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Preview The influence of mineral oil on the development of an essential fatty acid deficiency in the rat

THE INFLUENCE OF MINERAL OIL ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID DEFICIENCY IN THE RAT A T hesis P resented to The F aculty of the Departm ent of B iochem istry and N u tritio n The U n iv ersity of Southern C alifo rn ia In P a rtia l F u lfillm en t of th e Requirem ents fo r the Degree M aster of Science by Eldon Kyle Bacon August 1950 UMI Number: EP41313 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP41313 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 8 /0 '0 '/ il ISl'x This thesis, written by ^P0N..m^...BAQPN under the guidance of his.... Faculty Committee, and approved by all its members, has been presented to and accepted by the Council on Graduate Study and Research in partial fulfill­ ment of the requirements for the degree of MASTEB OF SCIENCE Date AUEUSt,J:950 Faculty Committee Chairman (L. LawuJK-Q. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The generous guidance and a ssista n c e of Dr, S. Lassen w ith th ese experim ents is g ra te fu lly acknowledged. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ........................................ 1 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ................................................................ 3 A ction of M ineral O il on th e U tiliz a tio n of V itam in A, C arotene, and V itam in D ............................. 3 R elatio n sh ip of M ineral O il in th e D iet to o th er F at Soluble Growth F acto rs ......................... 4 P roduction of an E sse n tia l F a tty Acid D eficiency in R ats ..................................................... 5 R elatio n sh ip of o th er E sse n tia l Growth F acto rs to the Development of an E sse n tia l F a tty Acid Def ic iency . . ................................................................ . ...................................... 6 EXPERIMENTAL .............................................................................................. 8 MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................................... 8 Animals ............... 8 D iets and Supplem ents .............................................................. 8 E xperim ental C onditions ............................. 12 P relim inary Experim ent A ................................. 12 Experim ent B ............ 14 A nalysis of Feces ............... 15 Experim ent C ................................. 18 Experim ent D ..................................................................................... 19 V PAGE RESULTS ............................. . ............................. 22 P relim inary Experim ent A ...................................................... 22 Experim ent 5 24 Experim ent G ............................................................................... 31 Experim ent D .................................................................... 38 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................... 40 SUMMARY ............... 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... . 49 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE I . Com position of D iets Fed in P relim inary Experim ent A .................... 10 I I . Com position of D iets Fed in Experim ents B, C, and D .....................* ............... 11 I I I . Supplem ents A dm inistered in Experim ent B ...................... 20 IV. Food Consumption in Experim ent B ............................ 27 V. R esults of A nalysis of Feces Samples in Experim ent B ............................................. 28 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. M etabolism cage se t up so as to c o lle c t u rin e and feces sep arately . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • 13 2. Growth curves from prelim inary experim ent A 23 3. Growth curves from experim ent B .............................. 25 4. W ater consum ption in experim ent B . . . . . . . . . . 30 5. Growth curves from experim ent G ............. 32 6. W ater Consumption in experim ent C ................. 33 7. D eficiency symptoms in experim ent C . . . . . . . . 35 8. D eficiency symptoms in experim ent C . . . . . . . . 36 9. D eficiency symptoms in experim ent C ................... 37 10. Growth curves from experim ent D ..................... 39 INTRODUCTION M ineral o il, or U .S.P. L iquid P etrolatum has been used w idely in m edicine both as an aid to elim in atio n and as a fa t su b stitu te in reducing d ie ts . For th is reason i t is of considerable im portance to study the e ffe c ts of th is o il on th e anim al organism . I ts hydrocarbon s o lu b ility c h a ra c te ristic s and i ts low d ig e s tib ility suggest p o ssib le adverse a ffe c ts on th e u tiliz a tio n of the v ario u s fa t solu b le e sse n tia l growth fa c to rs. In a p rev io u sly conducted experim ent the author noted th e a c c e le ra tin g a c tio n of ed ib le polym erized o ils and m ineral o il on th e developm ent of a vitam in K d e fic ­ iency in ra ts (48, 4 9 ). Presum ably, although i t has not been co n clu siv ely proven, th e unabsorbed p o rtio n s of the polym erized o il as w ell as th e unabsorbable m ineral o il ex ert a solvent actio n on the vitam in K produced by b a c te ria l sy n th esis in th e gut of th e ra t and thus speed up th e developm ent of a vitam in K d eficien cy . The unusually long tim e required to produce an e sse n tia l fa tty acid d eficien cy in ra ts makes th e study o f the actio n of m ineral o il on th is e sse n tia l growth fa c to r of p a rtic u la r in te re st* Such inform ation would not only be of value because of p o ssib le a p p licatio n to human n u tritio n , but also because of its p o te n tia l use in an e sse n tia l fa tty acid assay procedure w ith ra ts . 2 C onsequently, a se rie s of experim ents was conducted to study th e influ ence of m ineral o il on th e developm ent of an e sse n tia l fa tty acid d eficien cy in th e rat*

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