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CONCEPT-AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX VOLUME 32, NUMBERS 1-10, 1993 A Beliveau, D. — Honey, I Shrunk the Pores!, by D. Beliveau, Vol. 32, No. 8, P15-17, October 1993. Acidification — Estimation of the Acid Sensitivity of a Soil, by H.F. Berruti, F. — The Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Viscosity of Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 3, P57-59, March 1993. Athabasca Bitumen and Bitumen-solvent Mixtures, by A. Chakma, F. Additives — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, by Berruti, Vol. 32, No. 5, P48-51, May 1993. J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. 7, Biodegration — Packed Bed Slime Reactor: A New Technology for P59-63, September 1993. Petroleum Wastewater Purification, by G.A. Hill, Vol. 32, No. 1, Adsorption — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial Sandstone P28-31, January 1993. Cores, by W. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. 32, No. 6, Bitumen — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Analog P39-48, June 1993. Model of Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by I.J. Mokrys, R.M. Agarwal, R. — An Efficient Method for Modelling Gas Solubility in the Butler, Vol. 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. Aqueous Phase for Compositional Simulators, by R. Agarwal, Y.-K. Bitumen Reservoirs — Recovery of Heavy Oils Using Vaporized Li, L. Nghiem, Vol. 32, No. 2, P44-49, February 1993. Hydrocarbon Solvents: Further Development of the Vapex Process, Agharazi-Dormani, N. — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Displacement in by R.M. Butler, I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, June 1993. Water-wet Porous Media, by N. Agharazi-Dormani, V. Hornof, D.D. Bogobowicz, A.D. — An Analytical Solution for Transient Temperature McLean, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33. February 1993. and Stress Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Injection into Aguilera, R. — Advances in the Studies of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Permeable Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. Bogobowicz, by R. Aguilera, Vol. 32, No. 5, P24, May 1993. Vol. 32, No. 4, P49-57, April 1993. Alcohol Flooding — Improved Sweep Efficiency by Selective Plugging of Highly Watered Out Zones by Alcohol Induced Precipitation, by T. Borehole Behaviour — Development and Application of a Fully-coupled Zhu, D. Tiab, Vol. 32, No. 9, P37-43, November 1993. Two-dimensional Finite Element Approach to Deformation and Ambastha, A.K. — Well-test Analysis for a Well in a Finite, Circular Pressure Diffusion Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. Dusseault, Reservoir, by A.K. Ambastha, J.H. Ramey, Jr., Vol. 32, No. 6, P34- Vol. 32, No. 10, P28-38, December 1993. 38, June 1993. Borehole Stability — An Analytical Solution for Transient Temperature Analytical Solutions — An Analytical Solution for Transient Temperature and Stress Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Injection into and Stress Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Injection into Permeable Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. Bogobowicz, Permeable Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. Bogobowicz, Vol. 32, No. 4, P49-57, April 1993. Vol. 32, No. 4, P49-57, April 1993. Bottom Water — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well Steamflood, Anionic Surfactant — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial by P.J. Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, P52-57, May 1993. Sandstone Cores, by W. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. Boundary Layer — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent 32, No. 6, P39-48, June 1993. Analog Model of Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by I.J. Mokrys, Athabasca Bitumen — The Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on the R.M. Butler, Vol. 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. Viscosity of Athabasca Bitumen and Bitumen-solvent Mixtures, by Butler, R.M. — Recovery of Heavy Oils Using Vaporized Hydrocarbon A. Chakma, F. Berruti, Vol. 32, No. 5, P48-51, May 1993. Solvents: Further Development of the Vapex Process, by R.M. Butler, Audibert, A.— Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, by I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, June 1993. A. Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Analog Model of September 1993. Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by I.J. Mokrys, R.M. Butler, Vol. Automatic History Matching — Improved Reservoir Characterization 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. Using Automatic History Matching Procedures, by N. Kalogerakis, Byl, M. — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in a Waterflooded T.B. Tan, Vol. 32, No. 6, P26-33, June 1993. Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G. Moore, M. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. Cc Bagci, A.S. — Horizontal Producer Wells in In Situ Combustion (ISC) Processes, by M. Greaves, A.A. Tuwil, A.S. Bagci, Vol. 32, No. 4, P58-66, April 1993. CT Scan — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relative Bakes, P.A. — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations, Waterflooding the Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, November 1993. Saskatchewan, by S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Vol. 32, No. 9, P28-36, November 1993. Capeling, R.R. — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Batycky, J.P. — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids Monitoring, Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, by R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, P42-47, January K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January 1993. 1993. Bayesian Estimation — Improved Reservoir Characterization Using Capillary Pressure — Steam Corefloods With Concurrent X-Ray CT Automatic History Matching Procedures, by N. Kalogerakis, T.B. Imaging, by D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. Tan, Vol. 32, No. 6, P26-33, June 1993. 32, No. 3, P37-45, March 1993. December 1993, Volume 32, No. 10 55 Casing Leaks — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Aqueous and Davies, D.R. — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In Situ Hydrocarbon Slurries, by J. Dahl, K. Harris, A. Leinan, Vol. 32, No. Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Treatments, 9, P25-27, November 1993. by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, No. 5, P38-47, Cement Penetration — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Aqueous and May 1993. Hydrocarbon Slurries, by J. Dahl, K. Harris, A. Leinan, Vol. 32, No. de Wit, P. — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Injection 9, P25-27, November 1993. Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. Kantzas, Cement Test— Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P15-23, by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. December 1993. 7, P59-63, September 1993. Denbina, E. — The Promotion of Technical Excellence, by E. Denbina, Chakma, A. — The Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Viscosity of Vol. 32, No. 6, P19, June 1993. Athabasca Bitumen and Bitumen-solvent Mixtures, by A. Chakma, F. DeSorcy, G.J. — Energy, the Environment and the 1990s, by G.J. Berruti, Vol. 32, No. 5, P48-51, May 1993. DeSorcy, Vol. 32, No. 2, P16, February 1993. Change — Continuous Improvement: A “Win..Win” Process, by T. Dilaten — Friction Factors for Yieldless Fluids in Turbulent Pipe Flow, by Lawrence, A. Wichert, Vol. 32, No. 5, P58-62, May 1993. A.M. Hemeida, Vol. 32, No. 1, P32-35, January 1993. Cheng, H. — Development and Application of a Fully-coupled Two- Discretization Methods — Comparison of Discretization Methods for dimensional Finite Element Approach to Deformation and Pressure Modelling Near-well Phenomena in Thermal Processes by, L.S.-K. Diffusion Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. Dusseault, Vol. 32, Fung, A.D. Hiebert, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, No. 10, P-, December 1993. March 1993. Chodzicki, J. — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While Distinguished Authors Series — A Simplistic Evaluation of Over 30 Waterflooding the Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern Years’ Horizontal Hydrocarbon Solvent Flood Performance in Saskatchewan, by S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Alberta, by T.E. Randall, Vol. 32, No. 7, P19-23, September 1993. Vol. 32, No. 9, P28-36, November 1993. — Advances in the Studies of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, by R. Closmann, P.J. — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relative Aguilera, Vol. 32, No. 5, P24, May 1993. Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations, — Cold Production and Enhanced Oil Recovery, by M.B. Dusseault, by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, November Vol. 32. No. 9, P16-18, November 1993. 1993. — Energy, the Environment and the 1990s, by G.J. DeSorcy, Vol. 32, Coaching — Continuous Improvement: A “Win..Win” Process, by T. No. 2, P16, February 1993. Lawrence, A. Wichert, Vol. 32, No. 5, P58-62, May 1993. — Honey, I Shrunk the Pores!, by D. Beliveau, Vol. 32, No. 8, P15-17, Coiled Tubing — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal Completions, October 1993. by D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. 32, No. 9, — New Developments in Simulation, by A. Settari, Vol. 32, No. 1, P21, P20-24, November 1993. January 1993. Coke Yield — Factors Affecting Coking in Heavy Oil Cores, Oils and — New Strategies for In Situ Combustion, by R.G. Moore, Vol. 32, No. SARA FRactions Under Thermai Stress, by B. Verkoczy Vol. 32, No. 10, P1 1-13, December 1993. 7, P25-33, September 1993. — The Need for a Marketing Strategy for Alberta Bitumen, by D.A. Cold Lake — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Oil Sands Redford, Vol. 32, No. 3, P20, March 1993. Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by R.K. McClanahan, — The Promotion of Technical Excellence, by E. Denbina, Vol. 32, No. G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, B.N. Fialka, Vol. 32, No. 2, P56-62, 6, P19, June 1993. February 1993. Drawdown and Buildup Tests — Well-test Analysis for a Well in a Finite, Compositional Simulation — An Efficient Method For Modelling Gas Circular Reservoir, by A.K. Ambastha, J.H. Ramey, Jr., Vol. 32, No. Solubility in the Aqueous Phase for Compositional Simulators, by Y.- K. Li, L. Nghiem, R. Agarwal, Vol. 32, No. 2, P44-49, February 6, P34-38, June 1993. 1993. Drilling — An Analytical Solution for Transient Temperature and Stress Computer Modelling — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Injection into Permeable Completions, by D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. Bogobowicz, Vol. 32, No. 32, No. 9, P20-24, November 1993. 4, P49-57, April 1993. Computer Simulation — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Dusseault, M.B. — An Analytical Solution for Transient Temperature and Displacement in Porous Media Containing a Region of Different Stress Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Injection into Wettability, by D.G. Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, Permeable Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. Bogobowicz, No. 6, P21-25, June 1993. Vol. 32, No. 4, P49-57, April 1993. Concentration Distribution — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines — Cold Production and Enhanced Oil Recovery, by M.B. Dusseault, Containing Flowing Two-phase Mixtures by, R.J. Sumner, M. Vol. 32. No. 9, P16-18, November 1993. McKibben, C.A. Shook, Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. — Development and Application of a Fully-coupled Two-dimensional Continuous Improvement — Continuous Improvement: A “Win..Win” Finite Element Approach to Deformation and Pressure Diffusion Process, by T. Lawrence, A. Wichert, Vol. 32, No. 5, P58-62, May Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. Dusseault, Vol. 32, No. 10, 1993. P28-38, December 1993. Convective Heat Transfer — An Analytical Solution for Transient Dusterhoft, D.M. — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal Temperature and Stress Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Completions, by D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. Injection into Permeable Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. 32, No. 9, P20-24, November 1993. Bogobowicz. Vol. 32, No. 4, P49-57, April 1993. Dyer, S.B. — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Reservoir — A Coombe, D.A. — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in Laboratory Study, by S.S. Huang, $.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, No. 7, P42-52, South Casper Creek Reservoir, by $.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, September 1993. V.M. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Coreflood — Steam Corefloods With Concurrent X-Ray CT Imaging, by D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck. G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. 32, No. 3, P37- 45, March 1993. Economic Optimization — Effective Application of Steam Assisted Cornish, R. — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Creek Hydrocarbon Miscible Gravity Drainage of Bitumen to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, by N.R. Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Cornish, Vol. Edmunds, S.D. Gittins, Vol. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. 32, No. 2, P50-55, February 1993. Edmunds, N.R. — Effective Application of Steam Assisted Gravity CT Imaging — Steam Corefloods With Concurrent X-Ray CT Imaging, by Drainage of Bitumen to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, by N.R. D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. 32, No. 3, P37- Edmunds, S.D. Gittins, Vol. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. 45, March 1993. Ehlers, P.F. — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Cuthiell, D. — Steam Corefloods with Concurrent X-Ray CT Imaging, by Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. 32, No. 3, P37- K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January 45, March 1993, 1993. Elasto-plastic Deformation — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with Geomechanics, by W.S. Tortike, S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, P28-37, May 1993. Dahl, J. — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Aqueous and Hydrocarbon Empirical Modelling — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Displacement in Slurries, by J. Dahl. K. Harris, A. Leinan, Vol. 32, No. 9, P25-27, Water-wet Porous Media, by V. Hornof, N. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. November 1993. McLean, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33, February 1993. The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Emulsion — The Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Viscosity of Fractures — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Ultrasonic Athabasca Bitumen and Bitumen-solvent Mixtures, by A. Chakma, F. Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, P34-43, Berruti, Vol. 32, No. 5, P48-51, May 1993. February 1993. Enhanced Oil Recovery — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Friction Factor — Friction Factors for Yieldless Fluids in Turbulent Pipe Injection Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. Flow, by A.M. Hemeida, Vol. 32, No. 1, P32-35, January 1993. Kantzas, B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, Fully-coupled — Development and Application of a Fully-coupled Two- P15-23, December 1993. dimensional Finite Element Approach to Deformation and Pressure — Mathematical Modelling and Scaling up of Microbial Enhanced Oil Diffusion Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. Dusseault, Vol. 32. Recovery, by R. Islam, A. Gianetto, Vol. 32, No. 4, P30-36, April No. 10, P28-38, December 1993. 1993. Fulton, R.G. — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Reservoir — A Laboratory by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. Study, by S.S. Huang, S.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, No. 7, P42-52, September 7, P59-63, September 1993. 1993. Fung, L. — Comparison of Discretization Methods for Modelling Near- — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial Sandstone Cores, by W. well Phenomena in Thermal Processes, by A.D. Hiebert, L.S.-K. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. 32, No. 6, P39-48, June Fung, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, March 1993. 1993, G — Recovery of Heavy Oils Using Vaporized Hydrocarbon Solvents: Further Development of the Vapex Process, by R.M. Butler, I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, June 1993. Gas and Liquid Analysis — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids Exploration Drilling — The Application of Fractal Geostatistics to Oil and Monitoring, by R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, Gas Property Evaluation and Reserve Estimates, by D. Poon, M. P42-47, January 1993. McCormack, H.F. Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 10, P24-27, December 1993. Gas Drainage — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscibie Gas Injection F Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. Kantzas, B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P15-23, December 1993. ‘alk, K.L. — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal Completions, by Gas Injection — Water Coning Suppression, by V.S.V. Rajan, R.W. D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. 32, No. 9, P20- Luhning, Vol. 32, No. 4, P37-48, April 1993. 24, November 1993. Gas Solubilities — An Efficient Method for Modelling Gas Solubility in Faroug Ali, S.M. — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with Geomechanics, the Aqueous Phase for Compositional Simulators, by Y.-K. Li, L. by W.S. Tortike, S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, P28-37, May 1993. Nghiem, R. Agarwal, Vol. 32, No. 2, P44-49, February 1993. Fialka, B.N. — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Oil Gel Membrane — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Sands Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by B.N. Fialka, Conditions, by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. 7, P59-63, September 1993. R.K. McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, Vol. 32, No. 2, P56- 62, February 1993. Geology — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, Field Rates — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Analog K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January Model of Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by I.J. Mokrys, R.M. 1993. Butler, Vol. 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. Geometrical Network — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Fill Cleanouts — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal Completions, Displacement in Porous Media Containing a Region of Different by D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. 32, No. 9, Wettability, by D.G. Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, P20-24, November 1993. No. 6, P21-25, June 1993. Finger Formation — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Displacement in Geophysics — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Water-wet Porous Media, by V. Hornof, N. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. Ultrasonic Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, McLean, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33, February 1993. P34-43, February 1993. Finite Difference Model — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In George, A.E. — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary Situ Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Production of Heavy Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Treatments, by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, Vol. 32, No. 9, P50-54, November 1993. No. 5, P38-47, May 1993. Gittins, S.D. — Effective Application of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Finite Element Method — Development and Application of a Fully- of Bitumen to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, by N.R. Edmunds, S.D. coupled Two-dimensional Finite Element Approach to Deformation Gittins, Vol. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. and Pressure Diffusion Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. Graded Viscosity Bank — An Experimental Evaluation of Viscosity Dusseault, Vol. 32, No. 10, P28-38, December 1993. Grading for Controlling Fingering in Miscible Displacements, by Finite Reservoirs — Well-test Analysis for a Well in a Finite, Circular H.K. Sarma, B.B. Maini, Vol. 32, No. 1, P36-41, January 1993. Reservoir, by A.K. Ambastha, J.H. Ramey, Jr., Vol. 32, No. 6, P34- Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Injection — Design of a Gravity Assisted 38, June 1993. Immiscible Gas Injection Program for Application in a Vuggy Fireflood — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in a Waterflooded Fractured Reef, by A. Kantzas, B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G. Moore, M. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P15-23, December 1993. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. Greaves, M. — Horizontal Producer Wells in In Situ Combustion (ISC) Fish, R.M. — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids Monitoring, by Processes, by M. Greaves, A.A. Tuwil, A.S. Bagci, Vol. 32, No. 4, R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, P42-47, January P58-66, April 1993. 1993. Foamy Oil — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary Production of Heavy Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Vol. 32, No. 9, PS0-54, November 1993. Harris, K. — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Aqueous and Hydrocarbon Fontaine, T. — Development of Pelican Lake Area Using Horizontal Well Slurries, by J. Dahl, K. Harris, A. Leinan, Vol. 32, No. 9, P25-27, Technology, by T. Fontaine, L. Hayes, G. Reese, Vol. 32, No. 9, P44- November 1993. 49, November 1993. Hayes, L. — Development of Pelican Lake Area Using Horizontal Well — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well Steamflood, by P.J. Technology, by T. Fontaine, L. Hayes, G. Reese, Vol. 32, No. 9, P44- Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, PS2-57, May 1993. 49, November 1993. Fractal Geometry — The Application of Fractal Geostatistics to Oil and Hayes, R.E. — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial Sandstone Gas Property Evaluation and Reserve Estimates, by D. Poon, M. Cores, by W. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. 32, No. 6, McCormack, H.F. Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 10, P24-27, December 1993. P39-48, June 1993. Fracture Permeability — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Heat Transfer — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In Situ Digital Ultrasonic Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Treatments, 2, P34-43, February 1993. by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, No. 5, P38-47, Fracture Temperature — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In May 1993. Situ Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Heavy Oil — Development of Pelican Lake Area Using Horizontal Well Treatments, by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, Technology, by T. Fontaine, L. Hayes, G. Reese, Vol. 32, No. 9, P44- No. 5, P38-47, May 1993. 49, November 1993. December 1993, Volume 32, No. 10 57 — Effective Application of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage of Bitumen Hybrid Grids — Comparison of Discretization Methods for Modelling to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, by N.R. Edmunds, S.D. Gittins, Vol. Near-well Phenomena in Thermal Processes, by L.S.-K. Fung, A.D. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. Hiebert, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, March — Recovery of Heavy Oils Using Vaporized Hydrocarbon Solvents: 1993. Further Development of the Vapex Process, by R.M. Butler, I.J. Hydraulic Fracturing — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In Mokrys, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, June 1993. Situ Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with Geomechanics, by W.S. Treatments, by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, Tortike, S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, P28-37, May 1993. No. 5, P38-47, May 1993. — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary Production of Heavy Hydrocarbon Based Cement Slurry — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Vol. 32, No. 9, P50- Aqueous and Hydrocarbon Slurries, by J. Dahl, K. Harris, A. Leinan, 54, November 1993. Vol. 32, No. 9, P25-27, November 1993. — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well Steamflood, by P.J. Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, P52-57, May 1993. — The Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Viscosity of Athabasca Bitumen and Bitumen-solvent Mixtures, by A. Chakma, F. Berruti, Imaging — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Ultrasonic Vol. 32, No. 5, P48-51, May 1993. Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, P34-43, Heavy Oil Core — Factors Affecting Coking in Heavy Oil Cores, Oils and February 1993. SARA FRactions Under Thermal Stress, by B. Verkoczy Vol. 32, No. In Situ Combustion — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in a 7, P25-33, September 1993. Waterflooded Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G. Heavy Oil Recovery — Horizontal Producer Wells in In Situ Combustion Moore, M. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. (ISC) Processes, by M. Greaves, A.A. Tuwil, A.S. Bagci, Vol. 32, — Horizontal Producer Wells in In Situ Combustion (ISC) Processes, by No. 4, P58-66, April 1993. M. Greaves, A.A. Tuwil, A.S. Bagci, Vol. 32, No. 4, P58-66, April Hemeida, A.M. — Friction Factors for Yieldless Fluids in Turbulent Pipe 1993. Flow, by A.M. Hemeida, Vol. 32, No. 1, P32-35, January 1993. In Situ Deasphalting — Recovery of Heavy Oils Using Vaporized Henry’s Law — An Efficient Method for Modelling Gas Solubility in the Hydrocarbon Solvents: Further Development of the Vapex Process, Aqueous Phase for Compositional Simulators by Y.-K. Li, L. by R.M. Butler, I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, June 1993. Nghiem, R. Agarwal, Vol. 32, No. 2, P44-49, February 1993. Heterogeneity — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Displacement in Islam, R. — Mathematical Modelling and Scaling up of Microbial Porous Media Containing a Region of Different Wettability, by D.G. Enhanced Oil Recovery, by R. Islam, A. Gianetto, Vol. 32, No. 4, P30-36, April 1993. Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 6, P21-25, June 1993. Ito, Y. — The Effects of Shear Failure on the Cyclic Steam Process and Heterogeneous Media — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas New Pseudo Functions for Reservoir Simulation, by Y. Ito, A. Settari, Injection Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P39-48, December 1993. Kantzas, B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, J P15-23, December 1993. Hiebert, A.D. — Comparison of Discretization Methods for Modelling Near-well Phenomena in Thermal Processes, by L.S.-K. Fung, A.D. Jesperson, P.J. — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well Steamflood, Hiebert, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, March by P.J. Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, P52-57, May 1993. 1993. Jha, K. — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Injection Program Hill, G.A. — Packed Bed Slime Reactor: A New Technology for for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. Kantzas, B. Petroleum Wastewater Purification, by G.A. Hill, Vol. 32, No. 1, Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P25-23, P28-31, January 1993. December 1993. History Match — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in — The Effects of Shear Failure on the Cyclic Steam Process and New South Casper Creek Reservoir, by S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, Pseudo Functions for Reservoir Simulation, by Y. Ito, A. Settari, K. V.M. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P39-48, December 1993. Hojka, K. — An Analytical Solution for Transient Temperature and Stress Joints — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Ultrasonic Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Injection into Permeable Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, P34-43, Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. Bogobowicz, Vol. 32, No. February 1993. 4, P49-57, April 1993. Judy Creek — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids Monitoring, by Horizontal Completions — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, P42-47, January Completions, by D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. 1993. 32, No. 9, P20-24, November 1993. Judy Creek “A” Pool — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Creek Hydrocarbon Horizontal Drilling — Development of Pelican Lake Area Using Miscible Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Horizontal Well Technology, by T. Fontaine, L. Hayes, G. Reese, Cornish, Vol. 32, No. 2, P50-55, February 1993. Vol. 32, No. 9, P44-49, November 1993. Horizontal Logging — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal K Completions, by D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. 32, No. 9, P20-24, November 1993. Horizontal Well — Development of Pelican Lake Area Using Horizontal Kalogerakis, N. — Improved Reservoir Characterization Using Automatic Well Technology, by T. Fontaine, L. Hayes, G. Reese, Vol. 32, No. 9, History Matching Procedures, by N. Kalogerakis, T.B. Tan, Vol. 32, P44-49, November 1993. No. 6, P26-33, June 1993. Horizontal Well — Effective Application of Steam Assisted Gravity Kamphuis, H. — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In Situ Drainage of Bitumen to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, by N.R. Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Treatments, Edmunds, S.D. Gittins, Vol. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, No. 5, P38-47, — Horizontal Producer Wells in In Situ Combustion (ISC) Processes, by May 1993. M. Greaves, A.A. Tuwil, A.S. Bagci, Vol. 32, No. 4, P58-66, April Kantzas, A. — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Injection 1993. Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. Kantzas, — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While Waterflooding the B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P15-23, Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern Saskatchewan, by December 1993. S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Vol. 32, No. 9, P28- Kehrig, R. — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While 36, November 1993. Waterflooding the Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well Steamflood, by P.J. Saskatchewan, by S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, P52-57, May 1993. Vol. 32, No. 9, P28-36, November 1993. Hornof, V.— Modelling of Water/Oil Displacement in Water-wet Porous Kinetics — Estimation of the Acid Sensitivity of a Soil, by H.F. Thimm, Media Radial, by V. Hornof, N. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. McLean, Vol. 32, No. 3, P57-59, March 1993. G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33, February 1993. Kiriakidis, D.G. — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Displacement in Huang, S.S. — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Reservoir — A Porous Media Containing a Region of Different Wettability, by D.G. Laboratory Study, by S.S. Huang, S.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, No. 7, P42-52, Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 6, P21-25, June September 1993. 1993. The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Kisman, K.E. — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Miscible Displacement — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Reservoir Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, — A Laboratory Study, by S.S. Huang, S.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, No. 7, K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January P42-52, September 1993. 1993. Miscible Displacements — An Experimental Evaluation of Viscosity Kissel, G. — Steam Corefloods with Concurrent X-Ray CT Imaging, by Grading for Controlling Fingering in Miscible Displacements, by D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. 32, No. 3, P37- H.K. Sarma, B.B. Maini, Vol. 32, No. 1, P36-41, January 1993. 45, March 1993. Miscible Equivalence — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids Kwok, W. — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial Sandstone Monitoring, by R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, Cores, by W. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. 32, No. 6, P42-47, January 1993. P39-48, June 1993. Miscible Flood — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids Ko, S.C.M. — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While Monitoring, by R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, Waterflooding the Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern P42-47, January 1993. Saskatchewan, by S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Miscible Flood Surveillance — Solvent Tracers And The Judy Creek Vol. 32, No. 9, P28-36, November 1993. Hydrocarbon Miscible Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Cornish, Vol. 32, No. 2, P50-55, February 1993. L Misselbrook, J.G. — Coiled Tubing Applications in Horizontal Completions, by D.M. Dusterhoft, K.L. Falk, J.G. Misselbrook, Vol. Lai, F. — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Creek Hydrocarbon Miscible 32, No. 9, P20-24, November 1993. Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Cornish, Vol. Mitsoulis, E. — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Displacement in 32, No. 2, P50-55, February 1993. Porous Media Containing a Region of Different Wettability, by D.G. Lateral Arms — Development of Pelican Lake Area Using Horizontal Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G-H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 6, P21-25, June Well Technology, by T. Fontaine, L. Hayes, G. Reese, Vol. 32, No. 9, 1993. P44-49, November 1993. Modelling — Packed Bed Slime Reactor: A New Technology for Lawrence, T. — Continuous Improvement: A “Win..Win” Process, by T. Petroleum Wastewater Purification, by G.A. Hill, Vol. 32, No. 1, Lawrence, A. Wichert, Vol. 32, No. 5, P58-62, May 1993. P28-31, January 1993. Lecourtier, J. — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, — The Effects of Shear Failure on the Cyclic Steam Process and New by A. Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, Pseudo Functions for Reservoir Simulation, by Y. Ito, A. Settari, K. September 1993. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P39-48, December 1993. Lee, L. — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, by J.B. Mohammadi, S.S. — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. 7, P59- South Casper Creek Reservoir, by S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, 63, September 1993. V.M. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Mokrys, I.J. — Recovery of Heavy Oils Using Vaporized Hydrocarbon Leinan, L. — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Aqueous and Hydrocarbon Slurries, by J. Dahl, K. Harris, A. Leinan, Vol. 32, No. 9, P25-27, Solvents: Further Development of the Vapex Process, by R.M. Butler, November 1993. I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, June 1993. — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Analog Model of Li, Y.-K. — An Efficient Method for Modelling Gas Solubility in the Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by IJ. Mokrys, Butler R.M., Vol. Aqueous Phase for Compositional Simulators, by R. Agarwal, Y.-K. 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. Li, L. Nghiem, Vol. 32, No. 2, P44-49, February 1993. Monitoring — Estimation of the Acid Sensitivity of a Soil, by H.F. Longstaffe, F.J. — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Oil Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 3, P57-59, March 1993. Sands Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by B.N. Fialka, Moore, R.G. — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in a R.K. McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, Vol. 32, No. 2, P56- Waterflooded Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G. 62, February 1993. Moore, M. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. Lower Cretaceous — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well — New Strategies for In Situ Combustion, by R.G. Moore, Vol. 32, No. Steamflood, by P.J. Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, P52-57, 10, P1 1-13, December 1993. May 1993. Mourits, F.M. — Comparison of Discretization Methods for Modelling Luhning, R.W. — Water Coning Suppression, by V.S.V. Rajan, R.W. Near-well Phenomena in Thermal Processes by, L.S.-K. Fung, A.D. Luhning, Vol. 32, No. 4, P37-48, April 1993. Hiebert, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, March 1993. N Maini, B.B. — An Experimental Evaluation of Viscosity Grading for Controlling Fingering in Miscible Displacements, by H.K. Sarma, Natural Cores — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relative B.B. Maini, Vol. 32, No. 1, P36-41, January 1993. Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations, — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary Production of Heavy by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, November Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Vol. 32, No. 9, P50- 1993. 54,November 1993. Nikakhtar, B. — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Injection McClanahan, R.K. — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. Kantzas, Oil Sands Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by B.N. Fialka, B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P15-23, R.K. McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J.Longstaffe, Vol. 32, No. 2, P56- December 1993. 62, February 1993. Nasr-El-Din, H.A. — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial McCormack, M. — The Application of Fractal Geostatistics to Oil and Gas Sandstone Cores, by W. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. Property Evaluation and Reserve Estimates, by D. Poon, M. 32, No. 6, P39-48, June 1993. McCormack, H.F. Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 10, P24-27, December 1993. Neale, G.H. — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Displacement in McKibben, M. — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines Containing Porous Media Containing a Region of Different Wettability, by D.G. Flowing Two-phase Mixtures, by R. Sumner, M. McKibben, C.A. Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 6, P21-25, June Shook, Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. 1993. McLean, D.D. — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Displacement in Water- — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Displacement in Water-wet Porous wet Porous Media, by V. Hornof, N. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. Media by, V. Hornof, N. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. McLean, G.H. McLean, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33, February 1993. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33, February 1993. Microbial — Mathematical Modelling and Scaling up of Microbial Near-well Processes — Comparison of Discretization Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery, by R. Islam, A. Gianetto, Vol. 32, No. 4, Modelling Near-well Phenomena in Thermal Processes, by L.S.-K. P30-36, April 1993. Fung, A.D. Hiebert, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, Mineralogical Analyses — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in March 1993. an Oil Sands Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by R.K. Neodol 25-3S — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial Sandstone McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, B.N. Fialka, Vol. 32, No. 2, Cores, by W. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, February 1993. P39-48, June 1993. Minimum Miscibility Pressure — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Nghiem, L. — An Efficient Method for Modelling Gas Solubility in the Reservoir — A Laboratory Study, by S.S. Huang, S.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, Aqueous Phase for Compositional Simulators, by R. Agarwal, Y.-K. No. 7, P42-52, September 1993. Li, L. Nghiem, Vol. 32, No. 2, P44-49, February 1993. December 1993, Volume 32, No. 10 59 Noik, C. — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, by A. Porous Media Oil Recovery — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, September Displacement in Water-wet Porous Media, by V. Hornof, N. 1993. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. McLean, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22- Non-aqueous Foam — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary 33, February 1993. Production of Heavy Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Poroelasticity — Development and Application of a Fully-coupled Two- Vol. 32, No. 9, P50-54, November 1993. dimensional Finite Element Approach to Deformation and Pressure Nosal, M. — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Diffusion Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. Dusseault, Vol. 32, Project Performance by, H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, No. 10, P28-38, December 1993. K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January Pow, M. — Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Injection 1993 Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, by A. Kantzas, Numerical Modelling — Water Coning Suppression, by V.S.V. Rajan, B. Nikakhtar, P. de Wit, M. Pow, K. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P15-23, R.W. Luhning, Vol. 32, No. 4, P37-48, April 1993. December 1993. Numerical Simulation — Mathematical Modelling and Scaling up of Pressure — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relative Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, by R. Islam, A. Gianetto, Vol. 32, Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations, No. 4, P30-36, April 1993. by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, November — Steam Corefloods With Concurrent X-Ray CT Imaging, by D. 1993. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. 32, No. 3, P37-45, Primary Production — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary March 1993. Production of Heavy Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Vol. 32, No. 9, P50-54, November 1993. Property Evaluation — The Application of Fractal Geostatistics to Oil and Gas Property Evaluation and Reserve Estimates, by D. Poon, M. Oballa, V. — Comparison of Discretization Methods for Modelling Near- McCormack, H.F. Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 10, P24-27, December 1993. well Phenomena in Thermal Processes by, L.S.-K. Fung, A.D. Post-steam Core — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Oil Hiebert, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, March Sands Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by R.K. 1993. McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, B.N. Fialka, Vol. 32, No. 2, Oil Constituents Thermal Study — Factors Affecting Coking in Heavy Oil P56-62, February 1993. Cores, Oils and SARA FRactions Under Thermal Stress, by B. Pressure Control — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Verkoczy Vol. 32, No. 7, P25-33, September 1993. Conditions, by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Oil Displacement — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Displacement Vol. 32, No. 7, P59-63, September 1993. in Porous Media Containing a Region of Different Wettability, by Pressure Transient Analysis — Well-test Analysis for a Well in a Finite, D.G. Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G-H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 6, P21-25, Circular Reservoir, by A.K. Ambastha, J.H. Ramey, Jr., Vol. 32, No. June 1993. 6, P34-38, June 1993. Oil Recovery — Improved Sweep Efficiency by Selective Plugging of Probe — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines Containing Flowing Highly Watered Out Zones by Alcohol Induced Precipitation, by T. Two-phase Mixtures, by R.J. Sumner, M. McKibben, C.A. Shook, Zhu, D. Tiab, Vol. 32, No. 9, P37-43, November 1993. Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Displacement in Water-wet Porous Produced Fluid Monitoring — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Media, by V. Hornof, N. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. McLean, G.H. Fluids Monitoring, by R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33, February 1993. 1, P42-47, January 1993. Oil Sands — Effective Application of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage of Productivity — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Bitumen to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, by N.R. Edmunds, S.D. Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, Gittins, Vol. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January — The Effects of Shear Failure on the Cyclic Steam Process and New 1993. Pseudo Functions for Reservoir Simulation, by Y. Ito, A. Settari, K. Protective Gel Shell — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P39-48, December 1993. Conditions, by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Oil Sands Vol. 32, No. 7, P59-63, September 1993. Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by R.K. McClanahan, Pseudoplastic — Friction Factors for Yieldless Fluids in Turbulent Pipe G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, B.N. Fialka, Vol. 32, No. 2, P56-62, Flow, by A.M. Hemeida, Vol. 32, No. 1, P32-35, January 1993. February 1993. Overburden Stress — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relative Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations, by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, November 1993. Radial Flow — Propagation of Anionic Surfactants in Radial Sandstone Cores, by W. Kwok, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, R.E. Hayes, Vol. 32, No. 6, P39-48, June 1993. Rajan, V.S.V. — Water Coning Suppression, by V.S.V. Rajan, R.W. Packed Column — Packed Bed Slime Reactor: A New Technology for Luhning, Vol. 32, No. 4, P37-48, April 1993. Petroleum Wastewater Purification by G.A. Hill, Vol. 32, No. 1, P28- Ramey, Jr. — H.J., Well-test Analysis for a Well in a Finite, Circular 31, January 1993. Reservoir, by A.K. Ambastha, J.H. Ramey, Jr., Vol. 32, No. 6, P34- Parameter Estimation — Improved Reservoir Characterization Using 38, June 1993. Automatic History Matching Procedures, by N. Kalogerakis, T.B. Randall, T.E. — A Simplistic Evaluation of Over 30 Years’ Horizontal Tan, Vol. 32, No. 6, P26-33, June 1993. Hydrocarbon Solvent Flood Performance in Alberta, by T.E. Randall, Particle Migration — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines Vol. 32, No. 7, P19-23, September 1993. Containing Flowing Two-phase Mixtures, by R.J. Sumner, M. Recovery Mechanisms — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in McKibben, C.A. Shook, Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. an Oil Sands Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by R.K. Phenols — Packed Bed Slime Reactor: A New Technology for Petroleum McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, B.N. Fialka, Vol. 32, No. 2, Wastewater Purification, by G.A. Hill, Vol. 32, No. 1, P28-31, P56-62, February 1993. January 1993. Redford, D.A. — The Need for a Marketing Strategy for Alberta Bitumen, Physical Modelling — Water Coning Suppression, by V.S.V. Rajan, R.W. by D.A. Redford, Vol. 32, No. 3, P20, March 1993. Luhning, Vol. 32, No. 4, P37-48, April 1993. Reese, G. — Development of Pelican Lake Area Using Horizontal Well Pilot Project — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in a Technology, by T. Fontaine, L. Hayes, G. Reese, Vol. 32, No. 9, P44- Waterflooded Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G. 49, November 1993. Moore, M. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. Relative Permeability — Steam Corefloods With Concurrent X-Ray CT Pipeline Design — Friction Factors for Yieldless Fluids in Turbulent Pipe Imaging, by D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. Flow, by A.M. Hemeida, Vol. 32, No. 1, P32-35, January 1993. 32, No. 3, P37-45, March 1993. Polysaccharides — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Reserve Estimates — The Application of Fractal Geostatistics to Oil and Conditions, by A. Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, Gas Property Evaluation and Reserve Estimates, by D. Poon, M. P53-58, September 1993. McCormack, H.F. Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 10, P24-27, December 1993. Poon, D. — The Application of Fractal Geostatistics to Oil and Gas Reservoir Characterization — Improved Reservoir Characterization Using Property Evaluation and Reserve Estimates, by D. Poon, M. Automatic History Matching Procedures, by N. Kalogerakis, T.B. McCormack, H.F. Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 10, P24-27, December 1993. Tan, Vol. 32, No. 6, P26-33, June 1993. The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Reservoir Engineering — Development and Application of a Fully- Sidetracking — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Oil coupled Two-dimensional Finite Element Approach to Deformation Sands Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by R.K. and Pressure Diffusion Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, B.N. Fialka, Vol. 32, No. 2, Dusseault, Vol. 32, No. 10, P28-38, December 1993. P56-62, February 1993. Reservoir Geomechanics — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with Simulation — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, by Geomechanics, by W.S. Tortike, S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. 7, P28-37, May 1993. P59-63, September 1993. Reservoir Modelling — Improved Reservoir Characterization Using — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While Waterflooding the Automatic History Matching Procedures, by N. Kalogerakis, T.B. Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern Saskatchewan, by Tan, Vol. 32, No. 6, P26-33, June 1993. S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Vol. 32, No. 9, P28- Reservoir Simulation — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with 36, November 1993. Geomechanics, by W.S. Tortike, S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in South Casper P28-37, May 1993. Creek Reservoir, by $.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, V.M. Ripley, H.E. — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. Slim Tube Test — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Reservoir — A 7, P59-63, September 1993. Laboratory Study, by S.S. Huang, $.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, No. 7, P42-52, September 1993. Rising Bubble Apparatus — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Reservoir — A Laboratory Study, by S.S. Huang, S.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, Small Particle Size Cement — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Aqueous No. 7, P42-52, September 1993. and Hydrocarbon Slurries, by J. Dahl, K. Harris, A. Leinan, Vol. 32, No. 9, P25-27, November 1993. Robb, G.A. — The Evaluation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation in an Oil Sands Soil — Estimation of the Acid Sensitivity of a Soil, by H.F. Thimm, Vol. Reservoir Using Post-steam Core Analysis, by B.N. Fialka, R.K. 32, No. 3, P57-59, March 1993. McClanahan, G.A. Robb, F.J. Longstaffe, Vol. 32, No. 2, P56-62, February 1993. Solution Gas Drive — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary Production of Heavy Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Roodhart, L.P. — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In Situ Vol. 32, No. 9, PS0-54, November 1993. Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Treatments, Solvent Compositions — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, No. 5, P38-47, Monitoring, by R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, May 1993. P42-47, January 1993. Ss Solvent Leaching — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Analog Model of Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by I.J. Mokrys, R.M. Butler, Vol. 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. Salt Precipitate — Improved Sweep Efficiency by Selective Plugging of Solvent Tracers — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Creek Hydrocarbon Highly Watered Out Zones by Alcohol Induced Precipitation, by T. Miscible Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Zhu, D. Tiab, Vol. 32, No. 9, P37-43, November 1993. Cornish, Vol. 32, No. 2, PS50-55, February 1993. Sarma, H.K. — An Experimental Evaluation of Viscosity Grading for Solvent Tracers Tritiated Hydrocarbons — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Controlling Fingering in Miscible Displacements, by H.K. Sarma, Creek Hydrocarbon Miscible Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. B.B. Maini, Vol. 32, No. 1, P36-41, January 1993. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Cornish, Vol. 32, No. 2, P50-55, February — Significance of Foam-oil Behaviour in Primary Production of Heavy 1993. Oils, by B.B. Maini, H.K. Sarma, A.E. George, Vol. 32, No. 9, P50- South Casper Creek — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control 54, November 1993. in South Casper Creek Reservoir, by S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Saturation — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relative Coombe, V.M. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations, Stability — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, by A. by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, November Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, September 1993. 1993. Scaled Physical Model — An Experimental Evaluation of Viscosity Statistics — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Grading for Controlling Fingering in Miscible Displacements, by Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, H.K. Sarma, B.B. Maini, Vol. 32, No. 1, P36-41, January 1993. K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January Schmitt, D.R. — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital 1993. Ultrasonic Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage — Effective Application of Steam P34-43, February 1993. Assisted Gravity Drainage of Bitumen to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, Scleroglucan — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, by N.R. Edmunds, S.D. Gittins, Vol. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. by A. Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Analog Model of September 1993. Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by IJ. Mokrys, R.M. Butler, Vol. Sedgweck, G. — Steam Corefloods with Concurrent X-Ray CT Imaging, 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. by D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. 32, No. 3, Steam Displacement — Steam Corefloods With Concurrent X-Ray CT P37-45, March 1993. Imaging, by D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Wooiley, Vol. 32, No. 3, P37-45, March 1993. Selective Plugging — Improved Sweep Efficiency by Selective Plugging of Highly Watered Out Zones by Alcohol Induced Precipitation, by T. Steam Diversion — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in Zhu, D. Tiab, Vol. 32, No. 9, P37-43, November 1993. South Casper Creek Reservoir, by $.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, V.M. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Settari, A.— New Developments in Simulation, by A. Settari, Vol. 32, Steam Foam — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in South No. 1, P21, January 1993. Casper Creek Reservoir, by S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, V.M. — The Effects of Shear Failure on the Cyclic Steam Process and New Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Pseudo Functions for Reservoir Simulation, by Y. Ito, A. Settari, K. Steam Relative Permeability — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P39-48, December 1993. Water Relative Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Shear Control — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, Scan Saturations, by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vol. 32, No. P55-60, November 1993. 7, P59-63, September 1993. Steamflood — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well Steamflood, by Shear Failure — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with Geomechanics, by P.J. Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, PS2-57, May 1993. W:S. Tortike, S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, P28-37, May 1993. — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in South Casper — The Effects of Shear Failure on the Cyclic Steam Process and New Creek Reservoir, by $S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, V.M. Pseudo Functions for Reservoir Simulation, by Y. Ito, A. Settari, K. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P39-48, December 1993. Stevens, J.P. — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Shock Fronts — The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, Analog Model of Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by I.J. Mokrys, K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January R.M. Butler, Vol. 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. 1993. Shook, C.A. — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines Containing Stevenson, V.M. — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in Flowing Two-phase Mixtures, by R. Sumner, M. McKibben, C.A. South Casper Creek Reservoir, by S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, Shook, Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. V.M. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. December 1993, Volume 32, No. 10 61 Stress — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Ultrasonic Thimm, H.F. — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, P34-43, Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Steven’; February 1993. K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, Januar¥ Sucker Rod Pumping — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well 1993. : Steamflood, by P.J. Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, P52-57, — Estimation of the Acid Sensitivity of a Soil by, H.F. Thimm, Vol. 32; May 1993. No. 3, P57-59, March 1993. Sumner, R.J. — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines Containing — The Application of Fractal Geostatistics to Oil and Gas Propert¥ Flowing Two-phase Mixtures, by R. Sumner, M. McKibben, C.A. Evaluation and Reserve Estimates, by D. Poon, M. McCormack, H.F: Shook, Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. Thimm, Vol. 32, No. 10, P24-27, December 1993. Suppression — Water Coning Suppression, by V.S.V. Rajan R.W. Three-phase Flash Calculation — An Efficient Method for Modelling Ga$ Luhning, Vol. 32, No. 4, P37-48, April 1993. Solubility in the Aqueous Phase for Compositional Simulators, by Y.- Surfactant — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in South K. Li, L. Nghiem, R. Agarwal, Vol. 32, No. 2, P44-49, February Casper Creek Reservoir, by S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, V.M. 1993. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Tortike, W.S. — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with Geomechanics, bY Surjaatmadja, J.B. — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping W.S. Tortike, S.M. Farouq Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, P28-37, May 1993. Conditions, by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Total Quality Management — Continuous Improvement: A “Win..Win” Vol. 32, No. 7, P59-63, September 1993. Process, by T. Lawrence, A. Wichert, Vol. 32, No. 5, P58-62, Ma¥ 1993. Sweep Efficiency — Horizontal Producer Wells in In Situ Combustion (ISC) Processes, by M. Greaves, A.A. Tuwil, A.S. Bagci, Vol. 32, Transient Flow — Development and Application of a Fully-coupled Two-= No. 4, P58-66, April 1993. dimensional Finite Element Approach to Deformation and Pressuré Diffusion Around a Borehole, by H. Cheng, M.B. Dusseault, Vol. 32; — Improved Sweep Efficiency by Selective Plugging of Highly Watered No. 10, P28-38, December 1993. Out Zones by Alcohol Induced Precipitation, by T. Zhu, D. Tiab, Vol. 32, No. 9, P37-43, November 1993. Turbulent Flow — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines Containing Flowing Two-phase Mixtures, by R.J. Sumner, M. McKibben, C.A: T Shook, Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. — Friction Factors for Yieldless Fluids in Turbulent Pipe Flow, by AM: Hemeida, Vol. 32, No. 1, P32-35, January 1993. Tan, T.B. — Improved Reservoir Characterization Using Automatic Tuwil, A.A. — Horizontal Producer Wells in In Situ Combustion ~~ History Matching Procedures, by N. Kalogerakis, T.B. Tan, Vol. 32, Processes, by M. Greaves, A.A. Tuwil, A.S. Bagci, Vol. 32, No. 4; No. 6, P26-33, June 1993. P58-66, April 1993. Tar Sands — Reservoir Simulation Integrated with Geomechanics, by Type Curves — Well-test Analysis for a Well in a Finite, Circulaf W.S. Tortike, S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 32, No. 5, P28-37, May 1993. Reservoir, by A.K. Ambastha, J.H. Ramey, Jr., Vol. 32, No. 6, P34- Taylor, H. — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Creek Hydrocarbon Miscible 38, June 1993. Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Cornish, Vol. 32, No. 2, P50-55, February 1993. Teamwork — Continuous Improvement: A “Win..Win” Process, by T. Lawrence, A. Wichert, Vol. 32, No. 5, P58-62, May 1993. Ultrasonic — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Televiewer — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Ultrasonic Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2; Ultrasonic Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Schmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, P34-43, February 1993. P34-43, February 1993. Ultrasonic Treatment — The Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on thé Temperature — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relative Viscosity of Athabasca Bitumen and Bitumen-solvent Mixtures, bY Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations, A. Chakma, F. Berruti, Vol. 32, No. 5, P48-51, May 1993. by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, November Ursenbach, M. — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in 4 1993. Waterflooded Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G: — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, by A. Moore, M. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, September 1993. V Temperature Control — Cement Analysis Under Simulated Pumping Conditions, by J.B. Surjaatmadja, L. Lee, H.E. Ripley, R.G. Fulton, Vapex— The Rise of Interfering Solvent Chambers: Solvent Analog Vol. 32, No. 7, P59-63, September 1993. Model of Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage, by I.J. Mokrys, R.M: Temperature Modelling — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In Butler, Vol. 32, No. 3, P26-36, March 1993. Situ Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Vapex Process — Recovery of Heavy Oils Using Vaporized Hydrocarbof Treatments, by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, Solvents: Further Development of the Vapex Process, by R.M. Butler; No. 5, P38-47, May 1993. I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 32, No. 6, P56-62, June 1993. Thermal Recovery — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Velocity Distribution — Concentration Measurements in Pipelines Thermal Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Containing Flowing Two-phase Mixtures, by R.J. Sumner, Stevens, K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, McKibben, C.A. Shook, Vol. 32, No. 3, P53-56, March 1993. January 1993. Verkoczy, B. — Factors Affecting Coking in Heavy Oil Cores, Oils and — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in a Waterflooded SARA FRactions Under Thermal Stress, by B. Verkoczy Vol. 32, No: Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G. Moore, M. 7, P25-33, September 1993. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. Viking-Kinsella — Fieid Observations of In Situ Combustion in # — Test of Steam-foam Process for Mobility Control in South Casper Waterflooded Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G: Creek Reservoir, by S.S. Mohammadi, D.A. Coombe, V.M. Moore, M. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. Stevenson, Vol. 32, No. 10, P49-54, December 1993. Vinegar, H.J. — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Water Relativé — The Effects of Shear Failure on the Cyclic Steam Process and New Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT Scan Saturations; Pseudo Functions for Reservoir Simulation, by Y. Ito, A. Settari, K. by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, P55-60, Novembef Jha, Vol. 32, No. 10, P39-48, December 1993. 1993. Thermal Simulation — Comparison of Discretization Methods for Visbreaking — The Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Viscosity of Modelling Near-well Phenomena in Thermal Processes, by L.S.-K. Athabasca Bitumen and Bitumen-solvent Mixtures, by A. Chakma, F- Fung, A.D. Hiebert, V. Oballa, F.M. Mourits, Vol. 32, No. 3, P46-52, Berruti, Vol. 32, No. 5, P48-51, May 1993. March 1993. Viscous — Tangleflags North Pilot: A Horizontal Well Steamflood, by Thermoelastic Stresses — An Analytical Solution for Transient P.J. Jesperson, T. Fontaine, Vol. 32, No. 5, P52-57, May 1993. Temperature and Stress Field Around a Borehole During Fluid Viscous Fingering — An Experimental Evaluation of Viscosity Grading Injection into Permeable Media, by K. Hojka, M.B. Dusseault, A.D. for Controlling Fingering in Miscible Displacements, by H.K. Sarma; Bogobowicz, Vol. 32, No. 4, P49-57, April 1993. B.B. Maini, Vol. 32, No. 1, P36-41, January 1993. Tiab, D. — Improved Sweep Efficiency by Selective Plugging of Highly Viscosity — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, by A: Watered Out Zones by Alcohol Induced Precipitation, by T. Zhu, D. Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, Septembef Tiab, Vol. 32, No. 9, P37-43, November 1993. 1993. The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Ww Weyburn Midale — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While Waterflooding the Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern Wastewater — Packed Bed Slime Reactor: A New Technology for Saskatchewan, by S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Petroleum Wastewater Purification, by G.A. Hill, Vol. 32, No. 1, Vol. 32, No. 9, P28-36, November 1993. P28-31, January 1993. Weyburn Reservoir — Miscible Displacement in the Weyburn Reservoir — Water Coning — Water Coning Suppression, by V.S.V. Rajan, R.W. A Laboratory Study, by S.S. Huang, $.B. Dyer, Vol. 32, No. 7, P42- Luhning, Vol. 32, No. 4, P37-48, April 1993. 52, September 1993. Water Control — Uses of Small Particle Cement in Aqueous and Wichert, A.— Continuous Improvement: A “Win..Win” Process, by T. Hydrocarbon Slurries, by J. Dahl, K. Harris, A. Leinan, Vol. 32, No. Lawrence, A. Wichert, Vol. 32, No. 5, P58-62, May 1993. 9, P25-27, November 1993. Wood, K. — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Creek Hydrocarbon Miscible Water Relative Permeability — A Technique for Measuring Steam and Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Cornish, Vol. Water Relative Permeabilities at Residual Oil in Natural Cores: CT 32, No. 2, P50-55, February 1993. Scan Saturations, by P.J. Closmann, H.J. Vinegar, Vol. 32, No. 9, Woodford, R. — Solvent Tracers and the Judy Creek Hydrocarbon P55-60, November 1993. Miscible Flood, by K. Wood, F. Lai, R. Woodford, H. Taylor, R. Waterflood — Field Observations of In Situ Combustion in a Cornish, Vol. 32, No. 2, P50-55, February 1993. Waterflooded Reservoir in the Kinsella Field, by M. Byl, R.G. Woolley, J. — Steam Corefloods with Concurrent X-Ray CT Imaging, by Moore, M. Ursenbach, Vol. 32, No. 7, P34-41, September 1993. D. Cuthiell, G. Sedgweck, G. Kissel, J. Woolley, Vol. 32, No. 3, P37- — Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance While Waterflooding the 45, March 1993. Weyburn Midale Beds Pool of Southeastern Saskatchewan, by Wu, R.S. — Judy Creek Miscible Flood Produced Fluids Monitoring, by S.C.M. Ko, R. Kehrig, P.A. Bakes, J. Chodzicki, Vol. 32, No. 9, P28- R.S. Wu, R.M. Fish, J.P. Batycky, Vol. 32, No. 1, P42-47, January 36, November 1993. 1993. Water/Oil Displacement — Modelling of Radial Water/Oil Displacement X in Water-wet Porous Media, by V. Hornof, N. Agharazi-Dormani, D.D. McLean, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 2, P22-33, February 1993. Wellbore Logging — Reservoir Fracture Statistics Derived from Digital Xanthan — Behaviour of Polysaccharides Under Harsh Conditions, by A. Ultrasonic Televiewer Logging, by D.R. Scmitt, Vol. 32, No. 2, P34- Audibert, C. Noik, J. Lecourtier, Vol. 32, No. 7, P53-58, September 43, February 1993. 1993. Wellbore Pressure Gradients — Effective Application of Steam Assisted Y Gravity Drainage of Bitumen to Long Horizontal Well Pairs, by N.R. Edmunds, S.D. Gittins, Vol. 32, No. 6, P49-55, June 1993. Well-life — A Statistical Analysis of the Early Peace River Thermal Yieldless Fluids — Friction Factors for Yieldless Fluids in Turbulent Pipe Project Performance, by H.F. Thimm, R.R. Capeling, J.P. Stevens, Flow, by A.M. Hemeida, Vol. 32, No. 1, P32-35, January 1993. K.E. Kisman, P.F. Ehlers, M. Nosal, Vol. 32, No. 1, P48-53, January 1993. Well Stimulation — A New Simulator for the Calculation of the In Situ Temperature Profile During Well Stimulation Fracturing Treatments, Zhu, T. — Improved Sweep Efficiency by Selective Plugging of Highly by L.P. Roodhart, H. Kamphuis, D.R. Davies, Vol. 32, No. 5, P38-47, Watered Out Zones by Alcohol Induced Precipitation, by T. Zhu, D. May 1993. Tiab, Vol. 32, No. 9, P37-43, November 1993. Wettability — Computer Simulations of Immiscible Displacement in Porous Media Containing a Region of Different Wettability, by D.G. Kiriakidis, E. Mitsoulis, G.H. Neale, Vol. 32, No. 6, P21-25, June 1993. BOOKS & BROCHURES PIPE LINE RULES OF THUMB lating the length of pipe in bends; spacing colour), illustrated, cloth, subject HANDBOOK - 3rd Edition. Edited and pipe supports; pipe threads; commis- index. Price: U.S. $65. ISBN 0-13- by E.W. McAllister. Published by sioning petrochemical lines; vacuum dry- 105867-3. 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New conversion In Part I, Nina Siu-Ngam Lam and Lee Save valuable time and effort with this tables improve the versatility and useful- De Cola introduce readers to fractals, new edition of the popular handbook of ness of the book, and the chapters on weld- explaining what a fractal is, describing quick and accurate solutions to everyday ing, electrical design, and corrosion have fractal phenomena, and demonstrating pipe line problems. Originally published as been expanded and updated. fractal patterns. In Parts I-IV, eighteen a condensation from the pages of Pipe Popular, practical, and useful — Pipe leading scientists have contributed special- Line Industry magazine, this handbook is Line Rules of Thumb Handbook/3rd ized research chapters that demonstrate in packed with handy formulas, correlations, Edition gives you fingertip access to a detail the way they each use fractal con- curves, charts, tables, and shortcuts for wealth of proven pipe line solutions. cepts in their research in physical and pipe line construction, design, and engi- human geography, as well as in cartogra- neering for oil, gas, and products pipe phy, remote sensing, and geographic infor- FRACTALS IN GEOGRAPHY by lines. N.Siu-Ngam Lam and L. De Cola. mation analysis. This book offers readers an in-depth look This extensively expanded third edition Published by Prentice Hall, Route 59 at the fascinating subject of fractals and its is 25% bigger and more comprehensive at Brookhill Dr., West Nyack, NY relevance and potential in geography.#. than ever before. New articles cover calcu- 10994. 308 pages, photos (some December 1993, Volume 32, No. 10

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