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The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death For Jane The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death Michael G. Reccia with thanks to: Jane, David, Tony and Mark Published by Band of Light Media Limited © 2011 www.josephspeaks.com Published in eBook format by Band of Light Media Limited Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com ISBN-13: 978-1-9066-2504-7 First eBook Edition July 2011 All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without written permission from the publisher. Concerning my friend Joseph: an introduction It’s strange now to think that, just a short few years ago, Joseph and myself hadn’t even met… Correction. This ‘concerned observer of mankind’… this ‘spiritual scientist’… this ‘communicator on behalf of millions of enlightened, discarnate souls’ (there are so many appropriate terms I could use to describe him) had met me, in a manner of speaking, but I hadn’t consciously made his acquaintance at that time. I’d better explain. My public work as a spirit medium dates back to the mid-eighties, when I first began giving clairvoyant messages to individuals and groups. Fairly rapidly I became an in-demand source of spiritual communication, being booked to capacity two to three months in advance at any given time for personal readings. I travelled the length and breadth of the country to give demonstrations and lectures on various spiritual topics. I should have been happy. After all, I was using the gifts I’d been given. I’d turned my back on a lucrative career in order to do so, and considered what I was doing to absolutely be the one thing I was meant to be doing with my life, and of far greater importance than mere pounds, shillings and pence. People were, quite literally, beating a path to my door… so why on earth did I feel so unfulfilled? Well, the messages that were delivered through me, whilst many and varied, and accurate and detailed, were hardly world changing. True, they gave comfort to the people they were directed to, and there could be little doubt in their minds, due to the amount of information given that could only be known to them, that they were indeed receiving communications from their loved ones and friends ‘on the other side’, but they left me, personally, aching to achieve so much more as a spiritual worker than circumstance allowed me to deliver at that point. You see, from the time I first began my mediumistic development, I had wanted to understand not only how the gift of mediumship ‘worked’, but also why it existed, how this world was actually put together from a spiritual point of view, how the spirit ‘worlds’ or ‘spheres’ functioned, why things are as they are on Earth, and what awaits us beyond this physical life …and to share that knowledge with those who were seeking such insights. Joseph provided answers to all those questions. How I began working with this wise and ancient discarnate spirit from a higher level of being (who had been linked to me ‘behind the scenes’ since my birth, waiting for that point in physical time when we could connect and challenge certain personal and world views together) and how I then progressed from clairvoyant delivery to trance communication, with Joseph completely taking over my faculties, is chronicled in the introduction to his first book, Revelation. I don’t, therefore, propose to cover old ground here. Suffice it to say that the type of spiritual communication coming through me changed dramatically as soon as Joseph and I consciously ‘linked up’ with each other, and that, within the space of a couple of years, he had delivered an extraordinary amount of information. This was gathered together first as Revelation, a book that, to my great satisfaction, actually does explain who and what we really are, why we are here and what we are capable of spiritually; and next as Illumination, a spiritual self-help manual that empowers its readers to apply principles that, when exercised religiously (no pun intended) actually work in slowly changing this completely insane and hell-bent world we live in at the moment into that harmonious paradise we dream about but have never quite seemed capable of achieving. Joseph’s third book, the one you are beginning right now, answers the ‘biggie’ – the single, most scary, enormous question that unites all of us, in that at some stage in our lives each of us simply has to ask it: ‘What, if anything, comes next?’ Coming out of trance sessions I find I can remember little to nothing of what has transpired during the time Joseph has been speaking through me, so it is always a joy to read a Joseph transcription (Joseph’s words are recorded by the three other members of our ‘Band Of Light’, as Joseph describes it, the four of us sitting regularly to receive his communications) and to discover that, during the time I have been voluntarily ‘taken over’ and taken out of the picture, a phenomenal amount of vital information has been transmitted. It was with particular delight, then, that I read the transcripts for this book. To say that Joseph had once again ‘delivered the goods’ would be an understatement. Here was a book that, in his characteristic, no-nonsense way, addressed the subject of life after death in illuminating and comprehensive detail, asking and answering the questions we all voice concerning the subject; answering questions we’d never thought of asking, and also turning on their head any preconceived ideas we might have about what actually does lie ahead for us – for you – once the physical body has been left behind. Forget clouds and harps, obviously. Forget Heaven and Hell too. Forget the traditional views of punishment and reward. Forget certain occult assumptions that glibly quote a finite number of ‘levels of being’ beyond physical life and the reaching of a precise number of heavens, these beliefs confining and restricting the reality of the afterlife by the human need to make everything fit neatly into that fiercely calculating, but rarely comprehending, mental box that is the physical mind. Instead, here is a book that tells it like it is from outside of that box – with heart and from a high spiritual perspective. Here is a book written by someone who has personally walked and observed the various landscapes ‘beyond the veil’; a book suffused with spiritual input that applies to our lives in this world now as much as to the next, and that delivers that information in a succinct, contemporary way. There never have been any jarring ‘thees’ or ‘thous’, or airs or pretensions threaded through Joseph’s words… Nor would I expect there to be from a spirit intending to relate to twenty-first century life. Joseph cares not for himself and his past lives… but for you and your present one. This book has been presented in exactly the way that Joseph delivered it, and where he sometimes hesitates when searching for the right words to illustrate complex concepts his attempts to turn the unseen into the readable and the understandable have been included in the text. This, I feel, makes him more human somehow… this, plus, of course, his sense of humour and obvious limitless love for mankind, which shine through every chapter. Also, and although this is a very complete book on the subject in its own right, we invariably discover, as he sheds Light (with a capital L) onto more areas that were previously regarded as unfathomable spiritual mysteries, that Joseph has even more to tell us (life, the Universe and…well… everything is a vast topic, after all) and you will therefore, on occasion, note in the text that he refers to topics we have yet to receive from him and which, God willing, will be covered in future communications… Perhaps even in a companion book to this one. Joseph always invites questions after each address he delivers within our little circle and these have also been included, as his detailed answers to them offer a wealth of further information of vital importance to the spiritual seeker. Time for me to bow out now, much as I do when Joseph takes up temporary residence in my mind and body – and time for you to, literally, be transported to another world… or worlds, as I should more correctly say. If you are changed in any way by your journey through this book and feel you would like to know more about the Joseph Communications, why not keep in touch with us? You can contact us via our website: josephspeaks.com Michael G. Reccia March 2011 Terminology: ‘the Field’, ‘the Fall’ – a brief explanation If you are new to the Joseph Communications and have not read Revelation: Joseph’s Message and Illumination: Joseph’s Vision, the first two books in this series, allow me to qualify the terms ‘the Field’ and ‘the Fall’, which Joseph refers to at points throughout this book. The Field When referring to ‘the Field’ Joseph is describing the conscious field of thought- energy we, as spirits on Earth, are surrounded by and live within. Every second of our lives we project our thoughts and beliefs as to the nature of reality into this energy field. The Field is actually created and maintained by us, but we have lost sight of this fact. As a result of us forgetting this, which is in itself as a result of ‘the Fall’ (see below), the Field is not operating as it was originally intended to. It was supposed to serve us, but at the moment we, in effect, serve it. It exhibits, and seeks to perpetuate in us, a negative charge and outlook, and, because of this and its disconnection with God-Light, is maintaining itself and us via a finite and dwindling amount of energy. The Field in its present state, and therefore also we as human beings existing within it, cannot last much longer. Joseph urges us to re-energise the Field with God-Light and, by doing so, to transform it and take control of it once again for the betterment and continuance of mankind and of the planet. The Fall …is a term that Joseph applies to a complex decision and action taken by human souls millions of years ago which resulted in a cataclysmic change in vibration that plunged the Earth into a darkness we and the planet are still suffering from and feeling the effects of. This change in vibration separated us in conscious thought from our God-heritage and resulted in the negative, violent, power- hungry world and society we currently live in. The Fall is a vast and fascinating subject, and a book is in preparation chronicling exactly what happened at the time this event took place and the consequences of it having done so. Chapter One

Your Life After Death The book that answers life's BIGGEST QUESTION ...what happens to me when I die? According to Joseph -- the ancient, highly evolved spirit who has lived in an enlightened sphere of reality ‘beyond the veil' for thousands of years - there are countless opportunities and wonders
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