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445 Index of Subjects Acacia saligna Broadleaf trees Acacia saligna as a supplementary feed for grazing desert The n-alkane concentrations in buds and leaves of sheep and goats (Degen er al.), 77 browsed broadleaf trees (Piasentier ef al.), 311 Agriculture Caecal fermentation Global change and the challenges for agriculture and In vitro caecal fermentation of nitrogenous substrates in forestry (Awmack et al.), 199 rabbits (Marounek et al.), 437 Ammonium-nitrogen Cattle In vitro short-term study of ammonium-nitrogen pro- In vitro short-term study of ammonium-nitrogen pro- duction from cattle urine: influence of ampicillin, duction from cattle urine: influence of ampicillin, hydroquinone and animal litter materials (Nimenya e/ hydroquinone and animal litter materials (Nimenya ef al.), 57 al.). 57 Ampicillin The estimation of faeces output in penned cattle by In vitro short-term study of ammonium-nitrogen pro- controlled release of chromium oxide and the sub- duction from cattle urine: influence of ampicillin, sequent accuracy of predicting forage intake with in hydroquinone and animal litter materials (Nimenya e/ vitro digestibility (Williamson e7 al.), 297 al.), 57 Cichorium intybus Arachis hypogaea The effect of various agronomic practices on the yield of Escape and tolerance to high temperature at flowering in chicory (Cichorium intybus) (Patel et al.), 271 groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (Craufurd et al.), 371 Chicory see Cichorium intybus Australian Chromium oxide An examination of the efficiency of Australian crop The estimation of faeces output in penned cattle by variety evaluation programmes (Cullis er al.), 213 controlled release of chromium oxide and the sub- sequent accuracy of predicting forage intake with in Barley vitro digestibility (Williamson et al.), 297 Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems in Northern Syria. 1. Comparison of rotations (Jones Climate change Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of and Singh), 223 CO, and temperature on the growth of French beans Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems (Wurr ef al.), 379 in Northern Syria. 2. The role of feed legumes (Jones Clonal populations and Singh), 237 Morphology of white clover during development from Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems seed to clonal populations in grazed pastures (Brock ef in Northern Syria. 3. Barley monocropping (Jones and al.), 103 Singh), 251 C and N Bean see Phaseolus vulgaris C and N mineralization of composted and anaerobically Bos indicus stored ruminant manure in differently textured soils Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or (Thomsen and Olesen), 151 protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus co, and Bos taurus x Bos indicus breed types offered a low Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of quality of grass hay (Hennessy et al.), 35 CO, and temperature on the growth of French beans Bos taurus (Wurr et al.), 379 Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or Composting protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus Nitrogen mass balance in deep litter during the pig and Bos taurus x Bos indicus breed types offered a low fattening cycle and during composting (Moller er ai/.), quality of grass hay (Hennessy ef al.), 35 287 Brachiaria Coriander Shearing strength as an additional selection criterion for Effects of planting date and dinocap applications on the quality in Brachiaria pasture ecotypes (Hughes ef a/.), control of powdery mildew and yields of seed and seed 123 oil in coriander (Kalra er al.), 193 Bradyrhizobium japonicum Cortisol The effect of application of genistein to Bradyrhizobium Interrelationships between the blood coagulation profile japonicum culture and its rooting medium on soyabean and plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol growth nodulation and nitrogen assimilation in the 178 and cortisol throughout pregnancy and around presence of nitrate (Pan and Smith), 19 parturition in sheep (El-Belely e7 a/.), 203 446 Index of Subjects Cowpea French beans Effects of mycorrhizae and phosphorus on growth and Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of nutrient uptake of millet, cowpea and sorghum on a CO, and temperature on the growth of French beans West African soil (Bagayoko et al.), 399 (Wurr et al.), 379 Dairy cows Goats The combination of the n-alkanes and '*C techniques to Acacia saligna as a supplementary feed for grazing desert estimate individual dry matter intakes of pasture and sheep and goats (Degen ef al.), 77 maize silage by grazing dairy cows (Garcia et al.), 47 Factors affecting gestation length in goats and the effect of Deep litter gestation period on kid survival (Mellado et al.), 85 Nitrogen mass balance in deep litter during the pig Seasonal changes in nutrient intake and its utilization by fattening cycle and during composting (Moller et a/.), range goats in semi-arid regions of India (Shinde ez a/.), 287 429 Development Genetic advance estimates A study of the plant, fibre and seed development in flax Genetic advance estimates for red clover (Trifolium and linseed (Linum usitatissimum) grown at a range of pratense) grown under spaced plant and sward con- seed rates (Easson and Molloy), 361 ditions (Real er al.), 11 Digestibility Genistein The estimation of faeces output in penned cattle by The effect of application of genistein to Bradyrhizobium controlled release of chromium oxide and the sub- japonicum culture and its rooting medium on soyabean sequent accuracy of predicting forage intake with in growth nodulation and nitrogen assimilation in the vitro digestibility (Williamson et al.), 297 presence of nitrate (Pan and Smith), 19 Dry matter Gestation Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation during pod wall Factors affecting gestation length in goats and the effect of development of white lupin genotypes differing in gestation period on kid survival (Mellado er al.), 85 proportion of pod walls (Lagunes-Espinoza et al.), 389 A note on the effect of air temperature during gestation on Efficiency birth weight and neonatal mortality of kids (Mellado er An examination of the efficiency of Australian crop al.), 91 variety evaluation programmes (Cullis et a/.), 213 Grass/Clover Effect of plant arrangement pattern and irrigation on Effects of parasitic status and level of feeding motivation efficiency of maize (Zea mays) and bean (Phaseolus on the diet selected by sheep grazing grass/clover vulgaris) intercropping system (Oljaca et al.), 261 swards (Hutchings ef al.), 65 Faeces Grassland soils The estimation of faeces output in penned cattle by The effect of sulphur application on the efficiency of controlled release of chromium oxide and the sub- nitrogen use in two contrasting grassland soils (Brown sequent accuracy of predicting forage intake with in et al.), 131 vitro digestibility (Williamson et a/.), 297 Grazed pastures Feeding motivation Morphology of white clover during development from Effects of parasitic status and level of feeding motivation seed to clonal populations in grazed pastures (Brock ef on the diet selected by sheep grazing grass/clover al.), 103 swards (Hutchings et al.), 65 Groundnut see Arachis hypogaea Feed intake Halophyte Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or Effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction on protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus the growth of six halophyte species (Noaman and EI- and Bos taurus x Bos indicus breed types offered a low Haddad), 279 quality of grass hay (Hennessy er al.), 35 Hay Feed legumes Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus in Northern Syria. 2. The role of feed legumes (Jones and Bos taurusx Bos indicus breed types offered a low and Singh), 237 quality of grass hay (Hennessy et? al.), 35 Flax Hydroquinone A study of the plant, fibre and seed development in flax In vitro short-term study of ammonium-nitrogen pro- and linseed (Linum usitatissimum) grown at a range of duction from cattle urine: influence of ampicillin, seed rates (Easson and Molloy), 361 hydroquinone and animal litter materials (Nimenya er Flowering al.), 57 Escape and tolerance to high temperature at flowering in India groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (Craufurd et al.), 371 Seasonal changes in nutrient intake and its utilization by Forage intake range goats in semi-arid regions of India (Shinde et a/.), The estimation of faeces output in penned cattle by 429 controlled release of chromium oxide and the sub- Intercropping sequent accuracy of predicting forage intake with in Effect of plant arrangement pattern and irrigation on vitro digestibility (Williamson et al.), 297 efficiency of maize (Zea mays) and bean (Phaseolus Forestry vulgaris) intercropping system (Oljaca et al.), 261 Global change and the challenges for agriculture and Intestinal digestion forestry (Awmack et al.), 199 Effect of tannic acid on rumen degradation and intestinal Index of ' Subjects 447 digestion of treated soya bean meals in sheep (Hervas er birth weight and neonatal mortality of kids (Mellado et al.), 305 al.), 91 Irrigation Nitrate Effect of plant arrangement pattern and irrigation on The effect of application of genistein to Bradyrhizobium efficiency of maize (Zea mays) and bean (Phaseolus japonicum culture and its rooting medium on soyabean vulgaris) intercropping system (Oljaca et al.), 261 growth nodulation and nitrogen assimilation in the Effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction on presence of nitrate (Pan and Smith), 19 the growth of six halophyte species (Noaman and El- Nitrogen Haddad), 279 The effect of application of genistein to Bradyrhizobium Leaching japonicum culture and its rooting medium on soyabean Effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction on growth nodulation and nitrogen assimilation in the the growth of six halophyte species (Noaman and EI- presence of nitrate (Pan and Smith), 19 Haddad), 279 Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or Leucadendron protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus The response of Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ to the and Bos taurus x Bos indicus breed types offered a low fertilization regime (Silber er al.), 27 quality of grass hay (Hennessy et al.), 35 Linseed see Linum usitatissimum The effect of sulphur application on the efficiency of Linum usitatissimum nitrogen use in two contrasting grassland soils (Brown A study of the plant, fibre and seed development in flax et al.), 131 and linseed (Linum usitatissimum) grown at a range of Net changes in soil and crop nitrogen in relation to the seed rates (Easson and Molloy), 361 performance of winter wheat given wide-ranging annual Liveweight nitrogen applications at Ropsley, UK (Bhogal er a/.), Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or 139 protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus Nitrogen mass balance in deep litter during the pig and Bos taurus x Bos indicus breed types offered a low fattening cycle and during composting (Moller et a/.), 287 quality of grass hay (Hennessy e7 al.), 35 Lupinus albus Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation during pod wall The causes of over-winter plant losses of autumn-sown development of white lupin genotypes differing in proportion of pod walls (Lagunes-Espinoza et al.), 389 white lupins (Lupinus albus) in different regions of the Northern Syria UK over three seasons (Shield er al.), 173 Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation during pod wall in Northern Syria. 1. Comparison of rotations (Jones development of white lupin genotypes differing in and Singh), 223 proportion of pod walls (Lagunes-Espinoza ef al.), Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems 389 in Northern Syria. 2. The role of feed legumes (Jones Maize see Zea mays and Singh), 237 Maize silage Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems The combination of the n-alkanes and '*C techniques to in Northern Syria. 3. Barley monocropping (Jones and estimate individual dry matter intakes of pasture and Singh), 251 maize silage by grazing dairy cows (Garcia et al.), 47 Oestradiol — 178 Millet Interrelationships between the blood coagulation profile Effects of mycorrhizae and phosphorus on growth and and plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol nutrient uptake of millet, cowpea and sorghum on a 178 and cortisol throughout pregnancy and around West African soil (Bagayoko et al.), 399 parturition in sheep (El-Belely er al.), 203 Monocropping Oilseed rape Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems Breeding oilseed rape for pod shattering resistance in Northern Syria. 3. Barley monocropping (Jones and (Morgan et al.), 347 Singh), 251 Parturition Mycorrhizae Interrelationships between the blood coagulation profile Effects of mycorrhizae and phosphorus on growth and and plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol nutrient uptake of millet, cowpea and sorghum on a 178 and cortisol throughout pregnancy and around West African soil (Bagayoko et al.), 399 parturition in sheep (El-Belely er a/.), 203 N-alkanes Pasture The combination of the n-alkanes and '°C techniques to The combination of the n-alkanes and '°C techniques to estimate individual dry matter intakes of pasture and estimate individual dry matter intakes of pasture and maize silage by grazing dairy cows (Garcia et al.), 47 maize silage by grazing dairy cows (Garcia et al.), 47 The n-alkane concentrations in buds and leaves of Perennial browsed broadleaf trees (Piasentier ef a/.), 311 Effect of sward cutting management on the relative Near infrared spectroscopy performance of perennial varieties (Gilliland and Prediction of chemical, nutritive and agronomic charac- Mann), 113 teristics of wheat by near infrared spectroscopy Phaseolus vulgaris (Garnsworthy et al.), 409 Effect of plant arrangement pattern and irrigation on Neonatal mortality efficiency of maize (Zea mays) and bean (Phaseolus A note on the effect of air temperature during gestation on vulgaris) intercropping system (Oljaca er al.), 261 448 Index of Subjects Phosphorus stored ruminant manure in differently textured soils Effects of mycorrhizae and phosphorus on growth and (Thomsen and Olesen), 151 nutrient uptake of millet, cowpea and sorghum on a Safari Sunset see Leucadendron West African soil (Bagayoko et al.), 399 Salinity Pig Effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction on Nitrogen mass balance in deep litter during the pig the growth of six halophyte species (Noaman and El- fattening cycle and during composting (Meller er a/.), Haddad), 279 287 Seasonal Pod Seasonal changes in nutrient intake and its utilization by Breeding oilseed rape for pod shattering resistance range goats in semi-arid regions of India (Shinde ez a/.), (Morgan et al.), 347 429 Polyunsaturated fatty acids Seed Rumen biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty Morphology of white clover during development from acids and their effects on microbial efficiency and seed to clonal populations in grazed pastures (Brock ef nutrient digestibility in sheep (Wachira et al.), 419 al.), 103 Potassium Shearing strength Effect of potassium fertilizer on the yield, quality and Shearing strength as an additional selection criterion for potassium offtake of sugar beet crops grown on soils of quality in Brachiaria pasture ecotypes (Hughes ef a/.), different potassium status (Milford ef al.), 1 123 Potato Sheep A dynamic model for responsive scheduling of potato Effects of parasitic status and level of feeding motivation irrigation based on simulated water-use and yield (Ejieji on the diet selected by sheep grazing grass/clover and Gowing), 161 swards (Hutchings ef al.), 65 Powdery mildew Acacia saligna as a supplementary feed for grazing desert Effects of planting date and dinocap applications on the sheep and goats (Degen et al.), 77 control of powdery mildew and yields of seed and seed Interrelationships between the blood coagulation profile oil in coriander (Kalra ef al.), 193 and plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol Prediction 178 and cortisol throughout pregnancy and around Prediction of chemical, nutritive and agronomic charac- parturition in sheep (El-Belely et al.), 203 teristics of wheat by near infrared spectroscopy Effect of tannic acid on rumen degradation and intestinal (Garnsworthy et al.), 409 digestion of treated soya bean meals in sheep (Hervas ef Pregnancy al.), 305 Interrelationships between the blood coagulation profile Rumen biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty and plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol acids and their effects on microbial efficiency and 178 and cortisol throughout pregnancy and around nutrient digestibility in sheep (Wachira et al.), 419 parturition in sheep (El-Belely ez a/l.), 203 Soils Progesterone C and N mineralization of composted and anaerobically Interrelationships between the blood coagulation profile stored ruminant manure in differently textured soils and plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol (Thomsen and Olesen), 151 178 and cortisol throughout pregnancy and around Effects of mycorrhizae and phosphorus on growth and parturition in sheep (El-Belely er a/.), 203 nutrient uptake of millet, cowpea and sorghum on a Protein West African soil (Bagayoko et al.), 399 Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or Sorghum protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus Effects of mycorrhizae and phosphorus on growth and and Bos taurus x Bos indicus breed types offered a low nutrient uptake of millet, cowpea and sorghum on a quality of grass hay (Hennessy er al.), 35 West African soil (Bagayoko et al.), 399 Rabbits Soyabean In vitro caecal fermentation of nitrogenous substrates in The effect of application of genistein to Bradyrhizobium rabbits (Marounek et al.), 437 japonicum culture and its rooting medium on soyabean Red clover see Trifolium pratense growth nodulation and nitrogen assimilation in the Rotations presence of nitrate (Pan and Smith), 19 Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems Soya bean meals in Northern Syria. 1. Comparison of rotations (Jones Effect of tannic acid on rumen degradation and intestinal and Singh), 223 digestion of treated soya bean meals in sheep (Hervas et Rumen al.), 305 Rumen biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty Striga hermonthica acids and their effects on microbial efficiency and Effects of Striga hermonthica on yield components in nutrient digestibility in sheep (Wachira et al.), 419 maize (Adetimirin ef al.), 185 Rumen degradation Sugar beet Effect of tannic acid on rumen degradation and intestinal Effect of potassium fertilizer on the yield, quality and digestion of treated soya bean meals in sheep (Hervas et potassium offtake of sugar beet crops grown on soils of al.), 305 different potassium status (Milford et al.), 1 Ruminant manure Sulphur C and N mineralization of composted and anaerobically The effect of sulphur application on the efficiency of Index of Subjects 449 nitrogen use in two contrasting grassland soils (Brown teristics of wheat by near infrared spectroscopy et al.), 131 (Garnsworthy ef al.), 409 Sward White clover Effect of sward cutting management on the relative Morphology of white clover during development from performance of perennial varieties (Gilliland and seed to clonal populations in grazed pastures (Brock ef Mann), 113 al.), 103 Tannic White lupins see Lupinus albus Effect of tannic acid on rumen degradation and intestinal Winter cereals digestion of treated soya bean meals in sheep (Hervas ef Factors affecting the yield of winter cereals in crop al.), 305 margins (Wilcox et al.), 335 Temperature Winter wheat A note on the effect of air temperature during gestation on Net changes in soil and crop nitrogen in relation to the birth weight and neonatal mortality of kids (Mellado er performance of winter wheat given wide-ranging annual al.), 91 nitrogen applications at Ropsley, UK (Bhogal er al.), Escape and tolerance to high temperature at flowering in 139 groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (Craufurd et al.), Yield 371 A dynamic model for responsive scheduling of potato Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of irrigation based on simulated water-use and yield (Ejieji CO, and temperature on the growth of French beans and Gowing), 161 (Wurr et al.), 379 Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems Trifolium pratense in Northern Syria. | Comparison of rotations (Jones Genetic advance estimates for red clover (Trifolium and Singh), 223 pratense) grown under spaced plant and sward con- Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems ditions (Real ef a/.), 11 in Northern Syria. 2 The role of feed legumes (Jones Varieties/ Variety and Singh), 237 Effect of sward cutting management on the relative Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems performance of perennial varieties (Gilliland and in Northern Syria 3. Barley monocropping (Jones and Mann), 113 Singh), 251 An examination of the efficiency of Australian crop The effect of various agronomic practices on the yield of variety evaluation programmes (Cullis et a/.), 213 chicory (Cichorium intybus) (Patel et al.), 271 Water-use Zea mays A dynamic model for responsive scheduling of potato Effects of Striga hermonthica on yield components in irrigation based on simulated water-use and yield (Ejieji maize (Adetimirin ef al.), 185 and Gowing), 161 Effect of plant arrangement pattern and irrigation on Wheat efficiency of maize (Zea mays) and bean (Phaseolus Prediction of chemical, nutritive and agronomic charac- vulgaris) intercropping system (Oljaca et al.), 261 Index of Authors ABDEL-RAHMAN, H. A. see EL-BELELY, M. S. examination of the efficiency of Australian crop variety ADETIMIRIN, V. O., AKEN’OVA, M. E. and Kim, S. K. Effects evaluation programmes, 213 of Striga hermonthica on yield components in maize, 185 CvETKOVIC, R. see OLJACA, S. AKEN’ovA, M. E. see ADETIMIRIN, V. O. ALBRECHT, K. A. see BRocK, J. L. DARNELL, R. E. see HENNESSY, D. W. AL-Qarawl, A. A. see EL-BELELY, M. S. DEGEN, A. A., BENJAMIN, R. W., MISHORR, T., KAM, M.., Amaro, J. L. see MELLADO, M. BECKER, K., MAKKAR, H.P.S. and ScHwartz, H. J. ANDERSEN, B. H. see TLLER, H. B. Acacia saligna as a supplementary feed for grazing desert ANnSAY, M. see NIMENYA, H. sheep and goats, 77 ARMSTRONG, M. J. see MILFORD, G. F. J. DELAUNOIS, A. see NIMENYA, H. ARTHUR, A. E. see MORGAN, C. L. Duskova, D. see MAROUNEK, M. AwMack, C.S., SMITH, P. AND PINTER, P. J., JR. Global change and the challenges for agriculture and forestry, 199 Easson, D. L. and Mo.ioy, R. M. A study of the plant, fibre and seed development in flax and linseed (Linum BAGAYOKO, M., GEORGE, E., ROMHELD, V. and BUERKERT, usitatissimum) grown at a range of seed rates, 361 A. Effects of mycorrhizae and phosphorus on growth and EDMONDSON, R. N. see WurR, D.C. E. nutrient uptake of millet, cowpea and sorghum on a West Enen, C.J. and Gowtnc, J.W. A dynamic model for African soil, 399 responsive scheduling of potato irrigation based on BARLOW, R. see WILLIAMSON, P. J. simulated water-use and yield, 161 BECKER, K. see DEGEN, A. A. EL-BELELY, M. S., AL-QARAWI, A. A. and ABDEL-RAHMAN, BELLETT-TRAVERS, D. M. see MILFORD, G. F. J. H. A. Interrelationships between the blood coagulation BEN-JAACOV, J. see SILBER, A. profile and plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestra- BENJAMIN, R. W. see DEGEN, A. A. diol-178 and cortisol throughout pregnancy and around BHATTA, R. see SHINDE, A. K. parturition in sheep, 203 BHOGAL, A., ROCHFORD, A. D. and SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, R. EL-HappaD, E.-S. see NOAMAN, M. N. Net changes in soil and crop nitrogen in relation to the ELLs, R. H. see CRAUFURD, P. Q. performance of winter wheat given wide-ranging annual ENSER, M. see WACHIRA, A. M. nitrogen applications at Ropsley, UK, 139 BLODEN, S. see NIMENYA, H. FEGEROS, K. see GARNSWORTHY, P. C. BOATMAN, N. D. see WILcox, A. FELLows, J. R. see WurR, D.C. E. Boock, J. see HUGHES, N. R. G. Frutos, P. see HERVAS, G. BORGES DO VALLE, C. see HUGHES, N. R. G. BOVOLENTA, S. see PIASENTIER, E. GANMORE-NEUMANN, R. see SILBER, A. Brock, J. L., ALBRECHT, K. A., TILBROOK, J. C. and Hay, Garcia, J. E. see MELLADO, M. M. J. M. Morphology of white clover during development Garcia, S.C., Hotmes, C. W., HopGson, J. and Mac- from seed to clonal populations in grazed pastures, 103 DONALD, A. The combination of the n-alkanes and °C Brown, L., SCHOLEFIELD, D., JEwKES, E. C., PREEDY, N., techniques to estimate individual dry matter intakes of WapcGeE, K. and BuTLer, M. The effect of sulphur herbage and maize silage by grazing dairy cows, 47 application on the efficiency of nitrogen use in two GARNSWORTHY, P. C., WISEMAN, J. and FEGEROS, K. Pre- contrasting grassland soils, 131 diction of chemical, nutritive and agronomic charac- Bruce, D. M. see MorGan, C. L. teristics of wheat by near infrared spectroscopy, 409 BUERKERT, A. see BAGAYOKO, M. GEORGE, E. see BAGAYOKO, M. BUTLER, M. see BRown, L. GILLILAND, T. J. AND MANN, R. L. Effect of sward cutting management on the relative performance of perennial CANART, B. see NIMENYA, H. varieties, 113 CHANEY, K. see WILCOX, A. GiLmMour, A. see CULLIS, B. R. CHILD, R. see MorGAN, C. L. GIRALDEZ, F. J. see HERVAS, G. CRAUFURD, P. Q., WHEELER, T. R., ELLis, R. H., SUMMER- GocEL, B. J. see WILLIAMSON, P. J. FIELD, R. J. and VARA PrasaD, P. V. Escape and tolerance GopaL Rao, M. see KALRA, A. to high temperature at flowering in groundnut (Arachis Gorpon, I. J. see HUTCHINGS, M. R. hypogaea L.), 37\ Gorpon, I. L. see REAL, D. CUuLLIs, B. R., SmirH, A., Hunt, C. and Gitmour, A. An GowInaG, J. W. see Enten, C. J. Index of ‘Authors GusTINn, P. see NIMENYA, H. LEIGH, R. A. see MILFORD, G. F. J HALLETT, K. see WACHIRA, A. M. MACDONALD, A. see GARCIA, S. C Hay, M. J. M. see Brock, J. L. MAKKakR, H. P. S. see DEGEN, A. A HENNESSY, D. W., WILLIAMSON, P. J. and DARNELL, R. E MALOSSINI, F. see PIASENTIER, E. Feed intake and liveweight responses to nitrogen and/or MANN, R. L. see GILLILAND, T. J protein supplements by steers of Bos taurus, Bos indicus MANTECON, A. R. see HERVAS, G. and Bos taurusx Bos indicus breed types offered a low MAROUNEK, M., SKRIVANOVA, V. and DuSkova, D. Jn vitro quality of grass hay, 35 caecal fermentation of nitrogenous substrates in rabbits, HENNESSY, D. W. see WILLIAMSON, P. J. 437 HERRERO, M. see HUGHES, N. R. G. MELLADO, M., AMARO, J. L., GARCIA, J. E. and Lara, L. M HeRVAS, G., FRuTOS, P., SERRANO, E., MANTECON, A. R. and Factors affecting gestation length in goats and the effect of GIRALDEZ, F. J. Effect of tannic acid on rumen degra- gestation period on kid survival, 85 dation and intestinal digestion of treated soya bean meals MELLADO, M., VERA, T., MEZA-HERRERA, C. and Ruiz, F. A in sheep, 305 note on the effect of air temperature during gestation on Hopson, J. see Garcia, S. C. birth weight and neonatal mortality of kids, 91 Hopocson, J. see REAL, D. MEZA-HERRERA, C. see MELLADO, M. Houmes, C. W. see Garcia, S. C. MILFORD, G.F.J., ARMSTRONG, M.J., Jarvis, P.J., HOUGHTON, B. J. see MILFORD, G. F. J. HOUGHTON, B. J., BELLETT-TRAVERS, D. M., JoNEs, J. and HuGues, N.R.G., BORGES DO VALLE, C., SABATEL, V., LeIGH, R. A. Effect of potassium fertilizer on the yield, Boock, J., Jessop, N.S. and HERRERO, M. Shearing quality and potassium offtake of sugar beet crops grown strength as an additional selection criterion for quality in on soils of different potassium status, | Brachiaria pasture ecotypes, 123 MisHorR, T. see DEGEN, A. A. Hunt, C. see CULLIs, B. R. Mo tier, H.B., Sommer, S.G. and ANDERSEN, B.H HUTCHINGS, M. R., GORDON, I. J., ROBERTSON, E., KYRIA- Nitrogen mass balance in deep litter during the pig ZAKIS, I. and JACKSON, F. Effects of parasitic status and fattening cycle and during composting, 287 level of feeding motivation on the diet selected by sheep MoL Loy, R. M. see Easson, D. L. grazing grass/clover swards, 65 Momirovic, N. see OLJACA, S HUYGHE, C. see LAGUNES-EsPINOZA, L. C. MorGan, C. L., LADBROOKE, Z. L., BRUCE, D. M , CHILD, R. and ARTHUR, A. E Breeding oilseed rape for pod JACKSON, F. see HUTCHINGS, M. R. shattering resistance, 347 JARVIS, P. J. see MILFORD, G. F. J. Jessop, N.S. see HUGHES, N. R. G. Nicks, B. see NIMENYA, H. JEWKES, E. C. see BRown, L. NIMENYA, H., DELAUNOIS, A., BLODEN, S., LA Duona, D., JONES, J. see MILFORD, G. F. J. CANART, B., Nicks, B., GusTINn, P. and Ansay, M. Jn vitro Jones, M. J. and SInGH, M. Long-term yield patterns in short-term study of ammonium-nitrogen production from barley-based cropping systems in Northern Syria. 1. cattle urine: influence of ampicillin, hydroquinone and Comparison of rotations, 223 animal litter materials, 5 Jones, M. J. and SINGH, M. Long-term yield patterns in NoaMAN, M. N. and EL-Happap, E.-S. Effects of irrigation barley-based cropping systems in Northern Syria. 2. The water salinity and leaching fraction on the growth of six role of feed legumes, 237 halophyte species, 279 Jones, M. J. and SinGH, M. Long-term yield patterns in barley-based cropping systems in Northern Syria. 3. OLESEN, J. E. see THOMSEN, I. K. Barley monocropping, 251 Ouyaca, S., CvETKOVIC, R., Kovacevic, D., Vasic, G. and Momirovic, N. Effect of plant arrangement pattern and KALRA, A., PARAMESWARAN, T. N., RAVINDRA, N. S., GOPAL irrigation on efficiency of maize (Zea mays) and bean Rao, M. and Kumar, S. Effects of planting date and (Phaseolus vulgaris) intercropping system, 261 dinocap applications on the control of powdery mildew and yields of seed and seed oil in coriander, 193 Pan, B. and Smith, D.L. The effect of application of Kam, M. see DEGEN, A. A. genistein to Bradyrhizobium japonicum culture and its Kim, S. K. see ADETIMIRIN, V. O. rooting medium on soyabean growth nodulation and Kovacevic, D. see OLJACA, S. nitrogen assimilation in the presence of nitrate, 19 KUMAR, S. see KALRA, A. PAPINEAU, J. see LAGUNES-EsPINOZA, L. C. KYRIAZAKIS, I. see HUTCHINGS, M. R. PARAMESWARAN, T. N. see KALRA, A. PATEL, J. B. see PATEL, J. R. LADBROOKE, Z. L. see MORGAN, C. L. PATEL, J. R., PATEL, J. B., UpaDHYAy, P. N. and UsADADIA, La Duona, D. see NIMENYA, H. V.P. The effect of various agronomic practices on the LAGUNES-EsPINOZA, L. C., HUYGHE, C., PAPINEAU, J. and yield of chicory (Cichorium intybus), 271 SHIELD, I. Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation during Perry, N. H. see WILCOX, A. pod wall development of white lupin genotypes differing PIASENTIER, E., BOVOLENTA, S. and MALOssINI, F. The n- in proportion of pod walls, 389 alkane concentrations in buds and leaves of browsed Lara, L. M. see MELLADO, M. broadleaf trees, 311 LEACH, J. E. see SHIELD, I. F. PINTER, P. J., JR. see AWMACK, C. S. 452 Index of Authors PreEDY, N. see BRown, L. THOMSEN, I. K. and OLESEN, J. E. C AND N MINERALIZATION OF COMPOSTED AND ANAEROBICALLY STORED RUMINANT RAVINDRA, N. S. see KALRA, A. MANURE IN DIFFERENTLY TEXTURED SOILS, 151 REAL, D., Gorpon, I. L. and HopGson, J. Genetic advance TILBROOK, J. C. see Brock, J. L. estimates for red clover (Trifolium pratense) grown under Topp, A. D. see SHIELD, I. F. spaced plant and sward conditions, 11 ROBERTSON, E. see HUTCHINGS, M. R. UPADHYAY, P. N. see PATEL, J. R. ROCHFORD, A. D. see BHOGAL, A. Usapapli, V. P. see PATEL, J. R. ROMHELD, V. see BAGAYOKO, M. Ruiz, F. see MELLADO, M. VARA PRASAD, P. V. see CRAUFURD, P. Q. Vasic, G. see OLIACA, S. SABATEL, V. see HUGHES, N. R. G. VERA, T. see MELLADO, M. SANKHYAN, S. K. see SHINDE, A. K. VERMA, D. L. see SHINDE, A. K. SCHOLEFIELD, D. see BRowN, L. SCHWARTZ, H. J. see DEGEN, A. A. WacuirRA, A.M., SINCLAIR, L.A., WILKINSON, R. G., Scott, T. see SHIELD, I. F. HALLETT, K., ENSER, M. and Woop, J.D. Rumen SERRANO, E. see HERVAS, G. biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and SHIELD, I. see LAGUNES-ESPINOZA, L. C. their effects on microbial efficiency and nutrient di- SHIELD, I. F., Scott, T., STEVENSON, H. J., LEACH, J. E. and gestibility in sheep, 419 Topp, A. D. The causes of over-winter plant losses of autumn-sown white lupins (Lupinus albus) in different WADGE, K. see BRowN, L. regions of the UK over three seasons, 173 WHEELER, T. R. see CRAUFURD, P. Q. SHINDE, A. K., SANKHYAN, S. K., BHATTA, R. and VERMA, Witcox, A., PERRY, N. H., BOATMAN, N. D. and CHANEY, D. L. Seasonal changes in nutrient intake and its utiliza- K. Factors affecting the yield of winter cereals in crop tion by range goats in a semi-arid region of India, 429 margins, 335 SILBER, A., GANMORE-NEUMANN, R. and BEN-JAAcov, J. The response of Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ to the fertiliz- WILKINSON, R. G. see WACHIRA, A. M. ation regime, 27 WILLIAMSON, P. J., HENNESSY, D. W., GoGEL, B. J. and Sincviair, L. A. see WACHIRA, A. M. BaRLow, R. The estimation of faeces output in penned SINGH, M. see JONES, M. J. cattle by controlled release of chromium oxide and the SKRIVANOVA, V. see MAROUNEK, M. subsequent accuracy of predicting forage intake with in SmiTH, A. see CULLIS, B. R. vitro digestibility, 297 SMITH, D. L. see PAN, B. WILLIAMSON, P. J. see HENNESSY, D. W. SMITH, P. see AWMACK, C. S. WISEMAN, J. see GARNSWORTHY, P. C. SomM_ER, S. G. see MOLLER, H. B. Woop, J. D. see WAcHIRA, A. M. STEVENSON, H. J. see SHIELD, I. F. Wurr, D.C. E., EDMONDSON, R. N. and FeLLows, J. R. SUMMERFIELD, R. J. see CRAUFURD, P. Q. Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, R. see BHOGAL, A. CO, and temperature on the growth of French beans, 379

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