T I HE NFLUENCE OF L M P AND ANAGEMENT RACTICES ON THE A D BUNDANCE AND IVERSITY F -B A OF ALL LOOMING STERACEAE T P AND HEIR OLLINATORS Julie Jung Professor Joan Edwards, Advisor A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Biology WILLIAMS COLLEGE Williamstown, MA May 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................5 II. Abstract..........................................................................................................................6 III. Introduction.................................................................................................................7 A. Study Overview...................................................................................................7 B. A Global Pollinator Crisis ..................................................................................8 a. Main Drivers of Pollinator Decline.......................................................11 i. Pathogen Spillover....................................................................11 ii. Parasites.....................................................................................12 iii. Pesticides...................................................................................13 iv. Anthropogenic Land Use Change……………………..……...14 1. Habitat Loss and Pollination Limitation….………..…15 2. Cascades of Decline…………………...……………...15 b. Habitat Loss in New England................................................................16 c. Conservation Policy..............................................................................18 d. Study Objective & Hypothesis..............................................................20 C. Study Organisms...............................................................................................23 a. Plants.....................................................................................................23 i. The Family Asteraceae............................................................. 23 ii. The Genera Solidago and Euthamia......................................... 24 b. Pollinators..............................................................................................27 i. Case Study: Natural History of Apis mellifera………………..27 1. Life Cycle..................................................................... 28 2. Anatomy....................................................................... 30 3. Pollination.................................................................... 32 ii. Case Study: Natural History of Bombus sp...............................33 1. Life Cycle......................................................................34 2. Anatomy........................................................................36 3. Pollination.....................................................................37 IV. Methods......................................................................................................................39 A. Study Site….....................................................................................................39 B. Site History......................................................................................................39 C. Treatments & Experimental Procedure............................................................41 D. Spatial Distribution Study................................................................................43 E. Pollinator Activity Study.................................................................................45 2 V. Results..........................................................................................................................48 A. Flowering Stems...............................................................................................48 a. Abundance by Treatment.......................................................................48 b. Spatial Distribution Maps of Each Plot.................................................52 c. Patch Size...............................................................................................57 d. Height of Tallest Plant in Each Quadrat................................................62 e. Floral Diversity, Richness, and Evenness..............................................63 f. Rank Abundance Analysis/Dominance Diversity Curve.......................67 B. Pollinator Visitors.............................................................................................68 a. Abundance by Treatment.......................................................................68 b. Pollinator Diversity, Richness, and Evenness........................................69 c. Rank Abundance Analysis/Dominance Diversity Curve.......................73 d. Rarefaction Curve..................................................................................75 VI. Discussion...................................................................................................................76 A. Flowering Stems...............................................................................................76 B. Pollinator Visitors.............................................................................................80 VII. Conclusion................................................................................................................81 VIII. References...............................................................................................................82 IX. Appendices.................................................................................................................86 Appendix 1: Spatial Distribution Maps (16 + 4 grouped).....................................86 Appendix 2: Pollinator Key...................................................................................95 Part A: Family Apidae (6)..........................................................................95 Part B: Family Halictidae (2)...................................................................100 Part C: Family Vespidae (3) ...................................................................101 Part D: Unknown Wasps (3) ...................................................................104 Part E: Family Syrphidae (8) ..................................................................107 Part F: Family Tachnidae (1) ..................................................................111 Part G: Family Hesperiidae (1) ...............................................................112 Part H: Family Pieridae (1) .....................................................................113 Part I: Family Membracidae (1) ..............................................................114 Part J: Family Tettifoniidae (1) ...............................................................115 Part K: Family Choccinelldae (1) ...........................................................116 Part L: Unknown Beetles (3) ..................................................................116 Part M: Family Formicidae (1) ...............................................................118 Part N: Unknown Spider (1) ...................................................................118 Part O: Unknowns (15) ...........................................................................119 3 Appendix 3: R Scripts..........................................................................................126 Part A: FloweringStemsbyTreatment.R...................................................126 Part B: SpatialDistribAllPlots.R .............................................................136 Part C: Clumping.R .................................................................................141 Part D: Height.R.......................................................................................152 Part E: floweringstemdiversity.R (includes rarefaction plot)..................156 Part F: RankAbundanceStems.R..............................................................168 Part G: PollinatorVisitors.R.....................................................................174 Part H: pollinatordiversity.R (includes rarefaction plot) ........................184 Part I: RankAbundanceVisitors.R............................................................202 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A million thanks to Professor Joan Edwards for selflessly sharing her love of Ecological systems. Every hour of her counseling and company in the field made me positive I want to make a career out of being a buglady. Her teachings at times made the top of my head tingle and her endless enthusiasm and overflowing knowledge about pollinator plant dynamics constantly kept me curious. Her warmth and wisdom are truly inspiring. Moreover, she understood my sorrow when I discovered that when bumble bees buzz in petri dishes it sounds like they’re yelling for help and when butterflies are euthanized their struggle makes their scales shed slowly. This section couldn’t be complete without a word about Professor David Smith. Even when I would stop by without notice outside of his normal office hours (when he was technically on sabbatical) desperately seeking R-help, he would happily help me write and understand my code. I thank him for countlessly going above and beyond his call of duty. I thank Drew Jones and his Hopkins Memorial Forest Fall 2014 crew for laying out 2704 flags at the weather station field site in preparation for collecting spatial distribution data. I also appreciate the help of the Fall 2014 Ecology Class at Williams College for their lab hours spent helping to survey plants in our plots. In particular, I want to thank Julia Matejcek, William Schmidt, Sophia Schmidt, Erica Bucki, Ben DeMeo, and Valeria Pelayo for volunteering extra time to help survey Asteraceae in HMF and Eirann Cohen for her clumping quantification and analysis. Lastly, many thanks to my friends and family with whom I’ve shared too many “fun facts” about pollinators. Thank you for loving my lunacies. 5 ABSTRACT Fall blooming Asteraceae provide an important resource for overwintering pollinators, yet field species are increasingly rare because of reforestation and changes in land-use practices (Foster and Aber 2004). Here we test the impact of mowing schedules on the abundance and diversity of flowers and their pollinators. Four mowing treatments- early annual (EA), early biennial (EB), late annual (LA), and late biennial (LB)- were randomly assigned to blocks of four plots, grouped by similarity in location and vegetation. Conducted plant surveys of the inner quadrats of each plot show that early mowing results in significantly fewer flowering stems, smaller patches, and shorter plants. Simultaneously filmed stems of Solidago rugosa show that early mowing yields significantly fewer insect visitors, fewer species attracted, and lower diversity (H’) of insect visitors. These data indicate that delaying mowing until October is an effective and feasible land management strategy that would yield significantly more floral resources, more pollinator abundance, and higher diversity of insect visitors. 6 INTRODUCTION Study Overview Members of the Asteraceae family are a dominant component of the fall flora in New England. They are a beautiful and an arguably undervalued source of biodiversity and overwintering resources for pollinators. In the context of the global pollinator crisis, however, both benefactors of this plant pollinator mutualism are in danger. There are many drivers of pollinator decline that are believed to act simultaneously and perhaps synergistically, but anthropogenic land use change is considered the main cause and predicted to be the greatest cause of biodiversity losses in the future. Since the open fields preferred by many species of fall blooming Asteraceae require periodic disturbance to maintain their optimal habitat (Pavek 2011), New England’s history of habitat loss through reforestation and the rise of the suburban lawn are especially concerning because it decreases available habitat for native field Asteraceae (Foster and Aber 2004). We hypothesize that land management practices such as mowing schedules strongly influences the density and diversity of flower and pollinator species within an existing field. The study aims to examine the influence of mowing schedules on abundance and diversity of flowers and then focuses on the impact of mowing on pollinators on Solidago rugosa. We tested four different mowing treatments: Early Annual (EA), Early Biennial (EB), Late Annual (LA), and Late Biennial (LB). These treatments were randomly assigned to blocks of four plots, grouped by similarity in location and vegetation. We conducted plant surveys of the inner quadrats of each of the 16 plots in order to show that early mowing results in fewer flowering stems, smaller 7 patches, and shorter plants. We also simultaneously filmed stems of S. rugosa in order to show that early mowing attracts fewer insect visitors, fewer insect species, and lower diversity (H’) of insect visitors. By comparing the effects of mowing times on the abundance and diversity of flower stem production and pollinator activity, we hope to motivate more productive land use and the conservation of biodiversity in New England fields. A Global Pollinator Crisis Biotic vectors such as insects and other animals pollinate the majority of the 352,000 species of angiosperms and the remaining minority of flowering plants uses abiotic pollen vectors like wind (Ollerton et al. 2011). The proportion of animal- pollinated angiosperm species ranges from a mean of 78% in temperate-zone communities to 94% in tropical communities (Ollerton et al. 2011). More than 80% of wild plant species (Potts et al. 2010) and 75% of cultivated plant species (Klein et al. 2007) directly depend on insect pollination, particularly native bees, for fruit and seed set. Pollinators similarly depend on the plants they pollinate for the nutrients they need to survive: pollen provides the protein in a bee’s diet while nectar is a source of carbohydrates (Free and Butler 1968, Willmer 2011). Uncoupling this mutualism could have drastic effects at a community level. Numberous studies report both global and regional declines in pollinators and the plants they pollinate (Terzo and Rasmont 1995, Biesmeijer et al. 2006, Kosior et al. 2007, Grixti et al. 2009, Potts et al. 2010, Cameron et al. 2011, Meeus et al. 2011, Bommarco et al. 2012, Thomann et al. 2013). 8 The decline of pollinator abundance and diversity could drive a corresponding decline in pollination services for wild flowers and cultivated crops, thus further reducing floral resources for pollinators (Potts et al. 2010). This negative feedback between bees and the plants they pollinate has the potential to bring about disastrous ecological and economic consequences. Both local-scale monitoring programs and larger-scale synthesis reports point out that in the past sixty years there have been significant global declines of pollinators and the plants they pollinate. The most notable disturbances are the absence of many prominent bee taxa from their former ranges and significant reductions in species richness and functional composition. Honey bees have been in steady decline since the 1940s and CCD is just the latest in a string of challenges. Population reductions of North American Bombus were first identified in 1998 when it was discovered that the Franklin Bumble bee Bombus franklini had become increasingly rare in the past decade (Williams et al. 2014). Bombus franklini was the first North American bumble bee to show up on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and has not been sighted since 2006; its rapid decline has spurred the collection of baseline data for other North American Bombus species (Williams et al. 2014). As a result, recent studies in the US and Canada have found that up to half of North American Bombus may be at risk, but many species show varying levels of decline (Williams et al. 2014). Not all bees in all regions of the world are created equally, and thus not all bees in all regions of the world are in decline to the same degree or at all. Since bee species differ so much in life history traits such as seasonal activity, preferred food plants, colony 9 productivity, and habitat use, we see significant variability in their responses to environmental stressors (Williams et al. 2014). In fact, some species such as the Common Eastern Bumble bee B. impatiens and the Cryptic Bumble Bee B. cryptarum have become increasingly common or expanded their former ranges (Williams et al. 2014). One extensive long-term study of orchid-bees (Euglossini) in Panama found no aggregate trend in abundance from 1979 to 2000 (Roubik 2001). An analysis of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) data reveals that the global population of managed honey bee hives has actually increased nearly 45% in the last half century (Aizen and Harder 2009). The proper assessment of pollinator-plant interactions for future planning to enhance and sustain pollination services has proven challenging mainly because of a lack of baseline and long-term data (Grixti et al. 2009). Data on pollinator population trends or deficits are notoriously difficult to adequately record and the ones we have vary both temporally and spatially (Ghazoul 2005, Winfree et al. 2009, Williams et al. 2014). To date, there is no standard methodology, core protocol, or coordinated monitoring program for documenting pollinator occurrence and abundance (Potts et al. 2010). Moreover, often inadequate taxonomic expertise, inherently biased sampling techniques, and the lack of consistently reliable identification guides have led to poorly documented insect fauna in most regions (Willmer 2011). There is a desperate need for more long-term, continuous studies in order to gain meaningful insights on pollinator population shifts in nature (Roubik 2001). 10