The influence of micrometeorological factors on the calling activity of the frog Crinia signifera (Anura: Myobatrachidae) Francis Lemckert 1 School of Biological Sciences A08, The University of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, Australia 2 Present Address: Biodiversity Systems, Research and Development Division, State Forests of New South Wales. P.O. Box 100 Beecroft, N.S.W.. 2119 Australia Email: [email protected] I recorded the calling activity of the males of a population of the common eastern froglet Crinia signifera during 1988 to determine the seasonal and temporal patterns of calling activity and the influence of micrometeorological variables on calling. The patterns of calling were recorded using an automated cassette recorder switched on for 10 seconds approximately every 15 minutes. To assess the effects of micrometeorology on calling I compared the mean hourly calling activity with air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, rainfall and wind intensity with time of day as a co-variable. This comparison was undertaken for data from three separate two-month periods of the year, as well as with the data from the three periods combined, to determine if there were seasonal differences in the effects of micrometeorology. For the analysis I used a forward stepwise Generalised Linear Model. Chorusing was recorded in every month of the year. Time of day was highly significant as a predictor of hourly calling activity in all of the tested periods, T with calling being strongly associated with the hours of darkness. Rainfall over C the preceding three days statistically explained a significant proportion of A variation in hourly calling when the data from the three periods was combined, but only weakly so. Daily rainfall was the only (weakly) significant R predictor within a period and only in January-February. T he micrometeorological T factor influencing calling activity in this study differs from those reported for S other species. This may be because this population of C. signifera lives in a B relatively benign, temperate environment where all seasons have at least A moderate levels of rainfall. Key Words: Micrometeorology, calling activity, common eastern froglet Introduction 1961; Rabb and Rabb, 1963), barometric pressure (Blankenhorn, 1972) or wind intensity Studies on the environmental correlates of (Robertson, 1986). Reliance on environmental breeding in amphibians have indicated that cues to initiate breeding can result in significant reproductive activity can covary with a number of variation in the reproductive period from year to meteorological factors. Most commonly, changes year, with the times of onset of suitable conditions in reproduction have been found to be linked to varying among years (Dankers, 1977; Mac Nally, increases in temperature (e.g., Einem and Ober, 1983; Ritke et al., 1992). 1956; Licht, 1969), rainfall (e.g., Balinsky, 1969; Telford and Dyson, 1990; Krupa, 1994) or a The common eastern froglet, Crinia signifera, is a combination of both (Storm, 1960; Humphries, small myobatrachid frog from south-eastern 1979; Okuno, 1985). However, reproductive Australia that is known to breed at both ephemerally activity may also be affected by other factors and permanently flooded sites (Cogger, 1992; such as variation in light intensity (Savage, Barker et al., 1995). Studies of this species have Australian July 2001 Zoologist volume 31 (4) 625 Lemckert provided contradictory results regarding the Dankers (1977) also noted that at Gosford, C. duration of its breeding activity. Earlier workers signifera reproduced at any time of the year in considered this species a year-round breeder temporary aquatic environments, but in permanent (Fletcher, 1889; Harrison, 1922; Parker, 1940). aquatic situations this species exhibited a seasonal However, more recent studies have suggested that breeding period covering winter and spring. C. signifera has an extended but specific breeding Straughan and Main (1966) indicated that season from mid-winter to early summer, with no temperature may control the calling activity of reproduction occurring from mid-summer to late- montane populations where calling was restricted autumn. This was the case in studies by Dankers to air temperatures of less than 18°C. This (1977) at Gosford, New South Wales (N.S.W), conclusion would support a winter/spring-based Humphries (1979) near Gundaroo, N.S.W., and by breeding season, with summer temperatures too Mac Nally (1982) at Kilmore, Victoria. However, high for calling. Figure 1. Location of the Darkes Forest Study Site and those of Dankers (1977), Humphries (1979) and Mac Nally (1982) Australian 626 Zoologist volume 31 (4) July 2001 Influence of micrometeorological factors I studied a population of C. signifera at a low- housed two metres from the edge of the study elevation site in coastal N.S.W. to document the pond with the microphone directed towards the seasonal timing of calling and to examine the pond at a height of approximately 80 cm. Every influence of meteorological factors on calling 15 minutes an electronic timer switched on the activity. I particularly wanted to determine if this cassette recorder for 10 seconds in order to population of frogs did call all year round and, if record the calling activity at regular intervals so, consider why this population acts differently throughout the day. from those looked at by other workers. For analysis, the calling intensity over each 10 second period was scored on a scale of 0 to 3 Materials and Methods with 0 = no calling, 1 = scattered calling by one Study Site. The study was performed at a 30 m to four males, 2 = scattered calling by five or long X 18 m wide permanent pond located at more males, and 3 = continuous calling by five or Darkes Forest, approximately 50 km south-west more males. When I was uncertain as to which of Sydney, N.S.W. (Figure 1). The body of the value to assign, the lower value was used. The pond had a mean depth of approximately 50 cm scores from each hourly period were averaged to and a maximum depth of 1.5 m. The bottom of give hourly mean calling for use in the analyses. the pond was 70-80% mud and silt and the rest Analyses. To assess the effects of micro- covered by reeds (Typha sp.) and unidentified meteorology on calling I compared the mean plants. The bank of the pond was four to six calling activity recorded hourly with the air metres in width with a covering of either bare soil temperature, humidity and barometric pressure and rock, or grass and low shrubs (50/50). Cover recorded on the Thermohydrgraph at the start of in the next 20 m beyond the bank consisted that hour. The mean hourly calling rate was also variously of grass (50%), unsealed road (25%) compared to the rainfall recorded for that day and regenerating native vegetation (25%). and with the combined rainfall recorded for that Beyond this point, fruit orchards were present in day and the previous two days (three-day rainfall). a belt to the north and north-east with native I recognised that there would be strong heath and woodland being present elsewhere. autocorrelations between the data from Meteorological Variables. Air temperature (+ consecutive hours that might confound the 0 0.1 Celsius), humidity (+ 1%) and barometric analyses. To avoid this problem as far as possible, pressure (+ 1 Kilopascal) were recorded at the I used a random numbers table to select between study site using a Lambrecht Thermohydrograph. one and eight of the one-hour periods from each This instrument was housed in a louvered day and used this subset of data in the analysis. “weather box” that was placed on the bank of the The data used in this analysis was obtained from study pond, three metres from the waters edge. three separate two-month periods of the year I assumed that, being so close to the breeding that represented different climatic conditions area of the frogs, the thermohydrograph would and seasons. These were January-February that reasonably reflect the micro-meteorology are warm and wet summer months, April-May conditions encountered by the breeding frogs. that are cooler autumn months and August- Rainfall records were obtained from the N.S.W. September covering cold late winter and early Bureau of Meteorology and had been recorded spring. The data from these three periods were on a property one kilometre west of the study analysed separately to determine if the effects of site. Wind intensity was estimated from the tape micrometeorology varied between seasons as well recordings of calling activity (see below) through as being combined to see if there is a broader the sound of the wind passing over the microphone overall pattern. and its protective housing. To provide a gradation in wind intensity, each ten second period was A visual assessment of the data indicated that given a value ranging from 0 (no wind) to 3 rainfall and wind level were both non-normal in (continuous strong winds) which was averaged distribution and could not be normalised. Hence, over each hour. I carried out a forward step-wise analysis of covariance using a Generalized Linear Model Calling Activity. Advertisement calling of male (GLM) to assess the relationships of mean hourly frogs was monitored during each month of 1988 calling with the micrometeorological variables. I using a method modified from that of Dankers also recognised that there was likely to be a very (1977). A Hodgeson portable cassette recorder strong and simple relationship between calling and Sony standard condenser microphone was Australian July 2001 Zoologist volume 31 (4) 627 Lemckert activity and the hours of darkness and temperature without chorusing was three nights, but even and humidity and whether it was day or night. To then males still called sporadically. account for this factor, time of day was used as a Calling commenced or increased markedly at categorical co-variable. Each four hour period sunset, usually resulting in a change from no starting from 1:00 AM was considered a separate calling to intense chorusing within a 15-minute category thus breaking the 24 hour period into period, and then often remained at relatively six categories that were generally either night or increased levels throughout the night before day blocks of time. decreasing rapidly at sunrise (Figure 2). Calling The significance of the explanatory variables was activity during the daylight hours from January to tested with the Wald statistic, which is calculated March was almost always restricted to sporadic by the maximum likelihood ratio. A poisson calling by a few individuals. In the cooler months distribution and log-link function was used for the however (particularly July to September), larger stepwise procedure and the P to enter and remove numbers of males were regularly recorded calling both set at 0.05. The goodness of fit of the and even occasionally chorusing during the day observed data was compared with the predicted (Figure 2). There were occasional periods of values and normal probability plots to assess the intense daytime calling and during mid-October adequacy of the model. All tests were carried out 1987, chorusing occurred almost continuously using Statistica Version 5.5 (Statsoft, USA). for 60 hours. The co-variable time of day was found to be an Results extremely strong predictor of hourly calling Calling Activity. Strong calling was recorded for activity when all the data was combined (n = this frog in every month of the year (see Figure 581; Wald Statistic = 184.68; Wald P < 0.00001). 2). Peak calling activity occurred from July to That is, more intense calling was very strongly November (winter-spring) and the least calling correlated with the hours of darkness. Of the activity was in April/May (autumn). Nights measured micrometeorological variables a positive without any identifiable chorusing activity were association with three-day rainfall explained a rare (<20). The longest sequence of nights significant proportion of variation in calling Figure 2. Mean hourly calling activity of male frogs during each month of 1988 (ranging from no calling = 0 to continuous chorusing = 3 recorded over 10 seconds every 15 minutes). Australian 628 Zoologist volume 31 (4) July 2001 Influence of micrometeorological factors activity (n = 581; Wald Statistic = 11.40; Wald Discussion P < 0.001). A check of the observed data against In this study, C. signifera actively called during all the predicted modelled values however, indicated months of the year and oviposition was also some scatter in the plot, suggesting that three day recorded in the pond in every month of the year rainfall was not a strong predictor of calling (Lemckert, 1991). This result differs from those activity. of Dankers (1977), Humphries (1979) and Mac The co-variable time of day was again a very Nally (1982) where this species was found to call strong predictor of hourly calling activity in each and breed only from late autumn to early summer. of the January-February (n = 175; Wald Statistic This difference may be due to the fact that my = 71.68; Wald P < 0.00001), April-May (n = study coincided with two years of above-average 196; Wald Statistic = 66.66; Wald P < 0.00001) rainfall with levels during most of the months and August-September (n = 210; Wald Statistic regularly exceeding the mean rainfall levels = 25.48; Wald P < 0.00005) periods. Only one recorded historically for those months (see Figure significant micrometeorological predictor was 3). Mac Nally (1981) suggested that C. signifera recorded and only for one period. This was daily may extend its breeding season in years when rainfall for the January-February (summer) period rainfall levels are unusually high. However, (n = 175; Wald Statistic = 8.58; Wald P < Darkes Forest was selected for the study because 0.005). Again however, the predicted model did C. signifera was calling there throughout the not fit well with the observed data and so daily drought year of 1986 and in 1987 and 1989 when rainfall should only be considered a partial other work was performed at this site (Lemckert, predictor of calling activity. 1991). Both Dankers (1977) and Humphries Temperatures above 18° C were not seen to (1979) also studied this frog at permanent pond suppress calling activity. Chorusing was recorded sites and so the results are unlikely to be due to on 27 nights when air temperatures exceeded the presence of permanent water at my study site. this value for the entire night and chorusing Therefore, I hypothesise that C. signifera normally was recorded when the air temperature was as calls throughout the year at permanent ponds in high as 26° C. the Darkes Forest area. Figure 3. Mean long-term monthly rainfall at Darkes Forest compared to long-term mean monthly rainfall at the study sites of Dankers (1977), Humphries (1979) and Mac Nally (1983). Australian July 2001 Zoologist volume 31 (4) 629 Lemckert o Darkes Forest has greater mean annual rainfall this study of 7 C and so temperatures may rarely compared to the sites examined by Humphries ever fall to levels at which a frog is unable (1979) and Mac Nally (1981 and see Figure 3), to be physically active. The relatively uniform which may allow calling to occur at all times of climatic regime of Darkes Forest may very well the year irrespective of other environmental have allowed C. signifera to evolve so that the conditions. However, the period from December calling activity of males has become reasonably, but to March was the time of relatively greater not completely, independent of micrometeo- rological factors. rainfall in each of the study areas (Figure 3), yet was the time when frogs in the other studies were Dankers (1977) and Humphries (1979) specifically seasonally inactive. Furthermore, the rainfall noted that daily rainfall had no significant influence patterns found in the area of Dankers’ (1977) on calling activity in their populations of C. study are very similar to that of the Darkes Forest signifera. I found rainfall to be important in area, yet his frogs were also inactive when the determining the level of calling activity, but at an frogs in my study were calling and breeding. overall level, this was when rainfall levels were Therefore, higher rainfall in the Darkes Forest higher over the previous three days and not on the area cannot explain the extended breeding season actual day of calling. Persistent rainfall results in observed in my study. saturation of the substrate and so may allow male frogs to call for sustained periods without suffering The period of most calling activity at Darkes Forest dehydration. It has been demonstrated in many (July to November = mid-winter to late-spring) species that male frogs that invest more energy in corresponds to the entire calling season of C. calling have greater reproductive success (reviewed signifera in the three other areas in which detailed by Halliday, 1987). Males at Darkes Forest may be studies were made (Dankers, 1977; Humphries, able increase their calling activity at times of 1979; Mac Nally, 1983). This finding leads to the sustained rainfall and have to do so in order to suggestion that there is some advantage to breeding compete against other calling males for the during this period. Development of the tadpoles available females. The finding of rainfall on the takes one to two months from egg to metamorphosis day of calling being a significant factor in the (Moore, 1961; pers. obs.). Therefore, tadpoles from January-February period adds some weight to the winter-spring breeding would reach metamorphosis argument that desiccation may be important in during spring and early summer. This period of determining male calling. This is the hottest period emergence is probably an advantageous time for of the year and so the time when soil moisture will young frogs, because the warmest and wettest probably be retained for only relatively short months are ahead and food availability should be highest at these times. periods of time leading to numerous days when calling is retarded by reduced soil moisture levels. Other similar studies of temperate-zone anurans Such problems would rarely arise in cooler months have most often recorded temperature to act of the year. as a significant cue for the onset and cessation of reproductive activity. However, these results have The results of this study, when compared to other been obtained with species that have well-defined published studies on this species, indicate that breeding seasons (e.g., Jackson, 1952; Blair, 1958; there is geographic variation in the onset and Dankers, 1977; Moreira and Barreto, 1997). In length of the calling season, but the reasons for such cases, at least some part of the year does not this variation remain uncertain. More work is represent a suitable time to breed. Darkes Forest required before we understand the reproductive had a mean winter minimum temperature during habits of this geographically widespread species. Acknowledgements I thank my supervisors Gordon Grigg and Richard manuscript. I also thank Traecey Brassil for her Shine for their encouragement and support assistance with one of the figures. Thanks also go throughout this study. My appreciation also goes to the Australian Museum and Linnean Society to Peter Harlow, Mike Thompson, Lin of N.S.W. for financial support, the Bureau of Schwartzkopf and Murray Littlejohn for their Meteorology for making data available to me and comments on the project, and to Brad Law to the people at Glenbernie Orchard who allowed and two reviewers for their comments on the me the use of their property. 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