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The IOTA Programming System: A Modular Programming Environment PDF

223 Pages·1983·4.388 MB·English
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Lecture Notes ni Computer Science Edited yb .G Goos dna .J Hartmanis 160 ehT ATOI gnimmargorP metsyS A Modular gnimmargorP tnemnorivnE Edited yb .R amijakaN dna .T asauY galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg New York oykoT 1983 Editorial Board D. Barstow W. 8rauer .P Brinch Hansen D. Gries D. Luckham C. Moter A. Pnueli G. Seegm{Jller J. Stoer N. Wirth Editors Reiji Nakajima Taiichi Yuasa Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan CR Subject Classifications (1982): D.2.6, D.2.4, D.2.2, D.2.1, D.3.3, D.3.4, E3.1, 1.2.3 ISBN 3-540-12693-7 Springer-Vertag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo ISBN 0-387-12693-? Springer-Vedag New York Heidelberg Berlin Tokyo subject is work This ot .thgirypoc {tA rights ,devreser era rehtehw eht the of part or whole lairetam is ,denrecnoc of those specifically ,noitalsnart reprinting, esu-er of ,snoitartsulli ,gnitsacdaorb noitcudorper yb gniypocotohp enihcam ro similar ,snaem dna egarots data in .sknab rednU § the of 54 namreG Copyright waL copies where era edam private than other for ,esu is fee a elbayap to tfahcsllesegsgnutrewreV" ,"troW .hcinuM © yb gadeV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg 3891 detnirP in ynamreG gnitnirP dna Beltz binding: ,kcurdtesffO .rtsgreBlhcabsmeH 012345-0413/5412 LIST OF AUTHORS Tatsuya Hagino Department of Computer Science University of Edinburgh Michio Honda College of Economics Kagawa University Akihiko Koga Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University Keiji Kojima General Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd. Reiji Nakajima Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University Etsuya Shlbayama Department of Information Science Tokyo Institute of Technology Taiichi Yuasa Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................... Part .I Basic Concepts and Design Principles Chapter 1. Language, Logical Foundation, Verification ......... 4 1.1 Introduction ........................................... 4 1.2 Specification Structures ............................... 6 1.3 Implementation Structures .............................. 11 1.4 Translating 'Abstract Axioms' into 'Concrete Axioms' ... 14 1.5 Verification Procedure ................................ 18 1.6 Type-Parameterization .................................. 23 Chapter 2. System Supports for Modular Programming ............ 3O 2.1 Introduction ........................................... 3O 2.2 Interactive Modular Programming ........................ 13 2.2.1 Detection and Correction of Syntactic Errors ...... 33 2.2.2 Syntax-directed Module Editing .................... 34 2.2.3 Maintaining Interface Consistency ................. 35 2.3 Separate Processing of Modules .......................... 4O 2.4 Formal Verification and Specification Integrated into the IOTA System ..................... 14 2.4.1 Virtual Modules ................................... 14 2.4.2 Formal Specification and Program Development ...... 44 2.5 Supports for Cooperative Program Development ........... 45 Chapter 3. Strategies and Techniques for Interactive Proof .... 48 3.1 Introduction ........................................... 48 3.2 Effective Combination of Interactive and Automatic Mechanisms ............. 5O 3.3 Module-wise Development of Reduction and Simplification Rules ............... 52 3.4 Theory-focusing ........................................ 53 3.5 Theory Extractions ..................................... 56 3.6 Subformula Reductions .................................. 57 Part II. System Description and Implementation Issues Chapter 4. Supports for Building Modules, Modulebase .......... 16 4.1 Introduction ........................................... 16 4.2 Interactive Creation and Modification of Modules ....... 62 4.2.1 The Text Editor and Syntactic Analysis ............ 63 4.2.2 Semantic Analysis ................................. 64 4.2.3 The Syntax-directed Editor ........................ 66 4.3 Supports for interface Modification .................... 67 4.4 Virtual Modules ........................................ 68 4.5 The Modulebase Management System ....................... 70 lV Chapter 5- Language Processing ................................ 72 5.1 Introduction ........................................... 72 5.2 Information on Actual Type Parameters .................. 73 5.3 Runtime Linkage of Type Descriptions ................... 77 Chapter 6. Verification System ................................ 8O 6.1 Introduction ........................................... 8O 6.2 Concrete Axioms ........................................ 82 6.2.1 Generation of Verification Conditions ............. 82 6.2.2 Generation of Termination Conditions .............. 84 6.3 Concrete Axioms for Recursive Functions ................ 87 6.3.1 Generation of Verification Conditions ............. 87 6.3.2 Generation of Termination Conditions .............. 19 6.3.3 Restriction to Domain Specifications .............. 19 6.4. Information Management ................................ 93 6.4.1 Difficulties of the Verification System ........... 93 6.4.2 Overcoming the Difficulties ....................... 95 6.5. Virtual Modules ....................................... 97 Chapter 7. Proof System ....................................... 99 7.~ Introduction ........................................... 99 7.2 Reduction Mechanisms ................................... 100 7.2.1 Reduction Rules ................................... 100 7.2.2 Assignable Variables .............................. 102 7.2.3 Resolution and Simplifiers ........................ 104 7.3 Interactive Development of Reduction Mechanisms ........ 106 7.3.1 Development of Reduction Rules .................... 106 7.3.2 Reduction Procedures .............................. 107 Chapter 8. Supports for Cooperative Modular Programming ....... 109 8.1 Introduction ........................................... 109 8.2 Flow of Information among Modulebases .................. 110 8.3 Module Distribution and Update ......................... 110 8.4 Information Hiding ..................................... 111 8.5 Consistency Checks at Loading Time ..................... 112 Part III. Program Development with the IOTA System Chapter 9. KWIC Example ....................................... 11 4 9.1 Problem ................................................ 114 9.2 A Solution in the Language IOTA ........................ 114 9.3 Overview of the Script ................................. 123 9.4 Script ................................................. 126 9.4oi Developer session ................................. 127 9.4.2 Debugger session .................................. 135 9.4.3 Using virtual modules ............................. 137 9.4.4 Verifier session .................................. 141 9.4.5 Job Manager session ............................... 171 9.4.6 Using Executor ................................... 174 IIV Appendix I. Language Syntax .......................................... 176 II. Built-in Modules ......................................... 185 III. Formsl Eules snd Semsntics ............................... 191 IV. Structured Approach to Pointer Data Types ................ 198 Bibliography ..................................................... 214 Introduction This monograph describes the work of the project of 10TA which began in 1976 and was completed in 1983. The initial motivation of the work derived from an attempt to formalize the concepts of abstraction and to develop a mechanizable verification method for programming with modules. The scope of the project later extended to include the design of a programming and specification language IOTA for modular programming, and then to develop a total programming system. The language IOTA supports modular programming with abstraction and parameterization mechanisms, and module specification in a many-sorted first order logic. An informal introduction to the language is given in Chapter ,I together with a formal view of the program development with the language. A formal definition of the language is presented in Appendices. The IOTA system is a modula~ p~og~amming system which is intended to providean integrated environment to enhance the goal of modular programming. One of its most important design objectives is to enable the programmer to concentrate on a single module at a time. Although the interfaces between modules are supposed to be kept minimal not to increase the complexity of the problem, objects belonging to different modules are related with one another. Experiences with some interactive LISP systems suggests that a module should be able to processed, debugged and/or verified, independently, without waiting for completion of other modules immediately after its creation. By putting together thus constructed reliable modules, a reliable software can be efficiently and naturally generated. The IOTA system is constituted of five major subsystems: Developer, Debugger, Verifier, Prover, and Executor. These subsystems are highly integrated into an interactive system over a database of modules (modulebase) which maintains ail information necessary for each subsystem. The organization of the modulebase is given in Chapter 6. \, : data flow The Developer is the main interface between the user and the system~ Modules are input and modified with the Developer. When input, the source text of a module is analyzed both syntactically and semantically, translated into an inner representation, and stored into the modulebaseo Modifications on modules are proceeded directly on the inner representation through the Developer. In addition, the Developer provides the programmer with various information necessary to develop modules° The design principles and the system description of the Developer are presented in Chapters 2 and 4, respectively. The Debugger is an abstraction-oriented dynamic debugging aids. The Verifier is an interactive verification system specially designed for modular program development. It also manages information concerning ongoing verification and, with help of the Prover, verifies that the program realization of each module meets its specification. Chapter I introduces a formalization of abstraction concepts as a basis for module verification, and presents the verification method which is implemented by the Verifier. Chapter 2 includes discussion on the role of the verification and specification embedded in the whole programming environment. The detailed behavior of the Verifier is presented in Chapter 6. The Prover is an interactive proof system for a many-sorted first-order logic° Chapter 3 discusses the major difficulties with machine proofs for realistic module verification and suggests a solution which is adopted in the Prover as its proof strategies. The features of the Prover are given in Chapter 7. The Executor generates executable codes from the inner representation of each module, loads them, and executes them. The main implementation issue with this subsystem is separate processing of modules, especially of those which are type-parameterized. The solution in IOTA is discussed in Chapter 5- While these subsystems work on a single modulebase, there is an inter-modulebase utility system called the Job Manager, which supports cooperation of more than a single programmers by managing data transmission between multiple modulebases. The details of its functions are presented in Chapter 8. In Chapter 9, we show how we solve a problem in the language IOTA and how the IOTA system supports development, verification, and execution of modules. The IOTA system currently runs on DECSystem 20 and M-series (IBM-compatible machines by Fujitsu and Hitachi). Transplantations to VAX-11 and Eclipse-MV are planned. Further information is available from the editors. Acknowledgement The editors thank Tatsuyuki Akiyama, Makoto Murata, Hayao Nakahara and Takashi Sakuragawa for their contribution to the project. Chapter .I Language, Logical Foundation, Verification Reiji Nakajima 1.1 Introduction The methodology of modular programming has been proven highly useful to increase software reliability. A number of works have been shown that writing programs in hierarchical structures with modularity by the use of abstraction can ease difficulties in program specification and reduce complexities involved in program validation. Abstractions - data and procedural abstractions - used in modular programming are characterized by the rigourous distinction between the specification structures and the implementation structures. Several proposals have been made as to techniques for abstraction specifications In order to eliminate ambiguity and mechanize processing, it is advantageous to choose formal specification techniques with well-defined syntax and semantics such as axiomatic approaches. With an axiomatic specification method, specifications are given in terms of formulas in a certain formal system. Therefore if we focus on the specification structures, to give a program is to determine a theory in the formal system in which the specifications are written. Also program development can be regarded as a process of extending theories in the formal system. In this chapter we discuss program structuring, specification and verification with the programming and specification language IOTA with which one can modularly and hierarchically build up theories in a deviation of many-sorted first order logic for specification and write their implementation in an Algol-like syntax. The first order logic is theoretically well established and its understanding does not require much mathematical discipline (cf. initial al6ebra approach [e.g. 6,14]). Besides the choice of specification methods is by no means independent of the style of the program to be specified, especially when we consider program verification. Predicate logic should be a suitable specification

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