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CONTENTS OF VOLUME 96 JANUARY 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 1 IN THIS ISSUE... 85 The Use of L-dopa and Carbidopa in Metastatic Malignant 1 J. Clark Huff Melanoma Howard Gurney, Alan Coates, and Richard Kefford 88 IgA-Binding Structures in Dermatitis Herpetiformis Skin Are Independent of Elastic-Microfibrillar Bundles REPORTS Virginia A. Lightner, Lynn Y. Sakai, and Russell P. Hall . Seeman teso f Skin-Infiltrating —— hocytes = 93 Expression of Basement Membrane Proteins and Interstitial Patients with Psoriasis Afzal Nikaein, Charles Phillips, Collagens in Dermal Papillae of Human Hair Follicles Stanley C. Gilbert, Daniel Savino, Alan Silverman, Marvin J. Stone, A.G. Messenger, Katherine Elliott, Anne Temple, and and Alan Menter Valerie A. Randall 10 Abnormalities in Epidermal Lipid Metabolism in Patients " ‘ P With Atopic Dermatitis Liselotte Schafer and Knud Kragballe sar ian Gu Pg Specials po pinesf ebrenctinoamicrey ortag 16 Reduced Neutrophil LTB, Release in Atopic Dermatitis rer Induces poe ae Generation ont age ~tanige te Anti- Patients Despite Normal Fatty Acid Composition Inflammatory Metabolites Craig C. Miller, Wilson Tang, Liselotte Schafer, Knud Kragballe, Lissi V. Jepsen, and Vincent A. Ziboh, and Mark P. Fletcher nn 104 Insulin-Like Growth Factors are Mitogenic for Human 20 Elevated Expression of the Genes for Transforming Growth Keratinocytes and a Squamous Cell Carcinoma Factor-8, and Type VI Collagen in Diffuse Fasciitis E. Kirk N eely, Vera B. Morhenn, Raymond L. Hintz, Associated with the Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome Darrell M. Wilson, and Ron G. Rosenfeld Juha Peltonen, John Varga, Stephan Sollberg, Jouni Uitto, 111 Effect of Retinoic Acid on Platelet-Derived Growth Factor att Seager A Jenene (PDGF) Bioactivity and Type-B PDGF Receptors in Normal 26 Localization of Neutrophil-Activating Peptide-1/ and Psoriatic Human Fibroblasts Francoise Raynaud, — Interleukin-8 -Immunoreactivity in Normal and Psoriatic Pascale Gerbaud, Xue Fan Gu, Marcel Donnadieu, and Daniéle Skin Michael Sticherling, Erika Bornscheuer, Evain-Brion Jens-M. Schréder, and Enno Christophers 116 Inositol Phosphate Formation in the Human Squamous Cell 31 A Clonal CD4-Positive T-Cell Line Established from the Carcinoma Line SCC-12 F: Studies with Bradykinin, the Blood of a Patient with Sezary Syndrome J. Todd Abrams, Calcium Ionophore A23187, and Sodium Fluoride Stuart Lessin, Subrata K. Ghosh, William Ju, Eric C. Vonderheid, Thomas Rosenbach and William F. Greenlee Peter Nowell,George Murphy, Bruce Elfenbein, and Elaine DeFreitas 123 Lipid Content and Water Permeability of Skin and Oral 38 Scanning Acoustic Microscopy of Neoplastic and Mucosa _ Christopher A. Squier, Patrick Cox, and Philip W. Wertz Inflammatory Cutaneous Tissue Specimens Ronald J. Barr, 127. Lvsi . tes by IL-2—Activated Peripheral Blood Gary M. White, Joie P. Jones, Lorna B. Shaw, and Priscilla A. Ross sab nae ten k W. Sym ington se iitiate eo 43 Oriented Structure in Human Stratum Corneum Revealed 134 Agonist /Inositol Trisphosph . . : phosphate-Induced Release of Calcium by X-Ray Diffraction Jean-Claude Garson, Jean Doucet, from Murine Keratinocytes: A Possible Link with Jean-Luc Lévéque, and Georges Tsoucaris Keratinocyte Differentiation Wilson Tang and 50 T-Cell Subsets with a Naive Pheno are Selectively Vincent A. Ziboh Decreased in the Peripheral Blood of Patients with ag 139 Characterization of 230-kD Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen Fungoides Stephen J. Gilmore, Elizabeth M. Benson, an Associated with the Detergent-Insoluble Fraction of Cultured John W. Kelly Keratinocytes Scott M. Thacher and Patricia L. Hefti 57 Characterization of 5a-Reductase in Cultured Human 144 The Calcium-Sensitive Epi , , . “pes - pitope of Pemphigus Foliaceus Dermal Pap ila Cells from Beard and Occip ital Scalp Antigen Is Present on a Murine Tryptic Fragment and Hair Satoshi Itami, Sotaro Kurata, Tadashige Sonoda, and Constitutes a Major Antigenic Region for Human Susumu Takayasu Autoantibodies Ramzy S. Labib, Barbara Rock, 61 Characterization of Decay-Accelerating Factor (DAF) in Mary Ann Robledo, and GrantJ . Anhalt Human Skin Koji Sayama, Satoshi Shiraishi, Yuji Shirakata, Yuko Kobayashi, and Yoshiharu Miki 65 Localization of Minoxidil Sulfotransferase in Rat Liver and the Outer Root Sheath of Anagen Pelage and Vibrissa RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Follicles Thomas P. Dooley, Cynthia J. Walker . 1 : =o 148 Adhesion Molecules CD1i1a, CD18, and ICAM-1 on Human Sharon J. Hirshey, Charles N. Falany, and Arthur R. Diani Epidermal Langerhans Cells Serve a Functional Role in the 71 Physiologic Distribution and Differentiation of Melanocytes Activation of Alloreactive T Cells Jan C. Simon, in Human Fetal and Neonatal Skin Equivalents Ponciano D. Cruz, Jr., Robert E. Tigelaar, Richard D. Sontheimer, Anne R. Haake and Glynis A. Scott and Paul R. Bergstresser 78 Effects of Exogenous MSH on the Transformation from 152 Autoradiographic Localization of Endothelin-1 Binding Sites Phaeo- to Eumelanogenesis Within C57BL/6J-A’/a Hairbulb in Porcine Skin Yi D. Zhao, David R. Springall, John Wharton, Melanocytes Nels H. Granholm and Alex W. Van Amerongen Julia M. Polak 0022-202X/91/$03.50 Copyright © 1991 by The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc. 1053 1054 VOLUME CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 155 Reply Donald P. Kadunce, Laurence J. Meyer, and John J. Zone 155 IgA Class Antibodies in Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Reaction 156 Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Photosensitivity, and With Tissue Antigens Hans P. Rast, Thomas Hunziker, Implications for Black Patients John A. Johnson Heinz A. Gerber, Ernst R. Walti, Michael J. Lentze, Peter J. Spath, and Martin O. Spycher FEBRUARY 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 2 IN THIS ISSUE... 228 Extracellular Binding Sites of IGA Anti-Jejunal Antibodies on Normal Small Bowel Detected by Indirect 157 David A. Norris Immunoelectronmicroscopy Sarolta Karpati, Wilhelm Stolz, Michael Meurer, Thomas Krieg, and Otto Braun-Falco REPORTS 234 Beta-Adrenergic Stimulation Induces Intracellular Ca** 159 Regional Variation in the Expression of Pemphigus Increase in Human Epidermal Keratinocytes Foliaceus, Pemphigus Erythematosus, and Pemphigus Hiroko Koizumi, Chikako Yasui, Toru Fukaya, Akira Ohkawara, Vulgaris Antigens in Human Skin Demetris Ioannides, and Tetsuo Ueda Prodromos Hytiroglou, Robert G. Phelps, and Jean-Claude Bystryn 238 Immunolocation of TNF-Alpha/Cachectin in Human 162 Functional Comparison of the Upstream Regulatory DNA Melanoma Cells: Studies on Co-Cultivated Malignant Sequences of Four Human Epidermal Keratin Melanoma Claire Lugassy and Jean-Paul Escande Genes Chuan-Kui Jiang, H oward S. Epstein, Marjana Tomic, 243 Comparative Effects of Interleukin-1 and Tumor Necrosis Irwin M. Freedberg, and Miroslav Blumenberg Factor-a on Collagen Production and Corresponding 168 Glycosaminoglycans Production by Cultured Skin Procollagen mRNA Levels in Human Dermal Fibroblasts from the Pasini and Cockayne-Touraine Forms Fibroblasts Alain Mauviel, Jyrki Heino, Veli-Matti Kahari, of Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Daniel-Jean Hartmann, Gérard Loyau, Jean-Pierre Pujol, Graham C. Priestley and Eero Vuorio 172 Differential Expression and Activity of Melanogenesis- 250 Immunohistochemical Alterations in Basement Membrane Related Proteins During Induced Hair Growth in Components of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Keiko Oguro, Mice Andrzej Slominski, Ralf Paus, and Robert Costantino Takashi Kazama, Mamoru Isemura, Takamichi Nakamura, ‘ Sho Akai, and Yoshio Sato 180 Interleukins 1a and 6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Are ; Paracrine Inhibitors of Human Melanocyte Proliferation and 255 Effects of In Vitro UVA Irradiation and PUVA Treatment on Melanogenesis Viki B. Swope, Zalfa Abdel-Malek, Membrane Fatty Acids and Activities of Antioxidant Lina M. Kassem, and James J. Nordlund Enzymes in Human Keratinocytes Kari Punnonen, ; i ate Christer T. Jansén, Antti Puntala, and Markku Ahotupa 186 Transcutaneous Chemical Collection of Caffeine in Normal Subjects: Relationship to Area Under the Plasma 260 Recombinant Human Interleukin-8 Is a Potent Activator of Concentration-Time Curve and Sweat Production Canine Neutrophil Aggregation, Migration, and Leukotriene Dale P. Conner, Emily Millora, Kaveh Zamani, Darrell Nix, B, Biosynthesis M. Krogsgaard Thomsen, C. Gronhgj Larsen, Ramona G. Almirez, Patricia Rhyne-Kirsch, and Carl C. Peck H. Klem Thomsen, D. Kirstein, T. Skak-N ielsen, I. Ahnfelt-Ronne, : : and K. Thestrup-Pedersen 191 Distribution of Proteoglycans During the Hair Growth Cycle in Human Skin Gillian E. Westgate, Andrew G. Messenger, 267 Secretion of aU nique Collagen by Spontaneously Lynne P. Watson, and Walter T. Gibson Transformed Murine Keratinocytes (PAM Cells) In Vitro Ichiro Tokimitsu, Katsumi Oh , Shingo Tajima, and 196 Examination of HTLV-I Integration in the Skin Lesions of Takeji Poy saa ee me Various Types of Adult T-Cell Leukemia (ATL): Independence of Cutaneous-Type ATL Confirmed by Southern Blot Analysis Naoko Dosaka, Toshihiro Tanaka, Yoshiki Miyachi, Sadao Imamura, and Akira Kakizuka 201 The Lovastatin-Treated Rodent: A New Model of Barrier RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Disruption and Epidermal Hyperplasia Kenneth R. Feingold, 273 Drug-Induced Pemphigus: Autoantibodies Directed Against Man Mao-Qiang, Ehrhardt Proksch, Gopinathan K. Menon, the Pemphigus Antigen Complexes Are Present in Barbara E. Brown, and Peter M. Elias Penicillamine and Captopril-Induced Pemphigus 210 pregee ha and Langerhans Cells in Aged Versus Young oe J. stag Russell 'W. Eyre, John Zone, and Skin Before and After Transplantation onto Nude Onn F. aramiey Mice Amos Gilhar, Thomas Pillar, Michael David, and 277 Immunohistochemical Localization of Parathyroid Shmuel Eidelman Hormone-Related Protein (PTHRP) in Normal Human Skin Ercem J. Atillasoy, William J. Burtis, and 215 Membrane Structures in Normal and Essential Fatty Acid- Pee TET ee Deficient Stratum Corneum: Characterization by Ruthenium Tetroxide Staining and X-Ray Diffraction 281 Identification of a Melanoma Progression Antigen as Sui Yuen E. Hou, Alok K. Mitra, Stephen H. White, Integrin VLA-2 C. Eberhard Klein, Thomas Steinmayer, Gopinathan K. Menon, Ruby Ghadially, and Peter M. Elias Dieter Kaufmann, Lutz Weber, and Eva-Bettina Brécker 224 Hydrogen Peroxide as a Mediator of Dopac-Induced Effects 285 Isolation of cDNA for Human Epidermal Type I on Melanoma Cells Eszter Karg, Evald Rosengren, Transglutaminase Renata Polakowska, Elizabeth Herting, and and Hans Rorsman Lowell A. Goldsmith VOL. 96, NO. 6 JUNE 1991 VOLUME CONTENTS 1055 289 Effects of Butylated Hydroxyanisole on Ornithine 8-Methoxypsoralen Acts on Lymphocyte Membranes in the Decarboxylase Activity and Its Gene Expression Induced by Dark Wolfgang Gast and Uwe-Frithjof Haustein Phorbol Ester Tumor Promoter Shoji Taniguchi, Reply George I. Malinin, Hilda K. Lo, Francis J. Hornicek, and Takeshi Kono, Nobuyuki Mizuno, Masamitsu Ishii, 293 Theodore I. Malinin Isao Matsui-Yuasa, Shuzo Otani, and Toshio Hamada 294 Interleukin-1 a in Normal Skin _ Liliane Didierjean, Richard W. Groves, and Jean-Hilaire Saurat LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 295 Reply Richard Camp, Nicholas Fincham, and Janet Ross 292 The Award of the Fothergillian Gold Medal to Robert Willan 295 Minoxidil Stimulates Mouse Vibrissae Follicles in Organ in 1790 (A Bicentennial Not To Be Forgotten) Karl Holubar Culture Franklin Kiesewetter, Petra Langer, and Hermann Schell MARCH 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 3 IN THIS ISSUE... 355 Increased Number of Dendritic Cells in Draining Lymph Nodes Accompanies the Generation of Contact 297 Lela A. Lee Photosensitivity G. Frank Gerberick, Cindy A. Ryan, E. Robert Fletcher, Angela D. Howard, and Michael K. Robinson REPORTS 362 Cyclosporin A Suppresses ICAM-1 Expression by Papillary 299 Molecular Diagnosis of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma: Endothelium in Healing Psoriatic Plaques Peter Petzelbauer, Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification of T-Cell Antigen Georg Stingl, Klaus Wolff, and Beatrix Volc-Platzer Receptor 8-Chain Gene Rearrangements Stuart R. Lessin, 370 Interleukin-4 Promotes the Expansion of Skin-Infiltrating Alain H. Rook, and Giovanni Rovera Lymphocytes from Atopic Dermatitis In Vitro 303 Photoinactivation of T-Cell Function with Psoralen and Uwe Reinhold, Sylvia Kukel, Barbara Goeden, Ute Neumann, UVA Radiation Suppresses the Induction of Experimental Wolfgang Wehrmann, and Hans- Wilhelm Kreysel Murine Graft-Versus-Host Disease Across Major 376 Genomic, Phenotypic, and Functional Analyses of T Cells in Histocompatibility Barriers Stephen E. Ullrich Patients with Psoriasis Undergoing Systemic Cyclosporin A 309 Epitope Mapping of the Laminin Molecule in Murine Skin Treatment Akira Takashima and Akimichi Morita Basement Membrane Zone: Demonstration of Spatial 383 Expression of Calcyclin, a Calcium-Binding Protein, in the Differences in Ultrastructural Localization Yuji Horiguchi, Keratogenous Region of Growing Hair Follicles Dale R. Abrahamson, and Jo-David Fine Linda Wood, Don Carter, Margo Mills, Nicole Hatzenbuhler, 314 Digital Cutaneous Vascular Responses to Histamine and and Gabriel Vogeli Neuropeptides in Raynaud’s Phenomenon 388 Intranuclear Rodlets and Associated True Intranuclear Christopher B. Bunker, John C. Foreman, and Pauline M. Dowd Bodies in Normal Cultured Human Dermal Papilla 318 Localization of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor mRNA in Cells Desmond J. Tobin, Nirmala Mandir, David A. Fenton, Melanocytic Lesions by In Situ Hybridization Glynis Scott, and Robin Dover Mark Stoler, Saumyendra Sarkar, and Ruth Halaban 323 Barrier Function of Human Keratinocyte Cultures Grown at the Air-Liquid Interface Vivien H. W. Mak, Michelle B. Cumpstone, Alane H. Kennedy, Charles $. Harmon, RAPID COMMUNICATION Richard H. Guy, and Russell O. Potts 392 Heat Shock Proteins in Cultured Human Keratinocytes and 328 TGF-a Is Widely Expressed in Differentiated as well as Fibroblasts Malcolm J. Edwards, Ronald Marks, Peter J. Dykes, Hyperproliferative Skin Epithelium Eric Finzi, Victoria R. Merrett, Hugh E. Morgan, and Michael R. O’Donovan Richard Harkins, and Thomas Horn 333 Proliferating Cells in Psoriatic Dermis Are Comprised Primarily of T Cells, Endothelial Cells, and Factor XIIa* Perivascular Dendritic Cells Greg S. Morganroth, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lawrence S. Chan, Gerald D. Weinstein, John J. Voorhees, 397 A Request for Data Frank W. Symington and Kevin D. Cooper Reply Brian J. Nickoloff and Raj S. Mitra 341 Characterization of Human Sebaceous Cells In 397 Vitro Thomas I. Doran, Robin Baff, Pamela Jacobs, 398 Editor’s Comments David A. Norris and Emmanual Pacia 349 Cross-Antigenicity Between the Scabies Mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, and the House Dust Mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Larry G. Arlian, DiAnn L. Vyszenski-Moher, Salva G. Ahmed, and Stephen A. Estes 1056 VOLUME CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY MARCH 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 3, SUPPLEMENT 40S The Role of the Mast Cell in Clinical Gastrointestinal 1S Introduction Dean D. Metcalfe Disease with Special Reference to Systemic Mastocytosis Philip B. Miner, Jr. 2S Classification and Diagnosis of Mastocytosis: Current Status Dean D. Metcalfe 45S The Liver, Spleen, and Lymph Nodes in Mastocytosis Dean D. Metcalfe 5S Systemic Mastocytosis: Retrospective Review of a Decade’s Clinical Experience at the Brigham and Women’s 47S Hematologic Aspects of Mastocytosis: I: Bone Marrow Pathology in Adult and Pediatric Systemic Mast Cell Hospital Richard F. Horan and K. Frank Austen Disease Robert I. Parker 15S Pediatric Mastocytosis Brett V. Kettelhut and Dean D. Metcalfe 52S Hematologic Aspects of Mastocytosis: II: Management of Hematologic Disorders in Association with Systemic Mast 19S Biochemical Diagnosis of Systemic Mast Cell Disorders Cell Disease Robert I. Parker L. Jackson Roberts II and John A. Oates 55S The Treatment of Mastocytosis: An Overview 26S Ultrastructural and Immunohistochemical Characterization Dean D. Metcalfe of Normal Mast Cells at Multiple Body Sites Noel Weidner 60S General Discussion: Toward a Standard Evaluation for Data and K. Frank Austen Sharing and Prognosis K. Frank Austen 32S The Skin in Mastocytosis Nicholas A. Soter 64S Conclusions Dean D. Metcalfe APRIL 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 4 IN THIS ISSUE... 446 Production and Characterization of the Murine Monoclonal Antibody 2G10 to a HumanT,-Tyrosinase 399 J. Clark Huff Epitope Margherita Cuomo, M. Rita Nicotra, Cinzia Apollonj, Rocco Fraioli, Patrizio Giacomini, and Pier Giorgio Natali REPORTS 452 Animal Model for Dermolytic Mechanobullous Disease: 401 Comparison of Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Sheep with Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Lack and Cyclosporin A on Antigen-Presenting Cells of Blood Collagen VII_ Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, Franco Guscetti, and and Epidermis Aicha Demidem, J. Richard Taylor, Felix Ehrensperger Susan F. Grammer, and J. Wayne Streilein 459 Cell Trafficking in Positive and Negative Patch-Test 408 Cyclosporin A Inhibits the Antigen-Presenting Functions of Reactions: Demonstration of a Stereotypic Migration Freshly Isolated Human Langerhans Cells In Vitro Pathway Wolfram Sterry, Nils Kinne, Klaus Weber- Patrick Dupuy, Martine Bagot, Laurence Michel, Matthiesen, Jochen Brasch, and Volker Mielke Béatrice Descourt, and Louis Dubertret 463 Glutathione S-Transferases in Human and Rodent Skin: 414 Transcription of the Human Loricrin Gene In Vitro Is Multiple Forms and Species-Specific Expression Induced by Calcium and Cell Density and Suppressed by Haider Raza, Yogesh C. Awasthi, M. Tarif Zaim, Retinoic Acid Daniel Hohl, Ulrike Lichti, Dirk Breitkreutz, Richard L. Eckert, and Hasan Mukhtar Peter M. Steinert, and Dennis R. Roop 468 Responsiveness to Interleukin 4 and Interleukin 2 of 419 Synergistic Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Atopic Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/Somatomedin C (IGF-I) on Dermatitis Masutaka Furue, Mamitaroh Ohtsuki, Fuyuki Ogata, Keratinocyte Proliferation May Be Mediated by IGF-I and Yasumasa Ishibashi Transmodulation of the EGF Receptor Jeffrey F. Krane, Daniel P. Murphy, D. Martin Carter, and James G. Krueger 473 Regulation of Collagen Gene Expression by Transformed Human Fibroblasts: Decreased Type I and Type III Collagen 425 Retinoic Acid Receptor Gene Expression in Human Skin James T. Elder, Gary J. Fisher, Qing-Yu Zhang, RNA Transcription Atsushi Hatamochi, Masashi Ono, Hiroaki Ueki, and Masayoshi Namba Drore Eisen, Andree Krust, Philippe Kastner, Pierre Chambon, and John J. Voorhees 478 Characterization of Cutaneous Infiltrates in MRL/Ipr Mice 434 Neuropeptides in Psoriasis: An Immunocytochemical and Monitored from Onset to the Full Development of Lupus Radioimmunoassay Study David J. Eedy, Colin F. Johnston, Erythematosus-Like Skin Lesions Hideo Kanauchi, Christopher Shaw, and Keith D. Buchanan Fukumi Furukawa, and Sadao Imamura 439 Immunoglobulins Coat Microorganisms of Skin Surface: A 484 Regulation of Epidermal Cell Interleukin-6 Production by Comparative Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural UV Light and Corticosteroids Reinhard Kirnbauer, Study of Cutaneous and Oral Microbial Symbionts Andreas Kéck, Peter Neuner, Elisabeth Férster, Jean Krutmann, Dieter Metze, Astrid Kersten, Wolfgang Jurecka, Agatha Urbanski, Elisabeth Schauer, John C. Ansel, and Walter Gebhart Thomas Schwarz, and Thomas A. Luger . 96, NO. 6 JUNE 1991 VOLUME CONTENTS 1057 Inhibition of Mouse Skin Protein Kinase C by Benzoyl LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Peroxide Raj Kumar and Oksana Holian 527 Androgen Excess in Women with Acne Alone Andrea Peserico 495 The Influence of Stratum Corneum Morphology on Water 527 Heterogeneity of the Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen: What Is Permeability Russell O. Potts and Michael L. Francoeur True and What Is Artifact? Ramzy S. Labib 500 The Monoclonal Antibodies TMH-1 and TMH-2 Specifically 529 Reply Laurence J. Meyer, Ted Taylor, Donald P. Kadunce, and John J. Zone Bind to a Protein Encoded at the Murine b-Locus, Not to the Authentic Tyrosinase Encoded at the c-Locus 529 The Endothelium in the Margin Zone of Spreading Psoriatic Yasushi Tomita, Shigeki Shibahara, Atsushi Takeda, Shoji Okinaga, Plaques Peter C.M. van de Kerkhof and H.F.C. Rulo Jun Matsunaga, and Hachiro Tagami 529 Reply Dominique Parent, Bruno A. Bernard, Christiane Desbas, 505 Selective Expression of Immune-Associated Surface Michel Heenen, and Michel Y. Darmon Antigens by Keratinocytes in Irritant Contact Dermatitis Carolyn M. Willis, Catherine J.M. Stephens, and John D. Wilkinson BOOK REVIEW 512 Adhesion Molecules on the Plasma Membrane of Epidermal 530 Pediatric Dermatology and Dermatopathology I. By Cells. III. Keratinocytes and Langerhans Cells Constitutively Ruggero Caputo, A. Bernard Ackerman, and Express the Lymphocyte Func-t Aissoocinate d Antigen 3 vita Q. Sison-Torre William L. Weston Giuseppe De Panfilis, Gian Carlo Manara, Corrado Ferrari, and Claudio Torresani ABSTRACTS 1991 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 531 Contents 518 Human Epidermal Langerhans Cells Express Integrins of the 532 Abstracts 1 Subfamily Béatrice Le Varlet, Colette Dezutter-Dambuyant, Marie J. Staquet, Pascale Delorme, and Daniell Schmitt 633 Index 1990 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETE FRANCOPHONE DE 523 Decreased Level of Ceramides in Stratum Corneum of RECHERCHE DERMATOLOGIQUE Atopic Dermatitis: An Etiologic Factor in Atopic Dry 639 Abstracts Skin? Genji Imokawa, Akihito Abe, Kumi Jin, Yuko Higaki, Makoto Kawashima, and Akira Hidano 653 Index MAY 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 5 695 Neuropeptides Enhance Irritant and Allergic 655 IN THIS ISSUE... Contact Dermatitis Johannes Gutwald, Matthias Goebeler, and David A. Norris Clemens Sorg 699 Cellular, Immunologic and Biochemical Characterization REPORTS of Topical Retinoic Acid- Treated Human Skin Gary J. Fisher, 657 An Immunoinhibitory Cell Wall Glycoprotein (Mannan) Jorgen Esmann, Christopher E.M. Griffiths, Harvinder S. Talwar, from Trichophyton rubrum John S. Blake, Mark V. Dahl, Elizabeth A. Duell,Craig Hammerberg, James T. Elder, Michael J. Herron, and Robert D. Nelson Lawrence J. Finkel, Gerald D. Karabin, Brian J. Nickoloff, Kevin D. Cooper, and John J. Voorhees 662 Nerve Growth and Expression of Receptors for Nerve Growth Factor in Tumors of Melanocyte Origin Eva Bettina 708 Human Junctional Epithelium: Demonstration of a New Brécker, Heike Magiera, and Meenhard Herlyn Marker, Its Growth In Vitro and Characterization by Lectin Reactivity and Keratin Expression Joy L. M. Bampton, 666 Trichohyalin: Presence in the Granular Layer and Stratum Penelope J. Shirlaw, Simon Topley, Peter Weller, and Corneum of Normal Human Epidermis J. Mark Wilton Elizabeth H. Hamilton, Richard E. Payne, Jr., and Edward J. O’Keefe 718 Primary Cutaneous )/d T-Cell Lymphoma Presenting as 673 Immunohistologic and Ultrastructural Comparison of the Disseminated Pagetoid Reticulosis Emilio Berti, Amilcare Dermal Papilla and Hair Follicle Bulb from “Active” and Cerri, Stefano Cavicchini, Domenico Delia, Davide Soligo, Elvio Alessi, and Ruggero Caputo “Normal” Areas of Alopecia Areata Susan Macdonald Hull, Michael Nutbrown, Linda Pepall, M. Julie Thornton, 724 Vitronectin: Effects on Keratinocyte Motility and Inhibition Valerie Anne Randall, and William J. Cunliffe of Collagen-Induced Motility Charles Brown, Kurt S. Stenn, 682 Inflammatory Properties of Neutrophil-Activating Protein- Ronald J. Falk, David T. Woodley, and Edward J. O’Keefe 1/Interleukin 8 (NAP-1/IL-8) in Human Skin: A Light- and Electronmicroscopic Study Ole Swensson, 729 Cylindroma Overexpresses Collagen VII, the Major Christoph Schubert, Enno Christophers, and Anchoring Fibril Protein Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, Jens-Michael Schroder Madeleine Pfaltz, and Urs W. Schnyder 690 Neutrophil Recruitment by Intradermally 735 Vacuolar Acidification and Bafilomycin-Sensitive Proton Injected Neutrophil Attractant/Activation Protein-1 Translocating ATPase in Human Epidermal Langerhans Edward J. Leonard, Teizo Yoshimura, Shuji Tanaka, Cells Giampiero Girolomoni, Dennis K. Stone, and Mark Raffeld Paul R. Bergstresser, and Ponciano D. Cruz, Jr. 1058 VOLUME CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 742 A Novel Approach to Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation 792 Effects of 13-Cis-Retinoic Acid, All-Trans-Retinoic Acid, in Human Cells: Initial Application to Melanocytes and and Acitretin on the Proliferation, Lipid Synthesis and Melanoma Cells James M. Grichnik and Barbara A. Gilchrest Keratin Expression of Cultured Human Sebocytes In Vitro Christos C. Zouboulis, Bernhard Korge, 747 Tissue Vitronectin in Normal Adult Human Dermis Is Non- Hirohiko Akamatsu, Longging Xia, Sigrid Schiller, Harald Gollnick, Covalently Bound to Elastic Tissue Helmut Hintner, and Constantin E. Orfanos Karin Dahlback, Bjorn Dahlback, Mark B. Pepys, and Stephen M. Breathnach 754 Demonstration of Initial Lymphatics in Excised Human Skin Using an Extension Technique and Dye Injection LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dietrich Lubach, Silke Nissen, and Dagmar Neukam 798 Eicosanoid Levels in Human Skin Harald S. Hansen 758 Effects of UVA (320-400 nm) on the Barrier Characteristics of the Skin Daniel J. McAuliffe and Irvin H. Blank 798 Reply Karsten Fogh 763 The Expression of Endothelial Leukocyte Adhesion 799 An Action Spectrum for the Elicitation of Erythema in Skin Molecule-1 (ELAM-1), Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Persistently Sensitized by Photobound (ICAM-1), and Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM- 8-Methoxypsoralen Francis P. Gasparro 1) in Experimental Cutaneous Inflammation: A Comparison of Ultraviolet B Erythema and Delayed Hypersensitivity Paul Norris, Robin N. Poston, D. Sian Thomas, 799 T-Cell Receptor and Immunoglobulin Gene Rearrangements Martin Thornhill, John Hawk, and Dorian O. Haskard in Cutaneous T-Cell-Rich Pseudolymphomas Janine Wechsler and Martine Bagot 771 Production of Interleukin-1 and Interleukin-6 by Human Keratinocytes and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines Maxine Partridge, David Chantry, Martin Turner, and Marc Feldmann BOOK REVIEWS 777 Healing of Full-Thickness Cutaneous Wounds in the Pig. I. 800 Problematic Pigmented Lesions: A Case Method Approach. Immunohistochemical Study of Epidermo-Dermal Junction By Martin C. Mihm, Jr., and Paul B. Googe Regeneration Claudine Rigal, Marie-Thérése Pieraggi, James E. Fitzpatrick Christian Vincent, Catherine Prost, Hubert Bouissou, and Guy Serre 786 Analysis of £, y, and 6 T-Cell Receptor Genes in 800 Prediction of Percutaneous Penetration: Methods, Lymphomatoid Papulosis: Cellular Basis of Two Distinct Measurements, Modelling. Proceedings of the conference Histologic Subsets Sean Whittaker, Neil Smith, Robin Russell held in April, 1989. Edited by R.C. Scott, R.H. Guy, Jones, and Lucio Luzzatto and J. Hadgraft Lynn Pershing MAY 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 5, SUPPLEMENT 67S Introduction Alan N. Moshell, Vera H. Price, 79S Growth Factor Receptors and Hair Loss_ Lloyd E. King, Jr., John T. Headington, Jean-Claude Bystryn Karen A. Holbrook, Christa Stoscheck, Robert A. Underwood, and Lillian B. Nanney CLINICAL PRESENTATION, PATHOLOGY, 80S Induction of Hair Follicle Growth Kurt S. Stenn TREATMENT 81S Properties of Murine Pelage Hair Follicles in Monolayer and 68S Alopecia Areata: Clinical Aspects Vera H. Price Collagen Matrix Cultures Ulrike Lichti, Wendy C. Weinberg, and Stuart H. Yuspa 69S Abstract: The Histopathology of Alopecia Areata John T. Headington 82S Hair Growth Regulation: A Molecular Biologic Approach Arthur P. Bertolino 69S Alopecia Areata: Current Therapy Virginia C. Fiedler 84S Cross-Linked Components of the Cuticle of the Cortex of 71S Topical Immunotherapy in Alopecia Areata Rudolf Happle Hair Joseph C. Kvedar, Haresh A. Daryanani, and 72S Isoprinosine Treatment of Alopecia Areata Bruce H. Thiers Howard P. Baden 73S Minoxidil’s Action in Hair Follicles Allen E. Buhl BIOLOGY OF HAIR GROWTH 75S Extracellular Matrix and the Hair Growth Cycle IMMUNOLOGY Andrew G. Messenger 86S The Role of Genetics in Autoimmune Disease Fritz H. Bach 76S Dermali-Epidermal Interactions and Hair Growth 87S Characteristics of Autoimmune Disease Noel R. Rose Roy F. Oliver 88S Immunologic Aspects of Hair Loss Jean-Claude Bystryn and 778 Hair Follicular Stem Cells: The Bulge-Activation Jasmin Tamesis Hypothesis Tung-Tien Sun, George Cotsarelis, and Robert M. Lavker 89S Alopecia Areata: An Immunologic Disease? Ole Baadsgaard . 96, NO. 6 JUNE 1991 VOLUME CONTENTS 1059 Aberrant Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) 97S The DEBR Rat Model for Alopecia Areata Roy F. Oliver, Expression by Hair-Follicle Epithelial Cells and Endothelial Colin A.B. Jahoda, Kenneth A. Horne, Hilary J. Michie, Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule-1(ELAM-1) by Vascular Cells Terry Poulton, and Brian E. Johnson Are Important Adhesion-Molecule Alterations in Alopecia Areata Brian J. Nickoloff and Christopher E.M. Griffiths SUMMARY Autoreactive Cells in Alopecia Areata Maria K. Hordinsky Summary of Alopecia Areata Research Workshop and and Richard S. Kalish Future Research Directions Lowell A. Goldsmith ANIMAL MODELS FOR ALOPECIA Inherited Mouse Mutations: Models for the Study of Alopecia John P. Sundberg and Leonard D. Shultz JUNE 1991 VOLUME 96 NUMBER 6 IN THIS ISSUE... Induction of Suppressor T Cells and Inhibition of Contact Hypersensitivity in Mice by 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13- Lela A. Lee Acetate and Its Analogs Effat Kodari, Amy Pavone, and John J. Reiners, Jr REPORTS Differential Effects of Cyclosporine A on Ornithine Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions Enhance Expression Decarboxylase Activity Induced by Ultraviolet-B and PUVA of Collagen VII In Vitro Adrian Kénig and in Mouse Skin Takeshi Kono, Nobuyuki Mizuno, Leena Bruckner-Tuderman Shoji Taniguchi, Masamitsu Ishii, Hideki Yoshida, Isao Matsui- Yuasa, Shuzo Otani, and Toshio Hamada Detection of Cross-Reactive Idiotypes in the Serum of Patients with Bullous Pemphigoid M. Joyce Rico, Metabolic Studies on Isolated Hair Follicles: Hair Follicles La Donna S. White, Scott Bartow, and Russell P. Hall Engage in Aerobic Glycolysis and Do Not Demonstrate the Glucose Fatty Acid Cycle Michael P. Philpott and Characterization of Pemphigus Foliaceus Antigen from Terence Kealey Human Epidermis Nickolas J. Calvanico, Ciro R. Martins, and Luis A. Diaz The Autologous Mixed Epidermal Cell-T Lymphocyte Some General Influences of n-Decylmethy] Sulfoxide on the Reaction Is Elevated in Psoriasis: A Crucial Role for Permeation of Drugs Across Hairless Mouse Skin Epidermal HLA-DR*+/CD1a~Antigen-Presenting Hoo-Kyun Choi, Gordon L. Amidon, and Gordon L. Flynn Cells Errol P. Prens, Klazina Benne, Theodoor van Joost, and Robbert Benner Cyclosporine A Metabolism by Cytochrome P-450III Occurs in Microsomes from Rat Liver but Not from Normal Mediators, Initiating the Inflammatory Response, Released Epidermis or Psoriatic Lesions Elizabeth Duell, in Organ Culture by Full-Thickness Human Skin Explants Volker Fischer, Gary Fisher, Anders Astrom, and John Voorhees Exposed to the Irritant, Sulfur Mustard Toru Rikimaru, Immunosuppressive Effects of Transforming Growth Factor Masahiro Nakamura, Takafumi Yano, Gregory Beck, B: Inhibition of the Induction of Ia Antigen on Langerhans Gail S. Habicht, Lynda L. Rennie, Martha Widra, Carol A. Hirshman, Cells by Cytokines and of the Contact Hypersensitivity Marc G. Boulay, Ernst W. Spannhake, Gerald S. Lazarus, Peggy J. Pula, and Arthur M. Dannenberg, Jr. Response Seth P. Epstein, Rudolf L. Baer, G. Jeanette Thorbecke, and Donald V. Belsito DNA Damage In Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts Exposed Effect of Glutathione Depletion on Sunburn Cell Formation to Excimer Laser Radiation Donata Rimoldi, in the Hairless Mouse Katsumi Hanada, Richard W. Gange, Alexandra C. Miller, Steven E. Freeman, and and Michael J. Connor Dvorit Samid Effects of Oxygen Tension on the Growth and Pigmentation Detection of Photorepair of UV-Induced Thymine of Normal Human Melanocytes_ Takashi Horikoshi, Dimers in Human Epidermis by Immunofluorescence Arthur K. Balin, and D. Martin Carter Microscopy Len Roza, Frank R. De Gruijl, Jacqueline B.A. Bergen Henegouwen, Kees Guikers, Stratum Corneum Lipids Serve as A Bound-Water Huib Van Weelden, Govert P. Van Der Schans, and Robert A. Baan Modulator Genji Imokawa, Hiroshi Kuno, and Michio Kawai Evidence for y-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen: cDNA Cloning, Cellular Containing Nerves and Neutrophilic Granulocytes in the Expression, and Evidence for Polymorphism of the Human Human Skin by Indirect Immunofluorescence Gene Daisuke Sawamura, Ke-Hua Li, Kazuo Nomura, Yasuyuki Sugita, Angela M. Christiano, and Jouni Uitto Olle Johansson, Anders Ljungberg, Shin-Won Han, and Annikki Vaalasti Pyrimidine Dimer Induction and Repair in Cultured Human Extracellular Localization of Human Connective Tissue Mast Skin Keratinocytes or Melanocytes After Irradiation with Cell Granule Contents Michael S. Kaminer, Robert M. Lavker, Monochromatic Ultraviolet Radiation Albert A. Schothorst, Laurence J. Walsh, Diana Whitaker, Burton Zweiman, and Ludo M. Evers, Kathe C. Noz, Ronald Filon, and George F. Murphy Albert A. van Zeeland 1060 VOLUME CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 921 The Influence of Skin Structure on Permeability: An Increased Dermal Expression of Platelet-Derived Growth Intersite and Interspecies Comparison with Hydrophilic Factor Receptors in Growth-Activated Skin Wounds and Penetrants Robert C. Scott, Maureen A. Corrigan, Fiona Smith, Psoriasis Jeffrey F. Krane, Daniel P. Murphy, Alice B. Gottlieb, and Helen Mason D. Martin Carter, Charles E. Hart, and James G. Krueger Isolation and Characterization of cDNA for an Androgen- Tigliane-Type Phorbols Stimulate Human Melanocyte Regulated mRNA in the Flank Organ of Proliferation: Potentially Safer Agents for Melanocyte Hamsters Toshihiko Seki, Ritsuro Ideta, Masabumi Shibuya, and Culture Anita Cela, Ina Leong, and Janes Krueger Kenji Adachi Bullous Pemphigoid Antigens: Extraction and Degradation Epidermal Langerhans Cells in Myelodysplastic Syndromes of Antigens During Epidermal Preparation are Abnormal Norbert Sepp, Heinz Zwierzina, Laurence J. Meyer, Ted B. Taylor, Donald P. Kadunce, Josef Smolle, Franz Schmalzl, Peter Fritsch, and Vu Thuong-Nguyen, and John J. Zone Gerold Schuler Interleukin-1-Like Activity in Normal Rat Skin after In LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Vivo Treatment with Interferon-Gamma Curt Skoglund, Collagen Metabolism in Ultraviolet Irradiated Hairless Olle Séder, and Annika Scheynius Mouse Skin Anny Fourtanier Formation and Removal of 8-MOP-DNA Photoadducts in Reply . Lorraine H. Kligman Keratinocytes: Effects of Calcium Concentration and Retinoids Yoshiki Tokura, Richard L. Edelson, and Diminished Antigen-Presenting Function by Freshly Isolated Francis P. Gasparro Epidermal Langerhans Cells: Possible Explanations Based on Methodology Jan C. Simon, Paul R. Bergstresser, and Antigen-Presenting Cells in Essential Fatty Acid -Deficient Murine Epidermis: Keratinocytes Bearing Class II (Ia) Ponciano D. Cruz, Jr. Antigens May Potentiate the Accessory Cell Function of Reply Susan L. Tiegs Langerhans Cells Mark C. Udey, Rebecca D. Peck, Alice P. Pentland, George F. Schreiner, and James B. Lefkowith BOOK REVIEW Influence of UV Irradiation on the Composition of Human Stratum Corneum Lipids Heribert Wefers, Bodo C. Melnik, Epidermolysis Bullosa: A Comprehensive Review of Martin Fliir, Christel Bluhm, Percy Lehmann, and Gerd Plewig Classification, Management and Laboratory Studies. Edited by G. C. Priestley, M. J. Tidman, J. B. Weiss, and Effect of Sodium Laury]l Sulfate-Induced Skin Irritation on R. A.J. Eady Jouni Uitto In Vitro Percutaneous Absorption of Four Drugs Klaus-P. Wilhelm, Christian Surber, and Howard I. Maibach ABSTRACTS Patterns of Glycosaminoglycan/Proteoglycan Immunostaining in Human Skin During Aging 1991 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ESDR Marlene D. Willen,J .M ichael Sorrell, Carol C. Lekan, Abstracts Bryan R. Davis, and Arnold I. Caplan Index Topical All-Trans Retinoic Acid Stimulates Collagen Synthesis In Vivo Elaine Schwartz, Frederick A. Cruickshank, INDEXES FOR VOLUME 96 James A. Mezick, and Lorraine H. Kligman Author Index Detection of HIV-1 in Epidermal Langerhans Cells of HIV- Infected Patients Using the Polymerase Chain Subject and Title Index Reaction Giovanna Zambruno, Luigi Mori, Alessandra Marconi, Nicola Mongiardo, Bruno De Rienzo, Umberto Bertazzoni, and Volume Contents Alberto Giannetti

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