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CONTENTS NUMBER 1, JULY 1, 1991 CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY S. R. Abromson-Leeman and Extrathymic Clonal Deletion of Self-Reactive Cells in Athymic Mice M. E. Dorf H. Gascan, J.-F. Gauchat, G. Anti-CD40 Monoclonal Antibodies or CD4* T Cell Clones and IL-4 Induce Aversa, P. Van Vlasselaer, IgG4 and IgE Switching in Purified Human B Cells via Different Signaling and J. E. de Vries Pathways W. C. Hahn, Y. Rosenstein, S. Interaction of CD2 with Its Ligand Lymphocyte Function-Associated Anti- J. Burakoff, and B. E. Bierer gen-3 Induces Adenosine 3’,5’-Cyclic Monophosphate Production in T Lymphocytes K. Hestdal, F. W. Ruscetti, J. Characterization and Regulation of RB6-8C5 Antigen Expression on Murine N. Ihle, S. E. W. Jacobsen, C. Bone Marrow Cells M. Dubois, W. C. Kopp, D. L. Longo, and J. R. Keller R. Q. Hintzen, R. de Jong, C. E. A Soluble Form of the Human T Cell Differentiation Antigen CD27 Is Hack, M. Chamuleau, E. F. R. Released after Triggering of the TCR/CD3 Complex de Vries, I. J. M. ten Berge, J. Borst, and R. A. W. van Lier M. F. Mescher, A. M. O’Rourke, Equilibrium Binding of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes to Class I Antigen P. Champoux, and K. P. Kane V. B. Pinto and K. L. Rock Characterization of the Proliferative Response of a CD4~8" Thymic T Lym- phoma Cell Line to Stimulation by Thymic Cellular Elements J. Plum, M. De Smedt, A. Bil- IFN-y Reverses IL-4 Inhibition of Fetal Thymus Growth in Organ Culture liau, H. Heremans, G. Le- clerq, and B. Tison A. Ratner and W. R. Clark Lack of Target Cell Participation in Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-Mediated Lysis A. Tutt, G. T. Stevenson, and Trispecific F(ab’); Derivatives that Use Cooperative Signaling via the TCR/ M. J. Glennie CD3 Complex and CD2 to Activate and Redirect Resting Cytotoxic T Cells C. M. Weyand, K. C. Hicok, and Nonrandom Selection of T Cell Specificities in Anti-HLA-DR Responses: J. J. Goronzy Sequence Motifs of the Responder HLA-DR Allele Influence T Cell Re- cruitment CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY e¢ IMMUNOPATHOLOGY I. Aksentijevich, D. H. Sachs, 79 Natural Antibodies against Bone Marrow Cells of a Concordant Xenogeneic and M. Sykes Species P. Boerner, R. LaFond, W.-Z. 86 Production of Antigen-Specific Human Monoclonal Antibodies from in Vi- Lu, P. Brams, and I. Royston tro-Primed Human Splenocytes B. Deuell, L. K. Arruda, M. L. 96 Trichophyton tonsurans Allergen I: Characterization of a Protein that Hayden, M. D. Chapman, and Causes Immediate but not Delayed Hypersensitivity T. E. Platts-Mills S. Dhawan, H. Z. Streicher, L. Model for Studying Virus Attachment. II. Binding of Biotinylated Human T M. Wahl, N. Miller, A. T. Cell Leukemia Virus Type I to Human Blood Mononuclear Cells Potential Louie, I. S. Goldfarb, W. L. Targets for Human T Cell Leukemia Virus Type I Infection Jackson, A. L. Notkins, and P. Casali T. B. Issekutz and A. Wykre- Effect of a New Monoclonal Antibody, TA-2, that Inhibits Lymphocyte towicz Adherence to Cytokine Stimulated Endothelium in the Rat M. Linker-Israeli, R. J. Deans, Elevated Levels of Endogenous IL-6 in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A D. J. Wallace, J. Prehn, T. Putative Role in Pathogenesis Ozeri-Chen, and J. R. Klinen- berg R. R. Lobb, G. Chi-Rosso, D. R. Expression and Functional Characterization of a Soluble Form of Endothe- Leone, M. D. Rosa, S. Bixler, lial-Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule 1 B. M. Newman, S. Luhowskyj, C. D. Benjamin, I. G. Dougas, S. E. Goelz, C. Hession, and E. P. Chow R. Pigott, L. A. Needham, R. M. Structural and Functional Studies of the Endothelial Activation Antigen Edwards, C. Walker, and C. Endothelial Leucocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 using a Panel of Monoclonal Power Antibodies iv CONTENTS voL. 147 L. M. Pilarski, E. A. Turley, A. 136 FMC46, A Cell Protrusion-Associated Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 Epi- R. E. Shaw, W. M. Gallatin, tope on Human Lymphocytes and Thymocytes M. P. Laderoute, R. Gillitzer, I. G. R. Beckman, and H. Zola CYTOKINES e MEDIATORS e REGULATORY MOLECULES J. E. Albina, J. A. Abate, and 144 Nitric Oxide Production Is Required for Murine Resident Peritoneal Macro- W. L. Henry, Jr. phages to Suppress Mitogen-Stimulated T Cell Proliferation: Role of IFN- y in the Induction of the Nitric Oxide-Synthesizing Pathway C. A. Harris, K. S. Derbin, B. Manganese Superoxide Dismutase is Induced by IFN-y in Multiple Cell Hunte-McDonough, M. R. Types: Synergistic Induction by IFN-y and Tumor Necrosis Factor or IL-1 Krauss, K. T. Chen, D. M. Smith, and L. B. Epstein M. E. Kanof, W. Strober, W. C. CD4* Leu-8* T Cell Supernatant Activity that Inhibits Ig Production Kwan, N. A. O’Connell, and S. P. James S. Matikainen, E. Serkkola, Retinoic Acid Enhances IL-1 Expression in Myeloid Leukemia Cells and in and M. Hurme Human Monocytes T. Saito, K. Yasukawa, H. Su- Preparation of Soluble Murine IL-6 Receptor and Anti-Murine IL-6 Receptor zuki, K. Futatsugi, T. Fukun- Antibodies aga, C. Yokomizo, Y. Koishi- hara, H. Fukui, Y. Ohsugi, H. Yawata, I. Kobayashi, T. Hir- ano, T. Taga, and T. Kishi- moto IMMUNOCHEMISTRY S. Y. Choo, L.-A. Fan, and J. A. A Novel HLA-B27 Allele Maps B27 Allospecificity to the Region around Hansen Position 70 in the al Domain M. G. Cleveland, M.-A. Bakos, Characterization of Secretory Component in Amniotic Fluid: Identification D. L. Pyron, S. Rajaraman, of New Forms of Secretory IgA and R. M. Goldblum C. M. Hill, J. D. Hayball, A. A. Conformational and Structural Characteristics of Peptides Binding to HLA- Allison, and J. B. Rothbard DR Molecules J. Leighton, A. Sette, J. Sid- Comparison of Structural Requirements for Interaction of the Same Peptide ney, E. Appella, C. Ehrhardt, with I-E* and I-E* Molecules in the Activation of MHC Class II-Restricted S. Fuchs, and L. Adorini T Cells E. Olsen, L. Zhang, R. D. Hill, Identification and Characterization of the Poa p IX Group of Basic Allergens F. T. Kisil, A. H. Sehon, and of Kentucky Bluegrass Pollen S. S. Mohapatra J. C. Papadimitriou, L. E. Quantitative Analysis of Adenine Nucleotides during the Prelytic Phase of Ramm, C. B. Drachenberg, B. Cell Death Mediated by C5b-9 F. Trump, and M. L. Shin S. Poppema, R. Lai, and L. Vis- Antibody MT3 Is Reactive with a Novel Exon B-Associated 190-kDa Sialic ser Acid-Dependent Epitope of the Leukocyte Common Antigen Complex G. Thyphronitis, T. Kinoshita, Modulation of Mouse Complement Receptors 1 and 2 Suppresses Antibody K. Inoue, J. ©. Schweinle, G. Responses in Vivo C. Tsokos, E. S. Metcalf, F. D. Finkelman, and J. E. Balow IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY S. B. Abramson, J. Leszczyn- 231 Arachidonic Acid as a Second Messenger: Interactions with a GTP-Binding ska-Piziak, and G. Weiss- Protein of Human Neutrophils mann T. Brunner, A. L. De Weck, and 237 Platelet-Activating Factor Induces Mediator Release by Human Basophils C. A. Dahinden Primed with IL-3, Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor, or IL-5 B. Gatewood, J. Joe, and S. H. 243 CD45 Is not Involved in the Processing of Spatial Information Required for Zigmond Chemotaxis 1991 CONTENTS A.-M. A. Irani, S. M. Goldstein, Human Mast Cell Carboxypeptidase: Selective Localization to MCrc Cells B. U. Wintroub, T. Bradford, and L. B. Schwartz A. M. Lamas, O. G. Leon, and Glucocorticoids Inhibit Eosinophil Responses to Granulocyte-Macrophage R. P. Schleimer Colony-Stimulating Factor K. Rokutan, J. A. Thomas, and Phagocytosis and Stimulation of the Respiratory Burst by Phorbol Diester R. B. Johnston, Jr. Initiate S-Thiolation of Specific Proteins in Macrophages H. H. Simms, T. A. Gaither, L. Monokines Released during Short-Term Fcy Receptor Phagocytosis Up- F. Fries, and M. M. Frank Regulate Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes and Monocyte-Phagocytic Func- tion N. Yamamoto, S. Homma, and Identification of the Serum Factor Required for in Vitro Activation of I. Millman Macrophages: Role of Vitamin D3-Binding Protein (Group Specific Com- ponent, Gc) in Lysophospholipid Activation of Mouse Peritoneal Macro- phages MICROBIAL IMMUNOLOGY M. Barral-Netto, A. Barral, S. Soluble IL-2 Receptor as an Agent of Serum-Mediated Suppression in Hu- B. Santos, E. M. Carvalho, R. man Visceral Leishmaniasis Badaro, H. Rocha, S. G. Reed, and W. D. Johnson, Jr. S. J. Blander and M. A. Horwitz Vaccination with the Major Secretory Protein of Legionella Induces Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses and Protective Immunity Across Different Serogroups of Legionella pneumophila and Different Species of Legionella M. Daibata, I. Mellinghoff, S. Effect of Genistein, a Tyresine Kinase Inhibitor, on Latent EBV Activation Takagi, R. E. Humphreys, Induced by Cross-Linkage of Membrane IgG in Akata B Cells and T. Sairenji J. M. Griffiss, G. A. Jarvis, J. Lysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Initiated by Binding of Normal Human IgM P. O’Brien, M. M. Eads, and to a Hexosamine-Containing Lipooligosaccharide Epitope(s) Is Augmented H. Schneider by Strain-Specific, Properdin-Binding-Dependent Alternative Comple- ment Pathway Activation E. A. B. Kelly, E. S. Cruz, K. M. IFN-y- and IL-5-Producing Cells Compartmentalize to Different Lymphoid Hauda, and D. L. Wassom Organs in Trichinella spiralis-Infected Mice K. R. McKenzie, E. Adams, W. Sequence and Immunogenicity of the 70-kDa Heat Shock Protein of Myco- J. Britton, R. J. Garsia, and bacterium leprae A. Basten M. D. Miller, H. Yamamoto, A. Definition of an Epitope and MHC Class I Molecule Recognized by Gag- L. Hughes, D. I. Watkins, and Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in SIVmac-Infected Rhesus Monkeys N. L. Letvin S. M. Phillips, P. J. Perrin, A. Immune Response to Schistosoma mansoni Infections in Inbred Rats. VII. S. Tung, J. Lin, T. Diamant- Resistance is Contingent on OX-8*-Regulated High Affinity IL-2 Receptor- stein, and N. Galal Bearing W3/25* Lymphocytes but Not on IL-4-Dependent Cells S. J. Skerrett and T. R. Martin Alveolar Macrophage Activation in Experimental Legionellosis P. T. Soboslay, C. M. Dreweck, Experimental Onchocerciasis in Chimpanzees. Cell-Mediated Immune Re- H. R. Taylor, B. Brotman, P. sponses, and Production and Effects of IL-1 and IL-2 with Onchocerca Wenk, and B. M. Greene volvulus Infection Y. Tanaka, L. Zeng, H. Shiraki, Identification of a Neutralization Epitope on the Envelope gp46 Antigen of H. Shida, and H. Tozawa Human T Cell Leukemia Virus Type I and Induction of Neutralizing Antibody by Peptide Immunization MOLECULAR BIOLOGY e MOLECULAR GENETICS D. Eilat and R. Fischel 361 Recurrent Utilization of Genetic Elements in V Regions of Antinucleic Acid Antibodies from Autoimmune Mice Y. Kaufmann, E. Tseng, and T. 369 Cloning of the Murine Lymphocyte Function-Associated Molecule-1 a-Sub- A. Springer unit and Its Expression in COS Cells L. R. Smith, D. H. Kono, and A. 375 Complexity and Sequence Identification of 24 Rat V8 Genes N. Theofilopoulos Letter to the Editor 380 Author Index i CONTENTS NUMBER 2, JULY 15, 1991 CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY B. Agrawal, M. Manickasun- T Cells that Recognize Peptide Sequences of Self MHC Class II Molecules dari, E. Fraga, and B. Singh Exist in Syngeneic Mice J. S. Bryson, B. E. Caywood, Relationship of Cyclosporine A-Mediated Inhibition of Clonal Deletion and and A. M. Kaplan Development of Syngeneic Graft-versus-Host Disease B. M. C. Chan, J. G. P. Wong, T Cell Receptor-Dependent, Antigen-Specific Stimulation of a Murine T Cell A. Rao, and M. E. Hemler Clone Induces a Transient, VLA Protein-Mediated Binding to Extracellular Matrix J. Freire-Moar, H. Cherwinski, Expression of Protein Kinase C Isoenzymes in Thymocyte Subpopulations F. Hwang, J. Ransom, and D. and Their Differential Regulation Webb G. Goodman-Snitkoff, M. F. Role of Intrastructural/Intermolecular Help in Immunization with Peptide- Good, J. A. Berzofsky, and R. Phospholipid Complexes J. Mannino C. Jamieson, P. G. McCaffrey, Physiologic Activation of T Cells via the T Cell Receptor Induces NF-«B A. Rao, and R. Sen J. M. McCormack, D. Sun, and A Subset of Mouse Splenic Macrophages Can Constitutively Present Alloan- W. S. Walker tigen Directly to CD8* T Cells B. P. Sleckman, Y. Rosenstein, Glycolipid-Anchored Form of CD4 Increases Intercellular Adhesion but Is V. E. Igras, J. L. Greenstein, Unable to Enhance T Cell Activation and S. J. Burakoff J. R. Tumang, E. P. Cherniack, T Helper Cell-Dependent, Microbial Superantigen-Induced Murine B Cell D. M. Gietl, B. C. Cole, C. Activation: Polyclonal and Antigen-Specific Antibody Responses Russo, M. K. Crow, and S. M. Friedman A. J. M. Van Den Eertwegh, M. In Vivo Kinetics and Characterization of IFN-y-Producing Cells during a J. Fasbender, M. M. Schellek- Thymus-Independent Immune Response ens, A. Van Oudenaren, W. J. A. Boersma, and E. Claassen I. Vivier, D. Marguet, P. Naquet, Evidence that Thymocyte-Activating Molecule Is Mouse CD26 (Dipeptidyl J. Bonicel, D. Black, C. Peptidase IV) Xiao-Yan Li, A.-M. Bernard, J.-P. Gorvel, and M. Pierres L. E. Wrenshall, F. B. Cerra, A. Regulation of Murine Splenocyte Responses by Heparan Sulfate Carlson, F. H. Bach, and J. L. Platt C. M. Zacharchuk, M. Mercep, Variations in Thymocyte Susceptibility to Clonal Deletion during Ontogeny: C. H. June, A. M. Weissman, Implications for Neonatal Tolerance and J. D. Ashwell T. Zhou, H. Bluethmann, J. Abnormal Thymocyte Development and Production of Autoreactive T Cells Eldridge, M. Brockhaus, K. in T Cell Receptor Transgenic Autoimmune Mice Berry, and J. D. Mountz CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY e IMMUNOPATHOLOGY J. Corado, F. Mazerolles, F. le 475 Inhibition of CD4* T Cell Activation and Adhesion by Peptides Derived from Deist, C. Barbat, M. Kaczo- the gp160 rek, and A. Fischer S. P. Fling, L. A. Donoso, and In Vitro Unresponsiveness to Autologous Sequences of the Immunopatho- D. S. Gregerson genic Autoantigen, S-Antigen D. Israél-Biet, J. Cadranel, K. Tumor Necrosis Factor Production in HIV-Seropositive Subjects: Relation- Beldjord, J.-M. Andrieu, A. ship with Lung Opportunistic Infections and HIV Expression in Alveolar Jeffrey, and P. Even Macrophages N. Madi, G. Steiger, J. Es- Defective Immune Adherence and Elimination of Hepatitis B Surface Anti- treicher, and J. A. Schifferli gen/Antibody Complexes in Patients with Mixed Essential Cryoglobulin- emia Type II R. M. McCarron, M. Racke, M. Cerebral Vascular Endothelial Cells Are Effective Targets for In Vitro Lysis Spatz, and D. E. McFarlin by Encephalitogenic T Lymphocytes X. Sun and W. Hsueh Platelet-Activating Factor Produces Shock, in Vivo Complement Activation, and Tissue Injury in Mice S. Takahashi, M. Nose, J. Sa- IgG3 Production in MRL/1pr Mice Is Responsible for Development of Lupus saki, T. Yamamoto, and M. Nephritis Kyogoku CONTENTS CYTOKINES e MEDIATORS ¢ REGULATORY MOLECULES A. Anisowicz, M. Messineo, S. 520 An NF-xB-Like Transcription Factor Mediates IL-1/TNF-a Induction of gro W. Lee, and R. Sager in Human Fibroblasts W.-F. Chen and A. Zlotnik 528 IL-10: A Novel Cytotoxic T Cell Differentiation Factor W. C. Fanslow, K. N. Clifford, 535 Regulation of Alloreactivity in Vivo by IL-4 and the Soluble IL-4 Receptor L. S. Park, A. S. Rubin, R. F. Voice, M. P. Beckmann, and M. B. Widmer L. P. Fernando, R. D. LeClaire, Stable Expression of a Secreted Form of the Mouse IFN-y Receptor in Rat S. Obici, P. J. Zavodny, S. W. Cells Russell, and J. L. Pace T. Kawabe, N. Maekawa, Y. Induction of FceRII/CD23 on Phytohemagglutinin-Activated Human Periph- Maeda, M. Hosoda, and J. Yo- eral Blood T Lymphocytes. I. Enhancement by IL-2 and IL-4 doi R. A. Montgomery and M. J. Analysis of Cytokine Gene Expression during Fetal Thymic Ontogeny Using Dallman the Polymerase Chain Reaction P. J. Morrissey, P. Conlon, K. Administration of IL-7 to Normal Mice Stimulates B-Lymphopoiesis and Charrier, S. Braddy, A. Al- Peripheral Lymphadenopathy pert, D. Williams, A. E. Na- men, and D. Mochizuki IMMUNOCHEMISTRY J. Choppin, F. Martinon, F. HLA-Binding Regions of HIV-1 Proteins. I. Detection of Seven HLA Binding Connan, E. Gomard, and Regions in the HIV-1 Nef Protein J.-P. Levy J. Choppin, F. Martinon, F. HLA-Binding Regions of HIV-1 Proteins. II. A Systematic Study of Viral Connan, M. Pauchard, E. Go- Proteins mard, and J.-P. Levy T. Horiuchi, K. J. Macon, J. A. Site-Directed Mutagenesis of the Region Around Cys-241 of Complement Engler, and J. E. Volanakis Component C2: Evidence for a C4b Binding Site K. R. Kalli, J. M. Ahearn, and Interaction of iC3b with Recombinant Isotypic and Chimeric Forms of CR2 D. T. Fearon P. Koolwijk, J. G. J. van de Induction of Intracellular Ca?* Mobilization and Cytotoxicity by Hybrid Winkel, L. C. Pfefferkorn, C. Mouse Monoclonal Antibodies: FcyRII Regulation of FcyRI-Triggered W. M. Jacobs, I. Otten, G. T. Functions or Signaling? Spierenburg, and B. J. E. G. Bast W. T. Schaiff, K. A. Hruska, Jr., Invariant Chain Influences Post-Translational Processing of HLA-DR Mol- C. Bono, S. Shuman, and B. ecules D. Schwartz IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY D. H. Adams, M. Hathaway, J. Transforming Growth Factor-8 Induces Human T Lymphocyte Migration in Shaw, D. Burnett, E. Elias, Vitro and A. J. Strain P. Dri, R. Cramer, P. Spessotto, Eosinophil Activation on Biologic Surfaces: Production of O2 in Response to M. Romano, and P. Patriarca Physiologic Soluble Stimuli is Differentially Modulated by Extracellular Matrix Components and Endothelial Cells M. R. Lennartz and E. J. Brown Arachidonic Acid Is Essential for IgG Fc Receptor-Mediated Phagocytosis by Human Monocytes C. Marquez, C. Martinez-A., Protein Kinase C Mobilization in B Lymphocytes: Differential Isoenzyme and L. Bosca Translocation upon Activation R. A. Sater, L. D. Cripe, J. D. Complex Regulation of Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor in the HL-60 Taylor, and J. E. Niedel Promyelocytic Cell Line K. M. Skubitz, D. D. Ehres- Characterization of Human Neutrophil Ecto-Protein Kinase Activity Re- mann, and T. P. Ducker leased by Kinase Substrates S. J. Suchard, L. A. Boxer, and Activation of Human Neutrophils Increases Thrombospondin Receptor V. M. Dixit Expression M. Triggiani, R. P. Schleimer, Differential Synthesis of 1-Acyl-2-Acetyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine and J. A. Warner, and F. H. Chil- Platelet-Activating Factor by Human Inflammatory Cells ton viii CONTENTS VoL. 147 M. V. White, Y. Igarashi, J. D. Hydrocortisone Inhibits Rat Basophilic Leukemia Cell Mediator Release Lundgren, J. Shelhamer, and Induced by Neutrophil-Derived Histamine Releasing Activity as Well as M. Kaliner by Anti-IgE MICROBIAL IMMUNOLOGY J.E. Allen, R. M. Locksley, and A Single Peptide from the Major Outer Membrane Protein of Chlamydia R. S. Stephens trachomatis Elicits T Cell Help for the Production of Antibodies to Protec- tive Determinants C. L. Karp, S. J. Turco, and D. Lipophosphoglycan Masks Recognition of the Leishmania donovani Pro- L. Sacks mastigote Surface by Human Kala-Azar Serum P. Lusso, M. Malnati, A. De Productive Infection of CD4* and CD8* Mature Human T Cell Populations Maria, C. Balotta, S. E. De- and Clones by Human Herpesvirus 6: Transcriptional Down-Regulation Rocco, P. D. Markham, and of CD3 R. C. Gallo MOLECULAR BIOLOGY e MOLECULAR GENETICS K. Sastry, K. Zahedi, J.-M. Le- 692 Molecular Characterization of the Mouse Mannose-Binding Proteins: The lias, A. S. Whitehead, and R. Mannose-Binding Protein A but not C Is an Acute Phase Reactant A. B. Ezekowitz N. Terada, J. J. Lucas, and E. Differential Regulation of the Tumor Suppressor Molecules, Retinoblastoma W. Gelfand Susceptibility Gene Product (Rb) and p53, during Cell Cycle Progression of Normal Human T Ceils B. Tycko, H. Coyle, and J. Chimeric y-6 Signal Joints: Implications for the Mechanism and Regulation Sklar of T Cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement TUMOR IMMUNOLOGY J. Aramburu, M. A. Balboa, M. A Novel Functional Cell Surface Dimer (Kp43) Expressed by Natural Killer Izquierdo, and M._ L0o- Cells and y/6 TCR* T Lymphocytes. II. Modulation of Natural Killer Cyto- pez-Botet toxicity by Anti-Kp43 Monoclonal Antibody R. E. Taffs, F. A. Redegeld, and Modulation of Cytolytic T Lymphocyte Functions by an Inhibitor of Serine/ M. V. Sitkovsky Threonine Phosphatase, Okadaic Acid: Enhancement of Cytolytic T Lym- phocyte-Mediated Cytotoxicity H. Yoshizawa, A. E. Chang, and Specific Adoptive Immunotherapy Mediated by Tumor-Draining Lymph S. Shu Node Cells Sequentially Activated with Anti-CD3 and IL-2 Author Index NUMBER 3, AUGUST 1, 1991 CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY R. Abe, O. Kanagawa, M. A. Characterization of a New Minor Lymphocyte Stimulatory System. I. Cluster Sheard, B. Malissen, and M. of Self Antigens Recognized by “I-E-Reactive” Vfs, V5, V811, and V612 Foo-Phillips T Cell Receptors for Antigen T.-L. Chang, G. Capraro, R. E. Anergy in Immature B Lymphocytes: Differential Responses to Receptor- Kleinman, and A. K. Abbas Mediated Stimulation and T Helper Cells H. Gouy, D. Cefai, S. B. Chris- Cyclic- and Inositol Phosphate-Independent Inhibition of Ca?* Influx by tensen, P. Debre, and G. Bis- Cholera Toxin in CD3-Stimulated Jurkat T Cells: A Study with a Cholera muth Toxin-Resistant Cell Variant and the Ca?* Endoplasmic Reticulum-AT- Pase Inhibitor Thapsigargin C. V. Harding and E. R. Unanue Modulation of Antigen Presentation and Peptide-MHC-Specific, LFA-1-De- pendent T Cell-Macrophage Adhesion 1991 CONTENTS J. M. LaSalle, K. Ota, and D. A. Presentation of Autoantigen by Human T Cells Hafler M.-G. Roncarolo, M. Bigler, J. Natural Killer Cell Clones Can Efficiently Process and Present Protein B. A. Haanen, H. Yssel, R. Antigens Bacchetta, J. E. de Vries, and H. Spits Y. Samstag, A. Bader, and S. C. A Serine Phosphatase Is Involved in CD2-Mediated Activation of Human T Meuer Lymphocytes and Natural Killer Cells K. S. Sellins and J. J. Cohen Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Induce Different Types of DNA Damage in Target Cells of Different Origins Y. Wang and D. L. Perkins Characterization of Autoreactive T Cells: Relative Importance of Self-Pep- tides versus MHC CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY e IMMUNOPATHOLOGY S. A. Brod, D. Benjamin, and D. 810 Restricted T Cell Expression of IL-2/IFN-y mRNA in Human Inflammatory A. Hafler Disease M. Gaga, A. J. Frew, V. A. Var- 816 Eosinophil Activation and T Lymphocyte Infiltration in Allergen-Induced ney, and A. B. Kay Late Phase Skin Reactions and Classical Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity J. V. Madassery, B. Gillard, D. Subpopulations of B Cells in Germinal Centers. III. HJ6, a Monoclonal M. Marcus, and M. H. Nahm Antibody, Binds Globoside and a Subpopulation of Germinal Center B Cells L. M. Pilarski, B. R. Yacyshyn, 61 Integrin (CD29) Expression on Human Postnatal T Cell Subsets Defined G. S. Jensen, E. Pruski, and by Selective CD45 Isoform Expression H. F. Pabst R. J. Quigg, A. V. Cybulsky, Effect of Nephritogenic Antibody on Complement Regulation in Cultured and D. J. Salant Rat Glomerular Epithelial Cells L. M. B. Vaessen, A. J. Ouwe- Phenotypic and Functional Analysis of T Cell Receptor yé-Bearing Cells hand, C. C. Baan, N. H. P. M. Isolated from Human Heart Allografts Jutte, A. H. M. M. Balk, F. H. J. Claas, and W. Weimar CYTOKINES e MEDIATORS e REGULATORY MOLECULES J.-F. Chang, C. A. Thomas, III, 851 Induction of High Level IL-2 Production in CD4*8” T Helper Lymphocytes and J. T. Kung Requires Post-Thymic Development J.-F. Chang, C. A. Thomas, III, 860 Mitogen-Induced IL-2 Production and Proliferation at Defined Stages of T and J. T. Kung Helper Cell Development M. Chedid, B. K. Yoza, J. W. 867 Activation of AP-1 by IL-1 and Phorbol Esters in T Cells: Role of Protein Brooks, and S. B. Mizel Kinase A and Protein Phosphatases M. K. Gately, B. B. Desia, A. G. 874 Regulation of Human Lymphocyte Proliferation by a Heterodimeric Cyto- Wolitzky, P. M. Quinn, C. M. kine, IL-12 (Cytotoxic Lymphocyte Maturation Factor) Dwyer, F. J. Podlaski, P. C. Familletti, F. Sinigaglia, R. Chizonnite, U. Gubler, and A. S. Stern D. H. Hechtman, M. I. Cybul- Intravascular IL-8: Inhibitor of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Accumula- sky, H. J. Fuchs, J. B. Baker, tion at Sites of Acute Inflammation and M. A. Gimbrone, Jr. D. A. Kostyal, D. H. Beezhold, Differentiation-Inducing Cytokine P48 Exists in a Membrane-Associated and R. E. Hall Form M. Mengozzi, ™. Sironi, M. Gad- Reversal of Defective IL-6 Production in Lipopolysaccharide-Tolerant Mice ina, and P. Ghezzi by Phorbol Myristate Acetate R. A. Seder, M. Pliaut, S. Barbi- Purified FceR* Bone Marrow and Splenic Non-B, Non-T Cells Are Highly eri, J. Urban, Jr., F. D. Fin- Enriched in the Capacity to Produce IL-4 in Response to Immobilized IgE, kelman, and W. E. Paul IgG2a, or lonomycin IMMUNOCHEMISTRY A. J. Ainsworth and J. E. Detection of in Ovo Derived Idiotypic Antibodies. I. A Model for Maternal- Brown Neonatal Idiotype Network Studies x CONTENTS VOL. 147 M. A. Gawinowicz, G. Merlini, Amino Acid Sequence of the FV Region of a Human Monoclonal IgM (NOV) S. Birken, E. F. Osserman, with Specificity for the Capsular Polysaccharide of the Group B Menin- and E. A. Kabat gococcus and of Escherichia coli K1, Which Cross-Reacts with Polynu- cleotides and with Denatured DNA C. M. Maison, C. L. Villiers, and Proteolysis of C3 on U937 Cell Plasma Membranes: Purification of Cathep- M. G. Colomb sin G T. Masaki, M. Matsumoto, R. A Covalent Dimer of Complement C4B Serves as a Subunit of a Novel C5 Yasuda, R. P. Levine, H. Ki- Convertase that Involves no C3 Derivatives tamura, and T. Seya S. Miller, H.-T. Wang, S.-V. Generation and Specificity of Monoclonal Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies against Kaveri, S. Chattopadhyay, Human HIV-Specific Antibodies. I. Cross-Reacting Idiotopes Are Ex- and H. Kohler pressed in Subpopulations of HIV-Infected Individuals O. Spertini, G. S. Kansas, K. A. Function and Evolutionary Conservation of Distinct Epitopes on the Leu- Reimann, C. R. Mackay, and kocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 (TQ-1, Leu-8) that Regulate Leukocyte Migra- T. F. Tedder tion IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY A. A. Amoscato, A. M. Brum- Natural Killer Cell Cytolytic Granule-Associated Enzymes. I. Purification, field, S. B. Sansoni, R. B. Her- Characterization, and Analysis of Function of an Enzyme with Sulfatase berman, and W. H. Chambers Activity K. E. Barrett Immune-Related Intestinal Chloride Secretion. III]. Acute and Chronic Ef- fects of Mast Cell Mediators on Chloride Secretion By a Human Colonic Epithelial Cell Line G. E. Brown, E. B. Reed, and M. Neutrophil CR3 Expression and Specific Granule Exocytosis Are Controlled E. Lanser by Different Signal Transduction Pathways S. Koyama, S. I. Rennard, G. D. Bronchial Epithelial Cells Release Monocyte Chemotactic Activity in Re- Leikauf, and R. A. Robbins sponse to Smoke and Endotoxin O. Letari, S. Nicosia, C. Chia- Activation by Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide Causes Changes in the Cytosolic varoli, P. Vacher, and W. Free Calcium Concentration in Single Peritoneal Macrophages Schlegel MICROBIAL IMMUNOLOGY S. J. Brett, J. Blau, C. M. Human T Cell Recognition of Influenza A Nucleoprotein: Specificity and Hughes-Jenkins, J. Rhodes, Genetic Restriction of Immunodominant T Helper Cell Epitopes F. Y. Liew, and J. P. Tite G. S. Henderson, J. T. Conary, In Vivo Molecular Analysis of lymphokines Involved in the Murine Immune M. Summar, T. L. McCurley, Response during Schistosoma mansoni Infection. I. IL-4 mRNA, not IL-2 and D. G. Colley mRNA, Is Abundant in the Granulomatous Livers, Mesenteric Lymph Nodes, and Spleens of Infected Mice A. Kumar, T. Rogers, A. Maizel, Loss of Transforming Growth Factor 6; Receptors and Its Effects on the and S. Sharma Growth of EBV-Transformed Human B Cells S. Miller, D. Schreuer, and B. Inhibition of Antigen-Driven Proliferative Responses and Enhancement of Hammerberg Antibody Production during Infection with Brugia pahangi B. L. P. Ungar, T.-C. Kao, J. A. Cryptosporidium Infection in an Adult Mouse Model: Independent Roles for Burris, and F. D. Finkelman IFN-y and CD4* T Lymphocytes in Protective Immunity H. M. Vordermeier, D. P. Har- Identification of T Cell Stimulatory Peptides from the 38-kDa Protein Of ris, E. Roman, R. Lathigra, C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Moreno, and J. Ivanyi MOLECULAR BIOLOGY e MOLECULAR GENETICS M. L. Andria, C.-L. Hsieh, R. 1030 Genomic Organization and Chromosomal Localization of the TAPA-1 Gene Oren, U. Francke, and S. Levy K. Harper, C. Balzano, E. Rou- CTLA-4 and CD28 Activated Lymphocyte Molecules Are Closely Related in vier, M.-G. Mattéi, M.-F. Lu- Both Mouse and Human as to Sequence, Message Expression, Gene Struc- ciani, and P. Golstein ture, and Chromosomal Location D. E. Jenne, M. Zimmer, J. A. Genomic Organization and Subchromosomal in Situ Localization of the Garcia-Sanz, J. Tschopp, Murine Granzyme F, A Serine Protease Expressed in CD8* T Cells and P. Lichter 1991 CONTENTS xi S. A. Nedospasov, I. A. Uda- DNA Sequence Polymorphism at the Human Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) lova, D. V. Kuprash, and R. Locus: Numerous TNF/Lymphotoxin Alleles Tagged by Two Closely L. Turetskaya Linked Microsatellites in the Upstream Region of the Lymphotoxin (TNF- 8B) Gene L. Z. Rassenti, L. F. Pratt, P. P. Autoantibody-Encoding « L Chain Genes Frequently Rearranged in \ L Chen, D. A. Carson, and T. J. Chain-Expressing Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Kipps M. L. Richards, D. H. Katz, and Complete Genomic Sequence of the Murine Low Affinity Fc Receptor for F.-T. Liu IgE: Demonstration of Alternative Transcripts and Conserved Sequence Elements M. E. Roth, P. O. Holman, and Nonrandom Use of Ja Gene Segments: Influence of Va and Ja Gene Location D. M. Kranz TUMOR IMMUNOLOGY Z. J. Chen, H. Yang, and S. Fer- Human High Molecular Weight Melanoma-Associated Antigen Mimicry by rone Mouse Antiidiotypic Monoclonal Antibody MK2-23: Characterization of the Immunogenicity in Syngeneic Hosts C. Demanet, J. Brissinck, M. Treatment of Murine B Cell Lymphoma with Bispecific Monoclonal Anti- Van Mechelen, O. Leo, and K. bodies (Antiiditoype x Anti-CD3) Thielemans K. Hayashibe, Y. Mishima, and Cloning and in Vitro Expression of a Melanoma-Associated Antigen Immu- S. Ferrone nogenic in Patients with Melanoma Announcement Author Index NuMBER 4, AuGusT 15, 1991 CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY G. A. Bishop Requirements of Class II-Mediated B Cell Differentiation for Class II Cross- Linking and Cyclic AMP H. Hengel, H. Wagner, and K. Triggering of CD8* Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes via CD3-« Differs from Trig- Heeg gering via a/8 T Cell Receptor: CD3-e-Induced Cytotoxicity Occurs in the Absence of Protein Kinase C and Does not Result in Exocytosis of Serine Esterases J. P. Lake, C. W. Pierce, and J. CD8* a/8 or y/5 T Cell Receptor-Bearing T Cells from Athymic Nude Mice D. Kennedy Are Cytolytically Active in Vivo H.-M. Lee and S. Rich Co-Stimulation of T Cell Proliferation by Transforming Growth Factor-61 K.-H. Lue, R. P. Lauener, R. J. Engagement of CD14 on Human Monocytes Terminates T Cell Proliferation Winchester, R. S. Geha, and by Delivering a Negative Signal to T Cells D. Vercelli I. Melamed, G. P. Downey, K. Microfilament Assembly Is Required for Antigen-Receptor-Mediated Acti- Aktories, and C. M. Roifman vation of Human B Lymphocytes J. Nagamine, K. Takeda, Y. Role of a Thymic Stromal Cell Clone in Inducing the Stage-Specific Differ- Tatsumi, M. Ogata, K. Mi- entiation of Various Subpopulations of Double Negative Thymocytes yake, T. Hamaoka, and H. Fujiwara . Nakashima, Y.-H. Zhang, S. Evidence of Synergy between Thy-1 and CD3/TCR Complex in Signal Deliv- M. J. Rahman, T. Yoshida, ery to Murine Thymocytes for Cell Death K.-I. Isobe, L.-N. Ding, T. Iwa- moto, M. Hamaguchi, H. Ike- zawa, and R. Taguchi C. M. Snapper, L. M. T. Pe- IgE Class Switching Is Critically Dependent Upon the Nature of the B Cell canha, A. D. Levine, and J. Activator, in Addition to the Presence of IL-4 J. Mond C. M. Snapper, H. Yamada, J. Cross-Linkage of Ly-6A/E Induces Ca”* Translocation in the Absence of J. Mond, and C. H. June Phosphatidylinositol Turnover and Mediates Proliferation of Normal Mu- rine B Lymphocytes xii CONTENTS voL. 147 H. Spits, X. Paliard, Y. Vandek- 1180 Functional and Phenotypic Differences between CD4* and CD4 T Cell erckhove, P. van Vlasselaer, Receptor-yé6 Clones from Peripheral Blood and J. E. de Vries CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY e¢ IMMUNOPATHOLOGY G. D. Anderson, S. Banerjee, H. 1189 Role of Mls-1 Locus and Clonal Deletion of T Cells in Susceptibility to S. Luthra, and C. S. David Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice G. C. Koo, C. L. Manyak, J. 1194 Suppressive Effects of Monocytic Cells and Transforming Growth Factor-8 Dasch, L. Ellingsworth, and on Natural Killer Cell Differentiation in Autoimmune Viable Motheaten L. D. Shultz Mutant Mice J. K. Lazdins, T. Klimkait, K. In Vitro Effect of Transforming Growth Factor-8 on Progression of HIV-1 Woods-Cook, M. Walker, E. Infection in Primary Mononuclear Phagocytes Alteri, D. Cox, N. Cerletti, R. Shipman, G. Bilbe, and G. McMaster O. Lider, A. Milleer, S. Miron, Nonencephalitogenic CD4-CD8™ Va2V68.2* Anti-Myelin Basic Protein Rat R. Hershkoviz, H. L. Weiner, T Lymphocytes Inhibit Disease Induction X. Zhang, and E. Heber-Katz S. Seki, T. Abo, T. Ohteki, K. Unusual af$-T Cells Expanded in Autoimmune lpr Mice Are Probably a Sugiura, and K. Kumagai Counterpart of Normal T Cells in the Liver D. V. Serreze and E. H. Leiter Development of Diabetogenic T Cells from NOD/Lt Marrow Is Blocked When an Allo-H-2 Haplotype Is Expressed on Cells of Hemopoietic Origin, but not on Thymic Epithelium CYTOKINES e¢ MEDIATORS e REGULATORY MOLECULES J. L. Browning, M. J. Andro- 1230 Lymphotoxin and an Associated 33-Glycorprotein Are Expressed on the lewicz, and C. F. Ware Surface of an Activated Human T Cell Hybridoma I. K. Campbell, U. Novak, J. Ce- 1238 Human Articular Cartilage and Chondrocytes Produce Hemopoietic Colony- bon, J. E. Layton, and J. A. Stimulating Factors in Culture in Response to IL-1 Hamilton J. A. Carman and C. E. Hayes Abnormal Regulation of IFN-y Secretion in Vitamin A Deficiency M. R. Fung, R. M. Scearce, J. A. A Tyrosine Kinase Physically Associates with the 6-Subunit of the Human Hoffman, N. J. Peffer, S. R. IL-2 Receptor Hammes, J. B. Hosking, R. Schmandt, W. A. Kuziel, B. F. Haynes, G. B. Mills, and W. C. Greene M. K. Ganapathi, D. Rzewnicki, Effect of Combinations of Cytokines and Hormones on Synthesis of Serum D. Samols, S.-L. Jiang, and I. Amyloid A and C-Reactive Protein in HEP 3B Cells Kushner K. Nakata, K. Akagawa, M. Fu- Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Promotes the Prolifer- kayama, Y. Hayashi, M. Ka- ation of Human Alveolar Macrophages in Vitro dokura, and T. Tokunaga J.-H. Shieh, R. H. F. Peterson, IL-1 Modulation of Cytokine Receptors on Bone Marrow Cells: In Vitro and and M. A. S. Moore in Vivo Studies G. Strassmann, D. R. Bertolini, Regulation of Murine Mononuclear Phagocyte Inflammatory Products by S. B. Kerby, and M. Fong Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor: Lack of IL-1 and Prostaglandin E.2 Production and Generation of a Specific IL-1 Inhibitor IMMUNOCHEMISTRY M. Barel, A. Gauffre, F. Lya- Intracellular Interaction of EBV/C3d Receptor (CR2) with p68, a Calcium- mani, A. Fiandino, J. Her- Binding Protein Present in Normal but Not in Transformed B Lymphocytes mann, and R. Frade R. Busch, C. M. Hill, J. D. Hay- Effect of Natural Polymorphism at Residue 86 of the HLA-DR §-Chain on ball, J. R. Lamb, and J. B. Peptide Binding Rothbard P. E. Harris, M. C. Gutierrez, E. Biosynthesis and Partial Amino Acid Sequence of the Human NDA 4 Anti- Reed, D. W. King, and N. Su- gen: An Activation Antigen Common to B and T Cell Lineages ciu-Foca

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