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Preview The January 2022 NYINC Auction, Paper Money

The January 2022 NYINC Auction Th e J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 N Y I N C A u c t i o n • P a p e r M o n e y J a n u Paper Money a r y 1 5 January 15, 19 & 20, 2022 , 1 9 & New York City 2 0 , 2 0 An Official Auctioneer of the New York 2 2 International Numismatic Convention Stack’s Bowers Galleries Upcoming Auction Schedule Coins and Currency Date Auction Consignment Deadline January 12, 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – U.S. Coins & Currency December 13, 2021 StacksBowers.com January 14-19, 2022 Stack’s Bowers Galleries – Ancient Coins and World Coins & Banknotes visit StacksBowers.com Official Auction of the NYINC New York, NY February 2, 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – U.S. Coins & Currency January 10, 2022 StacksBowers.com February 10, 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – World Banknotes January 5, 2022 StacksBowers.com February 22-24, 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – Ancient & World Coins January 11, 2022 StacksBowers.com March 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – U.S. Coins & Currency February 2022 StacksBowers.com April 5-8, 2022 Stack’s Bowers Galleries – U.S. Coins & Currency January 28. 2022 Official Auction of the Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expo April 11-14, 2022 Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio – Chinese & Asian Coins & Banknotes Hong Kong and Paris Hong Kong Offices: January 25, 2022 U.S. Offices: February 4, 2022 April 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – U.S. Coins & Currency March 2022 StacksBowers.com May 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – World Paper Money March 2022 StacksBowers.com May 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – U.S. Coins & Currency April 2022 StacksBowers.com June 2022 Collectors Choice Online Auction – U.S. Coins & Currency May 2022 StacksBowers.com June 14-17, 2022 Stack’s Bowers Galleries – U.S. Coins & Currency April 19, 2022 Official Auction of the Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expo August 16-22, 2022 Stack’s Bowers Galleries – U.S. & World Coins & Currency June 2022 August 2022 Showcase Auction Front Cover (top to bottom): Lot 20330: IRAQ. Government of Iraq. 1/2 Dinar, 1931 (1941). P-14. WBG Very Good 8 Qualified. Extensive Restoration; Lot 20231: EGYPT. National Bank of Egypt. 1 Egyptian Pound, 1899. P-2b. PMG Very Fine 30; Lot 20416: PORTUGUESE INDIA. Banco Nacional Ultramarino. 50 Rupias, 1924. P-28s. Specimen. PMG Choice Uncirculated 63; Lot 20059: CANADA. Bank of Canada. 1000 Dollars, 1937. BC-28. PMG Choice Uncirculated 63; Lot 20321: ICELAND. Landsbanki Islands. 50 Kronur, 1928 (ND 1929). P-25. PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. Back Cover (top to bottom, left to right): Lot 20245: EUROPEAN UNION. European Central Bank. 500 Euro, 2002. P-7ss. Specimen. PMG Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ; Lot 20427: RWANDA-BURUNDI. Banque d’Emission du Rwanda et du Burundi. 1000 Francs, 1962. P-7. Choice Uncirculated; Lot 20192: COLOMBIA. El Banco Nacional de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. 50 Pesos, 1881. P-145. PMG Choice Fine 15; Lot 20018: BELGIUM. Banque Nationale de Belgique. 100 Francs, 1914. P-79b. PMG Very Fine 30; Lot 20392: NORWAY. Norges Bank. 100 Kroner, 1944. P-22b. PMG About Uncirculated 50; Lot 20045 CANADA. Dominion of Canada. 1 Dollar, 1870. DC-2a. PMG About Uncirculated 55 EPQ. Stack’s Bowers Galleries presents The January 2022 NYINC Auction PPaappeerr MMoonneeyy JJaannuuaarryy 1155,, 1199 && 2200,, 22002222 Barclay Salon InterContinental Barclay Hotel 111 E 48th Street • New York City California Office New York Office Philadelphia Office New England Office Hong Kong Office 1550 Scenic Avenue 470 Park Avenue 1735 Market St. P.O. Box 1804 Unit 1603, 16/F Suite 150 New York, NY 10022 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 Mira Place Tower A Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Tel: 800.566.2580 Tel: 866.840.1913 Tel: 866.811.1804 No. 132 Nathan Road Tel: 800.458.4646 Tel: 212.582.2580 Tel: 267.609.1804 Tel: 603.569.0823 Tsim Sha Tsui Tel: 949.253.0916 Fax: 212.245.5018 Fax: 603.569.3875 Kowloon, HK Fax: 844.645.7624 Tel: +011.852.2117.1191 Oklahoma Office South Carolina Office Paris Office Tel: 800.817.2646 Tel: 864.520.2208 Tel: + www.StacksBowers.com Copyright © 2021 Stack’s-Bowers Numismatics, LLC • All Rights Reserved How to Bid Internet Absentee or Proxy Bidding Place absentee bids now at www.StacksBowers.com or use our iOS or Android apps on your mobile device or tablet. Proxy bidding is enabled at midnight the day before the auction session closes live and is located on the lot description page. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page at www.StacksBowers.com/FAQ/OnlineBidding.aspx for more information. Stack’s Bowers Galleries iBid Live Bid live anywhere in the world, on your computer at www.StacksBowers.com or use our iOS or Android apps on your mobile device or tablet. Live Telephone Bidding Phone Bidding must be arranged 24 hours before your session begins. Stack’s Bowers Galleries will ask for the lot numbers of interest and will call you during the auction so you can place bids with our representative in real time. We regret that we can only offer this service for lots estimated at $2,500 or more. If you wish to arrange live bidding by phone, contact Customer Service at 800.458.4646 or 949.253.0916 or email info@StacksBowers.com. Email, Fax and Mail Bidding Use the enclosed bid sheet and email, mail or fax it to us. Email bids to info@StacksBowers.com. If sending by mail, please allow sufficient time for the postal service. Fax bids must be received 24 hours before your session begins. Fax bids to 844.645.7624. Please check that your fax bids are received by Stack’s Bowers Galleries. Mail: Attn. Auction Department Fax: 844.645.7624 Email: info@stacksbowers.com Stack’s Bowers Galleries 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 United States Live Bidding Notice to all our clients who will be attending the NYINC in person: In order to enter the NYINC show, you will be required to provide proof of vaccination and wear a mask. This includes entry to any NYINC event or auction viewing site or auction room. You may also be required to show such proof and wear a mask to enter the Convention Hotel, the InterContinental New York Barclay. Please bring your mask and vaccination card or other proof of vaccination with you when you come to the Hotel. Bank Wire Information: For Domestic (U.S.) Banks, please direct your bank wire transfer to: Bank Name: CIBC Bank USA Account Name: Stacks-Bowers Numismatics, LLC ABA/Routing#: 0710-0648-6 Address: 120 South LaSalle Street Payment Information Account Number: 2612038 Chicago, IL 60603 Please send all check, money order or For Foreign Banks*, please direct your bank wire transfer to: cashier’s check payments to: Bank Name: CIBC Bank USA Account Name: Stacks-Bowers Numismatics, LLC International Swift Code: PVTBUS44 Address: 120 South LaSalle Street Stack’s Bowers Galleries Account Number: 2612038 Chicago, IL 60603 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150 *Bank wires sent from a foreign bank are subject to an international bank wire fee of $35. If an Costa Mesa, CA 92626 international order will be settled using a different form of payment, please contact us by phone or email to have the wire fee removed. If the wire will be sent in any currency other than USD, United States Stack’s Bowers Galleries needs to be contacted prior to the transfer in order to arrange for an For bank wire instructions, see information intermediary bank. at right or contact our Accounting Department IMPORTANT: Please have your bank add the at 800.458.4646 or 949.253.0916 Invoice Number or Your Name on the wire information. ii The January 2022 NYINC Auction Paper Money January 15, 19 & 20, 2022 Lot Viewing Lot Viewing will be conducted in the Costa Mesa, CA offices (by appointment only): December 20-23, 2021 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Lot Viewing will be conducted at the New York City offices (by appointment only): January 4-8, 2022 470 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 Lot Viewing will be conducted in the Vanderbilt Boardroom at the Intercontinental New York Barclay Hotel as follows: Tuesday, January 11 Wednesday, January 12 Thursday, January 13 Friday, January 14 Saturday, January 15 Sunday, January 16 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM ET 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM ET 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM ET 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM ET 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM ET 9:00 AM – Noon ET (by appointment only) If you cannot view in person, we will have our professional numismatists on hand to answer questions via phone or email about specific lots. Please email info@stacksbowers.com to make arrangements. Auction Location Barclay Salon Intercontinental New York Barclay Hotel 111 East 48th Street New York, NY 10017 In person live bidding will be allowed in accordance with Covid-19 directives and local mandates at the time of the auction. Auction Details *Session A Session B *Session C *Session D World Coins Part 1 World Paper Money World Coins Part 2 Ancient Coins Featuring Europe, Asia Saturday, January 15 Featuring Latin America and Saturday, January 15 and Oceania Coinage Barclay Salon Cut, Countermarked and 6:30 PM ET Friday, January 14 9:30 AM ET Overstruck Coinage 6:30 PM ET Lots 20001-20499 Saturday, January 15 6:30 PM ET *Session E *Session F *Session G *Session H The Mark & Lottie Salton The Gem Collection of Ancient Coins & World Coins World Coins Part 2 Collection of Ancient and British Military Medals Part 1 Internet Only World Coins Griffin Studios Internet Only StacksBowers.com Sunday, January 16 Monday, January 17 StacksBowers.com Wednesday, January 19 3:30 PM ET 9:00 AM PT (12:00 PM ET) Tuesday, January 18 9:00 AM PT (12:00 PM ET) 9:00 AM PT (12:00 PM ET) Session I *Session J Session K Please refer to our other World Paper Money Part 1 World Coins Part 3 World Paper Money Part 2 January 2022 NYINC Internet Only Internet Only Internet Only auction catalogs for StacksBowers.com StacksBowers.com StacksBowers.com offerings of Ancient Coins Wednesday, January 19 Thursday, January 20 Thursday, January 20 and World Coins. 9:00 AM PT (12:00 PM ET) 9:00 AM PT (12:00 PM ET) 9:00 AM PT (12:00 PM ET) View the entire auction, Lot Pickup including the Internet-Only Sessions, at StacksBowers.com. Lot Pickup will be conducted in the Vanderbilt Room at the Intercontinental New York Barclay Hotel on Saturday, January 15 and Sunday, January 16 from 9:00 AM to Noon ET. Dates, times and locations are subject to change. iii The Stack’s Bowers Galleries Team California Office: 949.253.0916 Accounting Accounting@StacksBowers.com Jeff Ambio Ext. 204 – JeffA@StacksBowers.com Wayne Berkley Ext. 225 – WBerkley@StacksBowers.com Jeremy Bostwick Ext. 224 – JBostwick@StacksBowers.com Q. David Bowers Harvey Stack Lawrence R. Stack Greg Roberts Jeremy Carlson Stack’s Bowers Galleries Stack’s Bowers Galleries Stack’s Bowers Galleries CEO Ext. 233 – JCarlson@StacksBowers.com Founder Founder Founder GRoberts@StacksBowers.com Chris Dahncke QBowers@StacksBowers.com HStack@StacksBowers.com LStack@StacksBowers.com Ext. 217 – CDahncke@StacksBowers.com Monica De Alba Ext. 309 – MDeAlba@StacksBowers.com Keni Drake Ext. 257 – KDrake@StacksBowers.com Cassi East Ext. 286 – CEast@StacksBowers.com Ron Gillio RGillio@StacksBowers.com Richard Gonzales Brian Kendrella Christine Karstedt Jason Carter Andrew Glassman Ext. 219 – RGonzales@StacksBowers.com President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer BKendrella@StacksBowers.com CKarstedt@StacksBowers.com Jason@StacksBowers.com AGlassman@StacksBowers.com Kyle Hoyt Ext. 353 – KHoyt@StacksBowers.com New York Office: 212.582.2580 Philadelphia Office: 267.609.1804 Sarah Jackels Andrew Bowers Bobby Avena Ext. 296 – SJackels@StacksBowers.com Ext. 5522 – ABowers@StacksBowers.com Ext. 795 – BAvena@StacksBowers.com Brian Kendrella James McCartney Mark Curcio Ext. 291 – BKendrella@StacksBowers.com Ext. 5455 – JMcCartney@StacksBowers.com Ext. 792 – MCurcio@StacksBowers.com Atefeh Madi Asha Ramcharan Chris Maisano Ext. 346 – AMadi@StacksBowers.com Ext. 5491 – ARamcharan@StacksBowers.com Ext.793 – CMaisano@StacksBowers.com Aris Maragoudakis Mark Schimel Ext. 279 – Aris@StacksBowers.com Ext. 5515 – MSchimel@StacksBowers.com Hong Kong Office: +011.852.2117.1191 Evan Lam Eric Niño Harvey Stack ELam@stacksbowers.com Ext. 338 – ENiño@StacksBowers.com HStack@StacksBowers.com Benjamin Orooji Nirat Lertchitvikul Ext. 295 – BOrooji@StacksBowers.com Larry Stack Nirat@StacksBowers.com LStack@StacksBowers.com Matt Orsini Ping Lertchitvikul Ext. 214 – MOrsini@StacksBowers.com Kevin Vinton Ping@StacksBowers.com Ext. 5513 – KVinton@StacksBowers.com Chris Ortega Crystal Ng Ext. 248 – COrtega@StacksBowers.com Vicken Yegparian CNg@StacksBowers.com Ext. 5459 – VYegparian@StacksBowers.com John Pack Christine Pun Ext. 258 – JPack@StacksBowers.com New Hampshire Office: 603.569.0823 CPun@StacksBowers.com Kyle Ponterio Q. David Bowers Zhou Shou Yuan Ext. 212 – KyPonterio@StacksBowers.com QBowers@StacksBowers.com ZShouyuan@StacksBowers.com Richard Ponterio Christine Karstedt Singapore: Ext. 290 – RPonterio@StacksBowers.com Ext. 361 – CKarstedt@StacksBowers.com Frederick Yow Steve Price Melissa Karstedt FredYow@StacksBowers.com Ext. 260 – SPrice@StacksBowers.com Ext. 362 – MKarstedt@StacksBowers.com Paris: + Lillian Ross Oklahoma Office: 800.817.2646 Ext. 321 – LRoss@StacksBowers.com Maryna Synytsya Jason Carter MSynytsya@StacksBowers.com Jonathan Segal Ext. 631 – Jason@StacksBowers.com Ext. 227 – JSegal@StacksBowers.com Other Offices John Morgan Larry Stendebach Ext. 632 – JMo@StacksBowers.com Samantha Douglas Ext. 245 – LStendebach@StacksBowers.com Ext. 5519 – SDouglas@StacksBowers.com Daniel Mitchell David Talk Ext. 633 – DMitchell@StacksBowers.com Henrik Holt Christensen Ext. 323 – DTalk@StacksBowers.com Jake Auernhammer HChristensen@StacksBowers.com Kent Tran Ext. 634 – JAuernhammer@StacksBowers.com Ben Mahaffey Ext. 221 – KTran@StacksBowers.com BMahaffey@StacksBowers.com Consultants Peter Treglia Manning Garrett, John Kraljevich, Mike Ontko, Ext. 250 – PTreglia@StacksBowers.com Steve Tureen, Brad Yonaka Erin Whitson Ext. 235 – EWhitson@StacksBowers.com Erin Zirschky Cataloged by: Aris Maragoudakis, Chris Dahncke and Henrik Christensen. Ext. 264 – EZirschky@StacksBowers.com Photographed by: Karen Bridges, Anthony Browning, Renee Ferguson, Jeremy Katz, Charlie Pech, Kristy Still, Keven Tran and Nicholas Weyand. iv The Stack’s Bowers Galleries Team California Office Richard Ponterio John Pack Peter A. Treglia Matt Orsini Ron Gillio Wayne Berkley Executive Vice President Executive Director Director of Currency Director of World & Numismatic Acquisitions Vice President RPonterio@StacksBowers.com of Consignments PTreglia@StacksBowers.com Ancient Numismatics Coordinator of Client Services JPack@StacksBowers.com MOrsini@StacksBowers.com RGillio@StacksBowers.com WBerkley@StacksBowers.com Jeff Ambio Aris Maragoudakis Kyle Ponterio Ben Orooji Chris Ortega Steve Price Vice President Director of World Senior Numismatist, Senior Numismatist, Numismatist, Director of Numismatic of Numismatics Currency Auctions Consignment Director Auctioneer Lead Auctioneer Business Development JAmbio@StacksBowers.com Aris@StacksBowers.com KyPonterio@StacksBowers.com BOrooji@StacksBowers.com COrtega@StacksBowers.com SPrice@StacksBowers.com East Coast Offices Vicken Yegparian Mark Schimel James McCartney Andrew Bowers Bobby Avena Kevin Vinton Vice President East Coast Retail Director Director of Consignments East Coast Sales Manager Head Numismatic Trader Senior Numismatist of Numismatics MSchimel@StacksBowers.com and Numismatics ABowers@StacksBowers.com BAvena@StacksBowers.com KVinton@StacksBowers.com VYegparian@StacksBowers.com JMcCartney@StacksBowers.com Asian Offices Nirat Lertchitvikul Ping Lertchitvikul Crystal Ng Christine Pun Frederick Yow Zhou Shou Yuan Director of Asian Operations Operations Manager Senior Auction Executive Auction Executive Consignment Director Executive Consignment Nirat@StacksBowers.com Ping@StacksBowers.com CNg@StacksBowers.com CPun@StacksBowers.com Southeast Asia Director, China FredYow@StacksBowers.com ZShouyuan@StacksBowers.com Additional Expertise Melissa Karstedt John Kraljevich Jeremy Bostwick Maryna Synytsya Henrik Holt Christensen Larry Stendebach Auctioneer, Senior Consultant Senior Numismatist Manager of European Senior Consignment Numismatist Auction Director JK@StacksBowers.com and Cataloger Operations Director of Europe LStendebach@StacksBowers.com MKarstedt@StacksBowers.com JBostwick@StacksBowers.com MSynytsya@StacksBowers.com Holt@StacksBowers.com v Welcome to the Stack’s Bowers Galleries January 2022 NYINC World Paper Money Sale Welcome to the Stack’s Bowers Galleries Official If you have any questions about the treasures offered in World Currency Auction for the New York International our January NYINC World Paper Money Auction or need Numismatic Convention. Once again, we are offering some assistance with the bidding process, please don’t hesitate to extremely special pieces in our annual New York flagship contact us. If you are considering selling, we are actively auction and are excited to kick off 2022 with a plethora of seeking consignments for our 2022 sales, including our desirable and rare items. Be sure to check out the catalog Spring Hong Kong Auction, our August Showcase Auction sections for Canada, China, Colombia, Egypt, Iraq, Panama, with lot viewing at ANA, and our newly announced World and Russia, as we are offering quite a few rarities from each Paper Auction in Valkenburg during April 2022 as part of of these countries. the MIF Show. We can be reached by phone at 800-458- 4646 or by email at Consign@StacksBowers.com Our printed catalog contains Session B, the live auction portion of the sale. Please be sure to view our website for Internet Sessions I and K, as these sections Enjoy the Paper! contain numerous bulk lots from Mexico, Russia and the Philippines, and there are quite a few treats to be found among them. I also highly recommend taking advantage Aris Maragoudakis, Henrik Christensen, of lot viewing, available at our California and New York and Chris Dahncke offices, as well as at the auction venue. vi Order of Sale EL SALVADOR.......................................20237-20238 PORTUGUESE INDIA ......................................20416 EUROPEAN UNION............................20239-20245 PUERTO RICO ...................................................20417 FAEROE ISLANDS ................................20246-20247 QATAR & DUBAI ..................................20418-20421 FALKLAND ISLANDS .........................20248-20251 RHODESIA .............................................20422-20423 Session B FANNING ISLAND ...........................................20252 RUSSIA—IMPERIAL .........................................20424 World Paper Money FIJI ............................................................20253-20259 RUSSIA—RUSSIAN SOCIALIST Saturday, January 15 FINLAND ................................................20260-20261 FEDERATED SOVIET REPUBLI ...................20425 Barclay Salon FRANCE ..................................................20262-20266 RWANDA-BURUNDI ..........................20426-20427 FRENCH AFARS & ISSAS ...................20267-20271 SAINT LUCIA .....................................................20428 9:30 AM ET FRENCH ANTILLES ............................20272-20289 SAINT PIERRE & MIQUELON .........20429-20445 Lots 20001-20499 FRENCH GUIANA ...............................20290-20291 SAINT THOMAS & PRINCE ..........................20446 FRENCH INDO-CHINA ..................................20292 SAUDI ARABIA .....................................20447-20449 Category Lot Number GERMAN EAST AFRICA ...................20293-20294 SERBIA .....................................................20450-20451 WORLD PAPER MONEY ................20001-20499 GERMAN SOUTHWEST AFRICA ................20295 SOUTH AFRICA ................................................20452 AFGHANISTAN ....................................20001-20002 GERMANY .............................................20296-20297 SOUTHWEST AFRICA .......................20453-20456 ANGOLA .................................................20003-20004 GIBRALTAR ...........................................20298-20299 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ...............................20457 ARGENTINA ......................................................20005 GREAT BRITAIN ..................................20300-20302 SURINAME .............................................20458-20460 AUSTRALIA ........................................................20006 GREECE ................................................................20303 SWEDEN .................................................20461-20463 BAHAMAS ..............................................20007-20009 GREENLAND ........................................20304-20307 TONGA....................................................20464-20465 BARBADOS ............................................20010-20014 GRENADA ...........................................................20308 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO ......................20466-20468 BELGIUM ................................................20015-20020 GUADELOUPE ...................................................20309 TURKEY ..................................................20469-20478 BELIZE ..................................................................20021 GUATEMALA ........................................20310-20314 UKRAINE ...............................................20479-20485 BERMUDA ..............................................20022-20023 GUERNSEY .........................................................20315 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ...............20486-20488 BOLIVIA ..................................................20024-20034 GUINEA ..................................................20316-20318 URUGUAY ..............................................20489-20492 BRAZIL .................................................................20035 HAITI .......................................................20319-20320 WESTERN SAMOA ..............................20493-20498 BRITISH CARIBBEAN ICELAND .............................................................20321 MIXED LOTS ......................................................20499 TERRITORIES .......................................20036-20038 INDIA .......................................................20322-20324 BRITISH GUIANA ................................20039-20040 IRAN.........................................................20325-20328 BRITISH HONDURAS ........................20041-20042 IRAQ .........................................................20329-20333 BURUNDI ............................................................20043 IRELAND ................................................20334-20339 CAMBODIA ........................................................20044 IRELAND, NORTHERN...................................20340 CANADA .................................................20045-20082 IRELAND, REPUBLIC .........................20341-20347 CANADA-NEWFOUNDLAND .....................20083 ISLE OF MAN ........................................20348-20349 CAYMAN ISLANDS .............................20084-20085 ISRAEL .....................................................20350-20352 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC .................20086 JAMAICA ................................................20353-20358 CEYLON ..................................................20087-20088 JORDAN ..................................................20359-20360 CHILE ......................................................20089-20092 LEBANON...............................................20361-20362 CHINA—EMPIRE ..............................................20093 LIBYA ....................................................................20363 CHINA—REPUBLIC .........................................20094 MALAYA AND BRITISH BORNEO .20364-20365 CHINA—PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC ........20095-20136 MALDIVES ..........................................................20366 CHINA—PUPPET BANKS ..............................20137 MARTINIQUE ....................................................20367 CHINA—COMMUNIST BANKS ......20138-20146 MAURITIUS ........................................................20368 CHINA—MISCELLANEOUS ............20147-20149 MEXICO ..................................................20369-20377 COLOMBIA ............................................20150-20205 MOROCCO ............................................20378-20380 COSTA RICA ..........................................20206-20208 NETHERLANDS ................................................20381 CYPRUS ...................................................20209-20210 NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA ..................20382 DAHOMEY ..........................................................20211 NEW CALEDONIA ...........................................20383 DANZIG ...............................................................20212 NICARAGUA .........................................20384-20387 DENMARK .............................................20213-20214 NORWAY .................................................20388-20394 DOMINICA .........................................................20215 OMAN......................................................20395-20396 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ..................20216-20218 PALESTINE .............................................20397-20407 EAST AFRICA .....................................................20219 PANAMA.................................................20408-20411 EAST CARIBBEAN STATES ...............20220-20221 PERU ........................................................20412-20413 ECUADOR ..............................................20222-20230 PORTUGAL .........................................................20414 EGYPT .....................................................20231-20236 PORTUGUESE GUINEA .................................20415 Please refer to our other January 2022 NYINC auction catalogs for offerings of Ancient Coins and World Coins. View the entire auction, including the Internet-Only Sessions, at StacksBowers.com. vii Stacks Bowers Galleries is Pleased to Present Griffin Studios The Next Generation of Coin Auctions and Marketing Throughout our nearly 90-year history, Stack’s Bowers Galleries has not only consistently led the industry in setting world record prices, but has also been at the forefront of innovating new and exciting ways to present and auction numismatic collections. Now more than ever, collectors are bidding online. Embracing this trend, we have created an online experience as compelling and appealing to bidders as attending our in-person auctions. Our industry exclusive Coins In Motion technology constructs high resolution animations that accurately capture the in-hand visual appeal of numismatic treasures. Alongside this proprietary technology, we have now taken the next step to provide online content that will bring the excitement of our auctions to any home or office. Launched in June 2021, Griffin Studios is a custom-built television, film and event facility based at our headquarters in Costa Mesa, California. Our multi-camera, fully integrated 4k broadcast ready facility will host our online auctions, as well as provide space to view collections and bid in-person. With the ability to send and receive feeds around the world, this nearly 5,000 square foot studio represents the next generation of coin auctions and will firmly cement Stack’s Bowers Galleries’ position as the industry leader. Unlike standard broadcast facilities, Griffin Studios has been uniquely designed to host numismatic auctions. Alongside a main set for auctions (with dedicated space for live bidders), a central room will allow for viewing, presentations, and hospitality. A grand entrance provides guests with a stunning view of the studio and impressive control room. We aim to bring a sense of occasion and attract excitement to every event, directly increasing bidding competition and revolutionizing our auction presentation. viii

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