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Concept-Author-Title INDEX VOLUME 30, NUMBERS 1-6, 1991 A Berezuk, Z.L. — Contingency Plans for Beaufort Sea Drilling in the 1990s, by R.L. Geddes, I.M. Fraser and Z.L. Berezuk, Vol. 30, No. 2, P161-164, Mar.-Apr. 91. Acid Fracturing — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Berndtsson, N.G. — Equipment and Procedures Shortcut Results in Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- Uncontrolled Flow—a Case Review, by J. Reid and N.G. Berndts- hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, PS0-57, Jan.- son, Vol. 30, No. 2, P144-147, Mar.-Apr. 91. Feb. 91. Bishnoi, P.R. — Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: Case Study of in the Presence of Methanol Using the Trebble-Bishnoi Equation of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoir, by P.J. State, by P. Englezos, Z. Huang and P.R. Bishnoi, Vol. 30, No. 2, McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov-Dec. 91. P148-155, Mar.-Apr. 91. Acoustic Pressure Calculations — A New Method to Improve the Bitumen — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by J.C. Suggett Accuracy of Acoustic Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. and L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. Dupuis, Vol. 30, No. 1, P58-64, Jan.-Feb.90. Blended Surfactants — Reduced Adsorption and Separation of Blended Adsorption — Reduced Adsorption and Separation of Blended Surfactants Surfactants on Sand and Clay, by Bob Dawe and Tom Oswald, Vol. on Sand and Clay, by Bob Dawe and Tom Oswald, Vol. 30, No. 2, 30, No. 2, P133-137, Mar.-Apr. 91. P133-137, Mar.-Apr. 91. Burnt Timber Field — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: Agarwal, R.K. — Multiphase Multicomponent Isenthalpic Flash Calculations, Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reser- by R.K. Agarwal, Y-K. Li, L.X Nghiem and D.A. Coombe, Vol. 30, voir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov- No. 3, P69-75, May-June 91. Dec. 91. Aguilera, R. — An Approximate Solution of Linear Flow in Naturally Butler, R.M. — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using Fractured Reservoirs, by R. Aguilera, Vol. 30, No. 3, P86-90, May- Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Mokrys, June 91. Vol. 30, No. 1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. Alkaline Flood — A Laboratory Study of Caustic Flooding for Two Alberta Crude Oils, by R.W.P. Symonds, S.M. Farouq Ali and S. Thomas, C Vol. 30, No. 1, P4449, Jan.-Feb. 91. Alkalis — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by J. Labrid, Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec. 91. Capillary Continuity — An Evaluation of the Improved Dual Porosity Model Alternate Fuels — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by J.C. Suggett and L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. for the Simulation of Gravity Effects in Naturally Fractured Reser- voirs, by L.S.-K. Fung and D.A. Collins, Vol. 30, No. 3, P61-68, May- Ambastha, A.K. — A Type-Curve Matching Procedure for Material Balance June 91. Analysis of Production Data from Geopressured Gas Reservoirs, by Carbonates — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by Z. Wang, A.K. Ambastha, Vol. 30, No. 5, P61-65, Sept.-Oct. 91. W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Mar.-Apr. Analytical Volumetric Models — Combining a Volumetric Model with a 91. Pseudo-miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling Caustic Flood — A Laboratory Study of Caustic Flooding for Two Alberta in the Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Crude Oils, by R.W.P. Symonds, S.M. Farouq Ali and S. Thomas, Nagel and J.K. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Vol. 30, No. 1, P4449, Jan.-Feb. 91. Athabasca vs Lloydminster — Experimental Investigations and Field Obser- Cement Evaluations — Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal vations on Mechanisms of Solids Filtration Using the Meshrite Metal- Wells, S.C. Peach, R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, No. lic Wool Filter, by P. Toma, G. Korpany and R.W. King, Vol. 30, 5, P26-32, Sept.-Oct. 91. No. 4, P78-88, July-Aug. 91. Cement Slurry — Laboratory Evaluation of Formation Damage Caused by Aziz, K. — Relative Permeabilities from Centrifuge Data, by A. Firoozabadi Drilling Fluids and Cement Slurry, by S.S. Rahman and C. Marx, and K. Aziz, Vol. 30, No. 5, P33-42, Sept.-Oct. 91. Vol. 30, No. 6, P40-46, Nov.-Dec. 91. Centrifuge Data — Relative Permeabilities from Centrifuge Data, by B A. Firoozabadi and K. Aziz, Vol. 30, No. 5, P33-42, Sept.-Oct. 91. Chan, D.H. — A Constitutive Model for the Effective Stress-strain Behaviour of Oil Sands, by R.G. Wan, D.H. Chan and K.M. Kosar, Vol. 30, Badry, R.A. — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation During Closed- No. 4, P89-98, July-Aug. 91. chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Hasan, Vol. Characterization — Depth-related Oil Viscosity Variation in Canadian 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. Heavy Oil Reservoirs, by B.P. Erno, J.R. Chriest and R.C. Wilson, Basic Sediment and Water — Sucker Rod Wear in Directionally Drilled Vol. 30, No. 3, P3641, May-June 91. Steamflood Wells, by R.J. Mottram, Vol. 30, No. 2, P156-160, Mar.- Chhom, K.N. — Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Steam Apr. 91. Injection, by K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, No. 3, Bearfort Sea — Contingency Plans for Beaufort Sea Drilling in the 1990s, P28-35, May-June 91. by R.L. Geddes, I.M. Fraser and Z.L. Berezuk, Vol. 30, No. 2, Chriest, J.R. — Depth-related Oil Viscosity Variation in Canadian Heavy P161-164, Mar.-Apr. 91. Oil Reservoirs, by B.P. Erno, J.R. Chriest and R.C. Wilson, Vol. 30, Belgrave, J.D.M. — Laboratory Combustion Behaviour of Countess B Light No. 3, P36-41, May-June 91. Oil, by E.T. Tzanco, R.G. Moore, J.D.M. Belgrave and M.G. Ur- Chromatographic Separation — Reduced Adsorption and Separation of senbach, Vol. 30, No. 5, P43-51, Sept.-Oct. 91. Blended Surfactants on Sand and Clay, by Bob Dawe and Tom Oswald, Bennett, F., Jr. — Solvent Bank Design Using Coning and Dispersion Curves, Vol. 30, No. 2, P133-137, Mar.-Apr. 91. by F. Bennett, Jr., Vol. 30, No. 6, P61-66, Nov.-Dec. 91. Chromatographic Theory — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual January 1992, Volume 31, No. 1 53 Oil Saturation in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and Design, Dispersion — Solvent Bank Design Using Coning and Dispersion Curves, by J.S. Tang and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. by F. Bennett, Jr., Vol. 30, No. 6, P61-66, Nov.-Dec. 91. Claridge, E.L. — Sweep Efficiency Comparisons of Horizontal and Vertical Dogleg — Sucker Rod Wear in Directionally Drilled Steamflood Wells, by Wells, by E.L. Claridge and S. Qiu, Vol. 30, No. 4, P52-57, July- R.J. Mottram, Vol. 30, No. 2, P156-160, Mar.-Apr. 91. Aug. 91. Dolomites — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs Closed-chamber Testing — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Roodhart, G. van During Closed-chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.-Feb. 91. Hasan, Vol. 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. Donnelly, J.K. — Fluid and Heat Movements During In Situ Combustion Coates, R. — Investigations and Field Observations on the Occurrence of in a Channelled Reservoir, by C.M.F. Galas, G.C. Ejiogu and J.K. Fiashing Phenomena During Sucker-rod Pumping of Hot Fluids from Donnelly, Vol. 30, No. 3, P42-48, May-June 91. Thermal Processes, by R. Coates, P. Toma, V. Lam and D. Nguyen, Drilling Fluids — Thermal Stability of Drilling Fluids Prepared from Saudi Vol. 30, No. 4, P69-77, July-Aug. 91. Palygorskite, by A.S. Dahab, Vol. 30, No. 3, P49-52, May-June 91. Cold Lake — Flow Regimes During Cyclic Steam Stimulation at Cold Drilling Fluids — Laboratory Evaluation of Formation Damage Caused by Lake, by E. Vittoratos, Vol. 30, No. 1, P82-86, Jan.-Feb. 91. Drilling Fluids and Cement Slurry, by S.S. Rahman and C. Marx, Collins, D.A. — An Evaluation of the Improved Dual Porosity Model Vol. 30, No. 6, P4046, Nov.-Dec. 91. for the Simulation of Gravity Effects in Naturally Fractured Reser- Drillstem Testing — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation During voirs, by L.S.-K. Fung and D.A. Collins, Vol. 30, No. 3, P61-68, May- Closed-chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Hasan, June 91. Vol. 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. Combustion — Perspective of a Fireflood Process Using Low Air Injection Dual Porosity — An Evaluation of the Improved Dual Porosity Model for Rates, by P.W. Tsang, Vol. 30, No. 1, P3243, Jan.-Feb. 91. the Simulation of Gravity Effects in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Completions — Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal Wells, by L.S.-K. Fung and D.A. Collins, Vol. 30, No. 3, P61-68, May-June S.C. Peach, R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, No. 5, P26-32, 91. Sept.-Oct. 91. Dual-porosity Mixing Cell Model — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Computer Applications — Computer-assisted Operations—A Practical Residual Oil Saturation in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory Approach to Networking Field Computers, by G.P. Hiltz, Vol. 30, and Design, by J.S. Tang and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, No. 6, P24-28, Nov.-Dec. 91. May-June 91. Computer Simulations — Sweep Efficiency Comparisons of Horizontal and duPlessis, M.P. — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production — Vertical Wells, by E.L. Claridge and S. Qiu, Vol. 30, No. 4, P52-57, Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, July-Aug. 91. P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, Coning — Solvent Bank Design Using Coning and Dispersion Curves, by P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. F. Bennett, Jr., Vol. 30, No. 6, P61-66, Nov.-Dec. 91. Dupuis, R. — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Acoustic Pressure Coombe, D.A. — Multiphase Multicomponent Isenthalpic Flash Calcula- Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, No. 1, P58-64, tions, by R.K. Agarwal, Y-K. Li, L.X Nghiem and D.A. Coombe, Jan.-Feb. 91. Vol. 30, No. 3, P69-75, May-June 91. Core Samples — Laboratory Evaluation of Formation Damage Caused by E Drilling Fluids and Cement Slurry, by S.S. Rahman and C. Marx, Vol. 30, No. 6, P40-46, Nov.-Dec. 91. Correlation Structure — Stochastic Modelling of Space Dependent Reservoir- EOR Monitoring — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by Z. Wang, rock Properties, by R. Dimitrakopoulos, Vol. 30, No. 4, P43-51, July- W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Mar.-Apr. Aug. 91. 91. Corresponding States Model — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Economic Impact — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production— Acoustic Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, No. 1, P58-64, Jan.-Feb. 91. P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, Cost Reduction — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production— P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, Edson — Equipment and Procedures Shortcut Results in Uncontrolled P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, Flow—a Case Review, by J. Reid and N.G. Berndtsson, Vol. 30, No. P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. 2, P144-147, Mar.-Apr. 91. Countess B Reservoir — Laboratory Combustion Behaviour of Countess Ejiogu, G.C. — Fluid and Heat Movements During In Situ Combustion B Light Oil, by E.T. Tzanco, R.G. Moore, J.D.M. Belgrave and M.G. in a Channelled Reservoir, by C.M.F. Galas, G.C. Ejiogu and J.K. Ursenbach, Vol. 30, No. 5, P43-51, Sept.-Oct. 91. Donnelly, Vol. 30, No. 3, P42-48, May-June 91. Cyclic Steam Injection — Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Elasto-plastic Behaviour — Prediction of Oil Sand Failure Due to Steam- Steam Injection, by K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, induced Stresses, by W.S. Tortike and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. No. 3, P28-35, May-June 91. 1, P87-96, Jan.-Feb. 91. — Prediction of Oil Sand Failure Due to Steam-induced Stresses, by W.S. Emissions — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by J.C. Suggett Tortike and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. 1, P87-96, Jan.-Feb. 91. and L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. Cyclic Steam Stimulation — Flow Regimes During Cyclic Steam Stimulation Emulsion — Flow Regimes During Cyclic Steam Stimulation at Cold Lake, at Cold Lake, by E. Vittoratos, Vol. 30, No. 1, P82-86, Jan.-Feb. 91. by E. Vittoratos, Vol. 30, No. 1, P82-86, Jan.-Feb. 91. Energy Models — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production— D Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. DST Analysis — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation During Englezos, P. — Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions Closed-chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Hasan, in the Presence of Methanol Using the Trebble-Bishnoi Equation of Vol. 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. State, by P. Englezos, Z. Huang and P.R. Bishnoi,Vol. 30, No. 2, Dahab, A.S. — Thermal Stability of Drilling Fluids Prepared from Saudi P148-155, Mar.-Apr. 91. Palygorskite, by A.S. Dahab, Vol. 30, No. 3, P49-52, May-June 91. Enhanced Oil Recovery — A Laboratory Study of Caustic Flooding for Two Data Processing — Computer-assisted Operations—A Practical Approach Alberta Crude Oils, by R.W.P. Symonds, S.M. Farouq Ali and to Networking Field Computers, by G.P. Hiltz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P24-28, S. Thomas, Vol. 30, No. 1, P4449, Jan.-Feb. 91. Nov.-Dec. 91. — Optimal Emulsion Design for the Recovery of a Saskatchewan Crude, Dawe, Bob — Reduced Adsorption and Separation of Blended Surfactants by M. Fiori and S.M. Farougq Ali, Vol. 30, No. 2, P123-132, Mar.- on Sand and Clay, by Bob Dawe and Tom Oswald, Vol. 30, No. 2, Apr. 91. P133-137, Mar.-Apr. 91. — Reduced Adsorption and Separation of Blended Surfactants on Sand Densitometers — Measurement of Steam Quality Using a Neutron Den- and Clay, by Bob Dawe and Tom Oswald, Vol. 30, No. 2, P133-137, sitometer, by P.T. Wan, Vol. 30, No. 6, P29-33, Nov.-Dec. 91. Mar.-Apr. 91. Dew Point — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using — Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Steam Injection, by Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Mokrys, K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, No. 3, P28-35, May- Vol. 30, No. 1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. June 91. Dimitrakopoulos, R. — Stochastic Modelling of Space Dependent — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by J.C. Suggett and Reservoir-rock Properties, by R. Dimitrakopoulos, Vol. 30, No. 4, L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. P43-51, July-Aug. 91. — A Constitutive Model for the Effective Stress-strain Behaviour of Oil The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology G Sands, by R.G. Wan, D.H. Chan and K.M. Kosar, Vol. 30, No. 4, P89-98, July-Aug. 91. Environment — Contingency Plans for Beaufort Sea Drilling in the 1990s, by R.L. Geddes, 1.M. Fraser and Z.L. Berezuk, Vol. 30, No. 2, P161-164, Galas, C.M.F. — Fluid and Heat Movements During In Situ Combustion Mar.-Apr. 91. in a Channelled Reservoir, by C.M.F. Galas, G.C. Ejiogu and J.K. Equation of State — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Acoustic Donnelly, Vol. 30, No. 3, P42-48, May-June 91. Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, No. 1, Gas Gathering — A General Gas Reservoir and Gathering System Simulator, P58-64, Jan.-Feb. 91. by P.J. Puchyr, Vol. 30, No. 3, P53-60, May-June 91. — Multiphase Multicomponent Isenthalpic Flash Calculations, by R.K. Gas Hydrates — Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions Agarwal, Y-K. Li, L.X Nghiem and D.A. Coombe, Vol. 30, No. 3, in the Presence of Methanol Using the Trebble-Bishnoi Equation of P69-75, May-June 91. State, by P. Englezos, Z. Huang and P.R. Bishnoi, Vol. 30, No. 2, Erno, B.P. — Depth-related Oil Viscosity Variation in Canadian Heavy Oil P148-155, Mar.-Apr. 91. Reservoirs, by B.P. Erno, J.R. Chriest and R.C. Wilson, Vol. 30, No. Gas Reservoirs — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: Case 3, P36-41, May-June 91. Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoir, Error Analysis — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Acoustic by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov-Dec. 91. Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, No. 1, Gas-flood — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation in a P58-64, Jan.-Feb. 90. Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and Design, by J.S. Tang and Etched Channel Conductivity — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milli- — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation in a Gas- gan, L.P. Roodhart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, saturated Reservoir. Part II: Field Applications, by J.S. Tang and B. P50-57, Jan.-Feb. 91. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 4, P3442, July-Aug. 91. Gas-miscible Floods — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, F Vol. 30, No. 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Gas/Liquid Flow — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation During Closed-chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Hasan, Faroug Ali, S.M. — A Laboratory Study of Caustic Flooding for Two Vol. 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. Alberta Crude Oils, by R.W.P. Symonds, S.M. Faroug Ali and Geddes, R.L. — Contingency Plans for Beaufort Sea Drilling in the S. Thomas, Vol. 30, No. 1, P44-49, Jan.-Feb. 91. 1990s, by R.L. Geddes, I.M. Fraser and Z.L. Berezuk, Vol. 30, No. — Prediction of Oil Sand Failure Due to Steam-induced Stresses, by W.S. 2, P161-164, Mar.-Apr. 91. Tortike and S.M. Farouq Ali, Vol. 30, No. 1, P87-96, Jan.-Feb. 91. Geomechanical Simulation — Prediction of Oil Sand Failure Due to Steam- — Optimal Emulsion Design for the Recovery of a Saskatchewan Crude, induced Stresses, by W.S. Tortike and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. by M. Fiori and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. 2, P123-132, Mar.- 1, P87-96, Jan.-Feb. 91. Apr. 91. Geopressured Gas Reservoirs — A Type-Curve Matching Procedure for Field Monitoring — Fluid and Heat Movements During In Situ Combustion Material Balance Analysis of Production Data from Geopressured Gas in a Channelled Reservoir, by C.M.F. Galas, G.C. Ejiogu and J.K. Reservoirs, by A.K. Ambastha, Vol. 30, No. 5, P61-65, Sept.-Oct. 91. Donnelly, Vol. 30, No. 3, P42-48, May-June 91. Ghassan, H. Abdul-Majeed — Correlations Developed to Predict Two- Filter Formation Retention — Experimental Investigations and Field phase Flow Through Wellhead Chokes, by H. Abdul-Majeed Ghas- Observations on Mechanisms of Solids Filtration Using the Meshrite san and R. Abdul-Ameer Maha, Vol. 30, No. 6, P47-55, Nov.-Dec. 91. Metallic Wool Filter, by P. Toma, G. Korpany and R.W. King, Vol. Gnyp, A.W. — The Measurement of Trace Element Concentrations in 30, No. 4, P78-88, July-Aug. 91. Sour Gas Plant Process Streams, by C.C. St. Pierre, A.W. Gnyp, D.S. Filters — Solid Particle Impact Erosion Testing of Texaco Filter Elements Smith, S. Viswanathan and H.F. Thimm, Vol. 30, No. 4, P58-61, July- and Selected Well Completion Materials, by P. Harris, P. Toma, S. Aug. 91. Rabeeh and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P62-68, July-Aug. 91. Golden Spike D3 ‘A’ Pool — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Fiori, M. — Optimal Emulsion Design for the Recovery of a Saskatchewan Oil Saturation in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part II: Field Applica- Crude, by M. Fiori and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. 2, P123-132, tions, by J.S. Tang and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 4, P3442, July-Aug. Mar.-Apr. 91. 91. Fireflood — Perspective of a Fireflood Process Using Low Air Injection Gravity Drainage — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Rates, by P.W. Tsang, Vol. 30, No. 1, P32-43, Jan.-Feb. 91. Using Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Firoozabadi, A. — Relative Permeabilities from Centrifuge Data, by Mokrys, Vol. 30, No.1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. A. Firoozabadi and K. Aziz, Vol. 30, No. 5, P33-42, Sept.-Oct. 91. — An Evaluation of the Improved Dual Porosity Model for the Simula- Flashing Processes — Investigations and Field Observations on the Occurrence tion of Gravity Effects in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, by L.S.-K. of Flashing Phenomena During Sucker-rod Pumping of Hot Fluids Fung and D.A. Collins, Vol. 30, No.3, P61-68, May-June 91. from Thermal Processes, by R. Coates, P. Toma, V. Lam and D. Green, K — Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Steam Nguyen, Vol. 30, No. 4, P69-77, July-Aug. 91. Injection, by K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, No. 3, Flow Correlations — Correlations Developed to Predict Two-phase Flow P28-35, May-June 91. Through Wellhead Chokes, by H. Abdul-Majeed Ghassan and R. Abdul-Ameer Maha, Vol. 30, No. 6, P47-55, Nov.-Dec. 91. Flow Experiments — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by J. Labrid, Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec. 91. H Flow Regimes — Flow Regimes During Cyclic Steam Stimulation at Cold Lake, by E. Vittoratos, Vol. 30, No. 1, P82-86, Jan.-Feb. 91. Foam Flood — Reduced Adsorption and Separation of Blended Surfactants Harker, B. — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation on Sand and Clay, by Bob Dawe and Tom Oswald, Vol. 30, No. 2, in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and Design, by J.S. Tang P133-137, Mar.-Apr. 91. and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. Fong, D.K. — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo-miscible — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation in a Gas- Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rainbow saturated Reservoir. Part II: Field Applications, by J.S. Tang and Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel and J.K. B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 4, P34-42,July-Aug. 91. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Harris, P. — Solid Particle Impact Erosion Testing of Texaco Filter Formation Damage — Laboratory Evaluation of Formation Damage Caused Elements and Selected Well Completion Materials, by P. Harris, by Drilling Fluids and Cement Slurry, by S.S. Rahman and C. Marx, P. Toma, S. Rabeeh and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P62-68, July- Vol. 30, No. 6, P40-46, Nov.-Dec. 91. Aug. 91. Fractured Reservoirs — An Approximate Solution of Linear Flow in Hasan, A.R. — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation During Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, by R. Aguilera, Vol. 30, No. 3, P86-90, Closed-chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Hasan, May-June 91. Vol. 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. Fraser, I.M. — Contingency Plans for Beaufort Sea Drilling in the 1990s, Heat Loss — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using by R.L. Geddes, I.M. Fraser and Z.L. Berezuk, Vol. 30, No. 2, Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Mokrys, P161-164, Mar.-Apr. 91. Vol. 30, No. 1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. Fung, L.S.-K. — An Evaluation of the Improved Dual Porosity Model for Heavy Oil — Perspective of a Fireflood Process Using Low Air Injection the Simulation of Gravity Effects in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Rates, by P.W. Tsang, Vol. 30, No. 1, P32-43, Jan.-Feb. 91. by L.S.-K. Fung and D.A. Collins, Vol. 30, No. 3, May-June — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using Hot Water January 1992, Volume 31, No. 1 55 and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 30, Isenthalpic Flash Calculation — Multiphase Multicomponent Isenthalpic No. 1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. Flash Calculations, by R.K. Agarwal, Y-K. Li, L.X Nghiem and D.A. — Optimal Emulsion Design for the Recovery of a Saskatchewan Crude, Coombe, Vol. 30, No. 3, P69-75, May-June 91. by M. Fiori and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. 2, P123-132, Mar.- Isothermal Flash Calculation — Multiphase Multicomponent Isenthalpic Apr. 91. Flash Calculations, by R.K. Agarwal, Y-K. Li, L.X Nghiem and D.A. — Depth-related Oil Viscosity Variation in Canadian Heavy Oil Reser- Coombe, Vol. 30, No. 3, P69-75, May-June . 91. voirs, by B.P. Erno, J.R. Chriest and R.C. Wilson, Vol. 30, No. 3, P3641, May-June 91. — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by J.C. Suggett and J L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. Henry’s Law Constant — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and Design, Janz, H.J. — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: by J.S. Tang and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reser- High pH Dissolution — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by voir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov- J. Labrid, Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec, 91. Dec. 91. Hiltz, G.P. — Computer-assisted Operations—A Practical Approach to Jensen, R.E. — Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal Wells, Networking Field Computers, by G.P. Hiltz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P24-28, S.C. Peach, R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, No. 5, P26-32, Nov.-Dec. 91. Sept.-Oct. 91. Hirsche, W.K. — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by Z. Wang, Judy Creek — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Mar.-Apr. of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. 91. 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. History Matching — Relative Permeabilities from Centrifuge Data, by A. Firoozabadi and K. Aziz, Vol. 30, No. 5, P33-42, Sept.-Oct. 91. Horizontal Fluid Levels — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo- K miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel and J.K. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Kabir, C.S. — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation During Horizontal Wells — Decline Curves for Predicting Production Performance Closed-chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Hasan, from Horizontal Wells, by D.C. Poon, Vol. 30, No. 1, P77-81, Jan.- Vol. 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. Feb. 91. Kanik, L.A. — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by — Sweep Efficiency Comparisons of Horizontal and Vertical Wells, by J.C. Suggett and L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. E.L. Claridge and S. Qiu, Vol. 30, No. 4, P52-57,July-Aug. 91. Kinetics — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by J. Labrid, — Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal Wells, S.C. Peach, Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec. 91. R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, No. 5, P26-32, Sept.-Oct. King, R.W. — Solid Particle Impact Erosion Testing of Texaco Filter 91. Elements and Selected Well Completion Materials, by P. Harris, Huang, Z. — Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions P. Toma, S. Rabeeh and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P62-68, July- in the Presence of Methanol Using the Trebble-Bishnoi Equation of Aug. 91. State, by P. Englezos, Z. Huang and P.R. Bishnoi, Vol. 30, No. 2, — Experimental Investigations and Field Observations on Mechanisms P148-155, Mar.-Apr. 91. of Solids Filtration Using the Meshrite Metallic Wool Filter, by P. Hydrate Inhibition — Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Toma, G. Korpany and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P78-88, July- Conditions in the Presence of Methanol Using the Trebble-Bishnoi Aug. 91. Equation of State, by P. Englezos, Z. Huang and P.R. Bishnoi, Vol. Korpany, G. — Experimental Investigations and Field Observations on 30, No. 2, P148-155, Mar.-Apr. 91. Mechanisms of Solids Filtration Using the Meshrite Metallic Wool Filter, by P. Toma, G. Korpany and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P78-88, : July-Aug. 91. Kosar, K.M. — A Constitutive Model for the Effective Stress-strain Behaviour of Oil Sands, by R.G. Wan, D.H. Chan and K.M. Kosar, Immiscible Displacement — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by Vol. 30, No. 4, P89-98, July-Aug. 91. Z. Wang, W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Mar.-Apr. 91. In Situ Combustion — Fluid and Heat Movements During In Situ Com- L bustion in a Channelled Reservoir, by C.M.F. Galas, G.C. Ejiogu and J.K. Donnelly, Vol. 30, No. 3, P42-48, May-June 91. In Situ: Stress — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Labrid, J. — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by J. Labrid, Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec. 91. hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.- Lai, F.S.Y. — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance Feb. 91. of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: Case Study of 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoir, by P.J. Laird, A.— A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Acoustic Pressure McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov-Dec. 91. Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, No. 1, P58-64, Incoming Water Cut — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Jan.-Feb. 91. Acoustic Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, Lam, V. — Investigations and Field Observations on the Occurrence of No. 1, P58-64, Jan.-Feb. 91. Flashing Phenomena During Sucker-rod Pumping of Hot Fluids from Infill Drilling — Solvent Bank Design Using Coning and Dispersion Curves, Thermal Processes, by R. Coates, P. Toma, V. Lam and D. Nguyen, by F. Bennett, Jr., Vol. 30, No. 6, P61-66, Nov.-Dec. 91. Vol. 30, No. 4, P69-77, July-Aug. 91. Inflow Performance — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Leakoff Coefficient — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: Acoustic Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reser- No. 1, P58-64, Jan.-Feb. 91. voir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov- Interwell Channels — Fluid and Heat Movements During In Situ Combustion Dec. 91. in a Channelled Reservoir, by C.M.F. Galas, G.C. Ejiogu and J.K. Li, Y.-K. — Multiphase Multicomponent Isenthalpic Flash Calculations, Donnelly, Vol. 30, No. 3, P42-48, May-June 91. by R.K. Agarwal, Y-K. Li, L.X Nghiem and D.A. Coombe, Vol. 30, Interwell Tracer Test — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil No. 3, P69-75, May-June . 91. Saturation in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part II: Field Applications, Limestone Fields — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: by J.S. Tang and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 4, P34-42, July-Aug. 91. Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reser- — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation in a Gas- voir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Hanz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov.- saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and Design, by J.S. Tang and Dec. 91. B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. Linear Flow — An Approximate Solution of Linear Flow in Naturally Isaacs,E .— Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Steam Injection, Fractured Reservoirs, by R. Aguilera, Vol. 30, No. 3, P86-90, May- by K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, No. 3, P28-35, June 91. May-June 91. Live Well Servicing — Equipment and Procedures Shortcut Results in The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Uncontrolled Flow—a Case Review, by J. Reid and N.G. Berndts- Mottram, R.J. — Sucker Rod Wear in Directionally Drilled Steamflood son, Vol. 30, No. 2, P144-147, Mar.-Apr. 91. Wells, by R.J. Mottram, Vol. 30, No. 2, P156-160, Mar.-Apr. 91. Lloydminster — Sucker Rod Wear in Directionally Drilled Steamflood Wells, by R.J. Mottram, Vol. 30, No. 2, P156-160, Mar.-Apr. 91. Low-permeability Reservoirs — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep N Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milli- gan, L.P. Roodhart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.-Feb. 91. Nagel, R.G. — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo-miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel and J.K. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. M Naini, A,— Natural Gas Liquids Supply and Demand Balances in Alberta, by A. Naini, Vol. 30, No. 5, P79-82, Sept.-Oct. 91. Natural Fractures — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: Macro-emulsion — Optimal Emulsion Design for the Recovery of a Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reser- Saskatchewan Crude, by M. Fiori and S.M. Farougq Ali, Vol. 30, No. voir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov- 2, P123-132, Mar.-Apr. 91. Dec. 91. Maha, R. Abdul-Ameer — Correlations Developed to Predict Two-phase Natural Gas Liquids — Natural Gas Liquids Supply and Demand Flow Through Wellhead Chokes, by H. Abdul-Majeed Ghassan and Balances in Alberta, by A. Naini, Vol. 30, No. 5, P79-82, Sept.-Oct. 91. R. Abdul-Ameer Maha, Vol. 30, No. 6, P47-55, Nov.-Dec. 91. — Natural Gas Liquids: Canadian Supply and Demand Prospects in the Martin, I. — The Medicine Hat Gas Field—100 Years after Discovery, by 1990s, by S. Singh and S. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 5, P83-88, Sept.-Oct. 91. I. Martin and G.C. Yeung, Vol. 30, No. 5, P66-73, Sept.-Oct. 91. Networking — Computer-assisted Operations—A Practical Approach to Marx, C. — Laboratory Evaluation of Formation Damage Caused by Networking Field Computers, by G.P. Hiltz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P24-28, Drilling Fluids and Cement Slurry, by S.S. Rahman and C. Marx, Nov.-Dec. 91. Vol. 30, No. 6, P4046, Nov.-Dec. 91. Neutron Densitometer — Measurement of Steam Quality Using a Neutron Material Balance Analysis — A Type-Curve Matching Procedure for Material Densitometer, by P.T. Wan, Vol. 30, No. 6, P29-33, Nov.-Dec. 91. Balance Analysis of Production Data from Geopressured Gas Reser- Nghiem, L.X. — Multiphase Multicomponent Isenthalpic Flash Calculations, voirs, by A.K. Ambastha, Vol. 30, No. 5, P61-65, Sept.-Oct. 91. by R.K. Agarwal, Y-K. Li, L_.X Nghiem and D.A. Coombe, Vol. 30, Matrix — An Evaluation of the Improved Dual Porosity Model for the No. 3, P69-75, May-June 91. Simulation of Gravity Effects in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, by Nguyen, D. — Investigations and Field Observations on the Occurrence of L.S.-K. Fung and D.A. Collins, Vol. 30, No. 3, P61-68, May-June 91. Flashing Phenomena During Sucker-rod Pumping of Hot Fluids from Matsuoka-Nakai Yield Surface — A Constitutive Model for the Effective Thermal Processes, by R. Coates, P. Toma, V. Lam and D. Nguyen, Stress-strain Behaviour of Oil Sands, by R.G. Wan, D.H. Chan and Vol. 30, No. 4, P69-77, July-Aug. 91. K.M. Kosar, Vol. 30, No. 4, P89-98, July-Aug. 91. Norman Wells — Norman Wells PVT Properties After Reservoir Repres- McLellan, P.J. — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: surization, by C.I. Sondergard and R.S. Wu, Vol. 30, No. 6, P56-60, Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reser- Nov.-Dec. 91. voir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov- Dec. 91. Medicine Hat Gas Field — The Medicine Hat Gas Field—100 Years after O Discovery, by I. Martin and G.C. Yeung, Vol. 30, No. 5, P66-73, Sept.- Oct. 91. Meshrite/Metallic Filter — Experimental Investigations and Field Observations Oil Density — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Acoustic on Mechanisms of Solids Filtration Using the Meshrite Metallic Wool Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, No. 1, Filter, by P. Toma, G. Korpany and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P58-64, Jan.-Feb. 91. P78-88, July-Aug. 91. — Norman Wells PVT Properties After Reservoir Repressurization, by Metallic Wool — Solid Particle Impact Erosion Testing of Texaco Filter C.I. Sondergard and R.S. Wu, Vol. 30, No. 6, P56-60, Nov.-Dec. 91. Elements and Selected Well Completion Materials, by P. Harris, Oil Recovery — Sweep Efficiency Comparisons of Horizontal and Vertical P. Toma, S. Rabeeh and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P62-68, July- Wells, by E.L. Claridge and S. Qiu, Vol. 30, No. 4, P52-57, July- Aug. 91. Aug. 91. Methanol — Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions in Oil Sands — Prediction of Oil Sand Failure Due to Steam-induced the Presence of Methanol Using the Trebbie-Bishnoi Equation of State, Stresses, by W.S. Tortike and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. 1, P87-96, by P. Englezos, Z. Huang and P.R. Bishnoi, Vol. 30, No. 2, P148-155, Jan.-Feb. 91. Mar.-Apr. 91. — Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Steam Injection, by Milligan, M.R. — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, No. 3, P28-35, May- Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- June 91. hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.- — A Constitutive Model for the Effective Stress-strain Behaviour of Oil Feb. 91. Sands, by R.G. Wan, D.H. Chan and K.M. Kosar, Vol. 30, No. 4, Minifracs — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: Case Study P89-98, July-Aug. 91. of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoir, by P.J. Okazawa, T. — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov.-Dec. 91. of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. Miscible Displacement — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Z. Wang, W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Operating Strategies — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Mar.-Apr. 91. Production—Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, — An Approximate Solution of Linear Flow in Naturally Fractured Reser- by S. Wong, P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. voirs, by R. Aguilera, Vol. 30, No. 3, P86-90, May-June 91. 30, No. 5, P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. — Solvent Bank Design Using Coning and Dispersion Curves, by F. Ben- Oswald, T. — Reduced Adsorption and Separation of Blended Surfactants nett, Jr., Vol. 30, No. 6, P61-66, Nov.-Dec. 91. on Sand and Clay, by Bob Dawe and Tom Oswald, Vol. 30, No. 2, Mobility Reduction — Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Steam P133-137, Mar.-Apr. 91. Injection, by K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, No. 3, Oxygen Combustion — Laboratory Combustion Behaviour of Countess B P28-35, May-June 91. Light Oil, by E.T. Tzanco, R.G. Moore, J.D.M. Belgrave and M.G. Mobilization — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using Ursenbach, Vol. 30, No. 5, P43-51, Sept.-Oct. 91. Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 30, No. 1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. Modelling — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by J. Labrid, P Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec. 91. Mokrys, I.J. — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Mokrys, PVT Properties— Correlations Developed to Predict Two-phase Flow Vol. 30, No. 1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. Through Wellhead Chokes, by H. Abdul-Majeed Ghassan and R. Moore, R.G. — Laboratory Combustion Behaviour of Countess B Light Abdul-Ameer Maha, Vol. 30, No. 6, P47-55, Nov.-Dec. 91. Oil, by E.T. Tzanco, R.G. Moore, J.D.M. Belgrave and M.G. Ur- — Norman Wells PVT Properties After Reservoir Repressurization, by senbach, Vol. 30, No. 5, P43-51, Sept.-Oct. 91. C.I. Sondergard and R.S. Wu, Vol. 30, No. 6, P56-60, Nov.-Dec. 91. January 1992, Volume 31, No. 1 57 Palygorskite — Thermal Stability of Drilling Fluids Prepared from Saudi in the Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Palygorskite, by A.S. Dahab, Vol. 30, No. 3, P49-52, May-June 91. Nagel and J.K. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Peach, S.C. —- Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal Wells, by Regression Analysis — Correlations Developed to Predict Two-phase Flow S.C. Peach, R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, No. 5, P26-32, Through Wellhead Chokes, by H. Abdul-Majeed Ghassan and R. Sept.-Oct. 91. Abdul-Ameer Maha, Vol. 30, No. 6, P47-55, Nov.-Dec. 91. Peggs, J.K. — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo-miscible Field Regular Solution Theory — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rainbow Keg Oil Saturation in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and De- River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel and J.K. Peggs, sign, by J.S. Tang and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Reid, J. — Equipment and Procedures Shortcut Results in Uncontrolled Pembina Nisku — Solvent Bank Design Using Coning and Dispersion Flow—a Case Review, by J. Reid and N.G. Berndtsson, Vol. 30, No. Curves, by F. Bennett, Jr., Vol. 30, No. 6, P61-66, Nov.-Dec. 91. 2, P144-147, Mar.-Apr. 91. Peng-Robinson Equation-of-State — Norman Wells PVT Properties After Reinfiltration — An Evaluation of the Improved Dual Porosity Model for Reservoir Repressurization, by C.I. Sondergard and R.S. Wu, Vol. the Simulation of Gravity Effects in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, 30, No. 6, P56-60, Nov.-Dec. 91. by L.S.-K. Fung and D.A. Collins, Vol. 30, No. 3, P61-68, May-June Performance Monitoring — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field 91. Performance of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Relative Permeability — Flow Regimes During Cyclic Steam Stimulation at Vol. 30, No. 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Cold Lake, by E. Vittoratos, Vol. 30, No. 1, P82-86, Jan.-Feb. 91. Personal Computers — Computer-assisted Operations—A Practical — Relative Permeabilities from Centrifuge Data, by A. Firoozabadi and Approach to Networking Field Computers, by G.P. Hiltz, Vol. 30, K. Aziz, Vol. 30, No. 5, P33-42, Sept.-Oct. 91. No. 6, P2428, Nov.-Dec. 91. Reservoir Engineering — An Approximate Solution of Linear Flow in Petrophysical Analysis — Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, by R. Aguilera, Vol. 30, No. 3, P86-90, Wells, by S.C. Peach, R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, May-June 91. No. 5, P26-32, Sept.-Oct. 91. Reservoir Fluid Properties — Norman Wells PVT Properties After Reservoir Phase Equilibrium — Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Con- Repressurization, by C.I. Sondergard and R.S. Wu, Vol. 30, No. 6, ditions in the Presence of Methanol Using the Trebble-Bishnoi Equa- P56-60, Nov.-Dec. 91. tion of State, by P. Englezos, Z. Huang and P.R. Bishnoi, Vol. 30, Reservoir Model — Perspective of a Fireflood Process Using Low Air No. 2, P148-155, Mar.-Apr. 91. Injection Rates, by P.W. Tsang, Vol. 30, No. 1, P32-43, Jan.-Feb. 91. Polymers — Thermal Stability of Drilling Fluids Prepared from Saudi Reservoir Simulation — A General Gas Reservoir and Gathering System Palygorskite, by A.S. Dahab, Vol. 30, No. 3, P49-52, May-June 91. Simulator, by P.J. Puchyr, Vol. 30, No. 3, P53-60, May-June 91. Poon, D.C. — Decline Curves for Predicting Production Performance from Reservoir Simulation Input — Stochastic Modelling of Space Dependent Horizontal Wells, by D.C. Poon, Vol. 30, No. 1, P77-81, Jan.-Feb. 91. Reservoir-rock Properties, by R. Dimitrakopoulos, Vol. 30, No. 4, Production Costs — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production— P43-51, July-Aug. 91. Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, Reservoir-rock Properties — Stochastic Modelling of Space Dependent P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, Reservoir-rock Properties, by R. Dimitrakopoulos, Vol. 30, No. 4, P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. P43-51, July-Aug. 91. Production Data — Decline Curves for Predicting Production Performance Residual Oil Saturation — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil from Horizontal Wells, by D.C. Poon, Vol. 30, No. 1, P77-81, Jan.- Saturation in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and Design, Feb. 91. by J.S. Tang and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance of Gas- — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation in a Gas- miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. 2, saturated Reservoir. Part II: Field Applications, by J.S. Tang and P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 4, P3442, July-Aug. 91. Production Logging — Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal Retarded Hydrochloric Acids — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Wells, by S.C. Peach, R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milli- No. 5, P26-32, Sept.-Oct. 91. gan, L.P. Roodhart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, Pseudo-miscible Models — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo- PS0-57, Jan.-Feb. 91. miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rheology — Thermal Stability of Drilling Fluids Prepared from Saudi Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel Palygorskite, by A.S. Dahab, Vol. 30, No. 3, P49-52, May-June 91. and J.K. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Robertshaw, S.E. — Completion and Evaluation of Cased Horizontal Wells, Puchyr, P.J. — A General Gas Reservoir and Gathering System Simulator, by S.C. Peach, R.E. Jensen and S.E. Robertshaw, Vol. 30, No. 5, by P.J. Puchyr, Vol. 30, No. 3, P53-60, May-June 91. P26-32, Sept.-Oct. 91. Pumping Systems — Investigations and Field Observations on the Occurrence Rock Mechanics — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpretation: of Flashing Phenomena During Sucker-rod Pumping of Hot Fluids Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Reser- from Thermal Processes, by R. Coates, P. Toma, V. Lam and D. voir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Nov- Nguyen, Vol. 30, No. 4, P69-77, July-Aug. 91. Dec. 91. Roodhart, L, P. — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- Q hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.- Feb. 91. Qiu, S. — Sweep Efficiency Comparisons of Horizontal and Vertical Wells, S by E.L. Claridge and S. Qiu, Vol. 30, No. 4, P52-57, July-Aug. 91. Quartz and Kaolinite Reactivities — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by J. Labrid, Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec. 91. Sandstone Reservoirs — Modelling of High pH Sandstone Dissolution, by Quon, D. — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production— J. Labrid, Vol. 30, No. 6, P67-74, Nov.-Dec. 91. Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, Sedgwick, G. — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by Z. Wang, P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Mar.-Apr. P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. 91. Seismic Velocities — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by Z. Wang, W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Mar.-Apr. R 91. Singh, S. — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production— Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, Rabeeh, S — Solid Particle Impact Erosion Testing of Texaco Filter Elements P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, and Selected Well Completion Materials, by P. Harris, P.Toma, P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. S. Rabeeh and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P62-68, July-Aug. 91. — Natural Gas Liquids: Canadian Supply and Demand Prospects in the Rahman, S.S. — Laboratory Evaluation of Formation Damage Caused 1990s, by S. Singh and S. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 5, P83-88, Sept.-Oct. 91. by Drilling Fluids and Cement Slurry, by S.S. Rahman and C. Marx, Sinker Bars — Sucker Rod Wear in Directionally Drilled Steamflood Wells, Vol. 30, No. 6, P40-46, Nov.-Dec. 91. by R.J. Mottram, Vol. 30, No. 2, P156-160, Mar.-Apr. 91. Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Smith, D.S. — The Measurement of Trace Element Concentrations in Sour Pseuco-miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling Gas Plant Process Streams, by C.C. St. Pierre, A.W. Gnyp, D.S. 58 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Smith, S. Viswanathan and H.F. Thimm, Vol. 30, No. 4, P58-61, July- Thermal Stability — Thermal Stability of Drilling Fluids Prepared from Saudi Aug. 91. Palygorskite, by A.S. Dahab, Vol. 30, No. 3, P49-52, May-June 91. Snubbing — Equipment and Procedures Shortcut Results in Uncontrolled Thimm, H.F. — The Measurement of Trace Element Concentrations in Flow—a Case Review, by J. Reid and N.G. Berndtsson, Vol. 30, No. Sour Gas Plant Process Streams, by C.C. St. Pierre, A.W. Gnyp, D.S. 2, P144-147, Mar.-Apr. 91. Smith, S. Viswanathan and H.F. Thimm, Vol. 30, No. 4, P58-61, July- Soil Mechanics — A Constitutive Model for the Effective Stress-strain Aug. 91. Behaviour of Oil Sands, by R.G. Wan, D.H. Chan and K.M. Kosar, Thomas, S. — A Laboratory Study of Caustic Flooding for Two Alberta Vol. 30, No. 4, P89-98, July-Aug. 91. Crude Oils, by R.W.P. Symonds, S.M. Faroug Ali and S. Thomas, Solids Control — Experimental Investigations and Field Observations on Vol. 30, No. 1, P4449, Jan.-Feb. 91. Mechanisms of Solids Filtration Using the Meshrite Metallic Wool Filter, Toma, P. — Solid Particle Impact Erosion Testing of Texaco Filter Elements by P. Toma, G. Korpany and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P78-88, and Selected Well Completion Materials, by P. Harris, P. Toma, July-Aug. 91. S. Rabeeh and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P62-68, July-Aug. 91. Solvent Bank Design — Solvent Bank Design Using Coning and Dispersion — Investigations and Field Observations on the Occurrence of Flashing Curves, by F. Bennett, Jr., Vol. 30, No. 6, P61-66, Nov.-Dec. 91. Phenomena During Sucker-rod Pumping of Hot Fluids from Ther- Solvent-in-place Cutoff — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo- mal Processes, by R. Coates, P. Toma, V. Lam and D. Nguyen, Vol. miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the 30, No. 4, P69-77, July-Aug. 91. Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel — Experimental Investigations and Field Observations on Mechanisms and J.K. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. of Solids Filtration Using the Meshrite Metallic Wool Filter, by Sondergard, C.I. — Norman Wells PVT Properties After Reservoir P. Toma, G. Korpany and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P78-88, July- Repressurization, by C.I. Sondergard and R.S. Wu, Vol. 30, No. 6, Aug. 91. P56-60, Nov.-Dec. 91. — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production—Optimum Sour Gas — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, P. Toma, in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Roodhart, G. van S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, P52-60, Sept.- Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.-Feb. 91. Oct. 91. St. Pierre, C.C. — The Measurement of Trace Element Concentrations in Tortike, W.S. — Prediction of Oil Sand Failure Due to Steam-induced Sour Gas Plant Process Streams, by C.C. St. Pierre, A.W. Gnyp, D.S. Stresses, by W.S. Tortike and S.M. Faroug Ali, Vol. 30, No. 1, P87-96, Smith, S. Viswanathan and H.F. Thimm, Vol. 30, No. 4, P58-61, July- Jan.-Feb. 91. Aug. 91. Tracer — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance of Gas- Steam Generation — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. 2, J.C. Suggett and L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Steam-Injection Projects — Measurement of Steam Quality Using a Neutron Tsang, P.W. — Perspective of a Fireflood Process Using Low Air Injection Densitometer, by P.T. Wan, Vol. 30, No. 6, P29-33, Nov.-Dec. 91. Rates, by P.W. Tsang, Vol. 30, No. 1, P32-43, Jan.-Feb. 91. Sucker Rods — Sucker Rod Wear in Directionally Drilled Steamflood Wells, Two-phase Flow — Correlations Developed to Predict Two-phase Flow by R.J. Mottram, Vol. 30, No. 2, P156-160, Mar.-Apr. 91. Through Wellhead Chokes, by H. Abdul-Majeed Ghassan and R. Suffield Gas Field — A General Gas Reservoir and Gathering System Abdul-Ameer Maha, Vol. 30, No. 6, P47-55, Nov.-Dec. 91. Simulator, by P.J.Puchyr, Vol. 30, No. 3, P53-60, May-June 91. Tzanco, E.T. — Laboratory Combustion Behaviour of Countess B Light Suggett, J.C. — Bitumen Burning in Oilfield Steam Generators, by Oil, by E.T. Tzanco, R.G. Moore, J.D.M. Belgrave and M.G. Ursen- J.C. Suggett and L.A. Kanik, Vol. 30, No. 6, P34-39, Nov.-Dec. 91. bach, Vol. 30, No. 5, P43-51, Sept.-Oct. 91. Surfactants — Laboratory Study of the Use of Foam in Cyclic Steam Injection, by K. Green, E. Isaacs and K.N. Chhom, Vol. 30, No. 3, P28-35, May-June 91. U Sweep Efficiency — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Swept Volume — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance Ursenbach, M.G. — Laboratory Combustion Behaviour of Countess B Light of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. Oil, by E.T. Tzanco, R.G. Moore, J.D.M. Belgrave and M.G. Ursen- 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. bach, Vol. 30, No. 5, P43-51, Sept.-Oct. 91. Symonds, R.W.P. — A Laboratory Study of Caustic Flooding for Two Alberta Crude Oils, by R.W.P. Symonds, S.M. Farougq Ali and S. Thomas, Vol. 30, No. 1, P4449, Jan.-Feb. 91. V Synergy — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo-miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel and J.K. Peggs, van Hoof, G. — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.- Feb. 91. T Vapourized Propane — A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour, by R.M. Butler and I.J. Mokrys, Vol. 30, No. 1, P97-106, Jan.-Feb. 91. Tang, J.S. — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation Verification Surveys — A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Acoustic in a Gas-saturated Reservoir. Part I: Theory and Design, by J.S. Tang Pressure Calculations, by A. Laird and R. Dupuis, Vol. 30, No. 1, and B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 3, P76-85, May-June 91. P58-64, Jan.-Feb. 91. — Interwell Tracer Test to Determine Residual Oil Saturation in a Gas- Vertical Hydrocarbon Miscible Flood — Combining a Volumetric Model with saturated Reservoir. Part II: Field Applications, by J.S. Tang and a Pseudo-miscible Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Level- B. Harker, Vol. 30, No. 4, P3442, July-Aug. 91. ling in the Rainbow Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, Tertiary Process — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo-miscible R.G. Nagel and J.K. Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Field Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rainbow Vertical Wells — Sweep Efficiency Comparisons of Horizontal and Vertical Keg River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel and J.K. Wells, by E.L. Claridge and S. Qiu, Vol. 30, No. 4, P52-57, July- Peggs, Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Aug. 91. Texaco Filter Elements — Solid Particle Impact Erosion Testing of Texaco Viscosity — Depth-related Oil Viscosity Variation in Canadian Heavy Oil Filter Elements and Selected Well Completion Materials, by P. Har- Reservoirs, by B.P. Erno, J.R. Chriest and R.C. Wilson, Vol. 30, No. ris, P. Toma, S. Rabeeh and R.W. King, Vol. 30, No. 4, P62-68, July- 3, P36-41, May-June 91. Aug. 91. ‘ Viscous Fingering — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Thermal Recovery — Investigations and Field Observations on the Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- Occurrence of Flashing Phenomena During Sucker-rod Pumping of hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.- Hot Fluids from Thermal Processes, by R. Coates, P. Toma, V. Lam Feb. 91. and D. Nguyen, Vol. 30, No. 4, P69-77, July-Aug. 91. Viswanathan, S. — The Measurement of Trace Element Concentrations in Thermal Reservoir Simulation — Prediction of Oil Sand Failure Due to Sour Gas Plant Process Streams, by C.C. St. Pierre, A.W. Gnyp, D.S. Steam-induced Stresses, by W.S. Tortike and S.M. Farougq Ali, Vol. Smith, S. Viswanathan and H.F. Thimm, Vol. 30, No. 4, P58-61, July- 30, No. 1, P87-96, Jan.-Feb. 91. Aug. 91. January 1992, Volume 31, No. 1 59 Vittoratos, E.— Flow Regimes During Cyclic Steam Stimulation at Cold Western Canada Foothills — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Lake, by E. Vittoratos, Vol. 30, No. 1, P82-86, Jan.-Feb. 91. Gas Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- Volumetric Balance — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.- Performance of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Feb. 91. Vol. 30, No. 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Wet Combustion — Laboratory Combustion Behaviour of Countess B Light Oil, by E.T. Tzanco, R.G. Moore, J.D.M. Belgrave and M.G. Ursen- bach, Vol. 30, No. 5, P43-51, Sept.-Oct. 91. WwW Widely Spaced Etched Ridges (WISPER) — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Roodhart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. WAG Flood — Volumetric Balance Method to Monitor Field Performance 1, PS0-57, Jan.-Feb. 91. of Gas-miscible Floods, by T. Okazawa and F.S.Y. Lai, Vol. 30, No. Wilson, R.C. — Depth-related Oil Viscosity Variation in Canadian Heavy 2, P138-143, Mar.-Apr. 91. Oil Reservoirs, by B.P. Erno, J.R. Chriest and R.C. Wilson, Vol. 30, WISPER — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Reservoirs No. 3, P36-41, May-June 91. in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Roodhart, G. van Wong, C.T. — Successful Acid Stimulation of Deep Dolomitic Gas Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.-Feb. 91. Reservoirs in the Canadian Foothills, by M.R. Milligan, L.P. Rood- Wabamun Formation — New Insights into Fracturing Pressure Interpre- hart, G. van Hoof and C.T. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 1, P50-57, Jan.- tation: Case Study of Minifracture Tests in a Naturally Fractured Gas Feb. 91. Reservoir, by P.J. McLellan and H.J. Janz, Vol. 30, No. 6, P75-84, Wong, F.Y. — Combining a Volumetric Model with a Pseudo-miscible Field Nov-Dec. 91. Simulation to Achieve Uniform Fluid Levelling in the Rainbow Keg Wan, P.T. — Measurement of Steam Quality Using a Neutron Densitometer, River ‘B’ Pool, by D.K. Fong, F.Y. Wong, R.G. Nagel and J.K. Peggs, by P.T. Wan, Vol. 30, No. 6, P29-33, Nov.-Dec. 91. Vol. 30, No. 1, P65-76, Jan.-Feb. 91. Wan, R.G. — A Constitutive Model for the Effective Stress-strain Behaviour Wong, S. — Cost Analysis of Current In Situ Bitumen Production— of Oil Sands, by R.G. Wan, D.H. Chan and K.M. Kosar, Vol. 30, Optimum Production Strategies and Priority R&D Needs, by S. Wong, No. 4, P89-98, July-Aug. 91. P. Toma, S. Singh, M.P. duPlessis and D. Quon, Vol. 30, No. 5, Wang, Z. — Seismic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, by Z. Wang, P52-60, Sept.-Oct. 91. W.K. Hirsche and G. Sedgwick, Vol. 30, No. 2, P112-122, Mar.-Apr. — Natural Gas Liquids: Canadian Supply and Demand Prospects in the 91. 1990s, by S. Singh and S. Wong, Vol. 30, No. 5, P83-88, Sept.-Oct. 91. Warren, A. — Well Testing in Alberta—1990s Style, by A. Warren, Vol. Wu, R.S. — Normal Wells PVT Properties After Reservoir Repressurization, 30, No. 5, P74-78, Sept.-Oct. 91. by C.I. Sondergard and R.S. Wu, Vol. 30, No. 6, P56-60, Nov.-Dec. Well Control — Equipment and Procedures Shortcut Results in Uncontrolled 91. Flow—a Case Review, by J. Reid and N.G. Berndtsson, Vol. 30, No. 2, P144-147, Mar.-Apr. 91. Well Testing — Well Testing in Alberta—1990s Style, by A. Warren, Vol. Y 30, No. 5, P74-78, Sept.-Oct. 91. Wellbore Two-phase Flow — Two-phase Gas/Liquid Flow Rate Estimation During Closed-chamber Testing, by C.S. Kabir, R.A. Badry and A.R. Yeung, G.C. — The Medicine Hat Gas Field—100 Years after Discovery, Hasan, Vol. 30, No. 2, P102-111, Mar.-Apr. 91. by I. Martin and G.C. Yeung, Vol. 30, No. 5, P66-73, Sept.-Oct. 91. The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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