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THE INNOVATION PREMIUM This page intentionally left blank T HE I N N O V A T I ON P R E M I UM How Next Generation Companies Are Achieving Peak Performance and Profitability RONALD S. JONASH TOM SOMMERLATTE PERSEUS PUBLISHING Cambridge, Massachusetts Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and Perseus Publishing was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters. A CIP record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, ISBN: 0-7382-0360-2 Copyright © 1999 by Arthur D. Little, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a re- trieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechan- ical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Perseus Publishing is a member of the Perseus Books Group. Text design by Heather Hutchison Set in 11-point Minion by the Perseus Books Group Perseus Publishing books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the United States by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department at HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022, or call 1-212-207-7528. Find us on the World Wide Web at http://www.perseuspublishing.com 23456789 10—03 02 01 First paperback printing, November 2000 We would like to dedicate this book to our clients and colleagues, whose tremendous insight and experience helped make it possible. This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Acknowledgments ix Introduction x PART 1: WHO'S GOT THE INNOVATION PREMIUM? 1 Meet the Next Generation 1 Alcoa, British Petroleum, Canon, Chrysler, Lucent Technologies, and Nokia 2 The Problems of Business and Management Today 15 What Used to Work So Well No Longer Does PART 2: HOW DO YOU GET THE INNOVATION PREMIUM? 3 Set the Pace 23 Build Platforms, Not Just Products 4 Keep the Pace 41 Move Seamlessly from Concept to Customer 5 Accelerate the Pace 55 Invest in Innovation 6 Vary the Pace 71 Create Worldwide Networks of Innovators vii viii CONTENTS 7 Sustain the Pace 93 Build a Culture of Continual Change and Learning 8 Win the Race 103 Capture the Innovation Premium Appendix A: Arthur D. Little Global Survey on Innovation 115 Appendix B: A Survey of Financial Analysts' Perceptions of Innovation 137 Notes 143 Index 147 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book is the fourth in a series of Arthur D. Little books on critical technology and innovation management issues. These books include Breakthroughs, Third Generation R&D, and Product Juggernauts, and our first set of acknowledgments go to the trailblazing efforts of those authors: John Ketteringham, Ran Nayak, Phil Roussel, Kamal Saad, Jean-Philippe Deschamps, and Tamara Erickson, and especially to Phil and Jean- Philippe, who provided so much encouragement for this book. The Innovation Premium is based in large part on the collective ex- periences of many companies that are innovation trailblazers in their own industries. We would especially like to thank those who have shared their experiences with us for this book, including, Nokia (especially Kaj Linden, senior vice president), DaimlerChrysler (especially Tom Moore, vice president, liberty and technical affairs), Alcoa (especially Frank Lederman, vice president and chief technical officer, and Greg Smith, former director of strategy and planning, Alcoa Technical Center), British Petroleum (especially David Jenkins, chief technology officer [retired in September 1998], Chris Clarke, team leader in oil manage- ment [retired], and Atul Arya, group planning manager), and Canon (especially Dr. Ichiro Endo, managing director and chief executive of product development). Major emerging best practices featured in this book have also arisen out of the Arthur D. Little series of Best of the Best Colloquia on Technology and Innovation Management, where senior executives from leading com- panies across industries have shared their hard-won knowledge and lessons learned. We want to acknowledge the importance of their ideas and experiences for this book. Many of the key themes and findings are substantiated by Arthur D. Lit- tle's continuing research in technology and innovation. We thank the ix

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