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Index of Authors Asi SAID, M. see HAMADEH, S. K. DAADAA, K. see HAMADEH, S. K. Apu, E. K., BARRY, T. N., WILSON, P. R. and Kemp, P. D. Davies, B. M.S. see CUTTLE, S.P. Evaluation of Lotus corniculatus for increasing pre- Dawson, L. E.R. and STEEN, R.W.J. Estimation of weaning growth of red and hybrid deer, 197 maintenance energy requirements ofb eef cattle and sheep, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH MODELLERS’ GRoupP, Proceedings 477 of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Agricultural Research DEBAEKE, P., CABELGUENNE, M., HILaireE, A. and Modellers’ Group, 237 RAFFAILLAC, D. Crop management systems for rainfed AHARONI, Y. see BROSH, A. and irrigated sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in south- ANDERSON, H. A. see Hoopa, P. S. western France, 171 Asu, A. J. and MclIvor, J. G. Forage quality and feed intake Di RENZoO, M. A. see BONVILLANI, A. G. responses of cattle to improved pastures, tree killing and Dyer, C. J. see CHALMERS, A. G. stocking rate in open eucalypt woodlands of north-eastern Australia, 211 EDMONDSON, R. N. Trojan square and incomplete Trojan square designs for crop research, 135 BARBOUR, E. see HAMADEH, S. K. EDMONDSON, R. N. see also WurR, D.C. E. BAREJ, W. see PUCHALA, R. Barry, T.N. The feeding value of chicory (Cichorium intybus) for ruminant livestock, 251 FAGBOLA, O., OSONUBI, O. and MULONGOY, K. Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and hedgerow trees Barry, T. N. see also Abu, E. K. BARTLEY, K. M. see FRANCIS, G. S. to the yield and nutrient uptake of cassava in an alley- BELCHER, S. J. see KNoTT, C. M. cropping system, 79 BHATTA, R. see SHINDE, A. K. FELLOWS, J. R. see WurR, D.C. E. BONVILLANI, A. G., Di RENZO, M. A., MONTILLA, A. and FINCK, M. see SIELING, K. TIRANTI, I. N. B-lactoglobulin variability in Argentinian FISHWICK, G. see HEMINGWAY, R. G. Holstein cattle, 97 Foster, R., Poont, H. S. and Mackay, I. J. Quantitative Bros, A., AHARONI, Y., Levy, D. and Houzer, Z. Effects of analysis of Linum usitatissimum crosses for dual-purpose source and content of ash in poultry litter used in diets for traits, 285 beef cattle, 87 FRANCIS, G. S., BARTLEY, K. M. and TABLEY, F. J. The effect BRUCKENTAL, I. see KABABYA, D. of winter cover crop management on nitrate leaching BULDGEN, A. and FRANCco!s, J. Physiological reactions to losses and crop growth, 299 imposed water deficit by Andropogon gayanus cv. Bi- FRANCOIS, J. see BULDGEN, A. squamulatus and Cenchrus ciliaris cv. Biloela in a mixed FRANKOW-LINDBERG, B. E. and VON Fircks, H. A. Popu- fodder crop, 31 lation fluctuations in three contrasting white clover cultivars under cutting, with particular reference to CABELGUENNE, M. see DEBAEKE, P. overwintering properties, 143 CapPEsius, I. see WARPEHA, K. M. F. CaTT, J. A., Howse, K. R., CHRISTIAN, D. G., LANE, P. W., GaRwoop, T. W. D. see CHAMBERS, B. J. Harris, G. L. and Goss, M. J. Strategies to decrease GILLILAND, T. J. see WARPEHA, K. M. F. nitrate leaching in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, GorDON, F. J. see PATTERSON, D. C., YAN, T. Oxfordshire, UK, 1988-93: the effect of straw incorpor- Goss, M. J. see CaTT, J. A. ation, 309 GRALAK, M. see PUCHALA, R. CatTT, J. A. see also Lark, R. M. CHALMERS, A. G., Dyer, C. J. and SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, R. HAMADEH, S. K., BARBOUR, E., ABI SAID, M., DAADAA, K. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the grain yield and quality and TaRRAF, C.G. Reproductive performance, pro- of winter oats, 395 CHAMBERS, B. J. and GARWoop, T. W. D. Lime loss rates gesterone serum, and milk production in spring post- from arable and grassland soils, 455 partum Awassi and Finn x Texel x Awassi ewes, 347 CHRISTIAN, D. G. see CaTT, J. A. HAMELEERS, A. and Mayes, R. W. The use of n-alkanes to CLAYTON, C. J. see RICHARDS, I. R. estimate supplementary grass silage intake in grazing CRIBARI-NETO, F. see NEWMAN, J. A. dairy cows, 205 Criss, D. M. see Wurr, D.C. E. HAND, D. W. see WurR, D.C. E. CuTTLE, S.P., ScuRLOCK, R. V. and Davigs, B. M.S. A 6- HANNAH, M. A. see WurR, D.C. E. year comparison of nitrate leaching from grass/clover and Hanus, H. see SIELING, K. N-fertilized grass pastures grazed by sheep, 39 Harris, G. L. see Catt, J. A. 500 Index of ‘authors HEMINGWAY, R.G., PARKER, E. R., PARKINS, sensitivity of n-alkane analysis to measurement error: wick, G. and Ritcuig, N. S. Bioavailability assessments implications for use in the study of diet composition, 465 of granular calcined magnesites derived from magnesite NicHo as, D. A. see JONES, R. A. C. rocks and of magnesium hydroxide powder in sheep, 229 NTARE, B. R., WILLIAMS, J. H. and NDUNGURU, B. J. Effects HILAIRE, A. see DEBAEKE, P of seasonal variation in temperature and cultivar on yield Houzer, Z. see BROSH, A and yield determination of irrigated groundnut (Arachis Honco, A. Selective grazing in pure leaf and leaf/culm hypogaea) during the dry season in the Sahel of West mixtures of herbage grasses by sheep, 353 Africa, 439 Hoopa, P.S., MoynaGH, M., Svospopa, I. F. and ANDERSON, H. A. A comparative study of nitrate leaching OLASANTAN, F. O. Effects of preceding maize (Zea mays) from intensively managed monoculture grass and grass and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in sole cropping and clover pastures, 267 intercropping on growth, yield and nitrogen requirement Howse, K. R. see Catt, J. A. of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), 293 OsONuBI, O. see FAGBOLA, O. JENSEN, M. J see NEWMAN, J. A. Jones, R. A. C. and Nicuotras, D. A. Impact of an insidious PARKER, E. R. see HEMINGWAY, R. G. virus disease in the legume component on the species PARKINS, J. J. see HEMINGWAY, R. G. balance within self-regenerating annual pasture, 155 PATTERSON, D. C., YAN, T., GORDON, F. J. and KILPATRICK, D. J. Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and KABABYA, D., PEREVOLOTSKY, A., BRUCKENTAL, I. and wilted grass silages. 2. Intake, performance and eating LANDAU, S. Selection of diets by dual-purpose Mamber behaviour by dairy cattle, 113 goats in Mediterranean woodland, 221 PATTERSON, D. C. see also YAN, T. KARIM, S. A. see SHINDE, A. K. PEARCE, S.C. Field experimentation on rough land: the Kemp, P. D. see Abu, E. K. method of Papadakis reconsidered, | KIELA, P. see PUCHALA, R. PEREVOLOTSKY, A. see KABABYA, D. KILPATRICK, D. J. see PATTERSON, D. C., YAN, T. PFEFFER, E. and RODEHUTSCORD, M. Body chemical com- Knott, C. M. and BELCHER, S. J. Optimum sowing dates position and utilization of dietary energy by male Saanen and plant populations for winter peas (Pisum sativum), kids fed either milk to satiation or solid complete feeds 449 with two proportions of straw, 487 KUMAR, R. see SHARMA, S. N. PIARA SINGH, MonrteEITH, J. L., LEE, K. K., Reco, T. J. and Wanl, S. P. Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of LANDAU, S. see KABABYA, D. post-rainy season sorghum on a Vertisol. 2. Biomass and LANE, P. W. see CaTT, J. A. water extraction, 429 LarK, R. M., Catt, J. A. and STAFFORD, J. V. Towards the PIARA SINGH see also REGO, T. J. explanation of within-field variability of yield of winter Poonl, H.S. see Foster, R. barley: soil series differences, 409 PUCHALA, R., ZABIELSKI, R., LESNIEWSKA, V., GRALAK, M., Leg, K. K. see PIARA SINGH, REGO, T. J. KievA, P. and BAREJ, W. Influence of duodenal infusion of LESNIEWSKA, V. see PUCHALA, R. betaine or choline on blood metabolites and duodenal Levy, D. see BRosH, A. electrical activity in Friesian calves, 321 Lewis, C. E. see WISEMAN, J. LIAKATAS, A. see ROUSSOPOULOS, D RAFFAILLAC, D. see DEBAEKE, P. LopGE, G. A. see MAHGOUB, O. Reeve, A. J. K. see RICHARDS, I. R ReGo, T. J., MONTEITH, J. L., PIARA SINGH, LEE, K. K.., Mclvor, J. G. see Aso, A. J. NAGESWARA Rao, V. and SRIRAMA, Y. V. Response to Mackay, I. J. see Foster, R. fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy season sorghum MaAuGous, O. and LopGe, G. A. A comparative study on on a Vertisol. 1. Biomass and light interception, 417 growth, body composition and carcass tissue distribution REGO, T. J. see also PIARA SINGH in Omani sheep and goats, 329 REZVANI MOGHADDAM, P. and WILMAN, D. Cell wall MARANVILLE, J. W. see Masi, C. E. A. thickness and cell dimensions in plant parts of eight forage Masi, C.E.A. and MARANVILLE, J.W. Evaluation species, 59 sorghum root branching using fractals, 259 REZVANI MOGHADDAM, P. see also WILMAN, D. MATTHEWS, S. see NAYLOR, R. E. L. RICHARDS, I. R., CLAYTON, C. J. and Reeve, A. J. K. Effects Mayes, R. W. see HAMELEERS, A. of long-term fertilizer phosphorus application on soil and MonrtEITH, J. L. see PIARA SINGH, REGO, T. J crop phosphorus and cadmium contents, 187 MONTILLA, A. see BONVILLANI, A. G. Ritcuig, N.S. see HEMINGWAY, R. G. MoynaGH, M. see Hoopa, P. S. RODEHUTSCORD, M. see PFEFFER, E. MULONGOY, K. see FAGBOLA, O. RoussoPpou_os, D., LIAKATAS, A. and WHITTINGTON, W. J. Cotton responses to different light-temperature regimes, NAGESWARA Rao, V. see REGO, T. J. 277 NayYLor, R. E. L., Stokes, D. T. and MaTTHEws, S. Bio- mass, shoot uniformity and yield of winter barley, 13 SANKHYAN, S. K. see SHINDE, A. K. NDUNGURU, B. J. see NTARE, B. R. SCHRODER, H. see SIELING, K. Newman, J. A., CRIBARI-NETO, F. and JENSEN, M.J The SCURLOCK, R. V. see CUTTLE, S.P. Index of authors SHARMA, S.N. and Kumar, R. Effects of dicyandiamide WHITTINGTON, W. J. see RoussopouLos, D. (DCD) blended with urea on growth, yield and nutrient WILLIAMS, J. H. see NTARE, B. R uptake of wheat, 389 WILMAN, D. and REZVANI MOGHADDAM, P. Volume, surface SHINDE, A. K., KARIM, S. A., SANKHYAN, S. K. and BHATTA, area and cellular composition of chewed particles of plant R. Seasonal changes in physiological responses and energy parts of eight forage species and estimated degradation of expenditure of sheep maintained on semi-arid pasture, 341 cell wall, 69 SIELING, K., SCHRODER, H., Finck, M. and Hanus, H. WILMAN, D. and REZVANI MoGHADDAM, P. In vitro Yield, N uptake, and apparent N-use efficiency of winter digestibility and neutral detergent fibre and lignin contents wheat and winter barley grown in different cropping of plant parts of nine forage species, 51 systems, 375 WILMAN, D. see also REZVANI MOGHADDAM, P SRIRAMA, Y. V. see REGO, T. J. WILson, P. R. see Abu, E. K. STAFFORD, J. V. see LARK, R. M. WISEMAN, J. and Lewis, C. E. Influence of dietary energy STEEN, R. W. J. see Dawson, L. E.R and nutrient concentration on the growth of body weight Stokes, D. T. see NAYLOR, R. E. L. and of carcass components of broiler chickens, 361 SvosoDA, I. F. see Hoopa, P. S$ SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, R. see CHALMERS, A. G. Wurr, D.C.E., Hanpb, D.W., EDMONDSON, R.N., FeLLows, J.R., HANNAH, M.A. and Crisps, D.M. Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of TABLEY, F. J. see FRANCIS, G. S. CO, and temperature on the growth of beetroot, carrots TARRAF, C. G. see HAMADEH, S. K. TIRANTI, I. N. see BONVILLANI, A. G. and onions, 125 VON Fircks, H. A. see FRANKOW-LINDBERG, B. E. "AN, T., PATTERSON, D. C., GORDON, F. J. and KILPATRICK, D. J. Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and WANT, S. P. see PIARA SINGH wilted grass silages. 1. Rumen microbial activity, silage WARPEHA, K.M.F., Capestus, I. and GILLILAND, T. J. nutrient degradability and digestibility, 103 Genetic diversity in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) YAN, T. see also PATTERSON, D. C. evaluated by hybridization with ribosomal DNA: impli- cations for cultivar identification and breeding, 23 ZABIELSKI, R. see PUCHALA, R Arachis blood metabolites and duodenal electrical activity in Effects of seasonal variation in temperature and cultivar Friesian calves (Puchala et al.), 321 on yield and yield determination of irrigated groundnut Estimation of maintenance energy requirements of beef (Arachis hypogaea) during the dry season in the Sahel of cattle and sheep (Dawson and Steen), 477 West Africa (Ntare et al.), 439 Chicory, see Cichorium Cichorium The feeding value of chicory (Cichorium intybus) for Barley ruminant livestock (Barry), 251 Biomass, shoot uniformity and yield of winter barley Climate (Naylor et al.), 13 Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of Yield, N uptake, and apparent N-use efficiency of winter CO, and temperature on the growth of beetroot, carrots wheat and winter barley grown in different cropping and onions (Wurr et al.), 125 systems (Sieling et al.), 375 Cotton, see Gossypium Towards the explanation of within-field variability of Cover crops yield of winter barley: soil series differences (Lark et The effect of winter cover crop management on nitrate al.), 409 leaching losses and crop growth (Francis et al.), 299 Body composition Cowpea, see Vigna A comparative study on growth, body composition and Crop husbandry carcass tissue distribution in Omani sheep and goats Crop management systems for rainfed and irrigated (Mahgoub and Lodge), 329 sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in south-western France Influence of dietary energy and nutrient concentration on (Debaeke er al.), 171 the growth of body weight and of carcass components Crops of broiler chickens (Wiseman and Lewis), 361 Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of Body chemical composition and utilization of dietary CO, and temperature on the growth of beetroot, carrots energy by male Saanen kids fed either milk to satiation and onions (Wurr et al.), 125 or solid complete feeds with two proportions of straw Effects of long-term fertilizer phosphorus application on (Pfeffer and Rodehutscord), 487 soil and crop phosphorus and cadmium contents Breeding (Richards et al.), 187 Genetic diversity in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) evaluated by hybridization with ribosomal DNA: implications for cultivar identification and breeding Deer (Warpeha et al.), 23 Evaluation of Lotus corniculatus for increasing pre- Quantitative analysis of Linum usitatissimum crosses for weaning growth of red and hybrid deer (Adu et al. ), 197 dual-purpose traits (Foster er al.), 285 Diets Effects of source and content of ash in poultry litter used in diets for beef cattle (Brosh et al.), 87 Carbon dioxide Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of grass silages. 1. Rumen microbial activity, silage CO, and temperature on the growth of beetroot, carrots nutrient degradability and digestibility (Yan er al.), 103 and onions (Wurr et al.), 125 Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted Cassava, see Manihot grass silages. 2. Intake, performance and eating be- Cattle haviour by dairy cattle (Patterson ef al.), 113 Effects of source and content of ash in poultry litter used Evaluation of Lotus corniculatus for increasing pre- in diets for beef cattle (Brosh er al.), 87 weaning growth of red and hybrid deer (Adu et a/.), 197 B-lactoglobulin variability in Argentinian Holstein cattle Selection of diets by dual-purpose Mamber goats in (Bonvillani et al.), 97 Mediterranean woodland (Kababya er al.), 221 The use of n-alkanes to estimate supplementary grass Bioavailability assessments of granular calcined mag- silage intake in grazing dairy cows (Hameleers and nesites derived from magnesite rocks and of magnesium Mayes), 205 hydroxide powder in sheep (Hemingway et al.), 229 Forage quality and feed intake responses of cattle to The feeding value of chicory (Cichorium intybus) for improved pastures, tree killing and stocking rate in ruminant livestock (Barry), 251 open eucalypt woodlands of north-eastern Australia Influence of dietary energy and nutrient concentration on (Ash and Mclvor), 211 the growth of body weight and of carcass components Influence of duodenal infusion of betaine or choline on of broiler chickens (Wiseman and Lewis), 361 Index of subjects The sensitivity of n-alkane analysis to measurement error: Fodder crops implications for use in the study of diet composition Physiological reactions to imposed water deficit by (Newman et al.), 465 Andropogon gayanus cv Bisquamulatus and Cenchrus Body chemical composition and utilization of dietary ciliaris cv. Biloela in a mixed fodder crop (Buldgen and energy by male Saanen kids fed either milk to satiation Francois), 31 or solid complete feeds with two proportions of straw Forage (Pfeffer and Rodehutscord), 487 In vitro digestibility and neutral detergent fibre and lignin Digestibility contents of plant parts of nine forage species (Wilman In vitro digestibility and neutral detergent fibre and lignin and Rezvani Moghaddam), 51 contents of plant parts of nine forage species (Wilman Cell wall thickness and cell dimensions in plant parts of and Rezvani Moghaddam), 51 eight forage species (Rezvani Moghaddam and Cell wall thickness and cell dimensions in plant parts of Wilman), 59 eight forage species (Rezvani Moghaddam and Volume, surface area and cellular composition of chewed Wilman), 59 particles of plant parts of eight forage species and Volume, surface area and cellular composition of chewed estimated degradation of cell wall (Wilman and Rezvani particles of plant parts of eight forage species and Moghaddam), 69 estimated degradation of cell wall (Wilman and Rezvani Forage quality and feed intake responses of cattle to Moghaddam), 69 improved pastures, tree killing and stocking rate in Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted open eucalypt woodlands of north-eastern Australia grass silages. 1. Rumen microbial activity, silage (Ash and Mclvor), 211 nutrient degradability and digestibility (Yan er al.), 103 Fungi Drought Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and Physiological reactions to imposed water deficit by hedgerow trees to the yield and nutrient uptake of Andropogon gayanus cv. Bisquamulatus and Cenchrus cassava in an alley-cropping system (Fagbola et al.), 79 ciliaris cv. Biloela in a mixed fodder crop (Buldgen and Francois), 31 Genetics Seasonal changes in physiological responses and energy Genetic diversity in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) expenditure of sheep maintained on semi-arid pasture evaluated by hybridization with ribosomal DNA: (Shinde et al.), 341 implications for cultivar identification and breeding Effects of seasonal variation in temperature and cultivar (Warpeha er al.), 23 on yield and yield determination of irrigated groundnut B-lactoglobulin variability in Argentinian Holstein cattle (Arachis hypogaea) during the dry season in the Sahel of (Bonvillani e al.), 97 West Africa (Ntare et al.), 439 Quantitative analysis of Linum usitatissimum crosses for dual-purpose traits (Foster ef al.), 285 Goats Energy expenditure Selection of diets by dual-purpose Mamber goats in Seasonal changes in physiological responses and energy Mediterranean woodland (Kababya et al.), 221 expenditure of sheep maintained on semi-arid pasture A comparative study on growth, body composition and (Shinde er al.), 341 carcass tissue distribution in Omani sheep and goats Estimation of maintenance energy requirements of beef (Mahgoub and Lodge), 329 cattle and sheep (Dawson and Steen), 477 Body chemical composition and utilization of dietary Experimental design energy by male Saanen kids fed either milk to satiation Field experimentation on rough land: the method of or solid complete feeds with two proportions of straw Papadakis reconsidered (Pearce), | (Pfeffer and Rodehutscord), 487 Trojan square and incomplete Trojan square designs for Gossypium crop research (Edmondson), 135 Cotton responses to different light-temperature regimes (Roussopoulos et al.), 277 Grain quality Feed intake Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the grain yield and quality Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted of winter oats (Chalmers er al.), 395 grass silages. 2. Intake, performance and eating be- Grain yield haviour by dairy cattle (Patterson et a/.), 113 Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the grain yield and quality The use of n-alkanes to estimate supplementary grass of winter oats (Chalmers ef al.), 395 silage intake in grazing dairy cows (Hameleers and Grazing Mayes), 205 A 6-year comparison of nitrate leaching from grass/clover Forage quality and feed intake responses of cattle to and N-fertilized grass pastures grazed by sheep (Cuttle improved pastures, tree killing and stocking rate in et al.), 39 open eucalypt woodlands of north-eastern Australia Selective grazing in pure leaf and leaf/culm mixtures of (Ash and Mclvor), 211 herbage grasses by sheep (Hongo), 353 Feeding behaviour Groundnut, see Arachis Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted Growth rate grass silages. 2. Intake, performance and eating be- Evaluation of Lotus corniculatus for increasing pre- haviour by dairy cattle (Patterson er al.), 113 weaning growth of red and hybrid deer (Adu et al. ), 197 504 Index of subjects A comparat tudy on gi owth, body composition and Manihot carcass tissue distribution in Omani sheep and goats Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and (Mahgoub and Lodge), 329 hedgerow trees to the yield and nutrient uptake of Influence of dietary energy and nutrient concentration on cassava in an alley-cropping system (Fagbola et al. ), 79 the growth of body weight and of carcass components Metabolism of broiler chickens (Wiseman and Lewis), 361 Influence of duodenal infusion of betaine or choline on blood metabolites and duodenal electrical activity in Friesian calves (Puchala e7 al.), 321 Helianthus Seasonal changes in physiological responses and energy Crop management systems rainfed and irrigated expenditure of sheep maintained on semi-arid pasture sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in south-western France (Shinde et al.), 341 (Debaeke er al.), 171 Milk production Hybrids Reproductive performance, progesterone serum, and milk Genetic diversity in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) production in spring postpartum Awassi and Finn x evaluated by hybridization with ribosomal DNA: Texel x Awassi ewes (Hamadeh er al.), 347 implications for cultivar identification and breeding Mixed pastures (Warpehear al.), 23 A 6-year comparison of nitrate leaching from grass/clover and N-fertilized grass pastures grazed by sheep (Cuttle et al.), 39 Intercropping Impact of an insidious virus disease in the legume Effects of preceding maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna component on_ the species balance within self- unguiculata) im cropping and intercropping on regenerating annual pasture (Jones and Nicholas), | growth, yield uitrogen requirement of okra \ comparative study of nitrate leaching from intensively (Abelmoschus esculentus) (Olasantan), 293 managed monoculture grass and grass—clover pastures Irrigation (Hooda et al.), 267 Crop management systems for rainfed and irrigated Models sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in south-western France Proceedings of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Agricultural (Debaeke e¢ al.), 171 Research Modellers’ Group (Agricultural Research Modellers’ Group), 237 Lactation B-lactoglobulin variability in Argentinian Holstein cattle Nitrogen (Bonvillani ef al.), 97 Yield, N uptake, and apparent N-use efficiency of winter Legumes wheat and winter barley o grown in different cropping Impact of an insidious virus disease in the legume systems (Sieling ef al.), 3 73 component on the species balance within self- Nitrogen fertilizers regenerating annual pasture (Jones and Nicholas), 155 Effects of dicyandiamide (DCD) blended with urea on Lime growth, yield and nutrient uptake of wheat (Sharma Lime loss rate from arable and grassland soils (Chambers and Kumar), 389 and Garwood), 455 Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the grain yield and quality Linseed, see Linum of winter oats (Chalmers er al.), 395 Linum Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy Quantitative analysis of Linum usitatissimum crosses for season sorghum on a Vertisol. 1. Biomass and light dual-purpose traits (Foster e7 al.), 285 interception (Rego ef al.), 417 Lolium Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy Genetic diversity in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) season sorghum on a Vertisol. 2. Biomass and water evaluated by hybridizatio1 with ribosomal DNA: extraction (Piara Singh et al.), 429 implications for cult ar identification and breeding Nitrogen leaching (Warpeha et al.), 23 A 6-year comparison of nitrate leaching from grass/clover Lotus and N-fertilized grass pastures grazed by sheep (Cuttle Evaluation of Lotus corniculatus for increasing pre- et al.), 39 weaning growth of red and hybrid deer (Adu et al. ), 197 A comparative study of nitrate leaching from intensively managed monoculture grass and grass—clover pastures (Hooda et al.), 267 Magnesium The effect of winter cover crop management on nitrate Bioavailability assessments of granular calcined mag- leaching losses and crop growth (Francis et al.), 299 nesites derived from magnesite rocks and of magnesium Strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone hydroxide powder in sheep (Hemingway et al.), 229 Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK, 1988-93: the effect Maize of straw incorporation (Catt er al.), 309 Effects of preceding maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna Nutrient absorption unguiculata) in sole cropping and intercropping on Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and growth, yield and nitrogen requirement of okra hedgerow trees to the yield and nutrient uptake of (Abelmoschus esculentus) (Olasantan), 293 cassava in an alley-cropping system (Fagbola et al.), 79 Index of subjects Effects of long-term fertilizer phosphorus application on Roots soil and crop phosphorus and cadmium contents Evaluation of sorghum root branching using fractals (Richards et al.), 187 (Masi and Maranville), 259 Effects of dicyandiamide (DCD) blended with urea on Rumen micro-organisms growth, yield and nutrient uptake of wheat (Sharma Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted and Kumar), 389 grass silages. | Rumen microbial activity, silage nutrient degradability and digestibility (Yan tal.), 103 Ruminants Oats The feeding value of chicory (Cichorium ntvbus) for Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the grain yield and quality ruminant livestock (Barry), 2 5] of winter oats (Chalmers ef al.), 395 Ryegrass, see Lolium Pastures Sequential cropping A 6-year comparison of nitrate leaching from grass/clover Effects of preceding maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna and N-fertilized grass pastures grazed by sheep (Cuttle unguiculata) in sole cropping and intercropping on et al.), 39 growth, yield and nitrogen requirement of okra Impact of an insidious virus disease in the legume (Abelmoschus esculentus) (Olasantan), 293 component on_ the species balance within self- he effect of winter cover crop management on nitrate regenerating annual pasture (Jones and Nicholas), 155 leaching losses and crop growth (Francis et al.), 299 Forage quality and feed intake responses of cattle to Yield, N uptake, and apparent N-use efficiency of winter improved pastures, tree killing and stocking rate in wheat and winter barley go rown in different cropping open eucalypt woodlands of north-eastern Australia systems (Sieling ef al.), 3 S (Ash and Mclvor), 211 Sheep Bioavailability assessments of granular calcined mag- A comparative study of nitrate leaching from intensively nesites derived from magnesite rocks and of magnesium managed monoculture grass and grass—clover pastures hydroxide powder in sheep (Hemingway ef al.), 229 (Hooda et al.), 267 A comparative study on growth, body composition and Perennial ryegrass, see Lolium carcass tissue distribution in Omani sheep and goats Pests and diseases (Mahgoub and Lodge), 329 Impact of an insidious virus disease in the legume Seasonal changes in physiological responses and energy component on_ the species balance within self- expenditure of sheep maintained on semi-arid pasture regenerating annual pasture (Jones and Nicholas), 155 (Shinde er al.), 341 Phosphorus Reproductive performance, progesterone serum, and milk Effects of long-term fertilizer phosphorus application on production in spring postpartum Awassi and Finn x soil and crop phosphorus and cadmium contents Texel x Awassi ewes (Hamadeh et al.), 347 (Richards er al.), 187 Selective grazing in pure leaf and leaf/culm mixtures of Pisum herbage grasses by sheep (Hongo), 353 Optimum sowing dates and plant populations for winter Estimation of maintenance energy requirements of beef peas (Pisum sativum) (Knott and Belcher), 449 le and sheep (Dawson and Steen), 477 Plant population density Silage Popcuulltaitviaorns fulnudcetru aticountsti ngi,n thwrieteh copnarttriacsutlianrg rwehfietree nccelo vetro Effegcr atsss ofs ilbaagecst.e rial| iRnoucmuelant ionm icorfo biuanlw ilteadct iv aintyd, wsiilltaegg de overwintering properties (Frankow-Lindberg and von nutrient degradability and digestibility (Yan er a/.), 103 Fircks), 143 Effects of bacterial inoculation of unwilted and wilted Optimum sowing dates and plant populations for winter grass silages Z. Intake, performance and eating be- peas (Pisum sativum) (Knott and Belcher), 449 haviour by dairy cattle (Patterson ef al. ), 113 Poultry The use of n-alkanes to estimate supplementary grass Influence of dietary energy and nutrient concentration on silage intake in grazing dairy cows (Hameleers and the growth of body weight and of carcass components Mayes), 205 of broiler chickens (Wiseman and Lewis), 361 Soils Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and hedgerow trees to the yield and nutrient uptake of Radiation cassava in an alley-cropping system (Fagbola « tal.), 79 Cotton responses to different light-temperature regimes Effects of long-term fertilizer phosphorus application on (Roussopoulos ef al.), 277 soil and crop phosphorus and cadmium contents Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy (Richards ef al.), 187 season sorghum on a Vertisol. 1. Biomass and light Strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone interception (Rego ef al.), 417 Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK, 1988-93: the effect Reproduction of straw incorporation (Catt er al.), 309 Reproductive performance, progesterone serum, and milk Towards the explanation of within-field variability of production in spring postpartum Awassi and Finn x yield of winter barley: soil series differences (Lark ef Texel x Awassi ewes (Hamadeh et al.), 347 al.), 409 506 Index of subjects Lime loss rates from arable and grassland soils (Chambers Estimation of maintenance energy requirements of beef and Garwood), 455 cattle and sheep (Dawson and Steen), 477 Sorghum Temperature Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of season sorghum on a Vertisol. 1. Biomass and light CO, and temperature on the growth of beetroot, carrots interception (Rego et al.), 417 and onions (Wurr ef al.), 125 Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy Population fluctuations in three contrasting white clover season sorghum on a Vertisol. 2. Biomass and water cultivars under cutting, with particular reference to extraction (Piara Singh ef al.), 429 overwintering properties (Frankow-Lindberg and von Sowing date Fircks), 143 Optimum sowing dates and plant populations for winter Cotton responses to different light-temperature regimes peas (Pisum sativum) (Knott and Belcher), 449 (Roussopoulos er al.), 277 Statistical analyses Effects of seasonal variation in temperature and cultivar Trojan square and incomplete Trojan square designs for on yield and yield determination of irrigated groundnut crop research (Edmondson), 135 (Arachis hypogaea) during the dry season in the Sahel of Evaluation of sorghum root branching using fractals West Africa (Ntare et al.), 439 (Masi and Maranville), 259 Trifolium Quantitative analysis of Linum usitatissimum crosses for Population fluctuations in three contrasting white clover dual-purpose traits (Foster et al.), 285 cultivars under cutting, with particular reference to Towards the explanation of within-field variability of overwintering properties (Frankow-Lindberg and von yield of winter barley: soil series differences (Lark et Fircks), 143 al.), 409 The sensitivity of n-alkane analysis to measurement error: implications for use in the study of diet composition Urea (Newman et al.), 465 Effects of dicyandiamide (DCD) blended with urea on Statistical analysis growth, yield and nutrient uptake of wheat (Sharma Field experimentation on rough land: the method of and Kumar), 389 Papadakis reconsidered (Pearce), | Stocking density Forage quality and feed intake responses of cattle to Vigna improved pastures, tree killing and stocking rate in Effects of preceding maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna open eucalypt woodlands of north-eastern Australia unguiculata) in sole cropping and intercropping on (Ash and Mclvor), 211 growth, yield and nitrogen requirement of okra Straw (Abelmoschus esculentus) (Olasantan), 293 Strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone Viruses Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK, 1988-93: the effect Impact of an insidious virus disease in the legume of straw incorporation (Catt er al.), 309 component on the species balance within self- Body chemical composition and utilization of dietary regenerating annual pasture (Jones and Nicholas), 155 energy by male Saanen kids fed either milk to satiation or solid complete feeds with two proportions of straw (Pfeffer and Rodehutscord), 487 Water relations Sunflower, see Helianthus Physiologicai reactions to imposed water deficit by Andropogon gayanus cv. Bisquamulatus and Cenchrus Techniques ciliaris cv. Biloela in a mixed fodder crop (Buldgen and The use of n-alkanes to estimate supplementary grass Francois), 31 silage intake in grazing dairy cows (Hameleers and Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy Mayes), 205 season sorghum on a Vertisol. 1. Biomass and light Evaluation of sorghum root branching using fractals interception (Rego ef al.), 417 (Masi and Maranville), 259 Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy Quantitative analysis of Linum usitatissimum crosses for season sorghum on a Vertisol. 2. Biomass and water dual-purpose traits (Foster et al.), 285 extraction (Piara Singh ef al.), 429 Influence of duodenal infusion of betaine or choline on Water use blood metabolites and duodenal electrical activity in Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy Friesian calves (Puchala et al.), 321 season sorghum on a Vertisol. 2. Biomass and water Selective grazing in pure leaf and leaf/culm mixtures of extraction (Piara Singh et al.), 429 herbage grasses by sheep (Hongo), 353 Wheat Towards the explanation of within-field variability of Yield, N uptake, and apparent N-use efficiency of winter yield of winter barley: soil series differences (Lark er wheat and winter barley grown in different cropping al.), 409 systems (Sieling et al.), 375 The sensitivity of n-alkane analysis to measurement error: Effects of dicyandiamide (DCD) blended with urea on implications for use in the study of diet composition growth, yield and nutrient uptake of wheat (Sharma (Newman er al.), 465 and Kumar), 389 Index of subjects 507 White clover, see Trifolium The effect of winter cover crop management on nitrate leaching losses and crop growth (Francis ef al.), 299 Yield, N uptake, and apparent N-use efficiency of winter Yields wheat and winter barley grown in different cropping Biomass, shoot uniformity and yield of winter barley systems (Sieling er al.), 375 (Naylor et al.), 13 Effects of dicyandiamide (DCD) blended with urea on Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and growth, yield and nutrient uptake of wheat (Sharma hedgerow trees to the yield and nutrient uptake of and Kumar), 389 cassava in an alley-cropping system (Fagbola et al. ), 79 Effects of seasonal variation in temperature and cultivar Effects of preceding maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna on yield and yield determination of irrigated groundnut unguiculata) in sole cropping and intercropping on (Arachis hypogaea) during the dry season in the Sahel of growth, yield and nitrogen requirement of okra West Africa (Ntare et al.), 439 (Abelmoschus esculentus) (Olasantan), 293

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