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ADAM, A. see BADU-APRAKU, B BrRAcHo, R. see SAN José, J. J ADANDONON, A., AVELING, T. A.S. and TamMo, M. Occur- Brereton, A. J. see Casey, I. A. rence and distribution of cowpea damping-off and stem BRUENING, W. P. see Ect, D. B. rot and associated fungi in Benin, 561 BRUINENBERG, M.H., VALK, H., Struik, P.C. and VAN AJALA, S. O. see KAMARA, A. Y. Vuuren, A.M. Fermentation and degradation in the Aut, H. A. M., Mayes, R. W., Lamp, C. S., Hector, B. I rumen of dairy cows fed on diets consisting of silage VerMA, A. K. and Orskov, E. R. The potential of long- from an intensively managed sward and silages from chain fatty alcohols and long-chain fatty acids as diet semi-natural grasslands, 79 composition markers: development of methods for Bruns, E. W. see CHAGUNDA, M. G. G. quantitative analysis and faecal recoveries of these Buenpbia, C. see SAN José, J. J compounds in sheep fed mixed diets, 71 ALLEN, E. J. see STALHAM, M. A. Casey, I.A., LAIDLAw, A.S., Brereton, A.J., An, C. L. see SHIN, E. C. McGittoway, D. A. and Watson, S. The effect of bulk AN, J. M. see Sun, E. C. density on bite dimensions of cattle grazing microswards ANDERSSON, A., JOHANSSON, E. and Oscarson, P. Post- in the field, 109 anthesis nitrogen accumulation and distribution among CerrRILLo-Soto, M. A. see JuAREz-Reyes, A. S. grains in spring wheat spikes, 525 CHAGUNDA, M.G.G., Bruns, E.W., Kinc, J.M. and ARENDA, B. R. see KoGa, A. WoLiny, C. B. A. Evaluation of the breeding strategy for ARSHAD, M. A. see Soon, Y. K milk yield of Holstein Friesian cows on large-scale dairy ARTHUR, J. R. see Rooke,J . A farms in Malawi, 595 AVELING, T. A. S. see ADANDONON, A CHEN, W. L. see CHENG, C. H. Ayaz, S., McKenzie, B. A., Hitt, G. D. and MeNet, D. L CHENG, C. H., SHEN, T. F., CHEN, W. L. and Dine, S. T. Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- Effects of dietary algal docosahexaenoic acid oil sup- humid temperate environment I. Yields and harvest plementation on fatty acid deposition and gene expression index, 9 in laying Leghorn hens, 683 AYAz, S., McKenzik, B. A. Hitt, G. D. and McNet, D. L. Cuo, K. M. see SHIN, E. C Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- Cuot, B. R. see Suin, E. ¢ humid temperate environment. II. Yield components, 21 CLAUPEIN, W. see GRUBER, S Ayaz, S., McCKeEnzik, B. A., Hitt, G. D. and McNet, D. I Cot.ins, D. see LEMERLE, D. Nitrogen distribution in four grain legumes, 309 Cousens, R. D. see LEMERLE, D Ayaz, S., McKenzie, B. A.. McNeit, D. L. and Hitt, G. D Cozzo.ino, D. see Moron, A. Light interception and utilization of four grain legumes Crout, N. M. J., BEREsForD, N. A., Dawson, J M.. Soar, J sown at different plant populations and depths, 297 and Mayes, R. W. The transfer of As, Cd and 7Hg to AzevEDO, R. A. see Mepici, L. O the milk and tissues of dairy cattle, 203 Cruz,L . C. see KoGa, A Bapu-APRAKU, B. see KAMARA, A. Y Cutis, B. R. see LEMERLE,D Bapu-ApRAKU, B., FAKoREDE, M.A.B., MENKIR, A., KAMARA, A. Y. and Apam, A. Effects of drought screen- Da Sirva, S.C., HopGson, J.. MATTHEW. C., MATTHEWS, ing methodology on genetic variances and covariances in P.N.P. and Hotmes, C. W. Herbage production and Pool 16 DT maize population, 445 animal performance on perennial ryegrass/white clover BALZARINI, M. G. see Di RENzo, M. A dairy pastures under alternative spring grazing manage- Barrett, P.D., Laiptaw, A.S. and Mayne, C.S. An ments, 97 evaluation of selected perennial ryegrass growth models DaADHWAL, V. K. see NAIN, A. S for development and integration into a pasture manage- DarMAN! Kuni, H., Kepreas, E., Lopez, S. and FRANCE, ment decision support system, 327 J. A comparative evaluation of functions for describing BeLLo, N. J. see OLASANTAN, F. O the relationship between live-weight gain and metaboliz- BENNETT, R., ISMAEL, Y., Morse, S. and SHANKAR, B able energy intake in turkeys, 691 Reductions in insecticide use from adoption of Bt cotton Dasu, A. K. see GHosH, M in South Africa: impacts on economic performance and Daun, J. K. Quality of genetically modified (GM) and toxic load to the environment, 665 conventional varieties of canola (spring oilseed rape) BERESFORD, N. A. see Crout, N. M. J. grown in western Canada, 1996-2001, 273 BiNGHAM, J. F. W. see Jess, S. Dawson, J. M. see Crout, N. M. J. Bonamico, N. C. see Di RENzo, M. A. Dev Barrio, A. N. see Koa, A. 712 Index of Authors Di Renzo. M. A., Bonamico, N. C., Diaz, D. G., IBANEz, HaresiGN, W. see SpeveRS, M. H. M. M.A... Faricecti, M.E., BALzarini, M.G. and HAUGGAARD-NIELSEN, H see TRYDEMAN KNuDSEN, M. SALERNO, J. C. Microsatellite markers linked to QTL for Hector, B. L. see Ati, H. A. M. resistance to Mal de Rio Cuarto disease in Zea mays Hitt, G. D. see Ayaz, S. L., 289 Hopcson, J. see Da Sitva, S. C. Dias-DA-SILVA, A. see FERREIRA, L. M. M. Homes, C. W. see Da Sitva, S. C. Diaz, D. G. see Dit Renzo, M. A. Ho ttrop, G., Lapierre, H. and Losiey, G. E. Modelling Ditton, P. J. see PAKRou, N. transport of amino acids into the red blood cells of sheep, DILton, P. see SHALLOO, L. Dina, S. T see CHENG, C. H. Hona, S. Y. see Soin, E. C. Dove, H. see Ferreira, L. M. M. IBANEZ, M. A. see Dit RENzo, M. A. Ecu, D. B. and BruENING, W. P. Water stress, photosyn- IsMAEL, Y. see BENNETT, R. thesis, seed sucrose levels and seed growth in soya bean,| JAUHIAINEN, L. see OFVERSTEN, J. E_wert, C.. KiutH, H. and Ropenutscorp, M. Effect of JEONG, Y. J. see SHIN, E. C. variable intake of alfalfa and wheat on faecal alkane recoveries and estimates of roughage intake in sheep, 213 Jess, S. and BINGHAM, J.F.W. The spectral specific mesirRiI, L.C. and Moopy, D. B. Potential of low-protein responses of Lycoriella ingenua and Megaselia halterata during mushroom cultivation, 421 genotypes for nitrogen management in malting barley JOHANSSON, E. see ANDERSSON, A. production, 319 JORNSGARD, B. see TRYDEMAN KNUDSEN, M. SRIKSEN, J., VINTHER, F.P. and S@EGAARD, K. Nitrate JuArez-Reyes, A.S., Cerritto-Soto, M.A., Meza- leaching and N,-fixation in grasslands of different Herrera, C. A. and NevArez-Carrasco, G. Diet com- composition, age and management, 141 position, intake, plasma metabolites, reproductive and metabolic hormones during pregnancy in goats under “AKOREDE, M. A. B. see BADU-APRAKU, B semi-arid grazing conditions, 697 AKOREDEM,. A. B. see KAMARA, A. Y ARICELLI, M. E. see Dt RENzo. M. A KAMARA, A. Y. see BADU-APRAKU, B. AVERIN, C. see PAGGI, R. A KAMARA, A. Y., MENKIR, A., FAKOREDE, M. A. B., AJALA, AY, J. P. see PAGGI, R. A. S.O., Bapu-ApraAku, B. and Kuren, I. Agronomic ERRAN, J. see GATIUS, F. performance of maize cultivars representing three decades “ERREIRA, L. M.M., OLIvAN, M.., Ropricuges, M.A. M.. of breeding in the Guinea Savannas of West and Central Osoro, K., Dove, H. and Dias-pa-SiLva, A. Estimation of Africa, 567 feed intake by cattle using controlled-release capsules KANAI, Y. see KoGa, A. containing n-alkanes or chromium sesquioxide, 225 Kano, J. M. see Suin, E. C RANCE, J. see DARMANI Kuut, H KAnaas, A. see OFVERSTEN, J. “RASER, M. D. see Spevers, M. H. M Kato, T. Effect of spikelet removal on the grain filling of REEMAN, S. E. and Lutman, P. J. W. The effects of timing Akenohoshi, a rice cultivar with numerous spikelets in a of control of weeds on the yield of winter oilseed rape panicle, 177 (Brassica napus), in the context of the potential commer- KEBREAB, E. see DARMANI Kuut, H. cialization of herbicide-tolerant winter rape, 263 KENNEDY, J. see SHALLOO, L. Kercey, S. J., SHietp, I. F., Scott, T. and Stevenson, H. GaAnGwakr, K.S.. SinGH, K. K. and SHARMA. S. K. Effect of Field-based nutritional response evaluation of the intol- tillage on growth, yield and nutrient uptake in wheat after erant white lupin (Lupinus albus) cultivar Lucyanne to a rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, 453 lime-amended soil, 153 Gatius, F., LLoveras, J., FERRAN, J. and Puy, J. Prediction Kim, E. J. see Suin, E. C. of crude protein and classification of the growth stage of Kim, H. see Suin, E. C. wheat plant samples from NIR spectra, 517 Kim, Y. K. see SHIN, E. C. Gaucn, G. JR see O1KEH, S. O. KinpRreED, D. R. and Goopina, M. J. Heterotic and seed rate Geteta, L.F. and LaAsBuscHAGNE, M.T. Comparative effects in nitrogen efficiencies on wheat, 639 performance and heterosis in single, three-way and double KING, J. M. see CHAGUNDA, M. G. G. cross pepper hybrids, 659 KiutH, H. see ELwert, C. Geeta, L. F. and LasuscHaGne, M. T. Hybrid perform- Koca, A., SuciyAMA, M., Det Barrio, A. N., LAPITAN, ance for yield and other characteristics in peppers R. M., ARENDA, B. R., Rosies, A. Y., Cruz, L.C. and (Capsicum annuum L.), 411 Kanal, Y. Comparison of the thermoregulatory response GuosuH, M., MANDAL, B. K., MANDAL, B. B., Lopu, S. B. and of buffaloes and tropical cattle, using fluctuations in rectal DasH, A. K. The effect of planting date and nitrogen temperature, skin temperature and haematocrit as an management on yield and quality of aromatic rice (Oryza index, 351 sativa), 183 KureEH, I. see KAMARA, A. Y. GILL, G. S. see LEMERLE, D. Kwon, E. J. see SHIN, E. C. GLAHN, R. P. see O1KEH, S. O. GoopinG, M. J. see Kinprep, D. R. LABUSCHAGNE, M. T. see GELETA, L. F. GruBer, S., PEKRUN, C. and CLAuPEIN, W. Seed persistence LaipLaw, A. S. see Casey, I. A. of oilseed rape (Brassica napus): variation in transgenic LaIpLaAw, A. S. see BARRETT, P. D. and conventionally bred cultivars, 29 Lamps, C. S. see Ati, H. A. M. Index of Authors 713 LapierRE, H. see HOLtRop, G. O1keH, S.O., MenkiIR, A., Maztya-Dixon, B., WeEicn, LapiITAN, R. M. see KoGa, A R. M., GLaun, R. P. and Gaucnu, G. ir Environmental Lea, P. J. see Mepici, L. O. stability of iron and zinc concentrations in grain of elite Leaver, J. D. see Wicks, H. C. F early-maturing tropical maize genotypes grown under LEMERLE, D., Cousens, R. D., Gitt, G. S., Pettzer, S. J., field conditions, 543 Moerkerk, M., Murpuy, C.E.. Coriins, D. and OLASANTAN, F. O. and Beto, N. J. Optimum sowing dates Cutis, B. R. Reliability of higher seeding rates of wheat for okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in monoculture and for increased competitiveness with weeds in low rainfall mixture with cassava (Manihot esculenta) during the rainy environments, 395 season in the south-west of Nigeria, 49 Lewis, P. D. and Morris, T. R. Research note: amendments OLIvAN, M. see Ferreira, L. M. M. to the model for predicting age at sexual maturity for Orskov, E. R. see Att, H. A. M growing pullets of layer strains following changes in Oscarson, P. see ANDERSSON, A photoperiod, 613 Osoro, K. see FERREIRA, L. M M Lim, W. J. see Suin, E. C OrsukI, K. see ZHANG, Y LLoveras, J. see Gatius, F. Losey, G. E. see HOLtrop, G. Papi, F. K. Relationship between stress tolerance and grain Loon, S. B. see GHosH, M. yield stability in cowpea, 431 Lopez, S. see DARMANI Kuut, H Pacai, R. A., Fay, J. P. and Faverin, C. /n vitro ruminal LuTMAN, P. J. W. see FREEMAN, S. I digestibility of oat hay and cellulolytic activity in the presence of increasing concentrations of short-chain acids MaLAVE, V. see SAN Jose, J. J. and glycerol, 89 MANDAL, B. B. see GHosH, M Pakrou, N. and Ditton, P. J. Leaching losses of N under MANDAL. B. K. see GHosH, M. grazed irrigated and non-irrigated pastures, 503 Mar ey, P.S. Effects of integrating host plant resistance Pata, M. see SINGH, M. with time of planting or fungicides on anthracnose and PAPASTYLIANOU, I. Effect of rotation system and N fertilizer grain mould and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in on barley and vetch grown in various crop combinations the Nigerian northern: Guinea Savanna, 345 and cycle lengths, 41 MatTHew,C see Da Siva, S. € PauLt, D., Ricsy, R., THompson, J. and Wynn, P. Active MattHewPs., N . P Se¢ Da SitvaS,. ¢ immunization against adrenocorticotrophic hormone Mayes, R. W. see Aut, H. A. M (ACTH) in grazing lambs suppresses the immune Mayes, R. W. see Crout, N. M. J response to a GnRH antigen but does not alter growth, Mayne,C . S. see BARRETT, P. D + 35 Maziya-Dixon, B. see OiKEH, S. O. PEKRUN, C. see GRUBER, S McBratTney, A. B. see SHATAR, T. M PELL, M. see SVENSSON, K McGi.ioway, D. A. see Casey, 1. A PeLtzer. S. J. see LEMERLE, D McKenzie, B. A SEC AYAZ.S Pereira, M. B. see Mepici, L. O McNEIL, D. L. see Ayaz, S. Puy. J. see Gatius, I Mepici, L.O., Pereira, M.B., Lea, P. J. and Azevepo, R.A. Diallel analysis of maize lines with contrasting RATH, M. see SHALLOO, L. responses to applied nitrogen, 535 RicBy, R. see PAULL, D MMeEENNKkIiRR,, AA. sSeCeE KBAAMDAUR-AA, PRAA. KYU ,B Rosinson, J. J SEC Rooke,J . A Rostes,A . Y. see KoGa, A MENKIR, A. see O1KEH, S. O. RODEHUTSCORD, M. see ELwert, C Meza-HEerr_era,C . A. SCE JuAREz-Reyes, A. S Ropricues, M. A. M. see FerreiRA, L. M. M MoerkKerk, M. see LEMERLE. D Rooke, J. A., Rosinson, J. J. and Artuur, J. R. Effects of Montes, R. A. see SAN José,J . J. vitamin E and selenium on the performance and immune Moopy, D. B. see EMesiri, L. C status of ewes and lambs, 253 Moron, A. and Cozzo.ino, D. Determination of potentially mineralizable nitrogen and nitrogen in particulate organic SALERNO, J. C. see Dt RENzo, M. A matter fractions in soil by visible and neat infrared SAMPAIO, I. B. M. see Tomicn, T. R. reflectance spectroscopy, 335 SAN José, J. J.. Montes, R. A., NIKONovA, N., VALLADARES, Morris, T. R. see Lewis, P. D. N., BuenbiA, C., MALAve, V. and BRacuo, R. Dry-matter Morse, S. see BENNETT, R partitioning and radiation-use efficiency in cowpea culti- Murpny,C . E. see LEMERLE, D vars (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cvs TC-9-6 and M-28- 6-6) during consecutive seasonal courses in the Orinoco Nain, A.S., DADHWAL, V.K. and Sincu, T.P. Use of CERES-Wheat model for wheat yield forecast in central llanos, 163 Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, 59 Scott, T. see Ker.ey, S. J. NeEVAREZ-CARRASCO, G. see JUAREZ-REYES, A.S. SHALLOO, L., KENNEDY, J., WALLACE, M., RatH, M and DiLLon, P. The economic impact of cow genetic potential Nikonova, N. see SAN JosE, J. J for milk production and concentrate supplementation Ob are, M. see SVENSSON, K. level on the profitability of pasture based systems under OrversteN, J., JAUHIAINEN, L. and Kanoas A. Contribution different EU milk quota scenarios, 357 of new varieties to cereal yields in Finland between 1973 SHANKAR, B. see BENNETT, R and 2003, 281 SHARMA, S. K. see GANGWAR, K. S. 714 Index of Authors SHataR, T.M. and McBratney, A.B. Boundary-line Tomicu, T.R. and Sampaio, I. B. M. A new strategy for analysis of field-scale yield response to soil properties, the determination of forage degradability with an 553 in situ technique through the use of one fistulated SHEN, T. F. see CHENG, C. H. ruminant, 589 SHIELD, I. F see Kerey, S. J. TRYDEMAN KNuDSEN, M., HAUGGAARD-NIELSEN, H., Suin, E. C., Kim, Y. K., Lim, W. J., Hona, S. Y., An, C. L., JORNSGARD, B. and STEEN JENSEN, E. Comparison of Kim, E. J.. CHo, K. M., Cuor, B. R.. AN, J. M., KANG, interspecific competition and N use in pea-barley, faba J. M., JEonG, Y. J., Kwon, E. J., Kim, H. and Yun, H. D. bean-barley and lupin-barley intercrops grown at two Phylogenetic analysis of yeast in the rumen contents of temperate locations, 617 cattle based on the 26S rDNA sequence, 603 SiELING, K. Growth stage-specific application of slurry and VALK, H. see BRUINENBERG, M. H. mineral N to oilseed rape, wheat and barley, 495 VALLADARES, N. see SAN José, J. J. SINGH, K. K. see GANGWAR, K. S VAN Vuuren, A. M. see BRUINENBERG, M. H. SinGH, M. and Pata, M. Use of covariance structures for VERMA, A. K. see Ati, H. A. M. temporal errors in the analysis of a three-course wheat VINTHER, F. P. see ERIKSEN, J. rotation and tillage trial, 193 SinGu, T. P. see Nain, A. S Wa ace, M. see SHALLOO, L. Soar, J. see Crout, N. M. J. WANG, G. X. see YANG, H. M. SOEGAARD, K. see ERIKSEN, J Soon, Y. K. and Arsuap, M. A. Contribution of di-nitrogen Watson, S. see Casey, I. A We cn, R. M. see Oiken, S. O. fixation by pea to the productivity and N budget of a wheat-based cropping system, 629 Wicks, H.C. F. and Leaver, J.D. Influence of genetic merit on reproductive performance of dairy cattle on Spevers, M.H.M., Fraser, M. D., THeoBatp, V. J. and commercial farms, 477 HaresiGn, W. The effects of grazing forage legumes on the WILMAN, D. Some changes in grass crops during periods of performance of finishing lambs, 483 uninterrupted growth, 129 STALHAM, M.A. and Aten, E.J. Water uptake in the Wo i.ny, C. B. A. see CHAGUNDA, M. G. G potato (Solanum tuberosum) crop, 373 Wynn, P. see PAULL, D. STEEN JENSEN, E. see TRYDEMAN KNUDSEN, M STEVENSON, H. see KERLEY, S. J. Struik, P. C. see BRUINENBERG, M. H YANG, H. M., ZHANG, X. Y. and WANG, G. X. Relationships SuGrvAMA, M. see KoGa, A between stomatal character, photosynthetic character and SVENSSON, K., ODLARE, M. and Pett, M. The fertilizing effect seed chemical composition in grass pea at different water of compost and biogas residues from source separated availabilities, 675 household waste, 461 Yun, H. D. see Suin, E. C. Tamo, M. see ADANDONON, A. ZHANG, X.Y . see YANG, H. M. THEOBALD, V. J. see Spewers, M. H. M. ZHANG, Y., TOGAMURA, Y. and Ortsuki, K. Study on the THompson, J see PAULL, D n-alkane patterns in some grasses and factors affecting TOGAMURA, Y see ZHANG,Y the n-alkane patterns, 469 Acids intercrops grown at two temperate locations In vitro ruminal digestibility of oat hay and cellulolytic (Trydeman Knudsen e al.), 617 activity in the presence of increasing concentrations of Effect of rotation system and N fertilizer on barley and short-chain acids and glycerol (Paggi er al.), 89 vetch grown in various crop combinations and cycle The potential of long-chain fatty alcohols and long-chain lengths (Papastylianou), 41 fatty acids as diet composition markers: development Growth stage-specific application of slurry and mineral N of methods for quantitative analysis and faecal to oilseed rape, wheat and barley (Sieling), 495 recoveries of these compounds in sheep fed mixed diets Biogas (Ali e¢ a/.), 71 The fertilizing effect of compost and biogas residues Adrenocorticotrophic from source separated household waste (Svensson Active immunization against adrenocorticotrophic hor- et al.), 461 mone (ACTH) in grazing lambs suppresses the immune Bite response to a GnRH antigen but does not alter growth The effect of bulk density on bite dimensions of (Paull et al.), 235 cattle grazing microswards in the field (Casey et a/.), Africa 109 ; Agronomic performance of maize cultivars representing Blood three decades of breeding in the Guinea Savannas of Modelling transport of amino acids into the red blood West and Central Africa (Kamara er a/.), 567 cells of sheep (Holtrop ef al.), 5 Reductions in insecticide use from adoption of Bt cotton Buffaloes in South Africa impacts on economic performance and Comparison of the thermoregulatory response of buffa- toxic load to the environment (Bennett e7 a/.), 665 loes and tropical cattle, using fluctuations in rectal A kenohoshi temperature, skin temperature and haematocrit as an Effect of spikelet removal on the grain filling of index (Koga et al.), 351 A kenohoshi, a rice cultivar with numerous spikelets in a Canola panicle (Kato), 177 Quality of genetically modified (GM) and conventional Alcohols varieties of canola (spring oilseed rape) grown in west- The potential of long-chain fatty alcohols and long-chain ern Canada, 1996—2001 (Daun), 273 fatty acids as diet composition markers: development Cassava of methods for quantitative analysis and faecal Optimum sowing dates for okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) recoveries of these compounds in sheep fed mixed diets in monoculture and mixture with cassava (Manihot (Ali e¢ al.), 71 esculenta) during the rainy season in the south-west of Alfalfa Nigeria (Olasantan and Bello), 49 Effect of variable intake of alfalfa and wheat on faecal Cattle alkane recoveries and estimates of roughage intake in Estimation of feed intake by c.a tliel e usiiTn g‘ controlled- sheep (Elwert ef a/.), 213 release capsules containing n-alkanes of chromium Algal sesquioxide (Ferreira ef al l.), 225 Effects of dietary algal docosahexaenoic acid oil Influence of genetic merit on reproductive performance of supplementation on fatty acid deposition and gene dairy cattle on commercial farms (Wicks and Leaver), 477 expression in laying Legho( rn hens (Cheng e7 a/.), 683 Alkane Phylogenetic analysis of yeast in the rumen contents of Effect of variable intake of alfalfa and wheat on faecal cattle based on the 26S rDNA sequence (Shin er a/.), alkane recoveries and estimates of roughage intake 603 sheep (Elwert et al.), 2 12 of bulk density on bite dimensions of cattle Alkanes grazing microswards in the field (Casey er al.), 109 Estimation of feed intake by cattle using controlled- he transfer of “As, Cd and ?Hg to the milk and tis- release capsules containing n-alkanes or chromium sues of dairy cattle (Crout et a/.), 203 sesquioxide (Ferreira et al.), 225 Cereal Amino acids Contribution of new varieties to cereal yields in Finland Modelling transport of amino acids into the red blood between 1973 and 2003 (Ofversten er a/.), 281 cells of sheep (Holtrop er al.), 5 Chromium Barley Estimation of feed intake by cattle using controlled- Comparison of interspecific competition and N_ use release capsules containing n-alkanes or chromium in pea-barley, faba bean-barley and lupin—barley sesquioxide (Ferreira ef al.), 2925: 716 Index of Subjects Clover Drought Herbage production and animal performance on Effects of drought screening methodology on genetic vari- perennial ryegrass/white clover dairy pastures under ances and covariances in Pool 16 DT maize population alternative spring grazing managements (Da Silva (Badu-Apraku et al.), 445 et al.), 97 Environment Composition Reductions in insecticide use from adoption of Bt Nitrate leaching and N,-fixation§ in grasslands of cotton in South Africa: impacts on economic per- different composition, age and management (Eriksen formance and toxic load to the environment (Bennett et al.), 141 et al.), 665 Compost Ewes The fertilizing effect of compost and biogas residues Effects of vitamin E and selenium on the performance and from source separated household waste (Svensson immune status of ewes and lambs (Rooke er a/.), 253 et al.), 461 Faba bean Concentrate supplementation Comparison of interspecific competition and N use in The economic impact of cow genetic potential for pea-barley, faba bean-—barley and lupin—barley inter- milk production and concentrate supplementation crops grown at two temperate locations (Trydeman level on the profitability of pasture based systems Knudsen ef al.), 617 under different EU milk quota scenarios (Shalloo et a/.), Fermentation 3e5y Fermentation and degradation in the rumen of dairy cows Cotton fed on diets consisting of silage from an intensively Reductions in insecticide use from adoption of Bt cotton managed sward and silages from semi-natural grass- in South Africa: impacts on economic performance and lands (Bruinenberg et al.), 79 toxic load to the environment (Bennett ef a/.), 665 Fertilizer Covariance Effect of rotation system and N fertilizer on barley and Use of covariance structures for temporal errors in the vetch grown in various crop combinations and cycle analysis of a three-course wheat rotation and tillage lengths (Papastylianou), 41 trial (Singh and Pala), 193 Forage legumes Cowpea The effects of grazing forage legumes on the performance Dry-matter partitioning and radiation-use efficiency in of finishing lambs (Speijers ev a/.), 483 cowpea cultivars (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cvs TC- Fungi 9-6 and M-28-6-6) during consecutive seasonal courses Occurrence and distribution of cowpea damping-off and in the Orinoco llanos (San José et al.), 163 stem rot and associated fungi in Benin (Adandonon Occurrence and distribution of cowpea damping-off and et al.), 561 stem rot and associated fungi in Benin (Adandonon ef Fungicides al ), 561 Effects of integrating host plant resistance with time of Relationship between stress tolerance and grain yield planting or fungicides on anthracnose and grain mould stability in cowpea (Padi), 431 and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in the Nigerian Cows northern Guinea Savanna (Marley), 345 Evaluation of the breeding strategy for milk yield of Genetic Holstein Friesian cows on large-scale dairy farms in Effects of drought screening methodology on genetic vari- Malawi (Chagunda e7 a/.), 595 ances and covariances in Pool 16 DT maize population Fermentation and degradation in the rumen of dairy cows (Badu-Apraku e7 al.), 445 fed on diets consisting of silage from an intensively Influence of genetic merit on reproductive performance of managed sward and silages from semi-natural grass- dairy cattle on commercial farms (Wicks and Leaver), 477 lands (Bruinenberg ef al.), 79 Dairy Genetic potential Herbage production and animal performance on peren- The economic impact of cow genetic potential for nial ryegrass/white clover dairy pastures under milk production and concentrate supplementation alternative spring grazing managements (Da Silva level on the profitability of pasture based systems et al.), 97 under different EU milk quota scenarios (Shalloo ef a/.), Influence of genetic merit on reproductive performance of .3£5 ° dairy cattle on commercial farms (Wicks and Leaver), Genetically modified 477 Quality of genetically modified (GM) and conventional The transfer of “As, Cd and 7Hg to the milk and tis- varieties of canola (spring oilseed rape) grown in west- sues of dairy cattle (Crout e7 a/.), 203 ern Canada, 1996-2001 (Daun), 273 Degradability Glycerol A new strategy for the determination of forage degrad- In vitro ruminal digestibility of oat hay and cellulolytic ability with an in situ technique through the use of one activity in the presence of increasing concentrations of fistulated ruminant (Tomich and Sampaio), 589 short-chain acids and glycerol (Paggi et al.), 89 Degradation Goats Fermentation and degradation in the rumen of dairy cows Diet composition, intake, plasma metabolites, repro- fed on diets consisting of silage from an intensively ductive and metabolic hormones during pregnancy in managed sward and silages from semi-natural grass- goats under semi-arid grazing conditions (Juarez-Reyes lands (Bruinenberg e7 al.), 79 et al.), 697 Index of Subjects 717 Grain response to a GnRH antigen but does not alter growth Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- (Paull e¢ al.), 235 humid temperate environment | Yields and harvest Insecticide index (Ayaz et al.), 9 Reductions in insecticide use from adoption of Bt cotton Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- in South Africa: impacts on economic performance and humid temperate environment II Yield components toxic load to the environment (Bennett e7 al.), 665 (Ayaz e7 al.), 21 Iron Grains Environmental stability of iron and zinc concentrations in Post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation and distribution grain of elite early-maturing tropical maize genotypes among grains in spring wheat spikes (Andersson er al.), grown under field conditions (Oikeh e7 a/.), 543 5i2i5a Irrigated Grass Leaching losses of N under grazed irrigated and non- Some changes in grass crops during periods of uninter- irrigated pastures (Pakrou and Dillon), 503 rupted growth (Wilman), 129 Lambs Grasses Active immunization against adrenocorticotrophic hor- Study on the n-alkane patterns in some grasses and factors mone (ACTH) in grazing lambs suppresses the immune affecting the n-alkane patterns (Zhang er al.), 469 response to a GnRH antigen but does not alter growth Grasslands (Paull et al.), 235 Nitrate leaching and N,-fixation in grasslands of Effects of vitamin E and selenium on the performance and different composition, age and management (Eriksen immune status of ewes and lambs (Rooke et a/.), 253 etal.), 141 The effects of grazing forage legumes on the performance Growth of finishing lambs (Speijers e¢ al.), 483 Effect of tillage on growth, yield and nutrient uptake in Leaching wheat after rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India Leaching losses of N under grazed irrigated and non- (Gangwar ef al.), 453 irrigated pastures (Pakrou and Dillon), 503 Some changes in grass crops during periods of uninter- Legume rupted growth (Wilman), 129 Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- Harvest humid temperate environment I. Yields and harvest Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- index (Ayaz e# al.), 9 humid temperate environment | Yields and harvest Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- index (Ayaz et al.), 9 humid temperate environment II Yield components Hens (Ayaz et al.), 21 Effects of dietary algal docosahexaenoic acid oil sup- Legumes plementation on fatty acid deposition and gene Light interception and utilization of four grain legumes expression in laying Leg‘ horn hens (Cheng e¢ a/.), 683 sown at different plant populations and depths (Ayaz Herbage et al.), 297 Herbage production and animal performance on peren- Nitrogen distribution in four grain legumes (Ayaz et al.), nial ryegrass/white clover dairy pastures under 309 alternative spring grazing managements (Da Silva Light interception et al.), 97 Light interception and utilization of four grain legumes Herbicide-tolerant sown at different plant populations and depths (Ayaz The effects of timing of control of weeds on the yield of et al.), 297 winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus), in the context of Live-weight the potential commercialization of | 1erbicide-tolerant \ comparative evaluation of functions for describing the winter rape (Freeman and Lutman) 26i 6 5 relationship between live-weight gain and metaboliz Heterosis able energy intake in turkeys (Darmani Kuhi e¢ a/.), 691 Comparative performance and heterosis in single, three- Lupin way and double cross pepper hybrids (Geleta and Comparison of interspecific competition and N use in Labuschagne), 659 pea-barley, faba bean—barley and lupin—barley inter- Hormones crops grown at two temperate locations (Trydeman Diet composition, intake, plasma metabolites, repro- Knudsen ef al.), 617 ductive and metabolic hormones during pregnancy in Lycoriella ingenua goats under semi-arid grazing conditions (Juarez-Reyes The spectral specific responses of Lycoriella ingenua and et al.), 697 Vegaselia halterata during mushroom cultivation (Jess Hybrid and Bingham), 421 Hybrid performance for yield and other characteristics in Maize peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) (Geleta and Agronomic performance of maize cultivars representing Labuschagne), 411 three decades of breeding in the Guinea Savannas of Immune status West and Central Africa (Kamara et al.), 567 Effects of vitamin E and selenium on the performance and Diallel analysis of maize lines with contrasting responses immune status of ewes and lambs (Rooke e7 a/.), 253 to applied nitrogen (Medici er al.), 535 Immunization Effects of drought screening methodology on genetic vari- Active immunization against adrenocorticotrophic hor- ances and covariances in Pool 16 DT maize population mone (ACTH) in grazing lambs suppresses the immune (Badu-Apraku et al.), 445 718 Index of Subjects Environmental stability of iron and zinc concentrations in Nitrate grain of elite early-maturing tropical maize genotypes Nitrate leaching and N,-fixation in grasslands of different grown under field conditions (Oikeh e7 a/.), 543 composition, age and management (Eriksen e a/.), 141 Malawi Nitrogen Evaluation of the breeding strategy for milk yield of Comparison of interspecific competition and N use in Holstein Friesian cows on large-scale dairy farms in pea-barley, faba bean—barley and lupin—barley inter- Malawi (Chagunda er al.), 595 crops grown at two temperate locations (Trydeman Malting barley Knudsen ef a/.), 617 Potential of low-protein genotypes for nitrogen manage- Contribution of di-nitrogen fixation by pea to the ment in malting barley production (Emebiri and productivity and N budget of a wheat-based cropping Moody), 319 system (Soon and Arshad), 629 Megaselia halterata Determination of potentially mineralizable nitrogen and The spectral specific responses of Lycoriella ingenua and nitrogen in particulate organic matter fractions in soil Megaselia halterata during mushroom cultivation (Jess by visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and Bingham), 421 (Moron and Cozzolino), 335 Metabolites Diallel analysis of maize lines with contrasting responses Diet composition, intake, plasma metabolites, repro- to applied nitrogen (Medici ef al.) ductive and metabolic hormones during pregnancy in Effect of rotation system and N fertilizer on barley and goats under semi-arid grazing conditions (Juarez-Reyes vetch grown in various crop combinations and cycle et al.), 697 lengths (Papastylianou), 41 Metabolizable Growth stage-specific application of slurry and mineral N A comparative evaluation of functions for describing to oilseed rape, wheat and barley (Sieling), 495 the relationship between live-weight gain and metab- Heterotic and seed rate effects on nitrogen efficiencies on olizable energy intake in turkeys (Darmani Kuhi ef a/.), wheat (Kindred and Gooding), 639 691 Leaching losses of N under grazed irrigated and non- Microsatellite markers irrigated pastures (Pakrou and Dillon), 503 Microsatellite markers linked to QTL for resistance to Nitrogen distribution in four grain legumes (Ayaz et al.), Mal de Rio Cuarto disease in Zea mays L. (Di Renzo 309 et al.), 289 Post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation and distribution Microswards among grains in spring wheat spikes (Andersson e/ al.), The effect of bulk density on bite dimensions of cattle 525 grazing microswards in the field (Casey ef al.), 109 Potential of low-protein genotypes for nitrogen manage- Milk ment in malting barley production (Emebiri and Evaluation of the breeding strategy for milk yield of Moody), 319 Holstein Friesian cows on large-scale dairy farms in The effect of planting date and nitrogen management on Malawi (Chagunda e7 al.), 595 yield and quality of aromatic rice (Orvza sativa) (Ghosh The economic impact of cow genetic potential for milk et al.), 183 production and concentrate supplementation level on Oat hay the profitability of pasture based systems under differ- In vitro ruminal digestibility of oat hay and cellulolytic ent EU milk quota scenarios (Shalloo et al.), 357 activity in the presence of increasing concentrations of The transfer of “As, Cd and 7"Hg to the milk and short-chain acids and glycerol (Paggi e¢ al.), 89 tissues of dairy cattle (Crout ef a/l.), 203 Oil Milk production Effects of dietary algal docosahexaenoic acid oil sup- The economic impact of cow genetic potential for milk plementation on fatty acid deposition and gene production and concentrate supplementation level on expression in laying Leghorn hens (Cheng ef a/.), 683 the profitability of pasture based systems under differ- Oilseed rape ent EU milk quota scenarios (Shalloo e7 al.), 357 Growth stage-specific application of slurry and mineral N Monoculture to oilseed rape, wheat and barley (Sieling), 495 Optimum sowing dates for okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Seed persistence of oilseed rape (Brassica napus): variation in monoculture and mixture with cassava (Manihot in transgenic and conventionally bred cultivars (Gruber esculenta) during the rainy season in the south-west of et al.), 29 Nigeria (Olasantan and Bello), 49 Okra N-alkane Optimum sowing dates for okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Study on the n-alkane patterns in some grasses and in monoculture and mixture with cassava (Manihot factors affecting the n-alkane patterns (Zhang e7 al.), esculenta) during the rainy season in the south-west of 469 Nigeria (Olasantan and Bello), 49 Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy Orinoco Determination of potentially mineralizable nitrogen and Dry-matter partitioning and radiation-use efficiency in nitrogen in particulate organic matter fractions in soil cowpea cultivars (Vigna unguiculata (1...) Walp. evs TC- by visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy 9-6 and M-28-6-6) during consecutive seasonal courses (Moron and Cozzolino), 335 in the Orinoco Ilanos (San Jose et a/.), 163 Prediction of crude protein and classification of the Pasture management growth stage of wheat plant samples from NIR spectra An evaluation of selected perennial ryegrass growth (Gatius et al.), 517 models for development and integration into a pasture Index of Subjects management decision support system (Barrett e7 al.), Pullets 327 Research note: amendments to the model for predicting Pastures age at sexual maturity for growing pullets of layer Leaching losses of N under grazed irrigaied and non- strains following changes in photoperiod (Lewis and irrigated pastures (Pakrou and Dillon), 503 Morris), 613 Pea QTL Comparison of interspecific competition and N use in Microsatellite markers linked to QTL for resistance to pea—barley, faba bean—barley and lupin—barley inter- Mal de Rio Cuarto disease in Zea mays L. (Di Renzo crops grown at two temperate locations (Trydeman et al.), 289 Knudsen ef al.), 617 Rainfall Contribution of di-nitrogen fixation by pea to the pro- Reliability of higher seeding rates of wheat for increased ductivity and N budget of a wheat-based cropping competitiveness with weeds in low rainfall environ- system (Soon and Arshad), 629 ments (Lemerle er a/.), 395 Relationships between stomatal character, photo- Reproductive synthetic character and seed chemical composition in Influence of genetic merit on reproductive performance of grass pea at different water availabilities (Yang ef a/.), dairy cattle on commercial farms (Wicks and Leaver), 477 675 Pepper Rice Comparative performance and heterosis in single, three- Effect of spikelet removal on the grain filling of way and double cross pepper hybrids (Geleta and Akenohoshi, a rice cultivar with numerous spikelets in a Labuschagne), 659 panicle (Kato), 177 Peppers Effect of tillage on growth, yield and nutrient uptake in Hybrid performance for yield and other characteristics wheat after rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India In peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) (Geleta and (Gangwar et al.), 453 Labuschagne), 411 The effect of planting date and nitrogen management on Perennial ryegrass yield and quality of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa) (Ghosh An evaluation of selected perennial ryegrass growth et al.), 183 models for development and integration into a pasture Rotation management decision support system (Barrett e7 al), Effect of rotation system and N fertilizer on barley and 23 97 vetch grown in various crop combinations and cycle Herbage production and animal performance on peren- lengths (Papastylianou), 41 nial ryegrass/white cloyv er dairy pastures under Use of covariance structures for temporal errors in the alternative spring grazing managements (Da Silva analysis of a three-course wheat rotation and tillage et al.), 97 trial (Singh and Pala), 193 Photoperiod Rumen Research note: amendments to the model for predicting Fermentation and degradation in the rumen of dairy cows age at sexual maturity for growing pullets of layer fed on dji ets consisting of silage from an intensively strains following changes in photoperiod (Lewis and managed sward and silages from semi-natural grass- Morris), 613 lands (Bruinenberg e/ a/.), 79 Photosynthesis *hylogenetic analysis of yeast in the rumen contents of Water stress, photosynthesis, seed sucrose levels and seed cattle based on the 26S rDNA sequence (Shin et a/.), growth in soya bean (Egli and Bruening), | 603 Photosynthetic Ruminal digestibility Relationships between stomatal character, photosynthetic In vitro ruminal digestibility of oat hay and cellulo- character and seed chemical composition in rass pea al lytic activity in the presence of increasing con- different water availabilities (Yang e/ al.), 675 centrations of short-chain acids and glycerol (Paggi Plant resistance et al.), 89 Effects of integrating host plant resistance with time Ruminant of planting or fungicides on anthracnose and A new strategy for the determination of forage grain mould and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) degradability with an in situ technique through the in the Nigerian northern Guinea Savanna (Marley), use of one fistulated ruminant (Tomich and Sampaio), 345 589 Potato Seasonal Water uptake in the potato (Solanum tuberosum) crop Dry-matter partitioning and radiation-use effciency in (Stalham and Allen), 373 cowpea cultivars (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cvs TC- Pregnancy 9-6 and M-28-6-6) during consecutive seasonal courses Diet composition, intake, plasma metabolites, repro- in the Orinoco Ilanos (Sen Jose et al.), 163 ductive and metabolic hormones during pregnancy in Seed goats under semi-arid grazing conditions (Juarez-Reyes Water stress, photosynthesis, seed sucrose levels and seed et al.), 697 growth in soya bean (Egli and Bruening), | Protein Seeding Prediction of crude protein and classification of the Reliability of higher seeding rates of wheat for increased growth stage of wheat plant samples from NIR spectra competitiveness with weeds in low rainfall environ- (Gatius et al.), 517 ments (Lemerle ef a/.), 395 720 Index of Subjects Selenium Temperate Effects of vitamin E and selenium on the performance Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a and immune status of ewes and lambs (Rooke er al.), subhumid temperate environment I. Yields and harvest 253 index (Ayaz et al.), 9 Sheep Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- Effect of variable intake of alfalfa and wheat on faecal humid temperate environment II. Yield components alkane recoveries and estimates of roughage intake in (Ayaz et al.), 21 sheep (Elwert ef al.), 213 Temperature Modelling transport of amino acids into the red blood Comparison of the thermoregulatory response of buffa- cells of sheep (Holtrop et al.), 577 loes and tropical cattle, using fluctuations in rectal The potential of long-chain fatty alcohols and long-chain temperature, skin temperature and haematocrit as an fatty acids as diet composition markers: development index (Koga ef al.), 351 of methods for quantitative analysis and faecal Thermoregulatory recoveries of these compounds in sheep fed mixed diets Comparison of the thermoregulatory response of buffa- (Ali et a/.), 71 loes and tropical cattle, using fluctuations in rectal Silage temperature, skin temperature and haematocrit as an Fermentation and degradation in the rumen of dairy cows index (Koga er al.), 351 fed on diets consisting of silage from an intensively Tissue managed sward and silages from semi-natural grass- The transfer of “As, Cd and 7Hg to the milk and lands (Bruinenberg ef a/.), 79 tissues of dairy cattle (Crout e7 a/.), 203 Slurry Transgenic Growth stage-specific application of slurry and mineral N Seed persistence of oilseed rape (Brassica napus): variation to oilseed rape, wheat and barley (Sieling), 495 in transgenic and conventionally bred cultivars (Gruber Soil et al.), 29 Boundary-line analysis of field-scale yield response to soil Tropical cattle properties (Shatar and McBratney), 553 Comparison of the thermoregulatory response of buffa- Field-based nutritional response evaluation of the intol- loes and tropical cattle, using fluctuations in rectal erant white lupin (Lupinus albus) cultivar Lucyanne to a temperature, skin temperature and haematocrit as an lime-amended soil (Kerley e7 a/.), 153 index (Koga et al.), 35i Sorghum Turkeys Effects of integrating host plant resistance with time A comparative evaluation of functions for describing of planting or fungicides on anthracnose and the relationship between live-weight gain and metab- grain mould and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) olizable energy intake in turkeys (Darmani Kuhi e7 a/.), in the Nigerian northern Guinea Savanna (Marley), 691 345 Vetch Soya Effect of rotation system and N fertilizer on barley and Water stress, photosynthesis, seed sucrose levels and seed vetch grown in various crop combinations and cycle growth in soya bean (Egli and Bruening), | lengths (Papastylianou), 41 Spikelet Vitamin E Effect of spikelet removal on the grain filling of Effects of vitamin E and selenium on the performance and Akenohoshi, a rice cultivar with numerous spikelets in a immune status of ewes and lambs (Rooke et al.), 253 panicle (Kato), 177 Water Spring oilseed rape Relationships between stomatal character, photosynthetic Quality of genetically modified (GM) and conventional character and seed chemical composition in grass pea at varieties of canola (spring oilseed rape) grown in west- different water availabilities (Yang e¢ al.), 675 ern Canada, 1996-2001 (Daun), 273 Water stress, photosynthesis, seed sucrose levels and seed Stress growth in soya bean (Egli and Bruening), | Relationship between stress tolerance and grain yield Water uptake in the potato (Solanum tuberosum) crop stability in cowpea (Padi), 431 (Stalham and Allen), 373 Subhumid Weeds Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- Reliability of higher seeding rates of wheat for increased humid temperate environment I. Yields and harvest competitiveness with weeds in low rainfall environ- index (Ayaz et a/.), 9 ments (Lemerle e¢ al.), 395 Variability in yield of four grain legume species in a sub- The effects of timing of control of weeds on the yield of humid temperate environment II. Yield components winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus), in the context of (Ayaz et al.), 21 the potential commercialization of herbicide-tolerant Sucrose winter rape (Freeman and Lutman), 263 Water stress. photosynthesis, seed sucrose levels and seed Wheat growth in soya bean (Egli and Bruening), | Contribution of di-nitrogen fixation by pea to the Sward productivity and N budget of a wheat-based cropping Fermentation and degradation in the rumen of dairy cows system (Soon and Arshad), 629 fed on diets consisting of silage from an intensively Effect of tillage on growth, yield and nutrient uptake in managed sward and silages from semi-natural grass- wheat after rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India lands (Bruinenberg er a/.), 79 (Gangwar et al.), 453

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