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AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 100 A Albert, R.K. See Henderson, Chi, Albert, Chu, Lamm, Rochon, Jonas, Christie, and Harlan. Aavik, E. See Kallio, Koskinen, Aavik, Vaali, and Lemstém. Alcami, J. See Frade, Llorente, Mellado, Alcami, Gutiérrez- Abdellatif, M. See Agah, Kirshenbaum, Abdellatif, Truong, Ramos, Zaballos, del Real, and Martinez-A. Chakraborty, Michael, and Schneider. Alfaidy, N., Blot-Chabaud, M., Bonvalet, J.-P., and Farman, N. Abe, E. See Lin, Yamate, Taguchi, Borba, Girasole, O’Brien, Vasopressin potentiates mineralocorticoid selectivity by Bellido, Abe, and Manolagas. stimulating !18 hydroxysteroid deshydrogenase in rat col- Abe, H. See Takahashi, Shirono, Arisaka, Takahashi, Yagi, lecting duct. 2437. Koga, Kaji, Okimura, Abe, Tanaka, and Chihara. Allan, S. See Rothwell, Allan, and Toulmond. Abe, K. See Arima, Endo, Yaoita, Omata, Ogawa, Tsunoda, Alper, S. See De Franceschi, Bachir, Galacteros, Tchernia, Abe, Takeuchi, Abe, and Ito. Cynober, Alper, Platt, Beuzard, and Brugnara. Abe, M. See Arima, Endo, Yaoita, Omata, Ogawa, Tsunoda, Alper, S.L. See Rufo, Merlin, Riegler, Ferguson-Maltzman, Abe, Takeuchi, Abe, and Ito. Dickinson, Brugnara, Alper, and Lencer. Abraham, S.N. See Thankavel, Madison, Ikeda, Malaviya, Shah, Alpert, C. See Freedman, Loscalzo, Barnard, Alpert, Keaney, Arumugam, and Abraham. and Michelson. Abraham, W.T. See Lowes, Minobe, Abraham, Rizeq, Bohlmeyer, Alpini, G. See Alvaro, Alpini, Jezequel, Bassotti, Francia, Fraioli, Quaife, Roden, Dutcher, Robertson, Voelkel, Badesch, Romeo, Marucci, Le Sage, Glaser, and Benedetti. Groves, Gilbert, and Bristow. Altare, F. See Jouanguy, Lamhamedi-Cherradi, Altare, Fon- Abramson, S.B. See Clancy, Rediske, Tang, Nijher, Frenkel, Philips, danéche, Tuerlinckx, Blanche, Emile, Gaillard, Schreiber, and Abramson. Levin, Fischer, Hivroz, and Casanova. Abu-Amer, Y., Ross, F.P., Edwards, J., and Teitelbaum, S.L. Altman, D.J. See Blauvelt, Asada, Saville, Klaus-Kovtun, Altman, Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated osteoclastogenesis is medi- Yarchoan, and Katz. ated by tumor necrosis factor via its P55 receptor. 1557. Altomonte, M. See Brasoveanu, Fonsatti, Visintin, Pavlovic, Ackerley, C. See Kent, Iles, Bear, Huan, Griesenbach, McKerlie, Cattarossi, Colizzi, Gasparollo, Coral, Horejsi, Altomonte, Frndova, Ackerley, Gosselin, Radzioch, O’Brodovich, Tsui, and Maio. Buchwald, and Tanswell. Alvarez, U.M. See Gupta, Guo, Alvarez, and Hruska. Adams, M., Montague, C.T., Prins, J.B., Holder, J.C., Smith, Alvaro, D., Alpini, G., Jezequel, A.M., Bassotti, C., Francia, C., S.A., Sanders, L., Digby, J.E., Sewter, C.P., Lazar, M.A., Fraioli, F., Romeo, R., Marucci, L., Le Sage, G., Glaser, S.S., Chatterjee, V.K.K., and O’Rahilly, S. Activators of peroxi- and Benedetti, A. Role and mechanisms of action of acetyl- some proliferator—activated receptor y have depot-specific choline in the regulation of rat cholangiocyte secretory func- effects on human preadipocyte differentiation. 3149. tions. 1349. Correction. 2141. Addison, C.L. See Hogaboam, Vallance, Kumar, Addison, Alyea, E.P. See Claret, Alyea, Orsini, Pickett, Collins, Wang, Graham, Gauldie, and Collins. Neuberg, Soiffer, and Ritz. Adelsberger, J. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Ambruso, D.R. See Wang, Shattil, Ambruso, and Newman. Murphy, Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Amieva, M.R. See O'Toole, Marinkovich, Peavey, Amieva, Baseler, Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Furthmayr, Mustoe, and Woodley. Orenstein, Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Andersen, H.L. See Holm, Korsgaard, Shalmi, Andersen, Margolick, Pantaleo, and Fauci. Hougaard, Skouby, and Stender. Adjei, P.N., Kaufmann, S.H., Leung, W.-Y., Mao, F., and Gores, Andersson, A. See Delaunay, Khan, Cintra, Davani, Ling, G.J. Selective induction of apoptosis in Hep 3B cells by to- Andersson, Ostenson, Gustafsson, Efendic, and Okret. poisomerase I inhibitors: Evidence for a protease-dependent Andreelli, F. See Millet, Vidal, Andreelli, Larrouy, Riou, Ricquier, pathway that does not activate cysteine protease P32: Cor- Laville, and Langin. rection. 951. Angeli, P. See Sacerdoti, Balazy, Angeli, Gatta, and McGiff. Agah, R., Frenkel, P.A., French, B.A., Michael, L.H., Overbeek, Anversa, P. See Li, Li, Wang, Leri, Jana, Liu, Kajstura, Baserga, P.A., and Schneider, M.D. Gene recombination in postmi- and Anversa. totic cells. Targeted expression of Cre recombinase provokes Aoki, T. See Hatano, Aoki, Dezawa, Yusa, litsuka, Koseki, cardiac-restricted, site-specific rearrangement in adult ven- Taniguchi, and Tokuhisa. tricular muscle in vivo. 169. Apostolopoulos, V. See Karanikas, Hwang, Pearson, Ong, —, Kirshenbaum, L.A., Abdellatif, M., Truong, L.D., Chakraborty, Apostolopoulos, Vaughan, Xing, Jamieson, Pietersz, Tait, S., Michael, L.H., and Schneider, M.D. Adenoviral delivery of Broadbent, Thynne, and McKenzie. E2F-1 directs cell cycle reentry and p53-independent apoptosis Appel, R. See Hanley, Jiang, Crumrine, Bass, Appel, Elias, in postmitotic adult myocardium in vivo. 2722. Williams, and Feingold. Agematsu, K. See Yasui, Hu, Nakazawa, Agematsu, and Komiyama. Arahata, K. See Vachon, Xu, Liu, Loechel, Hayashi, Arahata, Agus, D.B., Gambhir, S.S., Pardridge, W.M., Spielholz, C., Reed, Wewer, and Engvall. Baselga, J., Vera, J.C., and Golde, D.W. Vitamin C crosses Aranow, C. See Manheimer-Lory, Zandman-Goddard, Davidson, the blood-brain barrier in the oxidized form through the glu- Aranow, and Diamond. cose transporters. 2842. Argast, G.M. See Bornfeldt, Campbell, Koyama, Argast, Leslie, Ahmad, F., Azevedo, J.L., Jr., Cortright, R., Dohm, G.L., and Raines, Krebs, and Ross. Goldstein, B.J. Alterations in skeletal muscle protein- Argenzio, R.A. See Blikslager, Roberts, Rhoads, and Argenzio. tyrosine phosphatase activity and expression in insulin-resistant Argraves, K.M., Kozarsky, K.F., Fallon, J.T., Harpel, P.C., and human obesity and diabetes. 449. Strickland, D.K. The atherogenic lipoprotein Lp(a) is inter- Aikawa, R., Komuro, I., Yamazaki, T., Zou, Y., Kudoh, S., nalized and degraded in a process mediated by the VLDL Tanaka, M., Shiojima, §., Hiroi, Y., and Yazaki, Y. Oxidative receptor. 2170. stress activates extracellular signal-regulated _ kinases Arima, S., Endo, Y., Yaoita, H., Omata, K., Ogawa, S., Tsunoda, through Src and Ras in cultured cardiac myocytes of neona- K., Abe, M., Takeuchi, K., Abe, K., and Ito, S. Possible role tal rats. 1813. of P-450 metabolite of arachidonic acid in vasodilator mech- Akao, M., Otani, H., Horie, M., Takano, M., Kuniyasu, A., Na- anism of angiotensin II type 2 receptor in the isolated mi- kayama, H., Kouchi, I., Sasayama, S., and Murakami, T. My- croperfused rabbit afferent arteriole. 2816. ocardial ischemia induces differential regulation of KATP Arisaka, QO. See Takahashi, Shirono, Arisaka, Takahashi, Yagi, channel gene expression in rat hearts. 3053. Koga, Kaji, Okimura, Abe, Tanaka, and Chihara. Al-Attar, L., Noél, K., Dutertre, M., Belville, C., Forest, M.G., Arlot, M.E. See Chavassieux, Arlot, Reda, Wei, Yates, and Burgoyne, P.S., Josso, N., and Rey, R. Hormonal and cellu- Meunier. lar regulation of Sertoli cell anti-Miillerian hormone produc- Arner, P. See Large, Hellstrém, Reynisdottir, Lonnqvist, Eriksson, tion in the postnatal mouse. 1335. Lannfelt, and Arner. Albani, S. See La Cava, Nelson, Ollier, MacGregor, Keystone, Arnold, A. See Chung, Smith, Louis, Graeme-Cook, Warshaw, Thorne, Scavulli, Berry, Carson, and Albani. and Arnold. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 3191 Arnold, W. See Bargou, Emmerich, Krappmann, Bommert, Barbuti, R. See Seensalu, Avedian, Barbuti, Song, Slice, and Walsh. Mapara, Arnold, Royer, Grinstein, Greiner, Scheidereit, and Bargou, R.C., Emmerich, F., Krappmann, D., Bommert, K., Dorken. Mapara, M.Y., Arnold, W., Royer, H.D., Grinstein, E., Arreaza, G. See Deutsch, Goligorsky, Schmid, Krebsbach, Greiner, A., Scheidereit, C., and Dérken, B. Constitutive nu- Schmid, Das, Dey, Arreaza, Thorup, Stefano, and Moore. clear factor-«B—RelA activation is required for proliferation Arreaza, G.A., Cameron, M.J., Jaramillo, A., Gill, B.M., Hardy, and survival of Hodgkin’s disease tumor cells. 2961 D., Laupland, K.B., Rapoport, M.J., Zucker, P., Chakra- Barker, E. See Mackewicz, Barker, Greco, Reyes-Teran, and Levy. barti, S., Chensue, S.W., Qin, H.-Y., Singh, B., and Delo- Barnard, M.R. See Freedman, Loscalzo, Barnard, Alpert, vitch, T.L. Neonatal activation of CD28 signaling overcomes Keaney, and Michelson. T cell anergy and prevents autoimmune diabetes by an IL-4— Baron, A.D. See Steinberg, Tarshoby, Monestel, Hook, Cronin, dependent mechanism. 2243. Johnson, Bayazeed, and Baron. Arthos, J. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Murphy, Baron,C . See Zouki, Beauchamp, Baron, and Filep. Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, Baron, R. See Insogna, Sahni, Grey, Tanaka, Horne, Neff, Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, Mitnick, Levy, and Baron. Buchbinder, Saah, Detel!s, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Panta- Barr, E. See Kim, Lin, Barr, Chu, Leiden, and Parmacek. leo, and Fauci. Barrett, K.E. See Eckmann, Stenson, Savidge, Lowe, Barrett, Arumugam, P.M. See Thankavel, Madison, Ikeda, Malaviya, Fierer, Smith, and Kagnoff. Shah, Arumugam, and Abraham. Barrett, P.Q. See Carey, McGrath, Pentz, Gomez, and Barrett. Asada, H. See Blauvelt, Asada, Saville, Klaus-Kovtun, Altman, Barta, A. See Skriner, Sommergruber, Tremmel, Fischer, Barta, Yarchoan, and Katz. Smolen, and Steiner. Askenase, P.W. See Geba, Wegner, Wolyniec, Li, and Askenase. Barthold, S.W. See Sun, Ijdo, Telford, Hodzic, Zhang, Barthold, Athill, C.A. See Kim, Garfinkel, Ikeda, Wu, Athill, Weiss, Kara- and Fikrig. gueuzian, and Chen. Barzilai, N., Wang, J., Massilon, D., Vuguin, P., Hawkins, M., and Avedian, D. See Seensalu, Avedian, Barbuti, Song, Slice, and Rossetti, L. Leptin selectively decreases visceral adiposity Walsh. and enhances insulin action. 3105. Averback, P. See de la Monte, Ghanbari, Frey, Beheshti, Averback, — See Rossetti, Stenbit, Chen, Hu, Barzilai, Katz, and Charron. Hauser, Ghanbari, and Wands. Baseler, M. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Murphy, Aynsley-Green, A. See Kane, Lindley, Johnson, James, Milla, Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, Aynsley-Green, and Dunne. Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, Azam, M. See Gupta, Azam, Yang, and Danziger. Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Pantaleo, Azevedo, J.L., Jr. See Ahmad, Azevedo, Cortright, Dohm, and and Fauci. Goldstein. Baselga, J. See Agus, Gambhir, Pardridge, Spielholz, Baselga, Vera, and Golde. Baserga, R. See Li, Li, Wang, Leri, Jana, Liu, Kajstura, Baserga, and Anversa. Basit, M. See Stein, Stevenson, Chester, Basit, Daniels, Turley, and McGarry. Babinet, C. See Henrion, Terzi, Matrougui, Duriez, Boulanger, Bass, D. See Rott, Rosé, Bass, Williams, Greenberg, and Butcher. Colucci-Guyon, Babinet, Briand, Friedlander, Poitevin, and Bass, N.M. See Hanley, Jiang, Crumrine, Bass, Appel, Elias, Lévy. Williams, and Feingold. — See Terzi, Henrion, Colucci-Guyon, Federici, Babinet, Levy, Bassotti, C. See Alvaro, Alpini, Jezeauel, Bassotti, Francia, Briand, and Friedlander. Fraioli, Romeo, Marucci, Le Sage, Glaser, and Benedetti. Bachir, D. See De Franceschi, Bachir, Galacteros, Tchernia, Batiuk, T.D., Kung, L., and Halloran, P.F. Evidence that cal- Cynober, Alper, Platt, Beuzard, and Brugnara. cineurin is rate-limiting for primary human lymphocyte acti- Badesch, D.B. See Lowes, Minobe, Abraham, Rizeq, Bohlmeyer, vation. 1894. Quaife, Roden, Dutcher, Robertson, Voelkel, Badesch, Battezzati, A. See Perseghin, Regalia, Battezzati, Vergani, Groves, Gilbert, and Bristow. Pulvirenti, Terruzzi, Baratti, Bozzetti, Mazzaferro, and Luzi. Bagger, J.P. See Botker, Moller, Schmitz, Bagger, and Nielsen. Bayazeed, B. See Steinberg, Tarshoby, Monestel, Hook, Cronin, Baggiolini, M. See Uguccioni, Mackay, Ochensberger, Loetscher, Johnson, Bayazeed, and Baron. Rhis, LaRosa, Rao, Ponath, Baggiolini, and Dahinden. Bayne, E.K. See Lark, Bayne, Flanagan, Harper, Hoerrner, Bailey, C.J. See Kulkarni, Wang, Wang, Hurley, Smith, Ghatei, Hutchinson, Singer, Donatelli, Weidner, Williams, Mumford, Withers, Gardiner, Bailey, and Bloom. and Lohmander. Bailey, R.A. See Burns, Desai, Cohen, Hales, Iles, Germain, Baynes, J.W. See Wells-Knecht, Lyons, McCance, Thorpe, and Going, and Bailey. Baynes. Baird, B.F. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Murphy, Bear, C.E. See Kent, Iles, Bear, Huan, Griesenbach, McKerlie, Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, Frndova, Ackerley, Gosselin, Radzioch, O’Brodovich, Tsui, Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, Buchwald, and Tanswell. Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Panta- Beauchamp, M. See Zouki, Beauchamp, Baron, and Filep. leo, and Fauci. Beaudet, A.L. See Munoz, Hawkins, Bullard, Beaudet, and Kaplan. Bakker, M. See van *t Wout, Ran, de Jong, Bakker, van Leeuwen, Beavo, J.A. See Rybalkin, Bornfeldt, Sonnenburg, Rybalkina, Notermans, Loeliger, de Wolf, Danner, Reiss, Boucher, Kwak, Hanson, Krebs, and Beavo. Lange, and Schuitemaker. Beheshti, I. See de la Monte, Ghanbari, Frey, Beheshti, Averback, Balazy, M. See Sacerdoti, Balazy, Angeli, Gatta, and McGiff. Hauser, Ghanbari, and Wands. Balcells,E .S ee Dell’Italia, Meng, Balcells, Wei, Palmer, Hageman, Beijnen, J.H. See Mayer, Wagenaar, Dorobek, Beijnen, Borst, Durand, Hankes, and Oparil. and Schinkel. Baldini, M. See Martinez, Graves, Baldini, Solomon, and Erickson. Beitz, J. See Hershberg, Framson, Cho, Lee, Kovats, Beitz, Blum, Balfour, R. See Zabner, Cheng, Meeker, Launspach, Balfour, and Nepom. Perricone, Morris, Marshall, Fasbender, Smith, and Welsh. Bell, G.I. See Lindner, Gragnoli, Furuta, Cockburn, Petzold, Baloga, J. See Ludvik, Nolan, Roberts, Baloga, Joyce, Bell, and Rietzsch, WeiB, Schulze, and Bell. Oiefsky. Bell, J.M. See Ludvik, Nolan, Roberts, Baloga, Joyce, Bell, and Banks, D.E. See Muraro, Vergelli, Kalbus, Banks, Nagle, Olefsky. Tranquill, Nepom, Biddison, McFarland, and Martin. Bell, P. See Ferrannini, Natali, Bell, Cavallo-Perin, Lalic, and Bansal, V. See Wu, Edberg, Redecha, Bansal, Guyre, Coleman, Mingrone. Salmon, and Kimberly. Bellas, R.E. See Sovak, Bellas, Kim, Zanieski, Rogers, Traish, Baratti,D .S ee Perseghin, Regalia, Battezzati, Vergani, Pulvirenti, and Sonenshein. Terruzzi, Baratti, Bozzetti, Mazzaferro, and Luzi. Bellido, T. See Lin, Yamate, Taguchi, Borba, Girasole, O’Brien, Barbato, E. See Lembo, laccarino, Vecchione, Barbato, Izzo, Bellido, Abe, and Manolagas. Fontana, and Trimarco. Belman, A.L. See Schutzer, Coyle, Krupp, Deng, Belman, Barber, M.T. See Weinberg, Ruggeri, Barber, Biswas, Miknyocki, Dattwyler, and Luft. and Waldman. 3192 Author Index, Volume 100, 1997 Belville, C. See Al-Attar, Noél, Dutertre, Belville, Forest, Burgoyne, dendritic cells by HIV-1 and their mage “4c apture virus are Josso, and Rey. mediated through separate pathways. Benders, A.A.G.M., Groenen, P.J.T.A., Oerlemans, F.T.J.J., Blazar, B.R. See Panoskaltsis-Mortari, oa Yaeger. Wangen- Veerkamp, J.H., and Wieringa, B. Myotonic dystrophy pro- steen, Bitterman, oO bogs and Blazar. tein kinase is involved in the modulation of the Ca?* homeo- Blikslager, A.T., Roberts,M oads, J.M., and Argenzio, stasis in skeletal muscle cells. 1440. R.A. Prostaglandins I, an E, have a synergistic role in res- Benedetti, A. See Alvaro, Alpini, Jezequel, Bassotti, Francia, cuing epithelial barrier function in porcine ileum. 1928 Fraioli, Romeo, Marucci, Le Sage, Glaser, and Benedetti. Bloch, D.B. See Filippov, Bloch, and Bloch. Bennet, W.M. See Wang, Kulkarni, Wang, Smith, Ghatei, Bloch, K.D. See Filippov, Bloch, and Bloch. Byfield, Bennet, and Bloom. — See Head, Brugnara, Martinez-Ruiz, Kacmarek, Bridges, Benya, R.V. See Ferris, Carroll, Rasenick, and Benya. Kuter, Bloch, and Zapol. Berendt, A.R. See McCormick, Craig, Roberts, Newbold, and Bloks,V . See Kuipers, Jong, Lin, van Eck, Havinga, Bloks, Verkade, Berendt. Hofker, Moshage, van Berkel, Vonk, and Havekes. Berglund, L. See Pillarisetti, Paka, Obunike, Berglund, and Bloom, S.R. See Kulkarni, Wang, Wang, Hurley, Smith, Ghatei, Goldberg. Withers, Gardiner, Bailey, and Bloom. Bergman, G. See McCaffrey, Du, Consigli, Szabo, Bray, Hartner, — See Wang, Kulkarni, Wang, Smith, Ghatei, Byfield, Bennet, Weksler, Sanborn, Bergman, and Bush. and Bloom. Bergman, R.N. See Mittelman, Fu, Rebrin, Steil, and Bergman. Blot-Chabaud, M. See Alfaidy, Blot-Chabaud, Bonvalet, and Bergsten, P. See Westerlund, Gylfe, and Bergsten. Farman. Bermas, B.L., and Hill, J.A. Proliferative responses to recall anti- Bluhm, W.F. See He, Giordano, Hilal-Dandan, Choi, Rockman, gens are associated with pregnancy outcome in women with McDonough, Bluhm, Meyer, Sayen, Swanson, and a history of recurrent spontaneous abortion. 1330. Dillmann. Berry, C.C. See La Cava, Nelson, Ollier, MacGregor, Keystone, Blum, J.S. See Hershberg, Framson, Cho, Lee, Kovats, Beitz, Thorne, Scavulli, Berry, Carson, and Albani. Blum, and Nepom. Bertoni, R., Sidney, J., Fowler, P., Chesnut, R.W., Chisari, F.V., Blum, W.F. See Wabitsch, Blum, Muche, Braun, Hube, Rascher, and Sette, A. Human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen- Heinze, Teller, and Hauner. bindirg supermotifs predict broadly cross-reactive cytotoxic Boden, G., Chen, X., Kolaczynski, J.W., and Polansky, M. Ef- T lymphocyte responses in patients with acute hepatitis. 503. fects of prolonged hyperinsulinemia on serum leptin in nor- Bessler, M. See Rosti, Tremml, Soares, Pandolfi, Luzzatto, and mal human subjects. 1107. Bessler. Boerman, O.C. See van der Laken, Boerman, Oyen, van de Ven, Bettens, F. See Schnyder, Mauri-Hellweg, Zanni, Bettens, and Chizzonite, Corstens, and van der Meer. Pichler. Bohimeyer, T.J. See Lowes, Minobe, Abraham, Rizeq, Bohlm- Beuzard, Y. See De Franceschi, Bachir, Galacteros, Tchernia, eyer, Quaife, Roden, Dutcher, Robertson, Voelkel, Ba- Cynober, Alper, Platt, Beuzard, and Brugnara. desch, Groves, Gilbert, and Bristow. Bhatia, M. See Gerard, Frossard, Bhatia, Saluja, Gerard, Lu, and Bohm, S.K. See Corvera, Déry, McConalogue, Béhm, Khitin, Steer. Caughey, Payan, and Bunnett. Bhattacharya, J. See Ragette, Fu, and Bhattacharya. Bohrer, H., Qiu, F., Zimmermann, T., Zhang, Y., Jilmer, T., Bialik, S., Geenen, D.L., Sasson, I.E., Cheng, R., Horner, J.W., Mannel, D., Bottiger, B.W., Stern, D.M., W: rr, R., Saeger, Evans, S.M., Lord, E.M., Koch, C.J., and Kitsis, R.N. Myo- H.-D., Ziegler, R., Bierhaus, A., Martin, E., and Nawroth, cyte apoptosis during acute myocardial infarction in the P.P. Role of NF«B in the mortality of sepsis. 972. mouse localizes to hypoxic regions but occurs independently Bokemeyer, D., Guglielmi, K.E., McGinty, A., Sorokin, A., Lianos, of p53. 1363. E.A., and Duan, M.J. Activation of extracellular signal-regu- Biber, J. See Fernandes, Hampson, Cahours, Morin, Coureau, lated kinase in prro liferative glomerulonephritis in rats. 582. Couette, Prie, Biber, Murer, Friedlander, and Silve. Bommert, K. See Bargou, Emmerich, Krappmann, Bommert, Bidani, A.K. See Churchill, Churchill, Bidani, Griffin, Picken, Mapara, Arnold, Royer, Grinstein, Greiner, Scheidereit, and Pravenec, Kren, St. Lezin, Wang, Wang, and Kurtz. Dorken. Biddison, W.E. See Muraro, Vergelli, Kalbus, Banks, Nagle, Bonfield, T. See van Heeckeren, Walenga, Konstan, Bonfield, Tranquill, Nepom, Biddison, McFarland, and Martin. Davis, and Ferkol. Bierhaus, A. See Bohrer, Qiu, Zimmermann, Zhang, Jllmer, Bonnefont, J.-P. See de Loniay, Fournet, Rahier, Gross-Morand, Mannel, Bottiger, Stern, Waldherr, Saeger, Ziegler, Bierhaus, Poggi-Travert, Foussier, Bonnefont, Brusset, Brunelle, Robert, Martin, and Nawroth. Nihoul-Fékété, Saudubray, and Junien. Bijlsma, J.W.J. See van Roon, van Eden, van Roy, Lafeber, and Bonvalet, J.-P. See Alfaidy, Blot-Chabaud, Bonvalet, and Farman. Bijlsma. Boonmark, N.W., Lou, X.J., Yang, Z.J., Schwartz, K., Zhang, J.-L., Biiato, C., Curto, K.A., Monticone, R.E., —— R.R., White, Rubin, E.M., and Lawn, R.M. Modification of apolipopro- A.J., and Crow, M.T. The inhibition of vascular smooth mus- tein(a) lysine binding site reduces atherosclerosis in trans- cle cell migration by peptide and antibody antagonists of the genic mice. 558. a,B; integrin complex is reversed by activated calcium/cal- Borba, V.Z.C. See Lin, Yamate, Taguchi, Borba, Girasole, modulin-dependent protein kinase II. 693. O’Brien, Bellido, Abe, and Manolagas. Billiar, T.R. See Shears, Kawaharada, Tzeng, Billiar, Watkins, Boring, L., Gosling, J., Chensue, S.W., Kunkel, S.L., Farese, Kovesdi, Lizonova, and Pham. R.V., Jr., Broxmeyer, H.E., and Charo, I.F. Impaired mono- Birkenhager, J.C. See Uitterlinden, Burger, Huang, Odding, van cyte migration and reduced type | (Th1) cytokine responses Duijn, Hofman, Birkenhager, van Leeuwen, and Pols. in C-C chemokine receptor 2 knockout mice. 2552. Biswas, S. See Weinberg, Ruggeri, Barber, Biswas, Miknyocki, Borkowski, T.A., Letterio, J.J., Mackall, C.L., Saitoh, A.,h en m4 and Waldman. J., Roop, D.R., Gress, R.E., and 7 M.C. A role for TGFB1 Bitterman, P.B. See Panoskaltsis-Mortari, Taylor, Yaeger, in Langerhans cell biology. Further characterization of the epi- Wangensteen, Bitterman, Ingbar, Vallera, and Blazar. dermal Langerhans cell defect in TGFB1 null mice. 575. Biack, S.M., Johengen, M.J., Ma, Z.-D., Bristow, J., and Soifer, Bornfeldt, K.E., Cam: S., Koyama, H., Argast, G.M., Leslie, S.J. Ventilation and oxygenation induce endothelial nitric C.C., Raines, E.W., Krebs, E.G., and Ross, R. The mitogen- oxide synthase gene expression in the lungs of fetal lambs. activated protein kinase pathway can mediate growth inhibi- 1448. tion and proliferation in smooth muscle cells. Dependence Blackshear, P.J. See Carballo, Gilkeson, and Blackshear. on the availability of downstream targets. 875. Blanche, S. See Jouanguy, Lamhamedi-Cherradi, Altare, — See Rybalkin, Bornfeldt, Sonnenburg, Rybalkina, Kwak, Fondanéche, Tuerlinckx, Blanche, Emile, Gaillard, Hanson, Krebs, and Beavo. Schreiber, Levin, Fischer, Hivroz, and Casanova. Borst, P. See Crawford, Smith, Hatch, Oude Elferink, Borst, and Biantz, R.C. See Schwartz, Mendonca, Schwartz, Xia, Satriano, Crawford. Wilson, and Blantz. — See Mayer, Wagenaar, Dorobek, Beijnen, Borst, and Schinkel. Biaser, M.J. Ecology of Helicobacter pylori in the human stom- Bortolin, M.T. See De Paoli, Zanussi, Simonelli, Bortolin, ach. 759 D’ Andrea, Crepaldi, Talamini, Comar, Giacca, and Tirelli. Blauvelt, A., Asada, H., Saville, M.W., Klaus-Kovtun, V., Altman, Boss, O. See Revelli, Preitner, Samec, Muniesa, Kuehne, Boss, D.J., Yarchoan, R., and Katz, S.I. Productive infection of Vassalli, Dulloo, Seydoux, Giacobino, Huarte, and Ody. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 3193 — See Siegrist-Kaiser, Pauli, Juge-Aubry, Boss, Pernin, Chin, Broxmeyer, H.E. See Boring, Gosling, Chensue, Kunkel, Farese, Cusin, Rohner-Jeanrenaud, Burger, Zapf, and Meier. Broxmeyer, and Charo. Botker, H.E., Moller, N., Schmitz, O., Bagger, J.P., and Nielsen, Bruce, L.J., Cope, D.L., Jones, G.K., Schofield, A.E., Burley, M., T.T. Myocardial insulin resistance in patients with syndrome Povey, S., Unwin, R.J., Wrong, O., and Tanner, M.J.A. Fa- X. 1919. milial distal renal tubular acidosis is associated with muta- Béttiger, B.W. See Bohrer, Qiu, Zimmermann, Zhang, Jilmer, tions in the red cell anion exchanger (band 3, AE/) gene. Mannel, Béttiger, Stern, Waldherr, Saeger, Ziegler, Bierhaus, 1693. Martin, and Nawroth. Bruggeman, L.A., Dikman, S., Meng, C., Quaggin, S.E., Coffman, Bouchard, C. See Lembertas, Pérusse, Chagnon, Fisler, Warden, T.M., and Klotman, P.E. Nephropathy in human immunode- Purcell-Huynh, Dionne, Gagnon, Nadeau, Lusis, and ficiency virus-1 transgenic mice is due to renal transgene ex- Bouchard. pression. 84. Boucher, C.A.B. See van *t Wout, Ran, de Jong, Bakker, van Brugnara, C. See Browne, Shalev, Kuypers, Brugnara, Solovey, Leeuwen, Notermans, Loeliger, de Wolf, Danner, Reiss, Mohandas, Schrier, and Hebbel. Boucher, Lange, and Schuitemaker. — See De Franceschi, Bachir, Galacteros, Tchernia, Cynober, Boucher, R.C. See Knowles, Robinson, Wood, Pue, Mentz, Alper, Platt, Beuzard, and Brugnara. Wager, Gatzy, and Boucher. — See Head, Brugnara, Martinez-Ruiz, Kacmarek, Bridges, Bouchie, J.L. See Foili, Kahn, Hansen, Bouchie, and Feener. Kuter, Bloch, and Zapol. Boudreau, N. See Zhou, Boudreau, Coulber, Hammarback, and — See Rufo, Merlin, Riegler, Ferguson-Maltzman, Dickinson, Rabinovitch. Brugnara, Alper, and Lencer. Boulanger, C.M. See Henrion, Terzi, Matrougui, Duriez, Bou- Brunelle, F. See de Lonlay, Fournet, Rahier, Gross-Morand, langer, Colucci-Guyon, Babinet, Briand, Friedlander, Poitevin, Poggi-Travert, Foussier, Bonnefont, Brusset, Brunelle, and Lévy. Robert, Nihoul-Fékété, Saudubray, and Junien. Bowen-Pope, D.F. See Hugo, Shankland, Bowen-Pope, Couser, Brusset, M.-C. See de Lonlay, Fournet, Rahier, Gross-Morand, and Johnson. Poggi-Travert, Foussier, Bonnefont, Brusset, Brunelle, Bowman, J.C., Steinberg, S.F., Jiang, T., Geenen, D.L., Fishman, Robert, Nihoul-Fékété, Saudubray, and Junien. G.L, and Buttrick, P.M. Expression of protein kinase C B in Bryant, A.E. See Bunting, Lorant, Bryant, Zimmerman, McIntyre, the heart causes hypertrophy in adult mice and sudden death Stevens, and Prescott. in neonates. 2189. Bryson, J.S. See Karounos, Bryson, and Cohen. Bozzetti, F. See Perseghin, Regalia, Battezzati, Vergani, Pulvirenti, Buchan, A. See Ling, Lougheed, Suzuki, Buchan, Kodama, and Terruzzi, Baratti, Bozzetti, Mazzaferro, and Luzi. Steinbrecher. Bradley, D.S., Nabozny, G.H., Cheng, S., Zhou, P., Griffiths, Buchbinder, S. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Murphy, M.M., Luthra, H.S., and David, C.S. HLA-DOQB1 polymor- Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, phism determines incidence, onset, and severity of collagen- Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, induced arthritis in transgenic mice. Implications in human Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Panta- rheumatoid arthritis. 2227. leo, and Fauci. Bradley, K.L. See Schwarze, Hamelmann, Bradley, Takeda, and Buchwald, M. See Kent, Iles, Bear, Huan, Griesenbach, McKerlie. Gelfand. Frndova, Ackerley, Gosselin, Radzioch, O’Brodovich, Tsui, Bragin, A. See Xiong, Bragin, Widdicombe, Cohn, and Skach. Buchwald, and Tanswell. Brasoveanu, L.L., Fonsatti, E., Visintin, A., Pavlovic, M., Cattarossi, Buechner, S.A., Wernli, M., Harr, T., Hahn, S., Itin, P., and Erb, L., Colizzi, F., Gasparollo, A., Coral, S., Horejsi, V., Altomonte, P. Regression of basal cell carcinoma by intralesional inter- M., and Maio, M. Melanoma cells constitutively release an feron-alpha treatment is mediated by CD95 (Apo-1/Fas)— anchor-positive soluble form of protectin (sCD59) that re- CD95 ligand-induced suicide. 2691. tains functional activities in homologous complement- Bullard, D.C. See Munoz, Hawkins, Bullard, Beaudet, and Kaplan. mediated cytotoxicity. 1248. Bunnett, N.W. See Corvera, Déry, McConalogue, Béhm, Khitin, Braun, M. See Wabitsch, Blum, Muche, Braun, Hube, Rascher, Caughey, Payan, and Bunnett. Heinze, Teller, and Hauner. Bunting, M., Lorant, D.E., Bryant, A.E., Zimmerman, G.A., Bray, P. J. See McCaffrey, Du, Consigli, Szabo, Bray, Hartner, Mcintyre, T.M., Stevens, D.L., and Prescott, S.M. Alpha Weksler, Sanborn, Bergman, and Bush. toxin from Clostridium perfringens induces proinflammatory Bredt, D.S. See Christopherson and Bredt. changes in endothelial cells. 565. Brenneman, D.E. See Gressens, Marret, Hill, Brenneman, Gozes, Burant, C.F., Sreenan, S., Hirano, K.-i., Tai, T.-A.C., Lohmiller, Fridkin, and Evrard. J., Lukens, J., Davidson, N.O., Ross, S., and Graves, R.A. Breslow, J.L. See Yin, Loike, Kako, Weinstock, Breslow, Silverstein, Troglitazone action is independent of adipose tissue. 2900. and Goldberg. Burdach, S. See Dirksen, Nishinakamura, Groneck, Hattenhorst, Briand, P. See Henrion, Terzi, Matrougui, Duriez, Boulanger, Nogee, Murray, and Burdach. Colucci-Guyon, Babinet, Briand, Friedlander, Poitevin, and Burger, A.G. See Siegrist-Kaiser, Pauli, Juge-Aubry, Boss, Pernin, Lévy. Chin, Cusin, Rohner-Jeanrenaud, Burger, Zapf, and Meier. — See Terzi, Henrion, Colucci-Guyon, Federici, Babinet, Levy, Burger, H. See Uitterlinden, Burger, Huang, Odding, van Duijn, Briand, and Friedlander. Hofman, Birkenhager, van Leeuwen, and Pols. Bridges, K.R. See Head, Brugnara, Martinez-Ruiz, Kacmarek, Burgoyne, P.S. See Al-Attar, Noél, Dutertre, Belville, Forest, Bridges, Kuter, Bloch, and Zapol. Burgoyne, Josso, and Rey. Brinkhous, K.M. See Chang, Monroe, Stafford, Brinkhous, and Burkett, E. See Kalhan, Rossi, Gruca, Burkett, and O’Brien. Roberts. Burkhart, C.A. See Kavallaris, Kuo, Burkhart, Regl, Norris, Bristow, J. See Black, Johengen, Ma, Bristow, and Soifer. Haber, and Horwitz. Bristow, M.R. See Lowes, Minobe, Abraham, Rizeq, Bohlmeyer, Burky, S.A. See Salgia, Li, Ewaniuk, Pear, Pisick, Burky, Ernst, Quaife, Roden, Dutcher, Robertson, Voelkel, Badesch, Sattler, Chen, and Griffin. Groves, Gilbert, and Bristow. Burley, M. See Bruce, Cope, Jones, Schofield, Burley, Povey, — See Nakao, Minobe, Roden, Bristow, and Leinwand. Unwin, Wrong, and Tanner. Broadbent, R. See Karanikas, Hwang, Pearson, Ong, Apostol- Burns, K.D. See Mangat, Peterson, and Burns. opoulos, Vaughan, Xing, Jamieson, Pietersz, Tait, Broadbent, Burns, S.P., Desai, M., Cohen, R.D., Hales, C.N., Iles, R.A., Thynne, and McKenzie. Germain, J.P., Going, T.C.H., and Bailey, R.A. Gluconeo- Brown, J.R. See Cook, Piepkorn, Clegg, Plowman, DeMay, genesis, glucose handling, and structural changes in livers of Brown, and Pittelkow. the adult offspring of rats partially deprived of protein dur- Brown, M.S. See Shimano, Shimomura, Hammer, Herz, Goldstein, ing pregnancy and lactation. 1768. Brown, and Horton. Busby, W.H., Jr. See Imai, Busby, Smith, Clarke, Garmong, Brown, S.C. See Fassati, Wells, Sgro Serpente, Walsh, Brown, Horwitz, Rees, and Clemmons. Strong, and Dickson. Bush, H.L., Jr. See McCaffrey, Du, Consigli, Szabo, Bray, Hartner, Browne, P.V., Shalev, O., Kuypers, F.A., Brugnara, C., Solovey, Weksler, Sanborn, Bergman, and Bush. A., Mohandas, N., Schrier, S.L., and Hebbel, R.P. Removal Busik, J.V., Hootman, S.R., Greenidge, C.A., and Henry, D.N. of erythrocyte membrane iron in vivo ameliorates the patho- Glucose-specific regulation of aldose reductase in Capan-1 biology of murine thalassemia. 1459. human pancreatic duct cells in vitro. 1685. 3194 Author Index, Volume 100, 1997 Bustos, M., Coffman, T.M., Saadi, S., and Platt, J.L. Modulation Celeste, A.J. See Wolfman, Hattersley, Cox, Celeste, Nelson, of eicosanoid metabolism in endothelial cells in a xenograft Yamaji, Dube, DiBlasio-Smith, Nove, Song, Wozney, and model. Role of cyclooxygenase-2. 1150. Rosen. Butcher, E.C. See Rott, Rosé, Bass, Williams, Greenberg, and Cella, L.K. See Schoeller, Cella, Sinha, and Caro. Butcher. Cerasoli, F., Jr. See Magari, Rivera, luliucci, Gilman, and Buttrick, P.M. See Bowman, Steinberg, Jiang, Geenen, Fishman, Cerasoli. and Buttrick. Cespedes, S. See Van Cauter, Plat, Scharf, Leproult, Cespedes, Byfield, P.G.H. See Wang, Kulkarni, Wang, Smith, Ghatei, By- L’Hermite-Balériaux, and Copinschi. field, Bennet, and Bloom. Chabot, S., Williams, G., and Yong, V.W. Microglial production Byrne, M.M. See Cavaghan, Ehrmann, Byrne, and Polonsky. of TNF-a is induced by activated T lymphocytes. Involve- ment of VLA-4 and inhibition by interferonB-1b. 604. Chagnon, Y.C. See Lembertas, Pérusse, Chagnon, Fisler, Warden, Purcell-Huynh, Dionne, Gagnon, Nadeau, Lusis, and Cc Bouchard. Chakrabarti, S. See Arreaza, Cameron, Jaramillo, Gill, Hardy, Cabahug, C.J. See McNurlan, Garlick, Steigbigel, DeCristofaro, Laupland, Rapoport, Zucker, Chakrabarti, Chensue, Qin, Frost, Lang, Johnson, Santasier, Cabahug, Fuhrer, and Gelato. Singh, and Delovitch. Cabot, P.J., Carter, L., Gaiddon, C., Zhang, Q., Schiifer, M., Loef- Chakraborty, S. See Agah, Kirshenbaum, Abdellatif, Truong, fler, J.P., and Stein, C. Immune cell-derived B-endorphin. Pro- Chakraborty, Michael, and Schneider. duction, release, and control of inflammatory pain in rats. 142. Cham, C.M. See Véniant, Pierotti, Newland, Cham, Sanan, Cahours, X. See Fernandes, Hampson, Cahours, Morin, Coureau, Walzem, and Young. Couette, Prie, Biber, Murer, Friedlander, and Silve. Se A. See Takada, Chandraker, Nadeau, Sayegh, and Cai, L. See Lee, Cai, Hiibner, Lee, and Lindpaintner. ilney. Calabretta, B. See Santra, Mann, Mercer, Skorski, Calabretta, Chang, J.-Y., Monroe, D.M., Stafford, D.W., Brinkhous, K.M.. and Iozzo. and Roberts, H.R. Replacing the first epidermal growth factor- Calhoun, W. See Guo, Uetani, Haque, Williams, Dweik, Thunnis- like domain of Factor IX with that of Factor VII enhances sen, Calhoun, and Erzurum. activity in vitro and in canine hemophilia B. 886. Camacho, S.A. See Chang, Figueredo, Schreur, Kariya, Weiner, Chang, K.C., Figueredo, V.M., Schreur, J.H.M., Kariya, K.-i., Simpson, and Camacho. Weiner, M.W., Simpson, P.C., and Camacho, S.A. Thyroid Cameron, M.J. See Arreaza, Cameron, Jaramillo, Gill, Hardy, hormone improves function and Ca?* handling in pressure Laupland, Rapoport, Zucker, Chakrabarti, Chensue, Qin, overload hypertrophy. Association with increased sarcoplas- Singh, and Delovitch. mic reticulum Ca**-ATPase and a-myosin heavy chain in rat Campbell, J.S. See Bornfeldt, Campbell, Koyama, Argast, Leslie, hearts. 1742. Raines, Krebs, and Ross. Chang, K.-M., Rehermann, B., McHutchison, J.G., Pasquinelli, Canalis, E. See Franchimont, Rydziel, and Canalis. C., Southwood, S., Sette, A., and Chisari, F.V. Immunologi- Carballo, E., Gilkeson, G.S., and Blackshear, P.J. Bone marrow cal significance of cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope variants in transplantation reproduces the tristetraprolin-deficiency patients chronically infected by the hepatitis C virus. 2376. syndrome in recombination activating gene-2 (—/—) mice. Chang, T.Y. SREBPs, membrane lipid biosynthesis, and fatty Evidence that monocyte/macrophage progenitors may be re- acids. 1905. sponsible for TNFa overproduction. 986. Chanock, S.J. See Gérlach, Lee, Roesler, Hopkins, Christensen, Carey, R.M., McGrath, H.E., Pentz, E.S., Gomez, R.A., and Barrett, Green, Chanock, and Curnutte. P.Q. Biomechanical coupling in renin-releasing cells. 1566. Chao, J., Stallone, J.N., Liang, Y.-M., Chen, L.-M., Wang, D.-Z., — See Siragy and Carey. and Chao, L. Kallistatin is a potent new vasodilator. 11. Carlson, E.J. See Ma, Yang, Gillespie, Carlson, Epstein, and Chao, L. See Chao, Stallone, Liang, Chen, Wang, and Chao. Verkman. Chapman, H.A. See Waltz, Natkin, Fujita, Wei, and Chapman. Caro, J.F. See Schoeller, Cella, Sinha, and Caro. Charo, LF. See Boring, Gosling, Chensue, Kunkel, Farese, Caron, R.J. See Wolf, Ziyadeh, Thaiss, Tomaszewski, Caron, Broxmeyer, and Charo. Wenzel, Zahner, Helmchen, and Stahl. Charron, M.J. See Rossetti, Stenbit, Chen, Hu, Barzilai, Katz, Carr, T.P. See Rudel, Haines, Sawyer, Shah, Wilson, and Carr. and Charron. Carroll, R.E. See Ferris, Carroll, Rasenick, and Benya. — See Tsao, Stenbit, Li, Houseknecht, Zierath, Katz, and Charron. Carson, D.A. See La Cava, Nelson, Ollier, MacGregor, Keystone, Chatterjee, V.K.K. See Adams, Montague, Prins, Holder, Smith, Thorne, Scavulli, Berry, Carson, and Albani. Sanders, Digby, Sewter, Lazar, Chatterjee, and O’Rahilly. Carter, E.P., Umenishi, F., Matthay, M.A., and Verkman, A.S. Chaturvedi, S., and Newman, S.L. Modulation of the effector Developmental changes in water permeability across the al- function of human macrophages for Histoplasma capsulatum veolar barrier in perinatal rabbit tung. 1071. by HIV-1. Role of the envelope glycoprotein gp120. 1465. Carter, L. See Cabot, Carter, Gaiddon, Zhang, Schafer, Loeffler, Chavassieux, P.M., Arlot, M.E., Reda, C., Wei, L., Yates, A.J., and Stein. and Meunier, P.J. Histomorphometric assessment of the Casadevall, M. See Elizalde, Gomez, Panés, Lozano, Casadevall, long-term effects of alendronate on bone quality and remod- Ramirez, Pizcueta, Marco, Diaz de Rojas, Granger, and Piqué. eling in patients with osteoporosis. 1475. Casanova, J.-L. See Jouanguy, Lamhamedi-Cherradi, Altare, Chaves-Olarte, E., Weidmann, M., von Eichel-Streiber, C., and Fondanéche, Tuerlinckx, Blanche, Emile, Gaillard, Thelestam, M. Toxins A and B from Clostridium diffic ile dif- Schreiber, Levin, Fischer, Hivroz, and Casanova. fer with respect to enzymatic potencies, cellular substrate Castellani, L.W., Navab, M., Van Lenten, B.J., Hedrick, C.C., specificities, and surface binding to cultured cells. 1734. Hama, S.Y., Goto, A.M., Fogelman, A.M., and Lusis, A.J. Chen, J.-Y. See Lay, Tsao, Chen, Kadin, and Su. Overexpression of apolipoprotein AII in transgenic mice Chen, L.B. See Salgia, Li, Ewaniuk, Pear, Pisick, Burky, Ernst, converts high density lipoproteins to proinflammatory parti- Sattler, Chen, and Griffin. cles. 464. Chen, L.-M. See Chao, Stallone, Liang, Chen, Wang, and Chao. Cattarossi, I. See Brasoveanu, Fonsatti, Visintin, Pavlovic, Catta- Chen, N.-G., Swick, A.G., and Romsos, D.R. Leptin constrains rossi, Colizzi, Gasparollo, Coral, Horejsi, Altomonte, and Maio. acetylcholine-induced insulin secretion from pancreatic islets Cattran, D. See Pei, Scholey, Thai, Suzuki, and Cattran. of ob/ob mice. 1174. Catz, I. See Wucherpfennig, Catz, Hausmann, Strominger, Chen,P .-S. See Kim, Garfinkel, Ikeda, Wu, Athill, Weiss, Steinman, and Warren. Karagueuzian, and Chen. Caughey, G.H. See Corvera, Déry, McConalogue, Bohm, Khitin, Chen,S . See Daugherty, Puré, Delfel-Butteiger, Chen, Leferovich, Caughey, Payan, and Bunnett. Roselaar, and Rader. Cavaghan, M.K., Ehrmann, D.A., Byrne, M.M., and Polonsky, Chen, W. See Rossetti, Stenbit, Chen, Hu, Barzilai, Katz, and K.S. Treatment with the oral antidiabetic agent troglitazone Charron. improves £ cell responses to glucose in subjects with im- Chen,X . See Boden, Chen, Kolaczynski, and Polansky. paired glucose tolerance. 530. Chen,Y . See Kang, Chen, Yu, Voss-McCowan, and Epstein. Cavallo-Perin, P. See Ferrannini, Natali, Bell, Cavallo-Perin, Lalic, — See Zhang, Yang, Horton, Samoilova, Judge, Turka, Wilson, and Mingrone. and Chen. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 3195 Cheng, R. See Bialik, Geenen, Sasson, Cheng, Horner, Evans, Clarke, J.B. See Imai, Busby, Smith, Clarke, Garmong, Horwitz, Lord, Koch, and Kitsis. Rees, and Clemmons. Cheng, S. See Bradley, Nabozny, Cheng, Zhou, Griffiths, Luthra, Clegg, C.H. See Cook, Piepkorn, Clegg, Plowman, DeMay, and David. rown, and Pittelkow. Cheng, S.H. See Zabner, Cheng, Meeker, Launspach, Balfour, Clemmons, D.R. See Imai, Busby, Smith, Clarke, Garmong, Perricone, Morris, Marshall, Fasbender, Smith, and Welsh. Horwitz, Rees, and Clemmons. Chensue, 8.W. See Arreaza, Cameron, Jaramillo, Gill, Hardy, Cline, G.W. See Russell, Cline, Guthrie, Goodwin, Shulman, and Laupland, Rapoport, Zucker, Chakrabarti, Chensue, Qin, Taegtmeyer. Singh, and Delovitch. Clouthier, D.E., Comerford, S.A., and Hammer, R.E. Hepatic fi- — See Boring, Gosling, Chensue, Kunkel, Farese, Broxmeyer, brosis, glomerulosclerosis, and a lipodystrophy-like syn- and Charo. drome in PEPCK-TGF-f1 transgenic mice. 2697. Chernausek, S. See Wang, Niu, Nikiforov, Naito, Chernausek, Cobelli, C. See Utriainen, Nuutila, Takala, Vicini, Ruotsalainen, Witte, LeRoith, Strauch, and Fagin. R6nnemaa, Tolvanen, Raitakari, Haaparanta, Kirvela, Cobelli, Chesnut, R.W. See Bertoni, Sidney, Fowler, Chesnut, Chisari, and Yki-Jarvinen. and Sette. Cockburn, B.N. See Lindner, Gragnoli, Furuta, Cockburn, Petzold, Chester, M.W. See Stein, Stevenson, Chester, Basit, Daniels, Turley, Rietzsch, WeiB, Schulze, and Bell. and McGarry. Coffman, T.M. See Bruggeman, Dikman, Meng, Quaggin, Coffman, Chi, E.Y. See Henderson, Chi, Albert, Chu, Lamm, Rochon, Jonas, and Klotman. Christie, and Harlan. — See Bustos, Coffman, Saadi, and Platt. Chiang, T.M., and Kang, A.H. A synthetic peptide derived from Cohen, D.A. See Karounos, Bryson, and Cohen. the sequence of a type I collagen receptor inhibits type I col- Cohen, O.J., Vaccarezza, M., Lam, G.K., Baird, B.F., Wildt, K., lagen-mediated platelet aggregation. 2079. Murphy, P.M., Zimmerman, P.A., Nutman, T.B., Fox, C.H., —, Rinaldy, A., and Kang, A.H. Cloning, characterization, and Hoover, S., Adelsberger, J., Baseler, M., Arthos, J., Davey, functional studies of a nonintegrin platelet receptor for type R.T., Jr., Dewar, R.L., Metcalf, J., Schwartzentruber, D.J., I collagen. 514. Orenstein, J.M., Buchbinder, S., Saah, A.J., Detels, R., Chihara, K. See Takahashi, Shirono, Arisaka, Takahashi, Yagi, Phair, J., Rinaldo, C., Margolick, J.B., Pantaleo, G., and Koga, Kaji, Okimura, Abe, Tanaka, and Chihara. Fauci, A.S. Heterozygosity for a defective gene for cc Chin, W.W. See Siegrist-Kaiser, Pauli, Juge-Aubry, Boss, Pernin, chemokine receptor 5 is not the sole determinant for the im- Chin, Cusin, Rohner-Jeanrenaud, Burger, Zapf, and Meier. munologic and virologic phenotype of HIV-infected long- Chisari, F.V. See Bertoni, Sidney, Fowler, Chesnut, Chisari, and term nonprogressors. 1581. Sette. Cohen, R.D. See Burns, Desai, Cohen, Hales, Iles, Germain, — See Chang, Rehermann, McHutchison, Pasquinelli, Southwood, Going, and Bailey. Sette, and Chisari. Cohn, J. See Xiong, Bragin, Widdicombe, Cohn, and Skach. Chizzonite, R. See van der Laken, Boerman, Oyen, van de Ven, Colbert, M.C., Hall, D.G., Kimball, T.R., Witt, S.A., Lorenz, Chizzonite, Corstens, and van der Meer. J.N., Kirby, M.L., Hewett, T.E., Klevitsky, R., and Robbins, Cho, D.H. See Hershberg, Framson, Cho, Lee, Kovats, Beitz, J. Cardiac compartment-specific overexpression of a modi- Blum, and Nepom. fied retinoic acid receptor produces dilated cardiomyopathy Choi, D.-J. See He, Giordano, Hilal-Dandan, Choi, Rockman, and congestive heart failure in transgenic mice. 1958. McDonough, Bluhm, Meyer, Sayen, Swanson, and Dillmann. Coleman, K. See Wu, Edberg, Redecha, Bansal, Guyre, Coleman, Christensen, B. See Gérlach, Lee, Roesler, Hopkins, Christensen, Salmon, and Kimberly. Green, Chanock, and Curnutte. Colizzi, F. See Brasoveanu, Fonsatti, Visintin, Pavlovic, Catta- Christiansen, M. See Hellerstein, Neese, Linfoot, Christiansen, rossi, Colizzi, Gasparollo, Coral, Horejsi, Altomonte, and Maio. Turner, and Letscher. Collins, H. See Claret, Alyea, Orsini, Pickett, Collins, Wang, Christie, P.E. See Henderson, Chi, Albert, Chu, Lamm, Rochon, Neuberg, Soiffer, and Ritz. Jonas, Christie, and Harlan. Collins, S.M. See Hogaboam, Vallance, Kumar, Addison, Graham, Christodoulides, N. See Wagner, Durante, Christodoulides, Gauldie, and Collins. Hellums, and Schafer. Colman, R.W., Pixley, R.A., Najamunnisa, S., Yan, W., Wang, J., Christopherson, K.S., and Bredt, D.S. Nitric oxide in excitable Mazar, A., and McCrae, K.R. Binding of high molecular tissues: Physiological roles and disease. 2424. weight kininogen to human endothelial cells is mediated via Chu, L. See Kim, Lin, Barr, Chu, Leiden, and Parmacek. a site within domains 2 and 3 of the urokinase receptor. 1481. Chu, S.-J. See Henderson, Chi, Albert, Chu, Lamm, Rochon, Colucci-Guyon, E. See Henrion, Terzi, Matrougui, Duriez, Bou- Jonas, Christie, and Harlan. langer, Colucci-Guyon, Babinet, Briand, Friedlander, Poitevin, Chuang, D.T. See Chuang, Cox, and Chuang. and Lévy. Chuang, J.L., Cox, R.P., and Chuang, D.T. E2 transacylase-defi- — See Terzi, Henrion, Colucci-Guyon, Federici, Babinet, Levy, cient (type II) maple syrup urine disease. Aberrant splicing Briand, and Friedlander. of E2 mRNA caused by internal intronic deletions and asso- Comar, M., Simonelli, C., Zanussi, S., de Paoli, P., Vaccher, E., ciation with thiamine-responsive phenotype. 736. Tirelli, U., and Giacca, M. Dynamics of HIV-1 mRNA ex- —, D.C., Smith, A.P., Louis, D.N., Graeme-Cook, F., pression in patients with long-term nonprogressive HIV-1 in- arshaw, A.L., and Arnold, A. A novel pancreatic endo- fection. 893. crine tumor suppressor gene locus on chromosome 3p with — See De Paoli, Zanussi, Simonelli, Bortolin, D’ Andrea, Crepaldi, clinical prognostic implications. 404. Talamini, Comar, Giacca, and Tirelli. Churchill, M.C. See Churchill, Churchill, Bidani, Griffin, Picken, Comerford, S.A. See Clouthier, Comerford, and Hammer. Pravenec, Kren, St. Lezin, Wang, Wang, and Kurtz. Consigli, S. See McCaffrey, Du, Consigli, Szabo, Bray, Hartner, Churchill, P.C., Churchill, M.C., Bidani, A.K., Griffin, K.A., Weksler, Sanborn, Bergman, and Bush. Picken, M., Pravenec, M., Kren, V., St. Lezin, E., Wang, J.-M., Conti-Fine, B.M. See Karachunski, Ostlie, Okita, and Conti-Fine. Wang, N., and Kurtz, T.W. Genetic susceptibility to hyper- Cook, P.W., Piepkorn, M., Clegg, C.H., Plowman, G.D., DeMay, tension-induced renal damage in the rat. Evidence based on J.M., Brown, J.R., and Pittelkow, M.R. Transgenic expres- kidney-specific genome transfer. 1373. sion of the human amphiregulin gene induces a psoriasis-like Cintra, A. See Delaunay, Khan, Cintra, Davani, Ling, Andersson, phenotype. 2286. Ostenson, Gustafsson, Efendic, and Okret. Cope, D.L. See Bruce, Cope, Jones, Schofield, Burley, Povey, Clancy, R.M., Rediske, J., Tang, X., Nijher, N., Frenkel, S., Philips, Unwin, Wrong, and Tanner. M., and Abramson, S.B. Outside-in signaling in the chon- Copinschi, G. See Van Cauter, Plat, Scharf, Leproult, Cespedes, drocyte. Nitric oxide disrupts fibronectin-induced assembly L’Hermite-Balériaux, and Copinschi. of a subplasmalemmal actin/rho A/focal adhesion kinase sig- Coral, S. See Brasoveanu, Fonsatti, Visintin, Pavlovic, Cattarossi, naling complex. 1789. Colizzi, Gasparollo, Coral, Horejsi, Altomonte, and Maio. Claret, E.J., Alyea, E.P., Orsini, E., Pickett, C.C., Collins, H., Cornwell, T.L. See Soff, Cornwell, Cundiff, Gately, and Lincoln. Wang, Y., Neuberg, D., Soiffer, R.J., and Ritz, J. Character- Corstens, F.H.M. See van der Laken, Boerman, Oyen, van de ization of T cell repertoire in patients with graft-versus- Ven, Chizzonite, Corstens, and van der Meer leukemia after donor lymphocyte infusion. 855. Cortright, R. See Ahmad, Azevedo, Cortright, Dohm, and Goldstein. 3196 Author Index, Volume 100, 1997 Corvera, C.U., Déry, O., McConalogue, K., Bohm, S.K., Khitin, Danner, S.A. See van *t Wout, Ran, de Jong, Bakker, van Leeuwen, L.M., Caughey, G.H., Payan, D.G., and Bunnett, N.W. Mast Notermans, Loeliger, de Wolf, Danner, Reiss, Boucher, cell tryptase regulates rat colonic myocytes through proteinase- Lange, and Schuitemaker. activated receptor 2. 1383. Danoff, T.M. See Kalluri, Danoff, Okada, and Neilson. Costa, F. See Davis, Shavers, Davis, and Costa. Danziger, R.S. See Gupta, Azam, Yang, and Danziger. Costello, R.W. See Evans, Fryer, Jacoby, Gleich, and Costello. D’Armiento, F.P. See Napoli, D’Armiento, Mancini, Postiglione, Couette, S. See Fernandes, Hampson, Cahours, Morin, Coureau, Witztum, Palumbo, and Palinski. Couette, Prie, Biber, Murer, Friedlander, and Silve. Das, S.K. See Deutsch, Goligorsky, Schmid, Krebsbach, Schmid, Coulber, C. See Zhou, Boudreau, Coulber, Hammarback, and Das, Dey, Arreaza, Thorup, Stefano, and Moore. Rabinovitch. Dattwyler, R. See Schutzer, Coyle, Krupp, Deng, Belman, Dattw- Coureau, C. See Fernandes, Hampson, Cahours, Morin, Coureau, yler, and Luft. Couette, Prie, Biber, Murer, Friedlander, and Silve. Daugherty, A., Puré, E., Delfel-Butteiger, D., Chen, S., Leferovich, — M. See Gahéry-Ségard, Molinier-Frenkel, Le Boulaire, J., Roselaar, S.E., and Rader, D.J. The effects of total lym- Saulnier, Opolon, Lengagne, Gautier, Le Cesne, Zitvogel, phocyte deficiency on the extent of atherosclerosis in apoli- Venet, Schatz, Courtney, Le Chevalier, Tursz, Guillet, and poprotein E—/— mice. 1575. Farace. Davani, B. See Delaunay, Khan, Cintra, Davani, Ling, Andersson, Couser, W.G. See Hugo, Shankland, Bowen-Pope, Couser, and Ostenson, Gustafsson, Efendic, and Okret. Johnson. Davey, R.T., Jr. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Cox, K. See Wolfman, Hattersley, Cox, Celeste, Nelson, Yamaji, Murphy, Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Dube, DiBlasio-Smith, Nove, Song, Wozney, and Rosen. Baseler, Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Cox, R.P. See Chuang, Cox, and Chuang. Orenstein, Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Coyle, P.K. See Schutzer, Coyle, Krupp, Deng, Belman, Datt- Margolick, Pantaleo, and Fauci. wyler, and Luft. David, C.S. See Bradley, Nabozny, Cheng, Zhou, Griffiths, Craig, A. See McCormick, Craig, Roberts, Newbold, and Luthra, and David. Berendt. Davidson, A. See Manheimer-Lory, Zandman-Goddard, Davidson, Craven, C. See Morgan, Craven, Nelson, Lalouel, and Ward. Aranow, and Diamond. Crawford, A.R., Smith, A.J., Hatch, V.C., Oude Elferink, R.P.J., Davidson, N.O. See Burant, Sreenan, Hirano, Tai, Lohmiller, Borst, P., and Crawford, J.M. Hepatic secretion of phospho- Lukens, Davidson, Ross, and Graves. lipid vesicles in the mouse critically depends on mdr2 or Davis, B. See Davis, Shavers, Davis, and Costa. MDR3 P-glycoprotein expression. Visualization by electron Davis, G.E. See Mogford, Davis, and Meininger. microscopy. 2562. Davis, J.A. See Weinberg, Davis, and Venkatachalam. Crawford, J.M. See Crawford, Smith, Hatch, Oude Elferink, Davis, P.B. See van Heeckeren, Walenga, Konstan, Bonfield, Borst, and Crawford. Davis, and Ferkol. Crepaldi, ©. See De Paoli, Zanussi, Simonelli, Bortolin, Davis, S.N., Shavers, C., Davis, B., and Costa, F. Prevention of an D’ Andrea, Crepaldi, Talamini, Comar, Giacca, and Tirelli. increase in plasma cortisol during hypoglycemia preserves Cronin, J. See Steinberg, Tarshoby, Monestel, Hook, Cronin, subsequent counterregulatory responses. 429. Johnson, Bayazeed, and Baron. Dawson, P.A. See Lazaridis, Pham, Tietz, Marinelli, deGroen, Crow, M.K. See Georgescu, Vakkalanka, Elkon, and Crow. Levine, Dawson, and LaRusso. Crow, M.T. See Bilato, Curto, Monticone, Pauly, White, and de Boer, M. See Kuijpers, van Lier, Hamann, de Boer, Thung, Crow. Weening, Verhoeven, and Roos. Crumrine, D. See Hanley, Jiang, Crumrine, Bass, Appel, Elias, DeCristofaro, K.A. See McNurlan, Garlick, Steigbigel, DeCristofaro, Williams, and Feingold. Frost, Lang, Johnson, Santasier, Cabahug, Fuhrer, and Gelato. Csaky, K.G. See Sime, Xing, Graham, Csaky, and Gauldie. De Franceschi, L., Bachir, D., Galacteros, F., Tchernia, G., Culler, M.D. See Shimon, Yan, Taylor, Weiss, Culler, and Melmed. Cynober, T., Alper, S., Platt, O., Beuzard, Y., and Brugnara, Cummings, R.D. See McEver and Cummings. C. Oral magnesium supplements reduce erythrocyte dehy- — See Zheng, Cummings, Pummill, and Kincade. dration in patients with sickle cell disease. 1847. Cundiff, D.L. See Soff, Cornwell, Cundiff, Gately, and Lincoln. deGroen, P.C. See Lazaridis, Pham, Tietz, Marinelli, deGroen, Curnutte, J.T. See Gérlach, Lee, Roesler, Hopkins, Christensen, Levine, Dawson, and LaRusso. Green, Chanock, and Curnutte. de Jong, M.D. See van *t Wout, Ran, de Jong, Bakker, van Leeuwen, Curtiss, L.K. See Kerjaschki, Exner, Ullrich, Susani, Curtiss, Notermans, Loeliger, de Wolf, Danner, Reiss, Boucher, Witztum, Farquhar, and Orlando. Lange, and Schuitemaker. Curto, K.A. See Bilato, Curto, Monticone, Pauly, White, and de la Monte, S.M., Ghanbari, K., Frey, W.H., Beheshti, L., Averback, Crow. P., Hauser, S.L., Ghanbari, H.A., and Wands, J.R. Charac- Cusin, I. See Siegrist-Kaiser, Pauli, Juge-Aubry, Boss, Pernin, terization of the AD7C-NTP cDNA expression in Alz- Chin, Cusin, Rohner-Jeanrenaud, Burger, Zapf, and Meier. heimer’s disease and measurement of a 41-kD protein in Cuzzocrea, S. See Szab6, Cuzzocrea, Zingarelli, O'Connor, and cerebrospinal fluid. 3093. Salzman. Delaunay, F., Khan, A., Cintra, A., Davani, B., ing Z.-C., Cymerman, U. See Pece, Vera, Cymerman, White, Wrana, and Andersson, A., Ostensen, C.-G., Gustafsson, J.-A., Efendic, Letarte. S., and Okret, S. Pancreatic B cells are important targets for Cynober, T. See De Franceschi, Bachir, Galacteros, Tchernia, the diabetogenic effects of glucocorticoids. 2094. Cynober, Alper, Platt, Beuzard, and Brugnara. Delfel-Butteiger, D. See Daugherty, Puré, Delfel-Butteiger, Chen, Leferovich, Roselaar, and Rader. Delgado, J.C. See Schultze, Michalak, Seamon, Dranoff, Jung, Daley, Delgado, Gribben, and Nadler. D Dell’ Italia, L.J., Meng, Q.C., Balcells, E., Wei, C.-C., Palmer, R., Hageman, G.R., Durand, J., Hankes, G.H., and Oparil, S. Dahinden, C.A. See Uguccioni, Mackay, Ochensberger, Loet- Compartmentalization of angiotensin II generation in the scher, Rhis, LaRosa, Rao, Ponath, Baggiolini, and Dahinden. dog heart. Evidence for independent mechanisms in intra- D’ Alessio, D.A. See Ensinck, Vogel, Laschansky, Koerker, Prigeon, vascular and interstitial spaces. 253. Kahn, and D’ Alessio. de Lonlay, P., Fournet, J.-C., Rahier, J., Gross-Morand, M.-S., Daley, J. See Schultze, Michalak, Seamon, Dranoff, Jung, Daley, Poggi-Travert, F., Foussier, V., Bonnefont, J.-P., Brusset, Delgado, Gribben, and Nadler. M.-C., Brunelle, F., Robert, J.-J., Nihoul-Fékété, C., Saudu- D’Ambrosio, D. See Panina-Bordignon, Mazzeo, Di Lucia, bray, J.-M., and Junien, C. Somatic deletion of the imprinted D’ Ambrosio, Lang, Fabbri, Self, and Sinigaglia. 11p15 region in sporadic persistent hyperinsulinemic hypo- D’ Andrea, A. See Okuda, D’ Andrea, Van Etten, and Griffin. glycemia of infancy is specific of focal adenomatous hyper- D’Andrea, M. See De Paoli, Zanussi, Simonelli, Bortolin, plasia and endorses partial pancreatectomy. 802. D’ Andrea, Crepaldi, Talamini, Comar, Giacca, and Tirelli. Delovitch, T.L. See Arreaza, Cameron, Jaramillo, Gill, Hardy, Daniels, M.B. See Stein, Stevenson, Chester, Basit, Daniels, Turley, Laupland, Rapoport, Zucker, Chakrabarti, Chensue, Qin, and McGarry. Singh, and Delovitch. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 3197 del Real, G. See Frade, Llorente, Mellado, Alcami, Gutiérrez- Donatelli, S.A. See Lark, Bayne, Flanagan, Harper, Hoerrner, Ramos, Zaballos, del Real, and Martinez-A. Hutchinson, Singer, Donatelli, Weidner, Williams, Mumford, DeMay, J.M. See Cook, Piepkorn, Clegg, Plowman, DeMay, and Lohmander. Brown, and Pittelkow. Dérken, B. See Bargou, Emmerich, Krappmann, Bommert, Denburg, J.A. See Sehmi, Wood, Watson, Foley, Hamid, O'Byrne, Mapara, Arnold, Royer, Grinstein, Greiner, Scheidereit, and and Denburg. Dorken. Deng, Z. See Schutzer, Coyle, Krupp, Deng, Belman, Dattwyler, Dorobek, B. See Mayer, Wagenaar, Dorobek, Beijnen, Borst, and Luft. and Schinkel. De Paoli, P., Zanussi, S., Simonelli, C., Bortolin, M.T., D’ Andrea, Doyle, S.M. See Yaar, Zhai, Pilch, Doyle, Eisenhauer, Fine, and M., Crepaldi, C., Talamini, R., Comar, M., Giacca, M., and Gilchrest. Tirelli, U. Effects of subcutaneous interleukin-2 therapy on Dranoff, G. See Schultze, Michalak, Seamon, Dranoff, Jung, CD4 subsets and in vitro cytokine production in HIV+ sub- Daley, Delgado, Gribben, and Nadler. jects. 2737. Du, B. See McCaffrey, Du, Consigli, Szabo, Bray, Hartner, de Paoli, P. See Comar, Simonelli, Zanussi, de Paoli, Vaccher, Weksler, Sanborn, Bergman, and Bush. Tirelli, and Giacca. Dube, J.L. See Wolfman, Hattersley, Cox, Celeste, Nelson, Déry, O. See Corvera, Déry, McConalogue, Bohm, Khitin, Yamaji, Dube, DiBlasio-Smith, Nove, Song, Wozney, and Caughey, Payan, and Bunnett. Rosen. Desai, M. See Burns, Desai, Cohen, Hales, Iles, Germain, Going, DuBois, R.N. See Williams, Smalley, and DuBois. and Bailey. Dudus, L. See Zwacka, Zhang, Halldorson, Schlossberg, Dudus, Detels, R. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Murphy, and Engelhardt. Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, Duling, B.R. See Jin, Shepherd, Duling, and Linden. Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, Dulloo, A. See Revelli, Preitner, Samec, Muniesa, Kuehne, Boss, Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Pantaleo, Vassalli, Dulloo, Seydoux, Giacobino, Huarte, and Ody. and Fauci. Dunkel, L., Taskinen, S., Hovatta, O., Tilly, J.L., and Wikstrém, Deutsch, D.G., Goligorsky, M.S., Schmid, P.C., Krebsbach, R.J., S. Germ cell apoptosis after treatment of cryptorchidism Schmid, H.H.O., Das, S.K., Dey, S.K., Arreaza, G., Thorup, C., with human chorionic gonadotropin is associated with im- Stefano, G., and Moore, L.C. Production and physiological ac- paired reproductive function in the adult. 2341. tions of anandamide in the vasculature of the rat kidney. 1538. Dunn, M.J. See Bokemeyer, Guglielmi, McGinty, Sorokin, Lianos, Deutsch, N.A. See Shivkumar, Deutsch, Lamp, Khuu, Goldhaber, and Dunn. and Weiss. Dunne, M.J. See Kane, Lindley, Johnson, James, Milla, Aynsley- Dewar, R.L. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Murphy, Green, and Dunne. Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, Durand, J. See Dell’Italia, Meng, Balcells, Wei, Palmer, Hageman, Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, Durand, Hankes, and Oparil. Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Panta- Durante, W. See Wagner, Durante, Christodoulides, Hellums, leo, and Fauci. and Schafer. Dewhirst, M. See Lin, Polverini, Dewhirst, Shan, Rao, and Peters. Duriez, M. See Henrion, Terzi, Matrougui, Duriez, Boulanger, de Wolf, F. See van ‘t Wout, Ran, de Jong, Bakker, van Leeuwen, i" Guyon, Babinet, Briand, Friedlander, Poitevin, and Notermans, Loeliger, de Wolf, Danner, Reiss, Boucher, Lange, and Schuitemaker. naan D.L. See Lowes, Minobe, Abraham, Rizeq, Bohlmeyer, Dey, S.K. See Deutsch, Goligorsky, Schmid, Krebsbach, Schmid, Quaife, Roden, Dutcher, Robertson, Voelkel, Badesch, Das, Dey, Arreaza, Thorup, Stefano, and Moore. Groves, Gilbert, and Bristow. Dezawa, M. See Hatano, Aoki, Dezawa, Yusa, litsuka, Koseki, Dutertre, M. See Al-Attar, Noél, Dutertre, Belville, Forest, Taniguchi, and Tokuhisa. Burgoyne, Josso, and Rey. Diamond, B. See Manheimer-Lory, Zandman-Goddard, Davidson, Dweik, R.A. See Guo, Uetani, Haque, Williams, Dweik, Thunnis- Aranow, and Diamond. sen, Calhoun, and Erzurum. Diaz, L.A. See Liu, Giudice, Zhou, Swartz, Troy, Fairley, Till, and Diaz. Diaz de Rojas, F. See Elizalde, Gomez, Panés, Lozano, Casadevall, Ramirez, Pizcueta, Marco, Diaz de Rojas, Granger, and E Piqué. DiBlasio-Smith, E. See Wolfman, Hattersley, Cox, Celeste, Eberhardt, W. See Kunz, Walker, Eberhardt, Messmer, Huwiler, Nelson, Yamaji, Dube, DiBlasio-Smith, Nove, Song, Wozney, and Pfeilschifter. and Rosen. Eckmann, L., Stenson, W.F., Savidge, T.C., Lowe, D.C., Barrett, Dickinson, B.L. See Rufo, Merlin, Riegler, Ferguson-Maltzman, K.E., Fierer, J., Smith, J.R., and Kagnoff, M.F. Role of intes- Dickinson, Brugnara, Alper, and Lencer. tinal epithelial cells in the host secretory response to infec- Dickson, G. See Fassati, Wells, Sgro Serpente, Walsh, Brown, tion by invasive bacteria. Bacterial entry induces epithelial Strong, and Dickson. prostaglandin H synthase-2 expression and prostaglandin E, Dietz, R. See Rottbauer, Gautel, Zehelein, Labeit, Franz, and F,,, production. 296. Fischer, Vollrath, Mall, Dietz, Kiibler, and Katus. — See Kagnoff and Eckmann. — See von Harsdorf, Edwards, Shen, Kudej, Dietz, Leinwand, Econs, M.J., McEnery, P.T., Lennon, F., and Speer, M.C. Auto- Nadal-Ginard, and Vatner. somal dominant hypophosphatemic ‘Tickets ii s linked to chro- Digby, J.E. See Adams, Montague, Prins, Holder, Smith, Sanders, mosome 12p13. 2653. Digby, Sewter, Lazar, Chatterjee, and O’Rahilly. Edberg, J.C. See Wu, Edbe-g, Redecha, Bansal, Guyre, Coleman, Dikman, S. See Bruggeman, Dikman, Meng, Quaggin, Coffman, Salmon, and Kimberly. and Klotman. Edwards, J. See Abu-Amer, Ross, Edwards, and Teitelbaum. Dillmann, W.H. See He, Giordano, Hilal-Dandan, Choi, Rockman, Edwards, J.G. See von Harsdorf, Edwards, Shen, Kudej, Dietz, McDonough, Bluhm, Meyer, Sayen, Swanson, and Leinwand, Nadal-Ginard, and Vatner. Dillmann. Efendic, S. See Delaunay, Khan, Cintra, Davani, Ling, Andersson, Di Lucia, P. See Panina-Bordignon, Mazzeo, Di Lucia, D'Ambrosio, Ostenson, Gustafsson, Efendic, and Okret. Lang, Fabbri, Self, and Sinigaglia. Egan, M.E. See Rubenstein, Egan, and Zeitlin. Dionne, F.T. See Lembertas, Pérusse, Chagnon, Fisler, Warden, Egashira, K. See Urakami-Harasawa, Shimokawa, Nakashima, Purcell-Huynh, Dionne, Gagnon, Nadeau, Lusis, and Egashira, and Takeshita. Bouchard. Ehrmann, D.A. See Cavaghan, Ehrmann, Byrne, and Polonsky. DiPersio, J.F. See Graubert, DiPersio, Russell, and Ley. Eisenhauer, P.B. See Yaar, Zhai, Pilch, Doyle, Eisenhauer, Fine, Dirksen, U., Nishinakamura, R., Groneck, P., Hattenhorst, U., and Gilchrest. Nogee, L., Murray, R., and "Burdach, S. Human pulmonary Elder, J. See Stoll, Garner, and Elder. alveolar proteinosis associated with a defect in GM-CSF/IL- Elias, J.A. See Ray, Tang, Wang, Homer, Kuhn, Flavell, and Elias. 3/IL-5 receptor common f chain expression. 2211. Elias, P.M. See Hanley, Jiang, Crumrine, Bass, Appel, Elias, Dohm, G.L. See Ahmad, Azevedo, Cortright, Dohm, and Goldstein. Williams, and Feingold. 3198 Author Index, Volume 100, 1997 Elizalde, J.1., Gomez, J., Panés, J., Lozano, M., Casadevall, M., Farese, R.V., Jr. See Boring, Gosling, Chensue, Kunkel, Farese, Ramirez, J., Pizcueta, P., Marco, F., Diaz de Rojas, F., Broxmeyer, and Charo. Granger, D.N., and Piqué, J.M. Platelet activation in mice Farman, N. See Alfaidy, Blot-Chabaud, Bonvalet, and Farman. and human Helicobacter pylori infection. 996. Farquhar, M.G. See Kerjaschki, Exner, Ullrich, Susani, Curtiss, Elkon, K.B. See Georgescu, Vakkalanka, Elkon, and Crow. Witztum, Farquhar, and Orlando. Emile, J.-F. See Jouanguy, Lamhamedi-Cherradi, Altare, Farris, A.D. See James, Kaufman, Farris, Taylor-Albert, Lehman, Fondanéche, Tuerlinckx, Blanche, Emile, Gaillard, Schreiber, and Harley. Levin, Fischer, Hivroz, and Casanova. Fasbender, A. See Zabner, Cheng, Meeker, Launspach, Balfour, Emmerich, F. See Bargou, Emmerich, Krappmann, Bommert, Perricone, Morris, Marshall, Fasbender, Smith, and Welsh. Mapara, Arnold, Royer, Grinstein, Greiner, Scheidereit, and Fassati, A., Wells, D.J., Sgro Serpente, P.A., Walsh, F.S., Brown, Dorken. S.C., Strong, P.N., and Dickson, G. Genetic correction of Endo, Y. See Arima, Endo, Yaoita, Omata, Ogawa, Tsunoda, dystrophin deficiency and skeletal muscle remodeling in Abe, Takeuchi, Abe, and Ito. adult MDX mouse via transplantation of retroviral producer Engelhardt, J.F. See Zwacka, Zhang, Halldorson, Schlossberg, cells. 620. Dudus, and Engelhardt. Fauci, A.S. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, “Vildt, Murphy, Engvall, E. See Vachon, Xu, Liu, Loechel, Hayashi, Arahata, Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, Reed, Wewer, and Engvall. Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, Ensinck, J.W., Vogel, R.E., Laschansky, E.C., Koerker, D.J., Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Pantaleo, Prigeon, R.L., Kahn, S.E., and D’ Alessio, D.A. Endogenous and Fauci. somatostatin-28 modulates postprandial insulin secretion. Federici, P. See Terzi, Henrion, Colucci-Guyon, Federici, Babinet, Immunoneutralization studies in baboons. 2295. Levy, Briand, and Friedlander. Epstein, C.J. See Ma, Yang, Gillespie, Carlson, Epstein, and Feener, E.P. See Folli, Kahn, Hansen, Bouchie, and Feener. Verkman. Feingold, K.R. See Hanley, Jiang, Crumrine, Bass, Appel, Elias, Epstein, P.N. See Kang, Chen, Yu, Voss-McCowan, and Epstein. Williams, and Feingold. Epstein, S.E. See Shibutani, Johnson, Yu, Ferrans, Moss, and Feldhaus, M.J. See Modur, Feldhaus, Weyrich, Jicha, Prescott, Epstein. Zimmerman, and McIntyre. Erb, P. See Buechner, Wernli, Harr, Hahn, Itin, and Erb. Ferguson-Maltzman, M.H. See Rufo, Merlin, Riegler, Ferguson- Erickson, R. See Martinez, Graves, Baldini, Solomon, and Erickson. Maltzman, Dickinson, Brugnara, Alper, and Lencer. Eriksson, P. See Large, Hellstré6m, Reynisdottir, Lénnqvist, Ferkol, T. See van Heeckeren, Walenga, Konstan, Bonfield, Eriksson, Lannfelt, and Arner. Davis, and Ferkol. Ernst, S.A. See Ohnishi, Samuelson, Yule, Ernst, and Williams. Fernandes, I., Hampson, G., Cahours, X., Morin, P., Coureau, C., Ernst, T. See Salgia, Li, Ewaniuk, Pear, Pisick, Burky, Ernst, Couette, S., Prie, D., Biber, J., Murer, H., Friedlander, G., Sattler, Chen, and Griffin. and Silve, C. Abnormal sulfate metabolism in vitamin D- Erzurum, S.C. See Guo, Uetani, Haque, Williams, Dweik, Thun- deficient rats. 2196. nissen, Calhoun, and Erzurum. Feron, O. See Michel and Feron. Esmon, C.T. See Kurosawa, Stearns-Kurosawa, Hidari, and Esmon. Ferrannini, E., Natali, A., Bell, P., Cavallo-Perin, P., Lalic, N., Esteban, R. See Lopez-Talavera, Levitzki, Martinez, Gazit, Este- and Mingrone, G., on behalf of the European Group for the ban, and Guardia. Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR). Insulin resistance and Estey, E.H. See Peleg, Qiu, Reddy, Harris, Van, Estey, Talpaz, hypersecretion in obesity. 1166. and Estrov. Ferrans, V.J. See Shibutani, Johnson, Yu, Ferrans, Moss, and Estrov, Z. See Peleg, Qiu, Reddy, Harris, Van, Estey, Talpaz, and Epstein. Estrov. Ferrer, P. See Pawlowski, Taylor, Valentine, Hail, Ferrer, Kowala, European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance. See Ferrannini, and Molloy. Natali, Bell, Cavallo-Perin, Lalic, and Mingrone. Ferris, H.A., Carroll, R.E., Rasenick, M.M., and Benya, R.V. Evans, C.M., Fryer, A.D., Jacoby, D.B., Gleich, G.J., and Costello, Constitutive activation of the gastrin-releasing peptide re- R.W. Pretreatment with antibody to eosinophil major basic ceptor expressed by the nonmalignant human colon epithe- protein prevents hyperresponsiveness by protecting neu- lial cell line NCM460. 2530. ronal M, muscarinic receptors in antigen-challenged guinea Fierer, J. See Eckmann, Stenson, Savidge, Lowe, Barrett, Fierer, pigs. 2254. Smith, and Kagnoff. Evans, S.M. See Bialik, Geenen, Sasson, Cheng, Horner, Evans, Figueredo, V.M. See Chang, Figueredo, Schreur, Kariya, Weiner, Lord, Koch, and Kitsis. Simpson, and Camacho. Evrard, P. See Gressens, Marret, Hill, Brenneman, Gozes, Fridkin, Fikrig, E. See Sun, Ijdo, Telford, Hodzic, Zhang, Barthold, and and Evrard. Fikrig. Ewaniuk, D.S. See Salgia, Li, Ewaniuk, Pear, Pisick, Burky, Filep, 1G. See Zouki, Beauchamp, Baron, and Filep. Ernst, Sattler, Chen, and Griffin. Filippov, G., Bloch, D.B., and Bloch, K.D. Nitric oxide decreases Exner, M. See Kerjaschki, Exner, Ullrich, Susani, Curtiss, stability of mRNAs encoding soluble guanylate cyclase sub- Witztum, Farquhar, and Orlando. units in rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. 942. Fine, R.E. See Yaar, Zhai, Pilch, Doyle, Eisenhauer, Fine, and Gilchrest. Fischer, A. See Jouanguy, Lamhamedi-Cherradi, Altare, Fon- F danéche, Tuerlinckx, Blanche, Emile, Gaillard, Schreiber, Levin, Fischer, Hivroz, and Casanova. Fabbri, L. See Panina-Bordignon, Mazzeo, Di Lucia, D'Ambrosio, Fischer, C. See Rottbauer, Gautel, Zehelein, Labeit, Franz, Lang, Fabbri, Self, and Sinigaglia. Fischer, Vollrath, Mall, Dietz, Kiibler, and Katus. Fabrega, A. See Zabner, Freimuth, Puga, Fabrega, and Welsh. Fischer, I. See Skriner, Sommergruber, Tremmel, Fischer, Barta, Fagin, J.A. See Wang, Niu, Nikiforov, Naito, Chernausek, Witte, Smolen, and Steiner. LeRoith, Strauch, and Fagin. Fischer, M., Klein, U., and Kiippers, R. Molecular single-cell Fairley, J.A. See Liu, Giudice, Zhou, Swartz, Troy, Fairley, Till, analysis reveals that CD5-positive peripheral blood B cells in and Diaz. healthy humans are characterized by rearranged V, genes Falkow, S. Invasion and intracellular sorting of bacteria: Searching lacking somatic mutation. 1667. for bacterial genes expressed during host/pathogen interac- Fish, K.N. See S6derberg-Nauclér, Fish, and Nelson. tions. 239. Fishbane, S. See Mitsuhashi, Li, Fishbane, and Vlassara. Fallon, J.T. See Argraves, Kozarsky, Fallon, Harpel, and Strickland. Fisher, E.A. See Fuki, Kuhn, Lomazov, Rothman, Tuszynski, — See Schecter, Giesen, Taby, Rosenfield, Rossikhina, Fyfe, lozzo, Swenson, Fisher, and Williams. Kohtz, Fallon, Nemerson, and Taubman. Fishman, G.I. See Bowman, Steinberg, Jiang, Geenen, Fishman, Farace, F. See Gahéry-Ségard, Molinier-Frenkel, Le Boulaire, and Buttrick. Saulnier, Opolon, Lengagne, Gautier, Le Cesne, Zitvogel, Fisler, J.S. See Lembertas, Pérusse, Chagnon, Fisler, Warden, Venet, Schatz, Courtney, Le Chevalier, Tursz, Guillet, and Purcell-Huynh, Dionne, Gagnon, Nadeau, Lusis, and Farace. Bouchard. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 3199 FitzGerald, G.A. See Praticd, Iuliano, Mauriello, Spagnoli, Lawson, — See Henrion, Terzi, Matrougui, Duriez, Boulanger, Colucci- Rokach, Maclouf, Violi, and FitzGerald. Guyon, Babinet, Briand, Friedlander, Poitevin, and Lévy. Flanagan, J. See Lark, Bayne, Flanagan, Harper, Hoerrner, — See Terzi, Henrion, Colucci-Guyon, Federici, Babinet, Levy, Hutchinson, Singer, Donatelli, Weidner, Williams, Mumford, Briand, and Friedlander. and Lohmander. Frndova, H. See Kent, Iles, Bear, Huan, Griesenbach, McKerlie, Flavell, R.A. See Ray, Tang, Wang, Homer, Kuhn, Flavell, and Frndova, Ackerley, Gosselin, Radzioch, O’Brodovich, Tsui, Elias. Buchwald, and Tanswell. Fogelman, A.M. See Castellani, Navab, Van Lenten, Hedrick, Frossard, J.-L. See Gerard, Frossard, Bhatia, Saluja, Gerard, Lu, Hama, Goto, Fogelman, and Lusis. and Steer. — See Ishikawa, Navab, Leitinger, Fogelman, and Lusis. Frost, R.A. See McNurlan, Garlick, Steigbigel, DeCristofaro, Foley, R. See Sehmi, Wood, Watson, Foley, Hamid, O'Byrne, Frost, Lang, Johnson, Santasier, Cabahug, Fuhrer, and Gelato. and Denburg. Fryer, A.D. See Evans, Fryer, Jacoby, Gleich, and Costello. Folli, F., Kahn, C.R., Hansen, H., Bouchie, J.L., and Feener, E.P. Fu, C. See Ragette, Fu, and Bhattacharya. Angiotensin II inhibits insulin signaling in aortic smooth Fu, Y.-Y. See Mittelman, Fu, Rebrin, Steil, and Bergman. muscle cells at multiple levels. A potential role for serine Fuhrer, J. See McNurlan, Garlick, Steigbigel, DeCristofaro, Frost, phosphorylation in insulin/angiotensin II crosstalk. 2158. Lang, Johnson, Santasier, Cabahug, Fuhrer, and Gelato. Fondanéche, M.-C. See Jouanguy, Lamhamedi-Cherradi, Altare, Fujita, R.M. See Waltz, Natkin, Fujita, Wei, and Chapman. Fondanéche, Tuerlinckx, Blanche, Emile, Gaillard, Fujita, T. See Nakaoka, Gonda, Ogita, Otawara-Hamamoto, Okabe, Schreiber, Levin, Fischer, Hivroz, and Casanova. Kira, Harii, Miyazono, Takuwa, and Fujita. Fonsatti, E. See Brasoveanu, Fonsatti, Visintin, Pavlovic, Catta- Fujitani, Y. See Kajimoto, Watada, Matsuoka, Kaneto, Fujitani, rossi, Colizzi, Gasparollo, Coral, Horejsi, Altomonte, and Maio. Miyazaki, and Yamasaki. Fontana, D. See Lembo, lIaccarino, Vecchione, Barbato, Izzo, Fujiwara, K. See Takenaka, Suzuki, Fujiwara, Kanno, Ohno, Fontana, and Trimarco. Hayashi, Nagahama, and Saruta. Forest, M.G. See Al-Attar, Noél, Dutertre, Belville, Forest, Fuki, L.V., Kuhn, K.M., Lomazov, I.R., Rothman, V.L., Tuszynski, Burgoyne, Josso, and Rey. G.P., lozzo, R.V., Swenson, T.L., Fisher, E.A., and Williams, Fournet, J.-C. See de Lonlay, Fournet, Rahier, Gross-Morand, K.J. The syndecan family of proteoglycans. Novel receptors Poggi-Travert, Foussier, Bonnefont, Brusset, Brunelle, mediating internalization of atherogenic lipoproteins in Robert, Nihoul-Fékété, Saudubray, and Junien. vitro. 1611. Foussier, VY. See de Lonlay, Fournet, Rahier, Gross-Morand, Fukuyama, N. See Tanaka, Nakazawa, Okada, Umezawa, Fuku- Poggi-Travert, Foussier, Bonnefont, Brusset, Brunelle, yama, and Koga. Robert, Nihoul-Fékété, Saudubray, and Junien. Furthmayr, H. See O’Toole, Marinkovich, Peavey, Amieva, Fowler, P. See Bertoni, Sidney, Fowler, Chesnut, Chisari, and Furthmayr, Mustoe, and Woodley. Sette. Furuta, H. See Lindner, Gragnoli, Furuta, Cockburn, Petzold, Fox, C.H. See Cohen, Vaccarezza, Lam, Baird, Wildt, Murphy, Rietzsch, WeiB, Schulze, and Bell. Zimmerman, Nutman, Fox, Hoover, Adelsberger, Baseler, Furuya, Y. See Wada, Furuya, Sakiyama, Kobayashi, Miyata, Arthos, Davey, Dewar, Metcalf, Schwartzentruber, Orenstein, Ishii, and Nagano. Buchbinder, Saah, Detels, Phair, Rinaldo, Margolick, Pantaleo, Fyfe, B.S. See Schecter, Giesen, Taby, Rosenfield, Rossikhina, and Fauci. Fyfe, Kohtz, Fallon, Nemerson, and Taubman. Frade, J.M.R., Llorente, M., Mellado, M., Alcami, J., Gutiérrez- Ramos, J.C., Zaballos, A., del Real, G., and Martinez-A, C. The amino-terminal domain of the CCR2 chemokine recep- tor acts as coreceptor for HIV-1 infection. 497. G Fraioli, F. See Alvaro, Alpini, Jezequel, Bassotti, Francia, Fraioli, Romeo, Marucci, Le Sage, Glaser, and Benedetti. Gagnon, J. See Lembertas, Pérusse, Chagnon, Fisler, Warden, Framson, P.E. See Hershberg, Framson, Cho, Lee, Kovats, Beitz, Purcell-Huynh, Dionne, Gagnon, Nadeau, Lusis, and Blum, and Nepom. Bouchard. Franchimont, N., Rydziel, S., and Canalis, E. Interleukin 6 is auto- Gahéry-Ségard, H., Molinier-Frenkel, V., Le Boulaire, C., regulated by transcriptional mechanisms in cultures of rat os- Saulnier, P., Opolon, P., Lengagne, R., Gautier, E., Le teoblastic cells. 1797. Cesne, A., Zitvogel, L., Venet, A., Schatz, C., Courtney, M., Francia, C. See Alvaro, Alpini, Jezequel, Bassotti, Francia, Le Chevalier, T., Tursz, T., Guillet, J.-G., and Farace, F. Fraioli, Romeo, Marucci, Le Sage, Glaser, and Benedetti. Phase I triai of recombinant adenovirus gene transfer in lung Frangos, J.A. See Shah, Haddad, Garcia-Cardena, Frangos, cancer. Longitudinal study of the immune responses to Mennone, Groszmann, and Sessa. transgene and viral products. 2218. Frank @).A., Mahajan, S., and Ritz, J. B lymphocytes from pa- Gaiddon, C. See Cabot, Carter, Gaiddon, Zhang, Schafer, Loeffler, tients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia contain signal and Stein. transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1 and STAT3 Gaillard, J.-L. See Jouanguy, Lamhamedi-Cherradi, Altare, constitutively phosphorylated on serine residues. 3140. Fondanéche, Tuerlinckx, Blanche, Emile, Gaillard, Franklin, W.A., Gazdar, A.F., Haney, J., Wistuba, L1., La Rosa, Schreiber, Levin, Fischer, Hivroz, and Casanova. F.G., Kennedy, T., Ritchey, D.M., and Miller, Y.E. Widely Galacteros, F. See De Franceschi, Bachir, Galacteros, Tchernia, dispersed p53 mutation in respiratory epithelium. A novel Cynober, Alper, Platt, Beuzard, and Brugnara. mechanism for field carcinogenesis. 2133. Correction. 2639. Gambhir, $.S. See Agus, Gambhir, Pardridge, Spielholz, Baselga, Franz, W.M. See Rottbauer, Gautel, Zehelein, Labeit, Franz, Vera, and Golde. Fischer, Vollrath, Mall, Dietz, Kiibler, and Katus. Ganem, D. See Kedes, Lagunoff, Renne, and Ganem. Fratzl, P. See Misof, Landis, Klaushofer, and Fratzl. Garbers, D.L. See Schulz, Lopez, Kuhn, and Garbers. Freedman, J.E., Loscalzo, J., Barnard, M.R., Alpert, C., Keaney, Garcia-Cardeita, G. See Papapetropoulos, Garcia-Cardefia, J.F., Jr., and Michelson, A.D. Nitric oxide released from ac- Madri, and Sessa. tivated platelets inhibits platelet recruitment. 350. Garcia-Cardena, G. See Shah, Haddad, Garcia-Cardena, Freimuth, P. See Zabner, Freimuth, Puga, Fabrega, and Welsh. Frangos, Mennone, Groszmann, and Sessa. French, B.A. See Agah, Frenkel, French, Michael, Overbeek, and Gardiner, J.V. See Kulkarni, Wang, Wang, Hurley, Smith, Schneider. Ghatei, Withers, Gardiner, Bailey, and Bloom. Frenkel, P.A. See Agah, Frenkel, French, Michael, Overbeek, Garfinkel, A. See Kim, Garfinkel, Ikeda, Wu, Athill, Weiss, and Schneider. Karagueuzian, and Chen. Frenkel, S. See Clancy, Rediske, Tang, Nijher, Frenkel, Philips, Garlick, P.J. See McNurlan, Garlick, Steigbigel, DeCristofaro, and Abramson. Frost, Lang, Johnson, Santasier, Cabahug, Fuhrer, and Gelato. Frey, W.H. See de la Monte, Ghanbari, Frey, Beheshti, Averback, Garmong, A.J. See Imai, Busby, Smith, Clarke, Garmong, Horwitz, Hauser, Ghanbari, and Wands. Rees, and Clemmons. Fridkin, M. See Gressens, Marret, Hill, Brenneman, Gozes, Garner, W. See Stoll, Garner, and Elder. Fridkin, and Evrard. Gasparollo, A. See Brasoveanu, Fonsatti, Visintin. Pavlovic, Friedlander, G. See Fernandes, Hampson, Cahours, Morin, Cattarossi, Colizzi, Gasparollo, Coral, Horejsi, Altomonte, Coureau, Couette, Prie, Biber, Murer, Friedlander, and Silve. and Maio. 3200 Author Index, Volume 100, 1997

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