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The Indian Stamp (Tamil Nadu Amendment) PDF

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The Indian Stamp (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 1958 Act 14 of 1958 Keyword(s): Central Act Amendment, The Indian Stamps Act, 1899 Amendments appended: 24 of 1967, 10 of 1973, 27 of 1973, 25 of 1974, 24 of 1975, 40 of 1975, 5 of 1976, 42 of 1981, 38 of 1987, 39 of 1992, 43 of 1992, 1 of 2000, 9 of 2001, 31 of 2004, 13 of 2008 DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document. - 'i (Tnruil Nadu Amehdrnent) . 4 1VAMIb NADUl ACT No. XIV OF 19582. REAS it is expedient further to amend the fndiaa Act, 1899 (Central Act I1 of 1899), in its zpplication s[State of Tamil Nadu] for the purposes hereinafter enacted in the Ninth Year of the Republic of f ndia . (1) This Act may be called the !'Indian Stamp Shon amil Nadu] Amendment) Act, 1958". extent and commencement 6 I ent of 3. In scciion 3 ofthe pri 3. the follo~vingp roviso shall Provided that atany increase in the amount of t6 cbrgeable uncier the Ma 1922 (Madras Act VI (Increase of D u tics) A. shall not havc the effe other instrument Amendment of 5. In section 6 of the principal Act- section 6. s (i) the words, figure and letter !'or in Schedule I-A as the case may be shall be omitted ; " (ii) for the proviso, the following proviso sbal substituted, namely ;I- --- __--_- --- 6. In section i f , ciause (a), of the principal Act, for Amend- words ' t n ea nd a hsl;'anns ", the wurds " ;sn m:;2 me~t e7' ?shall be substituted. sa*-011&* f 2. - 7. In section 19-A' of the principal Act Lend- (iii) the words "the first proviso to" shall be omitted ; '. se may be " shall be omitted. , 10. In section 29, clause (a), of the principal Act, the :AQme;n-d&- . or&, figure and letter "or the corresponding articles of chedule I-A as the case may be. " shell be omitted. + , t , - - $"%*W--, - - -. -- - .. - - Indian, Stamp 805 (Tam$ Nadu #*endmt) - Amend- o the principl Act rnent of Schcdute (i) for entries 1 to 12, the fbllowing enlricfi shall k, stitutcd, namely :- I. a. t! ~escriptiono f instrument. Proper stump duty. 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of a Fifteen paise. debt exceeding twenty rupees in amount or value, written or sig- k ned bv. or on behalf of, a debtor in orddr to supply evidence of such debt in any book (other thana banker's pass book) or on a separate piece or paper when such book or paper is left in the creditor's possession : Provided that suchacknowledgement does not contain any pro-bise to pay the debt or any stipulation to . pay interest or to delivGr ac: . goods or other property. k ; 12. ADMlNISTRATION BOND The same duty as a including a bond givcn under Bond (No. 15) for section291 or seciion 375 of the the sane amount. b; 1ndian Succession Act, 1925 (Central Act XXXIX of 1925); or section 6 of the Government 5 Savings Banks Ac-i, 1873 9 (Central Act V oi 1873). C &! g. h 33. ADOPTION-DEED ,t hat is in Thir i -five rupees. say, any instrument (other than a will), recording an adoption, L or conferring or purporting to 8 bi confer an authority to adopt. --- I . cl---- 7- 1 Articles 1 to 10 were substituted by section 6(i) of the Indian Stamp (Tamil Nadu,A mendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Ad 24 1 AC 1a39\ ~r~uew.olb ~rrr~y (Tamil Nadu Amendmm) . Description of instruntent. ". . ,. AFFIDAVIT, including an affir- Five-lupers. nut ion br declaratiori in if~c case of persoils by law allowed 'to or declare ins1 aflFrlnl swearing. Exemptioas. Affidavit or ieclaration in writing whennzade- (a) as a condition of enlistment: undcr the Army Act, 1950 (Ccntral Act XLVI of 1950) ; (b) for the immediate purpnw of being fibd or used in any - - ..-. or befote the officer of any . Court; or (c) for t he' sole purpose of enab- ling any person to receive any pension or charii --- .. - -- - - . , " 5* OR MEMORANDUM QF AGREEMENT-- - (a) if relating to t hc sa.,,le nf a hrri ,,F e:*-4--- - - if relat ing to the purchase: or sale of shares, scrips, stocks, bonds, deben- tures, debenture stocks or any other market able securit y of a like nature in or of any ihcarporated company , or other body carparat- 1 (i) when such agreemeat or mem- Fifteen " paise for eve randurn of an agreement is With Rs. 2,500 or part t h e r 3 or through amember or between oft he value of the secu- members of a Stock Exchange rity at the time of its. rwgnisa under the Securities purchase or sale, as the _ antracts (Regulation) Act, case may be. , 1956 (Central Act 42 of 1956); .. (ii) in other c k ; aa Forty paise for everpRs. 2,500 or part thereof, ofth e value oft he secu- - rity at the time of its . . purchase or sale, as the . . case may be* to thb purchase or sale of TweIltydfip~a ise f?r eveg (4 if . tinit oftransactlon , cotton inwing cotton pods or part thereof. kapas (unginn&) cotton ; N.B.--The term "unit of . transact ion means the " quantityof cotton weigh- ing approximateh 4,500 kilograms. (e) if relating to the purchase or sale 6f (i) Ten paise for every unit. of 10 kilograms of silver bullion or specie ; or part thereof. (ii) Forty paise for every ,itof 1k ilogram of gold or part t fiereof. (iii) seven t y-five paise for every unit of 250 sove- reigns or part thereof- - (f> if retat ingto t he purchase or sale of oil seeds Forty paise for eb.7 Wit (i) Groundnutss f of 25 metric tomes or (ii! L inseed t part thereof. (iii Castor seed ; (iv) Cot ton seed ; Ten paise for evw (g) if relating to the purchase or sale. of yarn of any kind, non- RS. 2,500 or part there of of the value of y m o f- mineral oils or spies of any kind, non-mineral b ' i 8 an0y11 so r spice* of any kind.

Stamp (~nciease of Duiies) Act, 19. (,:, (Tamil ad^ ~ c t. 8 of 19'2) the Indian Stamp. AC~, 1899 (cent m! AcL 11 of t h ^ 1899) shall have eff ect as if for the. " threc nlpces 9. fi ~h re- r-pecS y90cc~trr~ng in clause. (,) and c1aus.e (1,) 01' hrticlc 25, the words,:' four rupees fifty naYe pais
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