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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. aa2073 February 2, 2008 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) The Insignificance of P-R Drag in Detectable Extrasolar Planetesimal Belts M. C. Wyatt UK Astronomy Technology Centre, RoyalObservatory,Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, UK e-mail: [email protected] 5 0 Submitted 27 September2004, Accepted13 December2004 0 2 Abstract.Thispaperconsiders asimple modelin which dustproducedin aplanetesimal belt migrates in toward n thestar dueto P-R drag suffering destructivecollisions with otherdust grains on theway. Assuming thedust is a allofthesamesize,theresultingsurfacedensitydistributioncanbederivedanalyticallyanddependsonlyonthe J 4 parameter η0 =5000τeff(r0)pM⋆/r0/β; this parameter can be determined observationally with the hypothesis that β = 0.5. For massive belts in which η0 ≫ 1 dust is confined to the planetesimal belt, while the surface 1 density of more tenuous belts, in which η0 ≪1, is constant with distance from the star. The emission spectrum v of dust from planetesimal belts at different distances from different mass stars shows that the dust belts which 8 have been detected to date should have η0 ≫ 1; dust belts with η0 ≪ 1 are hard to detect as they are much 3 fainter than the stellar photosphere. This is confirmed for a sample of 37 debris disk candidates for which η0 0 was determined to be >10. This means that these disks are so massive that mutual collisions prevent dust from 1 reaching the inner regions of these systems and P-R drag can be ignored when studying their dynamics. Models 0 for the formation of structure in debris disks by the trapping of particles into planetary resonances by P-R drag 5 should be reconsidered. However, since collisions do not halt 100% of the dust, this means that in the absence 0 of planetary companions debris disk systems should be populated by small quantities of hot dust which may be / h detectable in the mid-IR. Even in disks with η0 ≪ 1 the temperature of dust emission is shown to be a reliable p tracer of theplanetesimal distribution meaning that inner holes in thedustdistribution imply alack of colliding - planetesimals in the innerregions. o r t Key words.circumstellar matter – planetary systems: formation s a : v i 1. Introduction Thesedebrisdiskswillplayapivotalroleinincreasing X ourunderstandingoftheoutcomeofplanetformation.Not r Some 15% of nearby stars exhibit more infrared emission only do these disks tell us about the distribution of plan- a than that expected from the stellar photosphere alone etesimals resulting from planet formation processes, but (e.g., Aumann et al. 1984). This excess emission comes they may also provideindirect evidence ofunseen planets from dust in orbit aroundthe stars and its relatively cold in their systems. Models have been presented that show temperatureimpliesthatitresidesatlargedistancesfrom how planets can cause holes at the centre of the disks thestars,30-200AU,somethingwhichhasbeenconfirmed and clumps in the azimuthal distribution of dust, both forthediskswhicharenearenoughandbrightenoughfor of which are commonly observed features of debris disks. their dust distribution to be imaged (Holland et al. 1998; Many of these models require the dust to migrate inward Greavesetal.1998;Telescoetal.2000;Wyattetal.2004). due to P-R drag to be valid; e.g., in the model of Roques Because the dust would spiral inwards due to Poynting- et al. (1994) the inner hole is caused by a planet which Robertson(P-R)dragorbedestroyedinmutualcollisions preventsdustfromreachingtheinnersystemwhichwould on timescales which are much shorter than the ages of otherwiseberapidlyreplenishedbyP-Rdrag(e.g.,Strom, these stars, the dust is thought to be continually replen- Edwards & Skrutskie 1993), and clumps arise in models ished(Backman&Paresce1993),probablyfromcollisions when dust migrates inwarddue to P-Rdrag andbecomes between km-sizedplanetesimals (Wyatt & Dent 2002).In trapped in a planet’s resonances (Ozernoy et al. 2000; this waythe disksare believedto be the extrasolarequiv- Wilneretal.2002;Quillen&Thorndike2002).Alternative alents of the Kuiper Belt in the Solar System (Wyatt et models exist for the formation of both inner holes and al. 2003). clumps; e.g., in some cases inner holes may be explained by the sublimation of icy grains (Jura et al. 1998) or by Send offprint requests to: M. C. Wyatt 2 M. C. Wyatt:The Insignificance of P-R Drag the outward migration of dust to the outer edge of a gas where α=6.24×10−4(M⋆/M⊙)β AU2yr−1 (Wyatt et al. disk(Takeuchi&Artymowicz2001),andclumpsmayarise 1999). fromthe destructionofplanetesimals whichwere trapped On their way in, dust grains may collide with other in resonance with a planet when it migrated out from dust grains. The mean time between such collisions de- closer to the star (Wyatt 2003). pends on the dust density: The focus of the models on P-R drag is perhaps not t (r)=t (r)/4πτ (r), (2) surprising,asthe dynamicalevolutionofdust inthe solar coll per eff system is undeniably dominated by the influence of P-R where tper = p(r/a⊕)3(M⊙/M⋆) is the orbital period at drag,sincethisisthereasontheinnersolarsystemispop- thisdistancefromthestar,andτ istheeffectiveoptical ulatedwith dust(Dermott etal.1994;Liou& Zook1999; eff depth of the disk, or the surface density of cross-sectional Moro-Mart´in&Malhotra2002).However,thereisnorea- area of the dust (Wyatt et al. 1999). If the collisions are sontoexpectthatthephysicsdominatingthestructureof assumed to be destructive then the distribution of dust extrasolar planetesimal disks should be the same as that in the disk can be determined by considering the amount in the solar system. In fact the question of whether any of material entering and leaving an annulus at r of width grainsinagivendisksuffersignificantP-Rdragevolution dr. The steady state solution is that the amount entering is simply determined by how dense that disk is (Wyatt et the annulus due to P-R drag is equal to that leaving due al. 1999). It has been noted by several authors that the to P-R drag and that which is lost by collisions (i.e., the collisionallifetimeofdustgrainsinthewellstudieddebris continuity equation): disks is shorter than that of P-R drag (e.g., Backman & Paresce1993;Wilner etal.2002;Dominik &Decin2003), d[n(r)r˙ (r)]/dr =−N−(r), (3) pr a condition whichmeans that P-Rdragcan be ignoredin these systems. where n(r) is the one dimensional number density Clearly it is of vital importance to know which phys- (number of particles per unit radius), and N−(r) = ical processes are at play in debris disks to ascertain the n(r)/tcoll(r) is the rate of collisional loss of n(r). Since true origin of these structures. In this paper I show that in a thin disk τeff(r) = 0.125D2n(r)/r, this continuity P-Rdragisnotanimportantphysicalprocessinthedisks equationcanbesolvedanalyticallytofindthevariationof whichhavebeen detectedto date becausecollisionsoccur effectiveopticaldepthwithdistancefromthestar(Wyatt on much shorter timescales meaning that planetesimals 1999): are ground down into dust which is fine enough to be re- τeff(r0) moved by radiation pressure before P-R drag has had a τ (r) = (4) eff chanceto act.In§2 asimple model isderivedforthe spa- 1+4η0(1−pr/r0) tial distribution of dust created in a planetesimal belt. In η0 = 5000τeff(r0)p(r0/a⊕)(M⊙/M⋆)/β (5) §3 this model is used to determine the emission spectrum of these dust disks. A discussion of the influence of P-R where this distribution has been scaled by the boundary drag in detectable and detected debris disks as well as of condition that at r0, τeff =τeff(r0). the implications for how structure in these disks should This distribution is shownin Fig. 1. The resultis that be modelled and interpreted is given in §4. indiskswhichareverydense,i.e.,thoseforwhichη0 ≫1, most of the dust is confined to the region where it is pro- duced. Very little dust in such disks makes it into the 2. Balance of Collisions and P-R Drag inner regions as it is destroyed in mutual collisions be- fore it gets there. In disks which are tenuous, however, In this simple model I consider a planetesimal belt at a i.e., those for which η0 ≪ 1, all of the dust makes it to distance of r0 from a star of mass M⋆ which is produc- the star without suffering a collision. The consequence ing particles all of the same size, D. The orbits of those is a dust distribution with a constant surface density particles are affected by the interactionof the dust grains as expected from P-R drag since this is the solution to with stellar radiation which causes a force which is in- d[n(r)r˙pr]=0. Dust distributions with η0 ≈1 have a dis- versely proportional to the square of distance from the tribution which reflects the fact that some fraction of the star, and which is commonly defined by the parameter dustmigratesinwithoutencounteringanotherdustgrain, β =Frad/Fgrav (Burns et al.1979;Gustafson1994).This while other dust grains are destroyed.This can be under- parameter is a function of particle size and for large par- stood by considering that η0 = 1 describes the situation ticles β ∝ 1/D. The tangential component of this force in which the collisionallifetime in the source regiongiven is known as Poynting-Robertson drag, or P-R drag. This by eq. 2 equals the time it takes for a dust grain to mi- results in a loss of angular momentum from the particle’s grate from the source regionto the star,which from eq.1 orbit which makes it spiral in toward the star. Assuming is tpr =400(M⊙/M⋆)(r0/a⊕)2/β years. the particle’s orbit was initially circular, the migration Fig. 1b shows the distribution of dust originating in rate is: a planetesimal belt 30 AU from a solar mass star for dif- ferentdustproductionrates.This illustratesthe factthat r˙ =−2α/r, (1) the density at the centre does not increase when the dust pr M. C. Wyatt:The Insignificance of P-R Drag 3 (a) (b) Fig.1. The distribution of effective optical depth in a disk resulting from a source of same-sized particles located at r0. The particles evolve into the inner disk due to P-R drag and mutual collisions (which are assumed to be destructive). The steady state solution depends on the parameter η0 which is defined by the source parameters. A value of η0 = 1 corresponds to the situation when the collisional lifetime of the source particles (if they suffered no P-R drag evolution) is equal to their P-R drag lifetime. (a) shows the functional dependence of the distribution on η0. (b) shows the distribution resulting from a source of particles with β = 0.5 located at 30 AU from a solar mass star, but with different dust production rates that result in different effective optical depths at the source. density reduces to a level at which P-Rdrag becomes im- 3. Emission Properties portant, because even when the disk is very dense a sig- For simplicity the emission properties of the disk are de- nificant number of particles still make it into the inner rived under the assumption that dust at a given distance system. A look at eqs. 4 and 5 shows that even in the from the star is heated to black body temperatures of limit of a very dense disk the effective optical depth at the centre of the disk cannot exceed Tbb = 278.3(L⋆/L⊙)1/4/pr/a⊕ K. It should be noted, however, that small dust grains tend to emit at temper- max[τeff(r =0)]=5×10−5βp(M⋆/M⊙)(a⊕/r0), (6) atures hotter than this because they emit inefficiently at mid-tofar-IRwavelengths,andtemperaturesaboveblack which for the belt plotted here means that the density at the centre is at most 4.6×10−6. body have been seen in debris disks (e.g., Telesco et al. 2000). Of course the situation described above is a simpli- fication, since dust is really produced with a range of Theemissionspectrumofdustfromplanetesimalbelts sizes. Dust of different sizes would have different migra- aroundstarsofdifferentspectraltypeareshowninFig.2. tionrates,asdefinedbyeq.1,butwouldalsohavedifferent The shape of these spectra can be understood qualita- collisional lifetimes. Eq. 2 was derived under the assump- tively. At the longest wavelengths all of the dust is emit- tion that the dust is most likely to collide with grains of ting in the Rayleigh-Jeans regime leading to a spectrum similar size (Wyatt et al. 1999), collisions which were as- Fν ∝ λ−2. At shorter wavelengths there is a regime in sumed to be destructive. In reality the collisional lifetime which Fν ∝ λ. This emission arises from the dust which depends on particle size, in a way which depends on the is closest to the star. Since dust which has a temperature size distribution of dust in the disk, and the size of im- ≪ 2898 µm/λ is emitting on the Wien side of the black pactor requiredto destroy the particle, rather than result bodycurve,thiscontributeslittletothefluxatthiswave- in a non-destructive collision (e.g., Wyatt & Dent 2002). length.Thusthefluxatagivenwavelengththecomesfrom Once such a size distribution is considered,one must also a region around the star extending out to a radius ∝ λ2, consider that dust of a given size is not only destroyed corresponding to an area ∝ λ4 and so an emission spec- in collisions, but also replenished by the destruction of trum Fν ∝λ (see also Jura et al. 1998). For dust belts in larger particles. The resulting continuity equation can no whichη0 ≪1thetworegimesblendsmoothlyintoonean- longer be solved analytically, but must be solved numer- other at a wavelength corresponding to the peak of black ically along with an appropriate model for the outcome body emission at the distance of r0. For more massive of collisions between dust grains of different sizes. Such disks the shorter wavelength component is much smaller a solution is not attempted in this paper which is more leading to a spectrum which more closely resembles black interestedin the largescaledistributionofmaterialinex- body emissionatthe distanceofr0 plus anadditionalhot trasolarplanetesimal belts for which the assumption that component. the observations are dominated by grains of just one size The flux presented in Fig. 2 includes one contentious is a fair first approximation, albeit one which should be assumptionwhichisthesizeofthedustgrainsusedforthe explored in more detail in future work. parameterβ. The mostappropriatenumber touse is that 4 M. C. Wyatt:The Insignificance of P-R Drag Fig.2. The spectral energy distribution of emission from dust around main sequence (left) A0, (middle) G0 and (right) M0 stars. The top, middle and bottom rows of figures show dust from planetesimal belts at 3, 30 and 300 AU respectively. The dotted, dashed and dash-dot lines correspond to dust belts with η0 = 0.01, 1 and 100 respectively, wherethishasbeenconvertedtoanopticaldepthdistributionassumingβ =0.5.Inrealitythedustmayhaveβ <0.5, so these fluxes should be considered as conservative upper limits to the emission from these disks, even more so because black body emission efficiencies were assumed, whereas typical dust grains have much lower efficiencies at thesewavelengths.Thefluxesarenormalisedtostarsatadistanceof10pc,butnaturallyscalewithdistancesquared. The solid line shows the stellar photosphere. for the size of grains contributing most to the observed & Dent2002).Inefficientemissionatlongwavelengthsre- flux fromthe disk.In generalthat correspondsto the size sults in a spectrum which is steeper than F ∝ λ−2 in ν at which the cross-sectional area distribution peaks. In the Rayleigh-Jeans regime. For debris disks the observed a collisional cascade size distribution the cross-sectional spectrum is seen to fall off at a rate closer to F ∝ λ−3 ν areaisconcentratedinthe smallestgrainsinthe distribu- (Dent et al. 2000). tion. Since dust with β > 0.5 is blown out of the system by radiation pressure as soon as it is created, this implies 4. Discussion that β = 0.5 is the most appropriate value to use, which is what was assumed in Fig. 2. However,evolutiondue to A disk’s detectability is determined by two factors. First P-Rdraghasaneffectonthesizedistribution.Sincesmall is the question of whether the disk is bright enough to be grainsareremovedfasterthanlargegrains(seeeq.1),the detected in a reasonable integration time for a given in- resulting cross-sectional area distribution peaks at large strument. For example, SCUBA observations at 850 µm sizes (Wyatt et al. 1999; Dermott et al. 2001). Analogy have a limit of a few mJy (Wyatt, Dent & Greaves 2003) with the zodiacal cloud in which the cross-sectional area andIRASobservationsat60and100µmhad3σ sensitiv- distributionpeaksatafewhundredµm(Love&Brownlee ity limits of around 200 and 600 mJy. More important at 1993) implies that a much lower value of β may be more short wavelengths, and for nearby stars, however, is how appropriate, perhaps as low as 0.01 for disks in which bright the disk is relative to the stellar photosphere. This η0 ≪ 1. Thus the fluxes given in Fig. 2 should be re- isbecauseunlessadiskisresolvedinimaging,orispartic- garded as upper limits to the flux expected from these ularly bright, its flux is indistinguishable from the stellar disks (since β > 0.5 regardless). This is particularly true photosphere,thefluxofwhichisnotgenerallyknownwith for fluxes at wavelengths longer than 100 µm, because better precision than ±10 %. For such cases an appropri- even in a collisional cascade distribution the emission at ate limit for detectability is that the disk flux must be at sub-mm wavelengths is dominated by grains larger than least 0.3 times that of the photosphere. a few hundred µm, since grainssmaller than this emit in- The total flux presented in Fig. 2 assumes that the efficiently at long wavelengths (see e.g., Fig. 5 of Wyatt star is at a distance of 10 pc. The flux from disks around M. C. Wyatt:The Insignificance of P-R Drag 5 stars at different distances scales proportionally with the inverseofthe distancesquared.However,the ratioofdisk fluxtostellarflux(shownwithasolidlineonFig.2)would remain the same. Given the constraints above, as a first approximationonecanconsiderthatthediskswhichhave been detected to date are those with fluxes which lie to theupperrightofthephotosphericfluxinFig.2,butwith the caveat that such disks can only be detected out to a certain distance which is a function of the instrument’s sensitivity. This allows conclusions to be reached about the bal- ance between collisions and P-R drag in the disks which can have been detected. Fundamentally this is possible because the effective optical depth and η0 are observable Fig.3. The value of η0 for the disks of the 37 starsin the parameters (see next paragraph). The first conclusion is debrisdiskdatabasewithexcessfluxmeasurementsattwo thatitisimpossibletodetectdiskswithη0 ≤0.01because wavelengths plotted against the effective temperature of thesearetoofaintwithrespecttothestellarphotosphere. the stars. The disk around the star HD98800 falls off the Theconclusionaboutdiskswithη0 =1islessclearcut.It plot at η0 ≈105. wouldnotbepossibletodetectsuchdisksiftheywere,like the asteroid belt, at 3 AU from the host stars. At larger distances the disks are more readily detectable. However, 80 (see Fig. 3). 1 All 18 stars (i.e., half the sample) with detectability is wavelength dependent, with disks around η0 <80 are of spectral type earlier than A3V, while stars G0V and M0V stars only becoming detectable longward with disks with η0 >80 are evenly distributed in spectral of around 100 µm, while those around A0V stars are de- type. It is worthnoting that ofthe disks whichhave been tectable at > 50 µm. Disks with η0 ≫ 100 are readily resolved, those with ages ∼10 Myr all have η0 >1000 (β detectable for all stars, although again there is some de- Pic, HR4796, HD141569)while those older than 100 Myr pendence on wavelength. all have η0 <100 (Vega, ǫ Eridani, Fomalhaut, η Corvi). Since mostdisks knownaboutto date werediscovered The fact that the debris disks which have been de- byIRASat60µmthisimpliesthatP-Rdragisnotadom- tected to date have η0 ≫1 implies that the holes at their inantfactorgoverningthe evolutionofthese disks,except centres are not caused by planets which preventthis dust for perhaps the faintest disks detected around A stars. from reaching the inner system. Rather the majority of To check this conclusion a crude estimate for the value this dust is ground down in mutual collisions until it is of η0 was made for all disks in the debris disk database fine enough to be removed by radiation pressure. A simi- (http://www.roe.ac.uk/atc/research/ddd). This database larconclusionwasreachedbyDominik&Decin(2003)for includes all main sequence stars determined in previous debris diskswhichweredetected by ISO.This alsomeans surveys of the IRAS catalogues to have infrared emission that azimuthal structure in the disks cannot be caused in excess of that of the stellar photosphere (e.g., Stencel by dust migrating into the resonances of a planet (e.g., & Backman 1991; Mannings & Barlow 1998). To calcu- Kuchner & Holman 2003), at least not due to P-R drag late η0, first only stars within 100 pc and with detections alone. Models of structures in debris disks which have to of excess emission at two IRAS wavelengths were chosen. invoke P-R drag should be reconsidered and would have The fluxes at the longest two of those wavelengths were to include the effect of collisions at the fundamental level thenusedtodeterminethedusttemperatureandsoitsra- to remain viable (e.g., Lecavelier des Etangs et al. 1996), dius by assuming black body emission. Eliminating spec- since it appears that P-R drag can effectively be ignored tra which implied the emission may be associated with in most detectable disks. background objects resulted in a list of 37 candidates, Collisionsarenot100%efficientatstoppingdustfrom including all the well-known debris disks. A disk’s effec- reachingthestar,andthesmallamountwhichdoesshould tive optical depth was then estimated from its flux at the result in a small mid-IR excess. If no such emission is longest wavelength: detected at a level consistent with the η0 for a given disk, then an obstacle such as a planet could be inferred. τ =F Ω /B (T), (7) eff ν disk ν However, because of the low level of this emission with respect to the photosphere, it could only be detected in where Ω is the solid angle subtended by the disk if disk resolved imaging making such observations difficult (e.g., seen face-on, which for a ring-like disk of radius r and width dr at a distance of d in pc is 6.8×109d2/rdr. The 1 The biggest uncertainties in the derived values of η0 are ring width is generally unknown and so for uniformity it in r,dr andβ:e.g., if blackbody temperaturesunderestimate was assumed to be dr =0.1r for all disks. Finally, η0 was the true radius by a factor of 2 and the width of the ring is calculatedundertheassumptionthatβ =0.5.Allofthese dr = 0.5r then the η0 values would have to be reduced by a stars were found to have η0 >10, with a median value of factor of 10; changes to β would increase η0. 6 M. C. Wyatt:The Insignificance of P-R Drag Liu et al. 2004). Even in disks with η0 ≪1, the resulting Roques,F.,Scholl,H.,Sicardy,B.,&Smith,B.A.1994,Icarus, emission spectrum still peaks at the temperature of dust 108, 37 in the planetesimal belt itself. This means that the tem- Strom, S. E., Edwards, S., & Skrutskie, M. F. 1993, in peratureofthe dustisa goodtracerofthe distributionof Protostars and Planets III,eds. E. H.Levy & J. I.Lunine (Tucson: Univ.Arizona Press), 837 the planetesimals and a relative dearth of warm dust re- Stencel, R. E., & Backman, D.E. 1991, ApJS,75, 905 ally indicates a hole in the planetesimal distribution close Takeuchi, T., & Artymowicz, P. 2001, ApJ, 557, 990 to the star. Telesco, C. M., et al. 2000, ApJ, 530, 329 Whileuncertaintiesinthesimplemodelpresentedhere Wilner, D. J., Holman, M. J., Kuchner, M. J., & Ho, P. T. P. preclude hard conclusions been drawn on whether it is 2002, ApJ, 569, L115 possible to detect disks with η0 ≈1, it is important to re- Wyatt, M. C. 1999, PhD Thesis, Univ.Florida mindthereaderthatfluxesplottedinFig.2usedthemost Wyatt, M. C. 2003, ApJ,598, 1321 optimistic assumptions aboutthe amountofflux emanat- Wyatt, M. C., & Dent,W. R.F. 2002, MNRAS,334, 589 ing from a disk with a given η0, so that the conclusions Wyatt, M. C., Dermott, S. F., Telesco, C. M., Fisher, R. S., maybecomefirmerthanthisonceaproperanalysisofthe Grogan, K.,Holmes, E.K.,& Pin˜a, R.K.1999, ApJ,527, evolution of a disk with a range of particle sizes is done. 918 Wyatt,M.C.,Dent,W.R.F.,&Greaves,J.S.2003,MNRAS, However, this study does show that detecting such disks 342, 876 would be much easier at longer wavelengths,since photo- Wyatt, M. C., Holland, W. S., Greaves, J. S., & Dent, W. R. sphere subtraction is less problematic here. Disks which F. 2003, Earth Moon Planets, 92, 423 are too cold for IRAS to detect in the far-IR, but which Wyatt, M. C., Greaves, J. S., Dent, W. R. F., & Coulson, I. are bright enough to detect in the sub-mm have recently M. C. 2004, ApJ, in press been found (Wyatt, Dent & Greaves 2003). Thus disks with η0 ≤ 1 may turn up in sub-mm surveys of nearby stars.They mayalsobe detected at160µmby SPITZER (Rieke et al. 2004). 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