TheI nteertUn pheaval TheI nterUnpehte aval RaisiQnuge stioSnese,k iAnngs werisn CommunicatiPoonlsi cy Editbeyd IgnoV oeglsaannBdge njaM.m Cionm paine TheM IT Press CambridMgaes,s achusetts LondonE,n gland © 2000 TPRC,I nc. Allr gihtsr eservNeod p.a rotf t hibso okm ayb er eproduicnea dn yf ormb ya ny electroornm iecc hanimceaaln (si nclupdhiontgo copyriencgo,r doirni gn,f orma tino storaagnedr etriewviatlh)op uetr missiinwo rni tifnrgo mt he upblisher. Thibso okw ass eitn S abobny M aryR eilGlrya phics. Printaenddb ounidn t heU niteSdt atoefAs m erica. LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation The Interunpehte a:v arlaisiqnuge stisoenesk,i anngs weirnsc ommunications polciyI e ditbeydl ngVoo gelgs aanndB enjamMi.nC ompaine. p. cm. Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraelan ncdein sd ex. ISBN0 -262-220(6h3ca-:l6 k p.a per) 1.T elecommunipcoaltiicoyn- UnSittaetd2e .sI .n ter(nCeotm putneertw ork) Governmepnotl icy-UnSitattees.d 3 .I ntersneertv ipcreo viders-Govern mentp olicy-UnSittaetdIe .Vs o.g elsaInngg,oI .IC .o mpainBee,n jamMi.n HE7781.1529060 0 384.3'3-dc21 00-032920 Contents PrefacIeX BenjamiMn.C ompaine ContributXoIrIIs Acknowledgemexnvt s IntroductXiVIoIn UpheavaanldMs o re BenjamMi.nC ompaiannedI ngoV ogelsga n I InternPeotl iIcsys ues 1 WilTlo morroBwe F reeA?p plicaotfiS otna Atcet iDoonc tritnoe PrivaItnet erPnreotv ide3rs IriDnmai trieva 2 Ina W orlwdi thoBuotr deTrhse:I mpacotfTa xeso nI nternet Commerce2 9 AustaGno olsbee 3 BeyonCdo ncerUnn:d erstanNdeitUn sge rAst't ituadbeosu t OnlinPer ivac4y7 LorrFiaei tChr anoJr,o seRpehg alea,n dM arkS .A ckerman n TheI nterCnheatn gePsa radigms 4 TheD eatohf C itiTehse?D eatohf D istanEcvei?d enfcreo tmh e GeograpohfCy o mmercial IUnstaegren 7e3t JedK olko vi Contents 5 OnlienV otinCga:l culaRtiisnkagsn dB enefittost heC ommunity andt hIen dividu9a9l LindOa. V alenatyn dJ ameCs. B rent 6 TelecommunictahteIi notnesr,an nedtt ,h eC osotf C apita1l 27 R.G lenHnu bbaradn dW illiaLme hr 7 A TaxonomoyfC ommunicatDieomnasn d 151 StevGe.nL anninSgh,a wRn. O 'DonnealnldW., Russell Neuman 8 CompetiEtffievceot fsI nternPeete riPnogl ici1es7 5 PaulM iglromB,r igedrM itchaenldlP, a dmanabShraingn eash ill TheI nterCnoemtp,e titainodMn a,r kePto wer 9 MediMae rgerDsi,v teisturaensdt, h eI nternIestI :tT imef ora NewM odeflo Irn terprCeotmipnegt itio1n9?9 BenjamMi.nC omp aine 10 OpenAr chitecture AptporI onancohveast i2o3n 1 DouglLaisc htman 11 Empirical EovniA ddevnacnec Seedr viacteC so mmercIinatle rnet AccePsrso vide2rs53 ShanGer eenstein 12 PricianngdB undliEnlge ctrIonnfiocr maGtoioodns E:v idence fromt heF ield2 77 JeffKr.eM ya cKie-MaJsuoanF.n, R iveraonsd,R oberSt.G azzale IV UniverSsearlv ice 13 AnEc onomiPsetr'ssp ecotniU vnei verRseasli denSteiravli c3e0 9 MichaHe.lR iordan 14 SquaritnhgeC ircRleeb:a lancTianrgiWh fiflseP romoting UniverSsearlv ic3e3 1 GeoffMryeeyr s 15 TheIr onyo fT elecommunicDaetrieognusl ation: tAhses essing RolRee verisnaU l. Sa.n dE U Policy3 55 BarbaAr.aC herry Contevnitis 16 Winnearnsd L osefrrosm theU niverSseravli Scueb sidy Battle3 87 BradlSe.Wy i mmearn dG rgeory1 .R osston Index4 13 Preface ThTee lecommunPioclaiRtceiyso enasCr ocnhf er(eTnPcReiC as) n a nnual forufmo src holeanrgsa gienpd u blisrheasbelaeor npc ohl icy-relevant telecommunaincdia ntfioornmsia stisouanen sdp, u blaincdp rivsaetce torde cismiaokne ernsg agientd e lecommunaincdai tnifoonrsm ation poliTchye. puropfto hsceeo nferiestn oac ceq uapionltim cayk ewrist h thbee sotfr ecernets eaarncdth of amiliraersiezaerw cihttehhr kesn owl edgnee eodfsp olimcayk ers. Pritoobr e iansgk beydt hBeo arodfT PRCt ob ea ne ditooftr h ibso ok Ih adj usatb oucto mplemtyet de ramsc hairomfat nhP er ogrCaomm mittfeoterh 1e9 9T9P RCI.ti sw itthh ahtao tn t haIwt r itthepi rse face. The TelecommPuonliicRcaeyts ieoaCnro cnhf erheonlcdaesn u nri valpelda actet hcee ntoefnr a tiopnuabllp iocl idciys coounri sses iune s communicaantdii nofnosr maYteiitor no.n iTcPaRlClu'yns i queanreissse s noftr osmh afropc buusft r otmh ien clubsrievaeod fti hts su bjmeacttt er anda ttendUenelsio.kt eh emra nyo thecro nferepnacretsi,c iipna nts TPRCd on octo meex clusfirvoaemcl ayd emia, oirgn odvuesrtnrmye nt, burt athaenir n terldiinsamcriiyxpo fa ltlh rIened.e TePdR,C i so neo f thef ewp lacwehse rmeu ltidiscdiipslciunsatsraiykop enl sa acest he normT.h ougehc onomainsdet nsg irnseo erfma p luraolfai tttye ndees andp resenstoecrissa,cl i entMiBsAtssl,,a wyearnsdt, h ed iscipline "unaffilgiiavtteehc deo" n ferietflnsac veot rh routghhep iarr ticipation. Whatth pea rtichiapvaiennc t osm omni sa ni nvolveimnte enlte com municatpoiloinAcsny dw. h itlheam ta ym ea"nt elepthoot nhgeee" n eral populatiinto hnet, e lecommunpioclaitwcioyor nli dte ncompasses telephdoantcyao, m municabtriooandsc,aa sntdim,no gs,t ly rtehcee ntly, InterFnreotam. w orltdh aftr equesnptelaoykf ts e chnolcoognivcearl gencoev,ei rt2 s7 -yleiatfree l ecommundiicsactuisoasntTis Po RnChs a ve x Preface increasiinncgolrpyo trhaceto emdp uwtietrch o mmunicaatnidto hnes manbyu sinseoscsai,na dlr egulaitsosrruyae iss beytd h eciorn vergence. Thivso ludmrea wosnt hnee ar9l0py a peprrse sented-fsreolme cted almotwsitc teh tan umbesru bmittetdh2-e7a ttah n nugaalt heirni ng Septem1b9e9ra9 n dre flecatm sa troiftx h teo piccosn sidbeyrt ehde attendTeheussi.,na ssembtlhiepn rgo grfaomtr h e1 99T9P RCt he ProgrCaomm mitteet hfatothu rena dn ogfei nteraensdtt hsne e eodfs thceo nferaetntceen ddeemeasn dgerde aetmeprh atshiasn oenvt ehre issuaesss ociwaitttehhd re a pdiidf fuosfti hoIenn terinsestuo:efp s r i vacsye,c u,re iqtuyiatcyc,e rsesl,i abeiclointyos,mt iacb igloivteyr,n ance andt echnologicalO fc soturrutschete,uwr reeer spe.a peornsm any other ctroiptiiLccosac:laA lc ceCsosm petiUt.i.Soa nn,dE uropean UnioRne gulatIinotne,l lPercotpueaarlnt dyT ,e lecommuniicna tions DeveloCpoiunngt rtione asm,oe n layf onvenaci onngf erteon ce tackled issupcathro aptiwece rs e loinea dc ommitctoemep osofel de ad erfsr oamc rotshdsei scipcloinntersi btuott hiceno gn ference. Asa nyownheo h aesv eorr ganaic zoendf erkennocwets h,e rye quire harwdo rokv emra nmyo rh yeae rIsh avweo rkoendm any commitwtheeerasef ewp eopclaer trhyle o aTdh.i hsa rsa rebleyet nh e casaetT PRCa ndc ertawiansnl oyit n 1999. Eveorfty h cimsoe mmber mittceoen trisbuubtsetda nwtiitbahol tlthyi maen di ommit teceo nsisotfPe hdiA lg rUen,i verosfCi atlyi foartLn oiAsan gelJeusl;i e CoheGne,o rgetUonwinv erLsawi Cteyn ter;F aLioCtrrhra ineAo Tr&,T Labs-ReseSahracrhoE;ni snGeirl leMtats,s achuIsnestttisot fu te TechnolSohgaynG;er eensNtoeritnh,w eUsntievrenr JsointaytL;he avny , FedeCroamlm unicaCtoimomniss sLiuoinPg,ri o speUrneitvteir,os fi ty MilaPna,d manabShrainn agCehsahr,l esA sRsiovceiraa ntdMe asr;t in TaschdMjeidaina,O Innet ernaTthieoq nuaallo.if tt yh pea peirnts h is voluimsoe n ltyh meo svti simbalreokf t hhea rwdo rakn dv aluaeddv ice thepyr ovidduerdit nhgye ae ro fp lanning. Fory eaTrPsR Ch acso ntrawcittEehcd o nomIinsctt.sop,, r ovaiddmei n istrastuipvpeof rottrh ceo nferSeinnc1ce9e.8 t9h astu ppohratsb een provipdreidm abryiD layw nH iggiansss,i asttc erdi ttiicmabelys L ori Rodriguezt.h PeWr hoiglrCeao mm mitgteetesd etawoli tthh bei pgi c turDea,w na ndL ormia kseu rteh awtek noww hante etdosg edto ne, byw hena,n tdh nem akoeu dre cishiaopnpseW ent .h antkh eamg afionr makitnhgce o nferweonrcke with saepapmalreesnstn ess. Prefaxcie TheT elecommunPicoaltiRiceoysn esaC rocnhf eriesrnu cbney T PRC, Icn,. nao t-pfroorofi rtg aninzg aotvieorbnyea dB oarodfD irectIotr s. hasl onbge eint psr acttiorc eem ove itstehloefp erfartooifmto hne ProgrCaomm mitItw o t hanBko arCdh airJmoarnSg ceh ement andt hree sotft hBeo arfdo cro ntintuhiapntog l iocfay l lowtihneg ProgrCaomm mitwtiedele a tiitnud deet ermtihnsiehn agpo eft hsee s sioannsdp resenters. Ultim,a tcaeo lnyferceanbnce ne o b etttehrai ntc so st oft hcer efdoiarts uccecsosnffuelr geonetcsoee v erywohnose u bmitted abstr,fa ocltlsouwpwe idt pha peprrse,p aprreeds entaantdci aomnteso , thec onferreenacdteyo q uestcioomnm,e anntd c ritiTqPuReCh. a s alwabyese ang relaeta rneixnpge riAesnC chea.i rmoaftn h Per ogram Commitatnedeo nb ehaolfmf y colleaognut ehsec ommitIta eme , pleatsoeh da vbee eanb lteoc ontritbotu htaeed vanceomfte enlte com municatpioolnibscyl y e adtihncego nferien1n9 c9e9 . Anda,sa ne ditooftr h bioso kIa, m g ratihfiaevdit nhgae d deodp por tunittoby r itnoga w idaeu diesnocmeoe f t hmeo srte adaibnlfeo,r ma tivaen,dv aluapbalpee rs. BenjamMi.nC ompaine Contributors Followairntegh a ef filiaatndi coonnst afcottrsh eed itaonrdcs h apter authaotrt sht ei moefp ublication. Editors BenjamMi.n C omp ainree,s eaarfcfihl iPartoeg,r oanmI nformation ResourPcoelsia ctHy a rvaUrndi verasndip tryi ncaitbp caolm pacnoym.. [email protected]. IngVoo gelsParnogf,e sEscoorn,o mDiecpsa rtmBeonstt,Uo nni versity. [email protected]. Authors MarkS .A ckermUanni,v teyro sfCi alifoIrvrniinae,; [email protected] Jamecs.B re,nS taJno sSet aUtnei verjscibtrye;n [email protected] BarbaCrhae rMriyc,h iSgtaanUt nei verbscihteyr;r [email protected] LorrFiaei Ctrha n,Ao Tr&TL abs-Resleoarrrcihe;@ IriDnmai triUenviav,e rosfFi ltoyr iidraai0;n0 [email protected] RobeSr.Gt a zzaUlnei,v erosfMi itcyh igragna;z zale.@deuum ich AustGaono lsUbneiev,e rosfCi htiyc ago; [email protected] ShanGer eensKteelilnGo,rg agd uSactheo oofMl a nagement, NorthweUsntievrenr ss-igtyr;e eln@skteelilno