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The Journal of Asian Studies ANNUAL VOLUME CONTENTS Volume 51, Numbers 1—4, February—November 1992 Published by the Association for Asian Studies, Inc. Through Volume XV, The Journal of Asian Studies was known as the Far Eastern Quarterly, and the Association was called the Far Eastern Association, Inc. Editor’s Note 509 In This Issue 1, 267, 511, 755 Articles China and Inner Asia COHEN, PAUL A., “The Contested Past: The Boxers as History and Myth” FEUERWERKER, ALBERT, ‘Presidential Address: Questions about China’s Early Modern Economic History that I Wish I Could Answer” GARDELLA, ROBERT, “Squaring Accounts: Commercial Bookkeeping Methods and Capitalist Rationalism in Late Qing and Republican China” SCHOPPA, R. KEITH, “Contours of Revolutionary Change in a Chinese County, 1900-1950” SHAUGHNESSY, EDWARD L., “Marriage, Divorce, and Revolution: Reading between the Lines of the Book of Changes‘ SMITH, JOANNA F. HANDLIN, “Gardens in Ch’i Piao-chia’s Social World: Wealth and Values in Late-Ming Kiangnan” WONG, R. BIN, “Chinese Economic History and Development: A Note on the Myers- Huang Exchange” WONG, YOUNG-TSU, “Revisionism Reconsidered: Kang Youwei and the Reform Movement of 1898” Japan ARIGA, CHIEKO, “Dephallicizing Women in Ryukyo shinshi: A Critique of Gender Ideology in Japanese Literature” FUJITANI, TAKASHI, “Electronic Pageantry and Japan’s ‘Symbolic Emperor’ ” HOSTON, GERMAINE A., “The State, Modernity, and the Fate of Liberalism in Prewar apan Ped DAVID L., “Proto-Industrial Origins of Japanese Capitalism” SILVERBERG, MIRIAM, “Constructing the Japanese Ethnography of Modernity” WIGEN, KAREN, “The Geographic Imagination in Early Modern Japanese History: Retrospect and Prospect” 1010 THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES South Asia SUBRAHMANYAM, SANJAY, “Iranians Abroad: Intra-~Asian Elite Migration and Early Modern State Formation” VAN DER VEER, PETER, “Playing or Praying: A Sufi Saint’s Day in Surat” Southeast Asia BOWIE, KATHERINE A., “Unraveling the Myth of the Subsistence Economy: Textile Production in Nineteenth-Century Northern Thailand” Communications to the Editor BOTTON, FLORA, SUSANA DEVALLE, and RUSSELL MAETH, Response to review of Studies on Asia and Africa from Latin America BROWN, DONALD E., Response to “Forum on Universalism and Relativism in Asian Studies” CHU, RICHARD, Response to Donald A. Jordan FLERSHEM, ROBERT, Response to articles by Karen Wigen and David L. Howell JORDAN, DONALD A., Response to review of Chinese Boycotts versus Japanese Bombs: The Failure of China’s “Revolutionary Diplomacy,” 1931-1932 MA, L. EVE ARMENTROUT, Response to Craig Storti PANARITIS, ANDREA, Response to John Sylvester, Jr. SMITH, RICHARD J., Response to review of Fortune-tellers and Philosophers: Divination in Traditional Chinese Society STORTI, CRAIG, Response to review of Incident at Bitter Creek: The Story of the Rock Springs Chinese Massacre SYLVESTER, JOHN, JR., Response to review of Unholy Grail: The U.S. and the Wars in Vietnam, 1965-68 WIGEN, KAREN, Response to Robert Flershem YOUNG, MARILYN B., Response to review of Race to the Swift: State and Finance in Korean Industrialization Book Reviews Asia General APPELBAUM and HENDERSON (ed.), States and Development in the Asian Pacific Rim {CHENG-TIAN KUO] BERTUCCIOLI, Travels to Real and Imaginary Lands: Two Lectures on East Asia [THEODORE NICHOLAS FOSS] BIERNATZKI, Roots of Acceptance: The Intercultural Communication of Religious Meanings [JONATHAN S. WALTERS} BOWKER, The Meanings of Death {DAVID M. KNIPE]} BRUUN and KALLAND (eds.), Asian Perceptions of Nature [BRUCE KOPPEL] CANNON, The Life and Mind of Oriental Jones: Sir William Jones, the Father of Modern Linguistics [NANCY G.CASSELS]} CHIROT (ed.), The Crisis of Leninism and the Decline of the Left: The Revolutions of 1989 {BARRETT L. MCCORMICK] COULMAS, The Writing Systems of the World {CHIN W. KIM} DAVIS and WILBURN, (eds.), Railway Imperialism [MICHAEL ADAS] DIAKONOFF, (ed.), Early Antiquity [DAVID M. JACOBSON} DUDDEN, The American Pacific—From the Old China Trade to the Present {JAMES C. THOMSON, JR.] DUMOULIN; O'LEARY (trans.), Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century [ALBERT WELTER} GINSBURG, KOPPEL, and MCGEE (eds.), The Extended Metropolis: Settlement Transition in Asia [TERRY PLATER]} GOODMAN, Gorbachev's Retreat: The Third World {ELIZABETH KRIDL VALKENIER} HARRIS and COTTON (eds.), The End of the Cold War in Northeast Asia [WILLIAM H GLEYSTEEN, JR.} HOOKHAM, The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga {ROBERT M. GIMELLO] KENNEDY and LAUSCHER, (eds.), Civil Military Interaction in Asia and Africa [HARVEY NELSON} KIM and ZACEK, (eds.), Reform and Transformation in Communist Systems: Comparative Perspectives [YANQI TONG} ANNUAL VOLUME CONTENTS LEE, Asian American Experience in the United States: Oral Histories of First to Fourth Generation Americans from China, the Philippines, Japan, India, the Pacific Islands, Vietnam and Cambodia {S. E. SOLBERG} LEE, Social Change and Educational Problems in Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong {WILLIAM K. CUMMINGS] LOW, Eclipse of Empire [THOMAS R. METCALF] LOWE, Critical Terrains: French and British Orientalisms [1HAB HASSAN} MAGAGNA, Communities of Grain: Rural Rebellion in Comparative Perspective {R. BIN WONG] MARETT (ed.), Musica Asiatica 6 [JOSEPH S. C. LAM} MARKS, Road to Power: The Trans-Siberian Railroad and the Colonization of Asian Russia, 1580-1917 [THOMAS C. OWEN] MARTY and APPLEBY (eds.), Fundamentalisms Observed [TAMARA SONN} MCCORD, The Dawn of the Pacific Century: Implications for Three Worlds of Development {N. T. WANG] MCNICOLL and CAIN, (eds.), Rural Development and Population: Institutions and Policy {GEETA CHOWDHRY] MEHMET, Islamic Identity and Development: Studies of the Islamic Periphery [WILLIAM R. ROFF} NOLAND, Pacific Basin Developing Countries: Prospects for the Future {)UNG-EN WOO} PALMER, The New Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific {ROY U. T. KIM} PARKES (ed.), Nietzsche and Asian Thought [WILLIAM HAVER] RANIS and MAHMOOD, The Political Economy of Development Policy Change {STEPHAN HAGGARD} RUSH, The Last Tree: Reclaiming the Environment in Tropical Asia [CHRISTOPHER A. AIRRIESS] SELOCHAN (ed.), The Military, the State, and Development in Asia and the Pacific {JA MES W. MORLEY} SHAVIT, The United States in Asia: A Historical Dictionary [DANIEL J. MEISSNER] SHIVA, et al., Biodiversity: Social and Ecological Perspectives [MARTIN W. LEWIS} STOPFORD and STRANGE, with HENLEY, Rival States, Rival Firms: Competition for World Market Shares {ERIC D. RAMSTETTER]} SULLIVAN, Measuring Global Values: The Ranking of 162 Countries [BARRY B. HUGHES] TAYLOR, The Religious Dimensions of Confucianism [ROGER T. AMES] THAKUR and THAYER, Soviet Relations with India and Vietnam {D. R. SARDESAI} TWEED, The American Encounter with Buddhism, 1844-1912: Victorian Culture and the Limits of Dissent [PAUL A. CARTER} TYAGI and vyYASs (eds.), Increasing Access to Food: The Asian Experience {RANDOLPH BARKER} URBAN, Moscow and the Global Left in the Gorbachev Era [GAYE CHRISTOFFERSEN] VOGEL, The Four Little Dragons: The Spread of Industrialization in East Asia [BRUCE CUMINGS} WADE, Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization {BRIAN LEVY} China and Inner Asia AKINER (ed.), Mongolia Today [MICHAEL R. DROMPP} BLACK, Man and Nature in the Philosophical Thought of Wang Fu-chih {1RENE BLOOM} BODDE, Chinese Thought, Society, and Science: The Intellectual and Social Background of Science and Technology in Pre-modern China {JOHN B. HENDERSON} CHAN, China, Britain and Hong Kong, 1895-1945 [C. MARTIN WILBUR} CHAN and CLARK (eds.), The Hong Kong Basic Law: Blueprint for ‘Stability and Prosperity” Under Chinese Sovereignty? [KEVIN P. LANE} CHAN and DIRLIK, Schools into Fields and Factories: Anarchists, the Guomindang and the National Labor University in Shanghai 1927-1932 {PAUL BAILEY} CHAN, ed., Entry Denied: Exclusion and the Chinese Community in America, 1882-1943 [SUE FAWN CHUNG] CHAN, The Making of Hong Kong Society: Three Studies of Class Formation in Early Hong Kong [MICHAEL TSIN]} CHANG, Chung-kuo chin-tai t’ieh-lu shih-ye guan-li ti yen-chiu {Railroads in modern China: political aspects of railroad administration, 1876—1937} [RALPH W. HUENEMANN] CHANG, The Late-Ming Poet Ch’en Tzu-lung: Crises of Love and Loyalism {JERRY DENNERLINE}] CHANG and GORDON, A// Under Heaven: Sun Yat-sen and His Revolutionary Thought [YOUNG-TSU WONG] 1012 THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES CH'1, Politics of Disillusionment: The Chinese Communist Party under Deng Xiaoping [HARRY HARDING] CHU, Crafting Democracy in Taiwan [EDWIN A. WINCKLER]} CLARK, Community, Trade and Networks: Southern Fujian Province from the Third to the Thirteenth Century [PETER J. GOLAS} CLIFFORD, Spoilt Children of Empire: Westerners in Shanghai and the Chinese Revolution of the 1920’s [MARK WILKINSON} CLUNAS, Superfluous Things: Material Culture and Social Status in Early Modern China [JOANNA F. HANDLIN SMITH} COHEN, East Asian Art and American Culture {J} AMES CAHILL] COHEN and GOLDMAN (eds.), Ideas Across Cultures: Essays on Chinese Thought in Honor of Benjamin 1. Schwartz [FREDERIC WAKEMAN, JR.] COTTON, Asian Frontier Nationalism: Owen Lattimore and the American Policy Debate {ARTHUR WALDRON] DIEN (ed.), State and Society in Early Medieval China {[vViCTOR CUNRUI XIONG]} DURAND, Lettrés et Pouvoirs: Un Procés Littéraire dans la Chine Impériale {Literati and Powerholders: A Literary Case in Imperial China] [PHILIP A. KUHN] FINKEL and KIZER, (trans.), A Splintered Mirror, Chinese Poetry From the Democracy Movement {ZHILING LIN] FISHER, The Chosen One: Succession and Adoption in the Court of Ming Shizong [EDWARD L FARMER} FORTE, Mingtang and Buddhist Utopias in the History of the Astronomical Clock: The Tower, Status and Armillary Sphere Constructed by Empress Wu [JOHN S. MAJOR} FRIEDMAN, PICKOWICZ, SELDEN, with JOHNSON, Chinese Village, Socialist State [PRASENJIT DUARA] FULLER, The Road to East Slope: The Development of Su Shi’s Poetic Voice {JAMES M. HARGETT] GLADNEY, Muslim Chinese: Ethnic Nationalism in the People’s Republic {PRASENJIT DUARA]} GREGORY, Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism {PHILIP YAMPOLSKY] GUNN, Rewriting Chinese: Style and Innovation in Twentieth-Century Chinese Prose {JEFFREY N. WASSERSTROM] HE, China on the Edge: The Crisis of Ecology and Development {Shan’ao shang de Zhongguo] {LAWRENCE R. SULLIVAN] HENDERSON, Scripture, Canon, and Commentary: A Comparison of Confucian and Western Exegesis [BENJAMIN A. ELMAN] HOLM, Art and Ideology in Revolutionary China {CHANG-TAI HUNG} HONG and JIANG, Zhongguo Gudai Suanming Shu {The Divinatory Arts of Ancient China} [RICHARDJ . SMITH] JORDAN, Chinese Boycotts versus Japanese Bombs: The Failure of China's “Revolutionary Diplomacy,” 1931-1932 [YUNGDEH RICHARD CHU} KINUGAWA, (ed.), Collected Studies on Sung History Dedicated to Professor James T. C. Liu in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday [THOMAS H. C. LEE} KRAUS, Brushes with Power: Modern Politics and the Chinese Art of Calligraphy [ROBERT E HARRIST} KUNSANG, Dakini Teachings: Padmasambhava's Oral Instructions of Lady Tsogyal [NATALIE MAXWELL HAUPTMAN] LAI, MYERS, and WEI, A Tragic Beginning: The Taiwan Uprising of February 28, 1947 [HARRY J. LAMLEY]} LATTIMORE; ISONO (trans.), China Memoirs: Chiang Kai-shek and the War Against Japan {ARTHUR WALDRON] LAWTON, New Perspectives on Chu Culture During the Eastern Zhan Period {DAVID D BUCK] LEE, From Revolutionary Cadres to Party Technocrats in Socialist China {CHENG LI] LEUNG, The Shanghai Taotai: Linkage Man in a Changing Society [RICHARD J. SMITH} LUO; MACINNIS and ZHENG (trans.), Religion Under Socialism in China {NORMA DIAMOND] MACINNIS, Religion in China Today: Policy and Practice [NORMA DIAMOND] MARTIN, The Making of a Sino-Marxist World View: Perceptions and Interpretations of World History in the People’s Republic of China [MARY PANGLE MAZUR] MEYER, The Dragons of Tiananmen: Beijing as a Sacred City [y1-FU TUAN] MOODY, Political Change on Taiwan: A Study of Ruling Party Adaptability [EDWIN A. WINCKLER]} MORIN, ed., The Red Azalea: Chinese Poetry Since the Cultural Revolution {ZHILING LIN} MUNAKATA, Sacred Mountains in Chinese Art [SUSAN E. NELSON] MYERS, Two Societies in Opposition: The Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China after Forty Years [EDWIN A. WINCKLER]} NEE and sTARK (eds.), with SELDEN, Remaking the Economic Institutions of Socialism {KATHLEEN HARTFORD} NNUAL VOLUME CONTENTS NEWMAN, Owen Lattimore and the “Loss” of China {A®’fHUR WALDRON] PAS (ed.), The Turning of the Tide: Religion in China Today [NORMA DIAMOND} PAULDAN, The Chinese Spirit Road: Classical Tradition of Stone Tomb Statuary {TANSEN SEN] PEARSON, Joint Ventures in the People’s Republic of China: The Control of Foreign Direct Investment under Socialism [LAWRENCE C. REARDON] POTTER and POTTER, China’s Peasants: Anthropology ofa Revolution [VICTOR NEE} POWERS, Art and Political Expression in Early China {PATRICIA BERGER] REARDON-ANDERSON, The Study of Change: Chemistry in China, 1840-1949 [JONATHAN SPENCE] REDDING, The Spirit of Chinese Capitalism [WELLINGTON K. K. CHAN] RUBINSTEIN, The Protestant Community on Modern Taiwan: Mission, Seminary and Church [DANL. IOVEERMLYER } RUMMEL, China’s Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 {RICHARD E. BARRETT} RYAN, Chinese Attitudes Toward Nuclear Weapons: China and the United States during the Korean War {SU-YA CHANG] SAICH, The Origins of the First United Front in China: The Role of Sneevliet (alias Maring) {MARILYN LEVINE} SCHRECKER, The Chinese Revolution in Historical Perspective [R. KEITH SCHOPPA]} SCHWARCZ, Time for Telling Truth Is Running Out: Conversations with Zhang Shenfu {EDWARD FRIEDMAN] SMITH, Fortune-tellers and Philosophers: Divination in Traditional Chinese Society {VALERIE HANSEN} SMITH, Taxing Heaven's Storehouse: Horses, Bureaucrats, and the Destruction of the Sichuan Tea Industry, 1074-1224 [PETER J. GOLAS} so, The Kuomintang Left in the National Revolution, 1924-1931: The Leftist Alternative in Republican China {BRAD GEISERT] STEINHARDT, Chinese Imperial City Planning {SEN-DOU CHANG] STRANAHAN, Molding the Medium, the Chinese Communist Party and the Liberation Daily {L. SOPHIA WANG] TANAKA, The Dawn of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Doctrine: Ching-ying Hui-yuan’s Commentary of the Visualization Sutra {JAMES C. DOBBINS] TER HAAR, The White Lotus Teachings in Chinese Religious History {DANIEL L. OVERMYER] THONDUwP (trans.), Enlightened Living: Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Masters [NATALIE MAXWELL HAUPTMAN] TSONGKAPA; THARCHIN and ROACH (trans.), The Principal Teachings of Buddhism {NATALIE MAXWELL HAUPTMAN] VAN NESS (ed.), Market Reforms in Socialist Societies: Comparing China and Hungary {KATHLEEN HARTFORD} WALLER, The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia [MICHAEL H. FISHER] WANG, The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and The Journey to the West [DAVID L. ROLSTON} WANG and BAI, The Poverty of Plenty {[Furao de pinkun} [NOkKMA DIAMOND] WANG and YANG, Hua Shi yu Zongxi wenhua {Hu Shi, Chinese, and western culture} [XIAOING YU} WASSERSTROM, Student Protests in Twentieth Century China: The View from Shanghai [DAVID STRAND] WATSON and EBREY (eds.), Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society {R. DAVID ARKUSH] WEIDNER (ed.), Flowering in the Shadows: Women in the History of Chinese and Japanese Painting [ROBERT E. HARRIST} WICHMANN, Listening to Theatre: The Aural Dimension of Beijing Opera {SAU Y. CHAN] WILL and WONG, with LEE, Nourish the People: The State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650-1850 [WILLIAM T. ROWE] WONG, Politics and Literature in Shanghai: The Chinese League of Left-Wing Writers, 1930-36 [PAUL G. PICKOWICZ} Yi, Hu Shi zhuan {A biography of Hu Shi} [xIAOMING yu} ZHOU, Xiong Xiling yu cishan jiaoyu shiye [Xiong Xiling and philanthropic educational enterprises} [EDWARD A. MCCORD]} Japan ANGEL, Explaining Economic Policy Failure: Japan in the 1969-1971 International Monetary Crisis [SHIGEKO N. FUKAI] BAILEY, Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives: Political and Economic Change in a Tohoku Village [DONNA L. DOANE] 1014 THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES BARRETT and THERIVAL, Environmental Policy and Impact Assessment in Japan {KENJI K 163 OSHIRO} BEAUCHAMP (ed.), Windows on Japanese Education {JOSEPH TOBIN} 918 BERNSTEIN (ed.), Recreating Japanese Women, 1600-1945 [JAN BARDSLEY] 400 BOGER, Postwar Industrial Policy in Japan: An Annotated Bibliography {E. BARRY KEEHN]} 665 BROWNLEE, Political Thought in Japanese Historical Writing: From Kojiki (712) to Tokushi 666 Yoron (1712) [GREGORY J. SMITS]} CUSUMANO, Japan’s Software Factories: A Challenge to U.S. Management [E. ANTHON EFF 164 and KIYOSHI KAWAHITO} DUKE, Education and Leadership for the Twenty-First Century: Japan, America, and Britain 667 [GARY DECOKER]} EBERSOLE, Ritual Poetry and the Politics of Death in Early Japan {AMY VLADECK 165 HEINRICH} ENCARNATION, Rivals beyond Trade: America versus Japan in Global Competition oy {LEONARD H. LYNN] FARRINGTON (comp. and ed.), The English Factory in Japan: 1613-1623 [EDWARD E 669 PRATT] FINN, Winners in Peace, MacArthur, Yoshida, and Postwar Japan {JOHN CURTIS PERRY] 921 FLANAGAN, KOHEI, MIYAKE, RICHARDSON, and WATANUKI, The Japanese Voter 670 [JOHN M. PEEK} GOODMAN (ed.), Japanese Cultural Policies in Southeast Asia during World War Il 672 [ROBERT M. ORR, JR.]} HAMADA, American Enterprise inJ apan {NORIATSU MATSUI} 922 HODGE and OGAWA, Fertility Change in Contemporary Japan [SUSAN ORPETT LONG] 923 ITO, Visions of Desire: Tanizaki's Fictional Worlds [TAKAO HAGIWARA] 673 KEIJ!, Nishida Kitaro [WHALEN LAI] 179 KEIJ1, The Self-Overcoming of Nibilism [WHALEN LAI} Wb, MARRA, The Aesthetics of Discontent: Politics and Reclusion in Medieval Japanese Literature 675 {THOMAS KEIRSTEAD] MOLONY, Technology and Investment: The Prewar Japanese Chemical Industry {MASAHIRO 167 SHIMOTANI} NAPIER, Escape from the Wasteland: Romanticism and Realism in the Fiction of Mishima Yukio 925 and Oe Kenzaburo [DAVID G. GOODMAN} O'BRIEN and FUGITA, The Japanese American Experience [TAKESHI KOKUBO] 676 OKIHIRO, Cane Fires: The Anti-Japanese Movement in Hawaii, 1865-1945 [STEPHEN | 169 THOMPSON] OZAKI, Human Capitalism: The Japanese Enterprise System as World Model {ROBERT E 171 WEIGAND] REID, New Wine: The Cultural Shaping ofJ apanese Christianity [WILLIAM E. DEAL] ROBERTSON, Native and Newcomer: Making and Remaking a Japanese City [YOSHINOBU OTA} SASO, Women in the Japanese Workplace {MARY C. BRINTON] SATO, Kamikaze Biker: Parody and Anomy in Affluent Japan {ANNE ALLISON] SILVERBERG, Changing Song: The Marxist Manifestos of Nakano Shigeharu {CH1A-NING CHANG] SUGENO; KANOWITZ (trans.), Japanese Labor Law [PAULINE C. REICH} THORNTON, The Graphic Spirit ofJ apan {HELEN MERRITT] TIPTON, Japanese Police State: Tokko in Interwar Japan {DAVID G. EGLER] TSUKADA, Yobiko Life: A Study of the Legitimation Process of Social Stratification in Japan {WILLIAM K. CUMMINGS] UNNO, The Religious Philosophy of Nishitani Keiji [WHALEN LAI} WILSON, The Art of Ogata Kenzan: Persona and Production in Japanese Ceramics [JOHANNA BECKER} woopiwiss, Law, Labour and Society in Japan: From Repression to Reluctant Recognition {PAULINE C. REICH} YAMAZAWA, Economic Development and International Trade: The Japanese Model [YOUNG- KWAN YOON] Korea CHO and KIM (eds.), Economic Development in the Republic of Korea: A Policy Perspective [JOHN T. BENNETT] CHRYSSIDES, The Advent of Sun Myung Moon: The Origins, Beliefs and Practices of the Unification Church {YOUNG-CHAN RO] ECKERT, Offspring of Empire: The Koch’ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876-1945 [YOUNG-IOB CHUNG} HWANG; HOLMAN (ed.), The Book of Masks [DAVID R. MCCANN] ANNUAL VOLUME CONTENTS HWANG; HOLMAN (ed.), Shadows ofa Sound [DAVID R. MCCANN] KANG; SALLEE (trans.), The Waves [DAVID R. MCCANN] KWON, Korean Economic Development {MARCUS NOLAND] MACDONALD, Britain and the Korean War {JOHN MERRILL} MATRAY (ed.), Historical Dictionary of the Korean War [BRUCE CUMINGS]} MAZARR, BLODGETT, CHA, and TAYLOR (eds.), Korea 1991: The Road to Peace [YOUNG WHAN KIHL]} PANG (comp.), G-2 Periodic Report September 9, 1945/June 1, 1949. G-2 Periodic Report, July 26, 1949/June 15, 1950. G-2 Periodic Report September 9, 1945/ November 26, 1948. Intelligence Summary, Northern Korea, December 1, 1945/ November 26, 1948 [CHONG-SIK LEE} PANG, Korean Elderly Women in America: Everyday Life, Health, and Illness [SEUNG-KYUNG KIM] SANFORD, South Korea and the Socialist Countries: The Politics of Trade {YOUNG WHAN KIHL]} SHAW (ed.), Human Rights in Korea: Historical and Policy Perspectives {JA1 POONG RYU} SOH, The Chosen Women in Korean Politics: An Anthropological Study {J}OHN LIE] WELLS, New God, New Nation: Protestants and Self-Reconstruction Nationalism in Korea, 1896-1937 [EDWARD W. POITRAS] YOON, Law and Political Authority in South Korea {LINDA S. LEWIS] YUN, The House of Twilight [DAVID R. MCCANN] South Asia AHMAD, Origins of Muslim Consciousness in India: A World-System Perspective [AYESHA JALAL] ALI, (ed.), Selected Short Stories from Pakistan: Urdu [ROBERT A. HUECKSTEDT] ANDERSON and CORREIA-AFONSO (eds.), H. Heras: Indological Studies [}ONATHAN MARK KENOYER] BADER, Meditation in Sankara’s Vedanta [ARVIND SHARMA] BANERJEE (ed.), Indian Women in a Changing Industrial Scenario [RANJANA DAMLE]} BEGLEY and DE PUMA (eds.), Rome and India: The Ancient Sea Trade {CARLA M. SINOPOLI]} BELOKRENITSKY, Capitalism in Pakistan: A History of Socio-economic Development [ROBERT L. CANFIELD and KATHLEEN LAIRD} BHATNAGAR (trans.), Padmanabha's Kanhadade Prabandha (India’s Greatest Patriotic Saga of Medieval Times) [ARVIND SHARMA] BHATT and SCRIVER, After the Masters: Contemporary Indian Architecture [NORMA EVENSON] BLAKE, Shahjahanabad: The Sovereign City in Mughal India, 1639-1739 [KUMKUM CHATTERJEE} BOWEN, Revenue and Reform: The Indian Problem in British Polivics 1757-1773 {LYNN ZASTOUPIL]} BROWN, The Triumph of the Goddess: The Canonical Models and Theological Visions of the Devi-Bhagavata Purdna {JOANNE PUNZO WAGHORNE]} BUHRLEIN, Nawara Eliya: ‘Hill Station” und Zentraler Ort im Hochland Der Insel Ceylon (Sri Lanka) {JUDITH KENNY} CARRITHERS and HUMPHREY, The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society [PETER VAN DER VEER} CHATTERJEE, Indian Women: Their Health and Economic Productivity [GEETA CHOWDHRY] COBURN, Encountering the Goddess: A Translation of the Devi-Mahatmya and A Study of Its Interpretation [JOANNE PUNZO WAGHORNE]} COHEN (ed.), Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia: The Prospects for Arms Control [RODNEY W. JONES} COHN, An Anthropologist Among Historians and Other Essays [EUGENE F. IRSCHICK] COWARD and RAJA, The Philosophy of the Grammarians [HANK HEIFETZ] CUTLER, Songs of Experience: The Poetics of Tamil Devotion [HANK HEIFETZ] D'sOUZA, Development Planning and Structural Inequalities: The Response of the Underprivileged {MUSTAPHA KAMAL PASHA]} : DAVIS, Ritual in an Oscillating Universe: Worshiping Siva in Medieval India {R. BLAKE MICHAEL} DEHEJIA, Art of the Imperial Cholas [PADMA KAIMAL] DEYELL, Living Without Silver: The Monetary History of Early Medieval North India {STEPHEN P. BLAKE} DUBE and PALRIWALA (eds.), Structures and Strategies: Woman, Work and Family [GEETA CHOWDHRY] 1016 THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES ECK and MALLISON (eds.), Devotion Divine: Bhakti Traditions from the Regions of India. Studies in Honor of Charlotte Vaudeville [DAVID L. HABERMAN]} ELWIN; RUSTOMJI (ed.), Philanthropologist: Selected Writings {PAUL HOCKINGS] FIGUEIRA, Translating the Orient: The Reception of Sakuntala in Nineteenth-Century Europe {s. POLLOCK} FURER-HAIMENDORF, Life Among Indian Tribes: The Autobiography of an Anthropologist {PAUL HOCKINGS} GALANTER, Law and Society in Modern India {RICHARD W. LARIVIERE]} GORDON, Brothers Against the Raj: A Biography of Indian Nationalists, Sarat and Subbhas Chandra Bose [JOHN R. MCLANE} GRAHAM, Hindu Nationalism and Indian Politics: Origins and Development of the Bharativa Jana Sangh {KENNETH W. JONES] GRANOFF (ed.), The Clever Adulteress and Other Stories: A Treasury of Jain Literature {ROBERT A. HUECKSTEDT]} GREWAL, The New Cambridge History of India: The Sikhs of the Punjab [KENNETH W JONES] GUHA, The Unquiet Woods: Ecological Change and Peasant Resistance in the Himalaya {JAMES R. HAGEN} HANH; HO (trans.), Old Path White Clouds: Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha {DANIEL PERDUE} HEER (ed.), Islamic Law and Jurisprudence: Studies in Honor of Farbat J. Ziadeh {MICHAEL R. ANDERSON] HELWEG and HELWEG, An Immigrant Success Story: East Indians in America [BRUCE LA BRACK}] HILTEBEITEL, The Cult of Draupadi. Volume 2, On Hindu Ritual and the Goddess {PAMELA G. PRICE] HOCKINGS (ed.), Blue Mountains: The Ethnography and Biogeography of a South Indian Region [RICHARD P. TUCKER} HOLMSTROM (ed.), The Inner Courtyard: Stories by Indian Women {CARLA PETIEVICH] INGALLS, MASSON, and PATWARDHAN (trans.), The Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana with the Locana of Abhinavagupta [HANK HEIFETZ} JAIRAZBHOY, Hi-Tech Shiva and other Apocryphal Stories: An Academic Allegory {ROBERT L. BROWN] JAMISON, The Ravenous Hyenas and the Wounded Sun: Myth and Ritual in Ancient India [JAMES W. LAINE] JONES (ed.), Religious Controversy in British India: Dialogues in South Asian Languages [USHA SANYAL} JUERGENSMEYER, Radhasoami Reality: The Logic of a Modern Faith {HAL W. FRENCH] KALI FOR WOMEN (ed.), Truth Tales: Contemporary Stories by Women Writers of India [CARLA PETIEVICH]} KEENAN, Travels in Kashmir: A Popular History of Its People, Places and Crafts [DANE KENNEDY} KHALIDI (ed.), Indian Muslims in North America [BRUCE LA BRACK] KING, Three Indian Poets: Nissim Ezekiel, A. K. Ramanujan, Dom Moraes {[GEETA PATEL] KIPPEN, The Tabla of Lucknow: A Cultural Analysis of a Musical Tradition {REGULA BURCKHARDT QURESHI} KRISHNARAJ and CHANANA (eds.), Gender and the Household Domain: Social and Cultural Dimensions [GEETA CHOWDHRY]} LAL, The Hindu Equilibrium. Volume |: Cultural Stability and Economic Stagnation: India, c. 1500 B.C.—A.D. 1980. Volume II: Aspects of Indian Labour [SUGATA BOSE} LEVY, with RAJOPADHYAYA, Mesocosm: Hinduism and the Organization of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal [WILLIAM SAX} LEWIS, Social Action and the Labouring Poor: An Experience {BETH ROY] MAHMOOD, The Development Debate in India and Pakistan: Myth and Reality {MUSTAPHA KAMAL PASHA]} MALIK, U.S.-South Asian Relations, 1940-1947: American Attitudes towards the Pakistan Movement [SUMIT GANGULY] MARRIOTT (ed.), India Through Hindu Categories {C. J. FULLER} MASICA, The Indo-Aryan Languages {RICHARD SALOMON} MASSELOS (ed.), India: Creating a Modern Nation [PETER WARD FAY] MEHRA, The Politics of Urban Redevelopment: A Study of Old Delhi {NARAYANI GUPTA} MEHROTRA, India and the Soviet Union: Trade and Technology Transfer [SUMIT GANGULY! MURCOTT, The First Buddhist Women: Translations and Commentary on the Therigatha {TESSA BARTHOLOMEUSZ} MURUGKAR, Dalit Panther Movement in Maharashtra: A Sociological Appraisal {JANET A CONTURSI} OOMMEN, Protest and Change: Studies in Social Movements {ANITA M. WEISS} ANNUAL VOLUME CONTENTS OOMMEN, State and Society in India: Studies in Nation-building [ANITA M. WEISS] OWEN, The Indian Nationalist Movement, c. 1912-1922: Leadership, Organization and Philosophy [EUGENE F. IRSCHICK] PRAKASH, Bonded Histories: Genealogies of Labor Servitude in Colonial India [RONALD J. 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LELE] SAX, Mountain Goddess: Gender and Politics in a Himalayan Pilgrimage [CYNTHIA ANN HUMES} scoTT, Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts [JOHN D. ROGERS} SHAH (ed.), Capitalist Development: Critical Essays (Felicitation Volume in Honour of Prof. A. R. Desai) [MUSTAPHA KAMAL PASHA]} SHULMAN (trans.), Songs of the Harsh Devotee: The Tévaram of Cuntaramiirttindyanar {INDIRA VISWANATHAN PETERSON] SINGH, The Sikh Moral Tradition: Ethical Perceptions of the Sikhs in the Late Nineteenth/ Early Twentieth Century [PASHAURA SINGH} SISSON and ROY (eds.), Diversity and Dominance in Indian Politics. Vol. 1: Changing Bases of Congress Support {JAYANT K. LELE]} SMITH, The Epic of Pabaji: A Study, Transcription, and Translation [ANN GRODZINS GOLD} SMITH, The Vedic Sacrifice in Transition: A Translation and Study of the Trikandamandana of Bhaskara Misra {DAVID M. KNIPE]} SPENCER, A Sinhala Village in a Time of Trouble: Politics and Change in Rural Sri Lanka {PATRICK PEEBLES} SRIVASTAVA, The Disputed Mosque: A Historical Inquiry [GREGORY C. KOZLOWSKI] THARU and LALITA (eds.), Women Writing in India: 600 B.C. to the Present. Vol. I: 600 B.C. to the Early 20th Century [CARLA PETIEVICH]} THERA, Jewels of the Doctrine: Stories of the Saddharma Ratnavaliya [BRUCE MATTHEWS] TIMM (ed.), Texts in Context: Traditional Hermeneutics in South Asia [JOANNE PUNZO WAGHORNE} TROLL (ed.), Maslim Shrines in India: Their Character, History and Significance [GREGORY Cc. KOZLOWSKI} TRUNGPA; CHODZIN (ed.), Orderly Chaos: The Mandala Principle [DANIEL PERDUE] VAN SCHENDEL, Three Deltas: Accumulation and Poverty in Rural Burma, Bengal and South India [CHRISTOPHER V. 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MUECKE} KING and PARNWELL, (ed.), Margins and Minorities: The Peripheral Areas and Peoples of Malaysia {CONNER BAILEY] KINGSHILL, Ku Daeng—Thirty Years Later: A Village Study in Northern Thailand 1954-1984 [KATHERINE A. BOWIE] LADERMAN, Taming the Wind of Desire: Psychology, Medicine, and Aesthetics in Malay Shamanistic Performance {LOUIS GOLOMB} LANSING, Priests and Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali [GEOFFREY SAMUEL] LIM and FONG, Foreign Direct Investment and Industrialization in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand {CHARLES W. LINDSEY} LUCAS, One Soul, One Struggle: Region and Revolution in Indonesia [BARBARA S. HARVEY} MALAKA; JARVIS (trans.), From Jail to Jail [DONALD HINDLEY] MAUNG, The Burma Road to Poverty {} AMES F. GUYOT] mccoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade {MICHAEL C. WILLIAMS} MCVEY, Southeast Asian Capitalists [DANNY UNGER] NEHER, Southeast Asia in the New International Era {STEPHEN A. 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