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1994 Index, Vol. 25 AUTHORS Corbett JV, LaBorde A; Nurses’ Type of Nursing Student; 25(1):17- Al-Ma’Aitah R; See Thomas B. Perceptions of Usefulness of Lab- 20. Anderson M; See Percival E. oratory Data for Nursing Prac- Guin PR; See Weeks MJ. Angerami ELS, Steagall-Gomes tice; 25(4):175-180. Gundlach A-M; Adapting to DL, Mendes IJMM; Continuing Cordell B; See Price JL. Change: Reconsidering Staff De- Education in Brazil; 25(2):72-75. Counsell CM; See Weeks MJ. velopment Organization, Design, Armstrong ML; See Sherwood GD. Craven R; Mastering Fall Preven- and Purpose; 25(3):120-122. Avillion AE; Political Savvy in Staff tion (Videotape Program) (Re- Hammons JO; See VanArsdale SK. Development: Building an Indi- source Reviews); 25(2):94-95. Harnar R, Burns J, Marshall P, spensable Department; 25(4):152- Dalayon AP; Continuing Educa- Karmaliani R; Community- 154. tion in Nursing in Kuwait; Based Nursing Education in Pak- Balantac DD; See Bohnen MV. 25(2):76-80. istan; 25(3):130-132. Bediik T, Ozhan N; Inservice Edu- Dean JL; Nursing Staff Develop- Helgad6ttir H; Continuing Educa- cation in Turkey; 25(2):86-87. ment: Current Competence, Fu- tion in Nursing: The Icelandic Bernick L, Richards P; Nursing ture Focus (Resource Reviews); Experience; 25(2):64-66. Documentation: A Program to 25(2):95. Hirsch M; See Chang BL. Promote and Sustain Improve- Dobrzykowski TM; Teaching Strat- Hok M; Permanent Continuing Ed- ment; 25(5):203-208. egies to Promote Critical Think- ucation of Nurses in Hungary; Blankenship JC; See Waddell DL. ing Skills in Nursing Staff; 25(2):57-58. Bohnen MV, Balantac DD; Basic 25(6):272-276. Jairath N, Fitch MI; Generic Re- Academic Preparation of Foreign- Drake ML; See Thomas B. search Protocol, The: An Innova- Educated Nurses: A Base for De- Dudley WN; See Thomas SD. tive Technique to Facilitate veloping Continuing Education Duff MR, Kirsivali-Farmer KR; Chal- Research Skills Development and Courses; 25(6):258-262. lenge, The: Developing a Precep- Protocol Preparation; 25(3):111- Bond ML; See Sherwood GD. torship Program in the Midst of 114. Bonheur BB; Creating a New Learn- Organizational Change; 25(3):115- Johnson JR; Communication Train- ing Experience: “The Story of 119. ing Needs of Registered Nurses, Art” and “Prudent Art”; 25(5):237- Dunkley NA; How Do You Want The; 25(5):213-218. 240. to Improve Youself? Nursing Ed- Kalnins I, Mahon SM, Casperson Bower D; See Miller ET. ucation Administration and Fac- DS; Benefits of Collaboration in Bradbury-Golas K, Carson L; Nurs- ulty Attitudes Toward Types of Continuing Education: A Part- ing Skills Fair: Gaining Knowl- Faculty Development; 25(6):277- nership Between a University Pro- edge with Fun and Games; 281. vider and a Nursing Specialty 25(1):32-34. Durkin MAS; See Stecchi JM. Organization; 25(4):148-151. Brunt BA; Role of Continuing Ed- Edwards-Beckett J; See Miller ET. Kalnins I, Phelps SL, Glauber W; ucators in Encouraging Use of Fitch MI; See Jairath N. Outcomes of Nurse (RN) Re- Clinical Practice Guidelines; Fitzmaurice JB; See Nicholas PK. fresher Courses in a Midwestern 25(1):9-10. Gelser L; See Stecchi JM. City; 25(6):268-271. Burns J; See Harnar R. Gill KP, Ursic P; Impact of Contin- Karmaliani R; See Harnar R. Cameron S; See Thomas B. uing Education on Patient Out- Kearney RT; Academic Advisement Carson L; See Bradbury-Golas K. comes in the Elderly Hip Fracture and the RN-to-BSN Student; Case B; Walking Around the Ele- Population, The; 25(4):181-185. 25(1):11-16. phant: A Critical Thinking Strat- Glauber W; See Kalnins I. Keliher D; See Nicholas PK. egy for Decision Making; Gloe D; Paper Programs (Teaching Kim S; Nursing Staff Development 25(3):101-109. Tips); 25(4):188-189. and Continuing Education in Casperson DS; See Kalnins I. Gorman C; See Thomas SD. Korea; 25(3):135-138. Chang BL, Hirsch M; Videotape Grainger LD, Uys LR; Continuing Knollmueller RN; Thinking About Intervention: Producing Video- Education in South Africa; Tomorrow for Nursing: Changes tapes for Use in Nursing Practice 25(3):123-127. and Challenges; 25(5):196-201. and Education; 25(6):263-267. Gross GJ; Epidemic: Overheaditis; Kodama K; Continuing Education Conger MM; Nursing Assessment 25(1):46-47. in Nursing in Japan; 25(2):53-56. Decision Grid, The: Tool for Del- Gruca JM; Taste of Nursing, The: Krywanio ML; Art of Teaching egation Decision; 25(1):21-27. An Initiative to Attract a New Adults, The: How to Become The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 285 1994 INDEX and Exceptional Instructor and _ land; 25(3):133-134. tion for Nursing Staff Develop- Facilitator (Resource Reviews); Ozhan N; See Bediik T. ment Through Technical Coop- 25(4):190. Palmer A; Continuing Professional eration of Southeast Asian Coun- Kuramoto A; Promoting Cultural Education: Individual Responsi- tries; 25(2):67-70. Diversity: Strategies for Health bility, Collective Consciousness; Tyra PA; See Stecchi JM. Care Professionals (Resource Re- 25(2):59-64. Ursic P; See Gill KP. views); 25(4):191. Pattillo M; Transcultural Perspec- Uys LR; See Grainger LD. LaBorde A; See Corbett JV. tives in Nursing (Videotape Pro- VanArsdale SK, Hammons JO; Pre- Lambert VA; See Thomas SD. gram Series) (Resource Reviews); paring Nurses for the Inevitable: Lanara VA; Continuing Education 25(2):94. The New Madrid Earthquake; in Greece; 25(2):88-89. Pearce C; See Stecchi JM. 25(5):224-229. Lawson DI; See Percival E. Percival E, Anderson M, Lawson Waddell DL, Blankenship JC; An- Leuner JD; See Nicholas PK. Di; Assessing Beginning Level swer Changing: A Meta-Analy- Lindesmith KA, McWeeny M; Competencies: The First Step in sis of the Prevelance and Patterns; Power of Storytelling, The; Continuing Education; 25(3):139- 25(4):155-158. 25(4):186-187. 142. Watson E; Continuing Education in Lynch B; See Nicholas PK. Petersen J; Increasing Standards Nursing in Jamaica, West Indies; Mahon SM; See Kalnins I. Awareness Through a Fortune 25(2):71-72. Makumi D; Synopsis of Contin- Cookie Contest (Teaching Tips); Weeks MJ, Counsell CM, Guin uing Nursing Education in 25(1):48. PR; Pilot Program to Promote Kenya, A; 25(3):128-129. Peterson R; Yes: An Easter Egg Professional Growth for Neuro- Mansour A; Continuing Education Hunt! (Teaching Tips); 25(6):282. science Nurses, A; 25(4):159-162. in Saudi Arabia: The Missed So- Phelps SL; See Kalnins I. Wheeler LA; How Do Older Nurses nata; 25(2):90-92. Pontius C; See Miller ET. Perceive Their Clinical Compe- Marshall P; See Harnar R. Price JL, Cordell B; Cultural Diver- tence and the Effects of Age?; Martin PA, Dugan J, Freundl M, sity and Patient Teaching; 25(5):230-236. Miller SE, Philips R, Sharritts L; 25(4):163-166. Wise PSY; Transitions (Editorial); Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Nurs- Rajacich D; See Thomas B. 25(3):99. ing Process as Measured by the Richards P; See Bernick L. Wise PSY; Where the Rubber Hits Dayton Attitude Scale; 25(1):35- Rogers H; See Stecchi JM. the Road (Editorial); 25(4):147. 40. Roper JM; Research in Psychiatry: Wise PSY; Good Sams (Editorial); McConnell EA; You’re Invited Increasing Staff Knowledge and 25(5):195. (Guest Editorial); 25(2):52. Experience; 25(4):171-174. Wise PSY; Our Peers (Editorial); McWeeny M; See Lindesmith KA. Schoenly L; Teaching in the Affec- 25(6):243-244. Meisenheimer C; Integrated Qual- tive Domain; 25(5):209-212. Wise PSY; Silver Anniversary, The ity Management: The Key to Im- Sherwood GD, Armstrong ML, (Editorial); 25(1):3. proving Nursing Care Quality Bond ML; Distance Education Wise PSY; Global Perspective, A (Resource Review); 25(4):190- Programs: Defining Issues of As- (Editorial); 25(2):51. 191. sessment, Accessibility, and Ac- Wood RY; Use of the Nursing Sim- Mendes IJMM; See Angerami ELS. commodation; 25(6):251-257. ulation Laboratory in Reentry Mikolaj E; See Miller ET. Steagall-Gomes DL; See Anger- Programs: An Innovative Set- Miller DF; See Nicholas PK. ami ELS. ting for Updating Clinical Skills; Miller ET, Edwards-Beckett J, Mi- Stecchi JM, Pearce C, Tyra PA, 25(1):28-31. kolaj E, Bower D, Pontius C; Gelser L, Durkin MAS, Rogers Research-Related Learning Needs H; RN to BS in Nursing: Histori- of Ohio Nurses; 25(4):167-170. cal Review Leads to Articulation Modic MB, Harris R; Reinforce- Agreement; 25(5):219-223. TITLES ment Technique, A: The Goody Thomas B, Al-Ma’Aitah R, Academic Advisement and the RN- Bag (Teaching Tips); 25(3):143- Cameron S, Drake ML, Rajacich to-BSN Student; Kearney RT; 144. D; Faculty Development: A 25(1):11-16. Moneyham L; See Thomas SD. Transcultural Experience; 25(2):81- Adapting to Change: Reconsider- Nicholas PK, Leuner JD, Miller 85. ing Staff Development Organi- DE Keliher D, Lynch B, Fitzmau- Thomas SD, Lambert VA, Mon- zation, Design, and Purpose; rice JB; Collaborative Program eyham L, Gorman C, Dudley Gundlach A-M; 25(3):120-122. for International Education, A; WN; Nursing Faculty Develop- Answer Changing: A Meta-Analy- 25(1):41-45. ment During a Time of Declining sis of the Prevelance and Pat- Othaganont P; Continuing Educa- Resources; 25(6):246-250. terns; Waddell DL, Blankenship tion Nursing Program in Thai- Toyoshima E; Continuing Educa- JC; 25(4):155-158. 286 Volume 25, Number 6, November/December 1994 1994 INDEX Art of Teaching Adults, The: How in Kuwait; Dalayon AP; 25(2):76- Increasing Standards Awareness to Become an Exceptional In- 80. Through a Fortune Cookie Con- structor and Facilitator (Resource Continuing Education in Nursing: test (Teaching Tips); Petersen J; Reviews); Krywanio ML; The Icelandic Experience; Helga- 25(1):48. 25(4):190. déttir H; 25(2):64-66. Inservice Education in Turkey; Assessing Beginning Level Com- Continuing Education in Saudi Ara- Bediik T, Ozhan N; 25(2):86-87. petencies: The First Step in Con- bia: The Missed Sonata; Man- Integrated Quality Management: tinuing Education; Percival E, sour A; 25(2):90-92. The Key to Improving Nursing Anderson M, Lawson DI; Continuing Education in South Af- Care Quality (Resource Review); 25(3):139-142. rica; Grainger LD, Uys LR; Meisenheinzer C; 25(4):190-191. Basic Academic Preparation of For- 25(3):123-127. Mastering Fall Prevention (Video- eign-Educated Nurses: A Base Continuing Professional Education: tave Program) (Resource Re- for Developing Continuing Ed- Individual Responsibility, Col- views); Craven R; 25(2):94-95. ucation Courses; Bohnen MV, lective Consciousness; Palmer Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Nurs- Balantac DD; 25(6):258-262. A; 25(2):59-64. ing Process as Measured by the Benefits of Collaboration in Con- Creating a New Learning Experi- Dayton Attitude Scale; Martin tinuing Education: A Partner- ence: “The Story of Art” and PA, Dugan J, Freundl M, Miller ship Between a University “Prudent Art’; Bonheur BB; SE, Philips R, Sharritts L; 25(1):35- Provider and a Nursing Spe- 25(5):237-240. 40. cialty Organization; Kalnins I, Cultural Diversity and Patient Nurses’ Perceptions of Usefulness Mahon SM, Casperson DS; Teaching; Price JL, Cordell B; of Laboratory Data for Nursing 25(4):148-151. 25(4):163-166. Practice; Corbett JV, LaBorde A; Challenge, The: Developing a Pre- Distance Education Programs: De- 25(4):175-180. ceptorship Program in the Midst fining Issues of Assessment, Ac- Nursing Assessment Decision of Organizational Change; Duff cessibility, and Accommodation; Grid, The: Tool for Delegation MR, Kirsivali-Farmer KR; Sherwood GD, Armstrong ML, Decision; Conger MM; 25(1):21- 25(3):115-119. Bond ML; 25(6):251-257. 27. Collaborative Program for Inter- Epidemic: Overheaditis; Gross GJ; Nursing Documentation: A Pro- national Education, A; Nicholas 25(1):46-47. gram to Promote and Sustain PK, Leuner JD, Miller DE, Ke- Faculty Development: A Transcul- Improvement; Bernick L, liher D, Lynch B, Fitzmaurice JB; tural Experience; Thomas B, Al- Richards P; 25(5):203-208. 25(1):41-45. Ma’Aitah R, Cameron S, Drake Nursing Faculty Development Dur- Communication Training Needs ML, Rajacich D; 25(2):81-85. ing a Time of Declining Re- of Registered Nurses, The; Generic Research Protocol, The: sources; Thomas SD, Lambert Johnson JR; 25(5):213-218. An Innovative Technique to VA, Moneyham L, Gorman C, Community-Based Nursing Educa- Facilitate Research Skills De- Dudley WN; 25(6):246-250. tion in Pakistan, A; Harnar R, velopment and Protocol Prepa- Nursing Skills Fair: Gaining Knowl- Burns J, Marshall P, Karmaliani ration; Jairath N, Fitch MI; edge with Fun and Games; R; 25(3):130-132. 25(3):111-114. Bradbury-Golas K, Carson L; Continuing Education Nursing Pro- Global Perspective, A (Editorial); 25(1):32-34. gram in Thailand; Othaganont Wise PSY; 25(2):51. Nursing Staff Development and P; 25(3):133-134. Good Sams (Editorial); Wise PSY; Continuing Education in Korea; Continuing Education for Nursing 25(5):195. Kim S; 25(3):135-138. Staff Development Through How Do Older Nurses Perceive Nursing Staff Development: Cur- Technical Cooperation of South- Their Clinical Competence and rent Competence, Future Focus east Asian Countries; Toyoshima the Effects of Age?; Wheeler LA; (Resource Reviews); Dean JL; E; 25(2):67-70. 25(5):230-236. 25(2):95. Continuing Education in Brazil; How Do You Want to Improve Our Peers (Editorial); Wise PSY; Angerami ELS, Steagall-Gomes Youself? Nursing Education Ad- 25(6):243-244. DL, Mendes IJMM;; 25(2):72-75. ministration and Faculty Atti- Outcomes of Nurse (RN) Refresher Continuing Education in Greece; tudes Toward Types of Faculty Courses in a Midwestern City; Lanara VA; 25(2):88-89. Development; Dunkley NA; Kalnins I, Phelps SL, Glauber W; Continuing Education in Nursing 25(6):277-281. 25(6):268-271. in Japan; Kodama K; 25(2):53-56. Impact of Continuing Education Paper Programs (Teaching Tips); Continuing Education in Nursing on Patient Outcomes in the Eld- Gloe D; 25(4):188-18° in Jamaica, West Indies; Watson erly Hip Fracture Population, Permanent Continuing Education E; 25(2):71-72. The; Gill KP, Ursic P; 25(4):181- of Nurses in Hungary; Hok M; Continuing Education in Nursing 185. 25(2):57-58. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 1994 INDEX HATS OFF TO FIRST CLASS Pilot Program to Promote Pro- Synopsis of Continuing Nursing fessional Growth for Neuro- Education in Kenya, A; Makumi SERVICE science Nurses, A; Weeks MJ], D; 25(3):128-129. Counsell CM, Guin PR; 25(4):159- Taste of Nursing, The: An Initia- At SLACK Incorporated we 162. tive to Attract a New Type of believe our subscribers are first Political Savvy in Staff Develop- Nursing Student; Gruca JM; class people. That’s why we do ment. Building an Indispensable 25(1):17-20. everything possible to publish Department; Avillion AE; Teaching Strategies to Promote Crit- first class journals. And, that’s 25(4):152-154. ical Thinking Skills in Nursing why we maintain a TOLL-FREE Power of Storytelling, The; Lin- Staff; Dobrzykowski TM; CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE. For the first class customer service desmith KA, McWeeny M; 25(6):272-276. you deserve, call: 25(4):186-187. Teaching in the Affective Domain; Preparing Nurses for the Inevita- Schoenly L; 25(5):209-212. 1-800-257-8290 ble: The New Madrid Earth- Thinking About Tomorrow for Talk to a SLACK Customer quake; VanArsdale SK, Ham- Nursing: Changes and Chal- Service Representative about: mons JO; 25(5):224-229. lenges; Knollmueller RN; Promoting Cultural Diversity: Strat- 25(5):196-201. $ Subscriptions. Subscribing egies for Health Care Profes- Transcultural Perspectives in Nurs- by phone is quick and easy: it sionals (Resource Reviews); ing (Videotape Program Series) only takes a minute and Visa and Kuramoto A; 25(4):191. (Resource Reviews); Pattillo M; Mastercard are accepted. Reinforcement Technique, A: The 25(2):94. Goody Bag (Teaching Tips); Transitions (Editorial); Wise PSY; s Renewais. Early subscription Modic MB, Harris R; 25(3):143- 25(3):99. renewal helps avoid possible 144. Use of the Nursing Simulation interruptions In service. Research-Related Learning Needs Laboratory in Reentry Programs: of Ohio Nurses; Miller ET, Ed- An Innovative Setting for Up- \. Change of Address. Please wards-Beckett J, Mikolaj E, Bower dating Clinical Skills; Wood RY; notify us four weeks in advance D, Pontius C; 25(4):167-170. 25(1):28-31. to assure prompt delivery to your Research in Psychiatry: Increasing Videotape Intervention: Producing new address. Staff Knowledge and Experi- Videotapes for Use in Nursing ence; Roper JM; 25(4):171-174. Practice and Education; Chang s Questions or Problems. RN to BS in Nursing: Historical BL, Hirsch M; 25(6):263-267. Delivery problems or questions Review Leads to Articulation Walking Around the Elephant: A about your subscriptions can be Agreement; Stecchi JM, Pearce Critical Thinking Strategy for handled instantly. C, Tyra PA, Gelser L, Durkin Decision Making; Case B; MAS, Rogers H; 25(5):219-223. 25(3):101-109. Role of Continuing Educators in Where the Rubber Hits the Road Encouraging Use of Clinical Prac- (Editorial); Wise PSY; 25(4):147. tice Guidelines; Brunt BA; 25(1):9- Yes: An Easter Egg Hunt! (Teach- 10. ing Tips); Peterson R; 25(6):282. Silver Anniversary, The (Editorial); You’re Invited (Guest Editorial); Wise PSY; 25(1):3. McConnell EA; 25(2):52. SLACK 6900 Grove Road, Thorofare, NJ 08086 of

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