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The Isaiah Passages in the Book of Mormon: A Non-Aligned Text PDF

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BBrriigghhaamm YYoouunngg UUnniivveerrssiittyy BBYYUU SScchhoollaarrssAArrcchhiivvee Theses and Dissertations 2001 TThhee IIssaaiiaahh PPaassssaaggeess iinn tthhee BBooookk ooff MMoorrmmoonn:: AA NNoonn--AAlliiggnneedd TTeexxtt Carol F. Ellertson Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BBYYUU SScchhoollaarrssAArrcchhiivvee CCiittaattiioonn Ellertson, Carol F., "The Isaiah Passages in the Book of Mormon: A Non-Aligned Text" (2001). Theses and Dissertations. 4663. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4663 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. THE ISAIAH PASSAGES IN THE BOOK OF MORMON A NON ALIGNED TEXT by carol F eeEeelililllllieeeeerrrnrttnttsssssooooonnnnn A thesis submitted to the faculty of young brigham university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts the david M kennedy center young brigham university august 2001 0 copyright 2001 carol F ellertson all rights reserved university BRIGHAM YOUNG GRADUATE COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by carol frogley ellertson this thesis has been read by each member of the following graduate committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory 3m j3n am aar jjasnn adr J date donald W parry chair tjd XL n p J 2&j2oa 5tw6o 2 b kk4abb D 21 pp6a a2ddaa tad 1 iinabb steph date ricks W L 25 4 date paul Y Hhoiss6i 0 Is U in university BRIGHAM YOUNG As chair of the candidates graduate committee I have read the thesis of carol 1 F ellertson in its final form and have found that its format citations and 1 bibliographical style are consistent and acceptable and fulfill university and department style requirements 2 its illustrative materials including figures tables and charts are in place and the final manuscript is satisfactory to the graduate committee and is ready 3 for submission to the university library rj jrpn jrsn qi adf o3j31 51 oa 03 I1 date donald W parry graduate chair committee accepted for the department accepted for the college donnaalidd B holsinger director david M kennedy center for international studies iv IV ABSTRACT THE ISAIAH PASSAGES IN THE BOOK OF MORMON A NON ALIGNED TEXT carol F ellertson the david M kennedy center master of arts sea since the advent of the dead scrolls four biblical textual scholars have emerged at the forefront of the dialogue concerning textual evolution they are frank moore cross emanuel tov sShheemmarayrayhhauu talmon and eugene ulrich though there is some overlap in their hypotheses each scholar has put forth a framework of biblical textual development in light of these new discoveries if a new biblical text were discovered today how would each scholar approach it tovs this kovs thesis evaluates each scholars views and concludes that emanuel criteria for tovs judging a newly discovered text is the most thorough and explanatory kovs views provide for texts that appear to have evolved away from other known biblical texts his descriptive categories for discovered texts recognize the possibility that a discovered text could be unaligned with any text known thus far to the scholarly world he terms this category non aligned the other scholars do not provide for such a category they assume that all texts are closely related in families or literary editions and that all texts evolved in relative close proximity to one other with either occasional or frequent contact book of mormon isaiah was removed from the biblical textual evolutionary process that was tttaaalikkliiinnnggg place in palestine ca 600 BC where does it fit into this process as put forth by scholars Is it a text closely related to any of the families described by these four scholars this thesis evaluates the textual variants between book of mormon text qumrannss of isaiah and isaiah in the septuagint the masoretic and Qumra isaiah scrolls the 433 verses of isaiah in the book of mormon 216 50 contain 370 variants 119 of these are related to italicized words in the king james version 76 variants appear to quaran qumran agree with the septuagint 28 agree with isaiah at 52 are supported by the masoretic text and 150 variants are non aligned these facts are accurately predicted and explained by emanuel tkoovvss theories of the four he is the only scholar that conceives of the idea of a text not closely aligned with any other extant text book of mormon tovs isaiah contains approximately 13 of the chapters in the masoretic text using kovs theories when 433 verses contain 370 variants this fits the criteria of an independent or non aligned text book of mormon isaiah is a proof text for his theories CONTENTS dDeeffiinniittiioonnTteerrmmss 3 part introduction 1 5 quaran qumran biblical textual evolution since 7 frank moore cross 11 sShheemmarayrayhhauu ttaalimmoonn 22 tov emanuel 27 eugene ulrich 32 how would each scholar view and evaluate a previously text unknown recently discovered 35 cross 35 ttaalimmoonn 36 ulrich 38 tov 40 isaiah43 part 2 the variants in book of mormon isaiah 43 qquumarraann preliminary information on isaiah at 43 variants50 previous studies on book of mormon isaiah variants 50 the evolution of book of mormon isaiah 53 variants in book of mormon isaiah 55 evaluation of the variants 57 vvviinil part conclusion 3 71 the book of mormon variants are accurately predicted and explained by TOYS theories 71 isaiah74 cross theory has no category for B ooffmM isaiah 74 tsTaaalllmmmooonnnsss view of a new text of isaiah 75 ulrichs view of a new text of isaiah 78 devices82 variants with support from hebrew literary devices 82 text85 A final word book of mormon serves as a proof text 85 appendix 87 verse table I comparison 88 11 supportl75 q176 table 2 book of mormon variants with LXX support 175 table 3 book of mormon variants supported by Q 176 table 4 book of mormon variants supported by M against KJV 177 table book of mormon variants that restore poetic 5 parallel patterns in isaiah 178 bibliography 179 vvviiiilliil vin CHARTS chart the local text theory A 12 chart B the strengths and weaknesses of each SsscechhhooolllaaarrrTtthhheeeooorrriiieeesss 42 ix IX

isaiah contains approximately 13 ofthe chapters in the masoretic text using or non aligned text book ofmormon isaiah is a prooftext for his theories
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