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The Journal of General Psychology, 2006, 133(4), 469-471 Copyright © 2006 Heldref Publications Index to Volume 133 This annual index is organized by first author and by title. Page numbers refer to the following issues: Number | (January): 1-112 Number 2 (April): 113-216 Number 3 (July): 217-320 Number 4 (October): 321-472 AUTHOR INDEX Anolli, L., Zurloni, V., & Riva, G. Lin- discrimination may be worse than you guistic intergroup bias in political think: Testing ordinal interactions in communication. 237-256. power research. 117-130. Ceballos, N. A. Tobacco use, alcohol Files, F. J., Meyer, A., Cantz, P., Young, dependence, and cognitive perfor- M., Sierra, G., Berman, D., Stachelski, mance. 375-388. A., & Cantz, V. Alcohol self-adminis- Cellucci, T., Krogh, J.. & Vik, P. Help tration by rats in the presence of a tan- seeking for alcohol problems in a col- gible object. 183-190. lege population. 421-433. Giancola, P. R., Godlaski, A. J., & Parrot, Chastain, G. Alcohol, neurotransmitter D. J. Perception of one’s attacker's systems, and behavior. 329-335. intentions following an aggressive Dalton Il, W. T., Frick-Horbury, D., & interaction involving alcohol. 389-400. Kitzman, K. M. Young adults’ retro- Gottlob, L. R., Golding, J. M. & spective reports of parenting by moth- Hauselt, W. J. Directed forgetting of a ers and fathers: Associations with cur- single item. 67-80. rent relationship quality. 5-18. Mangels, J. A., & Heinberg, A. Improved Derenne, A. Effects of S+ and S— separa- episodic integration through enact- tion on gradient shifts in humans. ment: Implicationfso r aging. 37-66. 163-174. Metzger, M. M. Face distinctiveness and Devaud, L., Risinger, F. O., & Selvage, D. delayed testing: Differential effects on Impact of the hormonal milieu on the performance and confidence. 209-216. neurobiology of alcohol dependence Miley, W. M., & Spinella, M. Correla- and withdrawal. 337-356. tions among measures of executive Eisenman, R., & Dantzker, M. L. Gender function and positive psychological and ethnic differences in sexual atti- attributes in college students. 175-182. tudes at a Hispanic-serving university. Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Hilt, L. Possible 153-162. contributors to the gender differences Elias, S. M., & Cropanzano, R. Gender in alcohol use and problems. 357-374. 470 The Journal of General Psychology Pilotti, M., Maxwell, K., & Chodorow, M. Szlemko, W. J., Wood, J. W., & Jumper Does the effect of familiarity on proof- Thurman, P. Native Americans and reading change with encoding task and alcohol: Past, present, and future. time ? 287-299. 435-451. Purdy, J. E., Dixon, D., Estrada, A., Peters, Turrisi, R., Mallet, K. A., Mastroleo, N. A., Riedlinger, E., & Suarez, R. Prawn- R., & Larimer, M. E. Heavy drinking in-a-tube procedure: Habituation or in college students: Who is at risk and associative learning in cuttlefish. what is being done about it? 401-420. 131-152. Weatherly, J. N., & Arthur, E. I. L. /nves- Riniolo, T. C., Katherine, C. J., Sherman, tigating retrospective influences on T.R., & Misso, J. A. Hot or not: Do pro- induction in rats’ responding for 1% fessors perceived as physically attrac- sucrose when food-pellet reinforce- tive receive higher student evaluations? ment is upcoming. 81-96. 19-36. Weatherly, J. N., Arthur, E. I. L., & Nurn- Sakuta, Y., & Gyoba, J. Affective impres- berger, J. T. /s induction produced by sions and memorability of color-form upcoming food-pellet reinforcement combinations. 191-208. the outcome of an increase in overall Serra, M., & Oswald, K. M. Part-list cuing activity or in operant responding? of associative chains: Tests of strategy 97-111. disruption. 301-317. Weber, C. J., & Bizer, G. Y. The effects Sigler, E. A., & Tallent-Runnels, M. K. of immediate forewarning of test diffi- Examining the validity of scores from an culty on test performance. 277-286. instrument designed to measure metacog- Wills, T. W., Estow, S., Soraci, S. A., & nition of problem solving. 257-276. Garcia, J. The aha effect in groups and Sorocco, K. H., & Ferrell, S. W. Alcohol other dynamic learning contexts. use among older adults. 453-467. 221-236. TITLE INDEX Affective impressions and memorability Lawrence R. Gottlob, Jonathan M. of color-form combinations. Yuiko Golding, and William J. Hauselt. Sakuta and Jiro Gyoba. 191-208. 67-80. Alcohol, neurotransmitter systems, and Does the effect of familiarity on proof- behavior. Garvin Chastain. 329-335. reading change with encoding task and Alcohol self-administration by rats in the time? Maura Pilotti, Kimberly presence of a tangible object. Forrest J. Maxwell, and Martin Chodorow. Files, Alexander Meyer, Paul Cantz, 287-299. Melissa Young, Gabriela Sierra, Dara Effects of S+ and S— separation on gradi- Berman, April Stachelski, and Vanessa ent shifts in humans. Adam Derenne. Cantz. 183-190. 163-174. Alcohol use among older adults. Kristen Examining the validity of scores from an Sorocco and Sean W. Ferrell. instrument designed to measure 453-467. metacognition of problem solving. Correlations among measures of execu- Ellen A. Sigler and Mary K. Tallent- tive function and positive psychologi- Runnels. 257-276. cal attributes in college students. Face distinctiveness and delayed testing: William M. Miley and Marcello Spinel- Differential effects on performance la. 175-182. and confidence. Mitchell M. Metzger. Directed forgetting of a single item. 209-216. Index 471 Gender and ethnic differences in sexual communication. Luigi Anolli, Valenti- attitudes at a Hispanic-serving univer- no Zurloni, and Giuseppe Riva. sity. Russell Eisenman and MLL. 237-256. Dantzker. 153-162. Native Americans and alcohol: Past, pre- Gender discrimination may be worse than sent, and future. William J. Szlemko, you think: Testing ordinal interactions James W. Wood, and Pamela Jumper in power research. Stephen M. Elias Thurman. 435-451. and Russell Cropanzano. 117-130. Part-list cuing of associative chains: Tests Heavy drinking in college students: Who of strategy disruption. Matt Serra and is at risk and what is being done about Karl M. Oswald. 301-317. it? Rob Turrisi, Kimberly A. Mallet, Perception of one’s attacker’s intentions Nadine R. Mastroleo, and Mary E. following an aggressive interaction Larimer. 401-420. involving alcohol. Peter R. Giancola, Help seeking for alcohol problems in a Aaron J. Godlaski, and Dominic J. college population. Tony Cellucci, Parrot. 389-400. John Krogh, and Peter Vik. 421-433. Possible contributors to the gender differ- Hot or not: Do professors perceived as ences in alcohol use and problems. physically attractive receive higher Susan Nolen-Hoeksema and Lori Hilt. student evaluations? Todd C. Riniolo, 357-374. Katherine C. Johnson, Tracy R. Sher- Prawn-in-a-tube procedure: Habituation man, and Julie A. Misso. 19-36. or associative learning in cuttlefish. Impact of the hormonal milieu on the neu- Jesse E. Purdy, Deann Dixon, Aleta robiology of alcohol dependence and Estrada, Anne Peters, Elizabeth withdrawal. Leslie Devaud, Fred O. Riedlinger, and Ryan Suarez. 13\—152. Risinger, and Dan Selvage. 337-356. The aha effect in groups and other Improved episodic integration through dynamic learning contexts. Theodore enactment: Implications for aging. W. Wills, Sarah Estow, Sal A. Soraci, Jennifer A. Mangels and Aileen Hein- and Julio Garcia. 221-236. berg. 37-66. The effects of immediate forewarning of Investigating retrospective influences on test difficulty on test performance. induction in rats’ responding for 1% Charles J. Weber and George Y. Bizer. sucrose when food-pellet reinforce- 277-286. ment is upcoming. Jeffrey N. Weather- Tobacco use, alcohol dependence, and ly and Emily I. L. Arthur. 81-96. cognitive performance. Nancy A. Is induction produced by upcoming food- Ceballos. 375-388. pellet reinforcement the outcome of an Young adults’ retrospective reports of increase in overall activity or in oper- parenting by mothers and fathers: ant responding? Jeffery N. Weatherly, Associations with current relationship Emily I. L. Arthur, and Jeri T. Nurn- quality. William T. Dalton III, Donna berger. 97-111. Frick-Horbury, and Katherine M. Kitz- Linguistic intergroup bias in political man. 5-18.

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