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6 1 The Inverse Problem for Canonically Bounded Rank-one 0 2 Transformations n a Aaron Hill J 2 Abstract. Given the cutting and spacer parameters for a rank-1 transfor- ] mation, there is a simple condition which is easily seen to be sufficient to S guaranteethatthetransformationunderconsiderationisisomorphictoitsin- D verse. Hereweshowthatifthecuttingandspacerparametersarecanonically bounded, that condition is also necessary, thus giving a simple characteriza- . h tionofthecanonicallyboundedrank-1transformationsthatareisomorphicto t theirinverse. a m [ 1. Introduction 1 v 1.1. Background. Ameasure-preservingtransformationisanautomorphism 5 of a standard Lebesgue space. Formally, it is a quadruple (X,B,µ,T),where 0 2 (1) (X,B,µ) is a measure space isomorphic to the unit interval with the 0 Lebesgue measure on all Borel sets, 0 (2) T isa bijectionfromX toX suchthatT andT−1 arebothµ-measurable . 1 and preserve the measure µ. 0 When the algebra of measurable sets is clear, we will refer to the transformation 6 1 (X,B,µ,T) by (X,µ,T). If (X,B,µ,T) is a measure-preserving transformation, : then so is its inverse, (X,B,µ,T−1). v Two measure-preserving transformations (X,B,µ,T) and (X′,B′,µ′,T′) are i X isomorphic if there is a measure isomorphism φ from (X,B,µ) to (X′,B′,µ′) such r that µ almost everywhere, φ◦T =T′◦φ. a One of the central problems of ergodic theory, originally posed by von Neu- mann, is the isomorphism problem: How can one determine whether two measure- preservingtransformationsareisomorphic? Theinverseproblemisoneofitsnatural restrictions: How can one determine whether a measure-preservingtransformation is isomorphic to its inverse? Intheearly1940s,HalmosandvonNeumann[8]showedthatergodicmeasure- preserving transformations with pure point spectrum are isomorphic iff they have the same spectrum. It immediately follows from this that every ergodic measure- preserving transformation with pure point spectrum is isomorphic to its inverse. About a decade later, Anzai [2] gave the first example of a measure-preserving 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary37A05,37A35. Key words and phrases. rank-onetransformation,isomorphic,canonicallybounded. Theauthor acknowledges theUSNSFgrantDMS-0943870forthesupportofhisresearch. 1 2 AARONHILL transformation not isomorphic to its inverse. Later, Fieldsteel [4] and del Junco, Rahe,andSwanson[9]independently showedthatChacon’stransformation–oneof theearliestexamplesofwhatwenowcallrank-1transformations–isnotisomorphic toitsinverse. Inthelate1980s,Ageev[1]showedthatagenericmeasure-preserving transformation is not isomorphic to its inverse. In 2011, Foreman, Rudolph, and Weiss [5] showed that the set of ergodic measure-preserving transformations of a fixed standard Lebesgue space that are isomorphic to their inverse is a complete analytic subset of all measure-preserving transformationsonthat space. In essence,this resultshowsthat there is no simple (i.e.,Borel)conditionwhichissatisfiedifandonlyifanergodicmeasure-preserving transformationis isomorphic to its inverse. However,in the same paper they show thattheisomorphismrelationbecomesmuchsimplerwhenrestrictedtothegeneric classofrank-1transformations. Itfollowsfromtheirworkthatthereexistsasimple (i.e., Borel) condition which is satisfied if and only if a rank-1 measure-preserving transformationisisomorphictoitsinverse. Currently,however,nosuchconditionis known. Inthispaperwegiveasimpleconditionthatissufficientforarank-1trans- formation to be isomorphic to its inverse and show that for canonically bounded rank-1 transformations, the condition is also necessary. 1.2. Rank-1 transformations. In this subsection we state the definitions and basic facts pertaining to rank-1 transformations that will be used in our main arguments. We mostly follow the symbolic presentation in [6] and [7], but also provide comments that hopefully will be helpful to those more familiar with a different approach to rank-1 transformations. Additional information about the connections between different approaches to rank-1 transformations can be found in the survey article [3]. We firstremarkthatbyN wemeanthe setofallfinite ordinals,including zero: {0,1,2,...}. Ourmainobjectsofstudyaresymbolicrank-1measure-preservingtransforma- tions. Eachsuchtransformationisameasure-preservingtransformation(X,B,µ,σ), where X is a closed, shift-invariant subset of {0,1}Z, B is the collection of Borel sets that X inherits from the product topology on {0,1}Z, µ is an atomless, shift- invariant (Borel) probability measure on X, and σ is the shift. To be precise, the shift σ is the bijection from {0,1}Z to {0,1}Z, where σ(x)(i)=x(i+1). Since the measure algebra of a symbolic measure-preserving transformation comes from the topologyon{0,1}Z, we will omit the reference to that measure algebraandsimply refer to a symbolic measure-preserving transformation as (X,µ,σ). Symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving transformations are usually described by cutting and spacer parameters. The cutting parameteris asequence(r :n∈N) of n integers greater than 1. The spacer parameter is a sequence of tuples (s :n∈N), n whereformallys is afunctionfrom{1,2,...,r −1}toN (note thats is allowed n n n to take the value zero). Given such cutting and spacer parameters,one defines the symbolic rank-1 system (X,σ) as follows. First define a sequence of finite words (v :n∈N) by v =0 and n 0 v =v 1sn(1)v 1sn(2)v ...v 1sn(rn−1)v . n+1 n n n n n The sequence (v :n∈N) is called a generating sequence. Then let n Z X ={x∈{0,1} : every finite subword of x is a subword of some v }. n THE INVERSE PROBLEM FOR CANONICALLY BOUNDED RANK-ONE TRANSFORMATIONS3 It is straightforward to check that X is a closed, shift-invariant subset of {0,1}Z. These symbolic rank-1 systems are treated extensively–as topological dynamical systems–in[6]. Inordertointroduceanicemeasureµandthusobtainameasurable dynamical system, we make two additional assumptions on the cutting and spacer parameters. (1) For every N ∈ N there exist n,n′ ≥ N and 0 < i < rn and 0 < i′ < rn′ such that ′ sn(i)6=sn′(i). # of 1s in v n (2) sup <1 n∈N |vn| It is straightforward to show that there is a unique shift-invariant measure on X whichassignsmeasure1totheset{x∈X :x(0)=0}. Aslongasthefirstcondition aboveis satisfied, that measure is atomless. As long as the second condition above is satisfied, that measure is finite. Assuming both conditions are satisfied, the normalizationofthatmeasureiscalledµandthen(X,µ,σ)isameasure-preserving transformation. We call such an (X,µ,σ) a symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving transformation. Belowareseveralimportantremarksaboutsymbolicrank-1measure-preserving transformations that will be helpful in understanding the arguments in Section 2. • Bounded rank-1 transformations: Suppose (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ n n N) are cutting and spacer parameters for (X,µ,σ). We say the cutting parameter is bounded if there is some R ∈ N such that for all n ∈ N, r ≤ R. We say that the spacer parameter is bounded if there is some n S ∈N such that for all n∈N and all 0<i<r , s (i)≤S. n n Let(X,µ,σ)beasymbolicrank-1measure-preservingtransformation. Wesaythat(X,µ,σ)isboundediftherearecuttingandspacerparameters (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N) that give rise to (X,µ,σ) that are both n n bounded. • Canonical cutting and spacer parameters: There is an obvious bijective correspondence between cutting and spacer parameters and generating sequences, but there are many different generating sequences that give rise to the same symbolic rank-1 system. For example, any proper sub- sequence of a generating sequence will be a different generating sequence that gives rise to the same symbolic rank-1 system. There is a way, how- ever,describedin[6],toassociatetoeachsymbolicrank-1systemaunique canonical generating sequence, which in turn gives rise to the canonical cutting and spacer parameters of that symbolic system. The canonical generating sequence was used in [6] to fully understand topological iso- morphisms between symbolic rank-1 systems; it was also used in [7] to explicitly describe when a bounded rank-1 measure-preserving transfor- mation has trivial centralizer. Thereisonlyonefactthataboutcanonicalgeneratingsequencesthat isusedinourargument. Itisthis: If(r :n∈N)and(s :n∈N)arethe n n canonical cutting and spacer parameters for (X,µ,σ), then for all n∈N, there is 0 < i < r and 0 < j < r such that s (i) 6= s (j). (See the n n+1 n n definition of canonical generating sequence in section 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 in [6]) 4 AARONHILL • Expected occurrences: Let (v : n ∈ N) be a generating sequence giving n rise to the symbolic system (X,σ). Then for each n ∈ N, there is a unique way to view each x ∈ X as a disjoint collection of occurrences of v separated only by 1s. Such occurrences of v in x are called expected n n and the following all hold. (1) For all x ∈ X and n ∈ N, every occurrence of 0 in x is contained in a unique expected occurrence of v . n (2) For all x∈X and n∈N, x has an expected occurrence of v begin- n ningatpositioniiffσ(x)hasanexpectedoccurrenceofv beginning n at position (i−1). (3) If x ∈ X has an expected occurrence of v beginning at position i, n andn′ >n,thentheuniqueexpectedoccurrenceofvn′ thatcontains the 0atpositionicompletelycontainstheexpectedoccurrenceofv n that begins at i. (4) If x∈X has expectedoccurrencesofv beginning atpositions i and n j, with |i−j| < |v |, then i = j. In other words, distinct expected n occurrences of v cannot overlap. n (5) If n > m and x ∈ X has as expected occurrence of v beginning at n i which completely contains anexpected occurrenceof v beginning m ati+l,thenwheneverj issuchthatxhasanexpectedoccurrenceof v beginning at j, that occurrence completely contains an expected n occurrence of v beginning at j+l. m For n∈N and i ∈Z we define E to be the set of all x∈X that have vn,i an expected occurrence of v beginning at position i. n • Relation to cutting and stacking constructions: Let (v :n∈N) be a gen- n erating sequence giving rise to the symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving system (X,µ,σ). One can take the cutting and spacer parametersassoci- ated to (v :n∈N) and build, using a cutting and stackingconstruction, n arank-1measure-preservingtransformation. This constructioninvolvesa sequenceofRokhlintowers. Thereisadirectcorrespondencebetweenthe baseofthe nthtowerinthecutting andstackingconstructionandtheset E in the symbolic system. The height of the nth tower in the cutting vn,0 andstackingconstructionthencorrespondsto(i.e.,isequalto)thelength ofthe wordv . Ifthe readerismorefamiliarwithrank-1transformations n as cutting andstacking constructions,one can use this correspondenceto translate the arguments in Section 2 to that setting. • Expectedness and the measure algebra: Let (v : n ∈ N) be a generating n sequence giving rise to the symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving system (X,µ,σ). If M is any infinite subset of N, then the collection of sets {E : n ∈ M,i ∈ Z} is dense in the measure algebra of (X,µ). Thus if vn,i A is any positive measure set and ǫ > 0, there is some n ∈ M and i ∈ Z such that µ(E ∩A) vn,i >1−ǫ µ(E ) vn,i • Rank-1 Inverses: Let (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N) be cutting and n n spacer parameters for the symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving transfor- mation (X,µ,σ). It is straightforward to check that a simple modifica- tion of the parameters results in a symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving THE INVERSE PROBLEM FOR CANONICALLY BOUNDED RANK-ONE TRANSFORMATIONS5 transformation that is isomorphic to (X,µ,σ−1). For each tuple s in n the spacer parameter, let s be the reverse tuple, i.e., for 0 < i < r , n n s (i)=s (r −i). Itiseasytocheckthatthecuttingandspacerparame- n n n ters (r :n∈N) and (s :n∈N) satisfy the two measure conditions nec- n n essary to produce a symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving transformation. If one denotes that transformation by (X,µ,σ) and defines φ : X → X by ψ(x)(i) = x(−i), then it is straightforward to check that ψ is an iso- morphism between (X,µ,σ−1) and (X,µ,σ). Thus to check whether a given symbolic rank-1 measure-preservingtransformation(X,µ,σ) is iso- morphic to its inverse, one need only check whether it is isomorphic to the symbolic rank-1 measure-preservingtransformation (X,µ,σ). 1.3. The condition for isomorphism and the statement of the theo- rem. Let (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N) be cutting and spacer parameters for the n n symbolicrank-1measure-preservingtransformation(X,µ,σ). Supposethatthereis anN ∈Nsuchthatforalln≥N, s =s . Letφ:X →X be definedsothatφ(x) n n isobtainedfromxbyreplacingeveryexpectedoccurrenceofv byv (thereverse N N of v ). It is straightforward to check that φ is an isomorphism between (X,µ,σ) N and (X,µ,σ), thus showing that (X,µ,σ) is isomorphic to its inverse (X,µ,σ−1). Asanexample,Chacon2istherank-onetransformationthatcanbedefinedby v =v 1nv . (In the cutting and stacking setting, Chacon2 is usually described n+1 n n by B = B B 1, but that is easily seen to be equivalent to B = B 1nB .) n+1 n n n+1 n n In this case r = 2 and s (1) = n, for all n. Since s = s for all n, Chacon2 is n n n n isomorphic to its inverse. Theorem 1.1. Let (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N) be the canonical cut- n n ting and spacer parameters for the symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving transforma- tion (X,µ,σ). If those parameters are bounded, then (X,µ,σ) is isomorphic to (X,µ,σ−1) if and only if there is an N ∈N such that for all n≥N, s =s . n n We remark that in [6], the author and Su Gao have completely characterized when two symbolic rank-1 system are topologically isomorphic, and as a corollary have a complete characterizationof when a symbolic rank-1system is topologically isomorphic to its inverse. A topological isomorphism between symbolic rank-1 systemsisahomeomorphismbetweentheunderlyingspacesthatcommuteswiththe shift. Since each the underlying space of a symbolic rank-1 system admits at most one atomless, shift-invariant probability measure, every topological isomorphism between symbolic rank-1 systems is also a measure-theoretic isomorphism. On the other hand, there are symbolic rank-1 systems that are measure-theoretically isomorphic, but not topologically isomorphic. We note here the main difference between these two settings. Suppose φ is an isomorphism–eitherameasure-theoreticisomorphismoratopologicalisomorphism– between two symbolic rank-1 systems (X,µ,σ) and (Y,ν,σ). Let (v : n∈N) and n (w : n ∈ N) be generating sequences that gives rise to (X,µ,σ) and (Y,ν,σ), n respectively. One can consider a set E ⊆Y and its pre-image, call it A, under wm,0 φ. If φ is a measure-theoretic isomorphism then one can find some E so that vn,i µ(E ∩A) vn,i >1−ǫ. µ(E ) vn,i 6 AARONHILL However,if φ is in fact a topologicalisomorphism, then one can find some E so vn,i that E ⊆A. vn,i The stronger condition in the case of a topological isomorphism is what makes possible the analysis done by the author and Gao in [6]. In this paper, we are able to use the weaker condition, together with certain “bounded” conditions on the generating sequences (v :n∈N) and (w :n∈N) to achieve our results. n n 2. Arguments Webeginwithashortsubsectionintroducingtwonewpiecesofnotation. Then weproveageneralpropositionthatcanbeusedtoshowthatcertainsymbolicrank- 1 measure-preservingtransformationsare not isomorphic. Finally, we show how to use the general proposition to prove the non-trivial direction of Theorem 1.1. 2.1. New notation. The first new piece of notation is ∗, a binary operation on all finite sequences of natural numbers. The second is ⊥, a relation (signifying incompatibility) between finite sequences of natural numbers that have the same length. The notation ∗: We will first describe the reason for introducing this new notation. We will then then give the formaldefinition of ∗ and then illustrate that definition with an example. Suppose (r :n∈N) and (s :n∈N) are cutting and n n spacer parameters for the symbolic system (X,µ,σ) and that (v : n ∈ N) is the n generating sequence corresponding to those parameters. Fix n > 0 and consider 0 the generating sequence (w :n∈N), defined as follows. n v , if n<n n 0 w = n (vn+1, if n≥n0 It is clear that (w : n ∈ N) is a subsequence of (v : n ∈ N), missing only the n n element v ; thus, (w : n ∈ N) gives rise to the same symbolic system (X,µ,σ). n0 n We would like to be able to easily describe the cutting and spacer parameters that correspond to the generating sequence (w : n ∈ N). Let (r′ : n ∈ N) and n n (s′ : n ∈ N) be those cutting and spacer parameters. It is clear that for n < n n 0 we have r′ = r and s′ = s . It is also clear that for n > n we have r′ = r n n n n 0 n n+1 ands′ =s . Itis straightforwardto checkthatr′ =r ·r . The definition n n+1 n0 n0+1 n0 below for ∗ is precisely what is needed so that s′ =s ∗s . n0 n0+1 n0 Here is the definition. Let s be any function from {1,2,...,r −1} to N and 1 1 let s be any function from {1,2,...,r −1} to N. We define s ∗s , a function 2 2 2 1 from {1,2,...,r ·r −1} to N, as follows. 2 1 s (k), if 0<k <r and i≡k mod r 1 1 1 (s ∗s )(i)= 2 1 (s2(i/r1), if i≡0 mod r1 It is important to note, and straightforwardto check, that the operation ∗ is asso- ciative. Toillustrate,supposethats isthe functionfrom{1,2,3}toNwiths (1)=0, 1 1 s (2) = 1, and s (3) = 0 and that s is the function from {1,2} to N such that 1 1 2 s (1)=5ands (2)=6;weabbreviatethisbysimplysayingthats =(0,1,0)and 2 2 1 s =(5,6). Then s ∗s =(0,1,0,5,0,1,0,6,0,1,0). 2 2 1 THE INVERSE PROBLEM FOR CANONICALLY BOUNDED RANK-ONE TRANSFORMATIONS7 The notation ⊥: Suppose s and s′ are both functions from {1,2,...,r−1} to N. We say that s is compatible with s′ if there exists a function c from {1} to N so that s is a subsequence of c∗s′. Otherwise we say that s is incompatible with s′ and write s⊥s′. To illustrate, consider s = (0,1,0) and s′ = (0,0,1). Then s is compatible with s′ because if c = 0, then c ∗s′ = (0,0,1,0,0,0,1) and (0,1,0) does occur as a subsequence of (0,0,1,0,0,0,1). If s′′ = (0,1,2), then s′ is compatible with s′′ (again let c = 0), but s ⊥ s′′, because (0,1,0) can never be a subsequence of (0,1,2,c,0,1,2). Though not used in our arguments, it is worth noting, and is straightforward to check, that s ⊥ s′ iff s′ ⊥ s. (It is important here that s and s′ have the same length.) We now state the main point of this definition of incompatibility. This fact will be crucial in the proof of Proposition 2.1. Suppose (r′ : n∈ N) and (s′ : n ∈ n n N) are cutting and spacer parameters associated to the symbolic rank-1 measure- preservingtransformation(Y,ν,σ)andthat(w :n∈N)isthegeneratingsequence n associated to those parameters. If n is such that r = r′ and s ⊥ s′ , then no n n n n element of y ∈Y contains an occurrence of w 1sn(1)w 1sn(2)...1sn(rn−1)w n n n where each of the demonstrated occurrence of w is expected. n Indeed, suppose that that beginning at position i, some y ∈ Y did have such an occurrence of w 1sn(1)w 1sn(2)...1sn(rn−1)w . The expected occurrence of w n n n n beginningati mustbe completely containedin someexpectedoccurrenceofw , n+1 say that begins at position j. We know that the expected occurrence of w n+1 beginning at position j contains exactly r -many expected occurrences of w . Let n n 1 ≤ l ≤ r be such that the expected occurrence of w beginning at position i is n n the lth expected occurrence of w beginning at position j. If l =1, then s =s′ , n n n which implies that s is a subsequence of c∗s′ for any c. If, on the other hand, n n 1 < l ≤ r , then letting c = s (r −l+1), we have that s is a subsequence of n n n n c∗s′ . In either case this would result in s being compatible with s′ . n n n 2.2. A general proposition guaranteeing non-isomorphism. Proposition 2.1. Let (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N) be the cutting and n n spacer parameters for a symbolic rank-1 system (X,µ,σ) and let (r′ : n ∈ N) and n (s′ : n ∈ N) be the cutting and spacer parameters for a symbolic rank-1 system n (Y,ν,σ). Suppose the following hold. (1) For all n, r =r′ and s (i)= s′ (i). n n n n (2) There is an S ∈N such0<tXhia<trnfor all n 0a<nXid<ranll 0<i<r , n ′ s (i)≤S and s (i)≤S. n n (3) There is an R∈N such that for infinitely many n, ′ r ≤R and s ⊥s . n n n Then (X,µ,σ) and (Y,ν,σ) are not measure-theoretically isomorphic. Proof. Let (v :n∈N) be the generating sequence associated to the cutting n and spacer parameters (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N). Let (w : n ∈ N) be the n n n generating sequence associated to the cutting and spacer parameters (r′ : n ∈ N) n 8 AARONHILL and (s′ : n ∈ N). Condition (1) implies that for all n, |v | = |w |. Now suppose, n n n towards a contradiction, that φ is an isomorphism between (X,µ,σ) and (Y,ν,σ). First, choose m ∈ N so that |v | = |w | is greater than the S from condition m m (2). Next, consider the positive µ-measure set φ−1(E )={x∈X :φ(x) has an expected occurrence of w at 0}. wm,0 m Let M = {n ∈ N : r ≤R and s ⊥s′ }, where R is from condition (3), and note n n n that M is infinite. We can then find n∈M and k ∈N such that µ(E ∩φ−1(E )) 1 vn,k wm,0 >1− . µ(E ) R vn,k Onecanlooselydescribetheaboveinequalitybysaying: Mostx∈X thathave an expected occurrence of v beginning at position k are such that φ(x) has an n expected occurrence of w beginning at position 0. m We saythatanexpectedoccurrenceofv in anyx∈X (sayitbegins ati)is a n goodoccurrenceofv ifφ(x)hasanexpectedoccurrenceofw beginningatposition n m i−k. Inthiscasewesaythegoodoccurrenceofv beginningatiforcestheexpected n occurrenceof w beginning at position i−k. Note that an expected occurrence of m v beginning at position i in x∈X is good iff σi(x)∈E ∩φ−1(E ), since φ n vn,k wm,0 commuteswithσ. Asimpleapplicationoftheergodictheoremshowsthatµalmost every x∈X satisfies |{i∈[−N,N]: x has a good occurrence of v at i}| 1 n lim >1− . N→∞|{i∈[−N,N]: x has an expected occurrence of vn at i}| R Since r ≤ R, this implies that µ almost every x ∈ X contains an expected oc- n currence of v such that each of the r -many expected occurrences of v that it n+1 n n contains is good. We say that such an occurrence of v is totally good. n+1 Let x ∈ X and i ∈ Z be such that x has a totally good occurrence of v n+1 beginning at i. There are r -many expected occurrences of v in the expected n n occurrence v beginning at i and each of them forces an expected occurrence of n+1 w in φ(x). The firstof these forcedexpectedoccurrencesof w in φ(x) begins at m m position i−k and must be part of some expected occurrence of w , say it begins n at position i′. We claim that, in fact, φ(x) must have an occurrence of w 1sn(1)w 1sn(2)...1sn(rn−1)w n n n beginningati′,whereeachofthedemonstratedoccurrenceofw isexpected. This n will contradict the fact that s ⊥s′ . n n Provingtheclaiminvolvesanargumentthatisrepeatedr −1times. Thenext n paragraphcontains the first instance of that argument, showing that the expected occurrenceofw beginning ati′ inφ(x) isimmediately followedby1sn(1) andthen n anotherexpectedoccurrenceofw ,thisonecontainingthesecondforcedoccurrence n ofw . Thenextinstanceoftheargumentwouldshowthattheexpectedoccurrence m of w beginning at i′ +|w |+s (1) is immediately followed by 1sn(2) and then n n n anotherexpectedoccurrenceofw , this one containingthe thirdforcedoccurrence n of w . After the r −1 instances of that argument, the claim would be proven. m n Here is the firstinstance of the argument: We know thatφ(x) has anexpected occurrence of w beginning at i′ and that this expected occurrence of w contains n n the expected occurrence of w beginning at position m ′ ′ i−k =(i)+(i−k−i). THE INVERSE PROBLEM FOR CANONICALLY BOUNDED RANK-ONE TRANSFORMATIONS9 Thus,bypoint(5)oftheremarkaboutexpectedoccurrencesinSection1.2,ifj ∈Z is such that φ(x) has an expected occurrence of w beginning at position j, that n occurrencecompletelycontainsanexpectedoccurrenceofw beginningatposition m j+(i−k−i′). The expected occurrence of w beginning at positioni′ must be followedby 1t n and then another expected occurrence of w , for some 0 ≤ t ≤ S. The expected n occurrence of w beginning at position i′ + |w | + t must contain an expected n n occurrence of w beginning at position m ′ ′ (i−k)+|w |+t=(i +|w |+t)+(i−k−i). n n Butwealsoknowthattheexpectedoccurrenceofv beginningatpositioni+|v |+ n n s (1)inxforcesanexpectedoccurrenceofw beginningati+|w |+s (1)inφ(x). n m n n Since0≤s (1),t≤S itmustbethat0≤|t−s (1)|≤S andthus,since|w |>S, n n m the expected occurrences beginning at positions i+|w |+s (1) and i+|w |+t n n n must overlap. Since distinct expected occurrences of w cannot overlap, it must m be the casethats (1)=t (See point(4)ofthe remarkaboutexpectedoccurrences n in Section 1.2). Thus, the expected occurrence of w beginning at i′ in φ(x) is n immediately followed by 1sn(1) and then another expected occurrence of w , this n one containing the second forced occurrence of w . (cid:3) m 2.3. Proving the theorem. We start this subsection with a comment and a simple lemma. The comment is that if (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N) are the n n canonical cutting and spacer parameters for a symbolic rank-1 measure-preserving transformation (X,µ,σ), then for all n ∈ N, s ∗s is not constant. This is n+1 n simply a restatement, using the notation ∗, of the last sentence in the remark about canonical generating sequences in Section 1.2. Lemma 2.2. Let s be a function from {1,2,...,r −1} to N such that s 6=s . 1 1 1 1 Let s be function from {1,2,...,r −1} to N that is not constant. Then s ∗s ⊥ 2 2 2 1 s ∗s . 2 1 Proof. Suppose, towards a contradiction, that s ∗ s is compatible with 2 1 s ∗s . Then there is function c from {1} to N so that s ∗s is a subsequence of 2 1 2 1 c∗(s ∗s )=c∗(s ∗s )=(c∗s )∗s . 2 1 2 1 2 1 In other words, there is some 0 ≤ k ≤ r ·r such that for all 0 < l < r ·r , 2 1 2 1 (s ∗s )(l)=((c∗s )∗s )(k+l). We now have two cases. 2 1 2 1 Case 1: k ≡0 mod r . Then for all 0<i<r , 1 1 s (i)=(s ∗s )(i)=((c∗s )∗s )(k+i)=s (i). 1 2 1 2 1 1 Thus s =s , which is a contradiction. 1 1 Case 2: There is some 0 < m < r such that k +m ≡ 0 mod r . For all 1 1 0≤d<r , we have (s ∗s )(m+dr )=s (m). But also, 2 2 1 1 1 k+m (s ∗s )(m+dr )=((c∗s )∗s )(k+m+dr )=(c∗s ) +d . 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 r (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) Thisimpliesthatthefunctionc∗s isconstant(takingthevalues (m))forr -many 2 1 2 consecutiveinputs. Thisimpliesthats mustbeconstant,whichisacontradiction. 2 (cid:3) We will now prove the non-trivial direction of the theorem. 10 AARONHILL Proof. Let (r˜ :n∈N) and (s˜ :n∈N) be the canonicalcutting and spacer n n parametersforasymbolicrank-1measure-preservingtransformation(X,µ,σ). Sup- pose both parameters are bounded; let R˜ be such that for all n ∈ N, r˜ ≤ R˜ and n let S be such that for all n ∈ N and all 0 < i < r˜ , s˜ (i) ≤ S. Also, assume that n n for infinity many n, s˜ 6=s˜ . To prove the non-trivial direction of the theorem, we n n need to show that (X,µ,σ) is not isomorphic to its inverse. Let (u : n ∈ N) be the generating sequence corresponding to the parameters n (r˜ : n ∈ N) and (s˜ : n ∈ N). We will now describe a subsequence (v : n ∈ N) n n n of (u : n ∈ N) and let (r : n ∈ N) and (s : n ∈ N) be the cutting and spacer n n n parameterscorrespondingtothegeneratingsequence(v :n∈N)(whichalsogives n rise to (X,µ,σ)). First, let v =u =0. Now, suppose v has been defined as u . 0 0 2n k Let m > k be as small as possible so that s˜ 6= s˜ , and define v = u and m m 2n+1 m v =u . It is very important to note here that 2n+2 m+3 r =r˜ ·r˜ ·r˜ 2n+1 m+2 m+1 m and that s =s˜ ∗s˜ ∗s˜ . 2n+1 m+2 m+1 m This has two important consequences. First, we have that for n ∈N, r ≤R˜3. 2n+1 By the remark before Lemma 2.2, we also have that s˜ ∗s˜ is not constant m+3 m+2 and thus, by Lemma 2.2, s˜ ∗s˜ ∗s˜ ⊥ s˜ ∗s˜ ∗s˜ ; put another m+3 m+2 m+1 m+3 m+2 m+1 way, s ⊥s . 2n+1 2n+1 Now for each n, let r′ =r and s′ =s . Let (Y,ν,σ) be the symbolic rank-1 n n n n transformation corresponding to the cutting and spacer parameters (r′ : n ∈ N) n and (s′ : n ∈ N). As mentioned in the remark on rank-1 inverses at the end of n Section 1.2, the transformation (Y,ν,σ) is isomorphic to the inverse of (X,µ,σ). Thus to show that (X,µ,σ) is not isomorphic to its inverse, we can show that (X,µ,σ) and (Y,ν,σ) are not isomorphic. To do this we will apply Proposition 2.1. We need to check that the following three conditions hold. (1) For all n, r =r′ and s (i)= s′ (i). n n n n (2) There is an S ∈N such0<tXhi<artnfor all n0a<nXid<ranll 0<i<r , n ′ s (i)≤S and s (i)≤S. n n (3) There is an R∈N such that for infinitely many n, ′ r ≤R and s ⊥s . n n n Condition (1) above follows immediately from the fact that for all n ∈ N, r′ = r and s′ = s . Condition (2) follows from the fact that each s (i) is equal n n n n n to some s˜ (j) which is less than or equal to S. Finally, to verify condition (3), let m R= R˜3 and note that, as remarked above, for all n ∈N we have that r ≤R˜3 2n+1 ands ⊥s . We nowapply Proposition2.1andconclude that (X,µ,σ) and 2n+1 2n+1 (Y,ν,σ) are not isomorphic. Thus (X,µ,σ) is not isomorphic to its inverse. (cid:3) References [1] O.N. Ageev,Conjugacyofagroupactiontoitsinverse,Mat. Zametki45:3(1989)3–11. [2] H. Anzai, Onan exampleof a measurepreservingtransformation whichis not conjugate to itsinverse,Proc. Japan Acad.,27(1951) 517–522. [3] S.Ferenczi,Systemsoffiniterank,Colloq. Math.73:1(1997), 35–65.

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