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Preview The Johns Hopkins University News-Letter, Volume 105, Number 24 (2001 April 19)

WJ 9O -H NL S§SE TH oTO P EK I N $s VoLumE CV, Issur 24 E UBLISHED SINCE 1896 BY THE STUDENTS OF THE JOHNS Hopkins UNIVERSITY Aprit 19, 2001 Students | Fi7iancial Crisisand petition — to keep Saes e equiv. COSI BY MEGAN HIORTH THE JOHNS Hopkins News-LetTrer The Homewood Student Affairs committee (HSA) of Student Coun- soraey cil has gathered more than 1,200 stu- Gingrich spoke about the speed at which technoClHoUgNyG wiLllE Ei/nNcErWeSas-eL.E TTER dent signatures to protest the elimi- nation of meal equivalency at Gingrich discusses Levering Hall next year. HSA intends to present the signatures to Johns Hopkins University administrators before next Friday, when the Univer- future technology sity receives dining plan proposals. “T want to show the administra- tion that almost every student wants [meal equivalency at Levering],” said Stephen Goutman, co-chair of HSA. “COURTESY OF JOHNS HOPKINS: KNOWLE. The HSA petition says that meal Johns Hopkins in World War Il, waits BY JULIE TREMAINE tinue to make the world smaller,” equiv. is important at Levering be- THE JOHNS Hopkins News-Letter said Gingrich. cause it provides a place for consis- He said that the belief that all tent interaction between upperclass- Thisisthesecondin athree-part yy Former Speaker of the House of humans can communicate with each men and underclassmen. News-Letter series that examines Representatives Newt Gingrich dis- other almost instantaneously is not “Thejuniors and seniors are going three defining periods in the cussed the “Age of Transition and correct, but will be soon. to be there, so the freshmen and Hopkins history. Last week, we Technological Revolution” as part “We have never before lived ona sophomores should be too,” said discussed the University’s found- unging the United si of the 2001 Johns Hopkins Sympo- planet where every human being is Goutman. “] want the traffic to re- ing, focusing on Johns Hopkins States into a decade-long depres- ity. Hopkins also left sium on Foreign Affairs. wired to every other human being,” main in Levering next year.” and Daniel Coit Gilman. This sion, the Johns Hopkins University mark on America’wsar effort, Gingrich described the future as he continued. “That’s not true According to Dean of Students week, we look at the Depression wasn’t immune from the crisis. The thanks to extensive research con- a time of constant change. [now]. About one-hthae lwofrl d has Susan Boswell, eliminating meal and World War I eras, a time of Great Depression ushered in an era of ducted on the Homewood cam- “You are entering an age of tran- never made a phone call. But it will equivalency at Levering will help the mounting deficits. In next week’s economic uncertainty for the Uni- pus, as well as at the Applied Phys- sition,” Gingrich said. “The tech- be true in 25 years.” University increase food quality in final installment, we will scrutinize versity. ics Lab, of which the University took nological and scientific changes in According to Gingrich, this in the dining halls. Hopkins today and its plans for the But, along with the rest ofthe coun- control in 1942. the developments around the world CONTINUED ON PAGE A3 CONTINUED ON PaGE A3 future. try, Hopkins’ money troubles re- CONTINUED ON Pace A3 are going to continue to unfold so rapidly that each time you learn Fukuyama discusses something, itwillbeinordertolearn | Candidates debate platforms something else.” In the near future people will see “dramatic ... changes in how we do role of social capital things” because of the rapidly in- creasing technology that will “con- Students BY SEAN FORMATO those in community centers and THE JOHNS Hopkins News-LeETTER gyms. Although America has tradi- tionally been strong in social capital, at risk for Francis Fukuyama, author of the Fukuyama believes the sense of com- 1991 book The End of History and the munity in America has been declin- Last Man, spoke on the role social ing lately. respiratory capital plays in the global economic “There is a reduction of the aver- community as part of the 2001 Sym- age size of the groups we’re involved posium on Foreign Af- fairs (SFA) Thursday disease night. Fukuyama also ad- dressed the importance of social capital in America’s development BY JESSICA KRONISH as an economic super- THe JOHNS Hopkins News-LeTTER power. Fukuyama defined » Twenty-three colleges have re- social capital as the de- ported cases of acute respiratory ill- gree to which people ina mess among students who traveled given region feellike they to-Acapulco, Mexico during Spring belong to a community. Break. Social capital is impor- ~*Health experts suspect the symp- toms experienced by affected stu- tant economically be- cause people are more dents, including fever, dry cough, chills and chest pain, might be evi- likely to form economic ties with others when dence of histoplasmosis, a disease éaused by the fungus Histoplasma LIZ STEINBERG/NEWS-LETTER they trust their commu- capsulatam. Students running for positions as officers for the Class of 2003 answered audience members’ questions. nities, according to Fukuyama. *-Though officials at Johns Hopkins University believe that as BY JULIA KARWOWSKI Camille Fesche, the other candi- Kavasery called for more career “A soccer club may be many as 20 Hopkins students may THE JOHNS Hopkins News-LetTeR date for the position, explained that planning and social programming, atrivial organization, but LIZ STEINBERG/NEWS-LETTER have been in the area at the time the she would provide organization and noting that the Class of 2003 will have in a sense, it’s a school Fukuyama spoke in Mudd Hall last Thursday. outbreak occurred, none have been Improving Student Council’s so- more key events for the senior class. an increased budget of $5,000. for association,” he said. fsd=oai*rjaL dgti hnneotd shaHae etda Rlhtswohita tuhdda eensntdh,t e sW ednliuwlsrnhesaeoess es. m waCeenrnaetg eerri,n whccieeaalrnlded aicdaTtamiutveoeisntsdi gea sya t.i as nstudhAee cs cc rcodeairansdtdciiiunndsggas tecedlts ao s bsy fNu oecnrwliusatsm-ys apKrnaevdsaF isrTdeooernmnyt y,. tMThraear ng Cola aresP sie rturonafsn ,i 2nK0gh0 3of,io r TRchlaaavsnis CanoduP nipceeitprlC ahOsroNa lTslIstieNumsUgo.gE reDes btOaeNnd d PsA tGhEoan t A t4hS et uBdeeancth tbahseasctoaF cuuAiskmaetue iryooianfcms a at h tehi east xnr puiolcmcahbci uenirren d s hooecrfie a,cl oscmuacmphio tnaal s litnie,oa”ng uselasei.ad d sF utko uay asmmaa,ll ear ndc irtchlies orfe dcuocl-- While Americans used to partici- Ascyampputlocmos aonfd thhe avdei seaesxep erariee nccuerd- Ltoe tt1e0r peesotpilmea twesh,o awpeprre oxniomt atmeelmyb efrisve INSIDE, FAIS [SSUE pate in groups such as AFL-CIO, the rently “being evaluated.” ; of Student Council attended the aFrumkeudy amfaor cecsl aiamnedd lotchaalt tchheu rcsohceisa,l toRc~afho<i omDntameuhddeeee sn sett th o a tssf itausuairstddtu e tehnhsetsi rssh o, ef op noc wbiouantntsthf ei dnsueochnn oetan oibdnalmieleat i iithnoyat-n,so eoGvfoe unCGtttaho.men u adtinCmd laaanats,nesds oMtrfhau ent n2ti0chn0uge2r w r efanTortrre e zpzCrSalet.ase sipsdh eenontf ToNfoEf.Ra NP ofS5.u 2rM iTaoJRruoIsyhP ln fsaoU nuPHdro tphBlk LaiqsUuntE as rw teJceeAorkuY elSrdna nldl’.yt hforTlohdme ConTENTS gmnmoroetovd uAeiapc susc m tocsooarw hndaediors nfdiI gv nte lto eedstraassony e,ptt eFh rsoucssukhoecaun htay o lfaar smot saohosem,cu si ppa,alp s tothair.rint es- been diagnosed with histoplasmo- 2002 president, reminded the audi- Jays dropped the game, 10-9, and fell teractions has caused the quality of sis. ence that nextyear’s senior class needs to No. 6 in the polls. Page Al2 Exposure American social capital to decline, Dean of Students Susan Boswell, experience in order to get a job and Features but it has also been instrumental in sUDaneiipdHva eortrwhtseamitvte eyntr ht,eo fB “(taIBh leaCt miHdm Dios)uren eaa swneCoa itrltieayfs itHe oedwf ae leatktnh.hye hH“ahovipTgekh rieenfrzsu z.na q uadlusiartiiydn ge hveet hnetwisar” n tlasasn td tyoee naharob lsaett oIisTf ’rrSCe eodT-leolHsepEice gtnniCiionOnnggN, Etti hhtesai tr b iigsga.g lAelfestrtey rs, a ttttwhroea c yBteiMaornA,s PrreArAeAe rreree eer ieeee teenrnreie etneetneteseaee eee iacacnptciirFtoeuanalkss uiiniyngn a omAttmahheee rraai lmcsnoaoa .tusi noptno sk.oe f Hasoebco iusatal i dis notcteihraa-lt Hopkins students who have been students to have a “smooth transi- the Cone Collection, this Sunday. It’s the way people conduct business re- treated [for the disease],” Boswell tionC uorurte notf HoVpikcei nsP”r esident Shanu free with your JCard! Page B1 Preece OrEr Terie etter errr) flects influences from their govern- added. ments, religions and histories. These “(There is] no confirmation that Kohli, the only candidate running for GOMEZ! THE JOHNS HOPKINS cultural differences accountfo rm uch Hopkins students are sick at this vice president, said she wishes to Dude, that’s John Astin! The real NEWS-LETTER of the sense of community within any point,” agreed BCHD epidemiolo- maintain a “balance between experi- one. Not just some impersonator, given region. gist S.B. Wee. ence and creativity.” And he’s teaching at Hopkins this PUBLISHED SINCE 1896 “Ifyoulook around the world, you Although no Hopkins students Olivia Elee, candidate for secre- semester. Gee, Writing Sems must be Main Phone Number 410.516.6000 willsee that social capital isnotevenly have been diagnosed with the dis- tary/treasurer, currently holds the the coolest department. Page B6 Business/Advertising +41 0.516.4228 distributed,” Fukuyama said. ease, Boswell said, “It is my under- position for her class and wants to He identified southern Italy as standing that there were some stu- make Hopkins more unified and http://newsletter.jhu.edu e-mail * [email protected] CONTINUED ON PAGE A3 ~~ Conrinuep on Pace A4 “more bearable,” she said. A2 THE JOHNS Hopkins News-Letrer Aprit 19, 20@1 NEWS AROUND THE COUNTRY Group calls for end Law to limit student credit card debt of Indian mascots | BY T. J. PIPITONE “What does it take for a college Slaughter told those in attendance teaching students how to spend Campus Times (U. RocHEsTER) student to get a credit card? It turns during her introductory statement money they do not have.” > out the credit card companies are that close to one in 10 undergradu- New York is among a handful of BY JOHN KELLY Judge Michael Mihm extendedatem- | (U—WIRE) ROCHESTER, N.Y. practically giving them away — by ates owe more than $7,000 in credit states considering legislation that Dairy Iuunt (U. ILtNots) porary restraining order against the — College students may soon have the lure of free T-shirts and mugs — card debt. would create rules governing credit University until June 11. the U.S. government as their ally in with little scrutiny ofa student's abil- “The number of bankruptcies card solicitation on campus. ‘. (U-WIRE) CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The restraining order, which was | the battle against credit card debt. ityt o repay their debt,” Slaughter said among individuals under the age of Maziarz’s bill would notaffect pxj- The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights issued April 6, bars the University | Congresswoman Louise Slaughter in a statement introducing the bill on 25 have nearly quadrupled in the last vate universities such as UR, hoy- has called for non-Indian schools to from prohibiting students and staff | (D-N.Y.), whose constituents hail the floor of the House of Representa- five years,” Slaughter said. ever. Instead these universities at- stop using American Indian names from contacting potential athletic re- from Monroe County, introduced the tives. “As a result, a lot of college A research study done by Harvard temptto regulate credit card solicitors and mascots while suggesting their cruits about the Chief controversy. bipartisan College Student Credit students end up takian crgas h course University law professor and bank- in their own ways. use might violate anti-discrimination Mike Drish, junior in LAS and Card Protection Act (H.R. 184) in debt management.” ruptcy expert Elizabeth Warren in The Universityo fR ochester makes laws. president of Students for Chief| March 28. American Express is one example 1999 documented a 51-percent in- all vendors who wish to set up shopin Though Friday’s recommendation Illiniwek, said he thinks the statement The proposed bill would limit the of a credit card company that uses crease in the number of people aged Wilson Commons fill out a vending by the commission has no legal im- won't carry much weight with deci- available credit line that a credit card enticing features such as discounts 18 to 24 applying for bankruptcy since application and standing agreement pacton the Univerosf Iilltinyois , anti- sion makers. company can give a student to 20 onretailitemsandairfare to persuade 1991. form that requires they pay a flat fee Chief groups consider the movea step “I really think the biggest effect perceonft hi s or her annual incomei f college students to sign up for their “Credit cards are a terrible thing. of $45 per day if they are doing what forward. will be the outcome of the Board of the student does not have a co-signer card. We lose more students to credit card the form calls “sign-ups” for credit Cyd Crue, president oft he Illinois Trustees committee,” Drish said. for the card. It would also require American Express spokeswoman debt than to academic failure,” cards, phone cards, etc. ‘ chapter of the National Coalition on University spokesman Bill parents who co-sign to agree in writ- Monica Beaupre said in an article in Slaughter said, quoting John The agreement also says vendors Racism in Sports and the Media, said Murphy said the commission’s state- ing to any and all increases in the the Democrat and Chronicle that the Simpson, an Indiana University ad- can only be on campus twice a semes- it is encouraging to see a federal com- ment will be considered by the com- | credit limit. company does not make any com- ministrator. ter for a one- to three-day period be- mission take a stance against Indian mittee, which was established at the The bill is heralded as a way for ments on legislative proposals, but Following Slaughter’s lead, New ginning on a Monday or ending ona mascots. March 7 Board of Trustees meeting studentst o protect themselves from she added that the company does have York State Senator George Maziarz Friday. ! “I don’t think it’s the end,” Crue to look further into the controversy. the current onslaofu crgedhit tca rd a plan in place to help students use (R/C-North Tonawanda) scheduled Director of Wilson Commonsan said, “but I think it’s the beginning of “They will look at the issues raised | solicitations that have caused many their cards responsibly. a public forum Tuesday at SUNY Student Activities Rob Rouzer said the end.” by each one oft hese actions and take | students to declare themselves Mastercard and Visa also follow Brockport to discuss legislation to that UR does not receive any other The commission’s two-page state- them into consideration,” he said. bankrupt. similar strategies. ban the marketing ofc redit cards on monetary compensation outside of ment called the use of American In- SUNY and CUNY campuses across the vendor’s fee. : dian images and nicknames “insensi- Animal rights activists challenge the state. Rouzer does not agree with any tive” and said their use is particularly “Currently, thereis no statute pro- suggested law that would treat college disturbingi n educational institutions hibiting a state-financed institution students differenttlhyan other adults. “where diverse groups of people come from merchandising credit cards,” “T believe the issue is not a law that pro-life groups to try veggie diet together ... to interact respectfully Maziarz said in a press release. “The targets college students and credit, with people from different cultures.” purpose oft his legislation is to miti- but rather a need to address the banks The statement also said, “The ste- | gate the chances of students overbur- and credit card companies and the reotyping of any racial, ethnic, reli- | dening their own resources and to way they allow unrealistic credit lim- gious or other groups when promoted | BY YI-CHEN ARIEL WU tor Bruce Friedrich. “The best way to own weight, and many die ofs tarva- | remove SUNY and CUNY from par- its to the population in general,” by ourp ublic educational institutions | THE LANTERN (Ouro STATE U.) ensure that youand your family won't tion within inches of food after they | taking in the dangerous precedent of Rouzer said. é teach all students that stereotyping of get sick is to go vegetarian.” become crippled and unable to walk. minority groups is acceptable, adan- | (U-WIRE) COLUMBUOShi,o — Though the campaign makes sense Sroka said PETA has some points gerous lesson in a diverse society.” People for the Ethical Treatment of to some, it doesn’t mean as much to about the treatment on animals that NTHEE WJSIO-uLHNE S THTOPE RKI N S§S - The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights | Animals is challenging anti-abortion others. are used for food. “The treatment is a fact-finding agency in the execu- | groups to act on their beliefs. “It’s interesting. P’ve never heard probably needs to be reformed,” he tive branch that was established un- PETA is running a campaign to of this before. I’ve never actually said. der the Civil Rights Act of 1957. encourage students to think about thought of pro-life as being vegetar- Some people don’t believe eating | PUBLISHED SINCE 1896 BY THE STUDENTS OF THE JOHNS HopKINs UNIVERSITY / University biology professor what they claim is the hypocrisy of ian. But I think too many Americans vegetables doesn’t mean killing. Stephen Kaufman, who has been a applying anti-abortion ideals only to enjoy their steaks,” said Mike “They (PETA) kill life anyway. EDITORIALBOARD vocal supporter of retiring the Chief, humans and to urge them to choosea Bramnik, a junior in history. They kill plants so they can eat,” said said decision makers should take the flesh-free diet. “T don’t think I agree with them. Jen Craig, a freshman in animal sci- Editors-in-Chief Tom Gutting, Chris Langbein statement as a hint and act now — “People who support slaughter- They have some points, but I’m really ence. “What’s the difference between before they are forced to. houses every time they lift a fork can- not pro-life or pro-vegetarian. I like killing an animal and getting those Business Manager Patrick Deem, Jr. “T thinki t sets the tone for national in ot truly call themselves “pro-life,” meat too much,” said Joshua Sroka, a nutrients out of thatandkillinga plant Managing Editors _ Charbel Barakat, S. Brendan Short concern on this issue,” Kaufman said said Aaron Gross, aH arvard Univer- seniori nm echanical engineering. and getting those? Either way they’re of the statement. “I would hope that sity Divinity School graduate student A-riéws release from PETA re- killingsomething.”= ‘Advertising Managers. 0710" Sophia Choi, jained Tea Governor Ryan, the Board of Trust- and college action campaign coordi- ported more than 26 billion animals Natasha Gist, a senior in psychol- ees and President Stukel would take nator for PETA. “We’ré saying, “Put would .be needlessly, thoughtlessly ogy, said, “I’m pro-life, but I think it Classifieds Editor aS fack Li this as an indication ofw here the fu- your money where your mouth is: slaughtered for food in the U.S. alone is different. It’s kind of different be- Photography Editors Chung Lee. Ana Zampino ture of using Native Americans as Buy veggie food — only veggie food.” this year, and according to the release cause we don’t kill children and eat sports symbols rests and would act It makes sense to Jen Ehrnsberger, mostlive miserably and die painfully. them. It is being a little hypocritical Copy Editors Sabina Rogers, Julia Schiesel now in the interest of the University an Ohio State University junior in Cattle are branded, de-horned and but it’s a little different.” of Illinois rather than wait for this to early childhood development. “Ifyou castrated without anesthesia or pain- “T see the connection between Special Editions/Focus Editors Charles Donefer, Natalya Minkovsky be mandated from the outside.” are going to be pro-life for humans, killers. Pigs live in hard concrete stalls challenging humans to just think News Editors Jeremiah Crim, Liz Steinberg Crue said she thinks the statement you should be pro-life for everybody, so small they can’t even turn around about pro-life being in terms of hu- will aid her group with litigation including animals. I don’t know if or lie down comfortably. Chickens mans but also extending it to think Features Editors Shannon Shin, Michael Spector against institutions “that are not in this campaign is going to be success- are genetically bred to grow so large, about that into animals as well,” said compliance with civil rights and anti- ful, but I think it is meaningful.” so fast that they can’t support their Elizabeth Embrey, a senior in English. Sports Editors David Gonen, David Pollack discrimination issues.” PETA considers health perspec- Students protest hikes Arts Editors Matt O’Brien, Caroline Saffer She said her organization is pres- tives in the campaign it is running. ently investigating “alllegal avenues” “If you eat any animal product, Science Editor Brian Kim but doesn’t yet have a definite plan to from chicken to chops, you already in tuition and housing Opinions Editor Kathy Cheung file suit against the University, which have to worry about salmonella, E. is already involved in a court battle coli, campylobacter, heart disease, Events Editor Michelle Fensiér with the American Civil Liberties stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, Union of Illinois. as well as your weight. Now, you can Electronic Editions Editor Andrew Pinzler The commission’s recommenda- add mad cow disease to the list,” said BY ALMA OLAECHEA percent to give faculty and staff fair Systems Manager Jason Gordén tion came a day after U.S. District PETA’s Vegan Campaign coordina- Datty Loso (U. or New Mexico) pay, and that the Legislature is ex- pecting another 5-percent increase. Graphics Editor Jeffrey Freiling U. Montana students (U-WIRE) ALBUQUERQUE, “Next time, all you need to do is N.M. — About 20 students marched make an appointment,” he said, com- NEWSASSISTANTS ADVERTISINGASS#STANT é to Scholes Hall chanting “No tuition menting on their march through Will Adams, David Crandall, Chun Ye “ increases” after an election rally spon- Scholes Hall. David Merrick, Jessica Kronish streak to protest mine sored by M.E.Ch.A in Smith Plaza Avelina Martinez, a co-chair of . Monday. M.E.Cinhvi.tedA al.l p,eop le and can- SPORTSASSISTANT BUSINESSASSISTANT ‘ Their voices echoed through the didates to speak at the rally about the Ron Demeter Emilie Romeiser : administrative hallways as they tuition increase and ASUNM elec- it STAFFWRITERS ih Duval added the streakers didn’t knocked on and tried to open doors tion issues. Candidates and students BY NATE SCHWEBER affect the Sterling Mining Company that said, “Please Come In,” but were encouraged voting and shared their Ashita Batavia, Eric Bein, Sharon Braune, Adrian Breeman, Jetfr MontTAna KaIMIN at all. locked. platforms over SUB construction Chang, Zainab Cheema, Jamie Chiou, David Choi, Mahnu Davart, (U-WIRE) MISSOULA, Mont. _ “Maybe if we were in the clothing The students, which included noise ata podium in front of about 40 Robert Davies, Etti Eckstein, Dave Fishman, Richard J. Hagerman, Six University of Montana students business we’dbe affected,” Duval said. presidential candidate and ASUNM people outside of Zimmerman Li- Aaron Glazer, Barkha Gurbani, Sheryl Kane, Julia Karwowski, Ergn bared their beliefs and bodies on the “You’d think students would find a Sen. Tim Serna, Sen. Javier Martinez brary. Kilian, Jessica Kronish, Matt Kroot, Yong Kwon, Antonia Lee, UM Oval Monday afternoon to draw mre mature way of protesting some- and Senate candidate Celestina Ben Tucker, a Progressive Student Marcus Leung-Shea, Chris Lui, Daniel MacNeil, Jorden Manass@ attention to the Sterling Mining thing. Running around naked, to me, Torres, were protesting the Univer- Alliance member, encouraged stu- Robin Mohapatra, Andy Moskowitz, Jessica Myers, Brandom r tCMhioesm s“pJoa uChnllayaav’.res k abpsFlooalrunkt et ol ybR uinivole drd oau msbitonsu et ahb noeuaotrf tCiosr ekvSieeenrknsd ei moohrife n rfeLsoi eosllbafi e scHohanu. u”n stthe e spoarifd o tphsoehs ee’ssdt rgeRoaoikcnekrg ttscihhotaenyt s oiwRfdio leblrN eaebrtweti sodM nee cxRiioodcfoeo dm a , Bt otouadirratodyi oo monat f R1ie2 np3gc.0erm,ne. ta ssoi’enf dFtaaeodcndmitailsyni ’titsisoe t sarr teamtgteeeiennotdtn is Mngoims ne idnenoat tyiS cn’ehgsod luFbeceisacn taaHiunanscglee l aastntnhudd-e NiSealxsee,n ,J aJseofnf NSoShvraiihcnihin,vf aasrAa,rn ,mN aaJntuadlli iee O TeriS,eh maJapaienrneoe ,,P aLrNake,ul rsMeonan r gSYhoae nvgPci heitkr,as ,B hLuivnadnsa y what I’m doing,” Blair Stone said, min- spectacle. Scholes Hall. The group carrieda flier dents about its budget. STAFFPROTOGRAPHERS Pe) utes before shedding her jacket and “That’s pretty bold,” Hunt said. “T that listed concerns to give to the “We need a small revolution here Holly Martin, Nock Ubol ripping her pants off stripper-style. can tell they must feel very strongly Board of Regents, stating that it wants to make sure our tuition doesn’t go The streakers staged their demon- about this, and that makes me want to afair process to inform students about up,” Tucker said. COPYSTAFF WEBSTASE stration justafter 2 p.m. They sprinted look into it.” the tuition increase, student input He said the Board of Regents is Daisy Bang, Teresa Matejovsky from the University seal to the park- Hunt said she felt sympathetic to- involved with the decision anda pub- making UNM “a Harvard on the Rio Max Smolens piinlgeT dlho eti nbtheoah litfhn-rdde oeM zaegnie nta nwHuaadyle l vwephhrieoctrleeess t.et rhse,y wfoarrt“.d T hteh e wsotrmeaakne rsh’ adp hy.s.. icnaol sduipspcoormt-. l1i5s hpWeehdr ecbnern eta Bikilndlc orGweonars deo ofwn we hneta.rr eri vleadst yteoa rh’iss Gtaofr faao nrlddee ve”—l tbeheasctpa eiucssi taeol oli yth iipsgo hroa rfi ossrit npugde eotnputliste.i otno acaTdheem iJco hynesa rH obpyk itnhse Nsteuwdse-nLtest teorf Tihs ep uJbolhinssh edH oepvkeirnys ThUunirvsedrasyi tyd urwiinthg t=t hhee bcmwiwWsSieanotihlitteuloldouarld lldeaistct rlan,hinhnbllg eeleeoe aayws tlCcMr sahli if,wpeaNden”admprsoait s kxrrenie o aor nlgFvnpt ,v odhep e—er doMCs ks to o maena“tmiis RtShl ipn.tiaiveia n rceamgnkeTnrrsi ag.hly kn w ye —eie T cra t shpssohtte l t mrhJ aofeahpu noamtenarssk iea e enttn.verhhyte ypseeo gpt“Situh]po’ ebrsof lWiW“edcsIinleho tttctbil r t iebwdtrinpa aamneglksoede a,u . c ysmt”efls s uao,iaisr”kiWidt e deeh d’t W.bhvget ”ereeeh bp et etgrr, huio deuynap rsgwsot, shh,s an ”oeita w ddoka.oH eso,ut d r“hnI gbeftteau i sncnwnt.ai asr uzasaeiseanade_dyk. vfmo| ferefronisntcitest , y o fahh neatd sh es tetgoxo rporoldaua ipisi neni l ntitgush itetet inhoidannto g o atrtth woel a ecyaUos ntm#i -i-n3 rc—eh sanpTatoun,noc tdk“heeAerdcr .k tnsrtoiuweddl eentdtog etgoe tmr eetb heoelr , ”cg robo utwtod hfeeltwlo heaasSa(reixducHerocvbaoaneeBse©d simpcur2e nctrest0m boiiiiw0iledopsn0lcooctneee o i omgsydoneesmoeosn,n eaf,tsht rT os.hhanpa Mu oenerrreTliecdo sidhsJ e pd ieoas5aetcv has yhrpaarnatsetei.lsor, lymt i gaa. MlHrblS yeooo elc oxfapnechnr a tikdot eertmiohaprtco nelr y hus oeelBspN u saaaee rTtNernlw ienutitdsorwtehoi -nes drsmL a-HstodeodLot,hutareeso otgerty psetht sai erhe ntbr e.rafdeFe o .ol frglf r,oiiov rdtNco$aaeahPn2oclye 5ea s tt aic,emhpisbd aae eoo6it mrn1t,edT-s po0ry5sh.rui0, e uias0 mparl eTe-l Dsshs mdiot .ebnae wo o ryaTtnfv, rh hit Jidoeesoo$.f w h4 w ispdn0sAn ues slb afu elldoe xHiCr lspoc eimurtapnnabehttkemyesie i i’sorfnsfecbn)uol-s e.dle,l r Heather Duval, director of corpo- as a joke because he was frustrated reproduced without the expressed, written permission of the Editors-in-Chief, rate development for the Sterling about how little UM students know Mnoitn ihnagr mC otmhpe aennyv,i rosanimde ntth.e mine will abo“uItt ’st hhea pRpoecnki nCgr eienk Mominntea.n a, right rors reported in the Ap 112,2 001, edition ofthe The Johns Hopkins News-Letter |G e% “We are going to put in a very here at home,” Webre said. “And a News-Letter. The Gatehouse (corner of N, Charles Street and Art Museum Drive) 8. , u? expensive water treatmentsysttehma t lot of students have no idea what’s will create no change in the Clark going on.” . Mailing Address: Main Phone Number: (410) 516-6000 Fork’s water,” Duval said. Webre said he didn’t want the Shriver Suite 6 Business/Advertising: (410) 516-4228 “There is no way that we'll be pol- streakers to be affiliated with an The Johns Hopkins University Fax Number: (410) 516-6565 - luting the river.” groups. oh 3400 North Charles Street e-mail: [email protected] ‘ %6, Baltimore, MD 21218 http://newsletter.jhu.edu “3A Ye s 7 -. as AprIL 19, 2001 THE JOHNS Hopkins NeEws-LETTER N EWS Hopkins endures depression, war Former Speaker discusses future CONTINUED FROM Pace Al in uniform immediately. Those —— a FINANCIAL CRISIS studying engineering and medicine, whose skills needed more time to Hopkins was already short on develop, were allowed to continue cfUiancpeii tvianel rthswehi estnuy fm’imsfIets hra pi arho fe B1s9o3iw5.md aeHntin,oso tkp, rtoeh fe-- sschihfoItonel d.t hein ftaol l hiofg h1 9g4e2a,r .t hCel aUsnsievse rswietrye creasCeOi NnT IcNoUmEmDu niFcRaOtMi oPnAsG E tAelc hnol- dcieeatlyi nwgi ll whiatvhe ttho e fipndr onbelwe mwsa yst haotf | ogy has both benefits and draw- arise. tdHggmhereooeracpu omeknsusstics senhlodsoayro, n l,d ’ alsfaoc lnwoaJd.iamo tnsp,v peuOelppssbahe tun rtmse ae xtnpAiftiaonmsnrnce g sos inmw,oeae dwns e fifkdwpcraeerionrpotm-e-ts ohqumfuleaftasdeyltB rieyaefrs ldisert e.hred ayai tedo tyuaet sraile-cmynrhe geo,ra usdgnh.eed opd wlT eehiivtnane et rwd 1a, 6mr - ewptareohneeoets kle s dar frtaacrfcoiht--f ‘bTahckes. good side is we're Gagoifod niv“cTgnaWhrhgniaee ccn ethgoss, me aw joihtwornhi rklai,oltt t”hy etbu hehe neo ae lfosoas nlsra d utid dme.tfcea hunh netnis uownr’lleaeeo,r vg swtei losc raaa liroldedf put on hold. Faculty members had had to take on greater teaching all connectedT.h e bad nano-technology. even voluntarily agreed to take an loads, “Most oft he biological revolu- across-the-board 10-percent pay During 1941 and 1942, Hopkins side is we're all tion is on that level. The human cut. graduated a total of 2,500 workers ear hasa million moving parts,” he manU podnes igtnaekidn g a tthher eer-eiygenasr, fBuonwd-- dnaeuetm. ed essential to the war jugger- connectedTh.i s is a said. He added, “We didn’t know that raising effortt o allevtihea nteaerl y Also in 1942, the University on change we're not used 15 years ago becauswee didn’t have $200,000 in deficits that had accu- March 10 took over control of the the instrumentattoi loonok att hat mulated in spite of Ames’ frugal- Applied Physics Lab (APL), then level.” ity. located in Silver Spring. to. For the United States to keep up - Within six weeks, the Univer- Along with physics and chemis- with this changing technology, “sity had raised $500,000, enough try labs at Homewood, the APL — FORMER SPEAKER Gingrich said, we will have to start to wipe out its deficits. Coupled shouldered the burden of war-time OF THE HOUSE OF with children in school. with an improving economy and science. Hopkins was a leader in REPRESENTATIVES “We need to rethink teaching investment income, the military research, which it remains science from the ground up,” said NEWT GINGRICH University’s financial situation today, and made several notable Gingrich. seemed to be leveling off. contributitoon tsh e U.S. war effort. Children in the United States That enabled Bowman to turn It’s no surprise that Hopkins “The good side is we’re all con- are behind in math and science his attention to other aspects ofl ife took a leading role in coming up nected,” he said. “The bad side is because “science teachers [don’t] at Hopkins. He was especially in- with solutions to the military’s we’re all conneTchist ies ad ch.an ge know science” and weren't science terested in promoting undergradu- medical problems. COURTESY OF JOHNS HOPKINS: KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD we're not used to.” majors, which he said is an in- ‘ates, something the University’s The School of Medicine and Dr. Members of the Hopkins ROTC marched in front of Gilman Hall in 1938. In response to the improved creasing problem in America’s previous presidents hadn’t been F.Y. Wiselogle spearheaded a re- technology, Gingrich said that so- schools. enthusiastic about. search effort to produce a synthetic 500-bed hospitals, General Hospi- the war in the Fiji Islands before Ten years earlier, President subsfort quiininte, tuhe tdrueg u sed tal No. 18, headed by Dr. George G. moving to Burma. Frank Johnson Goodnow had pro- to battle malaafterr siupplaies, we re Finney and General Hospital No. In all, Johns Hopkins contrib- GUGGENHEIM FELLOWSHIP AWARDS. posed abolishthien figrs t two years cut off by the Japanese in the Pa- 118, headed by Lt. Col. James uted to more than 100 research of undergraduate instruction at cific. Bordley III. projects and received more than $16 Hopkins. Instead, he promoted a In 1942, the University produced When the U.S. entered the war, million in federal funding between This year, 183 artists, scholars and scientists were selected as winners of the 77th annual plan that would have coupled an 1 million units of theh uman serum both hospitals were sent to the Pa- 1941 and 1945. In addition, nearly John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation competition, announced last Thursday, includ- undergraduate’s final two years used in the yellow fever vaccine. By cific. Hospital 118 set up camp in 4,500 students, graduates and fac- ing the following two Johns Hopkins University professors. The winners were selected from an with his first two years of graduate 1943, Hopkins had identified the Australia and later moved on to the ulty members served in the mili- study. causes and developed treatments for Island of Leyte. Hospital 18 began tary. Of those, 122 died. applicant pool of 2,700 and will receive awards totalling $6,588,000. Student enthusiasm for the plan scrub typhau disse,ase that affected 1,200 sign petition MARCEL DETIENNE was tepid at best, and Bowman, in American and Australian troops in his inaugural address on Feb. 22, the South Pacific. GILDERSLEEVE PROFESSOR OF 1936, assured his “resolute inten- But by far the most important tion to advance the interest, im- innovation came at the APL. The CLASSICS prove the quality and bring toahigh Roosevelt administration’s Office of | state ofe fficiency the Johns Hopkins Scientific Research and Develop- | CONTINUED FROM Pace AI food, there are still other reasons for GEORGE D. ROSE College of Arts and Sciences.” ment, headed by Hopkins trustee “It’s not efficient for that many keeping meal equivalency at Lever- WORLD WAR II Vannevar Bush, asked the Univer- | people to utilize {Levering],” said ing,” saidH SA member Kelly Hewett. PROFESSOR OF BIOPHYSICS AND sity to work on developing a “radio Boswell. “Rather than the meal plan Goutman said that it is crucial to The brief stability that proximity fuze.” It was the lab’s first being used by students in the dining settle the issue by next Friday, when BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Homewood enjoyed during the late major project under Hopkins’ di- halls, they end up subsidizing it in the contracts from prospective din- 1930s was shattered when World rection. | Levering.” ing providers arrive. He saidhehopes According to the Foundation, winners are selected based on “distinguished achievement in War IJ broke out. Though U.S. in- The electronic fuse, designed es- Current proposals for next year’s to see meal equivalency in Levering thep asta nge yceptiproomniasel f ofru turaec complishment. ‘volvement was nearly two years pecially for naval use, was attached dining plan includeiincreasing the nu- included in next year’s ‘contracts. ’ SBSh o RcA tRe E aEcdSe woe EEB e SA eei t oe _away, America had started to fire to a shell, using radio waves to col- tritional quality and appeal of food at up its war machine. lect data that would allow it to ex- Terrace and Wolman by using the -©> While American universities did plode near an enemy target without money saved with the elimination of benefit from an influx of European requiring a direct hit. Levering meal equivalency. “professors — Nobel laureate physi- Also known as a “variable time HSA organizers expressed con- scists James Franck and Maria (VT) fuse,” the technologways per- cerns over administrators eliminat- ‘Goeppert-Mayer were lured to fected by the fall of 1942 and ready ing Levering meal equivalency with- “Hopkins, as well as philologist Leo for mass production. It proved par- out seeking student opinions. _ Spitzer and others — the impend- ticularly effective in anti-aircraft “The quality of the food in Ter- ing war left a cloud of uncertainty defense for American naval ships in race and Wolman is increasing so “hovering over campuses. the Pacific. that the students don’t need Lever- In October 1940, Congress man- Radio proximity fuses became a ing, butit’s not just a food issue,” said -dated that colleges offer courses de- defense industry standard. By the Janet Lee, co-chair of HSA. “A lot of Thinking about signed to train defense workers, a end of the war, American General students are angry that they made the ‘burden which fell most heavily on George S. Patton thought so highly decision without student input.” ‘Hopkins’ School of Engineering. By of the devices, he said, “I think when “The freshmen and sophomores January 1941, day and night offer- all armies get this shell we will have already have a lot to complain about ‘ings of the defense industry-ori- to devise some new method of war- in other areas, with the dorms and the ented courses were made, and engi- fare.” construction and everything,” said Medical School? neering labs were kept open six days In 1944, the APL also developed HSA member Sagar Thaker. “It -aweek. Federal funding poured into and tested the first supersonic ram- doesn’t seem like the administration Hopkins’ labs, as scientists at jet engines, though they were never is giving at all. They’re just taking Homewood worked tirelessly on a incorporated into an airplane. things away.” variety of projects. But the war wouldn’t have been HSA organizers hope to send a The University’s ROTC program complete without Hopkins doctors message to Hopkins administrators. sent 400 students into service dur- playing their part on the battlefield. “They [will] have proof that a lot Come to a Kaplan MCAT Open House ing 1940 and 1941. In 1940, the Surgeon General asked of students would be angry if meal With the onset of the general Hopkins to organize a 1,000-bed equivalency was taken away from draft after the attack on Pearl Har- _ hospital. Levering,” said Lee. bor, many undergraduates were put This project turned into two, “Regardless of the quality of the Meet the Baltimore MCAT instructors and Kaplan Center Staff Fukuyama talks about differences Learn about Kaplan's MCAT prep Takea tour of the Baltimore Center and check out the training library in social capital throughout world Attend an informational seminar Tuesday, April 24° CONTINUED FROM PAGE Al nese people conduct business reflected in what each nation pro- “one of the lowest social capital ar- mostly within the family because duces. Japanese companies produce eas in the world.” they have more loyalty to their fami- items that require cooperation from Baltimore Kaplan Center Although under the same gov- lies than to their socialist govern- several different groups of people, ernment as northern Italy, south- ment. such as micro conductors, while ern Italy is worse off economically “Essentially, differences between Chinese companies produce simple Chinese and Japanese culture can goods, such as toys, that come from Med School AdmissioQn &s A be described by the radius of trust,” one family’s factory. |S oEuEth eRrTn IStaSly [is] SS said Fukuyama. “Chinese compa- SFA directors Mustafa Ahmed 6pm and 7:30pm nies tend to be small because they and Arati Shroff seemed pleased MCAT Strategies are normally owned and operated with the Fukuyama’s speech. tome of the Mafia and by a single family.” “I really enjoyed tonight’s _ 6pm and 7:30pm “In Japan the family is stable but event,” said Shroff. “It’s the best _ bribe politics. extremely weak in terms of social event we’ve had so far. I think he obligation,” he added. was able to captivate the audience Preregister and receive a MCAT Science Sampler! | — FRANCIS FUKUYAMA The difference between the so- and really have an intellectual dis- cial capital of Japan and China is cussion at the same time.” e“¥e rtihe an its northern counterpart due FERRELL Rofroshwimllo bne tsersve d toalow radius of trust in the region. .. “Southern Italy [is] home of the Performance Footwear™ Mafia and bribe politics,” said Fukuyama. “You cannot explain the _ difference between northern and BALAOAe e southern Italy in terms of formal institutions.” 1-900-KAP-TEOT 4 ~~ Fukuyama also used social capi- thebootlegger.com kaptest.com “ -t al toe xplain the economic differ- ences between China and Japan. ‘ding toFu kuyama, theC hi- 1-800-948-2564 MCAT bea regb dered treteersat oft re Awesdution ofA inerican Meadead Cobogien. ye A4 APRIL 19, 2007: © THE JoHNS Hopkins News-Letrer NEWS = Histoplasmosis cases Council approves constitution change, discovered at Towson announces recipients of SEALS award dents CfOrNoTmI NUTEoDw sFoRnO M [PSAtGatEe AUln iver- beaxtp odsreodp ption gtshe, viarnuds ihfuthmea nsso ilcwahne rbee | BY DAVID CRANDALL stitution,” said Executive President rated as the Mattin Center this Fri- mak« e[ Thiet son ewt hata rt whoefnfe riynogus ] lewaivlel sityW] eweh o cobnefciarmmee di ll.t”h at, as of April tuhpe. infected droppings are is stirred THE JOHNS Hopkins News-LeTTER gAoniunjg Mtihtrtaolu.g h “A[lolu rt hcaotn swtei’truet idono]i nga ndis day.“ There’s a digital media center {in jHuospt kkinnosw lyeodug e wiolfl Ohragvoe amnodr em atthh,a”n pr12ee,cp toHt rewttahoead dtd settthduoed ebstneiht acstks nitecihksn so uwMigiasth rhh yiofsltfthaieocn ipdali llasls wnmeesusorsse--. ttathh aetrWt ehe ese tw uahdsoeet xenplct,los an iswtnthreriaducv cehtl tiehodamn ta tyoai tn Ahptcahrvaeoep g urtldeicismsose- || WareemcdeiSnnptieduedsmnedetnsant yt o f Ctnthoioiu gsnh icttyis e laac rno’dnsas ptSpaittrnuuondtvoeienuotdnn cEeoxadn-n cmhianMngig tiBtnaogla redvw eatsro y tHhcOioPnn.gf ”i fdreonmt Ptrhoagtr atmh-e t“tmhBhaeait sniigMoscan at lltliikyane n dsiC ote unacntaddenv r a]en.ddc”io et idsn vagei,rda y rdt Gi gocipuotrtamolmpd alaunncei.-x- sSaaigdaC ro uCnlTcahsiaslk emroe.f mb20e0r3s Ralespor esseeenmteadt ivexe- cited about Fever 2,a dance party that sccliaelsu,gu siOdteotehsnhe. ee”yl r la ar,ep o“smncsoyiotcb colrcepui lldiacnisagoum dsoaeuo stm yoarcmn yoa syao idteshine,n-r- rbpcuaersptoeHtvwseeee d ne .nso” tsf or ietlsh iselie lndn c etoshtnsehs attarw ruaetacsh.t e i o“ansn sootac nida[ tyietothn]e cmSienee lreolCvteroiinducnceenger c. i Atl(ow SarcErehAfdalL enScgtf) eo rdt hLeai tet ars edycceeeorsnnsttsh teiirmtpdeu artygai’enosrnd BBrei ntgh eryeo.u rB rfiankge .y oBurri ngI D. tGdpieroonountf“.tse”(m sHastoinhpoe.k n iaclnh“sasI tn ’cste io s g]to coio gnmdogeoi ndgtio ig ni,tgt”oia lv,eai dnhvdsiitegtud-eh wRLiaeltlliaV ntib iceoPe na hslea lPcdreG e.ro senig d TeWnhutus rasioddfa ytI nsnhtiigthhautet h itaootn ptae hlde OC(“vvoepAialrCrlAleuHeleCsAdi,gH ) meA.i a’tn chsaac rtoy HrW edaealiiblln nt gfhi los lirt tome pa ettrArhiesesop sononAo rsmct eiehradaeit si cittoahhrennaert- gtanotooeetm sdWsH e esweue cien ltkaroh dsse aemdpicleeodoyddr l i tdrtcesehat daslht oe a rmtb a btetfhlcl“teeuae a, un pdtstspiiehorso o eonspa.xieest i soe m apsaslyostefome tcpleid-y-no || bHBomefooi tapntwTrkhgehdei ee nn Hws( iOC HltoPlOOh u.ePrnn g)coPa.iwrnl aoi czgTatarhatmaeisem oanmn diP smnrfuegoobnr gc tBroP omaramomdrigimdtdr i taanenmnoge-dt wgheatta e vderirn —kC.y LoAuS Sn eOeFd 20t0o4 atimmebneicognnh uMot oterif t mfohtebbnihreeeneeigd rdns fsg.r i” etn eho oefta ffhr epetrCo eoscMdsula inatbtsctishiilerlniso tuytCa ghlehaosnt fot teaahtrnreea lnaakberneetwdd-s ltadBnisheree aniertt tn“dh tBg ethe hBit fyesooit orbhdyguse teaerr ant eAFrc,ale.f”e lv a keedesrrmw.a,iaoi nnduBkw .lr.hC d”ili anc“sgbhBs e r w iwoahnfasag s 2t s0euyh0vceo4celu erdrPs r seefysaIyojrD]u--, stayed in or spent time on the pre- 99 percent of all cases ofh istoplas- affect the merger between the two center. PRESIDENT BOB ALLEMAN mises of the Calinda Beach Hotel” mosis are asymptomatic,” but he committees but rather was a move by in Acapulco. said that it can be fatal for infants, Council to keep its constitution up to na Accordingto the Center for Dis- the elderly and those suffering from | date with the structure of student ease Control Web site, H. diseases such as AIDS that compro- committees. merger would make programming STUDENT COUNCIL ATTENDANCE, APRIL 18, 2001 capsulatum is present in bird and mise the immune system. “We can’t touch [the HOP] con- easier for HOP. Executive Secretary Manish Gala Candidates discuss plans for office announced the winners of the SEALS Executive Officers 662-4992 Present awards, which recognize students VPrPe sIindsetnitt utAinounja l MiRtetlaalt ions Greg Wu 516-2595 Present who have contributed to the Hopkins VP Administration Haroon Chaudhry 467-3775 ABSENT undergraduate community. Secretary Manish Gala 516-3229 Present CONTINUED FROM Pace Al countable for its actions, he said. Greenfield said that her initiative “The SEALS awardis the most sig- Treasurer Vadim Schick 662-9733 Present Tran said that he wants to imple- McMillan’s main goal is to make and organization would bring about nificant on campus,” said Mittal. Class of 2001 ment “the ideas of the people.” He the junior class’ last two years at a new social calendar on which Stu- “We got around 40 applications President Margaret Richards 235-6813 Present clathiatm hiss t op change willbe hold- Hopkins “awesome.” dent Council would workasa group. | this year and most were established Vice President Kristin Marconi 662-9555 Present ing T“rmaon ree mpsohcaisali zeevde nttsh.e” importance a biTga vcihluongkl”u ostfsa otecdi atlh alti f“e Garte JeHkU .li feH eis becLoemee samiodr et haitn voshlev edw ouatl dJ HUl.ik eS hteo | ltoe aduenrdse rwghroa dcuoantter ibsuttuedde nstu bslitfaen,t” iaslaliyd || RRSeeeppcrrreeessteeannrttyaa/ttTiirvveees urSNetarek vueRlna mKCeahspahon ogrS inga 426644233---74858319134- 3657 AAPrBBeSSseEEnNNtTT of school spirit and addressed hous- said that he would try to create more said that sheis very accessib“lleov,e s Gala. “These are an excellent group Representative Eva Chen 235-2143 ABSENT unity between Greek life and Coun- money and loves to shop.” ofk ids.” iTnhga Skiaesrsrau ehs a.r e Cubmotmhi nrgusn ninagn d forS avgiacre cil. Bob Alleman and Ankush Gupta volvSeadl eeemn ousgaihd wtihtaht shteu dweanst lniofte tihni-s | awarOdf, thfeo ur1 8 osfttuhdeemn tasr e sCeloeucntceidl fmore mt-he CVPliracesess i dPoerfne ts2 i0dS0et2ne tp hSenh anGuo uKtomhalin 888899--37422316 APrBeSseEnNtT | president. spoke as candidates for President of past year but promised to bring bers, and more than half were on Stu- | Secretary/Treasurer Olivia Elee 889-8802 Present Cummings said that she is run- the Class of 2004. changes to Levering Hall and to In- | dent Council committeAmeonsg .t he Representative Katherine Dix 516-2567 Present ning for office because she believes it Alleman, the current freshman ternational Students. | recipients are Class of 2002 President Representative Henry Huang 516-2251 Present would “be fun.” She called for activi- class president, said that he would Whitney Austin, Steve Blank, Ali | Stephen Goutman, Class of 2001 Representative Priya Sarin 366-7766 ABSENT ties that students would actually at- like to improve class programming Fenwick, Erina Ng and Pong Wang, President Margaret Richards, Execu- Class of 2003 tend and wants to end class apathy. and create a more effective Hopkins are running for the position ofc lass tive Vice-Preofs Adimidniestrnattio n President Andy Woo 516-3501 ABSENT Thaker stressed the importance of Organization for Programming representative and spoke at the fo- Haroon Chaudhry and Executive Vice President Andy Gettens 516-3664 Present social programming such as a con- (HOP). rum. Treasurer Vadim Schick. Secretary/Treasurer Lili Daniali 261-1842 — ABSENT cert series and new events in order to Gupta promoted the continuation Austin said that she loves the di- Other students receiving the RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee PYroittia mD alGaolr en 541463--3672514- 4609 APrBeSseEnNtT “get the juniors back on campus.” of meal equivalency at Levering Hall. verse range of interests at Hopkins SEALS award include Liz Austin, Representative Sagar Thaker 516-3274 Present Chris CunJoisephc Goorode,nke r, Simone Chen, the current fresh- and said that she would like to repre- Ashley Borland, Cassidy Briggs, R.J. Hagerman, David McMillan and man class vice president, said that she sent “everyone.” Jamie Franco, Matt Langley, Eric Class of 2004 President Bob Alleman 516-5927 Present Omer Taviloglu, who are running for has “lots ofenergy” asshe campaigned Blank, a current representative, Leslie, Amanda Lin, Anna Palazij, Vice President Simone Chen 516-5660 Present representative, also spoke at the fo- for re-election to her position. said he wants to create class unity Steven Porter, Subir Sahu, Erin Secretary/Treasurer Emily Chow 516-3135 Present “rsutmuC.a duA enAnitCc o isnavee ioSAldIeevA tEe homeAaeS L n et is } can Cdda_ae ttneeT ,h Oeb iaom tohuEelwrda vhi,bc ee spuprogelgsleie5s dd teendtin ialo rthda<c t asntdui-t- O _ bpeefrosree d cuarsre ntth ey fmorvees hmeno ffa rcea m“pudsi s-_ | aSnkde lBlryi,a n PaTueln gS.ta hle-, Jamie a StTeT veenese Representative Steve Blank 516--5588:9 1 PPrreesseenntt beachieved by more communication, make Student Council’s events more Fenwick, alsoacurrentrepresen- be offered at the new Arts Center. The more social events and a Student popular. tative, said she wants to bring back Arts Center will be officially inaugu- Council “that went the extra yard,” Emily Chow, Leah Greenfield, Yu the volleyball court on the freshman he said. Lee and Ali Saleem are running for quad, appointa professional student Gorodenker called for better com- the position of secretary/ treasurer. activities director and make cross- munication, representation and cre- Chow is the current class secre- registering easier. ativity from Council. tary/ treasurer. She said that she Ng said that she wants to pro- Hagerman stated his dissatisfac- worked with a small budget this past mote understanding among her tion with Student Council and its so- year while trying to bring the stu- classmates. cial planning. A new administration dents what they wanted. Her experi- Wang explained that she wants could bring about changes in JHU’s ence with publicity would bring the to represent the class consensus in policy concerning the Beach and the class “things to do and places to see,” order to bring more unity and en- meal plan and make itself more ac- joymentto student life at Hopkins. NEWSBRIEFS JCash approved els around their necks, hoping it will sexual act in Uganda is really not that - revive them before they operate. differentto what wesee in Europe, Thai- Moriarity, who said she routinely land and the U. S. among heterosexual Johns Hopkins University ap- worked 90- to 130-hour weeks and fre- couples, and that tells us that the over- proved Student Advantage’s proposal quent on-call shifts that sometimes whelming epidemicin Africa is not due to institute JCash, a “stored-value stretched to 60 hours, said she would to a more infectious virus,” lead study ‘cashless’ payment plan” for employ- engagein “self-mutilation”: She pinches author Dr. RonaldH . Gray, a professor ees and students, which will be ac- herselfand steps on her own toes in her at the Johns Hopkins University School cessed through JCards. According to attempts to stay awake. of Public Health, recently told Reuters gStruadme nwti llA dbve aonpteargaet,i ontahle nJeCxats hf alpl.r o- priv“Ietd’ s yoinus aanree. dYaongue raorues ,s”o Msolreieapr-idte-y HCeoaplytrhi. ght 2001, At Home Corpora- whites Agadian T. May ff=-Tily a, 20Gi LAELLALI RL LEO EI JCash will replace both flex dollars said. A year ago she quit her coveted tion on the meal plan and debit dollars. The seven-year plastic surgery residency rulamer Scamen [1: fuly J-Auguar 17, 200] system will work asa declining balance midway through the third year. More children live in accoSutnutd enctosn twriollll ebde abbyl et hteo uUsnei vJerCsaisthy .t o resJiodhennc yC amdeirreocnto,r , Hospakiidn sM’o risaurrigteyr,y traditional families eeiserariaes heeg tres Apedi al ad purchase goodsandservicesatoff-cam- whom he called “a great favorite of pus businesses as well as in the Gilman mine,” was exaggerating when she bookstore and campus dining halls, ac- said trainees routinely fell asleep in The traditional nuclear family — a married mom and dad living with their cw—roTirhtdieirsn gL irzte op SotSretti unwdbaeesnr tg .c oAmdpvialnetda geb.y staff tchaen “oTtp’hveiern akbt eioenfng t whroeo roeom r. f tohrr e4e3 pyeeaorpslA,re awnhdo I bbiaoclko,g iaccacl orcdhiinldgr etno a— Ciesnmsauksi nrgeapcorotm er-e- fs aaulsd aa etboape p elewieteg ul.s lane| yEiRMe yEeM Ed aweil:y :b ts deaer d ey ewtalsl naewd eneanl m ecami bdy: oe fell asleep in all that time,” he said. leased today. Baby boomer women who “pads bored» rab i Cngirer ing Sleepless doctors Copyright 2001, Los Angeles Times marry and have children later in life may be fueling the trend, says Jason i gto en secod dem val Fane ® vm amy elaed, ede admit to lax care HIV strain in Africa no Fields, author of the report. akE a | orev E tee carl rey eet adeay, trp and erertap cleveseveibal The proportion of the nation’s chil- ee Po ite deadlier than others drenliving with both biological parents Interns and residents know how jumped from 51 percent in 1991 to 56 Lewwerd 27 uadaraies ave dae beleieei Pasha vital sleep is. A dozen interviewed for percentof71.5 million childrein n 1996, tenor tairher erate ben par arey} ee ea eeree this story were unanimous in the view NEW YORK (Reuters Health) — according to Living Arrangements of that sleep deprivation negatively af- Although sub-Saharan Africa is the Children. At the same time, the per- fects the care patients receive, even region of the world being hit hardest centage of children in single-parent when it doesn’t cause an error. by the AIDS pandemic, the strain of homes is leveling off after a steady in- “You actually start wishing pa- HIV circulating in that region of the crease for more than 30 years. tients would dieso you could get some world appears to be no more virulent °We're reaching a point where sleep,” said intern Michael Greger, than those in the U. S., Europe or women who were delaying marriage echoing a view expressed by other Asia, researchers report. all ofa sudden are marrying and hav- residents that is rarely articulated to An analysis of Ugandan couples ing children,” Fields says. Ae FETA VRRP 1h OMe ee outsiders. Greger finished his intern- _ shows that the probability of HIV Asmaller share of children are liv- ship at a Boston hospital last year. transmission in a single sex act from ingin non-traditional families. Those Anesthesiologists say they some- an infected partner to an uninfected children are raised by unmarried times fall asleep while they are sup- partner is no higher in that country couples, adoptive parents, grandpar- posed to be monitoring unconscious than elsewhere, according to a report ents or stepparents. patients. Some surgeons say it is not in the April 12 issue of The Lancet. “It’s like Ozzie and Harriet up, the unusual to see residents fall asleep in In Africa, HIV infections are Brady Bunch down,” says Andrew the operating room, sometimes while mainly caused by HIV-1 subtype A, Cherlin, sociology professor at Johns holding scalpels or other instruments. C or D. In the U. S. and Europe, the Hopkins University. Occasionally sleeping residents actu- dominant virus is subtype B, and in But Cherlin cautions that other re- ally topple into the sterile surgical Thailand the domivniruas tnentds to search does not show such a strong field, contaminating it. be subtype B or E. The new study rebound in traditional nuclear fami- Risa Moriasraidi trtaiynee s at Johns suggests that subtyAa pnde s Dareno lies, “It might be real, and it might Hopkins Hospital employ several strat- more hazardous than other subtypes. not,”he says. _ egiest os tay awake: Somesliicny tgow - _ “The transmission probabilities per Copyright 2001, USA Today fr a aa) “m4 U5 h. Hb PR nT hay ada 19, 2001 THE JOHNS Hopkins News-Letter e/a US ei eee he Sea NEWS. emt oa ac NOW OR CETTE MIC WAT eee Beer Garden (ID Required), Music, Gladiator Jousting, Food, Volleyball, Other Attractions, Alternative Beverages Available April 21, 2001 2pm-/pm :GRCSRSAESASRE GRESA A RANRRRSBAS SAMARBAR ident’s Gargen/Decker Gardens a~.~ - i A A : ‘ Nat ‘ F ’ ‘ . j 4 sf we ace Wea iere ¥ ¢ . - : ae aa ree enh i ae eo | ne . $4 : ea on ee‘ | i et je, IV aR A i ’ Lh: e . 4 ’ ie : av’, MeN J i " Glen) f Bay") & £. ak oe 4 of2 00* 2,C lass2 004, sadec oueh eea , : ¥. . ai! 4 + » ’ is ear i) T ApRIL 19, 2001. HE JOHNS HOPKINS NEws-LetTTER NTHEE WJ9OSHN-SL EHTOTPKEI N S Taxicabs inherently sketchy PUBLISHED SINCE 1896 BY THE STUDENTS OF THE JOHNS HopkKINs UNIVERSITY But, lo and behold, there are none to- axicabs are sketchy. be found! I had an experience like Sometimes it’s just the this at Penn Station a few weeks ago, car. Sometimes it’s just A few other girls and I were waiting Levering meal equiv. the driver. Sometimesit’s for about 45 minutes to get a cab, both. That’s when you while standing at the taxi stand at tHe knowyou rein foran interesting ride. train station. The taxi-overseer (the Now, this is just about Baltimore cabs, guy who stands there and waves the but taxis are generally sketch-mag- essential to student body taxis up pretending to be important) nets anywhere you go. (Believe me, I started talking to us and explained could go on for daysatbheo skuettchi - ness involved in Parisian taxis.) They that when the weather gets bad, thé don’t always go by the meter, they drivers just don’t show up to work: The taxi drivewrho we finally got said don’talways show upand they double the same thing and explained that he you up without asking. There’s also makes a bundle on snowy days asv4 We can remember being on the meal ulty and upper-classmen a more peace- the whole BWI monopoly thing that’s result. ma going on over at the airport. plan back in the days when food at Ter- ful environment, free oft he “riff-raff” of Double-ups. You know whatidi Now, before I continue, I should race and Wolman was substandard. And freshmen and sophomores. Of course it probably explain exactly what I mean MICHELLEFENSTER mean by this. When you get a com by “sketchy.” Sketchy, in this article, plete and total stranger sittingi ny our if it hadn't been for the Deli Counter and would also produce a sardine-effect in cab with you and being dropped off is a synonym for shady, or of ques- DELIBERATELY first. Yeah, you don’thave to pay quite Pizza Hut at Levering, we probably the already-crowded Terrace and btieocnaaubslee ihto inse qsuteys toiro nraebpluet,a tihoonw.e veJrus,t as much, but do you really always would've ended up like those starving WolmEitahern th.at, or students will skip does not meanit’s bad. Thereare good RANDOM want to share a cab with someone? Ip children on Sally Strutthers commercials. meals and deprive themselves nutrition- typeTsh ionfk skoeftecvheirnye ssd,r untkooe.n mishap or smee.e msY oul'ikvee ah iprreedt tay tsaixmi plteo ttahkien gy otlép To give the devil his due, the administra- ally in order to avoid going to the out- strange encounter you've had. The drop by. Yeah. Right. But there are where youneed to go. Youdon’tagree tion has since made an effort to clean up skirts of campus for grub. tskiemtecsh yt.h atS om aarde e thyeo bui zlaarurge h tiarmee sg othoadt adloscot ojruestd iinnsttoi ttuhtei ownhaol les kteatxcihcya b thbiusnig-s ytoo ud ehtaoiulr st hea lcoanbg, tyhoeu w anye.g oTtihaet ei dweiat hi!s its act and deliver a better on-campus To polarize the student body by divid- didn’t really put you in any danger, ness that even the most honest driver the driver (you tell him where you but weren’t altogether kosher. Bad is going to be faulted for. want to go and he says yes or no) and dining experience.W e can’t even remem- ing it sharply into upper- and lower- sketchy would include all the times Non-metered fares. It seems like then you pay the fare. There’s noth ber the last time Terrace had 18 health classmen fosters a sense of Marxist-style when you felt your life was in danger just about every time I need to go to ing in there that says add in 1-2 more: (even ifit really wasn’t) oryouweren’t the airport and It ake a taxi, the driver people and drop them off on the way; violations! class rivalry. We need, instead, to pro- looks at me and says (usually in an Sometimes, I don’t care. If it’s an-| Just because the food quality has im- mote a sense of community, something incomprehensible accent), “$30. No other Hopkins student, let them get But there are also just meter. Rush hour. Cheaper this way.” in. Someone along Charles or St. Paub proved, this does not mean the adminis- which is sorely lacking in the Hopkins I’ve heard the rush hour line at 9:30 near the school, sure. However, I’ve! tration can deprive students oft heir din- student body. By encouraging students institutional sketch p.m. before. Somehow I doubt rush been taken to hotels near the harbor hour runs that late. Now, during before. That’s a little ridiculous. This ing options. Currently, the to congregate at Levering, which is the things doctored into heavy-traffic times of the day, this is past weekend, I got in a cab at BWL administration proposes to eliminate all only centrally located dining hall, the actually a good deal. However, dur- and told the drivIew ars ina rush. I had ing non-busy times, forget it. You class in 25 minutes. So, he spent the’ under-class meal equivalency at Lever- administration can increase student the whole taxicab can get there for about $25 including next five slowly driving past the other’ ing. They reason is that doing so will awareness of issues and events. In fact, tip. Just make sure that the driver taxi stands at the airport looking to see’ business that even the takes the MLK Expressway. I’ve often ifanyone else was going my way. |t hen’ increase the nutritional quality and ap- Levering should become more liaks etu - wondered about the legitimacy of a repeated that I was in a rush, so he’ peal of Terrace and Wolman food. dent union, where students can get to- most honest driver is non-metered fare. My decision was drove 10 miles under the speed limitall that it’s completely and totally illegal the way back to campus. Needless to Excuse us? gether and commiserate over things that going to be faulted for. and the driver just pockets all of the say, I was late for class. 4 How exactly does this reasoning work? are bothering them. money as opposed to giving some to This brings me to the BWI mos the taxi gods. It explains how they nopoly. This just pisses me off. Any. Let’s follow this through. Once students If the concern is an over-crowded Le- always have more than $5 in change other cab you hail will have a starting are deprived of options, they will appre- vering, may we propose simply allowing enjoying yourself. when the sticker on the window says, price of about $1.75 and then will go: Back to the taxis. Everyone has “Driver has no more than $5. Safe up $0.20 or something for each frac~ ciate Terrace and Wolman more. Appar- students to meal equiv. any time during their fair share of interesting taxi installed in cab.” tion of a mile. But those damn BWI ently, this is a long-term plan by the ad- the day, rather than forcing everyone into driver stories. Ih ad one who used to No shows. Have you ever gone off Airport Taxis start at $2.30. And there live in the AEPi house. He told me campus while the weather was nice are signs all over the place specifically __ ministration, which hopes that in a few the same lunch time window? By letting all about what it used to be like and and then, by the time you needed to stating that no outside vendors are al~ ____ Yearsstudents willh ave utterly forgotten students equiv. as they please, Levering asked what the condition of it was return, there was a blizzard (or the lowed to solicit in the area. That just flat’ lained that it wasa frater-_ Baltimore equivalent) going on? Then out sucks. There is nothing good about’ ErsE S+.S < 3)- EaeR ASA ? Bae -)C S* S “J erG.. e£dX4 BS ALERT OGL OPEC he ig be th=e .« _you should know what I’m talking it and it is altogether BAD sketchy. _ will think’ Terrace and Wolman are the tends to be after 1 p.m. aDOU B. } ‘So’ taxicabs are sketchy. I don’t ingly. Then there was the driver who: the Hopkins shuttle. The Colltown think anyone will disagree with me, best that campus dining can be. Who This would appear to be another spent 75 percent of his time on the one-is generally a close second. So on this point. They may be funny. was their advisor? George Orwell? Is this poorly reasoned move by the adminis- phone, just to get off and tell me that that leaves public transportation for sometimes and scary at others, but as: he could tell that I was going to be you, the stranded student. “Okay. long as they get me where I need to go! a Newspeak-esque plan to lower student tration, which further serves some im- lucky in life. How did he know this? Fine. Pll pay the damn money and without ripping me off too much,W Because I have a small gap between take a cab,” you think to yourself. suppose I can’t complain. oe expectations by giving them less to personal utilitarianism at the expense of my front two teeth (you should have You gotta have faith£ 4 choose from? the real needs of the student body. seen me before the braces) and his bt cousin does too. His cousin is very fi We can’t imagine that this ludicrous What the administration really needs successful and it’s because of the gap. plan will have anything close to the de- to do, for once, is consider the needs of As I was closing the door to get out of J the cab, he mentioned that he lives on sired effect. At best, it will provide fac- its students, not its own random needs. Calvert near the school and if I ever ith so many pre- begin to touch on all of the groups om. wanted to talk business, feel free to frosh_ running campus, because there are just so around over the many that do so much. I’ve come to LETTERS? HEE past week, I’ve realize that however conflicting the! been finding my- actual beliefs may be, each of these’ selfansweringa lot of questions about groups has a common bond in their’ Hopkins. The most common things ability to believe. WN” Well-organized about breast health and breast can- detection by spreading the message he understand that kosher food will askhaeve bdeen , “Do youliitk heere? ” Faithis certainly notasimplething. cer through a cleverly planned trivia to their friends, siblings, parents, and cost more money becasue it is expen- and, “Why did you choose Hopkins Itasks you to go beyond yourself, and Breastival promoted challenge. In the process they also grandparents. sive to prepare? Aaron, if you care so over your other options?” As for the most times, to go beyond this world. met volunteers from several local I attended the “Breastival” as a much about helping Jews, I first question, The people 4t awareness breast cancer related organizations. volunteer for the Young Survival reccomend you familiarize yourself my answer will Hopkins are so de- The fair-like atmosphere and the Coalition. The Young Survival Coa- with the process of preparing kosher depend on the BECKY BULGER voted to findin enthusiastic volunteers made the lition is an international network of food. Take the example ofkosher beef. sort of day I’m answers and evi~ To the Editor: Breastival fun and educational. I breast cancer survivors and sup- Only a select number of cows, the having (I told Montuty MaApness dence that it is ab“ I am writing to congratulate the thank the KDPhi Sorority, the Johns porters dedicated to the critical con- cleanest cows, are able to be slaugh- one prospec- solutely amazing Kappa Delta Phi Sorority and the Hopkins Breast Center, and all the cerns and issues unique to young ter. They have to be cleaned and tive student to for so many stu- Johns Hopkins Breast Center for or- individuals, groupsand organizations woman and breast cancer. Please certian way, and packed a cetian way, run away as fast dents to commit! ganizing an excellent breast health that supported this event. Ih ope that visit the YSC website at http:// and stoared a certain way. It is served as she could, and beamed to another themselves to that which is not based! promotion and breast cancer aware- as a result of “Breastival,” more men www.youngsurvival.org to learn in a special way too. Becasue these about how much I love it here). My on anything physical. There is somé~" ness event called “Breastival” on and women will conduct breast self- more. extra services are required for kosher answer to the second question is also thing to be said about the ability to’ Wednesday, April 11,2001. Five hun- exams, get the recommended screen- beef, it naturally costs more money. a bit hazy, because my decision was hope, to wait, to know somethifig: dred students, faculty, staffandmem- ing tests at the appropriate age, and Sincerely, The 15 percent increase is a result of based on many factors (location, fi- because you feel it and to have that! bers of thelocal community attended. strengthen the fight against breast Nalini Yadla this. Kosher food is expensive. I nancial help, etc.). But recently I’ve feeling be enough. Even if we don’t All attendees were able to learn more cancer through prevention and early JHU A&sS Class of 796 kindly ask that you stop talking about been forced to remember one of the agree with a specific group or with things you are completely ignorant features that gave Hopkins actual ap- any group, there is a certain amount’ Encore to the cast about. peal to me — the diversity on cam- of respect that is owed to these people’ pus, particularly in religious groups. (us and crew of The Sincerely, My final decision had come down to ma Emily Copeland Hopkins and Notre Dame — talk There is something to” Who's Tommy about opposites. I probably would Hopkins’ new have fit in nicely with the rest of the be said aboutthe 1 %~ Irish Catholics who pay their daily dining price policy To Ltahset EdSiattourr: day I attended one of rteers pheecatrsi ntgo ,T o“uSucrhed, owwen hJaesvues .a B luott aof-f ability to hope, to wait} the best musicals I have ever seen — not aimed at Jews diversity. There are liberal Catholics to know something on or off Broadway. The Barnstorm- and conservative Catholics — and ers’ “Tommy” was simply amazing. we even have a gay rights group on Congratulations to the cast and crew To the Editor: campus!” from a Notre Dame admis- because you feel it 4 . who produced such a professional I would like to respond to Aaron sions officer — If elt alot better about show. Thank you for providing such Glazer’s editorial about the rise in signing my soul over to JHU. and to have that outstanding events for the Hopkins price of kosher food. Although I do ‘Since the time of that rash deci- community. not like that I will have to pay more, sion, I’ve been very moved by the feeli. ng be enough. °{ ° — Aaron should understand that the willingness of different religious Sincerely, price increase was not implemented groups to show their faith on cam- Audrey Henderson to target Jews. The university did not pus. It’s not always easy for people who put themselves out there every’ Glazer ignorant sit down and think, “Hmm ... how to put their spiritual beliefs out:in day for what they believe. Hopkins” can we get those lousy Jews next the open, because chances are that may not have a ton of perks. It may’ aofb okuots hterru ef oeoxdp ense wmsisihenavsignemc ytehost , th ooeaffirnfn . smc”eiry tde Tegthnfuhterleai a leruclnn oydis,fsvt o eoiwrodssfh. i omkto oyIrs aiehsss epk jre se aAuxkaftp o retoofrndyon-,-r tsdtthothee ousywsdc’eerar niletabkw se b h bisohtyi on wgcad i ornwtnageo’n ntzit dn yoe a Harrgendf rdbeue rlleeuh dweiwe,atid r hl. Ila ’ sJvI ete bc whaeaiinelsn’nshkt o thpna oehoGtoeno pyolol rbfdeeefe ledanirr e evm Detewo.oi mlaTleb hieT,ne ogr uabettuc o ti hbas d e Iao p aowlmpane gc rneeca eJ t iredwtsneauh waisehln arl ootyerf’’ ’! not speak on behalfo fk osher diners, been amazed by the ability of a girl integrity that goes withit—so,hats\ To the Editor: especially ify ou are not one yourself. in the Muslim Student Association. off to all of you who take a leap of I think Aaron Glazer (“Hopkins to describe her true faith as bein faith every day — you've helped tov kosher discrimination,” April52, 001] Sincerely, beautiful and peaceful in a way on make my choice of attending this’ has gotten things all wrong. Doesn’t Rachel Horowitz ~ almost brought me to tears, I can’t Schoola good one. _ hes at e+e | Se > = & dart ” vi, e) or~ > - iT « ‘- * ’ an eke a =) ae a Aprit 19, 2001 A7 THE JOHNS Hopkins NEWS-LETTER OPINIONS With the exception of editorials, the opinions expressed here are those oft he contributors. They are not necessarily those of The Johns Hopkins News-Letter, A less than objective look at the Holy Land The month to be ecent studies indicate that back to Auschwitz. I’m getting real Arafat shows his true face, in one in- by the Palestinian Authority Minis- | aware of the Asians Tlfihoéiorst, tamrnaednr dksms,o uatfHtaphao ishemrprli o siklb gdiitahiahnatbsra svle nr eya eswr vteisaeh ttrgrehuopse doelt et yafnepgfotidurr c nieaoonlimiing gs n cn- eo lIEatewurRhs.a--se f smsctcJitihooecuawgunktdrlhc eydteon, fpts t’uobJbsicneeu hlo wt yni rd ssiaac bhdrne ioky cnolsuofwttyln ro eoreimpueta pe stmtlteccuyinials tnebe r-labkdbensyr ot .e ui”cobr qonwgyugSeoe an orottimdiheiseisnsdes- swtItH“sthowyeraerer a nd edcc:sloeat,h imr eleJ,le hi c”rehra sca lya dlilas ,ltnonc isgfldaJ ,l in tfhdhothai“eeredld w, lae satst sJhteiiePslskh ale anlmddecofbe,rsoswl itrteeJ i sridnh hu iooachandltmne!lyiasa!y os !t nm,se” ateod hrsnlato.-eytof ttaspcMrihuiroymicmuo elhesgo,d def rr ,eafEnc am’admemsliuxie llpcneil, asdai th rmcoi iawof“tn.enclC yay hht a iuarlHraandwoticdra wnt eyegecsnva rhe ’isiprrs le,u idd spar psCei ateiln nt.auM lt sbipsy ,ocpr”T ikia hcdemniaeyedsil-s htnieiemss psirp negoMs ssotfienovrrtei hln Aygs airaaaennr tdcs eyAr,aw tdaavvrieinernl---y pcgKleooormrsspesolaynen, t eibc nelvasuitubtrt eaindnf igugemlhrelt. y -tbIhdetio cswna aeuws sene’ei tkn veIit nwthdaea s t tbthoyh ei rsaa prfiAfaasirtcmnploi,ieame n c nt.atcti r ehcetna Aott Ob mupcerehrigeraoeiastisnn ec nc Eaotifuni nsbr g tloi hinpecntcemookra w eesntraf, hser iidoncn mkoeg i lwmsytrote hyhlreaa ig ttnd iisiaountnnrf hg-k-ea weIaNssbo,rrrI ailTweahdCleit,.lse lH d,s iOAsuf wncnlLiodhett a Ah s htSsoaoh atnasdEr taleyrySad e , tdc Th aaismtiEf enoaa lRrsl. l t HJAhpeelrAw easnbZt Asir afYaanurbdl e tfaablhrnylado toa Pm fa JP loaHamenfelsfeoeotb ds iretn[doiriTannaneyi nl a -anAIPtn sveadrisll atveeeaJv]sltei t esr.iw—i unio esln la i lnwobe ienmsl lh loyr tre oetpf ,xolH tsaatteciehnefradadst vgcw“PoiiJaartdlirleeehr ss ais tdoiiw”crnna osgern s.ars niioodoIdffn re ,rhJ“”oaeih nbrhoel al eaddy ne,s s”dtei migrmamewe“re ht ntiotttyl oo,e r mbgdelaoaao r mrn“cy”ioahof t yuhsinuefnigoarg-sr || wbperaliveneicptnnhp.tg esar V idllesleshaasagneek tr.eat urg pseBm eeaiainnggnuiea imLneceisn-avtarem dresipte nhotgesls ,ih- ss Gtarrilrenetesg s eteaantmnuh---de tAtftahhirsriioiiossnea u nnpdnb.le,deo r gcTsbihmaoucineu,ts,s ewdb tbeoehurtceteeh a nseub’nnyseto e’c nw adtde-ue IroAsn eesm iw eaiusdatsc htnhertsA ayh snte iwog a iseendnirr.ivtes sitn tpi’Baentt-lygo dlouds gathering over Europe. Some the beliefthat Asians further the ethnic hatreds which speaks of “[{her] heartfelt convic- They’re all uexnpeexrptesc taveedr atthtaatcikt fwroouml dJ aopnalnye stea klei vaen- Arafat so enjoys exploiting for his tion to launch a Jihad.” To the ap- very pretty, KATHYCHEUNG are Tchliisq uish.c oming benefit. The controlling Palestinian plause of an adult host, yet another and they’re sttheo ckg ltoob aplr osptealg e.A meTrhie cacno w cowwosr lodn toi s For Kinc & Authority exercises strict media cen- young girl exclai“mI sma,rc h quickly fun to fiddle FRANKWEILERS wPeereskpeenctdi vei s WAeseika,n sorship over Palestinian television towards my death ... For me, life has with while electrified. Meanwhile, Hopkins stu- COUNTRY and radio, quickly shutting down any little value ... my people will know you're bruis- which comes in the dents are still wondering when the Palestinian television or radio stations that I am a hero” when J die as a ing the roof of FILES midst of pre-frosh American soldiers held by China will critical of their rule. State sponsored suicide martyr for Palestine. While your mouth visitations. A group be released. imbued with an incensed hatred for television programmes include mov- many hope for a new generation of biting into a of Asian hosts and uc Yet, despite the climate of insou- Israel. Many Arabs, while earnestly ies in which children kill Israeli sol- Palestinians who shall favour co-ex- stale Levering hostesses introduce diance that characterises this univer- wishing for peaceful co-existence diers, and “reports from summer istence over conflictt,h e P.A. media creation (those freshly baked ba- aslewof Asian pre-frosh into Hopkins sity, perhaps some students vaguely with Israel, have grievances against camps [that] show children training is using its weighty influence in the guettes really aren’t). They’re so un- life. remember the violence that erupted Israel which they feel are legitimate, with weapons and singing bellicose territories to promote a culture of usually well-done that those who Wait a minute — I thought pre- isythe Middle East last semester. Per- are honestly outraged when Pales- songs ... of praise for the ‘shahids’ hate amongst Palestinian children come across them are drawn to them frosh were called “prospectives?” haps some students remember pic- tinians are killed, and feel that Is- [suicide bombers].” The Palestinian (segments from “Children’s Club” like monkeys to shiny objects, and in What this implies is that some- tures of an important Jewish reli- rael could do more to stop such Authority frequently equates Zion- mayb e found athttp://www.wnd.com/ that alone, they serve their purpose to how, Asians will view Hopkins gious site, Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus, killings. Such individuals have no ism to Nazism; yet this implicit dis- n e w s / promote Asian Awareness Month. through a different set of eyes, froma being sacked and burned 4 la racist or religious hatred against approval of the Nazis does not pre- article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=17707). The real question is, to who are different perspective than any other Kristallnacht by Palestinian mobs. Jews, and are more than willing to vent rampant Holocaust denial in the There are many Palestinians who these activities aimed? I suppose the incoming freshmen, when essentially, Or perhaps some remember the debate the issues sensibly. It would want what everyone else does these organizers could cut-and-paste the they’re exactly like any other high- image of ay oung Palestinian child, be fair to say that most Arabs on days — money, a happy family, a standard response for any cultural school senior — naive, insecure and caught amidst a gunfight, being campus maintain these more be- Extremism is growing nice home, and maybe a car or two. event: to increase knowledge and somewhat scared about their up-and- killed by Israeli gunfire while his nign and defensible opinions. Such individuals are to be met ev- appreciation of the [insert ethnic coming college experience. father looked on. This violence, far However, in the Palestinian Terri- rather than fading in eryday in the Palestinian territo- group] culture among the general In their race to set themselves from abatingh,a s only become more tories at least, for every Arab of ries. However, these people are public. apart, Asian Perspective Week un- intense in the last few months. A such moderate views, there is an- powerless while under the govern- The efficacy of these events is em- consciously drifts towards Freud’s few weeks ago, an Israeli baby, four- other who would be delighted to the Palestinian ment of Mr. Arafat. Extremism is bodied in the response of my non- “narcissism of small differences,” month-old Shalhevet Pass, was shot make Jihad and remove Israel from growing rather than fading in the Asian friend: “Asian Awareness?” he emphasizing the differences between and killed by a Palestinian sniper in the map. populace, fed and Palestinian populace, fed and nur- says, looking around. “I see Asians, Asians and non-Asians rather than Hebron (this indefensible atrocity did A simple examination of evidence tured by the Palestinian Authority. and I’m aware of them.” focusing the similarities between all not stop a leading Palestinian official leads one to the conclusion that the nurtured by the According to poll results today, 80 Good, then. pre-frosh to help them adjust. Indoc- from claiming thatthe infant’s mother Oslo Accords, in which the PLO was percent of Palestinians in the Pal- Save for a smattering of paintings trinated with this concept, the result was mentally ill, and had murdered supposed to have recognised Israel’s Palestinian Authority. estinian territories favour armed by Asian artists in Levering Hall and is destructive to the cause: the pro- her own child). Hours ago at the time right to existence, were solely in- conflict over negotiations. As ex- posters here and there, Asian Aware- motion of Asian Self-Awareness. For ofwriting, mortars were raining down tended to bolster the PLO’s interna- tremism and hatred for Jews grows ness Month and the events it boasts the Asians themselves, this is a pain- Gn Israeli settlements and a Palestin- tional standing. Indeed, Arafat has in the Palestinian territories, as it haven’t been well publicized, at least ful experience, especially when they ian border guard was killed. Only a profited much from signing a piece of Palestinian press, as “crossword only can under such a regime as not among the non-Asians. The gen- step outside oft he clusters of Asians few days ago, Israel launched an air paper which he has not honoured in puzzles that appear in the newspa- the Palestinian Authority, peace eral public hasn’t been aware of the at Hopkins into a place like attach against a Syrian radar installa- theleast. Overnight, Arafat went from pers contain definitions such as ‘a shall become an ever more fleeting opportunities to learn about Asian Superfresh and feel, maybe for the tion, killing three Syrians and wound- being an international terrorist to Jewish centre for commemorating the objective. culture offered by Asian Awareness first time, the discomfort in know- ing another six. being a statesmen — Bill Clinton in- Holocaust and the lie,’ as a definition Month, only because the aim hasn’t ing that they’re the only Asians in With each passing day, there is vited Arafatt o the White House more for Yad Vashem” — the “lie” in this Sources include the Israeli Ministry been toward those people. The aim there. ’ another mourning mother im Israel than any other: world leader:+~:and: instance being thea ssertiothna t the’ ofF oreign Affairs, WorldNetDaily, has beeninward, toward other Asians And that just makes an Asian feel t (er the Palestinian territories),'an- Arafatisreceived in most nations with’ Holocaust ever took place. Just yes- The Jewish World Review, and The through the culturally-linked gossip all the more conspicuouswhen they’re other child whose life was consumed the honours befitting a head of state. terday, the official Palestinian Au- Jerusalem Post mills. In the library, Iw as handed a buying soy sauce. by violence, whose smiles will grace Arafat now maintains control over thority paper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, their families and friends no longer. significant portions of Gaza and the featured an article which might bet- Opus manifesto: A call to stylos With this great human tragedy that West Bank, and well over 90 percent ter belong in Der Stiirmer, in which accompanies each day in the Middle of Palestinians live in these regions, the Holocaust was vociferously de- East, it is easy to understand why which are governed by Arafat’s Pal- nied. Studies by the researchers at many of those dwelling in America, estinian Authority. Although Israel the University of Hamburg indicate the land of peace and security, end- has notlived up to every concession it that “booksellers in the territories lessly search for an immediate solu- made in Oslo, it has honoured many report that Hitler’s book Mein “We are very sorry to find that, political science departments, our were harassed by students while tion to the conflict. “Why can’t ev- of them. Meanwhile, Arafat has not Kampf is one of the most popular afats heortr li fe of four monthly num- current absence of frequently pub- chalking sidewalks last year, he eryone just get‘ along,” asks the been willing to make even such a di- there, a best-seller from their point of bers, this magazine is not likely to be lished student writing is an embar- doesn’t have to be quoted as being American. minutive gesture as removing the view.” continued. Independently ofthe great rassment. Perhapsall the students are “unaware of the harassment.” In- o2The comments offered by one clauses (around 30 of them) in the The Palestinian Authorities have ability displayed by some of its con- preparing for their future careers in stead, he can declare, “Oh, I remem- student about the Middle East ina PLO Covenantcalling for the destruc- used the mass media given to them to tributors, we have been anxious to elitist (but highly qualified, of course) ber reading about that incident of forum on the Daily Jolt serve well tion of Israel. evoke an intense hatred of Jews in the see the rising school of young and circles? I hope not. They just built a harassment of Hopkins students on twexplain the why “getting along” Arafat guards his tongue while Palestinian populations, and to instil clever artists find a voice, and tell us the front page of the October 12, 2000 isinot so easy. This student wrote: speaking to the international press, such hatred into Palestinian youths. what they are aiming at, and howthey MATTO’BRIEN edition of The Johns Hopkins News- “We ought to send all the Jews but when speaking to Palestinians, Onetelevision programme produced propose to reach their aim.” Letter.” It sounds so simple, doesn’t — From The Guardian, April 20, it? Wr3 eb site’s strategy threat to privacy 1850, in an essay on the demise of the GUIDED BY VOLUME Ata perfect Hopkins, there would Pre-Raphaelites’ literary magazine, be so many student publications that The Germ, which only came out with we'd be tripping on them on our way four issues. : Kinko’s at our doorstep — let’s use it! to classes. So far, the only quality stu- This is not just a question of hav- dent magazine I recall appearing this. BoYf, STEVE MARTINI yourself, the only five stores carrying proach you under the guise of being ree speech, a perennial hot ing enough means for artistic “ex- semester is Frame of Reference. De- this product are in New York and Los an acquaintance and woo some un- topic, has in the past few pression,” although that is certainly spite all the submissions boxes lying Daity Mississippian (U. Mississtprt) Angeles. suspecting soul into a web of danger. weeks become a buzz issue important. Whatis also at stake is the around campus, there is zero printed “OXFORD, Miss. — Do you like The line of merchandise is all-en- Is it a wise decision to put one’s life in at Hopkins and elsewhere. fact that student dialogue on a num- copy. Are students really going to be the license plate on your car enough compassing. The company features danger, just for the opportunity to Our own President William ber of campus issues is barely able to motivated to submit writing in boxes tgavear it on your clothes? A group of backpacks, shirts, pants, jackets and wear some cool clothes? I should think Brody acknowledged his enthusias- be addressed in a public way. When when that writing won’t appear on Eyropean clothing merchants have shoes, each branded with an indi- not. tic support ofthe conceptatleast twice students’ only means for public cam- campus for many months? blaanndd ewdi tht ogaen thiedre a inb aZsuerdi cohn, jSuwsitt ztehra-t vtiodeuaaclh ipduerncthiafisceart iaonnd nWuembbuesrer .u nMioqsute therFei nwailllly ,c ommaen ya dCahyr iwshteina nse vebreyl iheuv-e oBontrhe,c eonft coocucrasse,i onisn c(oornpcoer abtye de -mcaoiolr)-. pdeufsa udlti,a lomgouneo paonldi ziendf orbmya ttihoen Niesw, sb-y —E————— pSrkiinmc.ipcloem., Thoef fneresw ac olmipnea nyof, celnottihtilnegd wreictehn tlAyd,i dtahse ctoo mpplaancey icdleonsteidf icaa tdieoanl bmearn coshrarlell abtee di dweinttihf itehde wmiatrh k a onfu mt-he dmionraet e imcpoonrjtuannctt itoonpsi csl eata dhianngd t(oI lhiikse Laeltltye rs taupnidd thDea ialynJoonlty moonulsi nea nfdo ruusmu,- Our total lack of numbers on the popular soccer-style anti-Christ. Those who do not have free speech, but ... ), however I’m you can be sure that the student body aramtde ascicxe-sdsiogriite sn,u emabcehr dotnhanti nigdaensteipfaie-s shoe the Adidas Corporation is famed such a number physically worn on sure everyone is very happy that our is being damaged by the lack of op- published student for producing. In a few years, this them, as described in the Book of University leadership approves of portunities for knowing about and w-_ yo_o:~ t_o~r _c_ah_e h.u a nalBtawheadbbsooqvttsittirrheiemhfoaouet6eacndrimeear td wpesiiengtmw3b . hoh m T lcesdtc,hphnr”4e or kne hee ht eot ii5 w etayl, djeh pr tT arnhgn-yr na e huon rwtihgitteei 0acne roSsdheicbe shoannrssl1,k rcatka ttlegtoa e’rucll e2 shdhe hpe oneiw-wmcsgmiroptw@ ab ier et dmmn sekahow oppsass “etihryakt .etrirptcoocmsdea3kereh ih orcl lnc ca syr r4at-fiaanlereohdgohc.be hm5la p e mewsyne. s eeaa kmt0smus-ei.nd t h irTh1n o ,mpiscuo Tlon ib2ahsad u nh omwch ac ouwods.uifwttedietmoobdeoenaholl” wieomo shasn d.reue s rdivaad wbrocewrti eltrWssila draCteemrna om ds i,d“rdSneoi dsocura miauecm tt fdmsdntnbsncsaasetrpypono. tr ha egs iw hslll aasrn ahec n eri .qhsvenboswe taessntdqoc a biugiiaanses hhtt uiyrmhweecStr inrceeeFhetleatrka ams hhm ryoeokarywrhtinsb l a,n uw era b mpeeebo otsk dbna lw.nt ce awtaoullei cenaai eyturoieashcahylmnon etrcanaxnsohcte-adm,k-odgdatn-stk-rduesha.yny l o - t vwmswtnswWicocWancSfwobottpSnitiooeenoeuharaeuohinonnrohaekey rdlclaetrcunt tet yaoamlmirlt uee irtuec ahnneWnmt tb tdebtbma mhf rnoe nd h hh,r grewalo eioi.tpnhey shea aaoi trrftn ttirttlc ouo jtatbanete yhhtnsao,lyi uyiuocecoenvrhlh eeli einp wrts n h uomeeney a dnse tid oiatmumm a ia uentkai nnpinugs latddttyyhi dbumdoo dvruiuhhotcdksshaeene oftp i bd aam?e obelmcpe y gtue dt eceess iysncyosrb- bwhflnthunk.xsen rl coobteaitaroteeAa eee l iodicscteelhutcayfo irhilvsrtrtitiolItp r aoisags -dletsoih v e t netuha.sltn yd wbreeaiowtrwthwctfe f p? ksnyeaedwneadyteeee aoAhata, ci nayfiu ledshr tr yv uycehnnnrroal utana iyW ea, ineoo,ga,lw rrteyw ntmiel elb .teuati sat hotadil hlbaini rfs twr?stvhei utadsd tb ereiyoyw met h hvabrws egst ulis oerD uaiaIyln’uui,eofnhl to n isfoodneeeavns ir ocda o sI rugs usteenldnuwio m bhetwauy nmfay seid esiwegn mlrehoootyul hvdioenaesrh ’aleSob,rt isiu ggrtout rmttavinos in ete ni erce? tn octiegaunyel tveorto holiktna rawdmwflmuohedh ianas ehrtiptgesien?evied.stuIl-o-deeoano-d eI- s f o tiRlbaaattobaiapcwyybmpnnhyoISoidenehnanmahrnomlimieoopfaao nkevteltrt e tdaerc ieupupbnnue i iiieyvWcgsa lmnrmyrnteslu-ssy o-dim reetcdoih i astCoortny nyCd e rni.t tfboatthcoytsleeuhda eitopi cte irniioo aaolitrde nion cfi sdhieocltl,pos .iiuareb a nnm ehtsnl piw o wtsm orptbgesytcsaaogva vyeTwantfpi s ea ,lirtrtaec e'onoe o seaIpa dlayehecdhaaladSannit u lra a hrli ul ruirsnoown m cft lep.yine edneiidcmidncigwhaet onnnfgsdwlsink ltn esiouiosouclg etoi a taths S u lsnslhwa olm c tcoborrwtossbonleelim l goo haSdoe hsb aie.oe i tmoysofbla rcsemniknfSat estt thnpwtseo d saeem loioro omriit s e mhh uac iurdr wmfiwhhnoe w aundseawoone nwa ,t.eyakh.rpotwrdvene ish wniv o c oeoeeiur eyathsawcBhderduon soothe olr ntitoaaeoH f reiyupcsmsb sduhso wtduos fi tse lsplo attde ei afteoooewlhher.epd onshetyoy sctt lie..wtnedg. hioeonpuoan y r l o srodiv n b r p.Wtuemodoarra wemenibeg to,iwnnbmob tfknldmeotolrrsoomr i T u betiuphr onl ptgulf,fthuthm etrlet.iebeillat lu iuohvaah kh--itnsroaohrwtidsld-eneeeyw-dr? -l-e sI o I | siirwuhtiaHehleewowipcolEftisnneuoeieaanfvsrrorirlaih vrnttgnscnr vrl igceinpmdopbpeai.ehogtoheUenapt rnt lIelmk”ie mlFrtm :e ntnwi uy nit’grei uyi osiy ’fnSgo ahtlnmuln nontsmrb tg. otoaeausag ioaoninltts awurnunr cas lovsMsnlefsor al tekdlac, ne ofssdfv tavy eupeay intearapssthl yadu atGt cn aln hh syo.ytrkr id hahcsv tsladia tfii mjolo eezvoeiaoapcfottenmi aopauta e ne vlbrrpuootyWe bpnuetdoatrekoiesrtyun eelsoUltprgtno e.dy pn yce e’cvbrnwtyuen o ip w imd io eetliei,s,obsa ovpulpWnha posravpi drpfltlfnbuoeueatpieronntyesie ei ise h bar ro og tk’. r wahcnvtpt ceethi lCpeisin ssoteveheaetehuvacdasitot nstop,si triteneaidbtGhtrvch rssr tssoHrlmt te c liya ou aeoeae ywis anhldomhiot,ondgtgt no .t,satniymtp s ongsueuofieyn tthtf do a hlskntGtn, o tnhuroabr fncae e o tbihnewtrdreTneieartaediovaep hna rsneh l anst hs tae naomp-idoapnsl e2bseor pntrstsbdwuieetrt oat1 e.su au penmaeosdsi s wpe“ -e trbne-igtJl n telat otptpyudwb lseceepgohegc hphryrmeedr oO.ifhoccouehua ieae otiu eaenacuiihtorrvnr nbntsdunrr’btdenta!r-i-et-eki-sstt--dy-tofs--n d . n pudsvWpfgapgtapgbaedmmaBanbFtueoilenrharuunluopecdonooreeelryardedioeriobdpnt,thms”roo.niiulwT c deld bwputir )ihI tradaniutashtei.arset itolohnA lyilnnbghepe d cl iodcwiacseolnsag, edldhsl,La ans cglo ek mntw r ayoi tye psatahaudor,dsuh ncsg no i wu erfteescl n tloot vrp raoiopoartrssi“h hsddiahusrtdontmr“epftzpeep.e otsiemt nogs hhsTio pi ouoaim oeset erteddn hhbarvmnwibrudpdl mheph wu ana eT tsenilt i tr s.eeia.sitc stinh tt it n s tom ip s’tnthtbhhedcso ghftst(rpppsoihfeaieia oari oToe teoi ocoe io nrlmvlsnsrt erohnpberfpmrcaiwt epoet bdmi r, ne ur aeot htkrhmeu mdao e eanleri,yncesoaedaaaiim ngdlwvsha,ft a trenarrantosu ,hw aebetb teeenelec tulm fqgt irycew ehsw taa rao inoopsuy.orf aetnslrhsrrd rtn d uuoorusn a,eotf eselcih.lcelo tuie sotfoeaAycdnaf aldshf repharse ds n tmi smMh s ercogo s ho Pdx wJnuat upafapterramRieDasoonaeHspel n.edsuntenmalretstsfifoU tw caehytgsD daias id nl oynims tAer Liisrv hi nuS d mmnatreferpinodutetneotadi elaAsindtrenaieiaahrtrrpemissltelirne’e insceneebG-sey iw -yi -ese-rsdsgdt-,-d - y a eA _ wCgcsafatrNimhafktoocaouhttirleitreaahrffan’fioceonantz revsvgsno t i reoeddTcn no. Heii amvttmrdrn welee twaogrneonzw eeTd ndfrw eodea mgioiapaax,eo hts g tt sw tntrrnktwe ri,mruhmabiwo be aa a iv ie gaanuarrastumspnre“tlynftnggdkcchyczb iuthiM’. aeshukssmvirzbh” wriiam aszo.e a wtsli eto ntobleoni”t tii htnsa rTye,rloonl ndoecoooeglk nana e et uatcpTuwt weurllqyssthttpIshhaofrtgoekuaaa , ’ieioll iyieeamoiivbmtn o opt ysrtrs krenmchodedn nu, Hi o esoeguus b lanooslrasp pe tt w noagpetceflfp goch ir tea.eaeaird koopoftt angnmibconytfaornoiohmth i Hoo bedo yrodu aenadounbouabtl orrpmt trs ht,etpreeffdeetkorimhuaeo esma h oensssrpes.f.isbsfsenis, Craoesem u u,ttntb,udw ulm vtos“ s ueg mr Tl amasaapWes_ofi,d ihlrh mc ttleeelof nnteateoayrleaiilrvne enebiinirv .to-loe-erSstnakutw-eeie .h,nnslsges ms t n Iee n A8 Apri 19, 2001, THE JOHNS HOPKINS News-LeETTER S CIENCE & TECHNOLOGY VNUUH AEENUNUE S E Major upgrade planned for ResNet SCIENCEBRIEFS r THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4 i] BY DAVID MERRICK and into next year. technology in which all students on sulting in slower connections and in- Officials object to sians for selling spare seats on their, JoHNs Hopkins News-LetTER Students living in the AMRs the network share the same amount termittent crashes. Updated equip- Soyuz spacecraft. But he said those, should expect to see faster and more of bandwidth. Each individual ment would fix these problems by space tourist seats should go to professional astro; ResNet, the computer network reliable service due to the increased Internet connection is affected by the completely replacing the outdated nauts. 3) a that allows students to connect to the stabaindl baindtwiydt h management traffic on the network. Therefore, if technology. A French astronaut, Dr. Claudje Johns Hopkins network and the provided by the updated technology. one person were using a lot of band- “I think the equipment is starting European and Canadian space of- Andre-Deshays, for example, already, Internet, is going to be overhauled in The Homewood apartments are width on the Internet, the connection to have problems, and that’s why you ficials joined NASA on Tuesday in has a ticket for a Soyuz flight in Octo-, the AMRs, Wolman and McCoy this newer and already have the new wir- for another person in their hall would see slow then fast. It’s indicative of loudly objecting to Russia’s plan to ber. Messerschmid said the ticket cast. summer, in order to increase’ speed ing and electronics. be slowed down. When alot of people older technology, and it’s a domino put a millionaire tourist aboard the less than $20 million, though he di and reliability . Plans to network the Bradford are on the network at the same time, effect when the equipment gets old,” international space station inless than not know how much less. et “We took a hard look at the infra- apartments have been delayed be- everyone’s connection is slowed Zerrielo said. two weeks. NASA and the European, Canar., Structure in the residential dorms in cause there is no physical connection down. This leads to drastic fluctua- Another problem results from the With the launch drawing closer dian and Japanese space agencies, order to bring it up to date,” said Dean to the building. Zerrielo explained tions in the speed of the Internet for small size and unfavorable location and no end to the standoff in sight, want Tito to delay his trip, and joyp P. Zarriello, director of Hopkins Infor- that he is working with the housing individual users. of the network closets where network NASA is bracing for what seems to be Andre-Deshays on the October flight, mation and Technology Services. department, who would have to pro- “That’s the problem of shared traffic is routed. the inevitable. That would give Tito time to train, Zerrielo explained that the AMRs vide the funding. technology. If your application gets “Little changes, like moving the “You always hope for the best and adequately on U.S. space station sys, are the first priority because they al- Upgrading the equipment in the on there and starts hogging band- plug up the wall so that it is not plan for the worst,” said Bill tems and would also bea quieter time ready have the necessary wiring re- AMRs will begin in mid-May and will width, it slows down other users. It bumped out, will increase the reli- Gerstenmaier, who as space station aboard the orbiting complex, officials quired to make the update to newer, takea few weeks. The new technology was very hard to control,” Zerrielo ability and stability of the network,” program deputy manager wants to said. Songs ye faster and more reliable technology. will be fully tested and ready for stu- commented. The new switch tech- Zerrielo explained. make sure that California tycoon “We're not against visitors to the. Wolman and McCoy have much dents next year. nology makes it much easier to en- However, Zerrielo commented, Dennis Tito does not endanger the international space station,” sajd, older hardware and access to wiring “Definitely all of Wolman and sure that every user is getting their “The more bandwidth that is allo- crew, the orbiting outpost - or him- Alain Dubeau of the Canadian Space; is made much more difficult due to McCoy will not be done by next fall,” fair share of bandwidth. cated, the more people use, it is defi- self. Agency. “The concernis the timing.,, solid drywall ceilings and walls. said Zerrielo. Switch technology assigns a dedi- nitely when the students are on cam- The Russians plan to launch Tito The 60-year-old Tito refuses to PH “Weare working with the housing “Beginning mid-May, we are go- cated amount of bandwidth to each pus that Internet usage ramps up.” and two Russian cosmonauts aboard off his flight, saying he has waited ;; administratiotno tryt o get the wiring ing to gut the AMRs and all brand- user, thus increasing speed and as- The statistics on Internet usage are a Soyuzrocket on April 28. The Soyuz and trained in Russia - long enough. plan in Wolman and McCoy up- new equipment will be installed, uti- suring that each individual Internet monitored closely by ResNet staff to will arrive at space station Alpha two Messerschmid said the space sta;, graded so it can support the newer lizing Switch technology,” explained connection will be reliable. The con- ensure that the appropriate amount days later and Tito will spend a week tion, barely 2 1/2 years into an esti-~ technology,” Zerrielo explained. Zerrielo. “And I’ve know that this nection under ResNet switch tech- of bandwidth is available. aboard. mated eight years of construction,i s Updating the wiring in Wolman was needed for a long time, but it nology would be faster then an aver- Currently ResNet costs about $21 Tito is paying the Russians as much full of risks. on and McCoy will take much longer takes a while to do it well in a big age DSL orcable modem connection. per month, and is expected to in- as $20 million to become the world’s “As a tourist, probably you, and will be more expensive, due to environment, you really have to plan The current network is also aging crease to $23 per month due to nor- first space tourist. wouldn’t choose to go toahotel which the structure of the building, and will it well.” to the point where system reliability mal price increases. Late this week or early next, the is under construction,” he said. thus be phased in over the summer Currently ResNet runs on shared is beginning to be compromised, re- Hopkins Networking Services has heads ofall the space station partners been growing quickly in recent years. will hold a teleconference in hopes of The Pill, lower cancer > Conspiracy theorists claim There has been a 12-percent average resolving what has become known as increase in Internet usage every year “The Tito Issue.” It had been set for risks linked by new students. To keep up with the Friday, but may be delayed because increasing demand and to ensure of scheduling conflicts. that Moon landing is staged quality service, Brandon Lockett, the The discussion will address, New research bolsters the theory Residential Network Specialist, was among other things, emergendcriyll s that the female hormone estrogen hired to oversee the implementation and other safety measures that need might protect women from colorectal of the new plans and to ensure the tobe taken ifTito arrives. NASA wants cancer. Le smooth running of the system. to make sure that the work of the Italian scientists have found that “TI know how important it is, from three space station residents is dis- women had about a 20 percent lower watched Did We Land On The The astronauts walked as if they were clear. The United States was losing a connectivity standpoint, to have rupted as little as possible by his pres- chance of developing the disease if Moon?, a Fox special that aired on the moon in the films we saw of the space race; the American people good access to technology resources, ence. they used oral contraceptives. | during our spring break. Al- them “moon walking.” It is true that were in a state of fear and the morale and that’s why!’ m really excited about Other questions that need to be “For a while now we have sus- though I had never previously the astronauts walked very peculiarly, of the Soviet Union was high. If the the addition of Brandon’s position addressed: Where can he go and who pected that estrogen in the pill could heard of the “moon con- supposedly from the weak gravity on United States were to land a man on because now we can have good qual- isresponsible ifhe breaks something? protect against bowel cancer and spiracy” theory until then, at the end the surface of the moon. But photo the moon, all of these problems were ityt ime to focus on the effort ofbring- Ernst Messerschmid, head of the our research has gone some way to’ a —ae ) ,to uhre cporuongtrraym , Is eriouslyi nqduee stioned analysts have »v iewed the image of the remedied. Finding it impossible to ing the nedt mwaoirnkt aiunp tio wohte rteh atit l neeveedls. Eceunrtoerp,e asna idS panceiet hAegre nhcey ’sno ra starnoynoanuet Vceocncfhiiram, wthhios ,”l eds atihde sDtru. dyC. ar“lIon tLhea it Oks just like a person ne D¢ se € DlDiaaam meesSs r ey Ulpetehe eD yeEaSsSs phRiee raL ‘hereea eapf psheBaee edn Ve ai| sK ucaslle- iMsi rek ~ BRIANS T It is true that most of us have never wbdiietteihno nasbt os oolft uhttehe e mcmoeooronta.ni ntsWyu er afbaocdueot n ’ottr hietk scneonon-w-_ [QQN CONSPIRACY Upcominc Lecturesa TH oMEwoop AND JHMI nt| oit vironment. All we, the general public, oft pkincotwur easb otuatk etnh e bmyo aosnt rolnaanudtisn g aanrde tthhee How about the lack ofa blast cra- Thursday, April 19, 2001 Tuesday, May 1, 2001 Ts film of the landing itself. From these _t er? When the astronauts landed, no Michael DiPersio, Ph.D. Professor Emily Carter iqmuaegsetsio ndienbga tetsh e halveeg itbiemeanc ys paofr ketdh,e bllaansdti ncgr atmeor ducloeu.l d NbAe SsAe en arugnudeesr tthhaet CAelnbtaenry fMoerd Cieclall BiCoollloeggye & Cancer Research U“nSiivmeurlsaittiyo nosf Coafl mieftoranlisa ,i nL eoxs tArnegmee leesn vironments” / oodI moon landing. I believe that some of the unique property of the moon’s “Integrin a3b1 regulates MMP-9 expression in epidermal 4:15 p.m., Homewood, Remsen 233 on the arguments that conspiracy theo- surface hardly moved the moon’s dust keratinocytes; Implications for extracellular matrix Ov rists have put forth have some merit. under the landing module. That is remodeling during epithelial cell invasion” Wednesday, May 2, 2001 jie I am not saying that we did not land __e ntirely possible. Not having been to 12:00 p.m., Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Dr. Joseph Mindrell a on the moon, but I am asking for an the moon, I can’t argue that what Bodian Conference Center Howard Hughes Medical Institute Se tehxep laanragtuimoenn tfsr omt haNt AShaAv e tob eseonm e puotf fNoAr SNAA SiAs ,sa ytihnegr ei s fiasl seev.i Udnefncoer tucnoanttreal-y Thursday, April 19, 2001 “BPrraonjdeecitsi oUnn isvterruscittuyr e of CIC-type chloride channel at vilt forth. dictory to this. This evidence, again, A. Keith Dunker, Ph.D. 6.5 angstrom resolution” 32? One of the most substantial pieces comes from the NASA films. Dust School of Molecular Biosciences 12:00 p.m., Wood Basic Science Building, 198 toafk eevni debnyc eN AiSsA froma sttrhoen apuhtost. ograNpAhSsA wcalloukdisn g faobromu t atsh e tshuer faacset.r oSno,a uittss eeamrse W“Tahseh ipnrgottoeinn Sttraitnei tyU:n isvterruscittuyr e/function for the new millenium” West Lecture Hall ; BeAq claimed that their only source oflight that astronauts walking around can 12:00 p.m., Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 202 Physiology Wednesday, May 2, 2001 ta wdLpsheheoioenoltnckoe.eig ,rno Tanghpo ehnt eha ste hvmeatrohdyeoop rwnossp jt ehrwcoitaokt sfio sngofghbr rajaofedpamcoch ttwist s chc e ia nns teuhvbtniahe.-te | Am nj ot sayi; ng that TJr“Ihonuh anrv sidEt arpoyp t,i gad Abepvroeirllo op1um9,ee n2 t0 0o1f j ovarian cfaoleli cles” Da5“r:C0.4l0 ui rP mpesb.tdmiea.rny, ,g P HrMtiohavemya el howi3v,eo ro2a0dr0,c1h yM uofd dpr oLteecitnu rset ruHcatlulr e” ftF“OpeaG , Rietap bch Ether One would ex- we did not land on the sireB y ae elas a Public Health, Leland Chung +s thecet,S waitshs oynl y ©on beel i yghte sohurc et,o foeraaclhl Moon, but |am aski: ng poio odruefef RooOmo, oi e(Prhi pps 240 UDneipvaerrtsmiteyn to fo Vfi Urrgionlioag yM edical School Sk|ag other. Instead, the photographs show ale ursday, April 19, “Prostate Cancer” “ objects, right next toB ich other,p ro- for an ex p lanation Dr. Wendall lim. 4:00 p.m., School of Hygiene and Public Health, rs jecting shadows goingi n different di- University of California San Francisco Woodruff Room (Phipps 240) *{ rlmeiecgathnito ssn osut.rh ceerW.e h aPmetuos ptl ceab ne w hmtooh irses umptpehoaarnnt ? otnheIet tfhreo ma rNgAuSmAe nttos stohm§a et of 4“:T0a0k ipn.gm. ,a pHarotm emwodouolda,r Msiugdndal inHga llp rRotoeoimns ” 100 TPrhoufressdsaoyr, RMoabeyr t3 ,M 2o0s0s1 o4t hoax theory argue that the moon land- Tuesday, April 24, 2001 Rutgers University 1 ing was staged in a movie studio. have been put forth. Professor Veronica Vaida “The fragmentation of carbenes” 4, * “How about the fluttering Ameri- University of Colorado '4:15 p.m., Homewood, Remsen Hall 233 =2, ;; tacnha ena ftflmlaaoggs ?tp ohI enbr eea n,m oeovnnievn igwr ooumnlumdce hnn.to t Blueatxc,pk eiacnltg- kick up dirt but 10,000 pounds of 4“:A1t5m ops.mp.h,e rHiocm eawero; oosdol,s aRse mprseebni otHiacl lr e2a3c3t ors” DWre.d nReosbdearty ,K oMranye lu9,k 2001 43 pe Emsotsrtoenvaeurtys plAamnetirnigc atnhhea Asmseereinctahne tfwlaog . rockEevte nt hrtuhset Scoavnineott . Union, with its WDre.d nBersudcea yT,r aApppr ilo f2 5, 2001 UDneipvaerrtsmiteyn to fo Oft Pteadwiaat rics waai l a “Waeir ” waast cAhmeedr icoau r coflnaqgu ewraevdi ntgh e ifnr otnh-e tmhoorueg hta ditv ainmpcoesds ibslep acteo lapnrdo gar amma,n TDheep aCrltemveenltan do f CNleiunrico sFcoiuenndcaets ion “1A2n:0a0l yps.ims. ,o fW aopoodpt oBsaissi cu sSicnige ntcrea nBsugielndiicn ga,p proaches” roina a tier of our moon. Now, it has been on the moon. Hearing that America “Myelination disorders” 5; West Lecture Hall <T” ., ltFaahorecrg k ufieolnudagr g a tshnfhaalottau gmle odvts eobnp heheia mnrvo eeav ,nil bnieegken envst iohrmfeoelmnwaopmhopeaintnn,.tg wacdeiinldsdl m .s tof orbaor mo luetsghseheitrr sadce gigrereneatet,i fdiefcarlco omom fm ousunkriespt tyi,a-s WT1he2:us0rt0s dLpae.ycm,t. ,u rAeWp roiHola: dl2l 6 ,B a2s0i0c1 Science Building, TSDhcrur.ri Cpspldsaa yr,e WMataeyr m1a0,n -2S0t01o rer , |““|i around, with the violence that it was, The evidence supporting that the Ronald A. Butow, Ph.D. Dynamic interactions between microtubules and actin a $ isnegemtsh e hinocarxeadlulsoouasr.g uTehtohsaet osuurpmpoorotn- emxotoenns ivlea,n dtihneg sicso pa eh ooafx whisi cfha r imso troeo UDneipvaerrtsmietyn to foT fe Mxoals,e cuSloaurt hwBeisoltoegryn Medic; al Center; 4d:u0r0i npg. mc.e,l l Hmoomtielwiotyo”d , Mudd Hall Room 100 bi ao x landing was staged in a studio. large for me to be able to mention The inheritance of mitochondrial DNA” — eat $ ~~ Tfwelandone tdh em oon, couldn’t themall. The moon landing came ata 12:00 p-m., Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Thursday, May 17, 2001 aa i man with a reasonably high-power time when America desperately Bodian Conference Center Dr. Cathy Jackson wey oS Pe cope be able to view the flag on _needeodfn aatiosnaleismn tsoceou n- aa National Institute of Health Uh ive ty - mCloaoaunotrd edmn? os oNootonn h,,et ehd Amwao Stt erAh a noetconrlacep enl,t ana hfsoierttm .tosd h maehrtWloikha synhsoda?wviv enedCh boeioaancb fcvlak teen-h-s-e _wTfets ehvprhreaeoeancnm c et UhSpntaptrhivhueoetet ge nrdmSiha oukemv icSi.wghte ahat tAst’ofees ostf nr e ebarmdi a ot snaripldsnealeg, c n etwso haeeuep d r rvd opoaiSflgodn av rcfninaeeeeoamdtttr. | T4“F_D:hRor0oux.0 lr AesCp ndh.onaamfye.s ,, eh oSHsAkCtopaa rlmnDikcelaNew rA2o 6 o,C dre2e,n0p t0ae1iM rru fdudn ctHiLaolnysl Rios orme t1r0o0; v irDaNlBAi yei ntWeurtgr aSatait on g . W4M“r:eeAu0gdRd0unF ldepa .tsnmeHdu. aca,gll yolelH, ogR oti; oMmi sodaetemwyr ou ec2ox1t3d0cu,0rh, ea2 n00ag1ne d ffacutnocrtsi oGne ai. ln py eaasntd” Gea2p adee e eFra. ee= S3ea)e <= ei i 5By Raeh Yiee r p rHiot ve thawetw er e thfUtihenresi toCs nopw alab-ca dsee l Wirlaeaogarivnecd s.eei d n gwAt,loh tuleohl sicotdno u gugrinoohnutn nerdev Ay imm tetbaohrbymalilteyca nwanwt odi,n-ant || MU“DStoCenehpnipaadvhpraeeetyrnrm,s oe MinnA.titp yn roMg ioif llf l Mce3Blel -f0irate,, o dl2oPe0gh0it.i1cDed a.,lr B maSiclitneoan.ctCeois. o n in VOLVOXSe”e } _n_aea vi-ti_id_arn-y.1 2:qaD0aC“rnhO0t.ivil - pGdsrraeoperrt.npyem’ii .sSnn, isa Hl sWoevaos enpordidmd teaea fnmleB e narssegit ecasle nsSy ccseit eenoocmfi™ea e n. aBi da.u nicliduietnneg)t, bee t iv __ chi gMean g Na e(; ihaa eeL N eea a * w e \ 12:15 p.m., Carnegie Institute of Washington Department of Embryology Went Lecture Hall ititiotive Cokes dekulleais Abrtt 19, 2001 A9 THE JOHNS Hopkins News-Letter SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Red Hat Linux gets a facelift D.C’ cherry blossoms bloom inux has carved out a Hat, the largest Linux distributor, has have to be worried, because the in- | BY ARMAND OEI unique niche for itself in confirmed my suspicions. With the stallation of Red Hat is still a bitch. | the computer industry. most recent release of Red Hat Linux While it has gotten slightly easier to | THE JOHNS Hopkins NEws-LeETTER tits, it has bDiulbeiet eynt o a niptdos srtueipmntagir mkeat hbels eta bteissstt-a 7sii.nt1 e,a sffirunetceue r feoM ro wndhdoeawryen, l oLaIid nc uaxno nn cootuwhl edibr e laWiceetuvb-e wumanansdtse rsattpoa pnegdao,l tRtoheoid n gf.Ha art I wmdieotaehns ,n ’thtci sos meweeh mo olnte,o the Spcrhienrgr y is bhleorses omasn.d wWiaths hiitn gctoomne,s gMircorwotsho ffti ghuarse sa dinm itthtee ds ertvheart Lmairnkuext .i s ally compete with Windows. tdhrei vae vepraartgiet iuosnesr, dsoweasp ndorti vuensd, eransdt anthde bDl.Co.s sohmass beeevenr fsaimnocues Mfaoyr oirt s cYhuekriroy its “number one threat,” though the like. Yes, I know that there are many | Ozaki of Tokyo gave it as a gift to nymbers show that while Gates and DAVEF Linux tutorials online. But the aver- Washington as a token of national co#fo"otmBhuepetsa i ns2dye7er svp esetrri lscleem rnhavtrae.kvr see,t ,a bLoLiuintnu uxx4 1 hopaneslr yc aehlnastso Pop TECH aToyghpoeetu ir'uoevsne es r a irtdeno so tedtaseolnaol’l et d mwriaeitanthd,y y ohoneuclri uen.se nt etoAeumndtido z,ra titoao ilnoscrne.e- abfwanresidt eT wnheJdfeeais nrphs acitn hpJ e asribpurneagy ntg 1 we9beas1le2nto.ndes ds ttohhmbee yUU annrDiirrtt.aee nddg JeoSSmkttieaacnttheetiss fbdcotHelhockei.orc m eA els futochrhto hugegte eehkc oshpI,n e omrlunaosetgrtidi scna,agd l mldiywst ey esotbrthiseaem tn taiento ddif s Hufasrteo’dTms.h eK dTDihEmseo tysrtt io bhK iamDs vaEetj2 ho.er f iFGnocUarhlI la tyn hgseheuen plolgnt ro-b atedeRiecendhdg stdore iavarIeccnsch .e m saysg aotihpnei nififi yolones,u owtnah ne yto peutrrof ekWcnti ondwdihsotowrwsib || TdaiskTcahomevi enJreai pnaognn e sAep rciahld erm8ei,n sat19,l0 i9n.fe a mous anfodr avery nice system, there seems to be inclined, KDE2 is to the Linux kernel would give users three installation takadiastase, wasin Washington with abit more sinister reason for this at- as Explorer, start menu et al., are to options: typical for Linux-only ma- Mr. Midzuno, the Japanese consul in traction. MS-DOS or the NT kernel (depend- chines, typical for Windows-Linux New York. When he was notified that Washington was planning on having Ai-rTohniise ids ijau sDt iroencet omro rore thteh iCnOgB O(lLik e irunng) .o n KwDhEa2t vies rmsiuocnh opfr Wetitniedro wtsha ny oiuts macAhninde s yoaun d tceuchs tohmeiazdesd . out there Jthaep anSepseee dwcaheyr,r y het reaess kepdl anFtiersdt aLlaodnyg The Yoshinocherry blossoms Oe redominoatla Washington, D.C.area. programming language) that they can predecessor, but it’s also a lot more shouldn’t just be saying, “Oh well, | Taftifshe would accept a donation of 6, but the average Joe can’t. Some- intuitive. It’s easier to set up your sucfokr thsem .” Red Hatisoneofthe | an additional 2,000 trees to fill out the south end of 17th Street. Located at oft he trees, with hopes that they will thing they can laugh about: “Can you options, locate your drives, etc. Not most complete Linux distributions area. the bases oft he trees are large bronze be in full bloom during the Cherry believe the poor memory resource manofy t he changes are massive, but I’ve heard of. So, if they go under for | Mr. Midzuno thought this was a plathqat cuommeemosrat e the occa- Blossom Festival. management in that guy’s system?” there are enough tweaks in there to losing market share to a user-friendly | splendid idea, and suggested that the sion. The Cherry Blossom Festival dates Pth not so sure if everyone else finds make your Linux experiejunstc aebi t environment, it sucks for you, too. trees be given in the name oft he city To symbolize the lasting relation- are set based on the average time of that stuff quite so funny. easier. Thus, the head ofus er-friend- Red Hat Linux 7.1 is certainly a step of Tokyo, ship between the two countries, the blooming, butsometimesunseasonably I once asked a friend why Linux liness begins to emerge, and techies in the right direction, but much more Dr. Takamine and Mr. Midzuno United States holds an annual Na- icy winds and rain stop their prolific wasn’t as user-friendly as Windows. all over the world are screaming in work has to be doinfi te wan ts to beat | met with First Lady Taft, who ac- tional Cherry Blossom Festival. blossoming. Peak Bloom is when 70 per- He said that was the point. But if the terror. Imagineif those frat boys down out Microsoft. Linux enthusiasts || cepted the offer of the 2,000 trees. cent of the blossoms are open on the distributors of Linux expect to really the street start their own server? The champion the OS as the standard- | However, the first batch of trees that Yoshino Cherries (Prunus x yedoensis), crack any of the PC market share, horror! bearer for freedom in the computer | was donated was infestewidth para- Thousands of locals the predominant cherry blossom tree they can’t really be going for just the Well, if that’s the sort of thing that world. Well then, win the crowd, and | sites that were potentially hazard- that surrounds the Tidal Basin. élitist nerd demographic. And Red scares you (dork!), you don’t really you will win your freedom. ous to the United States’ ecosys- and tourists from all The blossoms started blooming on tem. These trees were subsequently April 7 this year. Once open, each destroyed. over the world come blossom lasts only four to 10 days, SCIENCE On February 14, 1912, 3,020 cherry with the blooming period only lasting | trees of 12 varieties were shipped from 10 to 14 days. This year, high tem- here to enjoy the | Yokohama on board the S.S. Awa peratures, along with significant wind THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Maru, bound for Seattle. Upon ar- and rain, will shorten the blooming beauty oft he trees, rival, they were transferred to insu- period. Yc+1. CONTINUED From Pace A8& Nearly 1 million people were di- be treated to the aurora borealis this | lated freight cars for the shipment to The blossoms faded fast, and are mayb e possible to develop new treat- agnosed with colorectal cancer weekend from another solar flare’s | Washington. with hopes that they almost entirely gone by now. The ments that take advantage of the anti- worldwide last year, the World eruption from the sun. First Lady Taft and the Viscount- Kwanzan Cherries (Prunus serrulata cancer qualities of the pill.” Health Organization estimates. The The latest flare burst forth on | ess Chinda, wife of the Japanese Am- will be in full bloom “Kwanzan”), however, are bloom- +, The findings, published Monday American Cancer Society projects Thursday, continuing two weeks of | bassador, planted the first two cherry ing now. Additionally, the int he British Journal of Cancer, are that more than 135,000 Americans activity on the sun, the National Oce- | blossom trees (Yoshino cherry trees) during the Cherry crabapples and tulips are expected similar to those ofarecent study which will be diagnosed with the disease anic and Atmospheric Administra- on the northern bank of the Tidal to bloom soon. suggested thathormone replacement this year. tion said Friday. Basin. At the conclusion of the cer- Blossom Festival. The exact date when the Yoshino therapy, or HRT, could protect Studies have shown there appear It came from the same region on emony, First Lady Taft presented a Cherry Blossoms reach the peak of women from colorectal cancer to the to be other anticancer benefits to the the sun that produced a pair of mass bouquet of “American Beauty” roses their bloom varies yearly. same degree. pill, but thatit may also promotesome ejections Tuesday, NOAA’s Space | to Viscountess Chinda. The blossoms usually bloom _ Over the last 20 years, death rates types of cancer. Research suggests it Environment Center in Boulder, | Washington’s renowned Cherry Theannualbloooft mhei cnhegrr y around April 4, but variations in itgm bowel cancer have dropped may ward off ovarian and uterine can- Colo., reported. Blossom Festival originated in this trees around the Jefferson Memorial weather have produced bloom dates more in women than in men. Some cer but increase the risk of breast can- “The sun rotates about 15 de- way, witnessed by only a few persons. has symbolized the natural beauty of ranging from as early as March 15, dsuciee nttoi setss trboegleine vef otuhinsd c ionu lodr ablec poanrttrlya -__c_er . “Women need to look at the bal-_ _gbree egso ienagc ha wdaayy, isno a tfhiesw adraeya s,s”h osualidd | _iTnhge steo dtawyo soerviegrianla lh utrnedersaerde ystairlld ss tawneds-t _ ooufrl ocnaatlisoann’ds tcoaupriitsatls cfirtyo.m Tahloluovsearn dtshe apneda k abs lolaotme dasa teA porfi lM a1r8c. h La1s7t wayse art’hse ceptives and hormone replacement ance ofall the benefits and risks,” said NOAA’s Joseph Kunches. But the of the John Paul Jones statue at the world come here to enjoy the beauty second earliest year on record. therapy. Dr. Anne Szarewski, a gynecological region that was really active two That theory deserves more atten- cancer expert at the Imperial Cancer weeks ago will be coming around tion, according to Dr. Michael Thun, Research Fund in London. “It'll de- again. “We’re waiting for the ar- head of epidemiology at the Ameri- pend on the individual profile. For rival of that one.” can Cancer Society. someone with a family history of The scientists note that the sun is “How relevant these findings are breast cancer, any additional risk will experiencing “solar max,” a period of to today’s pill use is unclear because turn them off.” strong activity that happens about they relate mostly to older formula- Regular screening after age 50, every 11 yearsandlasts foraboutthree tions,” said Thun, who was not in- regular exercise and maintaining a or four years. volved in the research. “But this does healthy weight are considered the These disturbances on the sun support the hypothesis that estrogen best ways to reduce the chances of blast radiation and particles out into playsa role ii n suppressing colorectal developing colorectal cancer, Thun space, some of which can affect Earth. cancer.” said. The planet’s magnetic field channels The study by researchers from The study was funded by the Ital- the radiation around the Earth, fun- the Institute of Pharmacological Re- ian Association for Cancer Research. neling some of it to the poles to pro- duce the most commonly noticed ef- search in Milan, Italy, pulled to- gether the evidence from 19 inter- New solar flare bursts fect, the glowing auroras. national investigations into a The powerful electromagnetic possible link between birth control from Sun pulses also can affect satellites and communications and can even dis- pills and cancer of the colon and rupt electrical service over long dis- bowel. It is the first comprehensive analysis of the topic. Residents of northern states could tances. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY taitaniA elesa uehicecidemamereleicabbesbastas mele otRaeei e you knc W inside that says "I can't"? EARN FULL-YEAR CREDIT IN BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES progress ACCELERATE PROGRESS TOWARDS YOUR DEGREE f* FULFILL A DISTRIBUTION OR GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT LIVE ON NORTHWESTERN’S LAKESIDE CAMPUS, JUST NORTH OF CHICAGO! Call 800-FINDS-NU for a catalog. Al0 THE JOHNS Hopkins News-Letter April 19, 2001 SPORTS Playoff preview: | Former JHU player making it in minors West is the best — Ex-Hopkins baseball player John Christ is a closer in Cleveland Indian’s farm system; ‘ he has already established himself as a veteran and team player for his I-A squad his year’s playoff picture one oft heir toughest rivals, the Port- | BY JEREMY M. LIFF lina, the home of one of the Indians’ Christ took the road less traveled. includes what is probably land Trailblazers. These teams fin- | THE JOHNS Hopkins News-Lerrer class-A affiliates.Christ has become Now, he presumably travels down the most competitive ished this season going in opposite | the team’s closer, a job he has readily these roads on coach buses, as he Western conference in directions, with Portland continuing | Two years ago, John Christ earned accepted. works on his slider and tries to make NBA history. The Hous- their second-half plummet and the amechanical engineering degree from “I hope for a lot of opportunities. it to the next small town for a double- ton Rockets finished with a .5 win- Lakers finally coming together to play our own Johns Hopkins University. They told me I will get [them] being header. ning percentage, only to become the some good basketball. Now, in his mid-20s, Christ studies the closer. Hopefully, we'll get a lot Christi s one of manwyh o areh op- best team in history not to make the Pick: Lakers 3-1 physics and chemistry; the physics of more win opportunities this year ing for their shot. It wasn’t long ago playoffs. It seems likely that whoever the curve ball and the chemistry of a where we struggled last year.” that he was the one who many hoped comes out of the West will win the NO.8 PACERS VS. NO. 1 single-A baseball team. Certainly, Christ is part of av ery they could be. whole thing, butyou never know; any- As you may have realized, John small percentage of people who have A Blue Jay from 1996-1999, he was thing can happen in this year’s play- SIXERS | Christ is not our athlete of the week ever been able to play professional named Centennial Conference Player offs. for his ability to calculate angular baseball. But for any given minor oft he Year for the ‘98 and ‘99 seasons. Ayear after giving the Lakersarun momentums.Instead, he earns the league player, the probability of mak- He is the only player in Conference NO. 1 SPURS VS.NO.8 for their money in the NBA finals, honoras one of the greatest players in ing it to the majors is very poor. history to be named first-team All- Indiana barely made the playoffs in a Blue Jay history, now toiling in the Christ decided to take the risk, en- Centennial four times. TIMBERWOLVES battle for the eighth seed with Boston. abyss of minor league baseball for the tering into the 1999 Major League Christ is the Jays’ career leader in With too many inexperienced play- chance to one day make it to “the big Baseball Draft. He was taken by the hits, home runs, doubles, RBI, runs You'd think this would be an easy ers and not enough ofan inside pres- show.”“I’m trying to pursue my goal Indians in the 38th round. scored andat-bats. He has previously matchup for the Spurs. But with the ence, the team struggled under first- and dreaminsaild iChrfiste. ,“Th”at ’s Most people in his position would returned to Hopkins to help coach COURTESY OF HOPKINS MAGAZINE way Minnesothaas surprised this year year coach Isaiah Thomas. basically why I’m here.” have taken their degree down the safe the team. This certainly must have ready the second-oldest player on the in overcominga slew of obstacles, you The Sixers are the best team out of “Here” is Burlington, North Caro- path to a cushy job with nice pay. delighted Bob Babb, the Blue Jays’ team. . never know. Despite the death of the East. They play the best defense, | head coach. Christ is undoubtedly There is a saying known by most Malik Sealy and the contract scandal have the best coach and the most fiery one oft he best players Babb has ever ball players who have had their share with Joe Smith, the Timberwolves ap- leader in Allen Iverson. Andits notall had come through his system. of coach bus rides and nights in wtpeeelaalmr, ebdau st u ngtfhoaeoz det adl aestn hti tshi essn e’aSt spotuhnre.sr .e T hAteon ydb epalttah eya ymueapat ret,os etahhceah v Aefn islslwtienergp pcrteuhdic si auylpe arrbo.li egHsti istmo etm eaatkmhei-s LIFETIME CASRTEAETRI STMIICNSO R LEAGUE jruesnttC harm siaosnltai gdh eagrsu, y a.l DsIao’ vmie m vpeTrrueyr,sg seveoednr .yh ihs“a Hcpeup’rys- btNhooeow zheem,ra ejvobirrlsol aed:ist ’ s “aIwnnid n et,bh ea dw moibmnroeeranst ,h. aintId'n s talent doesn’t look like it will be im- this a nearly complete team. I have to have him with us; he’s extremely wow.” ; proving anytime soon, as their next high hopes for them to come out of coachable. You have a veteran guy Perhaps, one day, John Christ wi few draft picks have been revoked by the East and at least give the West a that’s coachable leading the way. For be drinking zinfandel on an airplane the league. Minnesota has not seen challenge in the Finals. MAHONING VALLEY SCRAPPERS me, that’s awesome.” It is a little headed for a Boston monster or’a cthoen sseeccuotnidv e rotruinpds tion tahney polfat yhoefifsr. four Pick: Philly 3-0 2000 strange for a 24-year-old to be re- New York house of Ruth. ferred to as a veteran. But he is al- Nowhereville has no airports. Tim Duncan and David Robinson NO. 2 BUCKS VS. NO. 7 W-L ERA G GF SV IP H R ER HR BB SO should soon make that the fifth con- secutive, as they’ve played consis- MAGIC 2 3.127 18 10 1 26.20.1009. 0 ged} tently well this season. Tim Duncan Milwaukee is brimming with con- BURLINGTON INDIANS has improved his game steadily this season after last year’s disappointing fidence right now, and I’d say too 2000 much ofi t. They’re primed for a first knee injury. With the excellent addi- round exit, and youknowhead coach uo 000 2 2 -1 20 2,2 00,2 3 tion of Derek Anderson this season, George Karl is up for it. His Sonics the Spurs have it all and look like the were the first top-seeded team in his- favorites out of the Western Confer- ence. tory to lose to a No. 8 seed when they Christ is JHU’s career leader in hits, home runs, doubles, runs fell to the Nuggets in 1994. The play- theclogstore.com Pick: San Antonio 3-1 batted ins, runs scored and at-bats. ers are hyping themselves as true title contenders. They can back this up, as 1-800-8$48-CLOG DAVIDGONE they’re an impressive 7-0 versus the Lakers, Kings, Jazz and Spurs. But SPORTING GOODS they have a lot going against them. For one, they're unproven in the play- offs. The biggest problem, however, __ isthatwitnh gaemeys by outshooting 1 xpponents....—s—s—s_~—” ; ~ o 7 OJ. ey ve Shown that that works fine 5 DALLAS MAVERICKS for the regular season, but looking at just about any past NBA champion re- You know that outspoken Dallas veals that defense wins the champion- owner Mark Cuban isn’t going to be ships. keeping his mouth shut during the Orlando has a great coach in Doc playoffs. Its onal maytte r of time until Rivers, but he hasn’t been able to get he says something controversial dur- his team to overachieve like he got ing his stay in Mormon country. lastyear’s team to do. This year’s team His unrestrained bankroll, and is not the gutsy, scrappy squad he had some clever scouting by the Nelson last year, but that’s not to say they’re father-son duo, have transformed not better. They are, with the emer- Dallas into a legitimate playoff con- gence of Tracy McGradyand the solid tender this year. Their team is stacked playof D arrell Armstrong and rookie with talent and they have been play- Mike Miller. If Orlando can restrain ing great together lately. the Buck’s offensive barrage, they Utah has had an up and down sea- have a great shot at this series. son. At one point Karl Malone pro- Pick: Orlando 3-2 claimed this team to be the best he’s ever been on, including the one that NO. 3 HEAT VS. NO.6 made it to the finals twice against the Bulls. The addition of Donyell HORNETS Marshall has beenasuccaensd sJo,h n The story of the playoffs will be Starks and Danny Manning have Alonzo Mourning’s comeback. Ex- chipped in as well. Even though crit- pect many a melodramatic moment ics have been wrong about their as NBC is no doubt gearing up with “Malone/Stockton are too old tocom- many up close and personal looks at pete” theory time and time again, the resurgent hero. ‘Zo deserves the eventually that theory has to become attention, he’s already reestablished fact. This could be the year, as Utah himself as his team’s heart and soul, barely made it out of the first round not to mention defensive presence. 30 Days... 2 Countries...1 Pass... two years ago against youthful up- This year’s Hornets area joke, even start Sacramento. The youthful, en- their own coach called them “soft as Travel by train and experience the adventure and freedom that only thusiastic Mavericks maybe the team tissue paper.” Elden Campbell looks the North Arneri¢s Rail Pass” offers. that will finally make Stockton and | like he’s sleepwalking, Derrick Malone start acting their age. Coleman is nothing but a trouble- Simply the most adventurous and affordable vagy to tee the United Pick: Dallas 3-1 maker, and P.J. Brown is still won- States and Canadas. Together, Amtrak» and VA Rail Canada offer dering how he got there. They have 4h exciting rail pass foe those who really want to experience North NO.3 KINGS VS. NO.6 the talentto be one of the better teams Arnerica’s vast beauty. Travel to as many pieces at you want in SUNS in the East, but it just hasn’t hap- 30 days...4o why not see it a. Whether you are traveling the coast, pened this year. Bright spots have passing through the mountains or visiting another city, you'll enjoy Phoenix had a good season de- been explosive point guard Baron the flexiobfi crleaititngy a n Aineraryt om atch your interestsTr.i p must spite the off-court troubles of point Davis and the solid David Wesley. include at least one segment in each country. _ guard Jason Kidd and the loss of The Heat are the better team, if “Zo Anfernee Hardaway for the season. hadn’t been gone they could have 10% Student But they don’t have enough to run challenged Philly for first. They will NORTH AMERICA 30-Day Advantage with the flashy Kings. Webber is at take this series in four. RAIL PASS Pass Price Discount the top of his game, sharp shooter Pick: Heat 3-1 Paak fare $674" S407 Predrag Stojakovic is at the top of his game, and Doug Christie has instilled NO.4 NY KNICKS VS. NO. Siete, hits & ~ Cus TH adefensive intensityi n the team never Off-peak fare $471 M24 seen before. I don’t think the Kings 5 TORONTO RAPTORS OMS geal ears ~ Shae2 1 aed Oct 1h~ Dow Bit will be going anywhere in the next Taertrak accepts the Student Card! Members save 10% ona This is going to be a tough series . 0-day North America Ral Pass and 1$%°* onm oet Armrak caschf aresy or round, but Phoenix is just about the And weall knowwho usually wins the weakest team from the West in the tough series. That’s right, the Knicks rsotuundde,nt a%d vjaonrt agSoeu.d ecnotm .A dvarkage and start saving, call 1877. 2C1N SA oF visitu playoffs. are going to pull out of a close battle Y« - Pick: Sacramento 3-0 against Air Canada and the rest of _ Call 1.800.USA.RAILo rv isit wwrecamtrak.com/promotionsidetaits, ¢“ wk NO. 2L AKERS VS. NO.7 their neighbors to the north. for more information on the North America Rad Pass and sample Expect gutsy performances from itineraries. Latrell SpreAllwan Heousltonland, J eff BLAZERS Van Gundy, who will be ready, as al- As good as the Lakers must be ways, to break up any fights (which are feeling about themselves now, It hink likely as long as Charles Oakley and they won a game too manyo n their KurtThomasareplaVyiincne gCa)r.te r recent streak. Their eight-game win- will have a breaserikes,o buut itt wo n’t — » ning streak closed out their season beenThe foutuure ogfC ahnadi.an b as- rmarmmcromenerstactie zeceniamncetrratct ene _ and surprised everyone by taking the ketball as we know it may hang in the Pacific diviBsiuonit c nrowsn taway oeffbr aeoim ndSagrc -e -Sb calaanpcee withe tlhise smer ies, as Cahrtaern eansd lait “the States if thi poorly. + Canon, Saat 14 PickK:n ickerbockere 32 Sawin, CORO tse nt id WE i Cen i a ub. s f+ Kael esk Oe arate) : bai Aan oia es A Pest ew 4 pa. pe Par aes ‘= eee pes f

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