johann Griesser, Dieter Kaufmann, Bernd Maier, Decreased Proliferation Akinori Haratake, Yoshikazu Uchida, Reinhard Mailhammer, Philippa Kuehl, and Winfrid Krone Kunio Mimura, Peter M. Elias, and Walter M. Holleran 982 VOLUME CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY Keratin 17 Gene Expression during the Murine Hair Cycle MUTATION REPORTS Andrei A. Panteleyev, Ralf Paus, Reinhard Wanner, Wolf Niirnberg, Stefan Eichmiiller, Renate Thiel, Juan Zhang, A New Keratin 2e Mutation in Ichthyosis Bullosa of Beate M. Henz, and Thomas Rosenbach Siemens David O. Jones, Clair Watts, Caroline Mills, Graham Sharpe, Ronald Marks, and Paul E. Bowden 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) Affects Keratin 1 and Keratin 17 Gene Expression and A Novel Dinucleotide Mutation in Keratin 10 in the Differentially Induces Keratinization in Hairless Mouse Annular Epidermolytic Ichthyosis Variant of Bullous Skin Andrei A. Panteleyev, Renate Thiel, Reinhard Wanner, Congenital Ichthyosiform Erythroderma Gwang-Yeol Joh, Juan Zhang, Vladmir S. Roumak, Ralf Paus, Diether Neubert, Beate M. Henz, and Thomas Rosenbach Heiko Traupe, Dieter Metze, Dorothée Nashan, Marcel Huber, Daniel Hohl, Mary A. Longley, Joseph A. Rothnagel, and Dennis R. Roop The High-Affinity Receptor for IgE Is the Predominant IgE-Binding Structure in Lesional Skin of Atopic Dermatitis Patients Radek Klubal, Birgit Osterhoff, Binghe Wang, Jean-Pierre Kinet, Dieter Maurer, and Georg Sting] ABSTRACTS HECA-452* T Cells Migrate Through Superficial Vascular 1997 Annual Meeting Plexus but Not Through Deep Vascular Plexus International DermatoEpidemiology Association Endothelium Rainer Kunstfeld, Sonja Lechleitner, Marion Groéger, Klaus Wolff, and Peter Petzelbauer Index Primers for Exon-Specific Amplification of the KRT5 Gene: Identification of Novel and Recurrent Mutations in IV. International Dermatology Symposium Berlin Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex Patients Karen Stephens, Pamela Ehrlich, Molly Weaver, Rosalynda Le, Anne Spencer, and Virginia P. Sybert Index APRIL 1997 VOLUME 108 NUMBER 4 In This Issue The Chemokine Repertoire of Human Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Its Regulation by Inflammatory Cytokines Matthias Goebeler, REGULAR ARTICLES Teizo Yoshimura, Atiye Toksoy, Uwe Ritter, Eva-Bettina Broécker, and Reinhard Gillitzer a-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone Downregulates Differentiation-Driven Heat Shock Protein 70 Expression Expression of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein- in Keratinocytes Lukas Orel, Manuel M. Simon, 3 (IGFBP-3) in the Psoriatic Lesion ChristopherJ . Wraight, Jan Karlseder, Ranjit Bhardwaj, Franz Trautinger, Stephanie R. Edmondson, Denys W. Fortune, George Varigos, Thomas Schwarz, and Thomas A. Luger and George A. Werther Cytokine Gene Expression during the Elicitation Phase of Retroviral Marking Identifies Grafted Autologous Contact Sensitivity: Regulation by Endogenous IL-4 Keratinocytes in Porcine Wounds Receiving Cultured Hideo Asada, Jay Linton, and Stephen I. Katz Epithelium Roy L.H. Ng, Barbara Woodward, Stephen Bevan, Colin Green, and Robin Martin Transgenic Mice Expressing IFN-y in the Epidermis Have Premature Termination Codons Are Present on Both Eczema, Hair Hypopigmentation, and Hair Loss Alleles of the Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen 2/ Type XVII Joseph M. Carroll, Tessa Crompton, John P. Seery, and Collagen Gene in Five Austrian Families with Generalized Fiona M. Watt Atrophic Benign Epidermolysis Bullosa Thomas N. Darling, John A. McGrath, Carole Yee, Biljana Gatalica, Bullous Pemphigoid and Linear IgA Dermatosis Sera Rudolf Hametner, Johann W. Bauer, Gabriele Pohla-Gubo, Recognize a Similar 120-kDa Keratinocyte Collagenous Angela M. Christiano, Jouni Uitto, Helmut Hintner, and Glycoprotein with Antigenic Cross-Reactivity to BP180 Kim B. Yancey Hendri H. Pas, GuusJ . Kloosterhuis, Klaas Heeres, Jan B. van der Meer, and Marcel F. Jonkman Identification of a New Antibody Population Directed Against a Desmosomal Plaque Antigen in Pemphigus Vulgaris and Pemphigus Foliaceus Pascal Joly, Aging Is Associated with Reduced Deposition of Specific Daniéle Gilbert, Elisabeth Thomine, Mondher Zitouni, Extracellular Matrix Components, an Upregulation of Rezza Ghohestani, Annie Delpech, Philippe Lauret, and Angiogenesis, and an Altered Inflammatory Response in a Francois Tron Murine Incisional Wound Healing Model Gillian S. Ashcroft, Michael A. Horan, and Mark W.J. Ferguson All-trans-Retinoic Acid Inhibition of Proai(I) Collagen Gene Expression in Fetal Rat Skin Fibroblasts: Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression and Nitric Oxide Identification of a Retinoic Acid Resp El t in the Production Are Reduced in Hypertrophic Scar Tissue and Proai(I) Collagen Gene Natalie T. Meisler, Jo Parrelli, Fibroblasts Rijian Wang, Aziz Ghahary, You J. Shen, Gerard J. Gendimenico, James A. Mezick, and Paul G. Scott, and Edward E. Tredget Kenneth R. Cutroneo VOL. 108, NO. 6 JUNE 1997 VOLUME CONTENTS 983 482 Pemphigus IgG Activates and Translocates Protein Kinase 527 Alterations in IL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF, TNF-a, and IFN-y C from the Cytosol to the Particulate/Cytoskeleton Release by Peripheral Mononuclear Cells in Patients with Fractions in Human Keratinocytes Kazuko Osada, Active Vitiligo Hsin-Su Yu, Kee-Lung Chang, Chia-Li Yu, Mariko Seishima, and Yasuo Kitajima Hui-Fang Li, Meng-Tse Wu, Chieh-Shan Wu, and Ching-Shuang Wu 488 T-Cell Proliferation to Superantigen-Releasing Staphylococcus aureus by MHC Class I-Bearing LETTER TO THE EDITOR Keratinocytes under Protection from Bacterial Cytolysin Yoshiki Tokura, Fukumi Furukawa, Hisashi Wakita, 530 Retention of Long-lived, Allergen-Specific T Cells in Hiroaki Yagi, Tsutomu Ushijima, and Masahiro Takigawa Atopic Dermatitis Skin Frank C. van Reijsen, Carla A.F.M. Brujnzeel-Koomen, Roel A. de Weger, and 495 Hair Cycle Stage of the Mouse Vibrissa Follicle Geert C. Mudde Determines Subsequent Fiber Growth and Follicle Behavior In Vitro Mark Robinson, Amanda J. Reynolds, and BOOK REVIEW Colin A.B. Jahoda 531 The Journal of Investigative Dermatology on CD-ROM 501 Predictive Dosimetry for Threshold Phototoxicity in Photodynamic Therapy on Normal Skin: Red Wavelengths Daniel Mimouni, M.D. Produce More Extensive Damage Than Blue at Equal SOCIETY FOR INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY Threshold Doses Maria M. Tsoukas, Gloria C. Lin, Margaret S. Lee, R. Rox Anderson, and Nikiforos Kollias 532 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Washington, DC, May 1, 1996 506 Retinoid X Receptor-Specific Ligands Synergistically Upregulate 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D,-Dependent 534 Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting, First Executive Transcription in Epidermal Keratinocytes In Vitro and In Session Washington, DC, May 2, 1996 Vivo Xiao-Yan Li, Jia-Hao Xiao, Xu Feng, Li Qin, and John J. Voorhees 534 Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting, Second Executive Session Washington, DC, May 5, 1996 513 The Retinoid X Receptor Agonist 9-cis-Retinoic Acid and the 24-Hydroxylase Inhibitor Ketoconazole Increase 535 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Activity of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, in Human Skin In Vivo Sewon Kang, Xiao-Yan Li, Elizabeth A. Duell, and Directors Washington, DC, May 4, 1996 John J. Voorhees 535 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Cleveland, Ohio, August 2, 1996 519 Truncal Tumor Site Is Associated with High Risk of Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma and Is Influenced by Glutathione S-Transferase, GSTT1, and Cytochrome P450, 536 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors CYP1A1 Genotypes, and Their Interaction John T. Lear, Chicago, Illinois, October 6, 1995 Andrew G. Smith, Bill Bowers, Adrian H.M. Heagearty, Peter W. Jones, Janice Gilford, Julie Alldersea, ABSTRACTS Richard C. Strange, and Anthony A. Fryer 537 Abstracts for the 1997 Annual Meeting Society for 523 Antisense Oligonucleotides Inhibit Vascular Endothelial Investigative Dermatology Growth Factor/Vascular Permeability Factor Expression in Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes 679 Keyword Index Adrienne P. Smyth, Susan L. Rook, Michael Detmar, and Gregory S. Robinson 682 Author Index MAY 1997 VOLUME 108 NUMBER 5 693 In This Issue 708 Relation Between HLA Antigens and Skin Cancer in Renal Transplant Recipients in Queensland, Australia Jan N. Bouwes Bavinck, Frans H.J. Claas, David R. Hardie, EDITORIALS Adéle Green, Bert J. Vermeer, and Ian R. Hardie 695 The Evolution of Anti-Tumor Immunotherapy 712 Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Plucked Suguru Imaeda Hairs from Renal Transplant Recipients and Healthy Volunteers Ingeborg L.A. Boxman, Ron J.M. Berkhout, Linda H.C. Mulder, Monika C. Wolkers, 698 Understanding Mast Cells and Mastocytosis Jan N. Bouwes Bavinck, Bert Jan Vermeer, and Jan ter Schegget Michael D. Tharp 716 Epidermal Dendritic Cells Induce Potent Antigen-Specific CTL-Mediated Immunity Christina M. Celluzzi and REGULAR ARTICLES Louis D. Falo, Jr. 700 Peptidylarginine Deiminase of the Hair Follicle: 721 Ultraviolet B-Exposed and Soluble Factor-Pre-Incubated Characterization, Localization, and Function in Epidermal Langerhans Cells Fail to Induce Contact Keratinizing Tissues George Rogers, Bradley Winter, Hypersensitivity and Promote DNP-Specific Tolerance Clive McLaughlan, Barry Powell, and Toni Nesci Ruoping Dai and J. Wayne Streilein VOLUME CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY Photoprotective Effect of Esterified Glutathione Against Analysis of the Ability of 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol- Ultraviolet B-Induced Sunburn Cell Formation in the 13-Acetate to Induce Epidermal Hyperplasia, Hairless Mice Katsumi Hanada, Daisuke Sawamura, Transforming Growth Factor-a, and Skin Tumor Katsuto Tamai, Isao Hashimoto, and Shizuko Kobayashi Promotion in wa-1 Mice Kaoru Kiguchi, Linda Beltran, Adam Dubowski, and John DiGiovanni Draining Lymph Node Cells of Contact-Sensitized Mice Induce Suppression of Contact Sensitivity Toshifumi Chronically KIT-Stimulated Clonally-Derived Human Nakagawa, Daisuke Oka, Shojiro Nakagawa, Hiroaki Ueki, and Mast Cells Show Heterogeneity in Different Tissue Takashi Takaiwa Microenvironments B. Jack Longley, Lynda Tyrrell, Shuzhuang Lu, Yongsheng Ma, Vincent Klump, and Differential Expression of Collagens XII and XIV in George F. Murphy Human Skin and in Reconstructed Skin Francois Berthod, Lucie Germain, Rina Guignard, Claire Lethias, Robert Garrone, Photo-Enhanced Modification of Human Skin Elastin in Odile Damour, Michel van der Rest, and Frangois A. Auger Actinic Elastosis by N‘-(Carboxymethy]l)lysine, One of the Glycoxidation Products of the Maillard Reaction Enhanced Expression of T-Cell Activation and Natural Killer Cell Antigens Indicates Systemic Anti-Tumor Kumiko Mizutari, Tomomichi Ono, Kazuyoshi Ikeda, Ken-ichi Kayashima, and Seikoh Horiuchi Response in Early Primary Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Khusru Asadullah, Markus Friedrich, Wolf-Dietrich Décke, Sigbert Jahn, Hans-Dieter Volk, and Wolfram Sterry Topical Application of Viral Vectors for Epidermal Gene Transfer Bo Lu, HowardJ . Federoff, Yibin Wang, Phospholipase C-Mediated Signaling Is Altered During Lowell A. Goldsmith, and Glynis Scott HaCaT Cell Proliferation and Differentiation Ingo Haase, Christine Liesegang, Silvia Binting, Beate M. Henz, and MUTATION REPORT Thomas Rosenbach A Mutation in the V1 Domain of Keratin 5 Causes Ozone-Exposure Depletes Vitamin E and Induces Lipid Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex with Mottled Pigmentation Peroxidation in Murine Stratum Corneum Jens J. Thiele, Alan D. Irvine, Kevin E. McKenna, Hilary Jenkinson, and Maret G. Traber, Thomas G. Polefka, Carroll E. Cross, and Anne E. Hughes Lester Packer Retinoic Acid Stimulates Essential Fatty LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Acid-Supplemented Human Keratinocytes in Culture Cynthia L. Marcelo and William R. Dunham Role of CD4+ T Cells and of the CD4 Molecule in Contact Sensitivity Helene Bour, Fran¢goise Horand, Maya Krasteva, TNF-a and IL-8 Are Upregulated in the Epidermis of and Jean-Frangois Nicolas Normal Human Skin after UVB Exposure: Correlation with Neutrophil Accumulation and E-Selectin Expression Reply Seiji Kondo and Daniel N. Sauder Ian Strickland, Lesley E. Rhodes, Brian F. Flanagan, and Peter S. Friedmann Multiple Microsatellite Alterations on Chromosome 9 in UVB-Induced Alterations in Permeability Barrier Neurofibromas of NF-1 Patients Maria Concetta Fargnoli, Function: Roles for Epidermal Hyperproliferation and Sergio Chimenti, and Ketty Peris Thymocyte-Mediated Response Akinori Haratake, Yoshikazu Uchida, Matthias Schmuth, Osamu Tanno, Black Skin and the Ideal of Beauty Karl Holubar Rie Yasuda, John H. Epstein, Peter M. Elias, and Walter M. Holleran ABSTRACTS Human Epidermal Keratinocytes Are a Source of Tenascin-C during Wound Healing Mieke Latijnhouwers, Congrés Annuel de Recherche Dermatologique 97 Mieke Bergers, Maria Ponec, Henri Dijkman, Monique Andriessen, and Joost Schalkwijk Abstract Index JUNE 1997 VOLUME 108 NUMBER 6 In This Issue 843 Cloning of Human Keratolinin cDNA: Keratolinin Is Identical with a Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitor, Cystatin A, EDITORIAL and Is Regulated by Ca?*, TPA, and cAMP Hidetoshi Takahashi, Motoshi Kinouchi, Kirk D. Wuepper, and Change and Continuity Conrad Hauser Hajime Iizuka REGULAR ARTICLES Agouti Signaling Protein Inhibits Melanogenesis and the Laminin-6 and Laminin-5 Are Recognized by Response of Human Melanocytes to a-Melanotropin Autoantibodies in a Subset of Cicatricial Pemphigoid Itaru Suzuki, Akihiro Tada, Michael M. Ollmann, Lawrence S. Chan, Arpana A. Majmudar, Hoang H. Tran, Gregory S. Barsh, Sungbin Im, M. Lynn Lamoreux, Friedegund Meier, Gundula Schaumburg-Lever, Mei Chen, VincentJ . Hearing, James J. Nordlund, and Zalfa A. Abdel-Malek Grant Anhalt, David T. Woodley, and M. Peter Marinkovich VOL. 108, NO. 6 JUNE 1997 VOLUME CONTENTS 985 854 Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis with IgA Antibodies Organization and Nucleotide Sequence of the Human Exclusively Directed against the 180- or 230-kDa Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS) Gene _ Tu Bailin, Epidermal Antigens Reza F. Ghohestani, Jean F. Nicolas, Jangsuk Oh, Guo Hong Feng, Kazuyoshi Fukai, and Jean Kanitakis, and Alain Claudy Richard A.Spritz Immunologic Protection Afforded by Sunscreens In Vitro Control of Hair Growth with Parathyroid Hormone (7-34) Victoria Davenport, Jenny F. Morris, and Anthony C. Chu Marcus B. Schilli, Swapna Ray, Ralf Paus, Eliot Obi-Tabot, and Michael F. Holick Keratinocyte K* Channels Mediate Ca”*-Induced Differentiation Theodora Mauro, Donald B. Dixon, Laszlo Komuves, Karen Hanley, and Pamela A. Pappone Treatment of Experimental Subcutaneous Human Melanoma with a Replication-Restricted Herpes Simplex Epidermal Steroid Sulfatase and Cholesterol Virus Mutant Bruce P. Randazzo, Mulki G. Bhat, Sulfotransferase Are Regulated During Late Gestation in Santosh Kesari, Nigel W. Fraser, and S. Moira Brown the Fetal Rat Karen Hanley, Yan Jiang, Chika Katagiri, Kenneth R. Feingold, Mary L. Williams Identification of Novel Glucocorticoid-Response Elements in Human Elastin Promoter and Demonstration of Evidence That f, Integrins in Keratinocyte Cell—Cell Nucleotide Sequence Specificity of the Receptor Binding Junctions Are Not in the Ligand-Occupied Conformation Magaly Del Monaco, Seana P. Covello, Susan H. Kennedy, Lawrence T. Kim and Kenneth M. Yamada Gwen Gilinger, Gerald Litwack, and Jouni Uitto Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus: HLA-DR and -DQ Distributions Are Different among the Groups of Anti-Ro/ MUTATION REPORTS SSA-Positive Mothers with Different Neonatal Outcomes Sachiko Miyagawa, Koji Shinohara, Kin-ichi Kidoguchi, Novel ITGB4 Mutations in a Patient with Junctional Tomio Fujita, Takaya Fukumoto, Yukio Yamashina, Epidermolysis Bullosa-Pyloric Atresia Syndrome and Kazuko Hashimoto, Akira Yoshioka, Shinya Sakurai, Altered Basement Membrane Zone I fluorescence Osami Nishihara, and Toshihiko Shirai for the a684 Integrin Yasuko Takizawa, Hiroshi Shimizu, Takeji Nishikawa, Naohito Hatta, Leena Pulkkinen, and Differential Stimulation of ERK and JNK Activities by Jouni Uitto Ultraviolet B Irradiation and Epidermal Growth Factor in Human Keratinocytes Zerihun Assefa, Maryan Garmyn, A Glycine-to-Arginine Substitution in the Triple-Helical Roger Bouillon, Wilfried Merlevede, Jackie R. Vandenheede, and Domain of Type VII Collagen in a Family with Dominant Patrizia Agostinis Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Pruriginosa Julia Yu-Yun Lee, Leena Pulkkinen, Hsiao-Sheng Liu, Induction of Tumor Necrosis Factor-a In Vivo by a Skin Yu-Fu Chen, and Jouni Uitto Irritant, Tributyltin, Through Activation of Transcription Factors: Its Pharmacological Modulation by Anti- inflammatory Drugs Emanuela Corsini, Alessandra Terzoli, LETTER TO THE EDITOR Alessandra Bruccoleri, Marina Marinovich, and Corrado Lodovico Galli Further Evidence For Ultraviolet Light Induction Of CDKN2 (p16™**) Mutations In Sporadic Melanoma In Vivo Noncutaneous Malignant Tumors in the PUVA Follow-up Rudolf A. Herbst, Ralf Gutzmer, Frank Matiaske, Study: 1975-1996 Robert S. Stern, Liisa H. Vakeva, and the Susanne Mommert, Alexander Kapp, Jiirgen Weiss, PUVA Follow-up Study Karen C. Arden, and Webster K. Cavenee Bullous Pemphigoid and Cicatricial Pemphigoid Autoantibodies React with Ultrastructurally Separable BOOK REVIEW Epitopes on the BP180 Ectodomain: Evidence that BP180 Spans the Lamina Lucida Christophe Bédane, Skin Cancer Jonathan Rees James R. McMillan, Shawn D. Balding, Philippe Bernard, Catherine Prost, Jean-Marie Bonnetblanc, Luis A. Diaz, Robin A.J. Eady, and George J. Giudice CORRECTION Identification of Novel Cadherins Expressed in Human Abstract 665: A New K1 Mutation in a Case of Melanoma Cells Norihisa Matsuyoshi, Toshihiro Tanaka, Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis with Palmar-Plantar Ken-ichi Toda, and Sadao Imamura Involvement S.K. Smith, R. Marks, and P.E. Bowden T Helper 1 Cytokine mRNA Is Increased in Spontaneously Regressing Primary Melanomas Michelle A. Lowes, INDEXES FOR VOLUME 108 G. Alex Bishop, Kerry Crotty, Ross St. C. Barnetson, and Gary M. Halliday Author Index No Evidence of KSHV/HHV-8 in Mycosis Fungoides or Subject Index Associated Disorders William B. Henghold, II, Scott F. Purvis, John Schaffer, Chou-Zen Giam, and Gary S. Wood Volume Contents

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