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Preview The Influence on Modal Parameters of Thin Cylindrical Shell under Bolt Looseness Boundary

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Shock and Vibration Volume 2016, Article ID 4709257, 15 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4709257 Research Article The Influence on Modal Parameters of Thin Cylindrical Shell under Bolt Looseness Boundary HuiLi,MingweiZhu,ZhuoXu,ZhuoWang,andBangchunWen SchoolofMechanicalEngineeringandAutomation,NortheasternUniversity,No.3-11WenhuaRoad,HepingDistrict, Shenyang110819,China CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoHuiLi;[email protected] Received20July2015;Revised3October2015;Accepted5October2015 AcademicEditor:DanielMorinigo-Sotelo Copyright©2016HuiLietal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,which permitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. The influence on modal parameters of thin cylindrical shell (TCS) under bolt looseness boundary is investigated. Firstly, bolt loosenessboundaryoftheshellisdividedintotwotypes,thatis,differentboltloosenessnumbersanddifferentboltlooseness levels,andnaturalfrequenciesandmodeshapesarecalculatedbyfiniteelementmethodtoroughlymastervibrationcharacteristics ofTCSundertheseconditions.Then,thefollowingmeasurementsandidentificationtechniquesareusedtogetprecisefrequency, damping,andshaperesults;forexample,noncontactlaserDopplervibrometerandvibrationshakerwithexcitationlevelbeing preciselycontrolledareusedinthetestsystem;“preexperiment”isadoptedtodeterminetherequiredtighteningtorqueandverify fixedconstraintboundary;thesmall-segmentFFTprocessingtechniqueisemployedtoaccuratelymeasurenaturefrequencyand laserrotatingscanningtechniqueisusedtogetshaperesultswithhighefficiency.Finally,basedonthemeasuredresultsobtained bytheabovetechniques,theinfluenceonmodalparametersofTCSundertwotypesofboltloosenessboundariesisanalyzedand discussed.Itcanbefoundthatboltloosenessboundarycansignificantlyaffectfrequencyanddampingresultswhichmightbe causedbychangesofnonlinearstiffnessanddampingandinboltloosenesspositions. 1.Introduction orconstrainedbymanybolts,itsconstrainteffectivenesswill inevitablybeweakenedundercomplexexternalload[11,12], Thin cylindrical shell (TCS) has long been an important especiallywhenaboltorsomeboltscomeloose;thelooseness structural component due to its high stiffness to weight conditionwillnotonlydecreaseconstraintstrengthbutalso and strength to weight ratios, which is widely used in the increase interface abrasion and the probability of fatigue engineering fields, such as aircraft casings, pipes and ducts, failure, and, once the bolt fracture happens, it will severely rotarydrumsingranulator,andaircraftengine[1–5].Modal affect the function of TCS and could even lead to serious parametersofTCSaremainlycomposedofnaturalfrequen- accident[13]. cies,modeshapes,anddampingratio;theseparametersare Atpresentgreateffortshavebeenmadetostudyvibration thebasisoffurtherstudyonvibrationcharacteristicsofTCS character of TCS under complex and diverse boundary [6–8],whichareofgreatimportancetotheoreticalmodeling, condition by scholars and researchers, for example, bolt responseprediction,vibrationreductionoptimization,vibra- looseness,elasticity,andothercomplexboundaryconditions, tion mechanism research, structural damage identification, andmanyencouragingresearchresultshavebeenobtained. and so forth. Generally, TCS is working at a very harsh Forexample,Forsberg[14]studiedtheinfluenceofboundary environment, such as thermal expansion and contraction, conditions on the modal characteristics of thin cylindrical strong vibration, and uneven exciting force generated by shells. Totally 16 possible sets of homogeneous boundary turbulentairflow,whichmayeasilymakeTCSoperateunder conditions were specified independently at each end of the elasticityorloosenessboundary[9].Besides,duetodifferent shell,andthesesetsofconditionswerediscussedindetail.It installation forms, the connected or constraint end of TCS hasbeenfoundthatevenforlongcylinders(lengthtoradius maynotbewellfixed[10].Forexample,ifTCSisconnected ratio of 40 or more) the minimum natural frequency may 2 ShockandVibration differ by more than 50% depending upon whether 𝑢 = 0 analysis results of the shell under more complex boundary or the longitudinal stress resultant 𝑁𝑥 = 0 at both ends. condition can not be effectively verified, let alone validate Koga [15] studied the effects of boundary conditions on someadvancedshelltheories. the free vibrations of TCS and a simple formula for the Thisresearchcombinedtheorywithexperimenttoinves- naturalfrequencywasderivedasanasymptoticsolutionfor tigate the influence on modal parameters of TCS under the eigenvalue problems of the breathing vibrations, whose BLB.Firstly,boltloosenessboundaryoftheshellisdivided accuracy was sequentially examined by a comparison with intotwotypes,thatis,differentboltloosenessnumbersand numerical solutions and experimental results. The results different bolt looseness levels, and natural frequencies and showedthattheformulawasaccurateenoughforengineering mode shapes of TCS under these conditions are calculated anditwasapplicableunderanypossiblecombinationsofthe byfiniteelementmethod(FEM)inSection2;thusvibration boundaryconditionsforthesimplysupported,theclamped, characteristics of TCS under the above two types of bolt andthefreeendsoftheshell.Sofiyevetal.[16]proposedan loosenessboundariescanberoughlymastered.Thenwego analyticalproceduretostudythefreevibrationcharacteristics ontosetupexperimentsystemtoaccuratelymeasuremodal oflaminatedthincircularcylindricalshellsrestingonelastic parameters of TCS, and the corresponding test procedures foundation. They found that natural frequency was as a and identification techniques which are suitable for the functionoftheshelldisplacementamplitude,anditwasalso thin walled shell are also proposed in Section 3. Finally in closerelatedtotheeffectofelasticfoundation,nonlinearity, Section4,basedontheaccuratemeasureddata,theinfluence and number and ordering of layers of the shell. Liang and on natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios Zhang [17] studied stiffness optimization of TCS under of TCS under two types of bolt looseness boundaries is elasticityboundarycondition.Theexplicitformulaofinitial analyzedanddiscussedindetails.Thisresearchcanprovide parametersolutionofvariablethicknessshellwasderivedby dynamicmodelingserviceforTCSundercomplexboundary transfer matrix method, and the optimization process was condition, provide experimental data for effective selection transformedintoaconstraintnonlinearsolvingprocess;thus of boundary parameters in the theoretical model, and also the objective function can be successfully obtained by the provideanimportantreferenceforanalysisanddiagnosisof steppedreductionmethod.Dongetal.[18]investigatedthe boltloosenessfaultofTCS. influences of bolt looseness in missile clamping support on vibrationcharacteristicsofthecylindricalshellstructureby 2.VibrationCharacteristicAnalysisofTCS base excitation technique. Different steady response signals underBoltLoosenessBoundary were obtained by varying bolt pretightening force of the attachment bolts in the structure, and power spectrum In this section, in order to deeply understand vibration densitydiagramsofsignalscorrespondingtodifferentstatus characteristic of TCS, FEM is used to calculate vibration ofthestructurewereanalyzedandanextractionmethodof characteristicofTCS,suchasnaturalfrequenciesandmode thespectralmomentloosenesswasproposedtodistinguish shapes, under two types of bolt looseness boundaries with fault characteristics of bolt looseness. Dong et al. [19] also different looseness numbers and different looseness levels, experimentallystudiedhowtomonitortheattachmentbolt respectively. Although the resulting frequencies and shapes loosenessinaclampedcylindricalshellstructure,andwavelet may inevitably contain some calculation errors, they are transformwasusedtoanalyzedamagecharacteristicofbolt helpfulforustodeterminemeasuredfrequencyrange,build loosenessbasedonthestructuralaccelerationresponsedata. experimentalmodel,understandgeographicdistributionsof Zhouetal.[20]usedthewavepropagationmethodtosolve somenodesornodallines,andsoforth. theequationsofmotionofTCSunderelastic-supportbound- ary condition, and the elastic-support boundary condition 2.1.ResearchObject. TheTCSstudiedinthispaperisshown was specified in terms of 8 independent sets of distributed in Figure 1 and dimension parameters are listed in Table 1. springs which have arbitrary stiffness values. Besides, the ThematerialofTCSisstructuralsteelwithelasticmodulusof effectsonnaturefrequenciesoftherestrainingspringswere 3 212Gpa,Poisson’sratioof0.3,andthedensityof7850kg/m . also studied for a range of stiffness values and different Its length is 95mm with 144mm external radius and an geometrical characteristics of the shells, and it was found averagethicknessof2mm.Thereistheextensionedgewith thattherestrainingstiffnesscandrasticallyaffectfrequency 150mm external radius and 3mm thickness on this shell parameters of TCS. Sun [21] used transfer matrix method which is machined to be clamped by a clamping-ring with tostudythefreevibrationofTCSunderelasticityboundary eight M8 bolts, so that it can be certain that the shell is in condition, taking into account elastic connection stiffness, cantileverboundarycondition.Then,wecanloosensomeor and the transfer matrix of global variables of TCS under allofboltswithcertaintighteningtorquebytorquewrench, elasticity boundary condition was obtained by multiplying sothatwecananalyzevibrationcharacteristicofTCSunder transfermatrixofstatevariablesintheconnectionboundary boltloosenessboundary. withtheoneoftheshellitself. However,mostofresearchesdonebytheabovescholars and researchers are mainly based on theory or simulation; 2.2.VibrationCharacteristicAnalysisofTCSunderBLBwith experimentalstudiesontheinfluenceonmodalparameters Different Looseness Numbers. Finite element model of the ofTCSunderboltloosenessboundary(BLB)arestillscarce. TCS under BLB with different looseness numbers is estab- And as a lack of the related test conclusion, theoretical lishedwithANSYSParametricDesignLanguage(APDL)in ShockandVibration 3 Thin cylindrical shell Clamping-ring M8 bolt Extension edge Figure1:TCSanditsclampedcircularringusedinboltloosenessboundary. Table1:Dimensionparametersofthincylindricalshell. Thicknessof Length Thickness Internalradius Externalradius Extensionedgeradius extensionedge (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 95 2 142 144 150 3 and the resulting natural frequencies and mode shapes are obtained by Block Lanczos method, as listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Then, use different numbers of spring elements to simulate different bolt looseness numbers and calculate the corresponding frequencies and shape results, according to the sequence of loosening 1 bolt, 2 bolts, 3 bolts,and4bolts,fromsequenceItosequenceIVasshown in Figure 3, and the calculated results are given in Table 2 Y X andTable3.Additionally,thefrequenciesdifferencesunder Z the constraint boundary (or no loose boundary) and bolt loosenessboundarywithdifferentloosenessnumbersarealso comparedinTable2,andFigure4givestherelationsbetween naturalfrequencyandmodeshapeunderBLBwithdifferent loosenessnumbers.Itshouldbenotedthat,duetothespeci- ficityofthefirstmodeshape,itisdifficulttousetraditional numberofaxialhalf-waves,𝑚,andcircumferentialwaves,𝑛, todescribeitsvibrationshape;thusthefirstspecialfrequency Figure2:FiniteelementmodeloftheTCSunderBLBwithdifferent and shape result are not compared under BLB in Table 2 loosenessnumbers. (the calculated results are only for roughly understanding vibrationcharacteristicofTCSwhentheconstraintboltsare loose;theyinevitablycontainsomecalculationerrorsbecause ANSYS software, as seen in Figure 2. SOLID186 element constraint stiffness and damp parameters in bolt looseness is used to create the model of the shell which consists of positionsarehardtosimulatewithoutexperimentaltest,and 6480 nodes and 960 elements, and MATRIX27 element is theyarenotthefocusofthispaper). usedasspringelementtosimulateboltloosenessboundary ItcanbefoundfromtheaboveanalysisresultsinTables with different looseness numbers, whose stiffness can be 2 and 3 and Figure 4 that (I) bolt looseness will result in adjusted in the 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧 direction. Firstly, use 8 spring the decrease of natural frequencies of TCS, and with the elements with stiffness value of 1 × 108 in the above three increasing of bolt looseness numbers the frequency results directionstosimulatethefree-clampedboundarycondition, will further decrease; (II) high order natural frequencies of 4 ShockandVibration Table2:NaturalfrequenciesofTCSunderBLBwithdifferentloosenessnumbers. Loosen Loosen Loosen Difference Loosen Difference Nolooseness DifferenceI DifferenceII Modal 𝐴 1bolt (𝐵−𝐴)/𝐴 2bolts (𝐶−𝐴)/𝐴 3bolts III 4bolts IV order 𝐵 𝐶 𝐷 (𝐷−𝐴)/𝐴 𝐸 (𝐸−𝐴)/𝐴 (Hz) (%) (%) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (%) (Hz) (%) 1 — 786.2 — 678.0 — 591.9 — 554.4 — 2 976.5 974.2 −0.2 935.0 −4.3 831.6 −14.8 758.9 −22.3 3 1068.7 1065.0 −0.3 1043.2 −2.4 1035.4 −3.1 1013.0 −5.2 4 1313.8 1298.5 −1.2 1248.4 −5.0 1193.3 −9.2 1146.8 −12.7 5 1535.9 1461.0 −4.9 1310.0 −14.7 1275.1 −17.0 1269.0 −17.4 6 1603.2 1597.6 −0.3 1629.0 1.6 1591.1 −0.8 1403.4 −12.5 7 1841.9 1743.4 −5.3 1681.1 −8.7 1655.8 −10.1 1588.3 −13.8 8 2000.8 1995.6 −0.3 1991.7 −0.5 1988.0 −0.6 1984.9 −0.8 Table3:ModeshapesofTCSunderBLBwithdifferentloosenessnumbers. Loosen Loosen Loosen Loosen Modal Nolooseness order 𝐴(𝑚,𝑛) 𝐵1(b𝑚o,l𝑛t) 𝐶2(b𝑚o,lt𝑛s) 𝐷3(b𝑚ol,t𝑛s) 𝐸4(b𝑚o,lt𝑛s) 1 — (Special) (Special) (Special) (Special) 2 (1,5) (1,5) (1,5) (1,5) (1,5) 3 (1,6) (1,6) (1,6) (1,6) (1,6) 4 (1,7) (1,7) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) 5 (1,4) (1,4) (1,7) (1,7) (1,7) 6 (1,8) (1,8) (1,8) (1,8) (1,3) 7 (1,3) (1,3) (1,3) (1,3) (1,8) 8 (1,9) (1,9) (1,9) (1,9) (1,9) er10 b m 9 u n 8 e av 7 w I Loosen 1 bolt al 6 nti 5 II Loosen 2 bolts ere 4 III Loosen 3 bolts umf 3 I Circ 2700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 IV II IV Loosen 4 bolts III Natural frequency (Hz) Figure 3: Schematic of bolt loosening sequence under BLB with No looseness Loosen 3 bolts differentloosenessnumbers. Loosen 1 bolt Loosen 4 bolts Loosen 2 bolts Figure4:Therelationbetweennaturalfrequencyandmodeshape the shell, for example, the 8th natural frequency, basically underBLBwithdifferentloosenessnumbers. willnotbeaffectedbyBLBwithdifferentloosenessnumbers, andthefrequencydifferencerelatedtotheBLBandnoloose condition is less than 0.8%; (III) with the increase of bolt looseness number, low order mode shapes of TCS will be 2.3.VibrationCharacteristicAnalysisofTCSunderBLBwith changed,buthighordermodeshapeswillstillbeunchanged; Different Looseness Levels. Similarly, SOLID186 element is (IV)althoughfrequenciesandshapesofTCSwillbechanged usedtocreatethemodeloftheshellwhichconsistsof6480 under BLB, the changing trend of natural frequencies with nodes and 960 elements, and MATRIX27 element is used modeshapesisconstantwhenthenumberofaxialhalf-waves asspringelementtosimulateboltloosenessboundarywith 𝑚 = 1, which shows that frequency values are up after the differentloosenesslevels;forexample,setthestiffnessvalue decline with the increase of the number of circumferential of Matrix27 element in 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧 direction to 0.75 × 108, waves 𝑛, and usually frequency values related to 𝑛 > 8 are 0.25×108,and0.25×107,respectively(namely,25%looseness, higherthan𝑛=2∼7. 75% looseness, and 97.5% looseness), as seen in Figure 5. ShockandVibration 5 Table4:NaturalfrequenciesofTCSunderBLBwithdifferentloosenesslevels. 25% Difference 97.5% Difference Nolooseness DifferenceI 75% Mordoedral 𝐴 loos𝐵eness (𝐵−𝐴)/𝐴 looseness𝐶 (𝐶−I𝐴I)/𝐴 loos𝐷eness (𝐷−II𝐴I)/𝐴 (Hz) (%) (Hz) (Hz) (%) (Hz) (%) 1 — 965.2 — 940.8 — 858.1 — 2 976.5 973.2 −0.3 956.0 −2.1 898.6 −8.0 3 1068.7 1067.4 −0.1 1056.0 −1.2 1035.4 −3.1 4 1313.8 1312.9 −0.1 1308.9 −0.4 1293.1 −1.6 5 1535.9 1530.7 −0.3 1504.3 −2.1 1382.8 −10.0 6 1603.2 1602.8 0 1601.5 −0.1 1594.9 −0.5 7 1841.9 1835.4 −0.4 1802.5 −2.1 1650.2 −10.4 8 2000.8 2000.5 0 1999.3 −0.1 1993.5 −0.4 I Fixed boundary No looseness II Looseness boundary Looseness 97.5% k k×8 III Looseness 75% IV Looseness 25% Figure5:SchematicofdifferentboltloosenessleveladoptedbyFEM. Table5:ModeshapesofTCSunderBLBwithdifferentlooseness er 9 b levels. m u 8 n Nolooseness 25% 75% 97.5% e 7 Modal 𝐴 looseness looseness looseness wav 6 Order (𝑚,𝑛) 𝐵(𝑚,𝑛) 𝐶(𝑚,𝑛) 𝐷(𝑚,𝑛) ntial 5 1 — (Special) (Special) (Special) ere 4 2 (1,5) (1,5) (1,5) (1,5) umf 3 c 3 (1,6) (1,6) (1,6) (1,6) Cir 2 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 4 (1,7) (1,7) (1,7) (1,4) Natural frequency (Hz) 5 (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,3) 6 (1,8) (1,8) (1,8) (1,7) No looseness 50% looseness 25% looseness 97.5% looseness 7 (1,3) (1,3) (1,3) (1,8) 8 (1,9) (1,9) (1,9) (1,9) Figure6:Therelationbetweennaturalfrequencyandmodeshape underBLBwithdifferentloosenesslevels. Firstly, use 8 spring elements with stiffness value of 1 × 108 in above three directions to simulate the free-clamped undertheconstraintboundary(ornolooseboundary)and boundary condition, and the resulting natural frequencies bolt looseness boundary with different looseness levels are andmodeshapesareobtainedbyBlockLanczosmethod,as also compared in Table 4, and Figure 6 gives the relations listed in Tables 4 and 5. Then, use 0.75 × 108, 0.25 × 108, betweennaturalfrequencyandmodeshapeunderBLBwith and 0.25 × 107 of 8 spring elements to simulate different differentloosenesslevels. bolt looseness levels, according to the sequence of 25% ItcanbefoundfromtheaboveanalysisresultsinTables looseness,75%looseness,and97.5%loosenesstocalculatethe 4 and 5 and Figure 6 that (I) bolt looseness will result in correspondingfrequenciesandshaperesults,fromsequence the decrease of natural frequencies of TCS, and with the ItosequenceIIIasshowninFigure5,whicharealsogiven increasingofboltloosenesslevelsthefrequencyresultswill in Tables 4 and 5. Additionally, the frequencies differences further decrease; (II) high order natural frequencies of the 6 ShockandVibration Table6:ThedisadvantagesofdifferentvibrationexcitationdevicesformodaltestofTCSunderunderboltloosenessboundary. ModalparametersofTCS Excitation device Natural Mode Dampingratio Disadvantage frequency shape Pulseexcitationlevelcannotbe preciselycontrolledandthe Hammer √ √ × excitationforcevariesforeach measurement,anddoublehitcan oftenleadtotesterrors. Therelatedforcesensorwill bringaddedmassandstiffnessto Electromagnetic × × × TCS,whichwillseverelyaffect exciter testresultsofdampingand naturalfrequency. Theexcitationenergyof piezoelectricceramicexciteris Piezoelectric √ √ × ofteninsufficientforTCS,which ceramicexciter willresultinpoorresponse signalwithlowlevelofsignal noiseratio. Excitationfrequenciesarenot thathigh,whichareoftenlimited Vibrationshaker √ √ √ to1Hz∼3000Hz,andthetest proceduresareoften complicated. shell, for example, the 8th natural frequency, basically will 3.1. Test System of Modal Parameters of TCS under Bolt not be affected by BLB with different looseness levels, and Looseness Boundary. On the one hand, due to light weight, the frequency difference related to the BLB and no loose closed modes, low level, and complicated local vibration of condition is less than 0.4%; (III) with the increase of bolt TCS, traditional accelerometer will bring added mass and looseness levels, low order mode shapes of TCS will be stiffness to the tested shell [22], which will severely affect changed,buthighordermodeshapeswillstillbeunchanged; the tested frequency and damping results, so laser Doppler (IV)althoughfrequenciesandshapesofTCSwillbechanged vibrometerisusedasnoncontactresponsesensortomeasure under BLB, the changing trend of natural frequencies with thevibrationandfrequencyinformationoftheshell.Onthe modeshapesisconstantwhenthenumberofaxialhalf-waves otherhand,differentexcitationtechniquesalsowillresultin 𝑚 = 1, which shows that frequency values are up after the test error, so the disadvantages of four common vibration decline with the increase of the number of circumferential excitation devices are compared in Table 6; combining the waves 𝑛, and usually frequency values related to 𝑛 > 8 are proposedtestmethodin[23],vibrationshakerisfinallycho- higherthan𝑛=2∼7. senasexcitationsourcewithexcitationlevelbeingprecisely controlled,andtestsystemofmodalparametersofTCSunder boltloosenessboundaryisgiveninFigure7.Theinstruments used in the test are as follow: (I) Polytec PDV-100 laser 3.TestSystemandMethod of Doppler vibrometer; (II) king-design EM-1000F vibration ModalParametersofTCSunder shakersystems;(III)LongWeiPS-305DMDCpowersupply; ∘ BoltLoosenessBoundary (IV)AslongJGA25DCgearedmotor;(V)45 rotationmirror ∘ and45 fixedmirror;(VI)LMSSCADASMobileFront-End InSection2,vibrationcharacteristicofTCSunderBLBand andDellnotebookcomputer. its influence is analyzed. But due to the complexity of bolt In these devices, LMS SCADAS Mobile Front-End and looseness boundary, the real influence of such boundary Dell notebook computer are responsible for recording and onmodalparameters,especiallythedampingcharacteristics saving response signal from laser Doppler vibrometer. Dell of the shell can not be accurately analyzed by simulation notebook computer with Intel Core i7 2.93GHz processor method. Therefore, it is necessary to employ experimental and4GRAMisusedtooperateLMSTest.Lab10Bsoftware test to investigate on the influence on modal parameters of and store measured data. For the frequency and damping boltconstrainedshellunderdifferentloosenessboundaries. test, sine sweep excitation is conducted with a closed loop In this section, experiment system is firstly established to controlviaaccelerometeronthecountertopofthevibration ∘ accurately measure modal parameters of the shell, and the shaker, and point 1, point 2, and point 3 (being 180 with correspondingtestproceduresandidentificationtechniques eachother)areusedtogetresponsesignalbyadjustinglaser whicharesuitableforthethinwalledshellarealsoproposed. point and average is used as the final results. In this test, ShockandVibration 7 Laser Doppler Response(m/s)−5050Time (s)100 1 2Poin3ts exScwiteaetipo n Point 1 45v∘ifibrxoemd meteirrror ResponseM(m/s)Fr02ee0qauesnucyr (Hezd1)0 0d0a1t2aPo i3nts Vibration shaker PoThinitn 2 cylindricPalo sinhte l3l DC power supply Response test 45∘rotation mirror Data Response DC geared motor processing signal LMS SCADAS Laser Doppler Vibration shaker Computer mobile front-end vibrometery Natural frequency and damping test Mode shape test Figure7:SchematicoftestsystemofmodalparametersofTCSunderboltloosenessboundary. naturalfrequencycanbepreciselydeterminedthrougheach arebig,morethan5∼20Hz,weneedtoincreasetorquevalue resonantpeakinfrequencydomain,anddampingratiocan andtorepeatpreexperimentsseveraltimes. alsobeidentifiedbythehalf-powerbandwidthmethodwhich is calculated by measuring the bandwidth of the frequency 3.2.2. Measure Modal Parameters of TCS under Fixed Con- curve(orapproximately3dB)downfromtheresonantpeak. straintBoundary. Thisstepinvolvesthreedifferentmeasure- For mode shape test, laser rotating scanning technique is mentsandidentificationtechniques.Firstly,usingsinesweep used to get shape results of TCS. Firstly, employ one of excitation by vibration shaker to test natural frequencies of natural frequencies of TCS to drive the tested shell under TCSandinordertogetprecisefrequencyresults,thesmall- theresonancestatebyvibrationshaker,andthenDCpower segmentFFTprocessingtechniqueisemployedtodealwith supplyisusedtoprovidestablevoltageandcurrentforDC themeasuredsweepsignal.Thetimedomainsignalinvolving ∘ geared motor, and the motor is to drive the 45 rotation the 3rd natural frequency of the tested shell is shown in ∘ mirror to complete a set of cross-sectional scan with 360 Figure 8(a). If FFT processing technique is directly applied circumferentialcoverageforthetestedshell,andinthisway onthissweepsignal,wecanobtainitsfrequencyspectrum, modeshapesdataatcertainmodecanbeobtainedinashorter as seen in Figure 8(b), and the frequency of the response amountoftimethantraditionaltestmethods. peakis1024.8Hz.However,ifthewholetimeofsweepsignal canbedividedintomallsegments,andweconductFFTon eachsegmentofthem(inthisexample,itis1swithrespect 3.2. Test Method of Modal Parameters of TCS under Bolt tothewholetimeof68s),theresultingfrequencyspectrum, Looseness Boundary. In this section, the test procedures of as seen in Figure 8(c), is plotted through the combination modal parameters and the related identification techniques of the response peak of each segment (also treated with whicharesuitableforTCSunderboltloosenessboundaryare interpolationandsmoothing);thefrequencyvaluerelatedto proposed,asseeninthefollowingfourkeysteps. the peak is 1025.7Hz, which is truly accurate result of the 3rdnaturalfrequency.Therefore,fortime-dependentsweep 3.2.1. Accurately Determine Tightening Torque under Fixed signalof TCS, it is necessary to use the small-segment FFT ConstraintBoundary. BecausemodalparametersofTCSare processingtechniquetoaccuratelygetfrequencyresults. closelyrelatedtoconstraintboundary,inactualtest,wemust Then, use the half-power bandwidth technique to iden- ensurethatoneendofthetestedshelliseffectivelyclamped; tify each damping ratio of TCS from the frequency spec- tothisend,atorquewrenchisusedtodeterminethelevelof trumobtainedbysmall-segmentFFTprocessingtechnique. tighteningtorqueontheM8boltsofclamping-ring,asseen Becausetheresonantpeakinthespectrumisalreadyknown, inFigure1,andthe“preexperiment”isadoptedtodetermine wecanidentifytwohalf-powerbandwidthpointsbymeasur- the required tightening torque as well as verify whether or ingthebandwidthofthefrequencycurve(orapproximately not the tested shell is under fixed constraint boundary. For 3dB)downfromtheresonantpeak,consequentlyaccording instance,itshouldbedoneatleastthreetimestotestnatural to the damping formula to calculate the corresponding frequencies, and every time the same level of torque value damping results based on the MATLAB program. Figure 9 should be applied on M8 bolts. If test results of the first 3 gives time waveform and frequency spectrum for the third naturalfrequenciesunderthreepreexperimentsarecloseto naturalfrequencyanddampingratioofTCSat3measuring each other (e.g., 1∼3Hz), we will regard this torque value points,and, in orderto improveaccuracy offrequencyand as the determined tightening torque under fixed constraint damping results, the final results are obtained by averaging boundary.Ifthedifferencesbetweeneachnaturalfrequency thetestresultsatthesepoints. 8 ShockandVibration 4 1 1024.8 0.08 3 m/s) m/s) 0.06 de ( 2 de ( u u plit plit 0.04 m m A A 1 0.02 0 0 0 20 40 60 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 Time (s) Frequency (Hz) (a) Therawsweepsignal (b) ThespectrumbydirectFFT 0.08 1025.7 0.06 m/s) de ( 0.04 u plit m A 0.02 0 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 Frequency (Hz) (c) Thespectrumbysmall-segmentFFT Figure8:The3rdnaturalfrequencyofCTCSobtainedbydifferentFFTprocessingtechniques. 5 m/s) m/s) 2 3 Velocity (−500 Time (s5)0 100 1 Me2asuring p oint3 Velocity (100100 Fre1q0u3e0ncy (Hz1)060 1090 1 M2easuring point (a) Timewaveform (b) Frequencyspectrum Figure9:TimewaveformandfrequencyspectrumforthethirdnaturalfrequencyanddampingratioofTCSat3measuringpoints. Finally, use each of natural frequency to excite TCS at loosenboltsontheclamping-ring,accordingtothesequence resonancestate,andgraduallyobtaineachmodeshapewith of loosening 1 bolt, 2 bolts, 3 bolts, and 4 bolts to conduct obviousreductionintimecostsbylaserrotatingscanmethod. modal parameter test, as seen in Figure 10. It should be noted that the excitation level and the position of the three 3.2.3.MeasureModalParametersofTCSunderBLBwithDif- measuringpointsmustbethesameastheonesunderfixed ferent Looseness Numbers. After finishing the measurement constraint boundary, and the same test methods, such as workunderfixedconstraintboundary,usetorquewrenchto thesmall-segmentFFTprocessingtechnique,thehalf-power ShockandVibration 9 8 7 er 6 ord 5 al 4 d o 3 M 2 Figure10:Schematicofboltloosenesssequence. 1 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Natural frequency (Hz) bandwidthtechnique,andthelaserrotatingscantechnique, are employed to get natural frequencies, mode shapes, and No looseness Loosen 3 bolts damping ratios of TCS under BLB with different looseness Loosen 1 bolt Loosen 4 bolts numbers. Loosen 2 bolts Figure 11: Scattergram of natural frequencies of TCS under BLB 3.2.4. Measure Modal Parameters of TCS under BLB with withdifferentloosenessnumbers. Different Looseness Levels. In this step, firstly it is needed to restore boundary condition to the fixed state, so the 8 same level of tightening torque which is determined by the 7 preexperimentinthefirststepisagainusedtotighteneight 6 er M8 bolts on the clamping-ring. Then, set the torque value d 5 or to 75%, 50%, and 25% of this tightening torque, according al 4 to the sequence of 25% looseness, 50% looseness, and 75% od 3 M loosenesstocarryoutexperimentaltest.Applyingthesame 2 1 excitationlevelandusingthesametestmethod,wecanget thecorrespondingfrequency,damping,andshaperesultsof 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 TCSunderBLBwithdifferentloosenesslevels. Damping ratio (%) No looseness Loosen 3 bolts 4.TheInfluenceAnalysisofModalParameters Loosen 1 bolt Loosen 4 bolts ofTCSunderBoltLoosenessBoundary Loosen 2 bolts Figure12:ScattergramofdampingratiosofTCSunderBLBwith In this section, on the basis of both theoretical and exper- differentloosenessnumbers. imental results, that is, the simulation results calculated by FEMinSection2andtheaccuratemeasureddataobtained bythetestsystemandtestmethodinSection3,theinfluence onnaturalfrequencies,modeshapes,anddampingratiosof theclampedendoftheshell(restrictedbytheheightofDC TCSundertwotypesofboltloosenessboundariesisanalyzed gearedmotoritselfbutdonotaffectthetestresultswhenthe anddiscussedindetail. numberofaxialhalf-waves𝑚=1). The measured frequency, damping, and shape results under BLB with different looseness numbers are listed in 4.1.TestResultsofModalParametersofTCSunderBLBwith Tables 7, 8, and 9, respectively. Besides, in order to clearly DifferentLoosenessNumbers. Accordingtotheproposedtest describe the effect degree and trend of the shell under method and procedures in Section 3, point 1, point 2, and ∘ different bolt looseness boundaries, the scattergrams of point 3 are used as the response points, which are 180 natural frequencies and damping ratios of TCS related to with each other and in the same cross section of the shell different bolt looseness number are also given, as shown in the axial distance from this section to free end of TCS is Figures 11 and 12, and Figure 13 gives the relations between about 5mm, as seen in Figure 7. For the natural frequency naturalfrequencyandmodeshapeunderBLBwithdifferent and damping test, the following setups and parameters are loosenessnumbers. chosen: (I) excitation level of 1g; (II) sweep rate of 1Hz/s; (III)frequencyresolutionof0.125Hz;(IV)Hanningwindow forsweepresponsesignalwithupwardsweepdirection;(V) 4.2.TheInfluenceAnalysisofModalParametersunder frequencyrangeof0–2048Hz.Forthemodeshapetest,the BLBwithDifferentLoosenessNumbers following setups and parameters are chosen: (I) excitation level of 1g˜3g; (II) frequency resolution of 0.125Hz; (III) 4.2.1. The Influence on Natural Frequencies of TCS. From rectangularwindowforstableresponsesignal;(IV)sampling Table 7 and Figure 11, the following can be found. (I) For frequency of 12800Hz; (V) rotated scan speed of 2r/min. the most modes of TCS, the increase of bolt looseness Besides,thefirst 8modeshapesofTCSareobtainedinthe number would reduce the natural frequencies of TCS, but test, and each mode shape is assembled from two sets of if only 1 bolt is loosened, the decreased degree of natural cross-sectional scans; one is in the section which includes frequenciesofTCSisnotobvious.Withtheincreaseofbolt point1,point2,andpoint3andtheotherisabout25mmto loosenessnumber,thedecreaseddegreeoffrequencyvalues 10 ShockandVibration Table7:NaturalfrequenciesofTCSunderBLBwithdifferentloosenessnumbers. Loosen Loosen Loosen Loosen Effect Nolooseness Effectdegree Effectdegree Effectdegree Mordoedral 𝐴 1b𝐵olt (𝐵−𝐴)/𝐴 2b𝐶olts (𝐶−𝐴)/𝐴 3b𝐷olts (𝐷−𝐴)/𝐴 4b𝐸olts (𝐸d−eg𝐴re)/e𝐴 (Hz) (%) (%) (%) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (%) 1 906.3 888.7 −1.9 857.9 −5.3 857.5 −5.4 827.9 −8.6 2 980.8 980.0 0 947.1 −3.4 920.6 −6.1 886.5 −9.6 3 1025.7 1051.2 2.5 1021.0 −0.5 951.8 −7.2 927.9 −9.5 4 1072.3 1175.3 9.6 1147.0 7.0 1042.2 −2.8 1045.6 −2.5 5 1274.0 1218.6 −4.3 1235.0 −3.1 1145.1 −10.1 1143.8 −10.2 6 1312.8 1309.1 −0.3 1292.6 −1.5 1236.2 −5.8 1233.3 −6.1 7 1613.8 1612.2 −0.1 1613.0 0 1613.2 0 1612.3 −0.1 8 1996.3 1990.2 −0.3 1989.1 −0.4 1988.0 −0.4 1989.6 −0.3 Table8:DampingratiosofTCSunderBLBwithdifferentloosenessnumbers. Loosen Loosen Loosen Loosen Nolooseness Effectdegree Effectdegree Effectdegree Effectdegree Mordoedral 𝐴 1b𝐵olt (𝐵−𝐴)/𝐴 2b𝐶olts (𝐶−𝐴)/𝐴 3b𝐷olts (𝐷−𝐴)/𝐴 4b𝐸olts (𝐸−𝐴)/𝐴 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1 0.20 0.13 −35.0 0.12 −40.0 0.18 −10.0 0.19 −5.0 2 0.76 0.37 −51.3 0.35 −53.9 0.31 −59.2 0.34 −55.3 3 1.14 0.53 −53.5 0.69 −39.5 0.76 −33.3 0.41 −64.0 4 0.27 0.89 229.6 0.81 200.0 0.82 203.7 0.85 214.8 5 0.74 1.23 66.2 0.99 33.8 1.40 89.2 1.36 83.8 6 0.37 0.22 −40.5 0.24 −35.1 0.85 129.7 0.91 145.9 7 0.39 0.33 −15.4 0.11 −71.8 0.15 −61.5 0.17 −56.4 8 0.30 0.28 −6.7 0.21 −30.0 0.21 −30.0 0.15 −50.0 9 frequencies are basically not affected by BLB with different ave 8 looseness numbers. (III) For some modes, their natural ntial wber 67 farreeqrueeanchcieeds(wloiollsegnoinugp1∼w2hbenolttsh)e;folorwexeramlopolese,ntheessmnauxmimbuemrs ereum 5 increased degree of the 3rd and the 4th naturalfrequencies mfn 4 u of TCS can increase to 9.6%. Because the corresponding c 3 Cir 2 shaperesultsarenotchanged,theincreasedfrequencyvalues 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 mightbecausedbythechangesofnonlinearstiffnessinbolt Natural frequency (Hz) loosenesspositions. No looseness Loosen 3 bolts Loosen 1 bolt Loosen 4 bolts Loosen 2 bolts 4.2.2.TheInfluenceonDampingRatiosofTCS. FromTable8 and Figure 12, the following can be found. (I) For most Figure13:Therelationbetweennaturalfrequencyandmodeshape modesofTCS,boltloosenesswouldreducethedampingof underBLBwithdifferentloosenessnumbers. TCS. For example, for different bolt looseness number, the decreasedrangeofdampingresultsisabout5%∼70%,butthe decreaseddegreeofdampingisnotproportionaltothebolt is becoming more obvious than the ones under the fixed loosenessnumber.(II)ForasmallpartofmodesofTCS,the state. For example, the 1st and 2nd natural frequencies are dampingresultswillrisewiththeincreaseofboltlooseness decreased nearly to 10%. (II) The increase of bolt looseness number, especially when the looseness number goes up to number would also result in the decrease of high order of someextent,forexample,loosening3∼4bolts;theresulting natural frequencies, but the decreased degree is very small. dampingvaluesrelatedtothe4thandthe6thmodearenearly Takingthe7thand8thnaturalfrequenciesforexample,they 1∼2 times larger than the ones under no loose condition, onlydecreaseto0.4%comparedwiththeonesunderthefixed whichmaybelargelycausedbythechangesofmodeshape state.Therefore,itcanbeconcludedthathighordernatural orincreasedinterfacefrictioninboltloosenesspositions.

experimental model, understand geographic distributions of some nodes or nodal lines, Vibration Characteristic Analysis of TCS under BLB with. Different Looseness lished with ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL) in
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