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to JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION Volume 37 Number 1 (March 1993) pp. 1-200 Number 2 (June 1993) pp. 201-400 Number 3 (September 1993) pp. 401-592 Number 4 (December 1993) pp. 593-760 Authors: AL-HAJ, MAJID, ELIHU KATZ, and SAMUEL SHYE, “Arab and Jewish Attitudes: Toward a Palestinian State,” 619. ALLSOP, DEE, see Wilcox, C. BENDOR, JONATHAN, “Uncertainty and the Evolution of Cooperation,” 709. BERCOVITCH, JACOB, and JEFFREY LANGLEY, “The Nature of the Dispute and the Effectiveness of International Mediation,” 670. BIZMAN, AHARON, and MICHAEL HOFFMAN, “Expectations, Emotions, and Preferred Responses Regarding the Arab-Israeli Conflict: An Attributional Analysis,” 139. BORNSTEIN, GARRY, see Insko C. A. BRAMS, STEVEN J., and ANN E. DOHERTY, “Intransigence in Negotiations: The Dynamics of Disagreement,” 692. BUSCH, MARC L., and ERIC R. REINHARDT, “Nice Strategies in a World of Relative Gains: The Problem of Cooperation under Anarchy,” 427. COX, CHANTE, see Insko, C. A. CURRY, AMY FARMER, and PAUL PECORINO, “The Use of Final Offer Arbitration as a Screening Device,” 655. DIXON, WILLIAM J., “Democracy and the Management of International Conflict,” 42. DOHERTY, ANN E., see Brams, S. J. DRIGOTAS, STEPHEN M., see Insko, C. A. DRUCKMAN, DANIEL, “The Situational Levers of Negotiating Flexibility,” 236. GEVA, NEHEMIA, see Mintz, A. GRAETZ, KENNETH A., see Insko, C. A. GUPTA, DIPAK K., HARINDER SINGH, and TOM SPRAGUE, “Government Coercion of Dissidents: Deterrence or Provocation?” 301. HADSJIPAVLOU-TRIGEORGIS, MARIA, and LENOS TRIGEORGIS, “Cyprus: An Evolu- tionary Approach to Conflict Resolution,” 340. HOFFMAN, MICHAEL, see Bizman, A. IIDA KEISUKE, “When and How do Domestic Constraints Matter? Two-Level Games with Uncertainty,” 403. 750 JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION INSKO, CHESTER A., JOHN SCHOPLER, STEPHEN M. DRIGOTAS, KENNETH A. GRAETZ, JAMES KENNEDY, CHANTE COX, and GARRY BORNSTEIN, “The Role of Communication in Interindividual-intergroup Discontinuity,” 108. KATZ, ELIHU, see Al-Haj, M. KENNEDY, JAMES, see Insko, C. A. KIM, JAY S., see Kim, N. H. KIM, NAM HYEON, JAMES A. WALL, Jr.. DONG-WON SOHN, and JAY S. KIM, “Com- munity and Industrial Mediation in South Korea,” 361. KRAMER, RODERICK M., PAMELA POMMERENKE, and ELIZABETH NEWTON, “The Social Context of Negotiation: Effects of Social Identity and Interpersonal Accountability on Negotiator Decision Making,” 633. LANGLEY, JEFFREY, see Bercovitch, J. LENG, RUSSEL J, “Reciprocationg Influence Strategies in Interstate Crisis Bargaining,” 3. LIAN, BRADLEY, and JOHN R. ONEAL, “Presidents, the Use of Military Force, and Public Opinion,” 277. LYNN, ANN, see Wall, J. A. MINTZ, ALEX, “The Decision to Attack Iraq: A Noncompensatory Theory of Decision Making,” 595. MINTZ, ALEX, and NEHEMIA GEVA, “Why Don’t Democracies Fight Each Other? An Experimental Study,” 484. MORGAN, T. CLIFTON, see Richards, D. MOUL, WILLIAM B., “Polarization, Polynomials, and War,” 735. NEWTON, ELIZABETH, see Kramer, R. M. ONEAL, JOHN R., see Lian, B. PECORINO, PAUL, see Curry, A. F. POMMERENKE, PAMELA, see Kramer, R. M. RADLOFF, SARAH, see van Wyk, K. REINHARDT, ERIC R., see Busch, M. L. RICHARDS, DIANA, T. CLIFTON MORGAN, RICK K. WILSON, VALERIE L. SCHWEBACH, and GARRY D. YOUNG, “Good Times, Bad Times, and the Diversionary Use of Force: A Tale of Some Not-So-Free Agents,” 504. SANDLER, TODD, “The Economic Theory of Alliances: A Survey,” 446. SCHOPLER, JOHN, see Insko, C. A. SHYE, SAMUEL, see Al-Haj, M. SINGH, HARINDER, see Gupta, D. K. SOHN, DONG-WON, see Kim, N. H. SOHN, DONG-WON, and JAMES A. WALL, JR., “Community Mediation in South Korea: A City-Village Comparison,” 536. SPRAGUE, TOM, see Gupta, D. K. SUEDFELD, PETER, see Wallace, M. D. TANAKA, AIJI, see Wilcox, C. TEACHMAN, JAY, and SAMUEL VUCHINICH, “Influences on the Duration of Wars, Strikes, Riots, and Family Arguments,” 544. THACHUK, KIMBERLY L., see Wallace, M. D. TRIGEORGIS, LENOS, see Hadjipavlou-Trigeorgis, M. VAN WYK, KOOS, and SARAH RADLOFF, “Symmetry and Reciprocity in South Africa’s Foreign Policy,” 382. VUCHINICH, SAMUEL, see Teachman, J. WALL, JAMES A., Jr., see Dong-Won Sohn. INDEX 751 WALL, JAMES A., Jr., see Kim, N. H. WALL, JAMES A., Jr., and ANN LYNN, “Mediation: A Current Review,” 160. WALLACE, MICHAEL D., PETER SUEDFELD, and KIMBERLY L. THACHUK, “Political Rhetoric of Leaders Under Stress in the Gulf Crisis,” 94. WARD, HUGH, “Game Theory and the Politics of the Global Commons,” 203. WEESIE, JEROEN, “Asymmetry and Timing in the Volunteer’s Dilemma,” 569. WILCOX, CLYDE, AIJI TANAKA, and DEE ALLSOP, “World Opinion in the Gulf Crisis,” 69. WILSON, RICK K., see Richards, D. YOUNG, GARRY D., see Richards, D. Articles: “Arab and Jewish Attitudes: Toward a Palestinian State,” Al-Haj et al., 619. “Asymmetry and Timing in the Volunteer’s Dilemma,” Weesie, 569. “Community and Industrial Mediation in South Korea,” Kim et al., 361. “Community Mediation in South Korea: A City-Village Comparison,” Sohn and Wall, Jr., 536. “Cyprus: An Evolutionary Approach to Conflict Resolution,” Hadjipaviou-Trigeorgis and Trigeorgis, 340. “The Decision to Attack Iraq: A Noncompensatory Theory of Decision Making,” Mintz, 595. “Democracy and the Management of International Conflict,” Dixon, 42. “The Economic Theory of Alliances: A Survey,” Sandler, 446. “Expectations, Emotions, and Preferred Responses Regarding the Arab-Israeli Conflict: An Attributional Analysis,” Bizman and Hoffman, 139. “Game Theory and the Politics of the Global Commons,” Ward, 203. “Good Times, Bad Times, and the Diversionary Use of Force: A Tale of Some Not-So-Free Agents,” Richards et al., 504. “Government Coercion of Dissidents: Deterrence or Provocation?” Gupta et al., 301. “Influences on the Duration of Wars, Strikes, Riots, and Family Arguments,” Vuchinich and Teachman, 544. “Intransigence in Negotiations: The Dynamics of Disagreement,” Brams and Doherty, 692. “Mediation: A Current Review,” Wall and Lynn, 160. “The Nature of Dispute and the Effectiveness of International Mediation,” Bercovitch and Langley, 670. “Nice Strategies in a World of Relative Gains: The Problem of Cooperation under Anarchy,” Busch and Reinhardt, 427. “Polarization, Polynomials, and War,” Moul, 735. “Political Rhetoric of Leaders Under Stress in the Gulf Crisis,” Wallace et al., 94 “Presidents, the Use of Military Force, and Public Opinion,” Lian and Oneal, 277. “The Role of Communication in Interindividual-Intergroup Discontinuity,” Insko et al., 108. “Reciprocationg Influence Strategies in Interstate Crisis Bargaining,” Leng, 3. “The Situational Levers of Negotiating Flexibility,” Druckman, 236. “The Social Context of Negotiation: Effects of Social Identity and Interpersonal Accountability on Negotiator Decision Making,” Kramer et al., 633. “Symmetry and Reciprocity in South Africa’s Foreign Policy,” van Wyk and Radloff, 382. “Uncertainty and the Evolution of Cooperation,” Bendor, 709. “The Use of Final Offer Arbitration as a Screening Device,” Curry and Pecorino, 655 “When and How Do Domestic Constraints Matter? Two-Level Games with Uncertainty,” lida, 403. “Why Don’t Democracies Fight Each Other? An Experimental Study,” Mintz and Geva, 484. “World Opinion in the Gulf Crisis,” Wilcox et al., 69.

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