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Index to Volume 13 | is the November/December issue. 2 is the January/February issue. 3 is the March/April issue. 4 is the May/June issue. 5 is the July/August issue. 6 is the September/October issue. Annunziata, Vincent P., Online Commodities Cokins, Gary, A Management Accounting Frame- Trading for Business, |1:9—12 work, 1:73-—82 Bean, LuAnn and Harrast, Steven A., Should You Cole, Cathy J., Communicating Key Business Outsource via the Web?, 5:3—9 Strategies to Investors, 1:23-31 Bean, LuAnn and Jarnagin, Bill D., Intangible onway, A. Carr, Jr. and Rouse, Robert W., Pro- Asset Accounting: How Do Worldwide Rules tecting Yourself: Due Diligence in Mergers and fod WT; 2 a | Differ?, 1:55—65 Acquisitions, Bean, LuAnn and Jarnagin, Bill D., New Cost Pri- Conway, A. Carr, Jr. and Rouse, Robert W., This Is orities: Using A Balanced Scorecard a Job for Superman: Calling in a Forensic Approach in Financial Reports, 3:55—62 Accountant, 4:23—28 Bishop, David M. and Evans, Frank C., Managing Conway, Carr and Rouse, Robert W., Never Say, “It Your Business as an Investment: How to Can’t Happen Here!”’, 1:49—53 Build Shareholder Value in Private Compa- Danko, Dori and Goldberg, Stephen R., How to nies, 2:49-—59 Control Soaring Costs of Health Care, 3:3-8 Brewer, Peter C., Campbell, Robert J., and Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley, A Close Look at Claim- McClure, Richard H., Supercharging Your ing an Additional First-Year Depreciation, 6, ABC: Use Revenue Data!, 3:13—2¢ 103-109 Bukovinsky, David, Shaffer, Tom, and Weinstein Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley, Full Deduction for Per- Larry, Ensuring the Benefits of Requiring sonal Corporate Aircraft Use, 2:101—105 Supplier Capability Analysis, 6:79-83 Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley, IRS Expands Use of Calhoun, Dennis D., Rodriguez, Marlene B., and Cash Method, 4:95—99 Muras, Andrew D., CITGO Petroleum Meet- Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley, IRS Will Not Tax Fre- ing the Challenge with ABM, 3:27-44 quent Flyer Miles, 5:79-82 Campbell, Robert J., Brewer, Peter C., and Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley, Opportunity to Elect Out McClure, Richard H., Supercharging Your of MACRS Mid-Quarter Convention, 3:93—95 ABC: Use Revenue Data!, 3:13—26 Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley, Tax Court: Unsubstan- Chan, Wai Yee Canri, Jalbert, Terrance, and tiated Per Diems Can Be Fully Deductible, Landry, Steven P., Balanced Scorecard fot 1:89-92 Multinationals, 6:31—40 DeZoort, F. Todd, Hermanson, Dana R., and Hous- Chewning, Eugene G., Jr. and Higgs, Julia L.. ton, Richard W., Audit Committees: How Good What Does “Materiality” Really Mean?, 4 Are They?, 4:53—59 61-71 Douglas, Priscilla H., Information Technology is Clark, Stanley J., Jordan, Charles E., and Out—Knowledge Sharing Is In, 4:73—77 McNeely, Kristi K., FAS 128: Did It Make a Duchac, Jonathan E., Goldberg, Stephen R., and Difference in Reporting EPS?, 2:65—72 Godwin, Joseph H., International Treasury © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance Management: Understanding the Cost of Capi- Goldberg, Stephen R. and Godwin, Joseph H.., tal, 1:13-21 Two Views of Employee Behavior, 6:85—87 Duchac, Jonathan E., Lindley, Mark F., and Mar- Goldberg, Stephen R., Godwin, Joseph H., and tin, Dale R., Factoring of Receivables under Duchac, Jonathan E., International Treasury SFAS-125, 1:67—71 Management: Understanding the Cost of Cap- Durtschi, Cindy, Hillison, William, and Pacini, ital, 1:13-21 Carl, Web-Based Contracts: You Could Be Harrast, Steven A. and Bean, LuAnn, Should You Burned!, 5:11—18 Outsource via the Web?, 5:3—9 Edwards, James B., How Are Payoff-Conscious Harrell, Horace W. and Higgins, Leslee, IS Inte- CEOs Changing IT Trends?, 5:33—38 gration: Your Most Critical M&A Challenge?, Erben, Roland Franz, E-controlling: Ten Chal- 2:23-31 lenges for Controlling and Management Hermanson, Dana R., Houston, Richard W., and Accounting, 5:55—62 DeZoort, F. Todd, Audit Committees: How Evans, Frank C. and Bishop, David M., Managing Good Are They?, 4:53—59 Your Business as an Investment: How to Build Higgins, Leslee and Harrell, Horace W., IS Inte- Shareholder Value in Private Companies, ration: Your Most Critical M&A Challenge?, 2:49-59 23-31 Focht, Scott, Sharpening Focus: How One Com- Higgs, Julia L. and Chewning, Eugene G., Jr., What pany Built a Strategic Measurement System, Does “Materiality” Really Mean?, 4:61—71 3:9-12 Hillison, William, Pacini, Carl, and Durtschi, Gaughan, Patrick A., What’s the Outlook for Cindy, Web-Based Contracts: You Could Be M&A in an Uncertain Market?, 5:51—53 Burned!, 5:11—18 Godwin, Joseph H., Duchac, Jonathan E., and Hooke, Jeffrey, Eight Common Mistakes That Goldberg, Stephen R., International Treasury Business Sellers Make, 2:11—15 Management: Understanding the Cost of Cap- Houston, Richard W., DeZoort, F. Todd, and Her- ital, 1:13-21 manson, Dana R., Audit Committees: How Godwin, Joseph H. and Goldberg, Stephen R., Good Are They ?, 4:53-59 B2B and Beyond, 4:79-80 Hsu, Ko and Sylvestre, Jeanne, New Rules for the Godwin, Joseph H. and Goldberg, Stephen R., Treatment of Stock Options: Caveats for Man- Making More Effective Business Decisions, agement, 1:33-—37 3:81--82 Hussein, Mohamed E., On Risk Management, Godwin, Joseph H. and Goldberg, Stephen R.., 1:83—84 Rethinking Investments in Technology, 5: Hussein, Mohamed E. and Seow, Gim S., 63-65 Investors: What’s Being Done about Mislead- Godwin, Joseph H. and Goldberg, Stephen R.., ing Financial Reports?, 6:55—65 Surviving Culture Clash: How to Read Ger- Jalbert, Terrance, Landry, Steven P., and Chan, man Financial Statements, 6:41—48 Wai Yee Canri, Balanced Scorecard for Multi- Godwin, Joseph H. and Goldberg, Stephen R., nationals, 6:31—40 Two Views of Employee Behavior, 6:85—87 Jarnagin, Bill D. and Bean, LuAnn, Intangible Goldberg, Stephen R., Creating Value through Asset Accounting: How Do Worldwide Rules M&A and Other Corporate Restructurings, Differ?, 1:55—65 2:87-89 Jarnagin, Bill D. and Bean, LuAnn, New Cost Pri- Goldberg, Stephen R. and Danko, Dori, How to orities: Using A Balanced Scorecard Control Soaring Costs of Health Care, 3:3-8 Approach in Financial Reports, 55—62 Goldberg, Stephen R. and Godwin, Joseph H.., Jordan, Charles E., McNeely, Kristi K., and Clark, B2B and Beyond, 4:79—80 Stanley J. FAS 128: Did It Make a Difference Goldberg, Stephen R. and Godwin, Joseph H.., in Reporting EPS?, 2:65—72 Making More Effective Business Decisions, Ketz, J. Edward, Can We Prevent Future Enrons?, 3:81-82 4:3-11 Goldberg, Stephen R. and Godwin, Joseph H.., Ketz, J. Edward, A Critical Look at the New Pur- Rethinking Investments in Technology, 5:63—65 chase Accounting for M&A Transactions, Goldberg, Stephen R. and Godwin, Joseph H., 2:61—64 Surviving Culture Clash: How to Read Ger- Keys, David E. and LeFevre, Robert J., Why is man Financial Statements, 6:41-48 “Integrated” ABC Better?, 3:45—53 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. September/October 2002 Landry, Steven P., Chan, Wai Yee Canri, and Jal- mentations of Activity-Based Management, bert, Terrance, Balanced Scorecard for Multi- 2:73-86 nationals, 6:31—40 Pacini, Carl, Durtschi, Cindy, and Hillison, LeFevre, Robert J. and Keys, David E., Why is William, Web-Based Contracts: You Could Be “Integrated” ABC Better?, 3:45—53 Burned!, 5:11—18 Lindley, Mark F., Martin, Dale R., and Duchac, Pereiro, Luis E., Paradise Lost: Argentina’s Jonathan E., Factoring of Receivables under Lessons for International Investors, 6:17—21 SFAS-125, 1:67—71 Pratt, Shannon P., How to Use Transactional Data- Martin, Dale R., Duchac, Jonathan E., and Lind- bases for M&A, 3:71-80 ley, Mark F., Factoring of Receivables under Prescott, Gregory L. and Sylvestre, Jeanne, SFAS-125, 1:67—71 Accounting for Business Combinations, Martinson, Otto B., Shopping for Bargain-Priced 6:67-72 Companies? Avoid Asset Impairment Traps, Reider, Rob, Internal Benchmarking: How to Be 3:63—70 the Best—And Stay That Way, 4:41—48 Martinson, Otto B. and McKee, Tim C., Staying Roche, Robert P., A Winner’s Guide to M&A Out of Trouble with Transfer Pricing, Planning, 2:3—9 1:39-47 Rodriguez, Marlene B., Muras, Andrew D., and McCartney-Smith, Enger and Tanner, Neil Boy- Calhoun, Dennis D., CITGO Petroleum Meet- den, How Does the USA PATRIOT Act Affect ing the Challenge with ABM, 3:27-44 International Business?, 6:23—30 Rouse, Robert W., Changes Proposed for 10-K McClure, Richard H., Campbell, Robert J., and Filing, 6:95—97 Brewer, Peter C., Supercharging Your ABC: Rouse, Robert W., Does the SEC Think We’re Use Revenue Data!, 3:13—26 Close to Globalized Accounting?, 6:49—53 McKee, Tim C. and Martinson, Otto B., Staying Rouse, Robert W., Key Staff Changes at the SEC, Out of Trouble with Transfer Pricing, 1:39-47 3:97_-98 McNeely, Kristi K., Clark, Stanley J., and Jordan, Rouse, Robert W., Pitt Calls for End to “Arcane Charles E., FAS 128: Did It Make a Differ- and Impenetrable” Reporting, 4:101—103 ence in Reporting EPS?, 2:65—72 Rouse, Robert W., A Season of Unusual Events, Metwalli, Ali M. and Tang, RogerY . W., Southeast 5:83-85 Asia: The Next M&A Hotspot?, 2:39-47 Rouse, Robert W., Some Changes at the SEC, Miller, Mark, How to Slash Your Worldwide Trav- 1:95-97, 2:95—96 el Costs, 6:3—7 Rouse, Robert W. and Conway, A. Carr, Jr., Pro- Munter, Paul, Business Combinations and Asset tecting Yourself: Due Diligence in Mergers Retirement Obligations Finalized, 1:93—94 and Acquisitions, 2:17—22 Munter, Paul, Enron Post-Mortem: Do We Need Rouse, Robert W. and Conway, A. Carr, Jr., This New Accounting Standards?, 4:81—89 Is a Job for Superman: Calling in a Forensic Munter, Paul, Events of 9/11 Affect Accounting Accountant, 4:23—28 Standards, 3:83—88 Rouse, Robert W. and Conway, Carr, Never Say, Munter, Paul, FAS No. 143: Asset Retirement “It Can’t Happen Here!”, 1:49-53 Obligations, 2:91—93 Rouse, Robert W. and Weirich, Thomas R., The Munter, Paul, FASB: A Look at Revised Stan- Moral (and Real-World) Hazard of Pro Forma dards for Asset Impairments and Discontinued Financials, 5:45—49 Operations, 5:67—73 Schroeder, Chris and Smith, Gordon, Protecting Munter, Paul, A Quick Guide to Accounting fo1 Your Web Site from Criminal Hackers, Software and Web Sites, 5:25—32 5:39-43 Munter, Paul, “Streamlining” FASB’s Operations Seow, Gim S. and Hussein, Mohamed E., Results in More Proposals and Standards, Investors: What’s Being Done about Mislead- 6:89-93 ing Financial Reports?, 6:55—65 Munter, Paul, Will Technology Defeat Your Audi- Shaffer, Tom, Weinstein, Larry, and Bukovinsky, tor?, 4:17—22 David, Ensuring the Benefits of Requiring Muras, Andrew D., Calhoun, Dennis D., and Supplier Capability Analysis, 6:79—83 Rodriguez, Marlene B., CITGO Petroleum Shapiro, Stephen, Innovation: Your Stealth Meeting the Challenge with ABM, 3:27-44 Weapon against Global Competition, 6:9—15 Nair, Mohan, Helping Ensure Successful Imple- Shaw, Paul, Web-Site Privacy Checklist, 4:49—51 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance Singleton, Tommie, Stop Fraud Cold with Power- ACCOUNTING ful Internal Controls, 4:29—39 Accounting for Business Combinations, Jeanne Smith, Gordon, Enron’s Lesson: Rebuild Internal Sylvestre and Gregory L. Prescott, 6:67—72 Auditing Now!, 4:13—15 A Critical Look at the New Purchase Accounting Smith, Gordon and Schroeder, Chris, Protecting for M&A Transactions, J. Edward Ketz, Your Web Site from Criminal Hackers, 5:39-43 2:61—64 Stanwick, Peter and Stanwick, Sarah, IT Perfor- mance: How Do You Measure a Moving Tar- ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES get?, 5:19-24 Does the SEC Think We're Close to Globalized Stanwick, Peter A. and Stanwick, Sarah D., Over- Accounting?, Robert W. Rouse, 6:49—53 coming M&A Environmental Problems, 2:33-—37 ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Stanwick, Peter and Stanwick, Sarah, Using the Enron Post-Mortem: Do We Need New Account- Internet for Treasury Management, 1:3 ing Standards?, Paul Munter, 4:81—89 Stanwick, Sarah and Stanwick, Peter, IT Perfor- Events of 9/11 Affect Accounting Standards, Paul mance: How Do You Measure a Moving Tar- Munter, 3:83-—88 get?, 5:19-24 ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING Stanwick, Sarah D. and Stanwick, Peter A., Over- Helping Ensure Successful Implementations of coming M&A Environmental Problems, Activity-Based Management, Mohan Nair, 2:33-37 2:73—86 Stanwick, Sarah D. and Stanwick, Peter, Using the Making More Effective Business Decisions, Internet for Treasury Management, !:3—7 Stephen R. Goldberg and Joseph H. Godwin, Strobel, Caroline D., Bush’s Tax Bill Is Signed 3:81-82 into Law, 1:85—87 Supercharging Your ABC: Use Revenue Data!, Strobel, Caroline D., New Insights in Deprecia- Peter C. Brewer, Robert J. Campbell, and tion and Capitalization Issues, 3:89—9] Richard H. McClure, 3:13—26 Strobel, Caroline D., New IRS Procedures Allow Why is “Integrated” ABC Better?, David E. Keys Pre-Filing Initiatives, 2:97—99 e* and Robert J. LeFevre, 3:45—53 Strobel, Caroline D., New Rapid Write-Off Provi- sions for Tangible and Intangible Assets. ACTIVITY-BASED MANAGEMENT 6:99-101 CITGO Petroleum Meeting the Challenge with Strobel, Caroline D., New Resolution and Appeals \BM, Marlene B. Rodriguez, Andrew D. Process for Large Corporations, 4:91—93 Muras, and Dennis D. Calhoun, 3:27-44 Strobel, Caroline D., Recent R&D Allocation Helping Ensure Successful Implementations of Changes, 5:75—77 \ctivity-Based Management, Mohan Nair, Sylvestre, Jeanne and Hsu, Ko, New Rules for the 18) Treatment of Stock Options: Caveats for Man- agement, 1:33—37 ANTI-MONEY-LAUNDERING Sylvestre, Jeanne and Prescott, Gregory L.., How Does the USA PATRIOT Act Affect Interna- Accounting for Business Combinations, tional Business’, Enger McCartney-Smith and 6:67—72 Neil Boyden Tanner, 6:23—30 Tang, RogerY . W. and Metwalli, Ali M., South- east Asia: The Next M&A Hotspot?, 2:39-47 ARGENTINA Tanner, Neil Boyden and McCartney-Smith, Paradise Lost: Argentina’s Lessons for Interna- Enger, How Does the USA PATRIOT Act tional Investors, Luis | Pereiro, 6:1 7—21 Affect International Business?, 6:23—30 Urbancic, Frank R., Interim Impairment Reviews: ASSET IMPAIRMENTS What Are the Consequences?, 6:73—77 FASB: A Look at Revised Standards for Asset Weinstein, Larry, Bukovinsky, David, and Shaffer, Impairments and Discontinued Operations, Tom, Ensuring the Benefits of Requiring Sup- Paul Munter, 5:67—73 plier Capability Analysis, 6:79—-83 Weirich, Thomas R. and Rouse, Robert W., The ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATIONS Moral (and Real-World) Hazard of Pro Forma Business Combinations and Asset Retirement Financials, 5:45—49 Obligations Finalized, Paul Munter, 1:93—94 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. September/October 2002 FAS No. 143: Asset Retirement Obligations, Paul CAPITALIZATION Munter, 2:91—93 New Insights in Depreciation and Capitalization Issues, Caroline D. Strobel, 3:89-91 AUDIT COMMITTEES Audit Committees: How Good Are They?, F. Todd CASH METHOD OF ACCOUNTING DeZoort, Dana R. Hermanson, and Richard IRS Expands Use of Cash Method, Shirley Den- W. Houston, 4:53—59 nis-Escoffier, 4:95—99 AUDITING COMMODITIES TRADING Enron’s Lesson: Rebuild Internal Auditing Now!, Online Commodities Trading for Business, Vin- Gordon Smith, 4:13—15 cent P. Annunziata, 1:9-12 Will Technology Defeat Your Auditor?, Paul Munter, 4:17—22 CORPORATE AIRCRAFT Full Deduction for Personal Corporate Aircraft BALANCED SCORECARD Use, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, 2:101—105 Balanced Scorecard for Multinationals, Steven P. Landry, Wai Yee Canri Chan, and Terrance CORPORATE RESTRUCTURINGS Jalbert, 6:3 1—30 Creating Value through M&A and Other Corporate New Cost Priorities: Using A Balanced Scorecard Restructurings, Stephen R. Goldberg, Approach in Financial Reports, LuAnn Bean 2:87-89 and Bill D. Jarnagin, 3:55—62 COSTING METHODS BOOK REVIEWS \ Management Accounting Framework, Gary B2B and Beyond, Stephen R. Goldberg and Cokins, 1:73—82 Joseph H. Godwin, 4:79—80 Creating Value through M&A and Other Corpo- COST OF CAPITAL rate Restructurings, Stephen R. Goldberg, International Treasury Management: Understand- 2:87-89 ing the Cost of Capital, Stephen R. Goldberg, Making More Effective Business Decisions, Joseph H. Godwin, and Jonathan E. Duchac, Stephen R. Goldberg and Joseph H. Godwin, 1:13-21 3:81-82 On Risk Management, Hussein, Mohamed E., DECISION MAKING 1:83—84 Innovation: Your Stealth Weapon against Global Rethinking Investments in Technology, Stephen R. Competition, Stephen Shapiro, 6:9—15 Goldberg and Joseph H. Godwin, 5:63—65 Making More Effective Business Decisions, [wo Views of Employee Behavior, Stephen R. Stephen R. Goldberg and Joseph H. Godwin, Goldberg and Joseph H. Godwin, 6:85—87 3:81-82 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS DEPRECIATION Accounting for Business Combinations, Jeanne \ Close Look at Claiming an Additional First- Sylvestre and Gregory L. Prescott, 6:67—72 Year Depreciation, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, Business Combinations and Asset Retirement 6, 103—109 Obligations Finalized, Paul Munter, |1:93—94 New Insights in Depreciation and Capitalization A Critical Look at the New Purchase Accounting Issues, Caroline D. Strobel, 3:89-91 for M&A Transactions, J. Edward Ketz, 2: 61—64 DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS FASB: A Look at Revised Standards for Asset BUSINESS STRATEGIES Impairments and Discontinued Operations, Communicating Key Business Strategies to Paul Munter, 5:67—73 Investors, Cathy J. Cole, 1:23-31 EARNINGS PER SHARE REPORTING BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS FAS 128: Did It Make a Difference in Reporting B2B and Beyond, Stephen R. Goldberg and EPS?, Charles E. Jordan, Kristi K. McNeely, Joseph H. Godwin, 4:79—80 and Stanley J. Clark, 2:65—72 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance E-BUSINESS FINANCIAL REPORTS B2B and Beyond, Stephen R. Goldberg and Audit Committees: How Good Are They?, F. Todd Joseph H. Godwin, 4:79-80 DeZoort, Dana R. Hermanson, and Richard W. Houston, 4:53—59 E-COMMERCE Can We Prevent Future Enrons?, J. Edward Ketz, Using the Internet for Treasury Management, 4:3-11 Peter Stanwick and Sarah Stanwick, 1:3—7 Investors: What’s Being Done about Misleading Financial Reports? Mohamed E. Hussein and THE ECONOMIC GROWTH AND TAX RELIEF Gim S. Seow, 6:55-—-56 RECONCILIATION ACT OF 2001 The Moral (and Real-World) Hazard of Pro Forma Bush’s Tax Bill Is Signed into Law, Caroline D. Financials, Thomas R. Weirich and Robert W. Strobel, 1:85—87 Rouse, 5:45—49 New Cost Priorities: Using A Balanced Scorecard ELECTRONIC AGREEMENTS Approach in Financial Reports, LuAnn Bean Web-Based Contracts: You Could Be Burned!, and Bill D. Jarnagin, 3:55—62 Cindy Durtschi, William Hillison, and Carl Pitt Calls for End to “Arcane and Impenetrable” Pacini, 5:11—18 Reporting, Robert W. Rouse, 4:101—103 EMERGING ISSUES TASK FORCE (EITF) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Events of 9/11 Affect Accounting Standards, Paul Surviving Culture Clash: How to Read German Munter, 3:83—88 Financial Statements, Stephen R. Goldberg and Joseph H. Godwin, 6:41—48 EMERGING MARKETS FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT Paradise Lost: Argentina’s Lessons for Interna- This Is a Job for Superman: Calling in a Forensic tional Investors, Luis E. Pereiro, 6:17—21 Accountant, A. Carr Conway Jr. and Robert W. Rouse, 4:23—28 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Overcoming M&A Environmental Problems, FRAUD Peter A. Stanwick and Sarah D. Stanwick, 5.22 2 Can We Prevent Future Enrons?, J. Edward Ketz, pink, OF 4:3-11 Enron’s Lesson: Rebuild Internal Auditing Now!, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD Gordon Smith, 4:13—15 (FASB) Never Say, “It Can’t Happen Here!”’, Carr Conway Business Combinations and Asset Retirement and Robert W. Rouse, 1:49-—53 Obligations Finalized Paul Munter, 1:93—94 Stop Fraud Cold with Powerful Internal Controls, A Critical Look at the New Purchase Accounting Tommie Singleton, 4:29-39 for M&A Transactions, J. Edward Ketz, This Is a Job for Superman: Calling in a Forensic 2:61—64 Accountant, A. Carr Conway Jr. and Robert Enron Post-Mortem: Do We Need New Account- W. Rouse, 4:23-28 ing Standards?, Paul Munter, 4:81—89 Will Technology Defeat Your Auditor?, Paul Factoring of Receivables under SFAS-125, Dale Munter, 4:17—22 R. Martin, Jonathan E. Duchac, and Mark F. Lindley, 1:67—71 GERMAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FAS 128: Did It Make a Difference in Reporting Surviving Culture Clash: How to Read German EPS?, Charles E. Jordan, Kristi K. McNeely, Financial Statements Stephen R. Goldberg and Stanley J. Clark, 2:65—72 and Joseph H. Godwin, 6:41—48 FAS No. 143: Asset Retirement Obligations, Paul Munter, 2:91—93 GLOBAL COMPETITION FASB: A Look at Revised Standards for Asset Innovation: Your Stealth Weapon against Global Impairments and Discontinued Operations, Competition, Stephen Shapiro, 6:9—-15 Paul Munter, 5:67—73 “Streamlining” FASB’s Operations Results in GLOBALIZED ACCOUNTING More Proposals and Standards, Paul Munter, Does the SEC Think We’re Close to Globalized 6:89-93 Accounting?, Robert W. Rouse, 6:49—53 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. September/October 2002 GOODWILL INTERNAL CONTROLS Interim Impairment Reviews: What Are the Con- Stop Fraud Cold with Powerful Internal Controls, sequences?, Frank R. Urbancic, 6:73—77 Tommie Singleton, 4:29-39 HEALTH CARE COSTS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) How to Control Soaring Costs of Health Care, A Close Look at Claiming an Additional First- Stephen R. Goldberg and Dori Danko, 3:3-8 Year Depreciation, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, 6, 103-109 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3ush’s Tax Bill Is Signed into Law, Caroline D. E-controlling: Ten Challenges for Controlling and Strobel, 1:85—87 Management Accounting, Roland Franz Full Deduction for Personal Corporate Aircraft Erben, 5:55—62 Use, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, 2:101—105 How Are Payoff-Conscious CEOs Changing IT IRS Expands Use of Cash Method, Shirley Den- Trends?, James B. Edwards, 5:33-38 nis-Escoffier, 4:95—99 Information Technology is Out—Knowledge IRS Will Not Tax Frequent Flyer Miles, Shirley Sharing Is In, Priscilla H. Douglas, 4:73—77 Dennis-Escoffier, 5:79-82 IS Integration: Your Most Critical M&A Chal- New Insights in Depreciation and Capitalization lenge?, Horace W. Harrell and Leslee Hig- Issues, Caroline D. Strobel, 3:89-91 gins, 2:23-31 New IRS Procedures Allow Pre-Filing Initiatives, IT Performance: How Do You Measure a Moving Caroline D. Strobel, 2:97—99 Target?, Peter Stanwick and Sarah Stanwick, New Rapid Write-Off Provisions for Tangible and 5:19-24 Intangible Assets, Caroline D. Strobel, 6: Protecting Your Web Site from Criminal Hackers, 99-101 Chris Schroeder and Gordon Smith, 5:39—43 New Resolution and Appeals Process for Large A Quick Guide to Accounting for Software and Corporations, Caroline D. Strobel, 4:91—93 Web Sites, Paul Munter, 5:25—32 Opportunity to Elect Out of MACRS Mid-Quarter Rethinking Investments in Technology, Stephen R. Convention, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, 3: Goldberg and Joseph H. Godwin, 5:63-—65 93—95 Should You Outsource via the Web?, Steven A. Recent R&D Allocation Changes, Caroline D. Harrast and LuAnn Bean, 5:3—9 Strobel, 5:75—77 Web-Based Contracts: You Could Be Burned!, Staying Out of Trouble with Transfer Pricing, Otto Cindy Durtschi, William Hillison, and Carl B. Martinson and Tim C. McKee, 1:39-47 Pacini, 5:11—18 lax Court: Unsubstantiated Per Diems Can Be Fully Deductible, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, INNOVATION 1:89-92 Innovation: Your Stealth Weapon against Global Competition, Stephen Shapiro, 6:9—15 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS How Does the USA PATRIOT Act Affect Interna- INTANGIBLE ASSETS tional Business?, Enger McCartney-Smith and Business Combinations and Asset Retirement Neil Boyden Tanner, 6:23—30 Obligations Finalized, Paul Munter, 1:93—94 Intangible Asset Accounting: How Do Worldwide INTERNATIONAL INVESTING Rules Differ?, LuAnn Bean and Bill D. Jarna- Paradise Lost: Argentina’s Lessons for Interna- gin, 1:55—65 tional Investors, Luis E. Pereiro, 6:17—21 New Rapid Write-Off Provisions for Tangible and Intangible Assets, Caroline D. Strobel, INTERNET 6:99-101 Online Commodities Trading for Business, Vin- INTERNAL AUDITING cent P. Annunziata, 1:9-12 Enron’s Lesson: Rebuild Internal Auditing Now!, Using the Internet for Treasury Management, Gordon Smith, 4:13—15 Peter Stanwick and Sarah Stanwick, 1:3—7 Web-Based Contracts: You Could Be Burned!, INTERNAL BENCHMARKING Cindy Durtschi, William Hillison, and Carl Internal Benchmarking: How to Be the Best Pacini, 5:11—18 And Stay That Way, Rob Reider, 4:41-48 Web-Site Privacy Checklist, Paul Shaw, 4:49-51 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance INVESTORS and Acquisitions, A. Carr Conway Jr. and Communicating Key Business Strategies to Robert W. Rouse, 2:17—22 Investors, Cathy J. Cole, 1:23-31 Shopping for Bargain-Priced Companies? Avoid Investors: What’s Being Done about Misleading Asset Impairment Traps, Otto B. Martinson, Financial Reports?, Mohamed E. Hussein and 3:63-—70 Gim S. Seow, 6:55—56 Southeast Asia: The Next M&A Hotspot?, Ali Paradise Lost: Argentina’s Lessons for Interna- M. Metwalli and Roger Y. W. Tang, tional Investors, Luis E. Pereiro, 6:17—21 2:39-47 What’s the Outlook for M&A in an Uncertain JOB CREATION AND WORKER ASSISTANCE ACT Market?, Patrick A. Gaughan, 5:51—53 OF 2002 \ Winner’s Guide to M&A Planning, Robert P. A Close Look at Claiming an Additional First- Roche, 2:3—9 Year Depreciation, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, 6:103—109 MODIFIED ACCELERATED COST RECOVERY New Rapid Write-Off Provisions for Tangible and SYSTEM (MACRS) Intangible Assets, Caroline D. Strobel, Opportunity to Elect Out of MACRS Mid-Quar- 6:99-101 ter Convention, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, 3:93-95 KNOWLEDGE SHARING MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES Information Technology is Out—Knowledge Balanced Scorecard for Multinationals, Steven Sharing Is In, Priscilla H. Douglas, 4:73—77 P. Landry, Wai Yee Canri Chan, and Terrance Jalbert, 6:31—30 MATERIALITY What Does “Materiality” Really Mean?, Eugene ONLINE COMMODITIES TRADING G. Chewning Jr. and Julia | Higgs, Online Commodities Trading for Business, Vin- 4:61-71 ~ cent P Annunziata, 1:9—12 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS (M&AS) PRE-FILING INITIATIVES Accounting for Business Combinations, Jeanne New IRS Procedures Allow Pre-Filing Initia- Sylvestre and Gregory L. Prescott, 6:67—72 tives, Caroline D. Strobel, 2:97—99 Creating Value through M&A and Other Corpo- rate Restructurings, Stephen R. Goldberg, PRIVACY 2:87—-89 Web-Site Privacy Checklist, Paul Shaw, 4:49-—51 A Critical Look at the New Purchase Accounting for M&A Transactions, J. Edward Ketz, PRIVATE COMPANIES 2:61—64 Managing Your Business as an Investment: How Eight Common Mistakes That Business Sellers to Build Shareholder Value in Private Com- Make, Jeffrey Hooke, 2:11—15 panies, Frank C. Evans and David M. Bish- How to Use Transactional Databases for M&A, Oop, 2:49-59 Shannon P. Pratt, 3:71—80 Intangible Asset Accounting: How Do Worldwide PRO FORMA FINANCIALS Rules Differ?, LuAnn Bean and Bill D. Jarna- The Moral (and Real-World) Hazard of Pro gin, 1:55-65 Forma Financials, Thomas R. Weirich and Interim Impairment Reviews: What Are the Con- Robert W. Rouse, 5:45—49 sequences?, Frank R. Urbancic, 6:73-77 RECEIVABLES IS Integration: Your Most Critical M&A Chal- Factoring of Receivables under SFAS-125, Dale R. lenge?, Horace W. Harrell and Leslee Hig- Martin, Jonathan E. Duchac, and Mark F. Lind- gins, 2:23-31 ley, 1:67—71 Overcoming M&A Environmental Problems, Peter A. Stanwick and Sarah D. Stanwick, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) 2:33-37 Recent R&D Allocation Changes, Caroline D. Stro- Protecting Yourself: Due Diligence in Mergers bel, 5:75—77 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. September/October 2002 RESOLUTION AND APPEALS PROCESS Strategic Measurement System, Scott Focht, New Resolution and Appeals Process for Large 3:9-12 Corporations, Caroline D. Strobel, 4:91—93 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RISK MANAGEMENT E-controlling: Ten Challenges for Controlling and On Risk Management, Hussein, Mohamed E.., Management Accounting, Roland Franz 1:83—84 Erben, 5:55—62 SUPPLIER CAPABILITY ANALYSIS SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC) Ensuring the Benefits of Requiring Supplier Changes Proposed for 10-K Filing, Robert W. Capability Analysis, Larry Weinstein, David Rouse, 6:95—97 Bukovinsky, and Tom Shaffer, 6:79-83 Does the SEC Think We’re Close to Globalized Accounting?, Robert W. Rouse, 6:49-—53 TANGIBLE ASSETS Key Staff Changes at the SEC, Robert W. Rouse, New Rapid Write-Off Provisions for Tangible and 3:97-98 Intangible Assets, Caroline D. Strobel, 6:99—-101 The Moral (and Real-World) Hazard of Pro Forma Financials, Thomas R. Weirich and Robert W. TAX COURT Rouse, 5:45—49 Tax Court: Unsubstantiated Per Diems Can Be Pitt Calls for End to “Arcane and Impenetrable” Fully Deductible, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, Reporting, Robert W. Rouse, 4:101—103 1:89-92 A Season of Unusual Events, Robert W. Rouse, 5:83-—85 10-K FILING Some Changes at the SEC, Robert W. Rouse, Changes Proposed for 10-K Filing, Robert W. 1:95—97, 2:95—96 Rouse, 6:95—97 What Does “Materiality” Really Mean?, Eugene G Chewning Jr. and Julia L. Higgs, 4:61—71 TRANSACTIONAL DATABASES How to Use Transactional Databases for M&A, SECURITY Shannon P. Pratt, 3:71—80 Protecting Your Web Site from Criminal Hackers, Chris Schroeder and Gordon Smith, 5:39-43 TRANSFER PRICING Web-Site Privacy Checklist, Paul Shaw, 4:49—S1 Staying Out of Trouble with Transfer Pricing, Otto B. Martinson and Tim C. McKee, 1:39-47 SHAREHOLDER VALUE Managing Your Business as an Investment: How TRAVEL to Build Shareholder Value in Private Com- IRS Will Not Tax Frequent Flyer Miles, Shirley panies, Frank C. Evans and David M. Bish- Dennis-Escoffier, 5:79-82 op, 2:49-59 TRAVEL ALLOWANCES SOFTWARE RENTAL Tax Court: Unsubstantiated Per Diems Can Be Should You Outsource via the Web?, Steven A. Har- Fully Deductible, Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, rast and LuAnn Bean, 5:3—9 1:89-—92 SOUTHEAST ASIA TRAVEL COSTS Southeast Asia: The Next M&A Hotspot?, Ali M. How to Slash Your Worldwide Travel Costs, Mark Metwalli and RogerY . W. Tang, 2:39-47 Miller, 6:3—7 STOCK OPTIONS TREASURY MANAGEMENT New Rules for the Treatment of Stock Options: International Treasury Management: Understand- Caveats for Management, Jeanne Sylvestre ing the Cost of Capital, Stephen R. Goldberg, and Ko Hsu, 1:33—37 Joseph H. Godwin, and Jonathan E. Duchac, 1:13-21 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Using the Internet for Treasury Management, Sharpening Focus: How One Company Built a Peter Stanwick and Sarah Stanwick, 1:3—7 © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance UNDERAUDITING tional Business?, Enger McCartney-Smith and Can We Prevent Future Enrons?, J. Edward Ketz, Neil Boyden Tanner, 6:23—30 4:3-11 WEB SITE USA PATRIOT ACT Protecting Your Web Site from Criminal Hackers, How Does the USA PATRIOT Act Affect Interna- Chris Schroeder and Gordon Smith, 5:39-43 ©) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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