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Annual Index Volume 65, Numbers | -6 (1994) January/February July/August March/ April SESOONG 5 o.0.6 60 sie esac September /O ctober May/June November/ December Administrative Promotion within a University: Bergquist, William H., The Four Cultures of The Cumulative Impact of Gender, Linda the Academy, reviewed, 65:5, 633-36 K. Johnsrud and Ronald H. Heck, 65:1, Bess, James L., review essay, 65:6, 745-50 23-44 Blanke, Virgil E., book review, 65:5, 631-33 Adult Education: Evolution and Achievements Blimling, Gregory S., book review, 65:6, 751- in a Developing Field of Study, John M. Pe- 53 ters, Peter Jarvis, and associates, reviewed, 65:4, 515-17 Bloland, Harland G., book review, 65:2, 228-30 Altbach, Philip G., and Kofi Lomotey (eds.), Bogue, E. Grady, and Robert L. Saunders, The The Racial Crisis in American Higher Edu- Evidence for Quality: Strengthening the Tests cation, reviewed, 65:1, 104-6 of Academic and Administrative Effective- ness, reviewed, 65:5, 639-40 Altick, Richard D., book review, 65:1, 118-20 Boice, Robert, book review, 65:1, 106-8 Anderson, Melissa S., Karen Seashore Louis, and Jason Earle, Disciplinary and Depart- Braxton, John M.., Introduction, 65:3, 239-41 mental Effects on Observations of Faculty see Fox, Mary Frank and Graduate Student Misconduct, 65:3, Braxton, John M., and Alan E. Bayer, Percep- 331-50 tions of Research Misconduct and an Anal- Annual Index, 65:6, 756-60 ysis of Their Correlates, 65:3, 351-72 Art of Learning, The: A Self-Help Manual for Brems, Christiane, Michael R. Baldwin, Lisa Students, Katherine M. Ramsland, reviewed, Davis, and Lorraine Namyniuk, The Impos- 65:1, 106-8 ter Syndrome as Related to Teaching Eval- Astin, Alexander W., What Matters in College? uations and Advising Relationships of Uni- Four Critical Years Revisited, reviewed, versity Faculty Members, 65:2, 183-93 65:5, 615-22 Bromwich, David, Politics by Other Means: Higher Education and Group Thinking, re- viewed, 65:2, 235-36 Baldwin, Michael R., see Brems, Christiane Burnham, John C., book review, 65:5, 623-25 Banding Together: The Rise of National Asso- Buying and Selling Higher Education: The So- ciations in American Higher Education, cial Construction of the College Applicant, 1887-1950, Hugh Hawkins, reviewed, 65:2, Patricia M. McDonough, 65:4, 427-46 228-30 Barr, Margaret J., and associates, The Hand- book of Student Affairs Administration, re- viewed, 65:6, 751-53 Caesar, Terry, Conspiring with Forms: Life in Baxtor Magolda, Marcia B., Knowing and Academic Texts, reviewed, 65:5, 629-31 Reasoning in College: Gender- Related Pat- Carbone, David A., see Volkwein, J. Fredericks terns in Students’ Intellectual Development, Career Patterns of Private Four-Year College reviewed, 65:4, 513-15 and University Presidents in the United Bayer, Alan E., see Braxton, John M. States, Roger D. Wessel and Marybelle C. Becher, Tony, book review, 65:1, 114-16 Keim, 65:2, 211-25 Becker, William E., and Darrell R. Lewis (eds.), Centers and Institutes in the Research Univer- The Economics of American Higher Educa- sity: Issues, Problems, and Prospects, Gerald tion, reviewed, 65:1, 116-18 J. Stahler and William R. Tash, 65:5, 540-54 Annual Index Volume 65, Numbers | -6 (1994) January/February July/August March/ April SESOONG 5 o.0.6 60 sie esac September /O ctober May/June November/ December Administrative Promotion within a University: Bergquist, William H., The Four Cultures of The Cumulative Impact of Gender, Linda the Academy, reviewed, 65:5, 633-36 K. Johnsrud and Ronald H. Heck, 65:1, Bess, James L., review essay, 65:6, 745-50 23-44 Blanke, Virgil E., book review, 65:5, 631-33 Adult Education: Evolution and Achievements Blimling, Gregory S., book review, 65:6, 751- in a Developing Field of Study, John M. Pe- 53 ters, Peter Jarvis, and associates, reviewed, 65:4, 515-17 Bloland, Harland G., book review, 65:2, 228-30 Altbach, Philip G., and Kofi Lomotey (eds.), Bogue, E. Grady, and Robert L. Saunders, The The Racial Crisis in American Higher Edu- Evidence for Quality: Strengthening the Tests cation, reviewed, 65:1, 104-6 of Academic and Administrative Effective- ness, reviewed, 65:5, 639-40 Altick, Richard D., book review, 65:1, 118-20 Boice, Robert, book review, 65:1, 106-8 Anderson, Melissa S., Karen Seashore Louis, and Jason Earle, Disciplinary and Depart- Braxton, John M.., Introduction, 65:3, 239-41 mental Effects on Observations of Faculty see Fox, Mary Frank and Graduate Student Misconduct, 65:3, Braxton, John M., and Alan E. Bayer, Percep- 331-50 tions of Research Misconduct and an Anal- Annual Index, 65:6, 756-60 ysis of Their Correlates, 65:3, 351-72 Art of Learning, The: A Self-Help Manual for Brems, Christiane, Michael R. Baldwin, Lisa Students, Katherine M. Ramsland, reviewed, Davis, and Lorraine Namyniuk, The Impos- 65:1, 106-8 ter Syndrome as Related to Teaching Eval- Astin, Alexander W., What Matters in College? uations and Advising Relationships of Uni- Four Critical Years Revisited, reviewed, versity Faculty Members, 65:2, 183-93 65:5, 615-22 Bromwich, David, Politics by Other Means: Higher Education and Group Thinking, re- viewed, 65:2, 235-36 Baldwin, Michael R., see Brems, Christiane Burnham, John C., book review, 65:5, 623-25 Banding Together: The Rise of National Asso- Buying and Selling Higher Education: The So- ciations in American Higher Education, cial Construction of the College Applicant, 1887-1950, Hugh Hawkins, reviewed, 65:2, Patricia M. McDonough, 65:4, 427-46 228-30 Barr, Margaret J., and associates, The Hand- book of Student Affairs Administration, re- viewed, 65:6, 751-53 Caesar, Terry, Conspiring with Forms: Life in Baxtor Magolda, Marcia B., Knowing and Academic Texts, reviewed, 65:5, 629-31 Reasoning in College: Gender- Related Pat- Carbone, David A., see Volkwein, J. Fredericks terns in Students’ Intellectual Development, Career Patterns of Private Four-Year College reviewed, 65:4, 513-15 and University Presidents in the United Bayer, Alan E., see Braxton, John M. States, Roger D. Wessel and Marybelle C. Becher, Tony, book review, 65:1, 114-16 Keim, 65:2, 211-25 Becker, William E., and Darrell R. Lewis (eds.), Centers and Institutes in the Research Univer- The Economics of American Higher Educa- sity: Issues, Problems, and Prospects, Gerald tion, reviewed, 65:1, 116-18 J. Stahler and William R. Tash, 65:5, 540-54 Annual Index 757 Centra, John A., The Use of the Teaching Port- Dowling, William D., book review, 65:4, folio and Student Evaluations for Summa- 515-17 tive Evaluation, 65:5, 555-70 Chait, Richard P., Thomas P. Holland, and Barbara E. Taylor, The Effective Board of Earle, Jason, see Anderson, Melissa S. Trustees, reviewed, 65:1, 112-14 Economics of American Higher Education, Chekola, Mark, book review, 65:4, 511-12 The, William E. Becker and Darrell R. Lewis Clement, Linda M., and Scott T. Rickard, Ef- (eds.), reviewed, 65:1, 116-18 fective Leadership in Student Services: Effective Board of Trustees, The, Richard P. Voices from the Field, reviewed, 65:5, 636-39 Chait, Thomas P. Holland, and Barbara E. College as a Gendered Experience: An Empiri- Taylor, reviewed, 65:1, 112-14 cal Analysis Using Multiple Lenses, Daryl Effective Leadership in Student Services: G. Smith, Diane E. Morrison, and Lisa E. Voices from the Field, Linda M. Clement Wolf, 65:6, 696-725 and Scott T. Rickard, reviewed, 65:5, 636-39 College at Work: Partnerships and the Rebuild- Engaging Feminism: Students Speak Up and ing of American Competence, Douglas B. Speak Out, Jean O’Barr and Mary Wyer Johnstone, 65:2, 168-82 (eds.), reviewed, 65:1, 110-12 College Slang Revisited: Language, Culture, Evidence for Quality, The: Strengthening the and Undergraduate Life, David M. Hummon, Tests of Academic and Administrative Ef- 65:1, 75-98 Jectiveness, E. Grady Bogue and Robert L. Compromised Campus: The Collaboration of Saunders, reviewed, 65:5, 639-40 Universities with the Intelligence Commu- Exiles from Eden: Religion and the Academic nity, 1945-1955, Sigmund Diamond, re- Vocation in America, Mark R. Schwehn, re- viewed, 65:2, 237-38 viewed, 65:5, 631-33 Conspiring with Forms: Life in Academic Texts, Terry Caesar, reviewed, 65:5, 629-31 Cost Containment for Higher Education: Strat- Faculty Discretionary Time: Departments and egies for Public Policy and Institutional the “Academic Ratchet,” William F. Massy Administration, William Brand Simpson, re- and Robert Zemsky, 65:1, 1-22 viewed, 65:4, 519-21 Faculty Retirement in the Arts and Sciences, Court, Franklin E., Institutionalizing English Albert Rees and Sharon P. Smith, reviewed, Literature: The Culture and Politics of 65:2, 233-35 Literary Study, 1750-1900, reviewed, 65:1, Feinberg, Walter, Japan and the Pursuit of a 118-20 New American Identity: Work and Educa- Cranton, Patricia, Self-Directed and Trans- tion in a Multicultural Age, reviewed, 65:6, formative Instructional Development, 65:6, 745-50 726-44 Feldman, Kenneth A., review essay, 65:5, 615-22 Daly, William T., Teaching and Scholarship: Fisher, Montgomery K., see Herman, Karen Adapting American Higher Education to Goldman Hard Times, 65:1, 45-57 Four Cultures of the Academy, The, William Davis, Lisa, see Brems, Christiane H. Bergquist, reviewed, 65:5, 633-36 Fox, Mary Frank, Scientific Misconduct and Decline of Donnish Dominion: The British Academic Professions in the Twentieth Cen- Editorial and Peer Review Processes, 65:3, tury, A. H. Halsey, reviewed, 65:1, 114-16 298-309 Definitions and Boundaries of Research Mis- Fox, Mary Frank, and John M. Braxton, Mis- conduct: Perspectives from a Federal Gov- conduct and Social Control in Science: Is- ernment Viewpoint, Alan R. Price, 65:3, sues, Problems, Solutions, 65:3, 373-83 286-97 Freeland, Richard M., book review, 65:2, Demb, Ada, book review, 65:1, 112-14 237-38 D’Emilio, John, Making Trouble: Essays on Gay History, Politics, and the University, reviewed, 65:4, 511-12 Garcia, Mildred, book review, 65:1, 102-4 Diamond, Sigmund, Compromised Campus: Geiger, Roger, Research and Relevant Knowl- The Collaboration of Universities with the edge: American Research Universities since Intelligence Community, 1945-1955, re- World War II, reviewed, 65:5, 625-27 viewed, 65:2, 237-38 George C. Wallace and the Founding of Ala- Disciplinary and Departmental Effects on Ob- bama’s Public Two-Year Colleges, Stephen servations of Faculty and Graduate Student G. Katsinas, 65:4, 447-72 Misconduct, Melissa S. Anderson, Karen Gordon, Virginia, N., Handbook of Academic Seashore Louis, and Jason Earle, 65:3, Advising: The Greenwood Educators’ Ref- 331-50 erence Collection, reviewed, 65:6, 751-53 ¢ 758 Journal of Higher Education Government and the Universities: The “New 1900, Franklin E. Court, reviewed, 65:1, Mutuality” in Australian Higher Education 118-20 — A National Case Study, David Mahony, Introduction, John M. Braxton, 65:3, 239-41 65:2, 123-46 Investigating Misconduct in Science: The Na- Gow, Lyn, see Kember, David tional Science Foundation Model, Karen Granfield, Robert, Making Elite Lawyers: Vi- Goldman Herman, Philip L. Sunshine, Mont- sions of Law at Harvard and Beyond, re- gomery K. Fisher, James J. Zwolenik, and viewed, 65:2, 231-33 Charies H. Herz, 65:3, 384-400 Griffith, Janice C., Open Space Preservation: An Imperative for Quality Campus Environ- ments, 65:6, 645-69 Japan and the Pursuit of a New American Identity: Work and Education in a Multi- cultural Age, Walter Feinberg, reviewed, Hackett, Edward J., A Social Control Perspec- 65:6, 745-50 tive on Scientific Misconduct, 65:3, 242-60 Johnsrud, Linda K., and Ronald H. Heck, Halsey, A. H., Decline of Donnish Dominion: Administrative Promotion within a Univer- The British Academic Professions in the sity: The Cumulative Impact of Gender, 65:1, Twentieth Century, reviewed, 65:1, 114-16 23-44 Handbook of Academic Advising: The Green- Johnstone, Douglas B., College at Work: Part- wood Educators’ Reference Collection, Vir- nerships and the Rebuilding of American ginia N. Gordon, reviewed, 65:6, 753-55 Competence, 65:2, 168-82 Handbook of Student Affairs Administration, The, Margaret J. Barr and associates, re- viewed, 65:6, 751-53 Kailsen, Lincoln A., see Tornquist, Kristi M. Hawkins, Hugh, Banding Together: The Rise Katsinas, Stephen G., George C. Wallace and of National Associations in American Higher the Founding of Alabama’s Public Two-Year Education, 1887-1950, reviewed, 65:2, Colleges, 65:4, 447-72 228- Keeping College Affordable: Government and Hayes, Edward F., book review, 65:4, 517-19 the Educational Opportunity, Michael S. Heck, Ronald H., see Johnsrud, Linda K. McPherson and Morton Schapiro, reviewed, Hensley, Oliver D. (ed.), Strategic Planning for 65:2, 226-28 University Research, reviewed, 65:4, 517-19 Keim, Marybelle C., see Wessel, Roger D. Herman, Karen Goldman, Philip L. Sunshine, Kells, Herb R., book review, 65:5, 641-43 Montgomery K. Fisher, James J. Zwolenik, Kember, David, and Lyn Gow, Orientations to and Charles H. Herz, Investigating Miscon- Teaching and Their Effect on the Quality of duct in Science: The National Science Foun- Student Learning, 65:1, 58-74 dation Model, 65:3, 384-400 Kimball, Bruce A., The “True Professional Herz, Charles H., see Herman, Karen Goldman Ideal” in America: A History, reviewed, 65:5, Hultgreen, Francine H., book review, 65:1, 623-25 99-101 Knowing and Reasoning in College: Gender- Hummon, David M., College Slang Revisited: Related Patterns in Students’ Intellectual Language, Culture, and Undergraduate Life, Development, Marcia B. Baxter Magolda, 65:1, 75-98 reviewed, 65:4, 513-15 Impact of Departmental Research and Teach- LaFollette, Marcel C., The Politics of Research ing Climates on Undergraduate Growth and Misconduct: Congressional Oversight, Uni- Satisfaction, The, J. Fredericks Volkwein versities, and Science, 65:3, 261-85 and David A. Carbone, 65:2, 147-67 Lattuca, Lisa R., and Joan S. Stark, Will Dis- Impostor Syndrome as Related to Teaching ciplinary Perspectives Impede Curricular Re- Evaluations and Advising Relationships of form?, 65:4, 401-26 University Faculty Members, The, Christiane Brems, Michael R. Baldwin, Lisa Davis, and Louis, Karen Seashore, see Simsek, Hasan Lorraine Namyniuk, 65:2, 183-93 see Anderson, Melissa S. In Search of Quality: The Development, Sta- tus, anc’ Forecast of Standards in Postsec- ondary Accreditation, Joseph J. Semrow, Madrey, Francine Giles, book review, 65:5, Joseph A. Barney, Marcel Fredericks, Janet 636- Fredericks, Patricia Robinson, BVM, and Mahony, David, Government and the Univer- Allan O. Pfnister, reviewed, 65:5, 641-43 sities: The “New Mutuality” in Australian Institutionalizing English Literature: The Cul- Higher Education — A National Case Study, ture and Politics of Literary Study, 1750- 65:2, 123-46 Annual Index 759 Making Elite Lawyers: Visions of Law at Har- Pascarella, Ernest T., see Whitaker, David G. vard and Beyond, Robert Granfield, re- Pavel, D. Michael, book review, 65:1, 108-10 viewed, 65:2, 231-33 Perceptions of Research Misconduct and an Making Trouble: Essays on Gay History, Poli- Analysis of Their Correlates, John M. Brax- tics, and the University, John D’Emilio, re- ton and Alan E. Bayer, 65:3, 351-72 viewed, 65:4, 511-12 Perspectives on Minority Women in Higher Massy, William F., book review, 65:2, 226-28 Education, Lynne Brodie Welch (ed.), re- Massy, William F., and Robert Zemsky, Fac- viewed, 65:1, 102-4 ulty Discretionary Time: Departments and Peters, John M., Peter Jarvis, and associates, the “Academic Ratchet,” 65:1, 1-22 Adult Education: Evolution and Achieve- McDonough, Patricia M., Buying and Selling ments in a Developing Field of Study, re- Higher Education: The Social Construction viewed, 65:4, 515-17 of the College Applicant, 65:4, 427-46 Phelan, James, book review, 65:5, 629-31 McPherson, Michael S., and Morton Schapiro, Phelan, Thomas J., book review, 65:5, 627-29 Keeping College Affordable: Government Politics by Other Means: Higher Education and the Educational Opportunity, reviewed, 65:2, 226-28 and Group Thinking, David Bromwich, re- viewed, 65:2, 235-36 Miller, Theodore K., book review, 65:6, 753-55 Politics of Research Misconduct, The: Con- Misconduct and Social Control in Science: gressional Oversight, Universities, and Sci- Issues, Problems, Solutions, Mary Frank ence, Marcel C. LaFollette, 65:3, 261-85 Fox and John M. Braxton, 65:3, 373-83 Poor Single-Mother College Students’ Views Morrison, Diane E., see Smith, Daryl G. on the Effect of Some Primary Sociological Mulqueen, Maggie, On Our Own Terms: Re- and Psychological Belief Factors on Their defining Competence and Femininity, re- Academic Success, Nadine Van Stone, J. Ron viewed, 65:1, 99-101 Nelson, and Joan Niemann, 65:5, 571-84 Price, Alan R., Definitions and Boundaries of Research Misconduct: Perspectives from a Namyniuk, Lorraine, see Brems, Christiane Federal Government Viewpoint, 65:3, 286-97 Nelson, J. Ron, see Stone, Nadine Van Neumann, book review, 65:5, 633-36 Racial Crisis in American Higher Education, Niemann, Joan, see Stone, Nadine Van The, Philip G. Altbach and Kofi Lomotey (eds.), reviewed, 65:1, 104-6 Ramsland, Katherine M., The Art of Learn- Oakley, Francis, book review, 65:2, 235-36 ing: A Self-Help Manual for Students, re- O’Barr, Jean, and Mary Wyer (eds.), Engaging viewed, 65:1, 106-8 Feminism: Students Speak Up and Speak Rees, Albert, and Sharon P. Smith, Faculty Out, reviewed, 65:1, 110-12 Retirement in the Arts and Sciences, re- On Madness in the Academy, Raphael Sassow- viewed, 65:2, 233-35 er, 65:4, 473-85 Research and Relevant Knowledge: American Research Universities since World War II, On Our Own Terms: Redefining Competence and — Maggie Mulqueen, reviewed, Roger Geiger, reviewed, 65:5, 625-27 65:1, 99-101 Research Universities and Scientific Miscon- duct: History, Policies, and the Future, Ni- Open Space Preservation: An Imperative for cholas H. Steneck, 65:3, 310-30 Quality Campus Environments, Janice C. Griffith, 65:6, 645-69 Richlin, Laurie, book review, 65:1, 110-12 Oppelt, Norman T., The Tribally Conirolled Riordan, Cornelius, The Value of Attending a Indian College: The Beginnings of Self- Women’s College: Education, Occupation, Determination in American Indian Educa- and Income Benefits, 65:4, 486-510 tion, reviewed, 65:1, 108-10 Rosenblum, Victor G., book review, 65:2, Organizational Change as Paradigm Shift: 231-33 Analysis of the Change Process in a Large, Public University, Hasan Simsek and Karen Seashore Louis, 65:6, 670-95 Sassower, Raphael, On Madness in the Acad- Orientations to Teaching and Their Effect on emy, 65:4, 473-85 the Quality of Student Learning, David Schwehn, Mark R., Exiles from Eden: Reli- Kember and Lyn Gow, 65:1, 58-74 gion and the Academic Vocation in Amer- Out of the ivory Tower: Characteristics of In- ica, reviewed, 65:5, 631-33 stitutions Meeting the Research Needs of Scientific Misconduct and Editorial and Peer Industry, Kristi M. Tornquist and Lincoln Review Processes, Mary Frank Fox, 65:3, A. Kallsen, 65:5, 523-39 298-309 760 Journal of Higher Education Self-Directed and Transformative Instructional Tornquist, Kristi M., and Lincoln A. Kallsen, Development, Patricia Cranton, 65:6, 726-44 Out of the Ivory Tower: Characteristics of Semrow, Joseph J., Joseph A. Barney, Marcel Institutions Meeting the Research Needs of Fredericks, Janet Fredericks, Patricia Robin- Industry, 65:5, 523-39 son, BVM, and Allan O. Pfnister, Jn Search Tribally Controlled Indian College, The: The of Quality: The Development, Status, and Beginnings of Self- Determination in Ameri- Forecast of Standards in Postsecondary Ac- can Indian Education, Norman Oppelt, re- creditation, reviewed, 65:5, 641-43 viewed, 65:1, 108-10 Shank, Patsy K., see Yeakey, Carol Camp “True Professional Ideal” in America, The: A Shepherd, Gary, see Shepherd, Gordon History, Bruce A. Kimball, reviewed, 65:5, 623-25 Shepherd, Gordon, and Gary Shepherd, War and Dissent: The Political Values of the Two-Year College Attendance and Socioeco- American Professoriate, 65:5, 585-614 nomic Attainment: Some Additional Evi- dence, David G. Whitaker and Ernest T. Pas- Simpson, William B., book review, 65:1, 116-18 carella, 65:2, 194-210 Simpson, William Brand, Cost Containment for Higher Education: Strategies for Public Policy and Institutional Administration, re- Use of the Teaching Portfolio and Student viewed, 65:4, 519-21 Evaluations for Summative Evaluation, The, Simsek, Hasan, and Karen Seashore Louis, Or- John A. Centra, 65:5, 555-70 ganizational Change as Paradigm Shift: Analysis of the Change Process in a Large, Public University, 65:6, 670-95 Value of Attending a Women’s College, The: Sloan, Judith, book review, 65:2, 233-35 Education, Occupation, and Income Benefits, Cornelius Riordan, 65:4, 486-510 Smith, Daryl G., book review, 65:4, 513-15 Volkwein, J. Fredericks, and David A. Carbone, Smith, Daryl G., Diane E. Morrison, and Lisa The Impact of Departmental Research and E. Wolf, College as a Gendered Experience: Teaching Climates on Undergraduate Growth An Empirical Analysis Using Multiple Lenses, and Satisfaction, 65:2, 147-67 65:6, 696-725 Social Control Perspective on Scientific Mis- conduct, A, Edward J. Hackett, 65:3, 242-60 Waggaman, John, book review, 65:4, 519-21 Stahler, Gerald J., and William R. Tash, Cen- War and Dissent: The Political Values of the ters and Institutes in the Research Univer- American Professoriate, Gordon Shepherd sity: Issues, Problems, and Prospects, 65:5, and Gary Shepherd, 65:5, 585-614 540-54 Webster, David S., book review, 65:5, 639-40 Stark, Joan S., see Lattuca, Lisa R. Welch, Lynne Brodie (ed.), Perspectives on Steneck, Nicholas H., Research Universities and Minority Women in Higher Education, re- Scientific Misconduct: History, Policies, and viewed, 65:1, 102-4 the Future, 65:3, 310-30 Wessel, Roger D., and Marybelle C. Keim, Stephan, Paula E., and Sharon G. Levin, Strik- Career Patterns of Private Four-Year Col- ing the Mother Lode in Science: The Impor- lege and University Presidents in the United tance of Age, Place, and Time, reviewed, States, 65:2, 211-25 65:5, 627-29 What Matters in College? Four Critical Years Stone, Nadine Van, J. Ron Nelson, and Joan Revisited, Alexander W. Astin, reviewed, Niemann, Poor Single- Mother College Stu- 65:5, 615-22 dents’ Views on the Effect of Some Primary Whitaker, David G., and Ernest T. Pascarella, Sociological and Psychological Belief Factors Two-Year College Attendance and Socio- on Their Academic Success, 65:5, 571-84 economic Attainment: Some Additional Evi- Strategic Planning for University Research, dence, 65:2, 194-210 Oliver D. Hensley (ed.), reviewed, 65:4, Will Disciplinary Perspectives Impede Curric- 517-19 ular Reform?, Lisa R. Lattuca and Joan S. Striking the Mother Lode in Science: The Im- Stark, 65:4, 401-26 portance of Age, Place, and Time, Paula E. Wolf, Lisa E., see Smith, Daryl G. Stephan and Sharon G. Levin, reviewed, 65:5, 627-29 Wolfle, Dael, book review, 65:5, 625-27 Sunshine, Philip L., see Herman, Karen Gold- man Yeakey, Carol Camp, and Patsy K. Shank, book review, 65:1, 104-6 Tash, William R., see Stahler, Gerald J. Teaching and Scholarship: Adapting American Zemsky, Robert, see Massy, William F. Higher Education to Hard Times, William Zwolenik, James J., see Herman, Karen Gold- T. Daly, 65:1, 45-57 man ot ren)

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