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Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold dna .B Eckmann :seiresbuS USSR :resivdA L.D. Faddeev, dargnineL 1911 Alexander .R stI Victor .uY Novokshenov ehT Isomonodromic noitamrofeD Method ni eht Theory of 6velniaP snoitauqE galreV-regnirpS Heidelberg Berlin weN York oykoT Authors Alexander R. Its Leningrad State University, Department of Physics St. Peterhoff, 198 904 Leningrad, USSR Victor .uY Novokshenov Bashkir Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Tukaeva 50, 45005? Ufa, USSR Consulting Editor Leon A. Takhtajan LOMI Fontanka 27, Leningrad, 191011, USSR Mathematics Subject Classification (1980): 34A34, 35Q20 ISBN 3-540-16483-9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo ISBN 0-387-16483-9 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin Tokyo sihT work si tcejbus to .thgirypoc llA sthgir era ,devreser the of part or whole the whether lairetam si ,denrecnoc yllacificeps of those ,noitalsnart ,gnitnirper esu-er of ,snoitartsulli ,gnitsacdaorb noitcudorper yb gniypocotohp enihcam or ralimis ,snaem dna egarots ni data .sknab Under § 45 of eht namreG Copyright waL copies where era edam fee a use, private than other for si elbayap to tfahcsllesegsgnutrewreV" Wort", .hcinuM © yb galreV-regnirpS Heidelberg Berlin 6891 detnirP ni ynamreG gnitnirP dna Beltz binding: ,kcurdtesffO .rtsgreB/hcabsmeH 012345-0413/6412 CONTENTS Chapter 0. Introduction ......................................... I Chapter .I ~nodromy data for the systems of linear ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients ......................................... 15 Chapter 2. Isomonodromic deformations of systems of linear ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients ......................................... 38 Chapter 3. Isomonodromic deformations of systems (1.9) and (1.26) and Painlev6 equations of ~ and IE types .... 43 Chapter 4. Inverse problem of the monodromy theory for the systems (1.9) and (1.26). Asymptotic analysis of integral equations of the inverse problem ........... 46 Chapter 5. Asymptotic solution to a direct problem of the monodromy theory for the system (1.9) ............... 62 Chapter 6. Asymptotic solution to a direct problem of the monodromy theory for the system (1.26) .............. 80 Chapter 7. The manifold of solutions of Painlev@ ~ equation decreasing as ~]~-->-(~. Parametrization of their asymptotics through the monodromy data. Ablowitz-Segur connection formulae for real-valued solutions decreasing exponentially as ~-->+Oo .............. 87 Chapter 8. The manifold of solutions to Painlev6 I]] equation. The connection formulae for the asymptotics of real-valued solutions of the Cauchy problem ...................................... 94 VI Chapter 9. The manifold of solutions to Painlev@ Z equation increasing as ~-->+00 . The expression of their asymptotics through the monodromy data. The connection formulae for pure imaginary solutions .......................................... 109 Chapter 10. The movable poles of real-valued solutions to Painlev6 ~ equation and the eigenfQnctions of anharmonic oscillator .............................. 124 Chapter 11. The movable poles of the solutions to Painlev~ III equation and their connection with Mathieu functions .......................................... 147 Chapter 12. Large-time asymptotics of the solution of the Cauchy problem for MKdV equation ................... 173 Chapter 13. Application: the dynamics of electromagnetic impulse in a long laser amplifier .................. 205 Chapter 14. The scaling limit in two-dimensional Ising model .............................................. 212 Chapter 15. Quasiclassical mode of the three-dimensional wave collaDse ...................................... 216 ~@pendix .I On asymptotics of regular solutions for a special kind of Painlev~ V equation~by B.I.Suleimanov ...... 230 Appendix 2. Singular solutions of the Painlev@ ~ equation, by A.A.Kapaev ...................................... 261 Appendix 3. The list of Painlev6 equations and the corresponding "equations in ~ " . ............... 284 Appendix 4. The list of connection formulae for the solutions to Painlev6 equations .................... 297 References .................................................... 307 Subject index ................................................ 312 Chapter 0. INTRODUCTION The Painlev~ equations appeared in the theory of ordinary differential equations at the beginning of our century in connection with a classification problem for the equations of the form "~ ,~.,( ~, .)~#~ = £ (0.1) The function ~ here is supposed to be analytic in ~ and rational in ~ and ~ . Under these conditions the general integral ~ of equation (0.1) must have no movable (i.e. depending on initial data) branch-type singularities (the so-called Painlev~ property). The classification problem was solved completely by P.Painlev~ and B.Gambier ]I[ , ]2[ . They discovered just 50 canonical types of equ- ations of the form (0.1) (up to local transformations admitted by the right-hand side) posessing the Painlev&-property. It turns out that only six of them can not be reduced to linear ~quations, i.e. their general integral is not expressed in terms of known special functions. These six equations are called the Painlev~ equations ( PI -P[I ) and corre- sponding solutions - the Painlev~ functions or Painlev& transcendents. The complete list of these equations is given in Appendix 3 of the present paper. Further studies of the ordinary differential equations possessin 9 the Painlev&-property were concentrated on the investigations of qua- litative properties of their solutions, distribution of their movable poles, finding out the conditions providing the existence of rational solutions or the special function solutions and the construction of different procedures producing a new solution starting from the known one. All these problems were considered in detail in papers by N.P.Eru- gin, N.L.Lukashevich, A.I.Yablonsky, V.I.Gromak and others by means of conventional methods of the analytical theory of differential equations (see the reviews by N.P.Erugin [3] (1976) and by L.A.Bordag ~ (1980)). The results of their investigations were further developed in connect- ion with the discovery of the inverse scattering method in the theory of non-linear equations. A great number of papers cencerning particular solutions of Painlev@ equations has since appeared. We, however, will not consider this question and so restrict ourselves to refer- ing to the paper by A.S.Focas and M.J.Ablowitz [4~,~here a syste- matical approach to construction of the B~cklund transforms for all the six Painlev@ equations are suggested and the main results mentioned above are also reviewed. A new surge of interest in Painlev@ equations is due to their appearance in concrete problems of theoretical and mathematical physics. They happened to be closely connected with the quantum field theory [5] - 0 ~ and the non-linear evolutionary equations 0 ]I - E20~ The characteristic feature of Painlev~ equations in this context is that they describe certain transitional and self-similar processes. Furthermore , according to [I~ , [20~ it does not matter whether the initial system is completely integrable or not. In other words the recent developments in non-linear theoretical physics draw one to the conclusion that Painlev@ transcendents play just the same role as clas- sical special functions in linear problems. The analytic basis for the wide use of special functions in mathe- matical physics is essentially provided by the existence of explicit formulae linking their asymptotics at different characteristical points. This fact is based on the possibility of application of the Laplace's method to linear differential equations associated with classical spe- cial functions. It should be emphasized that the non-linear analogue of the Laplace's method, the so called isomonodromic deformation method (IDM), was recently found by H.Flashka and A.Newe!l ~@ , M.jimbo, T.Miwa and K.Ueno ~ . This fact is a justification of the analogy mentioned above between the Painlev@ transcendents and the classical special functions. The IDM (as a Laplace's method for a linear theory) permits one to obtain the explicit connection formulae for the solutions of Painlev~ equations. Let us sketch briefly the essence of isomonodromic deformation met- hod. The idea is to associate with initial non-linear differential equ- ation of the form (0.1) a certain linear system ~X - A (X, ~, u,, %) V l=.oc with matrix.valued coefficients rational in k . The deformations of coefficients in ~ is described by equation (0.1) in such a way that the monodromy data of system (0.2) )* have been conserved. For example, Painlev~ ~ equation is associated with the sysgem ( [16] ) \- _ Therefore the monodromy data of the linear equation (0.2) present the first integrals of non-linear differential equation (0.1). So the pro- blem of integration of this equation is reduced to classical problem )* Strictly speaking, the idea to represent the Painlev~ equations as an isomonodromic deformation condition for certain linear differential equation with rational coefficients ascents to the works of R.Fuchs [21] and R.Garnier [2~ . Nevertheless we associate the appearance of isomonodromic deformation method rather with the recent works D~, ~ than with the classical ones. The reasons are explained at the end of the Introduction. of linear analysis - the solution of direct and inverse problems of monodromy theory for the systems of linear equations with rational coefficients. We outline the complete analogy with the inverse scatter- ing method in the theory of non-linear partial differential equations, where the integration procedure is reduced to the solution of direct and inverse spectral problems for suitable linear differential operator ( U-operator). Moreover, the IDM itself appears to be to some extent the corollary of the inverse scattering method. As we have already men- tioned above the Painlev~ equations describe self-similar solutions of non-linear evolutionary equations being integrable by the inverse sca- ttering method. The corresponding "equation in ~ " (0.2) associated with Painlev~ equation might be deduced from the initial U--V pair under suitable self-similar reduction. We illustrate this procedure (following [I~ ) using the Painlev~ ~ equation as an example. Assume ~(~) to be the solution to equation (0.3) and put 4 _i 3 J which represents self-similar solution of modified Korteweg-de Vries equation )Vd</M( =0 (0.5) The two linear systems with the compatibility condition presented by equation (0.5), is the well-known U-V pair for M/<dV: (0.6) ct¢ ~tt Let us rescale here the variables, putting 4 3 ~ ~ > cc=~.(3t) , 4 9 4 3 (0.7) , > vt, UCg, t)=(3t) >tac~u m=e.Cat)- r @(~,~,t)= ~Q,m) (3t) ,,~" ,> = ~. a;=~.(3t) . Hence we have • C3t) , ae am (0.8) 3t ~,8 3t- ~ 3b ' Substituting (0.7), (0.8) into the system (0.6) and applying (0.5) we transform (0.6) into the following system: (o .9) 2 2. iV c7. (o .lO) ' ' The compatibility condition of (0.9), (0.10) (as we have known from the | very beginning!) is just the equation (0.3). Note finally that equation (0.10) coincides with equation (0.4) and the additional equation (0.9) implies (see 04] , D~ and Chapters 2, 3 of the present paper) the fact that the monodromy data (Stokes matrices) for the system (0.10) do not depend on the deformation parameter Some interesting feature of IDM is worth mentioning. As a result of our transformation of initial "spectral" U - V pair into "isomonodro- mic" A-U pair the role played by operators U~ V has been essenti- ally changed. The V operator being used only for the description of spectral data evolution of the operator ~ U(X) becomes the main object of the IDM. It represents now the "equation in X ." On the other hand the U operator which played the basis role, transforms into an auxiliary one. It describes now "isomonodromoc" dynamics of solutions to the main A -equation (0.2). As a matter of fact one can forget about the U-equation in any concrete application and concent- rate oneself on the studies of equation in X . Therefore in Appendix 3, where we present (following ~ ~ ) the list of all Painlev6 equations together with corresponding systems (0.2), the U-equations are omitted. The direct and inverse problems of the monodromy theory for the systems with rational coefficients being applied for the integration of Painlev& equations, are in fact essentially transcendent problems ([2~ - [2~ .) Their explicit solution is available only for particular sys- tems which may be reduced to hypergeometric equation. A question arises naturally about the effectiveness of IDM. We hope that the results ob- tained in the present paper are w~!contribubeto positive solution the of

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