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The International Biotechnology Directory 1988: Products, Companies, Research and Organizations PDF

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From he very begin playa decisive role in the NOVO ning, nzyme were int - onver ion of renewable rar to th pro e f1ife, re UI"ce into food, energy a gift from nature helping and vital chemicals. Through Wor/dWldt ttader in induslnal tnZYlllology. man to urviv . 60 y ar fre ar h w 'v No ature need a developed a practical bio helping hand from man. technology based on To feed a growing insight int nature's own Bioindusllial Group world to fight evere p Ilu practical meth ds. Novo Industri A/S tion to refine natur sown hat' why Novo today Novo Aile t 01 for growth ... issynonymou with en 2880 Bagsvaerd Denmark At Novo, we b lieve in zymes at work. Tel. +452 982333 du trial biotechnol gy will Telex 37173 MAb trapping When your business is to purify MAbs ef ficiently, it pays to use the best trap. Pioneering new frontiers in biopurifi cation demands new strategies. One key approach involves a preparative system designed to enable rapid methods devel opment and scale-up of MAb purifica tion. Based on LKB's Pilot Chromato graphy System it exploits the advan tages of mass ion exchange inherent in ZetaPrep discs and cartridges. A univer sal concentrating technique, mass ion exchange effectively achieves 5091 to 90% purity of most monoclonals. ZetaPrep discs can be used to deter mine optimal separation conditions quickly and accurately. Replace the disc with the appropriate ZetaPrep cartridge and you're ready for full-scale operation. Need higher purity? The Pilot Chroma tography System is easily extended to the GTi Bioseparation System for high resolution HPLC and FPLC. Don't become trapped in a strategic maze. Linear scale-up is just around the corner. Your local LKB representative can elaborate. ·lA'laProp· to lhe Tr.d.mar. or UnO. In • Pilot Irromatograplr y tem. cai(>-up pUr/tkO/IOn of [gG artlihumort umk, lIa.~1' usmc a QAE Zl'laPrep 00 cartridge. Yield .. 1300 mg IgG. Flow rafl!: 160 m/. mill. ample /Jalum . 10,000 ml cell Clliture super lIatallt. 2 /g<J Purity check by western blotting. [.I{H-Produkt'r \8. Bn :lO;; .• -16126 Brommu. . 'wcd 11. 'n·\. () . i99 OOU. It·(C'x I(WJ2 \1'1\\\ rp (O,l}:ll ~n :);..,* \tlwn __ \lidtlh· E sl :lOIIl ~t I 'i ltUi • 14('ijinJ:. 'H,..21. ( upt.\lIhl.u,wl1 C'III~~ .,(, II • Ilnn~knl1~ I .:!):l' ~ll ., 1 ")1 I.undun (nl)""')';' 12. l...uC'4,:rn\' !lllil I, .t .f • \lnrlrn .... UH IJ 1.12 I I • \Iu~.m CU~I.)1:,". fl(.j 1. \Iuni("h ((I fll .' (II. Ptri" (n))1 Ilb.1h Uj n0111l' (U4d.l!t!Hi:lI. !'nu ."' tulu (lIlll·,; U ,t • Sltwkhllhn (n~1 ;ti\ -; .'"lfl -Tuk, u U'l):'!~t'l -,I $I • lurku (O"Ut;. Ill. \ i('nllB I ICt!:!)~):! IhUi \\tl.NhinJ:tltn t:mnllh.~:UIK'. Ztwll'nl'w~r Urj!J)'IHJ:'1H O,,'r lin 'lUnhfl\,d rt pn .... t'nt.lt," lhr II II~ ut th. " .. rid • Creative biotech from Eurogenetics Based in Tessenderlo, Belgium. the company exists to develop and market diagnostic products. It provides a link between universities and industry to promote specifically European research projects. Eurogenetics is a label of quality in the biotechnology and clinical laboratory market. Now, Eurogenetics Bio-link program offers an integrated range of products for immunoassay : hardware, software and reagents. LINK B/~ • Hardware: The Euroreader microtiterplate reader is designed for ease of use, speed and flexibility. It offers networking via RS232C with IBM compatible hookup. • Software: Elisa Aid is a software package for data reduction and analysis in the immunodiagnostic laboratory. Especially written for the Euroreader, It let the user concentrate on the lab work, the quality control and the resultinterpretation without worrying about the datahandling. It allows in depth quality control follow-up, and histogram calculations. The package runs on IBM PC or compatible and offers an exceptional portfolio of curve-fitting, methods adaptable to all assay types. EURO ® • Elisa reagents: CREATIVE BIOTECH. ELISA assays on microtiterstrips allow a flexible rapid coverage of the main diagnostic tests in the clinical labora tory, in a non isotopiC way. -CMV - LH -TOXO -FSH -CRF -HCG - RF - Prolactin -ASLO -TSH - Ferritin -lgE All assays are determinations. The for Process Perfection Quest Q and S Sepharose®F ast flow Gels Q and S Sepharose Fast Flow gels are strong ion exchangers that have been develo ed for the biotechnology industry Pressure/flow rate curves for Q Sepharose Fast Flow cnvh 750 500 BP 113 column cross sectional area 100 em2 mlet Yo". Bed helghl15em. 250 BP 252 column cross sectional area 500 eml inlel Yo". Bed height 15 em. I (Worle from Phannacla) Culture supernatant 211 Vhr ~ concentration 30 I-Lglml r:;==:::::s::===? Salts 108 g!hr ....3Iio. Waste ~ 5 Sepharose~ ....3Iio. ~ Fast Flow 11. ~ Buffer 23 l/hr ~ Product 5.5 9 MAhIhr in 51itres Purity 90-95 % Recovery 95 % For critical biotech applications, you need the filter that remains pure under the harshest conditions: Zitex;' In the high-stakes world of DNA ynthesis and Monoclonal Antibody work, Norton's chemically inert Zitex filters can take whatever the environment dishes out ... every time. That's because woven into every Zitex filter is orton's worldwide reputation for advanced polymer expertise. Expertise that takes 100% pure Teflon TFE and through a patented manufacturing proce s, creates Zitex in a number of fiber geometries, porosities and thick nesses. Here's a closer look: • Chemically Inert. Resists attack by virtually all acids, alkalies and solvents-totally non-contaminating. • High and Low Temperature Capability, Can be used at continuous service temperatures from + 550°F to -450°F, • Non-Wettable, Membranes have high water initiation pressures, • Low Water Absorption, Membrane does not swell, even when continuously submerged. • Heat Sealable. Norton's Zitex Filters. They help you I battle the elements, . , and win. For details on Zitex and other Norton products, call Chuck Russin at 2011696-4700. Or write Norton-Performance Plastics, 150 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470. 4**-R 4# I PERFORMANCE PLASHCS 150 DEY ROAD • WAYNE. NEW JERSEY 07470 Zlte t8 a Reg, TM of Norton Company Teflon " . , DuPont Reg. TM Write In No. 242 on Reader Service Card Alfa-Laval Separation Bridged the Gap to Commercial Biotech Production Alfa-Laval Separation, a leading supplier of equipment and plants to the chemical, pharmaceutical and blotechnlcal industries, can help you bridge the gap to commercial biotech production. Alfa-Laval has engin cred and i05taJle equipmem in pr e Line for [he manufa LUre afRO Apr du h r [S, mane. enzyme . amibimics, vac inc, amino a id and many other bioeechn.icaJ produ lS. Alfa-Laval centrifuges ar de igned pecifi aJl fi r UF and RO membrane filtration ell harvesting, broth larm ati n and cell debri and pro Alfa-Laval epararion also offer a full rang ofUF and RO tein eparacion. The complere biotech range in ludes y rem and equipment, ranging from low-volume lab team- terilizable pil [plan up to high- apa iry epara and pilor- ale unirs to planrs for c mmer ial- ale pro rion ystem for £orally contained in aJlari 05. You are du [ion. Fully operarionaJ RO and UF uni an be en ured high eparation efficiency through the gentle ap de igned r meet spe ifi requiremen in epa rare rage pli arion f more rhan 14 000 g' for e aralion of fine f a biote h pr : primary parati n, cell debr pani Ie down [0 0.0005 mm in diameter. paration, on enrrarion/purili alion and pr du lion f A full range of lid -eje ring entrifug i also p r gen-free prace waeer. available for nearly aJl pharma eUclcal pr e e. The Aim-laval Reve cOmo is PF 26 [em i a n<.>w The lare 1 addition i a uni ue nozzle entrifuge for generation plate-and-frame d ign for membrane filu3- [ ral omainmem, incorporaring patented n:ex n z- ri n whi h ffers ignifi m advantage c mpared wieh < zle which elimina[ [he clogging problem au ed b oovemional RO [em . variarion in feed flm rate or ~ ed lid n emrarion AI f a-Laval UF plant, u 1 mode igned fi r when epararing microorgani m from fermentation plication, an be conne red in eri r parallel t brOlhs. vinuaJly any pr dueti napa ity. Feature include Common feature of the Alfa-LavaJ range f bio[e h aUlQmati ba kflu hing. reve f1 \. feed l mr J and and pharmaceuri aJ emrifuge indud : programmable pr e. omroller. • liquid/ olid or liquidlliquidl lids epara[i n r more informarion aboUl biolech plants and equip • gastight and park prore (i n fi r inen: purgin ment available [rom Alfa-LavaJ cparallon wrire 1 the • equi ped for autOmali leaning-in-pla e. addre below. CXAL a-LAVAL SEPARATION Alra·L:lVal 'p3r:1l1 n B. ~OO, ·1 ~ 00 li.Jmba. Ilcdc.-n • Three level of contaminant prevention handwear. All designed (0 reduce scrap. And boo t yield. Fir t our powder-free di posable vinyl glove. It give }'ou trength. en itivity. But no contaminating powder on its iMcr urface. Want more product protection? Then choo our Long Length powder-free glove. For a po itivc. unpenetrable barrier from garment to glove. eed till more? Then choose the ultimate, our Cia 100 regular and Long Length powder-free glove. pecially proce ed. pecially pack aged. To provide maximum protection again t particulate contamination. Oi po 'lble \'myl glm'e. for critical application. trong. upple, :\mbl dcxtrou ' From [he worlll' leadcr in product prOicclIon handwC'3r Oak. The} rc the mot productive 1001 \'ou II erer throw ilW3\. . Call or write for rour clo C"t dl tributor Oak Technical Inc 219 \' amort Irt~et. Ra\ cnna, 01110 ~266. Phone (216) 2%-5 16. Wemake CHEMWARE® tool · .. 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DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. 86-14 SIMPLE WA Y TO SUCCEED • From few grams to several tons per year. PROCH ROM HPLC Systems offer the solution to your purification problem. The axial compression technology is the exclusive property of PROCHROM(II. This technique allows to obtain easily and rapidly high efficiency columns of any length (up to 120 cm.), with flexibility, reliability, low costs ... and a good bottle of French Champagne . • EFFlQENCY. Very high plate numbers can be obtained with the axial compression concept and the exclusive pressure stabili sation techniqueru of PROCH ROM. More than 65,000 theoretical plates per meter have been obtained on PROCH ROM large columns using small particles . • FLEXI8/UTY. You can use any kind of pac king material. The bed height can be easily adjusted to optimize your separation . • REUA8/UTY. Continuous operation 24 hours! day for extended time periods are typical with PROCH ROM equipments. Morever, the down-time to unpack and repack a column is typically less than 30 minu tes, whatever its diameter . • LOW COSTS SEPARA TlONS. Why using more packing material than what is reqUired for your separation 1 Why depending in somebody else to pack your column 1 Why using an expensive packing material Just beCause you cannot buy a column with the phase you need 1 You can dramatically cut down on cost if you control yourself your column . • A BOTTLE OF FRENQi QiAM PAGNE. We are sorry, we do not grow champagne. But you will need champagne to celebrate your new high purity products purified with PROCH equipments. !VI/'¥!. SHIll"". '·, ~fPPR08SO'l'lOf.fACS Cll)8ll114 1

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