NaturalHazardsandEarthSystemSciences(2005)5:29–41 Natural Hazards SRef-ID:1684-9981/nhess/2005-5-29 and Earth EuropeanGeosciencesUnion ©2005Author(s). Thisworkislicensed System Sciences underaCreativeCommonsLicense. The influence of the geological setting on the morphogenetic evolution of the Tremiti Archipelago (Apulia, Southeastern Italy) G.F.Andriani1,N.Walsh1,andR.Pagliarulo2 1DipartimentodiGeologiaeGeofisica,Universita` deglistudidiBari,Italy 2NationalResearchCouncil–IRPI,Bari,Italy Received: 6September2004–Revised: 29November2004–Accepted: 2December2004–Published: 3January2005 PartofSpecialIssue“Naturalandanthropogenichazardsinkarstareas” Abstract. TheTremitiArchipelago(SouthernAdriaticSea), 1 Introduction also called Insulae Diomedae from the name of the Greek hero who first landed there, is an area of high landscape The Tremiti Archipelago (southern Italy), about 10miles and historical value. It is severely affected by significant north of the Gargano Promontory coast (Fig. 1), is geomorphologic processes dominated by mass movements made up of four islands – San Domino (∼=2.0km2), alongthecoastthatconstitutethemostimportantandunpre- San Nicola (∼=0.50km2), Caprara (∼=0.45km2), Cretaccio dictable natural hazard for the population and cultural her- (∼=0.04km2)1. It is located at the northern margin of the itage. Coastalerosionisfavouredbythepeculiargeological Apulianplatform,alongaright-lateraltransferzoneseparat- andstructuralsetting,seismicactivity,weathering,develop- ing the Adriatic microplate in two sub-plates with different mentofkarstprocesses,andwaveaction. geodynamicbehaviour(Mongellietal.,1994). ThegeologicalsettingoftheTremitiArchipelago(Fig.2) The present paper reports on descriptive and qualitative has been documented by Tellini (1890), Bassani (1907), evaluationofthefactorscontrollinglandslidesandcoastline Squinabol (1908), Checchia Rispoli (1926, 1928), Baldacci changesbasedonmedium-terminsituobservation,detailed (1953), Pasa (1953), Selli (1971), Pampaloni (1988), An- surfacesurveysatselectedlocationssince1995,andhistoric driani and Guerricchio (1996), Cotecchia et al. (1995) and andbibliographicdata. Crestaetal.(1999). Itischaracterisedbythreepre-Neogene The Tremiti Archipelagoispartofanactive seismic area marine formations outcropping mainly in the Isles of San characterisedbyashearzoneseparatingtwosegmentsofthe Domino and Caprara and two Neogene marine formations Adriaticmicroplatethathaveshowndifferentbehaviourand in the Isles of Cretaccio and San Nicola. Middle to late roll back rates in the subduction underneath the Apennines Pleistocene continental deposits (conglomerates, loess and sincemiddlePleistocene. calcareous crust) lie on the marine formations. More re- Althoughcoastalmorphologycanbebasicallyconsidered centlyhigh-resolutioncyclostratigraphic(astrochronological to be the result of wave action, the continual action of sub- calibration),biostratigraphicandpalaecologicalstudieshave aerial processescontributes effectivelyto themechanism of been carried out on the Miocene sediments of the Tremiti shoreline degradation. Weathering mainly affects the marly Islands, specifically on the middle Serravallian-basal Torto- calcisiltitesandcalcilutitesoftheCretaccioFm. andthefri- nian section of the Cretaccio Fm. outcropping at the Isle of able and low cemented calcarenites and biomicrites of the San Nicola (Lirer et al., 2002; Foresi et al., 2002; Russo et San Nicola Fm. The cliffs are characterised by different al.,2002;Dall’Antonia,2002;2003;Sprovierietal.,2002). types of failure such as lateral spreads, secondary topples, The coastal morphology mainly characterised by high rockfallsandslides. AttheIsleofSanNicola,landslidesare cliffs (up to about 60m high) and low and flat coasts is of controlledbythecontrastincompetence,shearstrengthand particular interest. In some places, the coastline is broken stiffness between the Pliocene re-crystallised dolomitic cal- bycaps,pronouncedinlets,covesandsmallbays,archesand carenitesandcalcisiltitesandtheMiocenemarlycalcilutites stacks, and sea caves continually widened by the wave ac- and calcisiltites. At the Isles of San Domino and Caprara tion. Selectiveerosivephenomenaandlandslidingalongthe rock falls are attributed to the undercutting of waves at the baseofthecliffs. 1 TheIsletofPianosa(∼=0.1km2), about20milesnorthofthe Garganocoast,belongstotheTremitimunicipaladministrationas well. There are outcrops of very finely crystalline Eocene dolo- Correspondenceto: G.F.Andriani stones and limestones here on which Pleistocene reddish conglo- ([email protected]) meratesandcalcareousmarlslie. 30 G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago Fig.1. S chematicstructuralmapoftheTremitiArchipelagoandGarganoPromontory. Thecircleintheboxatthetoprightrepresentsthe areaofthetectonicschemeshown. Fig. 1. Schematic structural map of the Tremiti Archipelago and Gargano Promontory. The circle in Explanation:1)Mainsub-verticalfaultswithaprevailingdip-slipmovement;2)Mainsub-verticalfaultswithaprevailingstrike-slipmove- the box at the top right represents the area of the tectonic scheme shown. Explanation: 1) Main sub- ment;3)Apenninefront. vertical faults with a prevailing dip-slip movement; 2) Main sub-vertical faults with a prevailing strike-slip movement; 3) Apennine front. coastlin e are widespread in the isles but assume significant thegeological,geostructuralandmorphologicfeaturesofthe importance in the high cliff sectors where weak and porous Archipelago is provided, as a preliminary basis for future marly calcisiltites and calcilutites are overlain by stronger landslide hazard analysis aimed at safeguarding the natural calcareousanddolomiticrocks(SanNicolaIsle). beauty of the coastline and the archaeological sites. The The climate in the Tremiti Archipelago is typically study resulted in a better comprehension of the principal Mediterranean,characterizedbyanannualtemperaturetrend andpotentialcoastalerosionalprocessesandofthelandslide consisting of mild or absent winters and hot, dry summers. mechanismsinaseismicallyactivearea. Thetemperatureregimeischaracterisedbyminimumvalues (mean minimum of 8.4◦C) registered in January and maxi- mumvaluesinAugust(meanmaximum29.6◦C)withpeaks 2 Geostructuralsettingandseismicity thatoccasionallyreachupto35◦. Themeanannualtempera- tureis17.7◦C.TheTremitiislandsfallwithintheEumediter- The Tremiti Archipelago belongs to the Adria microplate raneanrainfalltypology. Rainfallisconcentrated,aboveall, (Lort,1971),astheirlocationisatthenorthernmarginofthe inwinterandautumn,withanannualmeanof476.1mmdis- Apulian platform (Gambini and Tozzi, 1996), representing tributed in 53 rainy days. The mean seasonal division of thetopofaNE–SWelongatedstructuralhighlocatedalong rainfall is: 156.7mm (32.9%) in winter, 94mm (19.8%) in anE–WtoNE–SWregionalstrike-slipfaultzone(Favaliet spring,74mm(15.5%)insummerand151.4mm(31.8%)in al.,1993). Thishypothesisissupportedbyinterpretationsof autumn. The prevailing winds come from the 2nd and 4th marineseismicreflectiondata(Finettietal.,1987). Previous quadrant; calm sea conditions are prevalent in the summer workers,usingamicro-andmeso-structuralapproach,have period whereas rough seas and storms are more frequent in interpreted the Tremiti islands as a pushed up ridge within autumn–winter. a E–W dextral strike slip fault system associated with the Starting from medium-term in situ observations, de- regional tectonic system of the Gargano Promontory (Mon- tailed surface surveys at selected locations in the period toneandFuniciello,1989).Selli(1971)considerstheTremiti 1995–2002,andhistoricandbibliographicdata(archivalter- islands a gentle (10◦–20◦) SE-dipping slightly folded mon- restrialphotographstakensincethe1960’sandscientificpa- ocline structure, characterised, above all, by NW–SE and pers reported in references), this paper describes the main E–W distensive and sub-vertical faults. Recently, using a factors influencing the geomorphologic processes affecting datasetconsistingofexplorationwellsandreflectionseismic the Tremiti islands. In particular, a detailed overview on profiles, Argnani et al. (1994) illustrate the general folded G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago 31 Fig.2.Geologicalsk etchoftheTremitiArchipelago. Explanation: 1)Cont inentaldeposits(Pleistocene-Holocene);2)Recrystallisedandfractureddolomiticcalcarenites(middle-latePliocene); 3)MarlycalcisiltitesFaign.d 2ca. lcGileuotilotegsic(aAl qsukiteatnchia no-Tf otrhtoen iTanre)m; 4it)i BAiorcchailpcealraegnoit.e sEaxnpdlanbaiotisotnro: m1a)l lCimonetsitnoennetsal( mdiedpdolsei-tlsa teEocene); 5)Fine graineddolomites(ea(rPllyeiEstoocceennee)-;H6o)loFcineeneg)r; ain2e) dRcaelccriytisctadlloilsoemd iteansda ndfrbaicotucraelcda rednoiltoemsi(tTich anceatlicaanre-nIilteersd ia(nm);id7d)leB-eldatdei ngattitude;8)Fault; Pliocene); 3) Marly calcisiltites and calcilutites (Aquitanian-Tortonian); 4) Biocalcarenites and 9)Geostructuralmeasurementstation. biostromal limestones (middle-late Eocene); 5) Fine grained dolomites (early Eocene); 6) Fine grained calcitic dolomites and biocalcarenites (Thanetian- Ilerdian); 7) Bedding attitude; 8) Fault; 9) Geostructural measurement station. appearanceoftheso-calledTDB(TremitiDeformationBelt). microplate associated with the east-ward migration of the The TDB trends N E–SW and is asymmetric with a steeper Apenninic arc, the different thickness and subduction style southernflank. ofthetwoblocksseemtohavecontrolledthevariabledegree of flexure of the lithosphere, its asthenospheric penetration Field evidence, such as E–W trending right lateral rate,thepresenceofanelasticbulgeinthesouthernAdriatic transtension faults cross-cutting Pliocene and late Miocene block and a faster hinge roll-back of the northern Adriatic formations (Funiciello et al., 1988), sets of en-e´chelon block(Mongellietal.,1994). R shears and horizontal slickensides in the San Domino Fm. (Doglioni et al., 1996), support a right-lateral move- Just like the Gargano, its neighbouring offshore area, ment along the E– W Tremiti alignment to the North of the Tremitiarealsowellknownasaseismicactivezone. Since Gargano Promontory (Doglioni et al., 1994). It is an active 1600 A.D., the Gargano region has been affected by nu- E–W trending right lateral transtensional fault interpreted merousseismicevents. Mostoftheseearthquakesoccurred as a boundary between two blocks of the Adria microplate offshore, therefore their location, especially for the oldest withdifferentthicknessandtectonicregimes(Calcagnileand events,isquitequestionableandisbasedonamacroseismic Panza, 1981; Mosetti and Mosetti, 1984, Favali et al. 1990; approach(TintiandPiatanesi,1996). Adetailedanalysisof 1993; Console et al., 1993; Mongelli et al., 1994). Indeed, theItalianseismiccatalogues(Postpischl,1985;ING,1991) since the middle Pleistocene period, the southern Adriatic shows the occurrence of seismic activity off the Gargano block (Apulia foreland and Bradanic foredeep), made up of Promontory. Themostancientrecordedtsunamidatesback a continental lithosphere about 110km thick, began to up- to 1627, triggered by an earthquake with epicentre located ∼ lift (=0.5mm/yr) while the northern Adriatic block (cen- in the southern part of the Gargano Promontory. In the is- tral Adriatic sea), with a thinner continental lithosphere of lands, theseismicintensityestimatedwasdegreeVIIofthe about 70km, was characterised by a high subsidence rate MCSscale. Afterwards,theTremitiIslandswerehitbyseis- (greater than 1mm/yr) (Ciaranfi et al., 1983; Suhadolc and miceventsofdegreeVIIoftheMCSscalein1889and1902. Panza, 1989). In the west dipping subduction of the Adria Anotherfourseismicsequenceswererecordedbetween1906 32 G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago and 1909. The most intense of these occurred in 1908 with “Cala dei Turchi” and, with a 25m thick outcrop, between maximum intensity of degree VI of the MCS scale (Cotec- “Cala del Caffe`” and the lighthouse. Further outcrops are chiaetal.,1995). near the lighthouse of the Isle of San Domino (upper mem- Recently, off the Gargano Promontory three impor- ber), with a maximum thickness of 20m. The formation tant seismic sequences occurred between 1986 and 1990. showsthefeaturesofabacinalenvironmentandisattributed In 1986, the first seismic sequence (body wave magni- toearlyEoceneonthebasisofthestratigraphicrelationwith tude, m =4.2) was recorded 50km north of the Tremiti theadjacentformations(Selli,1971). b Archipelago and, later, in 1988, a second one NNE of A continuity of sedimentation characterised the contact the Gargano Promontory (m =5.3). In 1989 another earth- between the Caprara Fm. and the San Domino Fm., which b quake occurred (m =4.7) with the epicentre at the Tremiti outcropswidelyatSanDomino,CapraraandCretaccioIsles. b Archipelago (Favali et al., 1993). These sequences were At Caprara, along the cliff between “Cala del Caffe`” and recordedandrelocatedusingdatacollectedbythenewItal- the lighthouse, it is possible to observe this contact. Here ianTelemeteredSeismicNetwork(ITSN)andbyotherItal- the lower member of the San Domino Fm. consists of ian, Albanian and Yugoslavian seismic stations (Console et yellow-greenish xenotopic medium crystalline doloarenites al.,1993). onwhichwhitishdiffuselyrecrystalliseddolomiticcalcaren- ites lie. At San Domino, to the S of the small tourist port (between“GrottadelSale”and“CaladelleArene”)andbe- 3 Geologicalsetting tween“Architiello”and“PuntaDiamante”, theuppermem- ber of the formation is visible. It is composed of whitish The Tremiti Archipelago consists of a discontinuous se- Nummulitesbiocalcarenitesandbiocalcilutites,dolomitized quence of marine sediments, ranging from late Paleocene- atthebasallevels,onwhichbiostromalbanksofwhitishbio- early Eocene to middle-late Pliocene, overlain by late calcilutites (biostromal limestones), brecciated at the upper PleistoceneandHolocenediscontinuouscontinentaldeposits levels, rest. The total thickness of the formation is about (Selli,1971). AttheIsleofSanDomino,inproximitytothe 200m. The sedimentation of the lower member occurred “BueMarino”cave,theoldergeologicunit,theBueMarino in a high energy hydrodynamic environment while the up- Fm., outcrops along a steep scarp slope, which is very un- permemberoccurredinareefenvironment. Thebiostromal stable due to the continual recession of the cliff. The lower limestonesaredatedtothelateEocene(Selli,1971). member is made up of idiotopic medium cristalline calcitic TheSanDominoFm.isoverlainalongatransgressivesur- dolomitesinlayersof50–200mm,whitishandgrey-greenish face by the Cretaccio Fm., which is the most widespread in colour. The upper member contains packstone dolomitic unit in the Isles. The stratigraphic contact between the biocalcarenites,locallyrecrystallized,onwhichwhitishfine two formations can be observed on the eastern cliffs of dolomiticcalcilutiteslie. Therockfabricanditsfossilcon- SanDomino(“CalaMatano”,“CalaElefante”,“Puntadello tent are typical of shallow warm sea, in a calm and pro- Spido”, “Punta della Toppa”), at SSE of Caprara and in the tected environment (back reef lagoon) . The thickness of western and northern zones of Cretaccio (Fig. 3). This in- theformationisabout60m. ThegeologicalageoftheBue terfaceisveryirregularbecauseoftheintensekarstification MarinoFm.isThanetian-Ilerdian(Selli, 1971). Atthebase of the upper part of the Eocene unit occurring before the ofthesamecliffat“RipadeiFalconi”notfarfromthe“Bue Miocenetransgression.Sinkholesandkarstpitswithinfilling Marino” cave, Cresta et al. (1999) found two conglomer- of loose Miocene lithofacies consisting of dolomitic sands ate levels, some decimetres thick, which contain micritized withcoarseglauconitecrystalsareobservableatSanDomino clasts with planktonic foraminifera of Turonian age. Other (“Caladell’Elefante”,“CaladelleArene”). Thelowermem- Authors(MosettiandMosetti,1984)describeastratigraphic ber (up to 5m thick) of the Miocene succession is rep- successionoutcroppingintheSWpartoftheIsleofCaprara resented by well stratified (50–200mm) yellow-greenwish consistingofwhiteandwellstratifiedlimestoneswithRadio- and yellow-reddish glauconitic laminate doloarenites, char- laria,overlainbyRudistlimestonesalternatingwithcalcare- acterised in texture by a hypidiotopic mosaic of dolomite ousbreccias,marlylimestonesandwhitefriablelimestones. crystals (from very finely to finely cristalline), coarse glau- In the vicinity of “Cala Sorrentino” (Caprara Isle), Tellini conitecrystals(about20%ofthetotal),finequartz,mica,and (1890) described a succession of subsaccharoid dolomites carbonate clasts, phosphatic coprolites, ichtyodontolithes containingflintnodulesjustabovethesealevel,whichwere and few littoral benthic foraminifers (Bassani, 1907; Selli, datedtotheNeocomianbyanalogyoflithologicfacieswith 1971;AndrianiandGuerricchio,1996). Radiometricanaly- thatofCretaceousstrataoutcroppingattheGarganoPromon- siswiththe87Rb/86Srmethodontheglauconitecrystalsin- tory. dicateAquitanianage(Crestaetal.,1999). Onthedoloaren- ThetransgessiveCapraraFm.restsontheBueMarinoFm. ites, yellowish glauconitic biocalcilutites are followed first It consists of grey-greenish and yellowish very finely crys- by marly biocalcilutites, then by yellow-whitish fossilif- talline dolomites, idiotopic in texture, well stratified (about erous marls, yellow-whitish and occasionally greyish cal- 200mm) and strongly deformed by slumping. At the Isle cisiltitesandyellowishmarlycalcisiltitescontainingfineyel- of Caprara, the lower member of the formation with flint lowlimoniteclasts. Stratification(between200and400mm nodulesandlensescropsoutbetween“CalaSorrentino”and in thickness) is indicated by clear bedding planes dipping, G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago 33 Quaternary Deposits WNW SSE San Domino Fm. Cretaccio Fm. Fig. 3.TheIsletofCretaccio.Stratigraphiccontact(indicatedbytheredlines)betweentheoutcroppingformations. Fig. 3. The Islet of Cretaccio. Stratigraphic contact (indicated by the red lines) between the principally, SEranging from 40◦ to 20◦ from the bottom to Pliocene. The sedimentation environment is typical of lit- outcropping formations. the top. The age of the marly level can be referred to Bur- toralareas,characterisedbyfrequentvariationsofsealevel. digalian(Crestaetal.,1999). InthenorthernpartoftheIsle Quaternary deposits of continental origin, consisting of ofCretaccio,thelowermemberoftheformationshowssoft- breccias and conglomerates, marly limestone and loess are sediment deformation structures, probably due to liquefac- to be found on all the isles in the Archipelago. In partic- tion phenomenatriggeredbyaseismicshack(seismites). At ular the complete succession of continental deposits of the San Nicola Isle, the highest part of the formation is dated upper Pleistocene and of the Holocene can be seen on the early Tortonian (Selli, 1971). The total tickness of the for- IsleofSanDomino, between“GrottadelSale”and“Grotta mati on is about 150m. The fossil content and the textural delleViole”andbetween“CalaTramontana”and“Caladegli anal yses show that for the lower part outcropping at Cre- Inglesi”. Atthebasetherearewellcementedconglomerates tacci o, Caprara and San Domino Isles, the sedimentation is withreddishsandy-siltymatrixand10to100mmclastsfrom typical of high energy littoral and shallow water environ- the Eocene formation. The conglomerates are followed by ment, while the medium and upper part outcropping along analmost2mthickmarlylimestoneandredmarlshorizon, thecoastalcliffs,areofneriticandopenmarineenvironment. which is overlain by 10m thick deposit of eolian quarzose The textural and sedimentological characters of this forma- calcareniteswithlevelsofredclays(redloess)andwhitish- tionshowagreatsimilaritytosomesedimentarysuccessions yellowclays. Cross-beddedyellow-orangeeolianquartzose of the Salento area (southeastern Apulia) belonging to the sands (yellow loess), with thickness of 6m, follow upward. PietraLecceseFormation(Miocene). The succession ends with brownish-red and blackish loess containingsubangularquartzclasts. Theeoliandepositsare TheCretaccioFm.isoverlainbytheSanNicolaFm.along interbeddedbycarbonatecrusts. Conglomerateswithsandy- a transgressive surface. There is an angular discordance of about 10◦ between them, as the second one dips between siltymatrixoutcropat20ma.s.l.evenonthescarpslopenear 5and10◦SE indicated in the mid-lower part of the forma- the tourist port of San Nicola and overlie the marly calcilu- titesalonganirregularsurface. tion by the alternation of packed and friable levels as well asbylaminationbands. TheSanNicolaFm. outcropsonly at San Nicola Isle and is about 35m thick. At the contact with the underlying formation, it consists of hard recrys- 4 Morphologyandmesostructuralfeatures tallisedandfractureddolomiticcalcarenites.Thisisfollowed upwardsbywhite-greyishwackestonedolomiticcalcisiltites Morphologic features of the Tremiti Archipelago are con- and friable biomicrites on which whitish-yellow packstone trolledbothbyerosionalprocessesandstructuralsetting,the dolomitic biocalcarenites, covered by re-precipitated calcite latter strongly related to the geodynamic history of the area lie.Thesuccession,overallbrecciatedandobscurelybedded, attheregionalscale. Onthewhole,theTremitiArchipelago endswithawhitish-yellowcalcareoustravertinoidcrustofir- is characterised by a slightly rough morphology with hilly regularthickness,reaching0.5matthemost. Thecrust,ac- reliefs presenting steep slopes and subtabular top gently SE cordingtoSelli(1971),comesfromthedecalcificationofthe dipping(10◦–20◦),followingthemonoclinalstructureofthe overlyingloessdeposits, nowremovedbyerosion. Accord- Cenozoicformations. Exceptionsareduetothepresenceof ing to Cotecchia et al. (1995) on the other hand, the crusts slightanticlinalstructuresoftendislocatedbyfaultswithlit- are classified as caliche, resulting from capillary action of tleverticaldisplacement,themostimportantofwhichcanbe carbonatesolutionrisingtothesurfaceinenvironmentschar- seeninthesouthwesternareaoftheIsleofSanDominojust acterisedbyhottemperaturesandlowrainfall. Basedonthe Nof“PoggiodelRomito”,thehighesthillock(116m)inthe fossil content, the epoch can be referred to the middle-late TremitiIslands. 34 G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago Fig.4.“Architiello”,aseaarchintheFNigp. a4r.t “oAfrtchheit“ieClalop”r,a ara s”eais alerc.h in the N part of the “Caprara” isle. Thecoastalmorphologyresultsfromthecombinedaction by the hydraulic action of waves and pneumatic action of ofQuaternarytectonics,andtheerosionbyseawaves,andits trappedair,ratherthanbyhyper-karstprocesses(DelleRose evolutioniscloselycorrelatedwithlithologyofoutcropping and Parise, 2003), although the contribution of the mixing rocks, weatheringandkarstprocesses, andthedevelopment between infiltration rainwater and sea water that may have of mass movements. Coastal morphology consists of high increasedsolubilityoftherockmassandcrackaperturecan- rocky cliffs (up to 60m, at San Nicola Isle) and low-relief notbeexcluded. Today,theTremitiArchipelagolackswater flat coasts with gently dipping convex slopes. The rocky resources (springs, groundwater and streams) and there is cliffsshowsteepplungingcliffswithavertical,andinplaces no evidence of a karst drainage system in the caves vis- overhangingfacewhereEoceneandPliocenestratacropout, ited. Arches and stacks are also associated with the main while slopes dipping between 50◦ and 75◦ characterise the faults. Theyrepresenterosionalfeaturesformedbywaveac- cliffs cut in the Miocene strata at San Nicola Isle. The flat tiononeitheroneorbothsidesofseacaves.Between“Punta coast sectors are slightly indented and contain large coves Diamante” and “Cala degli Schiavoni” at San Domino Isle, (“CaladegliInglesi”and“CalaTramontana”atSanDomino “I Pagliai”, a series of large aligned stacks formed along a Isle). Only one sandy beach, about 2000m2, is located at right-lateral NW-SE strike-slip fault, are cut in steep cliffs SanDominoIsle(“CaladelleArene”)directlyoppositeSan of fine grained and resistant Eocene dolomitic limestones. Nicola Isle, whereas an eroding pocket beach, formed of Stacksarenotalwaysproducedbythecollapseofseaarches. loosecobblesisobservedat“CalaSorrentino”(CapraraIsle). “La Vecchia”, at Cretaccio Islet, is a stack (Fig. 5), now al- mostcompletelyeroded,whichdidnotdevelopfromanarch WherePaleogenestratacropout,thecoastlineismorear- because of the friable stratigraphic units outcropping here, ticulatedincapsandpromontories(“Scogliodell’Elefante”, but was produced by wave action and subaerial processes “Punta del Diavolo”, “Punta del Coccodrillo”, “Punta Dia- alongazoneofacceleratederosion(astructuralweakness). mante” at San Domino Isle; “Punta del Cimitero” at San Notches are not very deep and narrow and cut the cliff foot Nicola Isle; “Punta Romito” at Caprara Isle), inlets, small between mean low tide and high tide, respectively, at the bays (“Cala dello Spido”, “Cala Matano” at San Domino southwestern and western side of San Domino and Caprara Isle; “Cala dei Turchi” at Caprara Isle), sea caves (“Grotta Isles,wherethecoastlineishigherandsteeperbecauseofthe del Bue Marino”, “Grotta delle Rondinelle”, “Grotta delle 10◦–20◦SEmonoclinalsettingoftheTremitiArchipelago. Viole”, “Grotta del Sale”), arches (“Architiello” at San DominoIsle,“Architiello”atCapraraIsle)(Fig.4)andstacks The coastline is not very articulated and lacks large sea (“i Pagliai” at San Domino Isle, “la Vecchia” at Cretaccio caves,inletsandothererosionalfeatures,whereMioceneand Islet,“gliScoglietti”atCapraraIsle). Inlets,smallbaysand Plioceneformationsoutcrop, becauseoftherapidrecession sea caves are located along structural weaknesses, typically of cliffs, in spite of the presence of discontinuity systems alongfaults.Seacaves,atsealevelandwithlimiteddevelop- favourableforerosionallandformdevelopmenteveninsec- mentarenothydrogeologicallyactive. Theylackcalcitede- torsdirectlyexposedtoincomingwaves.Thesmall“delFer- positsorspeleothemsandseemtohavebeenformedmainly raio” cave at San Nicola Isle, two very small caves in the G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago 35 Fig. 5. In foreground Cretaccio Islet. At the bottom right, note the “la Vecchia” stack almost Fig.5. InforegroundCretcaocmcipoleItesllye te.roAdtedth. eAbt othteto tmop rliegfth, t“,in Poatgelitahi”e. “TlhaeVsee carceh siata”ckssta fcokrmaeldm boys tthceo mcoplllaeptseel yofe trhoed veadu.ltA tthetopleft,“iPagliai”. Thesearestacksformedboyf tahrcehceos l(lSaapns eDoomftinhoe Ivsaleu).l tofarches(SanDominoIsle). Fig.6.FKiagrs. t6p.i tKanadrswt epaitth earnindg swhaepaetshienrithnegu sphpearpmese minb etrhoef tuhpepSearn mNiecomlabFeorr mofa ttiohne. San Nicola Formation. NpartofCretaccioandaninletthatdividestheIsletofCre- surficial and subsurficial forms. Micro-karst features, tacciointotwobranchesareanexception. Largerockscars alveolar shapes and small karst pits (Fig. 6), joints en- and accumulations of debris at cliff feet bear witness to the larged by solution, at places with infilling of residual mate- importanceofmassmovementalongthecoastline,aboveall rials, characterisethesurficiallandscapeatSanNicola, San atSanNicolaIsle. DominoandCapraraIsles. Inproximitythecemeteryofthe IsleofSanNicola,abasin-shapeddolinewithadiameterof Karst action, which developed in various phases during about30mislocated.TheSanDominoFm.showssinkholes the regression periods (Oligocene- Aquitanian, Messinian- andkarstpitswithalooseglauconiticsandinfillbelongingto earlyPliocene,laterPliocene-Quaternary),producedmainly 36 G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago thelowermemberoftheCretaccioFm. Thesekarstfeatures and secondary topples (Goodman and Bray, 1977; Evans, developedatthecontactsurfacebetweenthetwoformations 1981) with subordinate lateral spreads (Varnes, 1978) and inplacesatSanDominoIsle. multiple retrogressive slides (Hutchinson, 1969). Slope in- The analysis of brittle mesostructures was carried out in stability mechanisms are controlled by tension cracks and all the isles of the Tremiti Archipelago. Sites of measure- fractures due to the suitable geological conditions charac- mentswerenothomogeneouslydistributedinthestudyarea terisedbyPliocenerecrystalliseddolomiticcalcarenitesand but were concentrate, for the most part, along the coastline calcisiltiteswhichlieonthemoredeformableMiocenemarly (Fig.7)duetothepresenceoffreshrockoutcropsandeasier calcilutitesandcalcisiltites(Fig.8). Thecontrastincompe- accessibility of the places from the sea. A total of 21 mea- tence, shear strength and stiffness between the two litholo- sure sites were taken, with 340 mesostructure orientations giesisthusresponsibleforthepresenceofanetworkofnatu- measured. Most sites were located on Eocene lithotypes, raljointswhichdeterminethecomplexgeometryofunstable sincetheyarericherinfaultsandfractures. Themesostruc- blocks. tures determined were divided into: a) layers and lamina- Rock falls and secondary topples characterise the coastal tions; b) stratigraphic contact; c) fractures; d) strike-slip sectors adjoining the ancient town and the Benedictine faults;e)dip-slipfaults. Amicrostructuralstudyonthefault church and monastery. Here, in spite of the presence at surfaces was not performed and this may have helped us to the base of the cliff of protection structures (artificial pris- atleastpartlyunderstandthekinematicsofthedifferentfault matic blocks) and rock-fall blocks buffering the shoreline systems. There are numerous E–W transcurrent faults and from wave attack, coastal cliffs continue to fail because of subordinateNWorientedones,eventhoughinplacesitisdif- the intense and selective subaerial processes which degrade ficult to recognize the tectonic movement, on a mesoscopic the slopes (Fig. 9). In particular, rain and wind erosion re- scale at least. NE and NS directions characterise tension moves particles and causes drying and deterioration espe- cracksduetogravitationaldisplacementandfracturesdueto ciallyofmarlycalcisiltitesandcalcilutites, andbiomicrites. the contrast in competence between Miocene and Pliocene Wettinganddryingbymarinespray,splashandtideandma- formations(SanNicolaIsle)evenifsomeseemtobelinked rine aerosol (Blanchard and Woodcock, 1980) are responsi- withepisodesoffracturing,superimposedonolderfaultsin ble for the chemical and salt weathering that contribute to transpressionalregime. NEandNSfracturesmostlydevelop thegeneraldegradationofthecoasts. Thesamecanbesaid paralleltothelocalorientationofthecoastline. for the karst action, more evident at the cliff tops or on the shoreplatform, andthethermalstress, particularlyeffective onpoorlycementedcalcarenites(AndrianiandWalsh,2000). 5 ErosionalProcessesandmechanismoflandslides Rough corroded surfaces, flaking, pulverization and disag- gregation for cement cracking and dissolution weaken and All the isles of the Tremiti Archipelago are affected by make friable, above all, the levels composed of finer parti- erosional processes and landslide mechanisms concentrated cles. Aparticularlyweatheredlevelofrecrystallisedbiomi- aboveallalongthecoastline.Althoughitisistinctivetothink crites belonging to the San Nicola Fm. causes the instabil- of coastline morphology as being almost always a product ity of overhanging dolomitic fine grained limestone blocks ofmarineerosion,attheTremitiArchipelagosubaerialpro- overlying it and constitutes a serious natural hazard for the cesseshavebeenequallyimportantinaffectingthelandforms culturalheritageoftheisle(Fig.10). Isolatedcasesofrock exposedalongtheshorelineandthecoastlinerecession. sliding along a bedding plane characterise the eastern side The most important mechanism of coastline degradation of San Nicola. Lateral spreads at the southwestern end of isrepresentedbymassmovementsshowingdifferenttypolo- the Isle of San Nicola involve lateral displacement of large, gies. The dominant, although not exclusive, mode of fail- superficial blocks of Pliocene rocks as a result of reduc- ureatSanDominoandCapraraIslesisrepresentedbyrock tion in strength and stiffness of Miocene calcareous marls falls. They consist of small to medium-size falls due to due to rainfall infiltration rates. For the upper formation, undercutting at the base of the cliffs, locally, in correspon- infiltration occurs mainly through the complex anisotropic dencetothenotchlevel.Cliffcollapsesanddetachmentsand system of joints and karst voids for which rock masses are movementsofsmalloverhangingblocksofrockfollowedby characterisedby drainageanisotropy and, for themostpart, freefallofthedebrisfromtheclifffacecanalsobeobserved. secondary permeability. Multiple retrogressive slides at the These phenomena occur in well fractured Paleogene rocks northernzoneoftheisle,nearthecemetery,arecontrolledby andconsistofratherinstantaneouseventsinresponsetolarge a series of open E–W fractures identified as extension frac- seastorms,heavyrainfalland/orseismicshaking. Collapses tures. These fractures are probably tectonic in origin, and ofthevaultofseaarchesrepresentthelastphaseoftheland- havebeenlaterreactivatedbygravitationalinstability. Dur- form erosive evolution model “cave-arch-stack”, produced ing our detailed surface surveys in the period 1995–2002, by continuous wave action along structural weaknesses (at periodicmeasurementsoftheapertureoftensioncrackspar- San Domino along a right-lateral NW–SE strike-slip fault) allel to the coastline were performed; these measurements andtriggeredbyearthquakesorstormsaswell. highlighted a distinct and variable time delay with rainfalls At San Nicola Isle the mechanisms of rock slope fail- or seismic shakings for lateral spreads, secondary topples ure are varied and complex. Landslides occur as rock falls and retrogressive landslides. Rockfalls, on the other hand, G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago 37 Fig.7. Stereographicprojectionsofthemainmesostructuralelementsofthestudyarea(Schmidtequalareaprojection,lowerhemisphere). Polesandplanesrepresentationatsinglemeasurementstation(seeatFig.3)anddensitystereoplotsofthefractureandfault:(a)SanNicola Fig. 7. Stereographic projections of the main mesostructural elements of the study area (Schmidt Isle;(b)SanDomino,CretaccioandCapraraIsles. equal area projection, lower hemisphere). Poles and planes representation at single measurement station (see at Fig. 3) and density stereoplots of the fracture and fault: a) San Nicola Isle; b) San Domino, Cretaccio and Caprara Isles. 38 G.F.Andrianietal.: ThemorphogeneticevolutionoftheTremitiArchipelago FiFg.ig8.. S8ec. oSndeacryotnodppalrinyg mtoepchpalniinsmg imndeuccehdabnyiwsmeat hienridnugcoefdun dbeyrl ywingeamtahrleyrcinalgci soiltfi teusn(Edesirdleyoifntghe mIslaerolfyS acnaNlcicioslial)t.ites (E side of the Isle of San Nicola). Fig.9.WsideofSanNicola.Notethefallenblocksatthebottomleft,instableandoverhangingblocksnotyetfallenalongthewholeslope. AlsonotethedifferenceindippingbetweentheCretaccioFm.atthebottomandtheSanNicolaFm.atthetop. Fig. 9. W side of San Nicola. Note the fallen blocks at the bottom left, instable and overhanging blocks not yet fallen along the whole slope. Also note the difference in dipping between the Cretaccio Fm. at the bottom and the San Nicola Fm. at the top.