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The Interpreter 2010: Vol 54 Index PDF

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Preview The Interpreter 2010: Vol 54 Index

index to Volume 54 JANUAR Y¥-DECEMBER 2070 ADVENT Youth keep prayer vigil for victims, Haitian challenge: Remember history, conflict (Gillem) (July-Aug p 8) Anticipating Advent (Noble) (Nov- survivors (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 6) look forward (Martini) (Mar-Apr p 17) At Interpreter OnLine (Nov-Dec p 18) Dec p 13) Health kits assembled during Sunday InfoServ offering live chat (UMCom) ‘Follow the Star’ prayerfully (Kilmer) DIVERSITY service (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) (July-Aug p 20) (Nov-Dec p 6) Major grant will support health Hope for Haiti (Rice) (May-June p 18) Learn to create new ministries at disparities research (Giles) (Jan-Feb ‘| want to help’ takes many forms School of Congregational Develop- BIBLE p 28) (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 16) ment (GBOD) (July-Aug p 21) Around the New Testament in 90 Sharing culture and hospitality Offering enables quick response in Methodists key to establishing col- Days (Dunlap-Berg) (Nov-Dec p 9) (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 24) Haiti (Dunlap-Berg) (Mar-Apr p 15) lege for African Brazilians (Jan-Feb liluminating the Story (Nov-Dec p Resurrecting Hope: Haitians must p 42) 10) ENVIRONMENT lead rebirth (Ghianni) (Mar-Apr 10) Shane Claiborne: Fusing Faith and The Nativity: Evoking Wonaer A broken relationship in the Gulf You can help - today, tomorrow, next Practice (Sept-Oct p 10) (Waddle) (Nov-Dec p 8) (Watkins) (Sept-Oct p 18) month (Mar-Apr p 16) State of the Church Report 2010 Bishops’ letter pledges to protect Youth keep prayer vigil for victims, (July-Aug facing p 14) BISHOPS God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb survivors (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 6) Bishops’ letter pledges to protect p 30) UMCOR on the ground in Haiti - and LENT God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb Chile (May-June p 19) A time to fast and pray (Chavez) p 30) EVANGELISM (Jan-Feb p 26) New bishop in Puerto Rico (Wright) Young evangelists transforming their HOLY DAYS, HOLIDAYS Lenten worship resources available (Jan-Feb p 43) world (Gilbert) (Sept-Oct p 14) Anticipating Advent (Noble) (Nov- (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 36) Dec p 13) Palms in the Park draws crowd CHILDREN FAMILY Does the Star - Spangled Banner (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 8) Bless backpacks - and kids - as Laying a firm foundation for building belong in church (Madren) (July-Aug ‘Sorry notes’ burn on Ash Wednes- school year begins (Kilmer) (Sept- a life together (Chavez) (May-June p 12) day (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 10) Oct p 24) p 10) ‘Follow the Star’ prayerfully (Kilmer) Internet radio station nurtures (Nov-Dec p 6) LETTERS children's spirits (Noble) (July-Aug GIVING Lent: A time to fast and pray (Jan-Feb p 46) (Mar-Apr p 25) (May- p 20) Cazenovia hosts sew-athon for Haiti (Chavez) (Jan-Feb p 26) June p 26) (July-Aug p 24) (Sept- Kids blossom as churches, schools (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) Lenten worship resources available Oct p 28) (Nov-Dec p 24) are partners (Sept-Oct p 6) Celebrate World Communion Sun- (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 36) Music camp creates bridge into day on Oct. 3 (Sept-Oct p 22) Palms in the Park draws crowd LIGHTER FARE community (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 9) (UM Student Day) Education pro- (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 8) The Lord's Prayer in text (Noble) MP3 players offer sermons in ‘child vides opportunity to fight for good ‘Sorry notes’ burn on Ash Wednes- (Jan-Feb p 44) language’ (Thomas) (May-June p 6) (Brown) (Nov-Dec p 18) day (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 10) Training kit equips churches for cy- Gifts will aid survivors of typhoons in The Nativity: Evoking wonder MARRIAGE bersafety training (Nov-Dec p 18) Philippines (Bloom) (Jan-Feb p 25) (Waddle) (Nov-Dec p 8) Dance, relationship classes brighten (Human Relations Day) As the of- Valentine Coffee House creates spe- winter (Kilmer) (May-June p 7) CLERGY fering plate approaches, remember cial evening (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 10) Faith-full marriage: An irrevocable Facebook farewell (Gilbert) (July- these stories (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 41) Wedding vows renewed on New decision (Passi-Kiaus) (May-June Aug p 15) (Native American Ministry Sunday) Year’s Eve (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 9) p 8) Local pastors win votes for del- Sharing culture and hospitality God sets the example (Dennis) egates (Peck) (July-Aug p 16) (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 24) JUDICIAL COUNCIL (May-June p 9) New website addresses sexual ethics (One Great Hour of Sharing) Offer- Judicial Council voids sexuality Laying a firm foundation for building (Bloom) (Jan-Feb p 38) ing enables quick response in Haiti statement, rules on clergy, financial a life together (Chavez) (May-June Site offers online community for (Dunlap-Berg) (Mar-Apr p 15) issues (Bloom) (Jan-Feb p 32) p 10) clergy spouses (May-June p 20) (Peace with Justice Sunday) Bowl Structure, budget questions face Life together before marriage of beans offers taste of poverty church court (Bloom) (Mar-Apr p 19) (Madren) (May-June p 12) CONGREGATIONAL DEVELOP- (Spence) (May-June p 24) Judicial Council rulings online (July- Worship. Pray. Learn. (Dennis) (May- MENT UMCOR issues appeal for flood sur- Aug Pp 21) June p 11) 11,000 worship in 160 congregations vivors (Dunlap-Berg) (July-Aug p 14) Judicial Council asked to review pas- in Vietnam (Bloom, Wright) (July- toral authority (Sept-Oct p 20) MEN Aug p 18) GLOBAL HEALTH ‘Blessing for the Hunt’ offers fellow- Building two a day: Can history re- A world-changing weekend (UM- JUST THINKING (NOBLE) ship, safety (Kilmer) (Sept-Oct p 8) peat? (Williams) (May-June p 21) Com) (July-Aug p 22) Waiting or expecting (Jan-Feb, p 4) Free meals at Third Tuesday Com- Bishops’ letter pledges to protect To let the tears flow (Mar-Apr p 4) MINISTRY WITH THE POOR munity Suppers (Kilmer) (July-Aug God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb Loving neighbors (May-June p 4) A matter of conscience: When laws p 7) p 30) Discerning and acting (July-August conflict (Gillem) (July-Aug p 8) Music camp creates bridge into Build community locally. Fight ma- p 4) Behind the fudge shop... (Spence) community (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 9) laria globally. (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 20) Passionate disciples (Sept-Oct p 4) (Jan-Feb p 22) New Testament will be offered to ‘God's kingdom is right on your With grateful hearts (Nov-Dec p 4) Bishops’ letter pledges to protect seekers (Sept-Oct p 22) doorstep.’ (Hollon) (July-Aug p 26) God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb Health kits assembled during Sunday LAST THOUGHTS (HOLLON) p 30) CULTURE service (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) Closing the generation gap (Jan-Feb ‘Bless those who sent this food’ in a culture of fear, ‘do not be afraid’ Major grant will support health p 46) (Gilbert) (Mar-Apr p 13) (Waddle) (Jan-Feb p 34) disparities research (Giles) (Jan-Feb Remembering by living to change Bowl of beans offers taste of poverty p 28) the world (Mar-Apr p 26) (Spence) (May-June p 24) DISASTER RESPONSE Those who remember the threat can ‘God’s kingdom is right on your Church reopens as outward-focused Health kits assembled during Sunday ‘Imagine No Malaria’ (Gillem) (May- doorstep.’ (July-Aug p 26) mission (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 22) service (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) June p 15) ‘The Spirit is breaking out all over.’ Easing life in Eagle Pass (mission by Help Pakistani flood survivors (Sept- (Sept-Oct p 30) mission) (Kilmer) (May-June p 22) Oct p 24) HAITI In tragedy, a call to care and act ‘Feeding of the 5,000’ (Kilmer) (Jan- UMCOR issues appeal for flood sur- ‘Bless those who sent this food’ (Nov-Dec p 26) Feb p 39) vivors (Dunlap-Berg) (July-Aug p 14) (Gilbert) (Mar-Apr p 13) \llegal immigrants or neighbors in UMCOR on the ground in Haiti - and Cazenovia hosts sew-athon for Haiti LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT need? (Gillem) (July-Aug p 11) Chile (May-June p 19) (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) A matter of conscience: When laws 1 Nail=1 Homeless Person, 74,000 22 Interpreter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 OPEN HEARTS. OPEN MINDS. OPEN DOORS index to Volume 54 JANUAR Y¥-DECEMBER 2070 ADVENT Youth keep prayer vigil for victims, Haitian challenge: Remember history, conflict (Gillem) (July-Aug p 8) Anticipating Advent (Noble) (Nov- survivors (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 6) look forward (Martini) (Mar-Apr p 17) At Interpreter OnLine (Nov-Dec p 18) Dec p 13) Health kits assembled during Sunday InfoServ offering live chat (UMCom) ‘Follow the Star’ prayerfully (Kilmer) DIVERSITY service (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) (July-Aug p 20) (Nov-Dec p 6) Major grant will support health Hope for Haiti (Rice) (May-June p 18) Learn to create new ministries at disparities research (Giles) (Jan-Feb ‘| want to help’ takes many forms School of Congregational Develop- BIBLE p 28) (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 16) ment (GBOD) (July-Aug p 21) Around the New Testament in 90 Sharing culture and hospitality Offering enables quick response in Methodists key to establishing col- Days (Dunlap-Berg) (Nov-Dec p 9) (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 24) Haiti (Dunlap-Berg) (Mar-Apr p 15) lege for African Brazilians (Jan-Feb liluminating the Story (Nov-Dec p Resurrecting Hope: Haitians must p 42) 10) ENVIRONMENT lead rebirth (Ghianni) (Mar-Apr 10) Shane Claiborne: Fusing Faith and The Nativity: Evoking Wonaer A broken relationship in the Gulf You can help - today, tomorrow, next Practice (Sept-Oct p 10) (Waddle) (Nov-Dec p 8) (Watkins) (Sept-Oct p 18) month (Mar-Apr p 16) State of the Church Report 2010 Bishops’ letter pledges to protect Youth keep prayer vigil for victims, (July-Aug facing p 14) BISHOPS God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb survivors (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 6) Bishops’ letter pledges to protect p 30) UMCOR on the ground in Haiti - and LENT God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb Chile (May-June p 19) A time to fast and pray (Chavez) p 30) EVANGELISM (Jan-Feb p 26) New bishop in Puerto Rico (Wright) Young evangelists transforming their HOLY DAYS, HOLIDAYS Lenten worship resources available (Jan-Feb p 43) world (Gilbert) (Sept-Oct p 14) Anticipating Advent (Noble) (Nov- (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 36) Dec p 13) Palms in the Park draws crowd CHILDREN FAMILY Does the Star - Spangled Banner (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 8) Bless backpacks - and kids - as Laying a firm foundation for building belong in church (Madren) (July-Aug ‘Sorry notes’ burn on Ash Wednes- school year begins (Kilmer) (Sept- a life together (Chavez) (May-June p 12) day (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 10) Oct p 24) p 10) ‘Follow the Star’ prayerfully (Kilmer) Internet radio station nurtures (Nov-Dec p 6) LETTERS children's spirits (Noble) (July-Aug GIVING Lent: A time to fast and pray (Jan-Feb p 46) (Mar-Apr p 25) (May- p 20) Cazenovia hosts sew-athon for Haiti (Chavez) (Jan-Feb p 26) June p 26) (July-Aug p 24) (Sept- Kids blossom as churches, schools (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) Lenten worship resources available Oct p 28) (Nov-Dec p 24) are partners (Sept-Oct p 6) Celebrate World Communion Sun- (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 36) Music camp creates bridge into day on Oct. 3 (Sept-Oct p 22) Palms in the Park draws crowd LIGHTER FARE community (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 9) (UM Student Day) Education pro- (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 8) The Lord's Prayer in text (Noble) MP3 players offer sermons in ‘child vides opportunity to fight for good ‘Sorry notes’ burn on Ash Wednes- (Jan-Feb p 44) language’ (Thomas) (May-June p 6) (Brown) (Nov-Dec p 18) day (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 10) Training kit equips churches for cy- Gifts will aid survivors of typhoons in The Nativity: Evoking wonder MARRIAGE bersafety training (Nov-Dec p 18) Philippines (Bloom) (Jan-Feb p 25) (Waddle) (Nov-Dec p 8) Dance, relationship classes brighten (Human Relations Day) As the of- Valentine Coffee House creates spe- winter (Kilmer) (May-June p 7) CLERGY fering plate approaches, remember cial evening (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 10) Faith-full marriage: An irrevocable Facebook farewell (Gilbert) (July- these stories (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 41) Wedding vows renewed on New decision (Passi-Kiaus) (May-June Aug p 15) (Native American Ministry Sunday) Year’s Eve (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 9) p 8) Local pastors win votes for del- Sharing culture and hospitality God sets the example (Dennis) egates (Peck) (July-Aug p 16) (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 24) JUDICIAL COUNCIL (May-June p 9) New website addresses sexual ethics (One Great Hour of Sharing) Offer- Judicial Council voids sexuality Laying a firm foundation for building (Bloom) (Jan-Feb p 38) ing enables quick response in Haiti statement, rules on clergy, financial a life together (Chavez) (May-June Site offers online community for (Dunlap-Berg) (Mar-Apr p 15) issues (Bloom) (Jan-Feb p 32) p 10) clergy spouses (May-June p 20) (Peace with Justice Sunday) Bowl Structure, budget questions face Life together before marriage of beans offers taste of poverty church court (Bloom) (Mar-Apr p 19) (Madren) (May-June p 12) CONGREGATIONAL DEVELOP- (Spence) (May-June p 24) Judicial Council rulings online (July- Worship. Pray. Learn. (Dennis) (May- MENT UMCOR issues appeal for flood sur- Aug Pp 21) June p 11) 11,000 worship in 160 congregations vivors (Dunlap-Berg) (July-Aug p 14) Judicial Council asked to review pas- in Vietnam (Bloom, Wright) (July- toral authority (Sept-Oct p 20) MEN Aug p 18) GLOBAL HEALTH ‘Blessing for the Hunt’ offers fellow- Building two a day: Can history re- A world-changing weekend (UM- JUST THINKING (NOBLE) ship, safety (Kilmer) (Sept-Oct p 8) peat? (Williams) (May-June p 21) Com) (July-Aug p 22) Waiting or expecting (Jan-Feb, p 4) Free meals at Third Tuesday Com- Bishops’ letter pledges to protect To let the tears flow (Mar-Apr p 4) MINISTRY WITH THE POOR munity Suppers (Kilmer) (July-Aug God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb Loving neighbors (May-June p 4) A matter of conscience: When laws p 7) p 30) Discerning and acting (July-August conflict (Gillem) (July-Aug p 8) Music camp creates bridge into Build community locally. Fight ma- p 4) Behind the fudge shop... (Spence) community (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 9) laria globally. (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 20) Passionate disciples (Sept-Oct p 4) (Jan-Feb p 22) New Testament will be offered to ‘God's kingdom is right on your With grateful hearts (Nov-Dec p 4) Bishops’ letter pledges to protect seekers (Sept-Oct p 22) doorstep.’ (Hollon) (July-Aug p 26) God's creation (Gilbert) (Jan-Feb Health kits assembled during Sunday LAST THOUGHTS (HOLLON) p 30) CULTURE service (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) Closing the generation gap (Jan-Feb ‘Bless those who sent this food’ in a culture of fear, ‘do not be afraid’ Major grant will support health p 46) (Gilbert) (Mar-Apr p 13) (Waddle) (Jan-Feb p 34) disparities research (Giles) (Jan-Feb Remembering by living to change Bowl of beans offers taste of poverty p 28) the world (Mar-Apr p 26) (Spence) (May-June p 24) DISASTER RESPONSE Those who remember the threat can ‘God’s kingdom is right on your Church reopens as outward-focused Health kits assembled during Sunday ‘Imagine No Malaria’ (Gillem) (May- doorstep.’ (July-Aug p 26) mission (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 22) service (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) June p 15) ‘The Spirit is breaking out all over.’ Easing life in Eagle Pass (mission by Help Pakistani flood survivors (Sept- (Sept-Oct p 30) mission) (Kilmer) (May-June p 22) Oct p 24) HAITI In tragedy, a call to care and act ‘Feeding of the 5,000’ (Kilmer) (Jan- UMCOR issues appeal for flood sur- ‘Bless those who sent this food’ (Nov-Dec p 26) Feb p 39) vivors (Dunlap-Berg) (July-Aug p 14) (Gilbert) (Mar-Apr p 13) \llegal immigrants or neighbors in UMCOR on the ground in Haiti - and Cazenovia hosts sew-athon for Haiti LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT need? (Gillem) (July-Aug p 11) Chile (May-June p 19) (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 8) A matter of conscience: When laws 1 Nail=1 Homeless Person, 74,000 22 Interpreter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 OPEN HEARTS. OPEN MINDS. OPEN DOORS Nails... (Kilmer) (May-June p 6) Traveling spaghetti dinner shows SPIRITUAL FORMATION WORSHIP Saturday Servants assist seniors, Christ’s love (Kilmer) (Nov-Dec p 6) Anticipating Advent (Noble) (Nov- Anticipating Advent (Noble) (Nov- disabled people (Kilmer) (July-Aug Saturday Servants assist seniors, Dec p 13) Dec p 13) p 6) disabled people (Kilmer) (July- Modern Monasticism: Ancient pat- UMCOR on the ground in Haiti - and August p 6) terns for living become new (Rice) YOUTH/YOUNG ADULTS Chile (May-June p 19) (Sept-Oct p 11) 40 days of prayer for students, cam- RELATIONSHIPS Opening, yielding, connecting spirits pus ministries underway (Dunlap- MOVIES/VIDEOS Dance, relationship classes brighten (Chavez) (Sept-Oct p 13) Berg) (Sept-Oct p 24) ‘Lord, Save Us...’ study available winter (Kilmer) (May-June p 7) Shane Claiborne: Fusing Faith and A Goal or a Call (Pierson) (Jan-Feb (May-June p 20) Laying a firm foundation for building Practice (Noble) (Sept-Oct p 10) p 6) a life together (Chavez) (May-June EXPLORATION participants say OLDER ADULTS p 10) TECHNOLOGY campus ministry vital (Brown) (Jan- Intergenerational ministry grants of- Facebook farewell (Gilbert) (July- Feb p 37) fered (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 38) RETHINK CHURCH Aug p 15) Methodists key to establishing col- A world-changing weekend (UM- InfoServ becoming e-mail, Web only lege for African Brazilians (Jan-Feb OUTREACH service (Degnan) (Jan-Feb p 37) p 42) Add holiday events to Find-A- CBloems)s A(uJsutellyl-!A u(gK ilpm e2r2)) (Sept-Oct p InfoServ offering live chat (Public Mission partnership to serve 500 Church Page (Nov-Dec p 16) Information) (July-Aug p 20) youth (Ghianni) (Jan-Feb p 38) 26) At ease, soldier! (Madren) (Nov-Dec Internet radio station nurtures New Testament will be offered to Build community locally. Fight ma- p14) children’s spirits (Noble) (July-Aug seekers (Sept-Oct p 22) A world-changing weekend (UM- laria globally. (Noble) (Mar-Apr p 20) p 20) (Not) talkin’ ‘bout my g-g-genera- Church reopens as outward-focused Com) (July-Aug p 22) MP3 players offer sermons in ‘child tion (Butler) (Jan-Feb p 12) Bless Austell! (Kilmer) (Sept-Oct p mission (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 22) language’ (Thomas) (May-June p 6) One style doesn’t fit all (Gillem) 26) Help young adults find you (Jan-Feb New Web site addresses sexual eth- (Jan-Feb p 15) ‘Blessing for the Hunt’ offers fellow- p 16) ics (Bloom) (Jan-Feb p 38) Shane Claiborne: Fusing Faith and ship, safety (Kilmer) (Sept-Oct p 8) Impact your community April 24 Site offers online community for Practice (Noble) (Sept-Oct p 10) Feast at church - or in your home (Noble) (Jan-Feb p 36) ciergy spouses (May-June p 20) Taizé immersion begins transforma- (Kilmer) (Nov-Dec p 7) Palms in the Park draws crowd Training kit equips churches for cy- tion (Rice) (Jan-Feb p 18) Free meals at Third Tuesday Com- (Kilmer) (Jan-Feb p 8) bersafety training (Nov-Dec p 18) Training kit equips churches for cy- munity Suppers (Kilmer) (July-Aug ‘Feeding of the 5,000’ (Kilmer) (Jan- Will your wireless mic be legal after ber safety training (Nov-Dec p 18) p7) Feb p 39) June 12? (May-June p 20) ‘What do | believe?” (Giles) (Jan-Feb Grace Cards inspire kindness Easing life in Eagle Pass (mission by p 19) (Kilmer) (July-Aug p 6) mission) (Kilmer) (May-June p 22) UNITED METHODISM Young evangelists transforming their Ice storm thaws church's outreach to The Canon and the Apocrypha world (Gilbert) (Sept-Oct p 14) community (Hahn) (Nov-Dec p 20) SOCIAL JUSTICE (Peck) (Jan-Feb p 35) Youth keep prayer vigil for victims, Kids blossom as churches, schools A matter of conscience: When laws The Nativity: Evoking Wonder survivors (Kilmer) (Mar-Apr p 6) are partners (Sept-Oct p 6) conflict (Gillem) (July-Aug p 8) (Waddle) (Nov-Dec p 8) OUR BISHOPS: t LEADING. RESPONDING. NURTURING. “As a bishop, | want whatever God wants for our pastors and our churches. | am learning to practice ministry in new ways, leaning on the collective wisdom of the body of Christ, even more so than when | was in the local church. [Being a bishop] is more about ministry than about meetings. It’s helping pastors lead so their lives can be filled with spiritual overflow.” — Bishop Richard J. Wills Jr., Nashville Area When your congregation pays the Episcopal Fund apportionment 100 percent, you help to ensure excellent leadership for The United Methodist Church. Thank you! Cz peopleo fTh e United Methodist Church Pd g.org/intef0510. THE PEOPLE OF THE U NITED METHODIS

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.