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Index to Volume 16 1 is the November/December issue. 5 2 is the January/February issue. 3 is the March/April issue. 4 is the May/June issue. 5 is the July/August issue. 6 is the September/October issue. Bean, LuAnn. Speed Up Collections with the Lat- tensen, Jo Ann. Sarbanes-Oxley: Will You est Technology, No. 1, 9-14 Need a Forensic Accountant?, No. 3, 69-75 Bean, LuAnn, and Hott, David D. Wiki: A Speedy Byington, J. Ralph, and Christensen, Jo Ann. SOX New Tool to Manage Projects, No. 5, 3-8 404: How Do You Control Your Internal Con- Bean, LuAnn, and Jarnagin, Bill. VIEs Shift Bil- trol?, No. 4, 35-40 lions Back to the Bottom Line, No. 1, 49-57 Cannon, David M., Godwin, Joseph H., and Gold- Bean, LuAnn, and Tyson, Susan. System Access berg, Stephen R. How to Operate More Effec- Hotspots: Are Auditors Ignoring Danger?, No. tively, No. 2, 61-63 4, 3-9 annon, David M., Godwin, Joseph H., and Gold- Benet, Bruce A., Godwin, Joseph H., and Gold- berg, Stephen R. Improving the Bottom Line, berg, Stephen R. The Decline of Euro M&A, No. 3, 77—78 No. 6, 29-33 Cannon, David M., Goldberg, Stephen R., and Benson, Robert, Bugnitz, Tom, and Walton, Godwin, Joseph H. Improving Corporate Per- William. IT Planning in the Real World, No. formance, No. 5, 73—75 5, 35-40 annon, David, Goldberg, Stephen R., and God- Berlin, Joseph W., and Goldberg, Stephen R. SOX win, Joseph H. Improving Performance, No. Ups the Ante for Environmental Reporting, 4. 77-79 No. 5, 59-64 annon, David M., Goldberg, Stephen R., and Blalock, Tonya J., Christensen, Jo Ann, and Godwin, Joseph H. International Reporting Byington, J. Ralph. Sarbanes-Oxley: Will You and Scorecard Diagnostics, No. 6, 79-81 Need a Forensic Accountant?, No. 3, 69-75 annon, David M., and Growe, Glenn A. How Bugnitz, Tom, Walton, William, and Benson, Does Sarbanes-Oxley Affect Outsourcing?, Robert. IT Planning in the Real World, No. 5, No. 3, 13-20 35—40 hristensen, Jo Ann, and Byington, J. Ralph. SOX Burnett, Royce D., and Friedman, Mark. Excel 404: How Do You Control Your Internal Con- Macros to Quicken SOX Auditing, No. 5, trol?, No. 4, 35-40 47-58 hristensen, Jo Ann, Byington, J. Ralph, and Burnie, David A., Hurtt, David, and Langsam, Blalock, Tonya J.. Sarbanes-Oxley: Will You Sheldon A. Are Bigger Acquisitions Always Need a Forensic Accountant?, No. 3, 69—75 Better?, No. 2, 31-38 lark, Stanley J., and Jordan, Charles E. Capital- Burnie, David A., Hurtt, David, and Langsam, izing Interest: What Does “Material” Mean?, Sheldon A. Twenty-First-Century Check No. 1, 59-64 Clearing: Are You Ready?, No. 1, 21—26 larke, Steven. Your Business Dashboard: Know- Burton, Eric James. Ethics: Difficult Questions, ing When to Change the Oil, No. 2, 51-54 Unpopular Answers, No. 4, 11—15 okins, Gary. Performance Management—Mak- Byington, J. Ralph, Blalock, Tonya J., and Chris- ing It Work, No. 1, 65—70 © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance Daly, Dennis, Dowdle, Pat, Stevens, Jerry, and Cannon, David M. How to Operate More McCarty, Bob. The Process-Based Manage- Effectively, No. 2, 61—63 ment Loop, No. 2, 55-60 Godwin, Joseph H., Goldberg, Stephen R., and Danko, Dori, Goldberg, Stephen R., and Cannon, David M. Improving the Bottom Lindquist, Stanton C. Slash Expenses with Line, No. 3, 77—78 Consumer-Driven Health Plans, No. 3, Goldberg, Stephen R., Benet, Bruce A., and God- 3-11 win, Joseph H. The Decline of Euro M&A, Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley. Deducting Repatriated No. 6, 29-33 Foreign Earnings, No. 4, 89-93 Goldberg, Stephen R., and Berlin, Joseph W. SOX Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley. IRS Provides Needed Ups the Ante for Environmental Reporting, Guidance on HSAs, No. 2, 73-78 No. 5, 59-64 Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley. New IRS Procedure Goldberg, Stephen R., Cannon, David M., and Eases FTC Computations, No. 6, 91—93 Godwin, Joseph H. How to Operate More Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley. New Roth Option for Effectively, No. 2, 61-63 401(k) Plans, No. 5, 85-87 Goldberg, Stephen R., Cannon, David M., and Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley. New Schedule M-3 Godwin, Joseph H. Improving the Bottom Required for Reporting Book-Tax Differ- Line, No. 3, 77—78 ences, No. 1, 81-83 Goldberg, Stephen R., and Fanning, Kurt. Are You Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley. Tax Reform: What Can Safe from Son of Spam?, No. 5, 29-33 We Expect?, No. 3, 89-92 Goldberg, Stephen R., and Godwin, Joseph H. Devane, Tom. Going Offshore? Try This First!, Benchmarking and CRM, No. |, 71—72 No. 6, 11-18 Goldberg, Stephen R., Godwin, Joseph H., and DeVries, Delwyn D., and Kiger, Jack E. The Cannon, David M. Improving Corporate Per- Risks of “Paperless” Bank Checks, No. 4, formance, No. 5, 73—75 49-55 Goldberg, Stephen R., Godwin, Joseph H., and Dowdle, Pat, Stevens, Jerry, McCarty, Bob, and Cannon, David. Improving Performance, No. Daly, Dennis. The Process-Based Manage- 4, 77-79 ment Loop, No. 2, 55-60 Goldberg, Stephen R., Godwin, Joseph H., and Fanning, Kurt, and Goldberg, Stephen R. Are You Cannon, David M. International Reporting Safe from Son of Spam?, No. 5, 29-33 and Scorecard Diagnostics, No. 6, 79-81 Frankel, Michael E. S. Save That Deal Using Goldberg, Stephen R., and Lindquist, Stanton C. Earn-Outs, No. 2, 21—25 Fighting Costly Health Care Fraud, No. 4, Friedman, Mark, and Burnett, Royce D. Excel 29-34 Macros to Quicken SOX Auditing, No. 5, Goldberg, Stephen R., Lindquist, Stanton C., and 47-58 Danko, Dori. Slash Expenses with Consumer- Garg, Ashish. The Cost Management Edge for Driven Health Plans, No. 3, 3—11 Financial Services, No. 3, 37-40 Goldberg, Stephen R., and Sanchez, Carol. Gaughan, Patrick A. Failed Merger: Failed Corpo- Planning Your Global Strategy, No. 6, rate Governance?, No. 2, 3—7 3-10 Godwin, Joseph H., Cannon, David M., and Gold- Growe, Glenn A., and Cannon, David M. How berg, Stephen R. Improving Corporate Perfor- Does Sarbanes-Oxley Affect Outsourcing?, mance, No. 5, 73-75 No. 3, 13-20 Godwin, Joseph H., Cannon, David, and Gold- Hambleton, Wendy M., Rouse, Robert W., and berg, Stephen R. Improving Performance, No. Weirich, Thomas R. Sarbanes-Oxley Update: 4, 77-79 Where Are We Today?, No. 4, 61-69 Godwin, Joseph H., Cannon, David M., and Gold- Hatch, Toby, Lawson, Raef, and Stratton, William. berg, Stephen R. International Reporting and Achieving Strategy with Scorecarding, No. 3, Scorecard Diagnostics, No. 6, 79-81 63-68 Godwin, Joseph H., and Goldberg, Stephen R. Holzmann, Oscar J., and Robinson, Thomas R. Benchmarking and CRM, No. 1, 71—72 Expanding the Frontiers of the Equity Godwin, Joseph H., Goldberg, Stephen R., and Method, No. 2, 65-68 Benet, Bruce A. The Decline of Euro M&A, Holzmann, Oscar J., and Robinson, Thomas R. No. 6, 29-33 Fair Value Measurements, No. |, 73—75 Godwin, Joseph H., Goldberg, Stephen R., and Holzmann, Oscar J., and Robinson, Thomas R. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. September/October 2005 Other-Than-Temporary Impairment, No. 3, Lawson, Raef, Stratton, William, and Hatch, Toby. 79-83 \chieving Strategy with Scorecarding, No. 3, Holzmann, Oscar J., and Robinson, Tom. The 63-68 Hierarchy of GAAP, No. 6, 83-86 Lindquist, Stanton C., Danko, Dori, and Gold- Holzmann, Oscar J., and Robinson, Tom. Recent berg, Stephen R. Slash Expenses with FASB Staff Positions, No. 5, 77-80 Consumer-Driven Health Plans, No. 3, Holzmann, Oscar J., and Robinson, Tom. Statement 3-11 123R Share-Based Payments, No. 4, 81—84 Lindquist, Stanton C., and Goldberg, Stephen R. Hott, David D., and Bean, LuAnn. Wiki: A Fighting Costly Health Care Fraud, No. 4, Speedy New Tool to Manage Projects, No. 5, 29-34 3-8 McCarty, Bob, Daly, Dennis, Dowdle, Pat, and Hume, Evelyn C., and Tokic, Damir. Is Executive Stevens, Jerry. The Process-Based Manage- Stock Option Repricing a Red Flag?, No. 6, ment Loop, No. 2, 55-60 61-69 Metwalli, Ali M., and Tang, Roger Y. W. M&A in Hurtt, David, Langsam, Sheldon A., and Burnie, Japan, No. 2, 39-46 David A. Are Bigger Acquisitions Always Miller, John. A Practical Guide to Performance Better?, No. 2, 31-38 Measurement, No. 4, 71—75 Hurtt, David, Langsam, Sheldon A., and Burnie, Pandit, Ganesh M., and Subrahmanyam, Vijaya. David A. Twenty-First-Century Check Clear- How Much Did Audit Committees Report ing: Are You Ready?, No. 1, 21--26 Prior to SOX?, No. 6, 53-60 lijima, Timothy. A Practical Way to Manage IT Payne, Chris. The ABCs of Cash Management, Costs, No. 5, 13-20 No. 1, 3-8 Jankovsky, Lynn. Putting Your Program on a Plan- Payne, Dinah, Raiborn, Cecily A., and Joyner, ning Diet (or, How to Implement “Program Brenda E. How to Be a Good Global Commu- Lite’), No. 6, 71—78 nicator, No. 6, 19-28 Jarnagin, Bill, and Bean, LuAnn. VIEs Shift Bil- Petterson, Mark. The Keys to Effective IT Audit- lions Back to the Bottom Line, No. 1, 49-57 ing, No. 5, 41-46 Jordan, Charles E., and Clark, Stanley J. Capital- Raiborn, Cecily A., Joyner, Brenda E., and Payne, izing Interest: What Does “Material” Mean?, Dinah. How to Be a Good Global Communi- No. 1, 59-64 cator, No. 6, 19-28 Joyner, Brenda E., Payne, Dinah, and Raiborn, Reder, Dan. Finding Cash in the Back Office, No. Cecily A. How to Be a Good Global Commu- 1, 27-31 nicator, No. 6, 19-28 Reider, Rob. Cost Reduction Analysis: A Bench- Karan, Vijay, Khan, Zafar, and Sharifi, Mohsen. marking Guide for Treasury Managers, No. 1, Your M&A Map for Success, No. 2, 9-16 33-41 Ketz, J. Edward. Negative Goodwill: An M&A Reider, Rob. Effective Guidance and Controls: A “Fix” That Doesn’t Work, No. 2, 47-50 Formula for Success?, No. 4, 41-48 Khan, Zafar, Sharifi, Mohsen, and Karan, Vijay. Robinson, Thomas R., and Holzmann, Oscar J. Your M&A Map for Success, No. 2, 9-16 Expanding the Frontiers of the Equity Kiger, Jack E., and DeVries, Delwyn D. The Method, No. 2, 65—68 Risks of “Paperless” Bank Checks, No. 4, Robinson, Thomas R., and Holzmann, Oscar J. 49-55 Fair Value Measurements, No. 1, 73—75 Kim, Il-woon, and Smith, Heather. Balanced Score- Robinson, Thomas R., and Holzmann, Oscar J. card at Summa Health System, No. 5, 65—72 Other-Than-Temporary Impairment, No. 3, Kraftova, Ivana. Investing in the Czech Republic, 79-83 No. 6, 39-45 Robinson, Tom, and Holzmann, Oscar J. The Langsam, Sheldon A., Burnie, David A., and Hierarchy of GAAP, No. 6, 83-86 Hurtt, David. Are Bigger Acquisitions Always Robinson, Tom, and Holzmann, Oscar J. Recent Better?, No. 2, 31-38 FASB Staff Positions, No. 5, 77-80 Langsam, Sheldon A., Burnie, David A., and Robinson, Tom, and Holzmann, Oscar J. State- Hurtt, David. Twenty-First-Century Check ment 123R Share-Based Payments, No. 4, Clearing: Are You Ready?, No. 1, 21—26 8 1—84 Latham, Lanny. Accounts Receivable Conversion: Rosenbloom, Thomas A. Buying and Selling in Should You Do It?, No. 1, 43-44 Today’s Market, No. 2, 27-30 © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance Roth, Harold P. How SPC Can Help Cut Costs, Stone, Edward J. Letter from the Editor, No. 2, | No. 3, 21-29 Stone, Edward J. Letter from the Editor, No. 3, | Rouse, Robert W. An Active Year Ahead, No. 4, Stone, Edward J. Letter from the Editor, No. 4, | 95-96 Stone, Edward J. Letter From the Editor, No. 5, | Rouse, Robert W. Companies Grapple with Stone, Edward J. Letter from the Editor, No. 6, | Uneasiness, Confusion, and Restatement, No. Stratton, William, Hatch, Toby, and Lawson, Raef. 3, 93-95 Achieving Strategy with Scorecarding, No. 3, Rouse, Robert W. Implementing SOX 404 63-68 Requirements, No. 5, 89-91 Strobel, Caroline D. American Jobs Creation Act Rouse, Robert W. New Financial Reporting of 2004, No. 3, 85-87 Developments, No. 6, 95—97 Strobel, Caroline D. Deferred Income Recognition Rouse, Robert W. PCAOB: The First 500 Days, Made Easier, No. 2, 69-71 No. 1, 85-87 Strobel, Caroline D. Health Savings Accounts, Rouse, Robert W. SEC, PCAOB Tackle Financial No. 1, 77-79 Reporting Crisis, No. 6, 47-52 Strobel, Caroline D. New Tax Benefits, No. 4, Rouse, Robert W. Stock Options Controversy 85-87 Continues, No. 2, 79-81 Strobel, Caroline D. Senate Issues New Tax Pro- Rouse, Robert W. World Financial Update: posals, No. 6, 87-89 Resolving Reporting Conflicts, No. 6, 35-38 Strobel, Caroline D. Tax Committee Tackles Com- Rouse, Robert W., Weirich, Thomas R., and pliance and Reform, No. 5, 81—83 Hambleton, Wendy M. Sarbanes-Oxley Subrahmanyam, Vijaya, and Pandit, Ganesh M. Update: Where Are We Today?, No. 4, How Much Did Audit Committees Report 61-69 Prior to SOX?, No. 6, 53-60 Sagner, James S. The Dirty Dozen: Tough Trea- Tang, Roger Y. W., and Metwalli, Ali M. M&A in sury Problems and How to Solve Them, No. Japan, No. 2, 39-46 1, 15-19 Tokic, Damir. Chinese Dot-Coms: A Better Sanchez, Carol, and Goldberg, Stephen R. Plan- Investment?, No. 5, 9-12 ning Your Global Strategy, No. 6, 3—10 Tokic, Damir, and Hume, Evelyn C. Is Executive Serven, Lawrence B. M. Planning to Win: The Stock Option Repricing a Red Flag?, No. 6, Best Way to Predict the Future, No. 3, 31—35 61-69 Sharifi, Mohsen, Karan, Vijay, and Khan, Zafar. Turner, Paul S., and Wunnicke, Diane B. Check Your M&A Map for Success, No. 2, 9-16 Fraud: Beware Standard Bank Agreements!, Sherman, Andrew J. Managing the M&A Deal No. 1, 43-48 Killers, No. 2, 17-19 Tyson, Susan, and Bean, LuAnn. System Access Singleton, Aaron J., and Singleton, Tommie. Hotspots: Are Auditors Ignoring Danger?, No. Auditing Headaches? Relieve Them with 4, 3-9 CAR, No. 4, 17-27 Vercio, Alan, and Williams, Brant. Three Innova- Singleton, Tommie. Don’t Get “Hooked” by tions in Cost Accounting, No. 3, 41-45 Phishing Scams, No. 5, 21-28 Walton, William, Benson, Robert, and Bugnitz, Singleton, Tommie, and Singleton, Aaron J. Audit- Tom. IT Planning in the Real World, No. 5, ing Headaches? Relieve Them with CAR, No. 35—40 4, 17-27 Weirich, Thomas R., Hambleton, Wendy M., and Smith, Gordon. Auditing after SOX: Some Tips Rouse, Robert W. Sarbanes-Oxley Update: from the Front Lines, No. 4, 57-60 Where Are We Today?, No. 4, 61-69 Smith, Heather, and Kim, Il-woon. Balanced Williams, Brant, and Vercio, Alan. Three Innova- Scorecard at Summa Health System, No. 5, tions in Cost Accounting, No. 3, 41-45 65-72 Wunnicke, Diane B., and Turner, Paul S. Check Sopariwala, Parvez R. Evaluating the “Keep-or- Fraud: Beware Standard Bank Agreements!, Drop” Decision, No. 3, 47-61 No. 1, 43-48 Stevens, Jerry, McCarty, Bob, Daly, Dennis, and Dowdle, Pat. The Process-Based Management ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CONVERSION Loop, No. 2, 55—60 Accounts Receivable Conversion: Should You Do Stone, Edward J. Letter from the Editor, No. 1, | It?, Lanny Latham, No. 1, 43-44 © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. September/October 2005 ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING CHECK CLEARING Evaluating the “Keep-or-Drop” Decision, Parvez Twenty-First-Century Check Clearing: Are You R. Sopariwala, No. 3, 47-61 Ready?, David A. Burnie, David Hurtt, and Sheldon A. Langsam, No. 1, 21—26 AUDIT COMMITTEES How Much Did Audit Committees Report Prior to CHECK FRAUD SOX?, Ganesh M. Pandit and Vijaya Subrah- Check Fraud: Beware Standard Bank Agree- manyam, No. 6, 53-60 ments!, Paul S. Turner and Diane B. Wun- nicke, No. 1, 43-48 AUDITING Excel Macros to Quicken SOX Auditing, Royce CHINESE INTERNET COMPANIES D. Burnett and Mark Friedman, No. 5, 47-58 Chinese Dot-Coms: A Better Investment?, Damir The Keys to Effective IT Auditing, Mark Petter- Tokic, No. 5, 9-12 son, No. 5, 41-46 COLLECTIONS BOOK REVIEWS Speed Up Collections with the Latest Technology, Benchmarking and CRM, Stephen R. Goldberg LuAnn Bean, No. 1, 9-14 and Joseph H. Godwin, No. |, 71—72 How to Operate More Effectively, David M. Can- CONTINUOUS AUDITING AND REPORTING non, Joseph H. Godwin, and Stephen R. Gold- Auditing Headaches? Relieve Them with CAR, berg, No. 2, 61-63 fommie Singleton and Aaron J. Singleton, No. Improving the Bottom Line, David M. Cannon, 4, 17-27 Joseph H. Godwin, and Stephen R. Goldberg, No. 3, 77-78 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Improving Corporate Performance, Stephen R. Failed Merger: Failed Corporate Governance?, Goldberg, Joseph H. Godwin, and David M. Patrick A. Gaughan, No. 2, 3—7 Cannon, No. 5, 73-75 Improving Performance, Stephen R. Goldberg, COST ACCOUNTING Joseph H. Godwin, and David Cannon, No. 4, rhree Innovations in Cost Accounting, Alan Ver- 77-79 cio and Brant Williams, No. 3, 41-45 International Reporting and Scorecard Diagnos- tics, Stephen R. Goldberg, Joseph H. Godwin, COST MANAGEMENT and David M. Cannon, No. 6, 79-81 lhe Cost Management Edge for Financial Ser- vices, Ashish Garg, No. 3, 37-40 BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Your Business Dashboard: Knowing When to COST REDUCTION ANALYSIS Change the Oil, Steven Clarke, No. 2, 51-65 Cost Reduction Analysis: A Benchmarking Guide for Treasury Managers, Rob Reider, No. 1, CAPITALIZATION OF INTEREST 33-41 Capitalizing Interest: What Does “Material” Mean?, Charles E. Jordan and Stanley J. Clark, No. 1, 59-64 EARN-OUTS Save That Deal Using Earn-Outs, Michael E. S. CASH MANAGEMENT Frankel, No. 2, 21—25 The ABCs of Cash Management, Chris Payne, No. 1, 3-8 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING SOX Ups the Ante for Environmental Reporting, CHECK 21 ACT Joseph W. Berlin and Stephen R. Goldberg, The Risks of “Paperless” Bank Checks, Delwyn No. 5, 59-64 D. DeVries and Jack E. Kiger, No. 4, 49-55 Twenty-First-Century Check Clearing: Are You ETHICS Ready?, David A. Burnie, David Hurtt, and Ethics: Difficult Questions, Unpopular Answers, Sheldon A. Langsam, No. 1, 21—26 Eric James Burton, No. 4, 11—15 © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance EXECUTIVE STOCK OPTION REPRICING HEALTH CARE PLANS Is Executive Stock Option Repricing a Red Flag?, Slash Expenses with Consumer-Driven Health Evelyn C. Hume and Damir Tokic, No. 6, Plans, Stephen R. Goldberg, Stanton C. 61-69 Lindquist, and Dori Danko, No. 3, 3—11 FASB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expanding the Frontiers of the Equity Method, Are You Safe from Son of Spam?, Kurt Fanning Oscar J. Holzmann and Thomas R. Robinson, and Stephen R. Goldberg, No. 5, 29-33 No. 2, 65-68 Don’t Get “Hooked” by Phishing Scams, Tommie Fair Value Measurements, Oscar J. Holzmann and Singleton, No. 5, 21—28 Thomas R. Robinson, No. |, 73—75 Excel Macros to Quicken SOX Auditing, Royce The Hierarchy of GAAP, Oscar J. Holzmann and D. Burnett and Mark Friedman, No. 5, Tom Robinson, No. 6, 83-86 7-58 Other-Than-Temporary Impairment, Oscar J. Holz- IT Planning in the Real World, Robert Benson, mann and Thomas R. Robinson, No. 3, 79-83 Tom Bugnitz, and William Walton, No. 5, Recent FASB Staff Positions, Oscar J. Holzmann 3540 and Tom Robinson, No. 5, 77—80 The Keys to Effective IT Auditing, Mark Petter- Statement 123R Share-Based Payments, Oscar J. son, No. 5, 41-46 Holzmann and Tom Robinson, No. 4, 81—84 A Practical Way to Manage IT Costs, Timothy lijima, No. 5, 13—20 FINANCIAL REPORTING SEC, PCAOB Tackle Financial Reporting Crisis, IRS Robert W. Rouse, No. 6, 47-52 American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, Caroline D. Strobel, No. 3, 85—87 FOREIGN INVESTING Deducting Repatriated Foreign Earnings, Shirley Investing in the Czech Republic, Ivana Kraftova, Dennis-Escoffier, No. 4, 89-93 No. 6, 39-45 Deferred Income Recognition Made Easier, Caro- line D. Strobel, No. 2, 69-71 FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT Health Savings Accounts, Caroline D. Strobel, Sarbanes-Oxley: Will You Need a Forensic No. 1, 77-79 Accountant, Jo Ann Christensen, J. Ralph IRS Provides Needed Guidance on HSAs, Shirley Byington, and Tonya J. Blalock, No. 3, 69-75 Dennis-Escoffier, No. 2, 73-78 New IRS Procedure Eases FTC Computations, GLOBAL COMMUNICATION Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, No. 6, 91—93 How to Be a Good Global Communicator, Dinah New Roth Option for 401(k) Plans, Shirley Den- Payne, Cecily A. Raiborn, and Brenda E. nis-Escoffier, No. 5, 85—87 Joyner, No. 6, 19-28 New Schedule M-3 Required for Reporting Book- Tax Differences, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, GLOBAL FINANCE No. 1, 81-83 World Financial Update: Resolving Reporting New Tax Benefits, Caroline D. Strobel, No. 4, Conflicts, Robert W. Rouse, No. 6, 35-38 85-87 Senate Issues New Tax Proposals, Caroline D. GLOBAL STRATEGY Strobel, No. 6, 87-89 Planning Your Global Strategy, Carol Sanchez and Tax Committee Tackles Compliance and Reform, Stephen R. Goldberg, No. 6, 3—10 Caroline D. Strobel, No. 5, 81—83 Tax Reform: What Can We Expect?, Shirley Den- GUIDANCE AND CONTROLS nis-Escoffier, No. 3, 89-92 Effective Guidance and Controls: A Formula for Success?, Rob Reider, No. 4, 41-48 KEEP-OR-DROP Evaluating the “Keep-or-Drop” Decision, Parvez HEALTH CARE FRAUD R. Sopariwala, No. 3, 47-61 Fighting Costly Health Care Fraud, Stephen R. Goldberg and Stanton C. Lindquist, No. 4, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS 29-34 Are Bigger Acquisitions Always Better?, David A. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. September/October 2005 Burnie, David Hurtt, and Sheldon A. Planning to Win: The Best Way to Predict the Langsam, No. 2, 31—38 Future, Lawrence B. M. Serven, No. 3, 31-35 Buying and Selling in Today’s Market, Thomas A. Planning Your Global Strategy, Carol Sanchez and Rosenbloom, No. 2, 27-30 Stephen R. Goldberg, No. 6, 3-10 The Decline of Euro M&A, Bruce A. Benet, Putting Your Program on a Planning Diet (or, How Joseph H. Godwin, and Stephen R. Goldberg, to Implement “Program Lite”), Lynn No. 6, 29-33 Jankovsky, No. 6, 71—78 Failed Merger: Failed Corporate Governance?, Patrick A. Gaughan, No. 2, 3—7 PROCESS MANAGEMENT M&A in Japan, Ali M. Metwalli and RogerY . W. The Process-Based Management Loop, Pat Dow- Tang, No. 2, 39-46 dle, Jerry Stevens, Bob McCarty, and Dennis Managing the M&A Deal Killers, Andrew J. Sher- Daly, No. 2, 55-60 man, No. 2, 17—19 Your Business Dashboard: Knowing When to Negative Goodwill: An M&A “Fix” That Doesn’t Change the Oil, Steven Clarke, No. 2, 51-65 Work, J. Edward Ketz, No. 2, 47-50 Save That Deal Using Earn-Outs, Michael E. S. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Frankel, No. 2, 21—25 Wiki: A Speedy New Tool to Manage Projects, Your M&A Map for Success, Mohsen Sharifi, LuAnn Bean and David D. Hott, No. 5, 3-8 Vijay Karan, and Zafar Khan, No. 2, 9-16 RECEIVABLES NEGATIVE GOODWILL Speed Up Collections with the Latest Technology, Negative Goodwill: An M&A “Fix” That Doesn’t LuAnn Bean, No. 1, 9-14 Work, J. Edward Ketz, No. 2, 47—50 SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OFFSHORE Auditing after SOX: Some Tips from the Front Going Offshore? Try This First!, Tom Devane, Lines, Gordon Smith, No. 4, 57-60 No. 6, 11-18 Excel Macros to Quicken SOX Auditing, Royce D. Burnett and Mark Friedman, No. 5, 47—58 OUTSOURCING How Does Sarbanes-Oxley Affect Outsourcing?, How Does Sarbanes-Oxley Affect Outsourcing?, David M. Cannon and Glenn A. Growe, No. David M. Cannon and Glenn A. Growe, No. 3, 13-20 3, 13-20 How Much Did Audit Committees Report Prior to SOX?, Ganesh M. Pandit and Vijaya Subrah- PAPERLESS BANK CHECKS manyam, No. 6, 53-60 The Risks of “Paperless” Bank Checks, Delwyn Sarbanes-Oxley: Will You Need a Forensic D. DeVries and Jack E. Kiger, No. 4, Accountant?, Jo Ann Christensen, J. Ralph 49-55 Byington, and Tonya J. Blalock, No. 3, 69—75 Sarbanes-Oxley Update: Where Are We Today?, PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Robert W. Rouse, Thomas R. Weirich, and Performance Management—Making It Work, Wendy M. Hambleton, No. 4, 61-69 Gary Cokins, No. 1, 65—70 SOX 404: How Do You Control Your Internal Control?, J. Ralph Byington and Jo Ann PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Christensen, No. 4, 35—40 A Practical Guide to Performance Measurement, SOX Ups the Ante for Environmental Reporting, John Miller, No. 4, 71—75 Joseph W. Berlin and Stephen R. Goldberg, No. 5, 59-64 PHISHING System Access Hotspots: Are Auditors Ignoring Don’t Get “Hooked” by Phishing Scams, Tommie Danger?, Susan Tyson and LuAnn Bean, No. Singleton, No. 5, 21-28 4, 3-9 PLANNING SCORECARDING IT Planning in the Real World, Robert Benson, Achieving Strategy with Scorecarding, Raef Law- Tom Bugnitz, and William Walton, No. 5, son, William Stratton, and Toby Hatch, No. 3, 35—40 63-68 © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journai of Corporate Accounting & Finance Balanced Scorecard at Summa Health System, STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL Heather Smith and Il-woon Kim, No. 5, 65—72 How SPC Can Help Cut Costs, Harold P. Roth, No. 3, 21-29 SEC An Active Year Ahead, Robert W. Rouse, No. 4, SYSTEMS ACCESS SECURITY 95—96 System Access Hotspots: Are Auditors Ignoring Companies Grapple with Uneasiness, Confusion, Danger?, Susan Tyson and LuAnn Bean, No. and Restatement, Robert W. Rouse, No. 3, 4, 3-9 93-95 Implementing SOX 404 Requirements, Robert W. TREASURY MANAGEMENT Rouse, No. 5, 89-91 Cost Reduction Analysis: A Benchmarking Guide New Financial Reporting Developments, Robert for Treasury Managers, Rob Reider, No. 1, W. Rouse, No. 6, 95—97 33-41 PCAOB: The First 500 Days, Robert W. Rouse, The Dirty Dozen: Tough Treasury Problems and No. 1, 85—87 How to Solve Them, James S. Sagner, No. 1, SEC, PCAOB Tackle Financial Reporting Crisis, 15-19 Robert W. Rouse, No. 6, 47-52 Finding Cash in the Back Office, Dan Reder, No. Stock Options Controversy Continues, Robert W. 1, 27-31 Rouse, No. 2, 79-81 VARIABLE INTEREST ENTITIES SOFTWARE VIEs Shift Billions Back to the Bottom Line, Excel Macros to Quicken SOX Auditing, Royce LuAnn Bean and Bill Jarnagin, No. 1, D. Burnett and Mark Friedman, No. 5, 47-58 49-57 SPAM WIKIS Are You Safe from Son of Spam?, Kurt Fanning Wiki: A Speedy New Tool to Manage Projects, and Stephen R. Goldberg, No. 5, 29-33 LuAnn Bean and David D. Hott, No. 5, 3-8 © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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