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The Israel-Arab Reader A Documentary History o the Middle East Conflict PDF

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Bp Book The Israel-Arab Reader Edited by Waiter Laqueur A documentary history of the Middle East conflict The essential documents, treati and agreements behind the conflict between Israel and the Arab states -pluB articles and speeches by ArnddToynbee, J.L.Taimon Nasser, Abba Eban, I. F, Ston< Y. Harkabl, Hassanain Hayk', UHMand others THE ISRAEL-ARAB READER Walter Laqueur was born in Breslau (then in Germany) in 1921. He is Director of the Institute of Contemporary History and the Wiener Library in London and Professor of the History of Ideas and Politics at Brandeis University in America. He is also co-editor of the Journal of Contemporary History. His books are about Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East; those on the Middle East are Communism and Nationalism in the Middle East, The Middle East in Transition, The Road to War (also published In Penguins), and The Struggle for the Middle East (to be published in Penguins), The Israel-Arab Reader A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT Edited by Walter Laqueur PENGUIN BOOKS Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood* Victoria, Australia First published in the U.S.A. 1969 Published in Great Britain by Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1969 Revised Edition published in Pelican Books 1970 Copyright © B0 L. Mazel, Inc„, 1969,1970 Made and printed in Great Britain by C„ Nicholls & Company Ltd Set in Linotype Pilgrim This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser Contents Introduction 11 Map H Part i: From the Bilu to the British Mandate Introductory Note J7 1. The Manifesto of the Bilu (1882) 19 2. Negih Azouri: Programme of the League of the Arab Fatherland (1905) 21 3. Theodor Herzl: From ‘The Jewish State’ (1896) 22 4. The Basle Declaration (1897) 28 5. The Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) 29 6. The McMahon Letter (1915) 33 7. The Balfour Declaration (1917) 35 8. The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement and Faisal-Frankfurter Letters (1919) 9. Recommendations of the King-Crane Commission (1919) A1 10. Memorandum Presented to the King-Crane Commission by the General Syrian Congress (1919) 5i 11. The British Mandate (1922) 54 Part 2: Valestine 1920-47 Introductory Note 65 12. The Churchill White Paper (1922) 67 43531 ' ! 6 Contents 13. The MacDonald Letter (1931) 73 14. From the Report of the Palestine Royal Commission (Peel Commission) (1937) 79 15. V. Jabotinsky: ‘A Jewish State Now' Evidence Submitted to the Palestine Royal Commission (i9S7) 81 16. Against Partition: British Statement of Policy (1938) 86 17. The White Paper of 1939 88 18. The Zionist Reaction to the White Paper § Statement by the Jewish Agency (1939) 102 19. Towards a Jewish State: The Biltmore Programme (1942) 103 20. Adolf Hitler, Zionism and the Arab Cause (1941) 106 21. The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (1946) in 22. The Arab Case for Palestine - Evidence Submitted by the Arab Office, Jerusalem (i946) 122 23. The Case for a Bi-national State (1947) 134 24. The UN Takes Over: Summary Report of the UN Special Committee on Palestine (1947) 138 23. UN Resolution on the Future Government of Palestine (Partition Resolution) (1947) 143 Part 3: Israel and the Arab World 1948-67 Introductory Note 137 26. State of Israel Proclamation of Independence (1948) 139 27. The Law of Return (1930) 162 28. The Manifesto of the United Arab Republic , (Preamble) (1963) 163 Contents 7 29. The Draft Constitution of the 'Palestine Liberation Organization’ (1963) 165 30. United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the Internationalization of Jerusalem (1949) 170 31. United Nations Security Council Resolution on the Passage of Ships through the Suez Canal (1951) I7I 32. President Nasser on Zionism and Israel 173 33. Ahmed Shukairy: The Palestine Refugees (1958) 176 34. Erskine Childers: The Other Exodus (1961) 179 33. Abba Eban: The Refugee Problem (1938) 188 36. Golda Meir: A Call for Disarmament (1962) 202 37. Fayez A. Sayegh: Zionist Colonialism in Palestine (1965) 206 38. Towards the Third Round: Nasser’s Speech at U AR Advanced Air Headquarters, 23 May 1967 207 39. Nasser’s Speech to Arab Trade Unionists, 26 May 1967 214 40. Hassanain Haykal: An Armed Clash with Israel is Inevitable - Why? (26 May 1967) 219 41. Gamal Abdel Nasser: Speech to National Assembly Members, 29 May 1967 226 42. Gamal Abdel Nasser: Resignation Broadcast, 9 June 1967 230 Part 4: Views and Comments: The Arab- Israeli Conflict today and Tomorrow Introductory Note 239 Gamal Abdel Nasser: 'The Most Severe Crisis5: Nasser’s Revolution Anniversary Speech, 23 July 1967 241 8 Contents Abba Eban: ‘The Six Day War*: Speech to UN General Assembly, 19 June 1967 252 Yizhak Rabin: The Right of Israel (28 June 1967) 277 Gamal Abdel Nasser: ‘We Shall Triumph9 § Speech, 23 July 1968 281 Cecil Hourani: The Moment of Truth 293 Arnold Toynbee and ]. L. Talmon: The Argument between Arabs and Jews 310 Albert Hourani: Palestine and Israel 325 ]. L. Talmon: Israel and the Arabs 333 Hal Draper: The Origins of the Middle East Crisis 340 N. T. Fedorenko: Perfidy and Aggression 336 1. F. Stone: Holy War 364 Marie Syr kin: I. F. Stone Reconsiders Zionism 386 Bernard Lewis: The Arab-Israeli War: The Consequences of Defeat 403 Walter Laqueur: Is Peace in the Middle East Possible? 420 Part 5: From War to War? Introductory Note 435 UN Security Council Resolution on the Middle East, 22 November 1967 437 National Covenant of the Palestine Liberation Organization 438 A! Fatah : 444 The Seven Points 444 An Interview with sAbu Ammar3 445 Contents 9 Platform of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 451 Y. Harkabi: A1 Fatah’s Doctrine 445 Gamal Abdel Nasser: The Struggle Continues 1 Speech at the Opening of the Second Session of the Arab Socialist Union Congress at Cairo University, 27 March 1969 473 Syrian Ba’ath Party Congress Resolutions § Text of Statement by Ba’ath Regional Command of the Party’s Extraordinary Fourth Regional Congress, April 1969 486 Hassanain Haykak The Strategy of the War of Attrition 490 Ahmed Baha ed-Dine: Returning to Palestine 504 Abba Eban: Two Years Later 512 Moshe Dayan: A Soldier Reflects on Peace Hopes 52 6 Yehoshua Arieli: Annexation and Democracy ^8 Satre Looks at the Middle East Again 546 Bernard Lewis: The Great Powers, the Arabs and the Israelis ^60 Uri Ra’anan: Soviet Global Policy and the Middle East ^ A Selective Bibliography ^89

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