F e a t u r i n g T W O B OVNIDUESOS (SEE PAGE 25) A framework for understanding & using ArcGIS Online in your organization The IndIspensable GuIde To arcGIs onlIne Presented by SSP Innovations | sspinnovations.com PLUS: GET UP AND RUNNING IN TWO WEEKS WITH OUR ARCGIS ONLINE JUMPSTART PACKAGE (PAGE 138) ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE TAbLe Of COnTenTS Foreword 4 SkyE PErry Introduction 6 SkyE PErry ArcGIS Online and Why You Should Care 6 SkyE PErry Which Do I Use: ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS? 9 BrIAn HIGGInS Background 11 My 3 favorite Things About the ArcGIS Online Recent Release 12 ryAn PottS Custom ArcGIS Online basemaps and the Magic beans 14 The Indispensable Guide BrIAn HIGGInS 5 Ways to Get the Most out of Your GIS Platform 18 to ArcGIS Online BIll MEEHAn, ESrI Presented by SSP Innovations, LLC What’s the Deal With ArcGIS Online entitlements? 20 DEAn PErry Maximizing Portal for ArcGIS Performance 21 SkyE PErry Architecture & Security 25 VIDeO: ArcGIS Online: How is My Data Safe if it’s Stored in the Cloud? 25 SkyE PErry VIDeO: Authentication Options for ArcGIS Online/Portal 25 SkyE PErry An ArcGIS Online Role is not Played by an Actor 26 BrIAn HIGGInS All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. Unless otherwise speci- fied, no association between SSP Innovations and any trademark holder is expressed or Take Control of ArcGIS Online Account Security implied. For example, ArcFM™ is the registered trademark of Schneider Electric, and no Within Your Organization 30 endorsement of SSP Innovations or its products and services is expressed or implied by Colton FrAzIEr the mention of ArcFM™ in this eBook. lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 2 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE// Table of Contents ArcGIS Online – The Creation of a blue Man Group 33 Specific Uses & Case Studies 83 BrIAn HIGGInS The Power of the ArcGIS Online Joint Use Survey Template 83 Recommended Architecture for ArcGIS Online 35 SkyE PErry SkyE PErry Hart eMC Implements new flavor of ArcGIS Online Inspections 88 ArcGIS Online Allows Editing via Back Office Servers 36 SSP InnovAtIonS SkyE PErry Transformer Load Analysis at MTeMC w/ArcGIS Online 93 ArcGIS Online, the Cloud, and the Wardrobe 40 SSP InnovAtIonS BrIAn HIGGInS ArcGIS Online and near Real-Time Reporting 97 your Authoritative Data 43 BrIAn HIGGInS About... ArcGIS Online - filtering Your Data 43 Creating an ArcGIS Online Outage Map - easy as 1, 2, 3 98 JEFF MErtz JEFF MErtz About... ArcGIS Online - exploring Data Tabularly 46 Creating an ArcGIS Online Outage Map - to the next Level 102 JEFF MErtz JEFF MErtz About...ArcGIS Online - Searching Your Data 49 energyUnited Adds Immediate Value with ArcGIS Online 106 JEFF MErtz SSP InnovAtIonS Did You Know About the ArcGIS Online Credits estimator? 62 The new ArcfM™ feeder Map for ArcGIS Online 111 DEAn PErry SkyE PErry The electric Asset Locator in ArcGIS Online 62 Customer engagement Using ArcGIS Online 116 SkyE PErry SkyE PErry Asset Searches in ArcGIS Online and Portal 67 MLGW Implements Meter Collection with ArcGIS Online 121 SkyE PErry SSP InnovAtIonS Collector 70 Powerful Utility Reporting with ArcGIS Online 124 SkyE PErry ArcGIS Online Is easy enough for Kids to Use 70 SkyE PErry Pole Inspections on Your iPad via ArcGIS Online 128 SkyE PErry Our First Look at Offline Access with Collector for ArcGIS 73 SkyE PErry ArcGIS Online Jumpstart Package 138 A Preview of ArcGIS Online / Collector enhancements 78 SCot twInInG fiber field Data Acquisition Methods (Including ArcGIS Online and Collector) 79 BrIAn HIGGInS lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 3 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE // Foreword reader to becoming familiar with what ArcGIS Online is and how the technology can be implemented within a utility or telecom. I hope you find the topics valuable and use this eBook as a catalyst to begin utilizing or expanding the use of the technology within your organization. Foreword Esri launched ArcGIS Online just over four years ago in 2012 and initially called it a revolution in GIS as opposed to an evolution of GIS. While I think that statement was geared a bit more toward the marketing of the movement than actuality it did signify something very significant in the GIS world. ArcGIS Online was Esri’s first foray into the true software as a service (SAAS) model and it demonstrated that Esri was embracing the pivot of the overall IT market to moving software from back office desk- top to a fully engaged web platform. This is important because we can now see how Esri GIS will remain relevant for years to come by adopting the any device, anywhere, anytime methodology that we’ve seen become pervasive in the consumer world. Equally as important is that we’ve seen Esri evolve repeatedly over their 40+ year history to continually stay current with the larger themes of the IT space. This truly matters be- cause it shows that Esri has a long term vision to stay relevant. And that is good news for Esri customers and partners around the world. SSP Innovations embraced the ArcGIS Online movement right at the outset of the technology in 2012. If I’m honest with you, I pushed our organization to invest in the new platform once I saw how much money Esri was investing in ArcGIS Online. This was not Esri testing the waters. With that said, customers have been slow to adopt the general web GIS technologies by most standards but we’ve finally seen the wave begin to crest and customers across the world are now engaging with web GIS via either ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS. This eBook contains a collection of SSP’s articles from the last four years on the topic of ArcGIS Online and web GIS and provides a fairly comprehensive guide to the lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 4 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 5 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE// Introduction Introduction This was the very first article released by SSP Innovations in 2012 on the topic of ArcGIS Online and it was truly a call to action for customers to take notice. ArcGIS Online was here to stay and demanded the atten- tion of GIS users across the globe. ArcGIS Online and Why You Should Care If you’ve attended any Esri conference, presentation, or strategic meeting you’ve undoubtedly heard about Esri’s new focus on ArcGIS At its core, ArcGIS Online presents a fundamental shift in the way we Online accompanying the release of 10.1. We, like you, have received consume and interact with our GIS data. In the past we’ve needed our the pitch a number of times from just about every account manager, GIS department to provide even the simplest mapping tasks such as marketing rep, and consultant we know. And we, like you, have overlaying data from a spreadsheet on top of our GIS data to provide brought up our concerns regarding the viability and security of the a spatial view to support some business function. ArcGIS Online will new model. allow an entire organization to easily complete these types of tasks and so much more. We’re relatively stubborn folks at SSP but luckily Esri has been con- sistently pushing the ArcGIS Online message and I’m excited to say It all starts with creating an ArcGIS Online subscription account for they have won us over. And we think you should take a look at where your organization. There are different subscription levels depending ArcGIS Online might fit within your organization. on how many named users you want to include, and each level comes with a specified amount of credits. Credits can be used for serving data over the internet or even using ArcGIS Online to run various geo- processing tasks that may benefit from scalable power of the cloud. You see, ArcGIS Online utilizes Amazon Web Services, which has the ability to add additional servers on an as-needed basis resulting in virtually unlimited processing power. This is accomplished without any effort from your organization - it’s built in. But this is the stan- lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 6 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE// Introduction dard pitch of any web services business plan and is not unique to Esri. In its simplest form, you can create a new WebMap by clicking the New Map button, confirming or changing the default basemap, and What Esri brings is a functional, easy to use interface that allows just dragging and dropping your CSV file onto the map. The service auto- about anyone to publish and consume geographic content without any matically detects the addressing fields and projects your data onto the technical expertise. And when we say geographic content, we aren’t map. And you can perform all of this in your web browser! just talking about feature classes, shapefiles, and map services. We are talking about spreadsheets, comma separated value (CSV) files, and just about any other file format you might store your data in. ArcGIS Online allows you to add and publish this data within your account as a feature service. The feature service can be overlaid onto an existing Esri basemap to create an ArcGIS Online WebMap which is the foundational element of the new ArcGIS Online service. The user can now share their new custom WebMap with their own organization, other ArcGIS Online users, or even with the general public based on Esri’s built-in security model. And here’s my favorite part: viewers can access the WebMap on virtu- ally any device out there via a plethora of applications - most easily via web browsers on the PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, etc. But also via many free Esri apps including ArcGIS Explorer (thick client or web-based) and all of the free native Esri mobile apps for the iOS, An- At this point you are starting to think this is sounding a bit technical. droid, or Windows mobile devices. Oh and don’t forget good ole bulky And didn’t I just state your users didn’t need any technical expertise? ArcMap... it can consume WebMaps as well. lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 7 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE// Introduction #2 - THeRe’S nO WAY We CAn PUbLISH OUR PROPRIeTARY DATA InTO So let’s talk about your (and our) objections and concerns. Here are THe CLOUD. WHeRe’S THe SeCURITY? three we’ve heard from many customers. This was likely our most important recent revelation. You can use your private back office GIS data via ArcGIS Online without ever publishing #1 - We’Ve InVeSTeD HeAVILY In ARCGIS SeRVeR. WHeRe DOeS THAT fIT In? or moving it to the cloud. I’m talking about your poles, your transform- We’ve talked about publishing content from CSV and Excel but you ers, your gas main, valves, and regulators and even your customers. can also add ArcGIS Server map services and feature services directly to your WebMaps and even combine it with all the other data you’ve Many utilities take the security around this data seriously... and for good added to your ArcGIS Online account. reason. So get excited, we can leave that data on your private network. I can create a new ArcGIS Online WebMap that includes an ArcGIS Server You remember when Esri started talking about mash-ups a few years map service hosted on my private ArcGIS Server instance. I can share back? Well ArcGIS Online makes the mashing easy. Grab a public base- that WebMap with other users in my organization. And as long as they map, add in your utility assets via an ArcGIS Server map service, and are in the office or anywhere they can connect to their VPN, they can overlay your file-based data from every other department in your orga- load the WebMap including the private ArcGIS Server data. nization. All in about 5 minutes. Share the map and have your depart- ment head, city manager, or CEO reviewing it on their iPad seconds later. More and more utilities are enabling their field users with cellular- based air cards and VPN access. It’s no coincidence that ArcGIS Online supports this model. lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 8 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE// Introduction business partner to introduce our customers to this new technology and to help them begin to use it within their organizations. But it is also our job to begin enabling ArcGIS Online within our customers’ day to day operations. The basics of web mapping are indeed easy and will provide a lot of value on their own. But we can take this technology to a whole new level by extending it into the data management, collection, quality as- surance and analytics of a utility. We’ve already begun building some custom ArcGIS Online demo’s for utilities - and I promise you are going to love interacting with your back office electric, gas, and water data from your iPad (or any other device)! I’ll begin covering the demos in another section of this book. For now, go get your organization signed up for an ArcGIS Online account. If #3 - ISn’T THIS JUST THe LATeST fLASHY TeCHnOLOGY fROM eSRI? you need assistance, contact your Esri account manager. Or ping SSP We thought this as well... and yes it is flashy. But there are some real as we are here to answer any questions and can help you get off the guts to this technology and some serious value. And even more so, ground in no time at all. this release of ArcGIS Online is just the tip of the iceberg. Esri has made a major investment in ArcGIS Online - in capital, marketing, Which Do I Use: ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS? and man power. And that’s because this is the new direction of the When working with clients, I am often asked about SSP’s ArcGIS company from Jack Dangermond on down. Online and Portal for ArcGIS deployments. Typical comments include, “Should we pursue ArcGIS Online or Portal?” or “What the heck is the As we head in to the future of GIS you will certainly see ArcGIS Online difference?” My first response is a simple diagram (below). as a foundational component of the technology, the workflows, and the larger business platform. I too was wary at first, but SSP has seen enough and experimented enough to see not only the viability but the probability of ArcGIS Online being part of our future. So where does SSP Innovations fit into the picture with ArcGIS Online, if it’s such an easy technology? That is a good question that we have discussed with a number of folks at Esri. It’s certainly our role as a lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 9 ThE INdISPENSAbLE GUIdE TO ARCGIS ONLINE// Background would probably be the recommended deployment. That being said, an article by Skye on the Recommend Architecture for ArcGIS Online is encouraged reading to not completely rule out the option. UPGRADe Another large difference between Portal and ArcGIS Online is software upgrade frequency and responsibility. Esri releases about 1-2 upgrades of Portal annually, and it is the municipality’s labor responsibility. If the diagram’s scenario (restricted internet access) is comparable to the organization’s, the answer is actually simple. BUT... When is it that simple? The diagram is actually designed to form the foundation of discussion. My coworker and bossman, Skye Perry, originally provided a short comparison of ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS in his write up on the Esri roadmap. The subject is worthy of revisiting because it continues to come up with our clients. Bet most don’t know that Esri upgrades ArcGIS Online about 3-4 times annually. Being a centrally hosted, subscription-based SaaS (Software SeCURITY as a Service) model, the upgrades are done behind the scenes. Al- The security requirements of our some of our clients have resulted in though there is an effort to be current, there have been times I have their lack of consideration of ArcGIS Online. These rules may include: been working with the software and “discover” new “uncharted” en- hancements. This doesn’t put me in the category of Ferdinand Magel- • Restricted or limited internet access (diagram above) lan, but it is sometimes an enjoyable surprise. • Prohibited to share map infrastructure data on the internet or cloud. Data Although not a huge reason to select one over the other, the increased must be contained within the municipal firewall. frequency of upgrade and reduced maintenance of the ArcGIS Online option may benefit an organization. If either of these rules apply to the organization, Portal for ArcGIS lIKE WHAT yOU’RE READING? PlEASE, lET OTHERS KNOW! SSP INNOVATIONS, llc | SSPINNOVATIONS.cOm | 10