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The Inhabitation Problem for⋆Rank Two Interse tion Types Dariusz Ku±mierek Warsaw University,Instituteof Informati s 7 Bana ha 2, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland 0 dakumimuw.edu.pl 0 2 n a Abstra t. We prove that the inhabitation problem for rank two inter- J se tion types is de idable, but ( ontrary to a ommon belief) 5 EXPTIME-hard. The exponential time hardness is shown by redu tion from thein-pla e a eptan e problem for alternating Turing ma hines. ] O L Key words: lambda al ulus, interse tion types, type inhabitation problem, . s alternating Turing ma hine c [ 1 Introdu tion v 9 Typeinhabitationproblemisusuallyde(cid:28)nedasfollows:(cid:16)doesthereexista losed T τ 2 term of a given type (in an empty environment)(cid:17). The answer to this ques- 0 tion depends on the system and its type inferen e rules. By the Curry-Howard 1 orresponden e, the inhabitation problem for a given type system is equivalent 0 to the de idability of the orresponding logi . 7 0 In the simply typed system the inhabitation problem is PSPACE- omplete / (see [7℄). s c The interse tion types system studied in the urrent paper allows types of α∩β α∩β : the form . Intuitively, a term an be assigned the type if and only if v α β i it an be assigned the type and also the type . This system orresponds to X the logi of (cid:16)strong onjun tion(cid:17) (see [1, 4, 5℄). r Unde idabilityofthegeneralinhabitationproblemforinterse tiontypeswas a shown by P. Urzy zyn in [8℄. Several weakened systems were studied, and proved to be de idable. T. Ku- rataandM.Takahashiin[2℄provedthede idabilityoftheprobleminthesystem λ(E∩,≤) (I∩) whi h does not use the rule . Leivantin[3℄de(cid:28)nestherankofaninterse tiontype.Thenotionofrankturns out to be veryuseful, sin e it provides meansfor lassi(cid:28) ationand ameasureof omplexity of the interse tion types. One an noti e, that onstru tion in [8℄ uses only types of rank four. The inhabitation for rank three is still a well-known open problem. The problem for rank two was so far believed to be de idable in polynomial spa e (see [8℄). ⋆ Partly suported byKBN grant 3 T11C 002 27 2 Dariusz Ku±mierek Ourresult ontradi tsthisbelief.Weprovetheinhabitationproblemforrank twotobeEXPTIME-hardbyaredu tionfromthehaltingproblemforAlternat- ingLinearBoundedAutomata(ALBA in short).The idea ofthe redu tionisas n follows. For a given ALBA and a given word of length we onstru t a type of α1∩...∩αn∩αn+1∩αn+2 the form . The intended meaningof the omponents α1 ... αn αi i , , is that represents the behaviour of the -th ell of the tape, the αn+1 represents hanges in the position of the head of ma hine, and the last αn+2 ∩ part simulates hanges of the ma hine state. The operator is used here to holdandpro essinformationabout thewhole on(cid:28)gurationoftheautomata. The fa t that the problem for rank two is EXPTIME-hard only highlights how di(cid:30) ult the still open problem for rank three an be. 1 Basi s 1.1 Interse tion Types We onsider a lambda al ulus with types de(cid:28)ned by the following indu tion: (cid:21) Type variables are types α β α→β α∩β (cid:21) If and are types, then and are also types ∩ We assume that the operator is asso iative, ommutative and idempotent. α1∩...∩αm That is, the meaning of the interse tiontype of the form does not α i depend on the order or number of o uren es of ea h of the types . The type inferen e rules for our system are as follows: Γ ⊢x:σ (x:σ)∈Γ (VAR) if Γ ⊢M:α→β Γ ⊢N:α (E →) Γ ⊢(MN):β Γ,(x:α)⊢M:β (I →) Γ ⊢λx.M:α→β Γ ⊢M:α∩β Γ ⊢M:α∩β (E∩) Γ ⊢M:α Γ ⊢M:β Γ ⊢M:α Γ ⊢M:β (I∩) Γ ⊢M:α∩β By the Curry-Howard orresponden e the al ulus de(cid:28)ned above orresponds to the logi of (cid:16)strong onjun tion(cid:17) of Mints and Lopez-Es obar (see [1, 4, 5℄). (I∩) While onsidering the rule one an easilynoti e the spe i(cid:28) binding of the TheInhabitation Problem for RankTwo Interse tion Types 3 α β M α ∩β α types and by the term . A term has a type if it has a type β and at the same time it has a type . A ordingly in the orresponding logi , α ∩β α β one an prove a formula if one an prove and and both formulae have at least one ommon proof (strong onjun tion). It follows that he king the orre tnessof formulae in the logi of (cid:16)strong onjun tion(cid:17) may prove to be on eptually di(cid:30) ult and usually it is more onvenient to regard the equivalent problem of inhabitation for the interse tion type systems. 1.2 Interse tion Types Classi(cid:28) ation τ De(cid:28)nition 1 Following Leivant ([3℄) we de(cid:28)ne the rank of a type , denoted rank(τ) by : rank(τ)=0 τ ∩ , if is a simple type (without (cid:16) (cid:17)); rank(τ ∩σ)=max(1,rank(τ),rank(σ)) ; rank(τ →σ)=max(1+rank(τ),rank(σ)) rank(τ)>0 rank(σ)>0 , when or . 2 De idability of the Inhabitation Problem 2.1 The Algorithm x k Γ Γ De(cid:28)nition 2 A variable is -ary in an environment , if in ludes a de la- (x:α) ration , su h that α=β1 →···→βk →τ or α=γ∩(β1 →···→βk →τ) k k The variable is -ary, if one an apply it to some arguments of ertain types. The Algorithm. The task onsidered by the algorithm in ea h step is a set of problems: [Γ1 ⊢M:τ1 ... Γn ⊢M:τn] , , n n ( environments, types, but only one term to be found) Rem Ouralgorithmusesthe(cid:16)interse tionremoval(cid:17) operation de(cid:28)nedasfollows: Rem(Γ ⊢M:τ)={Γ ⊢M:τ} τ if is not an interse tion Rem(Γ ⊢M:τ1∩τ2)=Rem(Γ ⊢M:τ1)∪Rem(Γ ⊢M:τ2) Rem ∩ The purpose for the operation is to eliminate (cid:16) (cid:17) and to onvert a judge- Γ ⊢M:τ τ ment with beingpossiblyaninterse tiontypeintoasetofjudgements where the types on the right side are not interse tions. τ For a given type the (cid:28)rst task is: Z0 =Rem(∅⊢M:τ) 4 Dariusz Ku±mierek It is worth noting that in the tasks pro essed by our pro edure types on the right side will never be interse tions. Let the urrent task be: Z =[Γ1 ⊢M:τ1 ... Γn ⊢M:τn] , , τ α →β i i i 1. Ifea htype isoftheform ,thenthenexttaskpro essedre ursively by the algorithm will be: Z′ =Rem(Γ1∪{x:α1}⊢M′:β1)∪...∪Rem(Γn∪{x:αn}⊢M′:βn) , x Γ i where is a fresh variable not used in any of the . Z′ M′ M = λx.M′ If the re ursive all for returns , then , if on the other handthe re ursive allgivesan answer(cid:16)empty type(cid:17), weshallgivethe same answer. τ M i 2. If at least one of the is a type variable, then the term annot be a an abstra tion, but must be an appli ation or a variable. Suppose that there x k i existsavariable whi his -aryin ea hoftheenvironments,andforea h it holds that: Γi ⊢x:βi1 →···→βik →τi (if there is morethan onesu h variable, we pi k nondeterministi allyone of them). Then: k =0 M =x (cid:21) If , then , k > 0 M = xM1...Mk Mi k (cid:21) If , then , where are solutions for the inde- pendent problems: Z1 =[Γ1 ⊢M1:β11 ... Γn ⊢M1:βn1] , , , ... Zk =[Γ1 ⊢Mk:β1k ... Γn ⊢Mk:βnk] , , k Ifanyofthe re ursive alsgivestheanswer(cid:16)emptytype(cid:17),weshallgive the same answer. 3. Otherwise we give the answer (cid:16)empty type(cid:17). M τ ⊢M:τ Fa t 3 If the above algorithm (cid:28)nds a term for an input type , then . Proof. Straightforward. 2.2 Soundness The algorithmdes ribed above is not apable of (cid:28)nding all the terms of a given type.Hen e,toprovethe ore tnessoftheproposedpro edure,we(cid:28)rstde(cid:28)nethe notion of a long solution, then we show that every task, whi h has a solution, has also a long solution. Finally we omplete the proof of the soundness of the algorithm by proving that every long solution an be found by the given pro edure. TheInhabitation Problem for RankTwo Interse tion Types 5 M Z =[Γ1 ⊢M:τ1,...,Γn ⊢M:τn] De(cid:28)nition 4 isalong solutionofthetask , when one of the following holds: τ α →β M =λx.M′ M′ i i i (cid:21) All types areoftheform and , where isalongso- Z′ = Rem([Γ1,(x:α1) ⊢ M:β1,...,Γn,(x:αn) ⊢ M:βn]) lution of the task , or τi M = xM1...Mk i = 1...n (cid:21) Some is a type variable and , where for Γi ⊢ x:αi1 → ··· → αik → τi M1,...,Mk and are long solutions of tasks Z1,...,Zk Zj =[Γ1 ⊢Mj:α1j,...,Γn ⊢Mj:αnj] j =1...k , where for . Z Lemma 5 If there exists a solution of a task , then there exists a long one. M Z = [Γ1 ⊢ M:τ1,...,Γn ⊢ M:τn] Proof. Assume that is a solution of . A(M,Z) We onstru t a long solution in the following way: τ M i (cid:21) If there is a whi h is a type variable, then is not an abstra tion and: • M =x A(M,Z)=M M If , then , be ausein this ase isalongsolution, • M =xM1...Mk Γi ⊢x:αi1 →···→αik → τi If ,thenitmustholdthat i = 1 ... n A(M,Z) = xA(M1,Z1)...A(Mk,Zk) for , so , where Zj =[Γ1 ⊢Mj:α1j,...,Γn ⊢Mj:αnj] j =1...k for . τ α →β i i i (cid:21) Otherwise (if all have the form of ): • M =xM1...Mk k =0 A(M,Z)=λz.A(Mz,Z′) If (possibly for ), then , Z′ =[Γ1,(z:α1)⊢ Mz:β1,...,Γn,(z:αn)⊢Mz:βn] Mz where (sin e is Z′ λz.Mz Z a solution of the task , and (cid:21) of the task ). • M = λx.M′ A(M,Z) = λx.A(M′,Z′) If , then , where Z′ =Rem([Γ1,(x:α1)⊢M′:β1,...,Γn,(x:αn)⊢M′:βn]) . M Z =[Γ1 ⊢M:τ1,...,Γn ⊢M:τn] Lemma 6 Every long solution of the task an be found by the above alternating pro edure. M Proof. By indu tion on the stru ture of . M =x M τ i (cid:21) .Sin e islong,atleastoneofthe mustbeatypevariable.Hen e Z Γ i the algorithm working on the task will sear h in the environments for a variable of the right type ( ase 2 of the algorithm). One of the variables x that the algorithm hooses from is of ourse . M =xM1...Mk (cid:21) . Likebefore we an reasonthat the algorithmshall hoose the ase2, and in oneofits possibleruns thealgorithmwill hoosethe vari- x x able .After is hosen,thepro edureshallsear hforsolutionsofthetasks Z1,...,Zk M1,...,Mk .Bythede(cid:28)nitionofalongsolution,wehavethat are Z1,...,Zk longsolutionsofthetasks ,andbytheindu tionhypothesis,these solutions anbefoundbythere ursiverunsofourpro edure.Itfollowsthat M also an be found. 6 Dariusz Ku±mierek M =λx.M′ τ α →β i i i (cid:21) . Then of ourse all the types haveto be of the form . Z Hen eforthetask thepro edureshall hoose ase1,andsear hforsolution Z′ = Rem([Γ1,(x:α1) ⊢ M′:β1,...,Γn,(x:αn) ⊢ M′:βn]) of the task . By M′ Z′ the indu tion hypothesis, a long solution for an be found by the algorithm. Corollary 7 Our algorithm (cid:28)nds an inhabitant for every non-empty type, for whi h it terminates. Proof. A dire t on lusion of Lemmas 5 and 6. 3 The Termination of the Algorithm τ Let us onsider the work of the algorithm for a type of rank two. Fa t 8 Types of variables put in the environments during the work of algorithm are of the rank at most one. Proof. The environmentsaremodi(cid:28)ed only in ase1. Ifany ofthe variablesput τ in the enviromentswasofranktwo,thanthetype musthavebeen ofthe rank three. |τ| Fa t 9 In every re ursive run there is no task with more than simultaneous problems to solve. Rem ∩ Proof. When a new problem is generated by the operation, one (cid:16) (cid:17) is re- τ moved from the type and the type is split between the problems. There an |τ| neverbe morethan problems.The re ursive alls in ase 2do not reate any new parallel problems, be ause of the way they are reated. Namely, in these problems the pro edure sear hes for terms whi h an serve as arguments for a variable taken from the environment. As we noti ed before, in environments there are only variables with types of rank zero and one, and su h variables an only be given arguments with types of rank zero. And these types are sim- Rem ple (without interse tions), so they do not generate new problems by the operation. 3.1 The De idability Theorem 10 The inhabitation problem for ranktwo interse tion types is de id- able. TheInhabitation Problem for RankTwo Interse tion Types 7 Proof. First noti e that the environments annot grow bigger in(cid:28)nitely during the work of the algorithm. Variables are added to the environments only when τ α →β i i i all urrentlyexaminedtypes areoftheform .Theneveryenvironment Γ α O(|τ|) i i isexpanded by anew variableof thetype . Note that thereareonly types that an be assigned to a variable in one environment. Sin e we do not needtokeepseveralvariablesofthesametype(meaningofthesametypeinea h of the environments) it follows that there is (cid:28)nite number of possible distin t environmentsthatmayo urduringtheworkofthealgorithm.Alsothenumber ⊢ O(|τ|) of the types that may o ur on the right hand side of ea h is . Hen e ea h bran h of the alternating pro edure must (cid:28)nish or repeat a on(cid:28)guration in a (cid:28)nite (although possibly exponential) number of steps. 4 The Lower Bound 4.1 Terms of Exponential Size First we shall onsider an instru tive example. We propose a s hema for reat- ing instan es of the inhabiation problem for whi h the above algorithm has to perform an exponentialnumber of steps before (cid:28)nding the only inhabitant. The sizeoftheinhabitantwillalsobeexponentialinthesizeofthetype.Ourexample demonstrates a te hnique used in the onstru tion to follow. T(n)=τ1∩...∩τn Let , where τ =α→Ψ →···→Ψ →(α→β)→(β →α)···→(β →α)→β i , and i−1 n−i | {z }Ψ =(α→α)∩|(β →β) {z } . T(3)= For instan e (α→(α→β)→(β →α)→(β →α)→β)∩ (α→ Ψ →(α→β)→(β →α)→β)∩ (α→ Ψ → Ψ →(α→β)→β) One an noti e that a onstru tion of an inhabitant for this type is similar to βββ ααα the rewriting pro ess|Tfr(onm)|=theOw(no2r)d to the word , atnd it is aTl(ent)ter by l|et|tt=erOr(e2wnr)itng. For , there isαonly one term of type T(,3a)nd . Forinstan e,theonly(modulo (cid:21)equivalen e)termoftype is: λx1x2x3x4.x2(x3(x2(x4(x2(x3(x2x1)))))) . T(4) While for it is: λx1x2x3x4x5.x2(x3(x2(x4(x2(x3(x2(x5(x2(x3(x2(x4(x2(x3(x2x1)))))))))))))) . Inwhatfollows,whileprovingEXPTIME-hardnessoftheinhabitationproblem, T(n) we shall generate types of a similar form to . For this reason it is worth to T(n) use for introdu ing notions and notations, whi h we shall use later on. ∩ → Be ause of the di(cid:27)erent role played by the (cid:16) (cid:17) and (cid:16) (cid:17) it is onvenient to 8 Dariusz Ku±mierek onsider the stru ture of the type in terms of olumns and rows. The rows are ∩ → T(n) n onne ted with (cid:16) (cid:17), and olumns with (cid:16) (cid:17) (in the ase of there are τ1 ... τn T(3) rows: , , ). A ording to this terminology has three rows and (cid:28)ve olumns. One row represents operations available for a given obje t and the α β initial and (cid:28)nal state of the obje t (here states are variables and ). One olumn represents a ertain operation (that is a step of a ertain automaton). T(3) i In type there are three available operations. The -th operation hanges i β α α β the -th sign from to , and all earlier signs from to . More pre isely ea h (α→β) T(n) β α in the type represents the hange from to , and an o uren e Ψ β α of represents no hange of sign ( hanges and to themselves). 4.2 EXPTIME-hardness We shall show the lower bound for the omplexity of the inhabitation problem byaredu tionfromtheEXPTIME- ompleteproblemofthein-pla ea eptan e for alternating Turing ma hines. De(cid:28)nition 11 An alternating Turing ma hine is a quintuple: M =(Q,Γ,δ,q0,g) , where Q (cid:21) is a non-empty, (cid:28)nite set of states. Γ Γ ={0,1} (cid:21) is a non-empty, (cid:28)nite set of symbols. We shall assume that . δ ⊆(Q×Γ)×(Q×Γ ×{L,R}) (cid:21) - is a non-empty, (cid:28)nite transition relation. q0 ∈Q (cid:21) is the initial state. g :Q→{∧,∨,accept} (cid:21) is a fun tion whi h assigns a kind of every state. De(cid:28)nition 12 A on(cid:28)guration of an alternating Turing ma hine ma hine is a triple: C =(q,t,n) , where q ∈Q (cid:21) is a state t∈Γ∗ (cid:21) is a tape ontent n∈N (cid:21) is a position of the head De(cid:28)nition 13 AnAlternating Linear Bounded Automaton (ALBA)isanalter- nating Turing ma hine whose tape head never leaves the input word. p=((q1,s1),(q2,s2,k)) De(cid:28)nition 14 We shall say that atransition is onsis- δ C1 = (q1,t,n) tent with the relation in a on(cid:28)guration , when the following onditions hold: p∈δ (cid:21) ; t(n)=s1 (cid:21) ; k =L n>1 k =R n<|t| (cid:21) ( and ) or ( and ). TheInhabitation Problem for RankTwo Interse tion Types 9 p C1 We shall say then that transforms a on(cid:28)guration to a on(cid:28)guration C2 = (q2,t2,n2) , where s2 m=n t2(m)= if (cid:21) (cid:26)t(m) otherwise n+1 k =R n2 = if (cid:21) (cid:26)n−1 otherwise De(cid:28)nition 15 An alternating Turing ma hine a epts in on(cid:28)guration C = (q,t,n) , if g(q)=accept |t|=n (cid:21) and , or g(q) = ∨ δ (cid:21) and there exists a transition onsistent with , whi h transforms C the on(cid:28)guration to a on(cid:28)gurationin whi h the automaton a epts, or g(q)=∧ δ C (cid:21) and every transition onsistent with , transforms to a on(cid:28)gu- ration in whi h the automaton a epts. It is worth noting, that in on(cid:28)gurations in whi h the head s ans the (cid:28)rst symbolofthetape,theonlyavailabletransitionsarethese,whi hmovethehead to the right, and when the head rea hes the end of the word, the only a tive transitions will move it to the left. De(cid:28)nition 16 The problem of in-pla e a eptan e is de(cid:28)ned as follows: does t a given ALBA a ept a given word (meaning it a epts the on(cid:28)guration C0 = (q0,t,1) ). It is known that APSPACE = EXPTIME (see Corollary2 to Theorem 16.5 and Corollary3 to Theorem 20.2 in [6℄). Lemma 17 The problem of in-pla e a eptan e for ALBA is EXPTIME- om- plete (APSPACE- omplete). Proof. A simple modi(cid:28) ation of the proof of Theorem 19.9 in [6℄. First we note that the in-pla e a eptan e is in APSPACE. Consider a ma hine M = (Q,Γ,δ,q0,g) M . Keeping the ounter of steps, we simulate the run of t M o|tn||Qth||eΓ|i|nt|put word . We reje t if reje ts, or if ma hine makes more than steps, be ause after so many steps ma hine has to repeat a on(cid:28)gu- ratioLn. nk M Let be a Mlanguage in APSPACE a epted in spa e by a ma hine .nIkt means that does not use in any of its parallel omputations more than n ells of the tape (where is the length of the input word). Let us denote the ⊥ M′ blank symbol by . Let us onsider a modi(cid:28)ed ma hine , whi h during its M M work performMs′the samenkm−ovnes as , but when rea hes an a epting state, the head of makeMs stteps to the right and also eMnt′ers an a t ⊥epntki−nng state. It is learthat a epts if and only if the ma hine a epts M withouteverleavingthisword(notethata ordingtothede(cid:28)nition,ma hine a epts with the headat rightmostsymbol of the input word) (cid:22) blanksymbols ⊥ Mat the very end of the wonrdkdo not hange the bethaviour of thLe ma hine, and M′does nottu⊥snekm−nore than ells of the tape. So belongs to if and only if a epts in-pla e. 10 Dariusz Ku±mierek Theorem 18 The inhabitation problem for rank two interse tion types is EXPTIME-hard. t = t1t2...tn−1tn Proof. Let us onsider the input word . We onstru t a type n+2 with rows and some number of olumns (a ording to the terminology n n introdu edin 4.1).The (cid:28)rst rowsshallrepresentthe stateof tape ells.The 1...n next row shall represent the position of the head (values ). The last row q acc shall stand for the state of the ma hine. Let be a new type variable. We shall begin our onstru tion with these two olumns: (...→ 2 → t1 )∩ ... (...→ 2 →t )∩ n (...→ 0 → 1 )∩ (...→qacc →q0 ) q ∈/ Q acc where . The last olumnin thetyperepresentsthe initial on(cid:28)guration: t t1...tn in the ellstherearesymbolsfromtheinput word , thevariables repre- q0 sentthe input word,the head isat (cid:28)rst position, and the ma hineisin state . The se ond last olumn represents the (cid:28)nal state. In the further onstru tion we shall add new olumns on the left side. A epting States: If the ma hine has any a epting states, we add a olumn responsible for a transition from the a epting states to our additional state qacc q1...qr . Let the be all the a epting states of the ma hine. The additional olumn will be: S → ... n S → K →  Q→ where S =(2→0)∩(2→1) , K =(0→n) , Q=(qacc →q1)∩...∩(qacc →qr) . Ea h olumnofthetype(ex eptthelastone)will beassignedto onevariablein aterm.The omponentsofa olumnarejustdi(cid:27)erenttypesthatareassignedto n+2 the samevariablein di(cid:27)erent environments. The variable, whi h will have assignedtypesbeingpartsofthis olumn,isresponsiblefortransitionfromea h a epting state of the ma hine (for ea h tape ontent and for head of ma hine q acc being at last sign of the word) to the state .

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